HATE IS GOOD. IT GROWS FROM LOVENews from District 9 San Diego, the
San Diego Union-Tribune cover story is titled “From Local Growers to Seed of Ire.” Local growers! That’s a line of bullshit. The first page photo shows the FIRST LADY OF ALIEN NATION AMERIKA talking to some Somali guy who can’t even speak English. LOCAL GROWERS MY ASS! The interpreter is all dressed up in African garb with a picture of OBAMA on her dress. Fuck me. Of course, Michelle has a big shit-eating grin on her face because she is talking to her own people. The Black Hawk Down immigrant is shaking his finger at Michelle and everybody’s all smiles, so I imagine he’s saying something like WE GOIN SHOW DEM WHITE PEOPLE WHO IN CHARGE HAHAHAHAH :-))).
The article says,
“Even though the first lady’s appearance was a feel-good event promoting a program few would quarrel with — FIGHTING CHILDHOOD OBESITY — it stood in marked contrast with the outpouring of resentment at the tea-party protests.”
We’ll get to the tea-party idiots in a minute. Yeah, like we all are going to start growing our food. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE. So the little pigs can grow some lettuce but keep chowing down at the local McDonalds or Jack ‘n the Box. The truth is America is becoming a DISTRICT 9 populated by a bunch of PIG PEOPLE RETARDS. The tea-party morons complain about the government spending too much money but Americans can't build shit anymore so where are they going to get the money? They aren’t as smart as the Wall Street Jews to swindle others out of their money.
Let’s take a moment to acknowledge JEWISH GREED—like the Goldman Sachs saga.
Goldman made 'billions and billions...' Hahahahaha :-))) off of dumb-fuck Americans and other suckers.
“WASHINGTON -- Senate investigators say Goldman Sachs [WALL STREET JEWS] reaped "billions and billions of dollars" in profits by secretly betting in 2006 and 2007 that the U.S. housing market would crash, a strategy that conflicted with the interests of its clients who were still buying the firm's risky mortgage securities.”
Goldman's chief executive, Lloyd Blankfein is another New York JEW. SALARY: US$ 27,585,474 (2007) Total: US$ 70,324,352 (Wikipedia)
And the Wall Street Jews didn’t just fuck America. They fucked the world:
“Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules. At some point the so-called cross currency swaps will mature, and swell the country's already bloated deficit.”
That’s right, the fucking Judas people taught the Greeks how to be crooks. Imagine the land of Plato and Aristotle fucked over by a bunch of Jews. Of course, it was a follower of the Jew Jesus who closed the mind of Europe that the Greeks opened. But I’m way over your head.
Makes you wonder if Hitler was right to worry about the harm the Jews could do to Germany. They've sure ruined America. I can't believe that Americans worship a Jew God. Just shows you can swindle you out anything if you are dumb shit.
Like I guess you heard about the Jewish attack dog the ACLU trying to destroy the BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. No? Then you really are a dumb ass:
Back to those lost Gringo Americans. And they don’t have the work ethic of the brainiac Asians to get the big-dollar jobs that require knowing more than how to light up a joint or get a tattoo. HAHAHAH :-)))
Okay get this:
“At the New Roots Community Farm where Michelle Obama promoted her initiative to target childhood obesity, the mood was quite different. THE CLOSEST THING TO A PROTEST WAS GRUMBLING FROM FARMERS WHO COULDN’T GET INTO THE INVITATION-ONLY EVENT. THE STREET OUTSIDE THE FARM WAS LINED WITH SUPPORTERS.”
If you read the fine print you’ll see that no Americans were invited. This was an alien-only event. Hey you fucking honky Americans, you better get used to being second-class citizens in your own country. That is what the multiculturalist Jews have been planning for a long time (selling out Uncle Sam), along with the wealthy Marxist traitors like Pelosi (the most hated women in Amerika by Americans), the Clintons, Ted (I’m glad your dead) Kennedy, phony conservative traitors like illegal immigrant loving John McphonyameriCain, and of course the aliens armies from every shithole in the world (Somalia, Mexico, etc.).
Guess you heard by now about the Pakistani, Faisal Shitsawadzoo, left a bomb in Time Square:
"The arrest of a PAKISTANI AMERICAN in connection with the failed Times Square bombing again put a spotlight on Pakistan as a global terrorist training hub, raising the prospect of intensified US pressure to..."
First of all, HE IS NOT A FUCKING AMERICAN, ASSHOLES! He is another fucking alien that our unAMERICAN government has allowed to invade America. I don't hate this fucking Paki (actually I do, but not for the bomb but because he is in MY FUCKING COUNTRY--THE CUNT). I hate my fucking gov. for allowing him into my country. And quit blaming Pakistan. This guy failed to kill any Americans, but American killer drones kill plenty of his people (you know the drone that that fucking Barrack George Bush Obama makes jokes about).
http://story.theusnews.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/187cf2a69985adcf/id/601495/cs/1/I fucking hate Michael Savage. He is such a fucking idiot. He keeps complaining that the left is defanging the U.S. military. WHAT! The U.S. spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined, you fucking Yutzi. What he would like would be to nuke all the Islamic countries in the name of ISRAEL (Israel can do not wrong according to Savagestein (unless they do something like stop using cluster bombs or killing Palestinian women and children, then he's upset)--of course most of his audience lives in New York and Florida--need I say more?). Were America not Israel's nigger, it wouldn't be involved in all this bullshit. Best of all it wouldn't have all the fucking Muslims living in the U.S. To show you that Savage is nothing more than a Jewish Limbaugh, after the Gulf oil spill he attacked the environmentalists for not speaking up. Is he fucking nuts? They have been warning about offshore drilling for decades. But like Limbaugh, Savagestein hates the left. If they do something right, it's wrong. He's just another talking head with his pockets full of $$$. If he wasn't getting rich working radio, he'd be working for his kosher brothers on Wall Street.
Oh yeah, I guess you heard that Limbaugh said don't worry about the oil spill. Nature will deal with the problem. But idiot Limbaugh doesn't give a fuck about fishermen whose livelihoods will be destroyed by the oil spill (or for that matter, about miners who lose their lives). He's all about BIG FUCKING BUSINESS. And he hates everything green except money, so he doesn't give a shit about wildlife. Like all the talking heads for big business, he's paid to look at the bright side--like the oil companies giving away free oil (like
Massey Energy (think massive profits) giving miners free live burials). Just head to the coast with your buckets (and free tarred seagull for every American pot). Millions of Americans are so fucking dumb that they believe everything that Rush says. If he tells his idiot listening audience that
BP (think BIG PROFIT/BIG POLLUTIONS) is giving away buckets of oil and tarred poultry, they grab their buckets and barbecue grills and head to seashore. :-)))) Hahahaha--fucking idiots.
But Savagestein was right on when he bashed the Kenyan president of
Amerika District 9 for his fucking sick joke. You don't don't know about that you fucking dumb fucks?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWKG6ZmgAX4And our boys in uniform also seem to think the killing is a big fucking joke--blood and guts, dead mothers and children, it's all something to dance about:
http://scci-iraq.com/us-army-soldiers-dancing-while-setting-up-a-mortar-in-iraq/631/And most recently:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKL8w-_zC_sYou see Americans can laugh because unlike the Iraqis and Afghan people who die each day because of the American killing machine, they are really safe--in spite of all the fucking media hype and right-wing talking heads like Savagestein.
This is the reality you are make a joke of, Mr. President:
http://mindprod.com/politics/iraqwarpix.htmlYeah, let's dance, let's joke. It's all fun and bloody games (brought to the Middle East by Israel and its nigger America). God I hate your president (he ain't mine)--and apparently he's been fucking somebody else than his wife. Taking lessons from Tiger Viagra 24-7 Woods? (Did you notice the erection logo (--> 0) on Woody's crotch for Viagra?) Obama's kids do look a lot like the beautiful black slut.
http://podblanc.com/vera-baker-update-obamas-affair-with-staffer-detailedDoesn't all that remind you of Supreme Court Judge Pubic Hair:
http://www.zimbio.com/America%27s+50+Most+Scandalous+Political+Scandals/articles/20/Clarence+Thomas+Anita+Hill+Pubic+Hair+CanHey!, you say, at least Barrack doesn't fuck white sluts.
And he wasn't responsible for turning Mother America into a whore for aliens. Traitorous white unAmerican politicians and businessmen did that. They would pimp their own mothers for a buck or a vote.
Oh yeah, what if the Paki did blow up a bomb, which he didn't because he doesn't have the balls of his patriots back home? Most likely he would have only killed a bunch of fucking alien street vendors. New York is not even an American city anymore. I live in a city that is American only in name. In reality it is a fucking alien barrio. Did you catch the NPR story on the fucking Russians who have taken over Brighton Beach, New York (called LITTLE ODESSA)? They don't want to get involve with the census. Why? Because most of them are members of the RED MOB or illegals.
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/74938/russian_mafia/Don't you just love the blessing of multiculturalism? Watch
Eastern Promises then
Scarface, then
American Me, then... Just read the fucking newspaper and you will see how America is being flushed down the alien toilet.
The fucking media says the alien Russkies don't trust the gov. because of what it was like in the old USSR. Bullshit. They don't give a shit about America. Some of them have been living off of American welfare tit for 15 years and can't speak or read English and don't want to. Read the RUSSIAN SHIT for yourself.
http://www.observer.com/2008/big-trouble-little-odessaOne more thing. The fucking media refers to them as RUSSIAN AMERICANS. BULLSHIT! They are fucking Russians living in America--that's fucking all. And they aren't real Russians. They live in Russia. Putin is a real Russian. The Russkies who live here are phonies. Actually I love the Russians, but not the Russian wannabes living in America because they don't have the balls to live in the Motherland.
By the way, you would think the fucking world was coming to an end because of the Paki bomber. America has been destroying two countries for ten years, and a car bomb is reported as if it were the end of America. I hope this is only news spin (listening to the news you would think it was a fucking nuclear device) and American moral hypocrisy. The American invasion of Iraq has resulted in thousands of car bombs exploding--ooh but the poor fucking Americans if one unexploded car bomb is found. I guess the CIA is planning to NUKE Pakistan so that it won't happen again. Why not keep those fucks out of the country in the first place? FUCK THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. I hate it worse than I hate the Paki (don't worry I got enough to go around). The fucking Paki hasn't betrayed America. (Actually he betrayed his own people. All the aliens living the fat life in US are traitors to their own people--like the Cubans, the Vietnamese, the Iranians, the Iraqis, etc. They live the fat life here and pretend to be patriots. Bullshit. They are not Americans or whatever they were before they invaded America. THEY ARE FUCKING NOTHING.)
And by the way, that moron Michael Savage today called the Muslims a bunch of morons because they can't even explode a bomb. That's because he think the US Gov. is inept. Is that fucking asshole nuts! Apparently his selective memory has forgotten Osama bin Laden who was able to drag America into two fucking wars that aren't over yet.
And how do our guys celebrate the slaughter they have brought upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan?
So who are the American whiners? For this we have to go to a different article in the same edition but first another article on the WONDERFUL FIRST LADY, though the LAST LADY to most Americans:
“Garden Produces Praise from Michelle Obama”
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/15/crowd-gathers-glimpse-michelle-obama/I ask anyone to try to find an American in the photo attached to this article. It looks like something out of
National Geographic. Like this (must excuse the idiotic fucking Dyson commercial, like the fucking Africans need a fucking vacuum cleaner for the dirt floors of their hut when they don’t even have toilets :-)))) Hahahahah )
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x84cff_migrants-face-humanitarian-crisis-o_newsWhat you see is a billion fucking Africans waiting to immigrate to any fucking where, best of all AMERICA. And why not, now that we have a Kenyon president? What you see in that broadcast are women from Zimbabwe trying to invade South Africa. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for these women, most of whom seem to have children or are pregnant. A humanitarian crisis we are told. BULLSHIT. It is a CRISIS OF STUPIDITY AND IGNORANCE. All these people can do is replicate and fight. They are worse than animals because at least animals have some sense of restraint. Just because the babies are cute and the young mother are pretty doesn’t mean shit. Remember those cute dinosaurs in
Jurassic Park that chew the fatso to pieces? That’s what these people do. They are nothing but problems looking for a solution at someone else’s expense.
The only human ability that most of them have is to use language—not to read or write it but only to speak it. So they immigrate to other nations looking for a solution at someone’s expense but most like creating more problems. And it really pisses me off that the U.S. Gov. takes my fucking tax dollars and spends them on bringing these fucking people into this country to destroy it without my having any say.
Oh yeah, and who is the fucking weeping lefty in the video? Ann Veneman, an American do-gooder—for the alien invaders, not for the host country. HOST: “a living animal or plant from which a parasite obtains nutrition.” The same goes for countries and America is REALLY FUCKING INFECTED. It has a giant tumor pumping infection into the country. What people like Veneman want is to transform America into the world’s largest refugee camp or alien infested tumor.
Here’s your fucking immigrant future:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNnKpLAHPJI&feature=relatedYou dumb fucks, try to read between the lines like “I’m an American but value my Somali heritage. Translated: she no more an American than Kudzu is an American plant—though it’s fucking taking over. For one thing the girl is a Muslim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS0WI_T1Q0IHey, I’m sorry but Muslim isn’t America. Now I’m no fan of Christianity (a religion full of fucking sick pedophiles and traitorous sanctuary churches), but Christianity is the ONLY AMERICA RELIGION. (The Indians have their own more sensible religions, but they belong to them.)
Hey, what do you think those Somalis are eating. A little gringo barbecue. Just kidding. :- ((( But just in case, keep the kiddies away from the Nebraskan refugee camps. :- \
One article about the LAST LADY was titled: “Zimbabwe woman garden produces praise from Michelle Obama”
Isn’t it fucking wonderful to know that America is being taken over by African (and SOUTH OF THE BORDER) aliens? I don’t know why Michelle Obama doesn’t promote lions, tigers, zebras for the gardens. I mean if America is going African, it might as well go all the way. Even some RHINOS, ELEPHANTS, and GORILLAS... Whoops! I forgot that the African boys have killed most of them. The RHINOS for the Asian, who use the horn for BONER SOUP (rumor has it, golfer and logo billboard Tiger in the Woods’ favorite). I saw on the Net that the slants | - )... eat the soup with a side of Tiger penis. FUCKING WEIRD!
And the ELEPHANTS are killed for their tusks:
“[T]he wildlife service links the upsurge in poaching with the growing CHINESE presence in the country. Chinese workers have flooded the continent, constructing roads, railways and dams in infrastructure-for-minerals deals.” (“New Wave of Elephant Poaching in Kenya”)
THERE YOU GO: EVERYWHERE THERE’S IMMIGRANTS THERE IS TROUBLE (just ask the American Indians). Africa has become an ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD. And this article is about Kenya. I wonder of Obama’s family gets in on the poaching action? Pretty soon America will be an AMERICAN GRAVEYARD.
The GORILLAS get killed just for fun—you know black boys with their AK-47s. Kind of like Americans killing Arabs for fun in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still there are a lot more Arabs than elephants. When the natives run out of bullets they get out the ol’ machetes and go after the women and children. :- )))) Hahahah Ain’t life grand! Here we are in America knowing fucked up all those other countries are (in Asia, south of the border, and Africa). And so what do we do? We bring them over here.
In the “Garden Produces Praise from Obama” article we are told:
“Somalian refugee Khadiga Musame, 47, gave Obama a tour of her 20-foot-by-20-foot space, where neat rows of kale and Swiss chard have replaced weeds.”
I am so fucking touched. And this person (hard to judge sex with a name like Khadiga) isn’t even a Zimbabweenian but from another fucking tribe. And she has to speak through an interpreter. More fucking insanity. What fucking good is this person to the America? I can tell you a bunch of way she will be a problem—like where is her fucking money coming from. And we need more gardeners? I thought we are importing them from south of the border. And what about growing food for fucking Americans?
“Musame wore the head wrap and patterned gown of her NATIVE LAND, which featured large MAPS OF AFRICA and a center medallion with the phrase “Hongera Barack Obama” (Swahili for “Congratulations Barack Obama”) spread above a picture of the president’s face.”
There’s more:
“The trip included some emotional moments with farmer Tsitsi Mutseta, 43, who has late-stage breast cancer. After their meeting, Mutseta said she told Obama that her garden provides solace amid the stress of dealing with the disease. Mutseta also said the patch MAKES HER FEEL CONNECTED TO HER FAMILY’S FARM IN ZIMBABWE where her mother and sister live [interpretation, bring them over too :- )))]”
First the fucking alien newspaper is playing the sympathy card. Yeah I’m sure there are millions of women with breast cancer in the 3rd world, if they haven’t had them cut off by the guys with machetes. So fucking what? Americans don’t want to spend their FUCKING MONEY on those people. They’ve got their own fucking families to worry about. But what do all those RICH POLITICIANS and LEFTIES care. We, not they, have to pick up the tab for our own demise. What a fucking joke.
This is a fucking sick joke on the stupid fucking Americans. We have an African president welcoming all the fucking African refugees to America so that in a few years the country will be an AFREICAN-HISPANIC-ASIAN ALIEN MISHMASH. Do you really thing the fucking people whose ancestors built the fucking country will be thrilled about that? NO FUCKING WAY.
The above broadcast is about Zimbabwe
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--K3X6rptE4That’s right, American grandmas better know how to shoot a machine gun. I don’t know where that granny lives but I’d love to be her neighbors. None of my neighbors
Oh yeah, one more fucking item:
“Not all of New Roots’ farmers were allowed into the private event, and one family living across the street showed its displeasure by displaying a sign that read, ‘Let the Growers In.’
Eliza Steeple, 46, said her mother, Helen Jennings, should have been invited because she helped get the garden off the ground by providing electricity through a line that ran across the street from her house.
‘It’s kind of disheartening,’ Steeple said. ‘I mean, look at us. We’re behind the fence.’”
HEY, it was an aliens-only event. Eliza and Helen should have got out the old Al Jolson shoe polish and they might have gotten in.
:-)))) Hahahah the jokes on you America! You dumb fucks!
And what was in the news the same day about the BIG CHIEF OBAMA?
“WASHINGTON - The U.S. Senate yesterday unanimously confirmed Judge Denny Chin to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, as Democrats continued to inch through a backlog of judicial nominees.”
That’s right, another alien judge hand picked by the PRESIDENT OF THE ALIEN NATION. Who is this guy? He was born in Hong Kong and couldn’t even speak English. I guess he took one of those jobs American didn’t want. :-)))) Hahahah the jokes on you America! You dumb fucks!
Oh yeah, almost forgot:
“Arizona Governor Signs Controversial Immigration Bill into Law”
And you dumb fuck Americans thought that BIG CHIEF OBAMA
http://www.south-africa-tours-and-travel.com/images/zulu-chief-with-weapons-and-shield-battleofbloodriver.jpgwas on your fucking side. You STUPID FUCKS! However, to be fair what was the option? Alien lover John FUCK AMERICA McCain. You see, democracy no longer works for Americans.
Let’s take a look at this Arizona thing:
First of all Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer [MY FUCKING HERO] signed into law the nation's toughest legislation against illegal immigration Friday”—meaning that she has bigger balls than that fucking traitorous eunuch McCain.
“Demonstrators [READ ALIENS—ALL ILLEGAL OR ANCHOR BABIES] have been camped outside the Capitol since the measure passed out of the Legislature on Monday. Their numbers have grown steadily throughout the week, with buses bringing protesters from as far away as Los Angeles. [READ MEXICO CITY NORTH OF THE BORDER]”
From another article:”Civil Rights Groups Fight Ariz. Immigration Law”
“The reaction was swift. William Sanchez [NON-AMERICA ALIEN], president of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders Legal Defense Fund, said his group was preparing a federal lawsuit against Arizona to stop the law from being applied. [FUCK YOU! I HATE THE ANTI-AMERICAN CHRISTIAN GROUPS]
The group represents 30,000 Evangelical churches nationwide, including 300 Latino pastors in Arizona. [WHAT IN THE FUCK DO I CARE ABOUT 300 LATINO PASTORS? I AM A FUCKING DARWINIST. Don’t you stupid fucking gringo get it? The invaders are using Christianity as a TROJAN HORSE. Of course you don’t get it. You are just tooooo fucking stupid.]
:- )))) Hahahahahah you mother fucker.]
I FUCKING HATE THE ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are fucking destroying my country.
Okay, a gun moment is needed:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1buCylSzpcThat’s right girls. Lean to shoot because the FUCKING GOVERNMENT is your FUCKING ENEMY and you FUCKING MILITARY is somewhere else getting it jollies killing PEOPLE WHO ARE NO FUCKING THREAT TO YOU. You must be able to defend yourself. There are a few GOOD AMERICAN MEN who will try to protect you but they have THE FUCKING ALIENS and the FUCKING unAMERICAN GOV. against them. You are living in the ALAMO DAYS OF AMERICA, and the traitors on the left and right who call themselves Americans have opened the gates to the enemy so that now the enemy is running and ruining your country. I am truly fucking sorry. You deserved better than you got from us. :,- (
By the way some idiot posted a comment below the video saying “Hey, can anyone guess why USA doesn’t get invaded? Remember that the Second Amendment was written to protect the First.” What part of America does this guy live in? I live in a state where Americans are a minority and a city where they are a super fucking minority and just a hundred miles north it ain’t America no more. OF COURSE AMERICA HAS BEEN INVADED! You fucking white folks living in the boondocks where there are still (but not for long) mostly white people need to take a vacation and visit the DISTRICT 9s of the USA—that is the big cities. THE ALIEN HURRICANE HAS ARRIVED AND AMERICA IS DROWNING IN IT.
Kind of like in that TV series INVASION. Of course if you analyzed the story carefully you see that it’s just more Hollywood proAlien propaganda. I mean the big star is a Cuban immigrant. Just like in the series LIFE in which Zen sidekick is an Iranian. And what about that dumb show LIFE ON MARS, where the white time traveler prefers what looks like a Puerto Rican chick to an all-American blond. IT’S FUCKING HOLLYWOOD PROPAGANDA, STUPID! THE SHIELD is the only series I’ve seen that seems to get close to getting it right. Hollywood should be called CITY OF PROPAGANDA, run by hedonistic queers, self-serving Jews, and American hating aliens (who consider America no more than a host in which to lay their alien eggs and spread their alien cultures like cancer).
BIG ALIEN CHIEF OBAMA, America’s NEMESIS said that Arizona immigration bill was a "misguided efforts" and threaten to "undermine basic notions of fairness" that Americans cherish. FUCK YOU! Fucking fairness. These motherfucking aliens invade our country and we are supposed to be fair. FUCK YOU! Some Hispanic is raping your mother (my country) and I say NOT FUCKING WAY and you say I’m not being fair: FUCK YOU. AMERICANS ARE ACTING UNFAIR BECAUSE THEY ARE TRYING TO PROTECT THEIR COUNTRY! FUCK YOU. You alien bastard you have no fucking connection to America. You pawn yourself off as a BLACK AMERICA! Bullshit. Your mother hated Americans and your father was NOT an American. FUCK YOU. You have no right to tell American what is fair or not fair when it comes to dealing with the FUCKING MILLIONS OF CRIMINALS who have invaded the country. Believe me, MR. ALIEN PRESIDENT, you just replaced George the Traitor Bush as the most hated man in America by Americans. I normally try to avoid the NIGGER WORD, but you bring it to mind. Why? Because you are a threat to my country. Most hated woman in the country? It’s not Sairhead Palin but Nancy Piss-on-America Pelosi. You know I never thought I could find anything I hated more than George Bush, Inc. But I have. :- )))) Let hatred reign during the final day of America.
Check this out:
See all those anchor babies waving American flags. Do you really buy that propaganda bullshit?
Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon [SELF-SERVING TRAITOR POLITICIIAN] told demonstrators the law is ‘tearing us apart,’ [NO DUMB FUCK, THE ALIENS AND TRAITORS ARE] USA Today reports. He plans to ask for the city council's approval on Tuesday to file a lawsuit to block the measure.
WIKIPEDIA: “Additionally, President George W. Bush appointed Gordon to serve on the Honorary Delegation to accompany him to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel in May 2008” BIG FRIEND OF THAT OTHER ALIEN LOVER.
http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/04/05/most-dangerous-states-crime-rankings-for-2010/That’s right. Arizona ranks 9th as most danger state in the Union. Could it be the fucking HISPANIC INVADERS? YOU FUCKING BET.
And the most dangerous cities? “Though nationwide crime was down 3.5% year over year in the first six months of 2008, the cities atop our list illustrate a disturbing trend: All 10 of the most dangerous cities were among those identified by the Department of Justice as transit points for Mexican drug cartels.”
Here is the HISPANIC REALITY reality:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTGNwSARj9AThis is the new HISPANIC NATION OF AMERICACA:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk7orFdE6JIOh yeah, “The president of Mexico has condemned Arizona's new immigration law, describing it as discriminatory.” YEAH, THAT’S WHAT YOU FUCKING DO WITH CRIMINALS. YOU FUCKING DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM AND KILL THEM OR SEND THEM TO PRISON OR TO THE SHITHOLE COUNTRY THEY COME FROM—LIKE YOURS YOU PIECE OF HISPANIC SHIT!
Felipe de Jesús Cojonerón Hinojosa also said he would step up efforts to protect MEXICANS LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES.
DON’T YOU FUCKING GET, AMERICA? You’re not fighting for your national survival against the MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country—which would be difficult enough (1) given how fucking naive and stupid you are, (2) given how many of your own people (Democrats—the thankfully dead Ted Kennedy—and Republicans—the Senator mummy from Arizona John McCain) are traitors, (3) given that a lot of really smart, really powerful subversive leftists (especially the leftist, Jews seeking minority status for Americans) are now in control of
America’s financial centers
America’s entertainment industry
America’s print and electronic media
America’s legal system
and America’s political system.
For example, California’s senators:
“FEINSTEIN was born Dianne Emiel Goldman in San Francisco to Betty (née Rosenburg), a former model, and Leon Goldman... Feinstein's paternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Poland, while her maternal grandparents, who were of the Russian Orthodox faith, left St. Petersburg, Russia, after the 1917 Russian Revolution.” (Wikipedia)
In other words, like most of the Jews running and ruining this country her ancestors were not a part of the building of America.
“BOXER was born Barbara Levy in Brooklyn, New York to Jewish parents Sophie (née Silvershein; born in Austria) and Ira Levy.” (
You see, the Jews go for the jugular. They know to take control. Look at what they did to Palestine, and only with half their population. You tell me how did America become so embroiled in Middle East politics, which has cost America trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, and it reputation. How did that happen? The Zionist pimps living in the U.S. made Miss America Israel’s whore. That’s how. AND FOR FUCKING WHAT? Israel is our ally. Bullshit. Israel is Israel’s ally. And if it were, what fucking good can the Israelis do America? Nothing. They have helped ruin this country (the Neocon-Zionist takeover of the U.S. Government, the takeover and total corruption of that temple of usury Wall Street, the takeover and corruption of Hollywood and the Disney Corporation, the political and legal support of illegal aliens, etc. etc. etc.). And the fucking Israelis dislike us as much as the Muslims.
Again, what was the BIGGEST CONTRIBUTING FACTOR IN ALL THIS? Americans are a bunch of gullible dumb shits schmucks. :- )) )) )) Ha, ha, ha, ha—da joke’s on the American goyim.
“The Canadian band Stars is boycotting Arizona due to the state's new immigration law.” Well fuck you. I don’t want your fucking ass in this country, and any American who buys your records or goes to your concerts are FUCKING TRAITORS. WOULDN’T IT BE FUCKING GREAT IF ALL THAT SCUM FROM SOUTH OF THE BORDER WOULD BOYCOTT THE US?
They are not Americans. They do not think of themselves as Americans. And most Americans (not the Marxist and other traitors) hate their fucking guts. And I hate the guts of the ALIEN NATION’S PRESIDENT—AND YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS:
And the HISPANIC NATION TALKING HEAD Mario Solis-Marich (who’s illegal in his family line?) says people should boycott Arizona. Who gives a shit about what Mario-the-Alien thinks we should do? He isn’t one of us but one of THEM. He is a District 9er.
And that FUCKING OBAMA says AMERICANS are misguided. FUCK OBAMA. And fuck the Jews like the hebe who wants to see Arizona overrun by Hispanic alien. What does Gordonstein care? The rich fuck can live in a gated community with his Jewish buddies. The asshole says he wants to fight crime but also wants to open the floodgates to SOUTH OF THE BORDER CRIME. FUCK HIM. I hate his fucking guts. I hate you all. WHERE IS MY FUCKING GUN? THE ALIENS ARE BREAKING IN!
"We're looking at going to Federal and state court and asking for an injunction," Gordon said, Time magazine reports, "saying that it's unconstitutional, because of the civil rights being violated and the vagueness of the statute."
Along with Gordon, two of Arizona's Democratic representatives in Congress, Reps. Raul Grijalva [FAT HISPANIC NATION FUCK] and Ed Pastor [ANOTHER UNAMERICAN HISPANIC ALIEN POLITICAN], spoke out against the law at Sunday's rally. Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox [THINK MISS PIGGY THE TRAITOR, THOUGH I DON’T EVEN THINK SHE’S ANY LONGER AMERICAN] joined them, the Arizona Republic reports, as did Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) [WE FUCKING KNOW WHOSE SIDE HE’S ON], who flew to Phoenix for the rally.
“Civil rights groups [READ ALIENS, LEFTISTS, AND/OR AMERICAN TRAITORS] were preparing to fight controversial anti-immigration laws introduced in Arizona.” [FUCK THE CIVIL RIGHTS GROUPS. FUCKING CRIMINALS DON’T HAVE CIVIL RIGHTS.]
This is what I’m hoping looking forward to for America. Hey, at least the aliens burn with me :- )))) Bring it one. Ain’t nothing to live for in USA DISTRIC 9:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7278951069225366106#GREEDY, PRIDEFUL, STUPID AMERICANS ARE ALSO AMERICA’S DESTROYERS.
Oh yeah, before I say good-bye to all you dumb fuck Americans I wanted to mention two more items that were in the same edition of the newspaper.
First the TEA-Party Protests.” What do I have to say about the tea-party people? This: FUCK YOU!
“Carolyn Harris, of San Diego, listens to patriotic music while carrying her sign during a Tea Party demonstration at the post office in Midway Thursday afternoon.”
You are such a fucking immoral bunch of pseudo-Americans. All you give a damn about is your FUCKING MONEY. You are the kind of shit Americans who thought the Vietnam War was a good thing because you are so fucking stupid and jingoistic. I’m not friend of the Jews, but you are the kind of people who would have been handing out flowers to the Jews crammed into boxcars saying “I hope you enjoy your stay at camp Auschwitz. I hear showers are revitalizing.” And where were you when YOUR FUCKING PRESIDENT WAS INVADING IRAQ FOR NO GOOD FUCKING REASON? And WHY DID YOU PHONEY FUCKS RE-ELECT A RETARD GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. YOU FUCKING MAKE ME SICK! :-(sick(
What else?
“Standing on the sidewalk in front of the Midway Post Office, Paul Thompson, 61, of San Diego called the president ‘a socialist at best and a Marxist at worst.’”
Fuck you. What do you know about socialism you dumb fuck? Actually it works a HELL OF A LOT BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE GOT HERE. But you don’t know that because you have probably never been to Europe. Ignorant fuck! I have. Have you forgotten that the socialist Bill Clinton (whom I fucking hate) didn’t leave the country in debt—only disgraced? Oh yeah, what about those MARXIST? What in fuck have your read of Marx? I bet NOTHING you stupid fuck! And what about MARXIST CHINA? Why are the eating our lunch?
“Outside the El Cajon Post Office, about 175 people waved signs with messages that read ‘God Save Us From Obama’ and ‘Taxed Enough Already.’”
These people are so fucking stupid. Why did Obama have to spend so much fucking money? Because the fucking Republicans let greed run wild. Why? Because it made them rich. FUCK YOU! I fucking hate stupidity. Oh yeah, what about God saving us from that fucking retard George Bush? A fucking pro-alien, war criminal who allowed Americans to be taken to the cleaners by a bunch of rich Jews and Zionists. Oh, but maybe that’s you. Fuck you greedy, immoral phony Americans! Or, if you are America, then I hope the country gets flushed down the alien District 9 toilet.
Fuck the phony, spoiled Tea Party fucks and all you fucking immigrants. I can’t wait to get out of this fucking joke of a country.
I try to complete a blog and more shit just keeps arriving. America used to be like a beautiful lake, but since the arrival of MILLIONS OF FUCKING ALIENS it’s turned into a toilet that you can’t flush. Now it’s running all over stinking up the place. For example, check this out:
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/27/advocates-gather-to-protest-arizona-law/Did you see those unAmerican aliens with signs NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL. :- )) )) )) Ha, ha, ha, ha, what a fucking joke. Okay lets explain to these idiots their idiocy.
You write a bad check, so the check is an illegal check.
You pirate a movie, so the movie is illegal.
You steal a car, then you are in it illegally.
You break into someone home, so you are there illegally; thus you are in an illegal state.
Our fucking prisons are full of people who committed illegal acts. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS means being in the country illegally, that their status is ILLEGAL ALIEN. In other words, there are millions of people who are ILLEGAL in the sense that they have committed a crime. THAT IS WHAT FUCKING ILLEGAL MEAN.
NO HUMAN BEING IS ILLEGAL—that’s true until they commit a crime, you dumb fuck. One’s behavior in relation to the law determines one’s legal state. ILLEGAL = CRIMINAL. Every fucking person who entered this country illegal is a FUCKING CRIMINAL. Okay, dumb fuck, let’s just call ILLEGAL ALIENS CRIMINAL ALIENS.
Criminal according to the dictionary: intruder. Person who trespasses. Synonyms: burglar, criminal, gate-crasher, infiltrator, interferer, interloper, interrupter, invader, meddler, nuisance, obtruder, prowler, raider, snooper, squatter, thief, trespasser.
Hey that sound just about right!
But we know it’s a word game, nothing more. So fuck it. But Americans who are not traitors will still hate your FUCKING GUTS. Oh yeah, they have an illustration of the STATUE OF LIBERTY. I fucking hate that statue and wish we could shove it up France’s ass. You know the French. They love to play dirty tricks. The Statue of Liberty was a very dirty fucking trick.
And what has the ALIEN INVASION GIVE US? Just off the press:
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hPSwshFPzVfadMmjIwIckSRrKxswD9FD137G2"SAN DIEGO — A 17-year-old Mexican was sentenced to 40 years in prison Thursday for murdering a U.S. Border Patrol agent who was lured from his vehicle during an attempted robbery and shot repeatedly in the head.
Defendant Christian Daniel Castro Alvarez, described as a one-time smuggler of illegal immigrants."
I have to admit I really don’t care about the agent. He is one of them. And we have to hire them because they speak the lingo. But now the American taxpayer will paying through the nose to house and feed his killer.
One more monster from SOUTH OF THE BORDER:
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/30/nyregion/30newark.html?src=meThe sole survivor of a notorious attack in a Newark schoolyard that left her brother and two friends dead almost three years ago, Ms. Aeriel told her story publicly for the first time in State Superior Court in Essex County.
But what she could not do was say much about the defendant in this trial, Rodolfo Godinez, 26. She identified another of the accused as the one who shot her and said a third hacked at her neck and shoulders.
Investigators have described Mr. Godinez, a native of Nicaragua, as a recruiter for MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, a violent street gang composed mostly of Central Americans.
Have you forgotten what MS-13 is? I will tell you. It’s your worse fucking nightmare, and your fucking traitorous government allowed it to invade America. Compared to these depraved BEASTS Al-Qaeda is quite civilized and humane. They have a fucking cause. They are not simply BEASTS.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWBU4DTzOckIf Natasha Aeriel is an American, and I assume she is, then Americans should be fucking outrage. Now she’s black and I know the crackers in the south probably love the beast who attacked her and killed her brother and two friends. That’s the way those NIGGER HATING HONKIES ARE. They don’t give a shit about saving America. They would rather be burning black churches and hanging niggers or joining the service so they can kill rag-heads who are not threat to America unless you allow them to immigrant to America. By the way you crackers notices that you are now a minority in your schools not because of the “niggers” but because of the aliens. NO FUCKING WONDER THAT YOU LOST THE CIVIL WAR! You know America is SO FUCKED UP I don’t think—I know—it can’t save itself.
Recently I went to Target. Hate going. Hate going anyway. My barrio is overrun by aliens. I walk inside Target and all I see are aliens. MUSLIMS, ASIANS, AFRFICANS (and I don’t mean American), and of course HISPANICS (lots and lots of Hispanics because the HISPANIC NATION now rules the alien barrio that was once an American community). There is no happiness. No smiles. All the different ethnicities hate each other’s guts. They are there only to buy their shit and get out. That why aliens come to America—to fucking shop. There are Americans scattered about. I feel like walking up to a family of my people and thank them for being their. It’s sad to see small American families among so many aliens—like they got no chance at all.
Then I know
why I hate aliens, why
I hate traitorous politicians left and right, why
I hate filthy unAmerican business for hiring illegals, why
I hate the military for not protecting the American home front, for
the destruction innocent women and children abroad, for
the disgraceful torture and slaughter of patriots defending their homeland.
And soon I will hate my country for its self-betrayal.
Then I will leave to avoid smelling its rotting corpse.
I fucking love militia groups. They are the ONLY Americans protecting America against those who will destroy it. Not the fucking soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan fighting a phony enemy. But these men and women who truly put their lives on the line to protect America from enemies without and within and who are running and ruining the country. They are the ones the jackboot CIA/FBI will come after. God bless the Hutaree Militia—victims of BIG BROTHER UNAMERICA. Perhaps the police in Arizona will be joining these patriots in the fight against those who will destroy this country.
WHOAH MOTHERUCKER! The Hutaree were goin’ to knock off our people—police, etc. What are you a fucking traitor?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_hkcVrN7FYBlacks and whites better unite or DIE!
And don’t let yourself be emotionally disarmed by those who will tell you that hate is wrong. Those who are incapable of hate are incapable of true love. They are the ones who can forgive the murderers of their children. And those who tell you not to hate probably want to conquer you. Love America and hate those who are exploiting her, assaulting her, selling her, raping her, killing her, betraying her. Because when she dies, where will your children go?
Time to flush the toilet into cyberspace.