Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day = April Fools Day for Americans

And who are the fools? Americans are. But you might be able to fool some Americans some of the time and all Americans all the time but you can’t fool none of the Americans none of the time. I think George Bush said something like that:

Getting down to business, what should Americans be celebrating today? Using Wikipedia, let’s see:

JOHN FITZGERALD "JACK" KENNEDY, Let’s begin with the president that began the DECLINE OF AMERICA:

VIETNAM WAR: “Kennedy enacted policies providing political, economic, and military support for the unstable French-installed South Vietnamese government, which included sending 16,000 military advisors and U.S. Special Forces to the area. Kennedy also authorized the use of free-fire zones, napalm, defoliants, and jet planes.”

IMMIGRATION: “John F. Kennedy initially proposed an overhaul of American immigration policy that later was to become the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, sponsored by Kennedy's brother Senator Edward Kennedy. It dramatically shifted the source of immigration from Northern and Western European countries towards immigration from LATIN AMERICA and ASIA.”

So the much revered Kennedy started the Vietnam mess and opened the floodgates to aliens that are now over running and destroying the country.


“It was Johnson who began America's direct involvement in the ground war in Vietnam. By 1968, over 550,000 American soldiers were inside Vietnam; in 1967 and 1968 they were being killed at the rate of over 1,000 a month.”

“The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities (See: Vietnam War casualties), including 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from both sides, 1.5 to 2 million Laotians and Cambodians, and 58,159 U.S. soldiers.”

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished the national-origin quotas that had been in place in the United States since the Immigration Act of 1924... and heavily supported by United States Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts - all Democrats,” and signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson.

He also invited the millions of Cubans we have in the country today. Here is what he said when he signed the bill:

“So it is in that spirit that I declare this afternoon to the people of Cuba that those who seek refuge here in America will find it. The dedication of America to our traditions as an asylum for the oppressed is going to be upheld.” If you want to know how well that worked out I recommend watching SCARFACE:

And of course it required big bucks to take care of all the new aliens.

“And I will send to the Congress tomorrow a request for supplementary funds of $12,600,000 to carry forth the commitment that I am making today.”

U.S.S. LIBERTY: Let’s not forget Johnson’s betrayal of the U.S.S. Liberty:

Johnson betrayed America for a bunch of fucking Jews! That’s those born-agains for ya!

RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON: Tricky Dick Nixon! Nothing more needs to be said. He disgraced the American presidency more than any other president until blow-job Clinton and America’s grave-digger George Bush the Retard came onboard.

GERALD RUDOLPH FORD, JR.: He pardoned Tricky Dick but he wasn’t too bad. He wasn’t power hungry, ideologically obsessed, or a media pig. He might not have been the brightest guy on the block but he was a decent American. Yes, the economy sucked under Ford, but what do you expect after his predecessors’ blowing on the Vietnam War “$350 to $900 billion—estimated final cost of the war (including veteran benefits, interest, etc.)?”

He is the kind of guy you’d like as your neighbor. That’s right, he is an endangered species in American politics.

Or is he? It seems that Ford wasn’t so clean himself:

Concerning The Warren Commission’s investigation of the Kennedy assassination, Wikipedia says, “According to a 1963 FBI memo released in 2008, Ford secretly provided the FBI with information regarding two of his fellow commission members, both of whom were dubious about the FBI's conclusions regarding the assassination.... Another 1963 memo released in 1978 stated that Representative Ford volunteered to advise the FBI regarding the content of the commission's deliberations, provided that his involvement with the bureau was kept confidential, a condition which the bureau approve.”

Apparent a Ford had a little of Tricky Dick in him as well. It just goes to show you that anyone who enters the Washington toilet eventually ends up dirty.

JAMES EARL "JIMMY" CARTER, JR.: Not a bad man nor a great president. He bailed out Chrysler, declared amnesty to Vietnam draft dodgers, gave back the Panama Canal, signed the nuclear arms reduction treaty, made a mess of the Iran hostage crisis, and he told America to break its addiction to imported oil—ignored by the country. Actually I think he was telling Americans to go back to frugal, commonsensical values of the American’s last great generation—that of the Depression and W.W.II. But the Ronald Reagan generation ignored him and today we have a broken economy and are more addicted to oil than ever. Check it out:

“Carter wrote that the most intense and mounting opposition to his policies came from the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, which he attributed to Ted Kennedy’s ambition to replace him as president.” It’s hard to dislike a man who was disliked by a traitor such as Ted Kennedy, or a man who criticized the presidency of George W. Bush and the Iraq War.

However, I do dislike him for criticizing the Zionists and then falling on his knees and begging for their forgiveness for his tarnishing the image of Israel.

Give me a fucking break. The Jews are the one who tarnished Israel’s image. And a fucking Jew like LARRY DAVID pisses on the image of Jesus and the born-again Carter is begging them for forgiveness!

And this is what the Jews think about Carter:

Americans will never learn that the Judas people are not on America’s side. Making friends with Jews is like trying to make friends with cancer.

Carter the schlemiel got butt fucked by the Jews—following an American tradition. And it has been through the American born-agains that the Jews have been able to do so much damage to American domestic and foreign policies. And apparently Carter thinks it’s okay to criticize America’s warmongering ways but not those of the Jews—who have probably done more than any other group of people to destroy this country with their Zionist and Marxist multicultural agenda—not to mention the hundreds of thousands of deaths that have resulted from the illegal establishment of the State of Israel. So it looks like a mediocre president turns out to be a collaborator and a fucking shmuck.

RONALD WILSON REAGAN: Remember, August 5, Reagan fired 11,345 striking air traffic controllers. We get it. Reagan was never a friend of the workingman. On the other hand, they broke the law and hit at an industry essential to the nation. However, Reagan was a big fan of the FATCATS. His administration deregulated the savings and loans industry: “The deregulation of S&Ls gave them many of the capabilities of banks, without the same regulations as banks.”

THUS, “The administration's stance toward the Savings and Loan industry contributed to the Savings and Loan crisis” And some authorities believed Reagan’s policies led to the Stock Market Crash of 1987. Sound a lot like his biggest admirer George Jr.

But here is the biggy:

Reagan signed the IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL [yeah right!] ACT IN 1986 that “granted amnesty to approximately 3 million illegal immigrants who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982, and had lived in the country continuously. Critics argue that its contention subjecting employers to sanctions were without teeth and that it failed to stem illegal immigration. Upon signing the act at a ceremony held beside the newly refurbished Statue of Liberty, Reagan said, ‘The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.’”

That’s right, the president so ADORED BY THE RIGHT stabbed America in the back with an immigration knife and twisted the blade. But why should this FATCAT care? Like Bush he was living on his Rancho del Cielo Ranch far from the gangbanging barrios that were turning American communities into Resident Evil communities overrun by Hispanic zombies with knives and guns.”

He died from Alzheimer's disease, the disease America is now suffering from, in part due to Reagan. I’m talking about trying to remember what the old America was like before my community became a barrio.

: The main thing we can hold against Herbert is that he didn’t have wife Barbara get an abortion when she was pregnant with little Georgie. But Killer Georgie is coming up, but first the Head-Man Billy Blow-Job Clinton.

WILLIAM JEFFERSON "BILL" CLINTON: First a little preview of this great American president:

Clinton’s crime against America was turning the White House into the Slut House and as a result getting Killer George Jr. elected as president of the United States. I think MONICA SAMILLE LEWDINSKY was a Zionist plant to get some dirt on Billy Boy so he would stay friendly with the Jews, and he was very friendly indeed:

So Willy Knob-Job Clinton continued to enable ZIONIST-MARXIST JEWS to continue take over the U.S. Government and transform America into a minority-majority nation and an adjunct military for the State of Israel.

GEORGE WALKER BUSH: The BIGGEST consequence of Blow-Job Clinton’s Jew-sex shenanigans in the White House is that presidential horror George W.armonger Bush, who would perform an abortion on America because he loved God, the Jews, money, war, and illegal immigrants and their anchor babies more than he loved his country. He unnecessarily killed and injured thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghan soldiers and civilians. American never really had a political monster guilty of crimes against humanity until George Herbert Walker Bush became president. Now his portrait hangs in history’s Hall of Infamy with those of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il-sung, etc.



But he was always good for a laugh hahahahah :-())) if you weren’t one of his VICTIMS:

If the DECLINE OF AMERICA began with John Kennedy, the FALL OF AMERICA began with Georgie Boy. And if we can give Billy Blow-Job Clinton credit for getting the village idiot from Texas, George W. Bush, elected, we can thank Bush for getting America’s Marxist-Alien Leader, Osama... Ooops! Obama elected.

: He has shown himself to be as much a warmonger and big spender as Georgie boy. He’s getting ready to pass the HEALTH CARE FOR ALIENS BILL. There are millions of illegals and their anchor babies in this country who will benefit most from the Obama health care bill (though it will continue the destruction of America’s financial heath—though the country may already be financially dead after the Obama bankers bailout bill). And when he signs the AMNESTY FOR ALIENS BILL America as a nation well cease to exist.

Actually it has ceased to exist given the fact that JEWS and ALIENS now run the country, and are running the country into the ground culturally and financially. If you don’t believe, just check out California and L.A. Keep in mind that Obama is not a true black American. His daddy was an alien Muslim. His roots are not America but Kenya.

His mother apparently hated the country, preferring to hang out with alien Muslims.

We all know who Obama’s favorite minister is—Reverend Hate the White Man Wright:

AMERICA'S DECLINE AND FALL are over. Obama is presiding over AMERICA'S FUNERAL.

Happy Presidents Day America!