Wednesday, March 3, 2010

United States Take 4th Place in Winter Olympics

What!? That’s right. Let’s do a little deconstructing of the games.


Now the U.S. is in 1st place because it has a total of 37 medals. I say what’s the big fucking deal?

Germany has a total of 30, but beats the U.S. in Gold. Also the U.S. population is 300 million. Germany’s population is 81 million. So if we adjust the medal count according to population, Germany won 111 medals compared to the U.S.’s 37 medals—including 30 gold!


The Canadians kicked American ass in the gold with 14 gold medals. But let’s adjust for populations size. Canada has 33 million people. That means the U.S population is 9 times greater, giving Canada 234 medals total and 126 gold medals compared to the U.S. when adjusted for population.


And get this, Norway ties the U.S. in gold medals even though Norway’s population is less than 5 million. Adjusted for population difference, Norway wins 540 gold medals, and 1,380 medals compared to the U.S.

America: Quality of Life on the Decline

The U.S. uses such events as the Winter Olympics to hype up its image in the world, but no one believes the media propaganda except Americans.

And Canada and Norway are voted as best places to live above the U.S. And millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and homes, who live in gang-infested neighborhoods, whose kids have to attend high schools that are more like reform schools because of the black and Latino gangsters, those Americans would say that the U.S. belongs in the worst of the modern nations to live. Yes, I know there are worse places to live in the world--that most of the world is a HEART OF DARKNESS. But America has put out the welcome mat to the HEART OF DARKNESS HORDES that surround the civilized nations of the world like the night's darkness surrounds the twinkling stars, but more on that in just a moment.

America: Gold for Crime

America does get a GOLD MEDAL for prison population: 2 MILLION. America has less than 5% of the world’s population but a quarter of the world’s prison population, twice as many as Russia, which gets the silver for 2nd place. How did that happen in UTOPIA AMERICA? Canada has 31,500 people in prison. Norway 2,600. Germany 78,000.

America: Gold for Murders

Among Anglo nations America gets the gold for murders with guns. Overall, America comes in 4th behind South Africa, Columbia, Thailand, and above 5th place Philippines and 6th place Mexico. Notice murder rate by color: black, brown, yellow, white (US), yellow and brown. The thing is we all know that one reason for the high murder rate by gun in the US is because of the blacks and Hispanics living in this country.

By the way, Germany has 269 murders by gun. Canada 144 and Norway doesn’t rank at all, apparently with a murder score of zero. Of course, as far as overall homicide rates goes there are many countries about the U.S. but these are mostly black and brown HEART OF DARKNESS 3rd-world shitholes. After them there are the Russians and other Slavic nations whose biggest export (to Europe and the U.S.) is organized crime.

And things will not be getting better in the U.S. because we import cultural dysfunctionality from these nations. Americans like to believe that a big country like the U.S. could never fail, like a big, strong healthy person who injects himself with various diseases believing he won't get sick. Of course, no person is that stupid. Well, then need to pay a little more attention to history. Rome was a very big civilization and it failed. Interestingly, the Rome tried to keep the barbarians out, whereas America has put out the WELCOME MAT in the form of the Statue of Liberty. Actually, about the time the Statue of Liberty was built, America had become fully defined as a people and would have been better off if the statue held up a STOP SIGN that read “No more teeming (as in swarming), crime ridden, diseased, impoverish, uneducated HEART OF DARKNESS hordes.” But America didn’t, and just look at the country now. Is there a doctor in the house? Not in Washington, D.C. As far as the health of the nation is concerned our politicians' solution is euthanasia.

America: Gold for Guns

That’s right, America gets the gold for the highest number of guns: 90 guns per 100 people, 270 million firearms.

But since we have allowed millions of criminals in from all over this HEART OF DARKNESS world we live in--especially the gangbangers and organized crime syndicates--we need the guns now more than ever.

America: Gold for Debt

This we all knew. America private and public debt is nearly 14 trillion dollars, about 100% of our Gross Domestic Product (yearly total value of goods and service produced).

We are not as bad off as the British, whose debt is about three and a half times of their GDP. And check out those nasty communists in China. 356 million dollars in debt, 5% of their GDP. Hey, how did that happen? A communist nation with almost no debt and with an economy growing at 12%? Maybe it’s because the Chinese government invests its money in its economy rather than blowing it all on the military and nonproductive wars. And they don’t allow millions of illegal immigrants to invade and trash the country.

America: Gold for Stupid, Immoral Wars

How many countries are fighting two wars at the same time? America deserves two gold medals for warmongering. History will remember the Iraq War as a crime against humanity. That makes two with the Vietnam War. However, the wars are not only immoral but stupid. Who is really invading and destroying the country? Hispanics and the culture of crime and violence. Our Barrio newspaper the San Diego Union-Tribune just ran an article titled “Drug Gangs Taking Over Public Land,” just like they are taking over the fucking country. The article says, “Many of the [marijuana] plots are encircled with crude explosives and are patrolled by guards armed with AK-47s who survey the perimeter from the ground and from perches high in the trees.” Isn’t multiculturalism great!

America: Gold for Military Spending

But fighting wars isn’t cheap. America spends 607 billion dollars on defense, over a half trillion dollars. Even more if the additional billions of dollars allocated for the Iraq War are included. America’s military spending is more than all other nations combined. China gets the silver at 84 billion dollars. And it’s not DEFENSE SPENDING. America’s huge military isn’t needed to defend the country. China spends a lot less and nobody is going to mess with China or Russia (58 billion a year). It’s all about America wanting to be the global intimidator and because the U.S. Government is also run by Zionist neocons. And let's not forget the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Big military means big bucks for the owners and operators of American War Industries, Inc.

But American War Industries, Inc. takes money out of the pockets of taxpayers and spends that money in a way that really doesn't benefit Americans. It's not protecting or defending Americans from those who are really invading and destroying the country (and actually that wouldn't cost much but would require political guts). The wasteful defense spending doesn't hire policemen, firemen (and women), teachers. etc. It doesn't improve the nation's infrastructure like the roads, highways, bridges. I had a friend take the train Monday from Anaheim, CA to barrio San Diego. The train was almost an hour late because of a little rain. On the other hand, a French train can travel across France at about 160 MPH and arrive on the minute. Amtrak travels 40 miles and is 40 minutes late, all the way making apologies and thanking the passengers for taking Amtrak. WHAT HAPPENED AMERICA?

And the excessive military spending could be invest in innovations that would make America more economically competitive. Our TERMINATOR MILITARY just make the U.S. look like a big bully--AND A SILLY ONE AT THAT, like some pumped up, strapped, gangbanger spouting his rap and grabbing his crotch. And as a gangbanging nation we have been doing more harm (to ourselves and others) than good and creating new problems for ourselves rather than solving the old ones.

America: Gold for Being a Drop-Out Nation

And if you look at education ratings, America is at the top, but we all know that is bullshit. Your president Obama just said that 30% of U.S. students drop out of high school. "Nearly 6.2 million students in the United States between the ages of 16 and 24 in 2007 dropped out of high school, fueling what a report released Tuesday called 'a persistent high school dropout crisis.'" That's about 16,000 students per day!

In the cities where there are lots of blacks and Hispanics it’s 50%.

And we all know you can be dumber than shit and still graduate from an American high school. European and Asian high schools have U.S. college level exams that must be passed to graduate from high school. In the U.S. you only need to have shown up for 12 years or get your GED in prison.

America has to import Asians in order have students who will graduate and go on to college. Of course, Obama blamed the schools even though the highest dropout rate is among blacks and Latinos—both academically dysfunctional cultures. The Asian prove that the problem is not the teachers but the culture. Why do they succeed and blacks and Hispanics don’t? Because black and Hispanic cultures are dysfunctional. But for Obama, being both black and an alien, to say that would be politically incorrect. Obama is going to throw a billion dollars at the problem, but experts already know it’s a waste of money (though still better spent than on killer drones). And just imagine how many schools have been ruined by busing low performing, decadent, criminal type students to white schools?

America: Gold for Being the Nation with the Largest Population of Illegal Immigrant

It’s estimated that the U.S. has 20 million illegal immigrants. Multiply times 4 anchor babies, and don't forget the 1.7 million illegals legalized (given amnesty) by the right wing's savior Ronald Reagan and their progeny. 1.7 million may not sound like a lot, but don't forget CHAIN MIGRATION. Every illegal is eventually followed by parents, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. And everyone in Mexico is related to everyone else. Europe has about 30 million, but that illegal population is spread over a number of nation (though the numbers will continue to increase (via chain migration), eventually destroying Europe by the end of the century). Did you know illegal aliens kill about 12 Americans each day: “Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan.” Read the article for yourself:

America: Gold for Being Most Despised Nation

Remember when the USSR was the EVIL EMPIRE. Now it’s the USA:

Yeah, I consider the Hispanics who made the video an enemy of America, but sometimes the enemy is right.

America: Gold for Being the Dumbest Nation

Given the situation today and America’s inability to solve any of its fucking problems, I believe it deserves gold for the dumbest nation. Yeah, I understand that hundreds of really dumb nations are in the world—like Mexico and Haiti—but they don’t go around beating their chest about being the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. At this moment America is in the toilet and all I hear is a flushing sound. And who's doing the flushing? The fucking traitorous politicians and greedy businessmen running the country, that's who!