Gringo Report from a bunker in the Barrio.
Is Hussein Obama kidding? Well, as the half-alien prepares for the final stage of the overthrow of the United States of America, of course he would think change hasn’t come fast enough. But for Americans it’s coming too fast—like an alien tsunami.
Did you notice that he’s doing the Bush thing, wearing an American flag lapel pin while fucking over the country? Do politicians think Americans are that stupid? That if they wear the little flag Americans will think they are on their side? Maybe they’re right—Americans are pretty stupid. Look at all the problems they have allowed to occur and are unable to fix. And what do they worry about? Abortion and gay marriage, as if saying no to those two things will save the fucking country, as if God needs the help of those who can’t help themselves. Give me a fucking break!
Did you see the article “U.S. Avoids Giving Aid to Haiti’s Rulers”? No, the U.S. Government only gives away money to the FATCATS here in America.
And what about the article “Haiti Gov’t Says Children Taken without Permission.”
And who were these people?
“Sean Lankford told The Associated Press from Idaho that his wife and 18-year-old daughter were among 10 Americans detained. Lankford, a member of the Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho, said the group had intended to take the children to an orphanage they had set up at a hotel in the Dominican Republic. He says the group thought it had the proper paperwork.”
That’s right; some more of those one-book-is-all-you-need-to-read religious, inbred nut cases, probably with an 8th grade education, wanting to exorcise the voodoo from the little pagans and turn them into Christians and bring them to America where they can contribute to the further decline and fall of the country (which can't be too far given a large portion of the country is made up of religious fanatics who believe it's okay to do any fucking thing in the name of Jeeeeesus). I mean this country is fucking nuts! Thank god the Haiti government arrested these religious religious wackos. I mean who's nuttier the fucking voodoo people or the Baptist born-agains KIDNAPPING KIDS FOR CHRIST?
Remember the hope of the ENLIGHTENMENT was to eliminate superstition and ignorance so humanity could become more REASONABLE and SANE in its behavior. No fucking way. Americans are no less superstitious than the Haitians. In fact, they take pride in being ignorant and superstitious: "Gawd damn I dont need no fuckin education cas Im feeld with da spirit of da lawd. If I wa da kednap a littdle neggar baby in da name of da lord or shoots some abortionist in the da house of da lawd den goddamn Ill do it. And prase da lawd Gawd allmighty."
I've made dolls of all of them and am presently sticking needles in to them to see if that will do any good. If so, I have an Obama doll and a special doll of Pat Robertson with horns that I'm going to set on fire. It's not that I disagree with him about the Haitians giving themselves over to the devil. It's just that I believe Christians like idiot boy Robertson have too. To me the devil simply represents any form of idiocy. That's right, our last president was a devil worshiper.
And what about U.S. Haitian medical flights to America? What in the fuck are we doing bringing people into this country on our dime when we have millions of sick people who need medical care living on the fucking streets. It’s all propaganda. Since the American government keeps its two wars going and killing people by remote control with killer drones it needs a happy face for the world—paid for by Americans who are losing their jobs, houses, and country.
What in the fuck are we going to do, save the whole fucking world? Oh "these people may die." First of all, I don’t give a shit. Millions of third-worlders die each day. In Mexico they slaughter each just for the fun of it, because that what those people do. Second, there are people in the U.S. who are dying without adequate medical care because billions of our dollars are going to care for or incarcerate the illegal aliens and their anchor gang-babies. But of course the Haitians are Obama’s people, not ours. White Americans are the invisible people, and have been long before Obama took control of the White House with the help of the aliens.
I'm am not against helping these people out. Why don't we spend say 300 billion dollar of the fucking 623 billion dollar defense budget (China comes in 2nd at 65 billions dollars) on helping people like the Haitians. Set up hospitals THERE, instead of bringing them here. The money the U.S. spends on defense is FUCKING OBSCENE (more then all the rest of the world together). And sure in the hell isn't Christian!
If you don't believe me take a look:
The fucking country is out of control. And I will reveal something to you stupid fucks. The rest of the world is kicking our asses economically. The U.S. now ranks 3rd behind Japan and China in auto production.
China will soon be number one. They don’t have to beat us in the war game. They will destroy us in the capitalism game and the demographics game. China's growth rate (2008 projectin) 8.7% 19th in the world; Russia, 5.6%, ranked 69; U.S. 1.1% ranked 172 among the world's economies. Fuck, the commies are beating us. Also, at present even little hated France is recovering from the recession better than the U.S. Those fucking French! Throw out the wine and grab a Bud--oh I forgot, America no longer owns Budweiser, America's kind of beers :'-(.
How about “Obama OKs $2.25 Billion for State’s High-Speed Rail”? Let's put them illegals to work.
Since “In California minorities from all groups combined -- 20 million -- now outnumber whites,” and blacks make up only 6.2 percent of the population, it looks like the American taxpayer will be putting lots of aliens to work in California, illegals and anchor babies.
This is the kind of change that scares the shit out of Americans:
“According to estimates from 2006, California has the largest minority population in the United States, though whites make up 57% of the state population. Non-Hispanic whites decreased from 80% of the state's population in 1970 to 43% in 2006. While the population of minorities accounts for 100.7 million of 300 million U.S. residents, 21% of the national total live in California.”
Obama urged the passage of the HEALTH CARE BILL that will cover million of alien anchor babies and eventually millions more of illegals who are getting care in our emergency rooms. Do the math. 46 million people without health care. That 2009 U.S. Census says, “46.9 million is the estimated Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1, 2008, making people of Hispanic origin the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 15 percent of the nation’s total population. In addition, there are approximately 4 million residents of Puerto Rico.” So it looks like the Health Care Bill is mostly an Alien Health Care Bill. And they need it given the violence in the alien barrios.
Of course this doesn’t include the millions of illegals the census missed. My point is the health care bill is designed to cover the millions of illegal immigrants and their anchor babies. America has become a welfare state in more ways than one. Now that it has become REFUGEE CAMP AMERICA all the tired, poor, hungry, diseased, uneducated, insane, criminalized, teeming masses are invading America and signing UP for benefits while pulling DOWN the country. Welcome to the new America:
Obama sounded tough on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION but we know that’s just bullshit. After he gets the health bill shoved down our throats he’ll sign the AMNESTY SURRENDER BILL giving amnesty to all the illegals, and they’ll just keep coming and keep laying their anchor eggs.
American blacks aren’t all that thrilled about Obama’s alien agenda. You might have read in the barrio propaganda newspaper, San Diego Union-Tribune propaganda article titled “Californians Regard Diversity as Asset” The article said that 49% of blacks said they experienced prejudice, but didn't say from whom, you know to make it look like it's those damn whites again. But blacks worry more about the Hispanic gangbangers than they do about being harassed by honkies. Here is what black (and white) Americans fear today:
Apparently the poll takers didn’t bothered to poll gringos
—because they think multiculturalism stinks.
“California is home to people of more racial and ethnic backgrounds than anyplace else in the Western Hemisphere.”
“A Field Poll conducted in six languages — English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese — explored the attitudes of registered California voters about the state of race relations in California.”
Now isn’t that something for Americans to celebrate! California has become global refugee camp. And in reality that is six of a hundred languages spoken in California.
“Most recognize that the state’s extraordinary diversity is both a challenge and an advantage.” Who? Not the fucking gringos, but nobody bothered to ask them—because they are fucking history.
“Among all voters, 24 percent regard California’s ethnic diversity as an advantage.” 24 fucking percent means that Californians regard diversity as an asset? What kind of fucking math is that? PROPAGANDA MATH IS WHAT. What bullshit, especially since gringos are a fucking minority. In other words, we are getting the MINORITYVIEW of diversity. That’s like saying Americans view Islam favorably based on a poll of only Muslims.
“The majority, 52 percent, of people who say they are ‘extremely concerned’ about race relations also say they have experienced prejudice.”
Multicultural Suicide
So are things working out or not? Believe me, California is not entering a new age of loving thy neighbor. For example, the Mysterious Shootings in Valley Springs:
“Not that Valley Springs is Mayberry. It has its share of crime, including that which might be considered out of the ordinary. In December alone, a 25-year-old man was arrested for allegedly making and setting off pipe bombs, and nine middle school students, ages 12 to 14, were busted for possessing, and in six cases, intent to sell, prescription drugs on campus. ‘Drugs, gangs, burglaries are all common on the police log,’ Sgt. Dave Seawell said.”
(The article is by Evelyn Nieves—there you go, another mariachi reporter working for the barrio bias media!)
Valley Springs is one of those town Americans migrate to to get away from Hispanic and black gangs and crime waves: “‘It’ leaves me on edge,’ said Hazel Provost, who moved to Valley Springs from crime-prone Stockton, 30 miles away, 12 years ago. ‘ I'm not going out after 4:30 in the evening any more.’” There you go. America going to Hispanic shit. What about Stockton?
Hispanic gangs:
Asian gangs:
Isn’t diversity wonderful?
And what is the U.S. importing from Mexico?
“MEXICO CITY — Armed men stormed a party in a violent Mexican border city, killing 13 high school and college students in what witnesses thought was an attack prompted by false information.
The deaths in Ciudad Juarez were part of a total of 24 people killed across Mexico since Saturday in violence caused by ongoing turf battles between powerful drug cartels.”
200 people murdered in Ciudad Juarez this year! This isn’t an aberration. This is MEXICAN CULTURE—you stupid, American fucks! That is the DEMOGRAPHIC DISEASE we are importing into the U.S. which will kill America. What can be done? Buy guns, lots of guns:
That’s right, girls, the American government ain’t going to protect you because it ain’t American anymore. The times have been changin’.
The people I see in my barrio aren’t happy at all. I rarely see a smiling gringo. They hate everything. They are pissed that the government allow aliens take over. And the aliens aren’t all that happy either because the gringos hate all of them, the blacks hate all of them, the Hispanics hate the gringos and blacks and the Asians for being so damn smart.
But California is America’s alien future unless something big happens—like a fucking revolution. But you can’t get Americans to quit using plastic and paper bags at the grocery store, so how in the fuck can you expect them to save the country. I bought 3 fucking bags for a buck a piece that will last for years. That’s the way my parents’ generation thought: waste not, want not.
But America is too busy listening to musical drivel such as Vampire Weekend, a band made up of rich Jewish kids pretending to be Negros. What is this thing that Jews have for Negros? I think it’s a rip-off thing. Jews living off the backs of Negros. That ain't new. Look at the White House. Of course, blacks see the Jew boys as spoiled Jewish pussy with a Jewish guilt complex. Who listens to that shit? Take a fucking look:
These guys claim to be influenced by African popular music but are described as doing PUNK? Give me a fucking break. The fucking Jews who own Hollywood and the music industry have Americans by the nose. This is the real thing:
Some people are willing to fight rather than see the homeland taken over by aliens. These people look aggressive. Believe me, the aliens are just as aggressive. An army of Hispanics has invaded this country, and the army has a civilian and a militant military wing. The military is tens of thousands of gangbangers. The militant vanguard is groups like La Raza.
The Jews who have been invading this country for almost a century operate differently but no less aggressively. They are more invasive. Education is their weapon. They invade the political, legal economical, and media nerve centers of the country. They are like an infection of a nation’s brain. But in a democracy they need numbers, so they reach out to the large numbers of aliens and encourage and aid the alien invasions so that the country becomes a nation of minorities and elects a president such as BARRACK HUSSAIN OBAMA. They are not the smartest people on the block—the Asians are—but the are smarter than all the others and are the most politically savvy and wily. Just look at how the Jewish neocons wrapped the Bush Administration around their little finger.
What do we have? The pathetic National Tea Party. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! If they are America's hope then America has no hope. They are nothing but a bunch of spoiled middle class rebel wannabees. They have nothing in common with the original tea part rebels. For them a political revolution is a political tupperware party.
That is one reason I disagree with the view of white supremacists who believe whites are inherently superior to the yellows, browns, and blacks. If they were they (Americans and Europeans) wouldn’t be at the brink of losing their countries. It is not a racial issue but only a national, patriot, ethnic, and cultural issue. WE WANT TO LIVE AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE, just like all the other aliens want to live among their own people. When I go somewhere in my community it feels as if I’m in a alien city, like Tijuana, one of Mexico’s many blood cities. Just today I went to the market and had to listen to Spanish being spoken. Hearing Spanish, or Arabic, or Vietnamese, or any of the other hundred languages spoken in my alien barrio has the same effect on me as stepping in dog shit. Worse, really, because the dog shit can be washed away.
And if we can’t then life is not worth living—not in an alien hell-hole—and so let the world be destroyed, as in the video games—such as in Army of Two—40 Days or Call of Duty—Modern Warfare 2. Let the cities crumble. Let the armies of night roll over the countryside. Let a meteorite strike earth and bring about a new massive extinction. Let global warming at once drown and scorch the earth. Let the plagues sweep over the land and landfills become graveyards. Let it all end.
Getting back to diversity being a good thing, “Broken down by ethnic groups, Latinos, 31 percent, are most likely to regard diversity as an asset, while African-Americans, 21 percent, are least likely to hold that view.”
Only 31 percent for Latinos! That’s because they want to whole fucking state of California to themselves (then the whole fucking country). Of course, they are the most satisfied given that they entered the country illegally and gave birth to their anchor babies, who miraculously became AMERICAN CITIZENS. You know there are birds that do that—lay their eggs in other birds’ nest and the birds the nests belong to will feed the alien birds, which will then push the native birds out of the nest. Now we don’t expect birds to be very fucking smart, but what about humans? Apparently not Americans. And by the way, such behavior has DARWIN written all over it. I’ve concluded that Christianity is a form of Down’s Syndrome.
And why would black Americans think diversity a good thing? It means only that they are being pushed to the back of the bus—off the bus—by the aliens who are benefitting from civil rights enacted to benefit black people.
Back to our Alien in Chief Obama. He “urged Congress to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.” Well, why not make the military COED, so the female soldiers will be taking showers with the hard-on male soldiers?
Ooh, but the girl soldiers wouldn’t want to be lusted after by a bunch of hard-on male soldiers. Well that goes double for heterosexual males not wanting to be lusted after by a bunch of hard-on homos. Believe me, heterosexual males will want to smash in the faces of the homos. But our Marxist revolutionary president will shove the homo shit down our throats. He is SO fucking anti-American.
Let’s quote our Alien in Chief: “In the end, it is our ideals, [bullshit, it’s is Marxist, multiculturalist ideals], our values [What does he mean OURS? His mother obviously hated Americans and his father was an alien Muslim whose ancestors didn’t do shit to build this country.] that built America [Fuck you! The alien motherfuckers in this country didn’t build shit!]—that allowed us to forge a nation made up of immigrants from every corner of the globe [the turning of America into a global refugee camp is a recent phenomenon and the fucking illegals don’t quite fit the immigrant idealism you are trying to shove down our throats.]; values that drive our citizens still.” Does he really think Americans consider him one of them? If so, he is a fucking idiot. But of course he’s not, because he is the one in control of America, not Americans.
What is happening to America is it is rapidly becoming very much like South Africa, where whites are a hated minority. Take a look at what Americans can look forward to once the country has been overrun by aliens, especially the ultra-violent Mexicans:
Chief Oboumba says, “I campaigned on the promise of change—change we can believe in.” That the aliens can believe in. Fuck you, Oboumba!
What’s going on, America? I’ll tell you, you stupid shits. The country is undergoing a revolution like the one Russians experienced in the 19th century.
Americans, like the Russians, are pissed off at the fucking CZARS that have been running and ruining the country. I’m talking about the fucking fatcats, such as the Kennedys and the Bushes.
So here come the REVOLUTIONARIES—Obama, leftists Jews, aliens and traitorous Americans. These revolutionaries promise to overthrow the filthy scum czars and transform the country into a WORKERS’ PARADISE.
But who are the PROLITARIAT? Mostly aliens, Jews, and Marxist traitorous Americans.
So the greedy, traitorous czars have been overthrown and soon the ALIEN-DOMINATED MARXIST PARADISE awaits Americans, who don’t even know what they have lost.
Of course, they don't give a shit as long as they have pizza, Seinfeld, American Idol, and Super Bowl--dumb fucking shits!
They shoot dying horses. And looks like Obama and the gang are going to put America out of its misery.
P.S.: I guess you heard that Bernanke was reconfirmed as Federal Reserve Chairman. Well of course. The Bernankes were a Jewish family who attended a local synagogue called Ohav Shalom; as a child, Bernanke learned Hebrew from his maternal grandfather Harold Friedman, who was a professional hazzan, shochet, and Hebrew teacher.
Obama put on the pressure. Why? Answer the question: Who is his right-hand man? Not that token American Joe Biden, who sold Americans out to the credit card companies.
And what about Kenneth Feinberg a Jew appointed to pay off the assholes who fucked the country out of billions of dollars: "On June 10, 2009, Feinberg was appointed by the U.S. Treasury Department to oversee the compensation of top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance." (Wikipedia) Have you noticed that the fucking Jews are everywhere in the government, like ants on a picnic lunch?
Check him out:
There you go. The Jews are still in control of America’s finances, giving money away to wealthy Jewish enterprises. And of course they are still in control of its foreign policy, which is based on it relationship with Israel.
Here is the religious idiocy that is Israel, that drives American foreign policy, that brought about 9-11 for the U.S., that has embroiled the U.S. in war, that Americans have squandered blood and money for:
And you thought Osama bin Laden was the religious fruitcake. I don't give a shit what these religious fanatics want to believe in, but I don't want them fucking with America. Wikipedia tells us this about his Jewish holiness:
"Schneerson believed that the American public was seeking to learn more about their Jewish heritage. He stated, 'America is not lost, you are not different from. You Americans sincerely crave to know, to learn. Americans are inquisitive. It is the Chabad's point of view that the American mind is simple, honest, direct-good, tillable soil for Hassidism, or just plain Judaism.'"
First of all I say fuck the Jewish heritage. I prefer my occidental heritage--such as the ENLIGHTENMENT, the fucking AGE OF REASON, rejected by these religious fruitcakes. These fucking Zionists have nothing to do with America. They are as foreign to America as Martians and Muslims. They come here and plant their alien ideology, radical Zionism, which is just as bad as communism, to which the other the other half of the Jews belong. To God's chosen people the ONLY fucking goal is to serve Israel. America, the goyim, is nothing but a sacrificial lamb. Some of you fucking Americans who are not totally illiterate should read Gilles Kepel's The Revenge of God. That book explains that there is no difference between radical Islam and Judaism. At least the fucking Muslims do pretend to be our friends.
And you stupid fucks think Osama bin Laden is the big threat to America. No, the threat is in Washington, D.C., and it isn’t just Obama. He couldn’t have done it without the help of a lot of traitors.
And Obama, riding his Zionist-Marxist-Alien steamroller says change isn’t coming fast enough. Well, just ask the flattened Americans left in his trail.