Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let’s Lynch Dem UCSD White Boys

Apparently some UCSD white boys mocked Black History Month. To be honest Black History Month is a joke for most white people. If black people want to celebrate their history, fine. But white people shouldn't have to have it shoved down their throats like some nasty fucking hairball.

The truth of the matter is the contribution of black people to America is minuscule. I understand that they weren’t given the opportunity to contribute much but that is a different issue--or is it?

Black History Month is basically fuck-the-white man propaganda, just like the Hollywood Jews use movies to keep rubbing the Holocaust shit in the face of the Germans. If you have an idea for a poor Jew Holocaust movie, it will be made. Inglorious Bastards is an example, a Jewish wet dream. Lawrence Bender, the movie’s producer, is a Jew and Hollywood’s super Jews, Harvey and Bob Weinstein, were the film’s executive producers. The threesome loved the theme of Jewish revenge. What about a little American revenge for the Jews having ruined this country? What about a little Palestinian revenge for the Jews stealing their country based on their Biblical nonsense? How much havoc in the world today are the Jews responsible? A hell of a lot. I would say most.

That’s what the Jews are really good at—self-promotion. As a people they built no civilization like the Greeks or Romans did, no nation like the Americans. They are, to the contrary, nation thieves. They steal nations, such as Canaan, Palestine, and America. They are parasitic people. Like a virus they perform a sneak attack and then the host organism finds itself sick and dying. In a sense, the Germans were destroyed by the Jews. Had there been no Jews in Germany, perhaps Hitler would not have gone fucking nuts. I know, I’m blaming the victim. Bullshit! The Jews are still destroying Europe and America via the Jewish created (Marxist) leftist ideology that is designed to destroy nations and turn them into multi-cultural workers’ paradises. Jew are to Europe and America what the Trojan Horse was to the Trojans. And they accomplish their mission by being slick talkers—just as Odysseus is. If you don’t know the story, then you really are a dumb fuck!

All the Jews accomplished was the creation of a SELF-AGGRANDISING FICTION that spread throughout world like an ideological plague. Love thy fucking neighbor even though he is stealing your home and raping your wife and children. You can see why the New Testament would get written. The Jews were getting their asses kicked, so the philosophy of love (actually strategy, a deception, a manipulation, a STRATEGY FOR SURVIVAL) was created as a means of protection. Don’t pick on us, God’s chosen people whose historical purpose is to bring the message of ever-lasting life to you. In other words, the Jews have sold the world a religious BILL OF GOODS.

Think about why else would the Jews be God’s chosen people? Watch BIG FAN and you’ll see what I mean. They are an ugly people who have used their religion in the way an UGLY WOMAN uses makeup, but to no avail, in the painting Into the World There Came a Soul Called Ida:

Maybe they were God’s people chosen to play a big fucking nasty joke on humanity. But I don’t think so. It’s the Jews who are playing the joke. Have you ever notices that most comedians are Jews—mockers of everything? “Oh, they’re not that smart.” You fucking idiot. THEY ARE THAT SMART! Haven’t you been paying attention. Americans are now working for the Jews in the U.S. and for Israel. Haven’t you notice who is in control of the fucking country? You don’t think the Jews put Obama in office. He is their man. That is how they work—through the minorities. They couldn’t weasel their way into the highest office of the land so they got a phony black American in.

The Jews are an infection, a cultural disease that destroys countries. First it was the Canaanites, then the Palestinians, and now America. How many nations/peoples have been destroyed by the Christian mutation of Judaism. And did you stupid fucks know that Islam is a similar mutation, a member of the Abrahamic trio? The Jews have caused more harm to the world, have killed more people, than any people in the history of mankind. But they did it like Iago--with words, ideas, distortion. Oh, the American idiot doesn't know who Iago is. Then at least rent the fucking movie. It called Othello, written by one of your people, the greatest writer of all time. If you don't know the answer then you deserve to lose your fucking culture and homeland to the alien zombies.

Let me give you ONLY ONE EXAMPLE of what I am talking about. Who do you think has been whispering in the ear of the U.S. Government to get America involved in all the Middle East bullshit? The Jews, the fucking Zionists in this country, and all Jews are Zionists. And it has been the dimwitted born-again Christians who have been the most gullible--yes, like idiot boy George Bush. The other American traitors go for the oil and war profits. Being a Zionist's poodle is okay if it makes you rich. But it hasn't made most Americans rich, as you can see today.

You know even in a movie where you don’t expect the Holocaust theme, there it is. It’s like stepping in shit. I went to see Shutter Island, and there it was—the Jewish Holocaust shit. And as it turns out it was produced by Martin Scorsese (Jew-loving Italian, because how else you going to get your movies made) and three Jews: Bradley J. Fischer, Mike Medavoy, and Arnold W. Messer. (I am assuming they are all three Jews based on their names.) I tell you the fucking Jews have taken over the country and Hollywood should be called Goebbels City because it has become the center of Jewish propaganda.

Now unlike Iran’s idiotic president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I don’t deny the Holocaust. To the contrary, it happened, but I believe, along with some Jews, that it was God’s punishment (though I don’t really believe in God) for what the Jews have done to the world and what they have done during the post-Holocaust era. Hitler knew that the Jews were bad news. He knew they would destroy Germany, and Americans know he was right. What Hitler did was cause the Jewish rats (as they are often depicted) to scurry to America and Palestine, and look at the havoc they have caused in both places.

Now God, being all-knowing, knew the Jews themselves would turn into a bunch of Nazis and fuck over the Palestinians, and since God is, contrary to Jewish thinking, the God of all people, he got pissed. Don't forget that Islam is one of Judaism's twins, the other being Christianity. I would even argue that Judaism gave birth to the Nazism. I mean wasn't Hitler's prideful sin thinking that Aryans are the superior race, the chosen people? Where did that idea come from? From the Hebrews--the original self-worshipers. Pissed about what the Jews would do if given the opportunity, the big guy enabled the Germans to exterminate half the Jewish population. But being a little bit sadistic, he allowed half the Jews to survive so they could wreak havoc upon the world. Let’s face it, for God, life on Earth is little more than an ultraviolent video game.

Now you are going to think I’m like those nigger hating white boys. Honestly I’m not. However, I do get sick of Black History Month, Hispanics Heroes Month (or some such shit), etc. I know the blacks gave us jazz and blues, not an insignificant contribution to American culture. I know they are extraordinary athletes and musicians. But those qualities did not build this country. No, what Black History Month is all about is LYNCHING THE RACIST WHITE MAN over and over again. But the truth is THE WHITE MAN BUILT WHAT THE BLACK, BROWN, AND YELLOW MAN AND WOMAN WANT. If you look at the past 2000 fucking year of history, its the European (various shades of white) who accomplished 90% of humanity’s greatness. There are no black or Hispanic or even Asian Shakespeares, Newtons, or Darwins. The Jews did produce three giants: Marx, Einstein, and Freud, four if you want to count Spinoza. Hey, I never said the Jews were stupid. No, I don’t think they have ever produced anyone as stupid as George Bush. The blacks might have, but he would have been stupid and cool. George Bush is just plain stupid and totally uncool.

I have a friend (actually he’s not a friend, more like a neighbor) who HATES what he calls knuckle draggers, i.e., blacks. I don’t understand that level of hatred—even though I really do hate Jews and Hispanics, for the same reason I would hate the cancer that killed my mother. He believes blacks are the cause of all of America’s woes, when in fact stupid, greedy, ideologically twisted white men (yeah mostly men, in spite of Sarah Palin, come on she’s a fucking idiot, we don’t hold the mentally retarded responsible for what they do).

Traitorous filth such as Ted Kennedy have done as much harm to this country as the Jews and the Hispanics—because his type of traitorous Americans opened the gate to them, just as he would have open the gate to the Greeks had he been a Trojan. HEY, what about that filthy traitor Scott--dagger in the back--Brown who voted for the jobs bill that will give jobs mostly to minorities. A lot of the money will go to highway construction or repair and a lot of money will go to California. Hey, out here in barrio land (California) I see mostly Hispanics repairing roads, etc. Just saw a new Baja California License Plate. Looks really Californian. Well it should because California is now Mexico. How many Mexican and other Hispanics, illegals and their anchor babies, will benefit from the bill? Millions, as far as I can see. Just as millions of aliens now hold government jobs paid for by Americans, good jobs that millions of Americans would loved to have.

Anyway, Sen. Scott Brown proves that democracy doesn’t work any better here than it does in Russia or Iran. The people who voted for him thought they were getting an American senator but instead they got an alien-loving, Marxist senator. I love it. I mean how many people get to live during the fall of a nation. Stupid Americans thought the GREAT NATION OF AMERICA could never turn to shit. That’s because they don’t know their history. The GREEKS, the ROMANS, the BRITISH—all those EMPIRES TURNED TO SHIT. Take Rome for an example. While it’s off fighting some fucking renegade outfit wanting their homeland back, Rome was being invaded by fucking BARBARIAN HORDE. Sounds a lot like the U.S. today. Fighting Taliban while the country is being invaded by MS-13 and other Hispanic, African, and Islamic armies of chaos.

Maybe you need a refresher:

Bad news arriving from south of the border. And that brings us back to the black thing. Blacks are seen as bad news because they are bad news. There are exceptions, but as a rule black culture is totally THREATENING and DEGRADED. We could begin with Tiger Hard-On Woods, but he ain’t all black, just VIAGRA BLACK. Let's take a look:

Blacks think they deserve jobs when they don’t know shit! They fail over and over again, but still expect to be successful. They fail in school, they trash their neighborhoods and schools, they drop out of school, the men end up in gangs and then prison, the women end up pregnant and then on crack... Their athletes are womanizing thugs. BIG FAN got that right, which shows you that the Jews have NO respect for blacks. At least whites are open about their lack of respect for a people who are impossible to like or respect because of their nightmarish culture and all-around destructive behavior. Repeatedly they have proven themselves to be a culture of boogiemen.

The whole of black culture is a celebration of IGNORANCE, SEX, DRUGS, BLING, and VIOLENCE:

Here's Janet Jackson:

Remember Janet Jackson doing dirty for all of America's watching Super Bowl XXXVIII?

Now all American boys know that girls are sluts and can be treated as such, and all American girls know that it's okay to grow up to be a little slut like Janet.

Black culture celebrating itself: GANGSTA NATION

“What about Madonna? She ain’t black.” No, she ain’t—on the outside—but the little slut is on the inside. You see that is one thing that blacks and Jews have in common. They are a cultural disease. Black culture celebrates SEX, DRUGS, and VIOLENCE, and being cool, which means you don’t have to go to school. You just hang out and be cool. Yeah, that degraded, going nowhere, decadent philosophy of blacks has infected white America’s youth. Black culture is nothing to celebrate. It is an orgasm of SEX, VIOLENCE, DRUGS, CRIME, and DEATH. And let’s not forget that black men are MISOGYNISTIC. Women are nothing but SEX CANDY and PUNCHING BAGS to them. Look at filthy TIGER WOODS and R&B singer Chris Brown who beat the crap out of girlfriend singer Rihanna:

Fuck and beat dem dats da black man’s philo of lov. Did you notice that the responder to the photo used the LYNCH word. Naughty, naughty. The truth is black people are into SELF-LYNCHING.

Let’s began the close of this rant with this video that shows what BLACK CULTURE is all about TODAY. History’s history. This is today. This is why blacks are feared and hated:

And why should we respect these people?

One black student, Bijon Robinson, a freshman from L.A., said “I don’t feel accepted, and I don’t feel welcomed here at all... The whole lynching situation pretty much upset me. It is a possible threat. It was found in the Koala studio, where they called us niggers, and called us ungrateful, and ghetto and dumb. This is an unsafe environment.”

UCSD is UNSAFE for black people?! Less safe than the hood? Give me a fucking break. Bijon is a hell of a lot more likely to be attacked by a black than a white person. Take a look:

Chickenshit You Tube removed the video, probably because black people find it offensive because it bears out what whites believe to be the truth about blacks. I've seen the entire video. What it shows it that black neighborhoods are Mau Mau communities. What is life like back home in Mau Mau land? Take a look:

What do black men do for fun in Africa besides killing off what is left of the gorillas, elephants, and lions? Raping and mutilating women--and children. Hey, take a look at this just off the press: "Witnesses said armed gangs had scared the victims out of their homes by firing into the air but most of the killings were as a result of machete attacks." Dem black boys in Africa just havin' some fun. Personally, I think it's a genetic predisposition, just as white men are predisposed to become child molesting priest and pedophiles (for which I believe they should be burned at the stake).

Bijon knows that most black victims are victims of black attackers. And why is it that blacks can’t wait to move their kids into WHITE SCHOOLS and their families in WHITE NEIGHBORHOODS? And why is it that once they do that the integrated schools and neighborhoods turn to shit?

Robinson thought she should be accepted. Why? Black culture is a disease that has fatally damaged American society and societies elsewhere. American black drop-out culture of gangs, violence, drugs, misogyny, sex and crime has spread through out the world.

Somali rapists in Norway:

Dem white boys made fun of black people, and SPARKED OUTRAGE. Please, give me a fucking break! What those white did was to mock the mockery of Black History Month, which is nothing but a white-wash of the REALITY OF BLACK culture. Just like white-washing the gang graffiti from walls and building to give the appearance of civilized neighborhood when in truth is it just a gang-infested, crime ridden hood filled with hoods. This is black culture:

Nobody needs to mock that. It's self-mocking. It also show the influence of blacks' culture of decadence on white youths.

And as if we don’t have enough dysfunction in the country, we import more. Did you notice that the grandfather in the video of the boy beaten to death is a black import? Why do we keep importing these people (black, Hispanics, Hmongs, Cambodians... "Hmongs and Cambodians are trouble too?" Take a look:



Immigration has been such a benefit to America--but did you notice that the adopted culture of the Cambodian and Hmong youth is BLACK GANGSTA CULTURE? Getting back to dem nice black black folks:

This is what America has become:

And when the black aliens get here the first thing they start doing is bitching. Take Black Student Union Leader Fnann Keflezighi who was invited to speak at UCSD walked out of out of the room. That’s the thank you America get for bring her fucking family over here from Africa and American taxpayers paying for to be on a scholarship—which pretty much amounts to AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR ALIENS. These people hate the very people who built the land they are invading because their people fucked up the old shit-homeland.

My question to Keflezighi is why did her family leave the black paradise of their homeland? Or if she doesn't like it here, why doesn't she go back to her African paradise? And I wonder what would happen to her back there if she opened her big fucking mouth? Probably raped, mutilated, and then killed. She can bitch here because the WHITE MAN, not the black man, not the brown man, not the yellow man, but the white man protects her right to bitch. She is protected by a system of law and order built by the white man. And I suggest removing white cops from the alien communities and let them fend for themselves. Let white cops protect white people, black cops protect black people, etc.

And why else would whitey be angry--besides watching American communities turned into gangsta zombie ghettos? That's right living in a black ghetto or a Hispanic barrio is like living in a Resident Evil game. You might have noticed in the San Diego Barrio Union-Tribune the chart in the article titled UCSD Probing Off-Campus Party.” That’s right, the mocking even took place OFF CAMPUS. BIG SOCIALIST BROTHER is watching you. Check this out:

You see that? Since 1999 Americans have dropped from 39% of the undergraduate population at UCSD to 26%, in a university their people built. I'm sure it's even worse at the graduate level. Apparently the blacks, yellows and browns want to get rid of that 26% white residue. And isn't that what is happening to the country as a whole? The expunging of whites, who really are the one that are hated for getting upset about their country being taken over by unwanted aliens. That's why dem white boys are so pissed off. That’s why millions of Americans HATE the ALIENS such as Kiehfglieizlihgzhki or however you spell her name.

And who has Hussein Obama put in power to hunt down those hateful hating whiteys? A Hispanic by the name of Thomas Perez. His job is to promote the alien takeover of the United State of What Was Once America.

He’s coming after you honky motherfuckers, you Minutemen, you American militia, you skinheads, you white supremacists, and he has the force of the U.S. Military, the FBI, the CIA, NSA, etc. backing him because your traitorous politicians gave the nation away to the socialistic multiculturalists who are destroying the old white America to create a new AMEREEKA for themselves.

And, Whitey, looks like you’re going to be guilty of a hate crime just by hating. Don’t you see what’s going on America? It is the ALIEN OVERTHROW OF YOUR NATION! I’m not a big fan of Mike Savage (a.k.a, MICHAEL ALAN WEINER) because he is a phony American and a mouthpiece for Zionism and Israel and a kind of front apologist for the Jews ruining America (you know to make it look like the Jews are really on our side). But he is fucking right when he says you dumb shit Americans better wake up quick. Just look at the above chart and you will see how fast Americans are losing their nation. And that’s why WHITEY FUCKING HATES THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND ALL THE FUCKING ALIENS TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY.

And if you look at the black and Hispanic gangbangers on You Tube, you see that you fucking better buy guns and lots of ammo before Obama takes away your right to do so and establishes his S.S. (allied with organizations such as La Raza, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, and dozens of other HATE THE AMERICAN WHITE MAN organizations) to take out whiteys who misbehave.

And I guess you know now that the Big Brother Government of Obama can now watch you through your computer.

That’s right, no where to hide. Obama and his alien, socialistic, Marxist goons are watching. If you are feeling hateful, you better fucking smile :-) otherwise at midnight you may hear a knocking at your door. Then you will be taken away to be tried in the now anti-white-man courts of the new Amereeeka, legal lynching of the white man, just as dem bad white boys were lynched by the leftist media and university system. Dem white boys thought they still live in America, but believe me California is no longer America, it is a alien infested DISTRICT 9.

And that’s why dem white boys had to blow off a little steam, not by raping or attacking or beating or robbing or shooting and killing—dats the da black way—but mocking BLACK HISTORY MONTH, which is a mockery.

The country is becoming very ugly. The old America is dying, and morphing out of its carcass is NOT a multicultural utopia but something more like the South African nightmare where people who can afford to will live in gated communities and if not in ethnic enclaves. But like in South Africa white Americans will never be free from the constant intrusion of the black, brown and yellow armies of chaos. Why? BECAUSE TRAITOROUS AMERICAN LEFTISTS AND JEWS (the people who imported in bulk Marxism into America) HAVE PROHIBITED WHITE PEOPLE FROM LIVING IN WHITE COMMUNITIES!

All white Americans can do is pretty much what black Americans have done: arm themselves and create defense units, AND above all else protect the American community and its members. The Marxists now running the country will try to disarm you--remove whitey's fangs and turn him into a house pet, the house being America and now owned and operated by aliens. It won't be a good time for blacks either. Each time black Americans and the aliens cry for justice, they are crying out to the white man, because as bad as he is, he is the one with a sense of justice. The blacks, browns, and yellows aren't about justice but only getting what they can from the white America, which has allowed and enabled millions of THEM to become successful.

The country is broken and Obama can't fix it. His being president indicates that the country is beyond repair. It will stay broken. The U.S. is now evolving away from being a civilization to being something like ZOMBYLAND--a District 9. Remember that depiction of the evolution of humanity from monkey to Australopithecus to Homo Erectus to Neanderthal Man to Cro-Magnon Man to Homo Sapiens Modern Man?

Were these the people God had in mind when he created humans in his own image? Never mind. My point is that today humanity is marching (actually sprinting) in the other direction, and in America there are a lot of neighborhoods that have gotten back to the early stages, you know Australopithecuses, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons doing drive-bye shootings and holding up convenience stores and killing the minimum wage workers behind the counter just for the fun of it. Graffiti all over the place just like those drawings on the walls of caves. And all those Homo Erectuses in San Francisco doing nasties to one another in the toilets at the local recruiting offices. Yeah, I’m afraid America has become a cultural race downhill.

The good ship America is not sailing toward some new glorious future but sinking into a sea of aliens chaos and dysfunctionality. Let's face it, the Europeans created the greatest civilization the world has ever known--because it was based on justice, freedom, and democracy for all its citizens (sorry, but its citizens means Europeans, not Africans, not Asians, not Middle Easterners). Yes, I know about the great civilizations of the past, such as ancient China and ancient Egypt, but amazing as they were, they were dictatorships.

Look at all the nonEuropean countries of the world. Most of them are shithole to live in. Some like Japan have allowed themselves to become Europeanized and have the best of both worlds, but they are rare. Most the people of the world want to come to European nations because they created something special. But in doing so, the aliens will destroy those nations. You have either the fanatical Muslims or the criminal monstrosities such as the Hispanic ganglands south of the U.S. border, heading north, ravaging anything that gets in their way, like army ants.

America is a nation is going insane. So I would advise those nations that have nuclear weapons, not to give them up. And those nations that do not, either get them or figure out how to dissuade an invasion from America. Once the former losers of the world take complete control of the government, which will then no longer be run by European Americans (it's already being run by Zionists, war profiteers and New World Order fanatics, which is bad enough) but by aliens, then history will really get weird. I mean just imagine La Raza running America! We know how well that is working out in Mexico. It's pretty weird already. I suppose today is what history is like when the age of progress, a European idea, has come to an end.

P.S. To those white boys who like to wear sheets and pointy hats and play lynch the nigger. Your enemy isn't black Americans. If you paid any attention to the chart "UCSD Undergraduates by Ethnicity," you would see that the growing populations are Hispanic and Asian--not blacks. Asians are the fastest growing population. So the two ethnic groups who most threaten America are Hispanics and Asian. The Asians will take the best jobs, just as they have taken over UCSD. The Hispanics will continue to take over the blue collar and service jobs. And both Asians and Hispanics will continue to take over government jobs because of the U.S. Government's favoring minorities. This will continue until all Americans, white, black, and red, have been overwhelmed by the alien invaders who have been given U.S. citizenship but ancestors played no part in the building of America, but they will play the major role in the destruction of America.

So you white boys might want to change costumes. Take off the KKK outfits and put on the Charlie Chan and Poncho Villa costumes--and ride off into the American sunset on you hobby horses. One thing about blacks, and unlike you, is that they are at the front lines fighting the invaders, mostly the Hispanic gangbangers. For them it's a lonely fight and they are way outnumbered. You hide away in your safe and comfortable suburbs, though they are becoming less safe and less comfortable as the alien hordes poor into and across the country. As a result, many blacks go to prison or die. Perhaps your greatest enemy is the white politicians who betrayed you and American blacks--men such as Reagan, Kennedy, Bush, McCain on and on and on.

And then there are the Jews, the multicultural Marxists who have enabled and protected the alien invaders at every turn. Why? Because they will have complete control of the country once America has become a nation of minorities. (Keep in mind that the country is now being run by a Jew and a man who isn't even an American black but half Muslim alien. The vice president is there just for show.) And keep in mind that the Jews too are aliens in America. Their invasion of the country has been recent--mostly Zionists and commies. They have much more in common with the Hispanics and Asians than they do with Americans. And the Jews know the best way to destroy America is to divide and conquer, turn black Americans against white Americans so that the whites will be all alone fighting a hundred different alien ethnic groups.

And I believe it valuable to keep in mind that the Civil Rights movement was intended for black Americans, but has been co-opted by millions of illegal aliens to benefit themselves. And your government not only allowed that to happened but encouraged it to happen. As a result, The good ship America has crashed into an iceberg created by Jews and traitorous American politicians and is now sinking in a sea of aliens who hate those on-board--black, white, and red Americans. Once the Asian-Hispanic-Jewish monstrosity takes control of the country, I doubt the red man will be safe on his reservations. What do the aliens care about him. He wasn't part of their history, nor were they part of his. I'm afraid the American trio--black, white and red--have come to the end of the trail, mostly because white Americans (unlike the Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) didn't have the guts to fight for their country. Actually, the joke is on you silly white boys.