Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize without Peace!

We all know that the Norwegians are big fans of cannabis but they ought to lay off the stuff when passing out da Prize. Norwegian committee think-tank:

Hey, maybe I could get it for my blog--you know da prize for literrature. I could use the money to get out of debt and leave the country before the alien bangers completely take over.

By the way, Obama won the prize for what? I mean he hasn’t done anything except bankrupt the nation and turn it over to the aliens. Like the prize for science, you have to do something, right? It’s a peace prize, stupid. No one else to give it to. Ain’t going to be any fucking peace in this country. I can tell you that for sure.

Okay, I get it. He beat the warmonger John McCain thus preventing World War 3. Or was it because compared to George My-Hands-are-bloody Bush Obama looks like Gandhi, Jr.?

But what about the Obama’s administration’s policy not to arrest al-Qaeda warriors but just kill them—because if you arrest them where are you going to put them? I suppose you could relocate them to a barrio in the U.S., but that would be torture, believe me.

Hey, let’s take a look at Obama's WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE strategy. Notice how our brave soldiers face the enemy in combat.

Tell me how killing an unsuspecting enemy from the air is morally superior to the use of the improvised explosive device (roadside bombs). On the radio a couple of days ago I heard how a suspected al-Qaeda was blown up last week from the air while he was driving, and then commando retrieved the body (more likely a piece of it) because of America's KILL DON'T CAPTURE policy. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about, taken from 2 news articles on the Internet:

“Miranshah, Pakistan - A United States missile slammed into a car killing up to five militants on Monday in Pakistan's remote tribal belt near the Afghan border in the third attack in a week, Pakistani officials said. The strike from a suspected US drone was similar to an August 5 attack that killed Baitullah Mehsud, the head of Pakistan's Taliban organization and suspected al-Qaeda facilitator. It came as a US military raid in Somalia on Monday killed a top Kenyan operative for al-Qaeda.”

“DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — A missile killed six Taliban fighters in northwest Pakistan on Tuesday, intelligence officials said, apparently the latest strike in a covert U.S. program that American officials are considering intensifying.

U.S. drones have carried out more than 70 missile attacks in the north over the last year, but the strikes are rarely acknowledged by Washington. The United States says the mountainous tribal belt along the border is a base for militant attacks on American and NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan and a stronghold of al-Qaida’s senior leadership.”
That is really reminiscent of the good ol' days with the three killer amigos Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. And killing these people invisibly at a distance, a dozen at a time, sometimes women and children, is how we are going to win the hearts and minds of these people? I'm sorry you just can't warm up to an army of exterminating TERMINATORS. Most U.S. citizens hate their government. In some parts of the country they hang government men because they don't see the government as their friend. I don't. So why in the world would the people of Afghanistan or Iraq?

Oh yeah, doesn't anyone notice that our soldiers invaded the homelands of those people? It really is amazing that we accept our troops and military bases occupying other nations as being morally okay, when we raise hell if troops are brought into our communities (or even just a census taker like the guy who got himself hanged recently). It's like it's okay that we've been over there killing people for years. Do you really think the guys being slaughtered had anything to do with 9/11? I don’t thinks so. For the Afghan fighters today it’s all about getting the alien invaders out of their country. (Wouldn't it be nice if someone thought that here in the U.S.?) But they have a Muslim agenda, you say. Yeah, like we’ve never had a Christian agenda. Anyway, hundreds of people are being killed each week by our (whoops! your) Commander in Chief Obama.

I know, I know. Better to fight them over there than here. But they seem to be here anyway because we let them in. Wouldn't it be cheaper and involve less killing just to protect our borders and keep the aliens out in the first place? 9/11 wouldn't have happened had we been doing that. The 2 wars wouldn't have happened. A lot of bad stuff (like tens of thousands of Hispanic gangbangers) wouldn't be happening today in this country if the government had been doing its job of protecting our borders.

The honorable thing for Obama to do is refuse the prize because he doesn’t deserve it because his hands are already bloody. He can say, “Hey, guys check me out in a couple of years and see if I deserve it then. Right now you pot-head motherfuckers are causing a lot of controversy that makes my job harder to do. That’s because everyone but you hates my guts for getting the prize.”

Oh, I forgot that the prize is worth 1.4 million dollars. I can see the honorable thing is off the table.