Monday, May 17, 2010

Miss Lebanon is Miss America!

What a joke. Miss Rima Fakih wasn’t even born in this country but to a Shiite Muslim family in Lebanon. Just another example of how the country is being taken over by aliens with the help of leftist, multiculturalist organizations, which apparently the MISS USA PAGEANT has become. It’s nothing more than leftist, anti-American propaganda.

She’s described as an ARAB-AMERICAN. There is no such thing. Her fucking people did nothing to build this country. She is an Arab living in America. Do you think if I was living in Lebanon I would be an AMERICAN ARAB or a GRINGO LEBANESE? It all propaganda to convince idiot Americans that the alien takeover of their nation is a good thing.

:- ))))) Hahahaha

Fakih currently resides in Dearborn, Michigan, a safe-haven for Muslim aliens. By the way, Dearborn has become an unAmerican Muslim city. Wikipedia tells us that Dearborn has a population of 97,775, of which 30,000 are Arabs.

Check out the city’s Islamic Center of America (I know the name makes you sick!).

Check out the Mosque:

That's America? NO FUCKING WAY. And there is the Islamic Institute of Knowledge:

That’s a fucking joke. Their only source of knowledge is the Koran! One book wisdom--what is that!

We are told that Fakih is American first. Her loyalty is to her people first—which is the case for all the fucking aliens that have invaded America with the help of the traitors running the country. This is the Islamic reality in America, Muslims in Dearborn celebrating their being Americans. Take a close look at the flags:

Did you see many American flags? I didn’t either. What I saw was a lot of them American Araabs waving Araab flags.

:- ))))) Hahahaha

Hey, Mohammad, check out one of your own in the AMERICAN MEAT PARADE:

Getting hot, Mohammad? Here’s a close up:

Mohammad this is even better ;- ))) Hahahahaah:

I just love goggling Islamic sluts, like this is what Paradise is like--sorry, all out of virgins. You fucking Muslims don't like the Mohammad joke? Then keep the fuck out of my country and I will stop mocking your stupid HEBRAIC religion.

You didn't know that you are just Jews in drag? Supposedly you guys worship the same God the Jews do, but the God of the Jews hate your guts and treated your people like shit in the bad old days (of course today hasn't been all that good thanks to the Zionist Israel and its pit bull America). I mean listen Yahweh telling his people how much he hate your people's guts:

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you... [he's talking about your ancestors!]

and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally... [And that's what they did in the past and what Israel-America would like to do today if the rest of the world would just look the other way.]

Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy... [like Israel showing the poor fucking Palestinians no mercy, and I guess Hitler wasn't the first to come up with the final solution.]

Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD's anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you... [So maybe that was the reason Yahweh let the Germans have at the Jews because they were becoming too German, like those atheist Jews Marx, Einstein and Freud. But hey, you can send all your daughters to America. We are always looking for striptease artists and pole dancers.]

This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire... [yeah that's pretty much what the neo-con, Zionist Jews running the U.S. Government have been trying to get the U.S. Military to do--annihilate those Muslim bastards, crush Iraq, destroy Afghanistan, nuke Iran, and maybe even nuke Pakistan, and of course help the Israelis keep their boot on the neck of the Palestinians. The only good Muslims are obedient boot licking governments running those FREE SOCIETIES America so admires, like Egypt and Saudi Arabian]
Yet you continue to worship the GOD OF ABRAHAM, the God who dispised your ancestors and help the Jews steal your land:
The LORD your God will drive out those nations before you, little by little. You will not be allowed to eliminate them all at once.... But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed. He will give their kings into your hand, and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No one will be able to stand up against you; you will destroy them.
Sounds a lot like today. Ol' Yahweh doing his best to deliver you into the hands of the United States of Israel. :- ))))) Hahahaha

I don't get it. Maybe you ought to wake up and stop praying to the God of your enemy, a god who doesn't seem all that friendly to your people. Maybe you ought to think about rediscovering your own roots, maybe finding a religion or your own. What the world needs is a book titled THE HISTORY OF THE HARM DONE TO THE WORLD BY THE JEWS. The beginning of the harm is told in the Old Testament, and it continued in the New Judaism call Christianity and the tremendous harm it has caused people over the centuries. And then there is the harm caused by the Islamic version of Judaism--the religious infighting and wars of conquest inspired by Allah, who is Yahweh by another name.

You see, the harm caused by particular civilizations or political regimes comes and goes with those civilizations and regimes. Rome was brutal, but Rome is no more. The the Jewish plague originated over twenty-five hundred years ago but remains today as virulent as ever, primarily because Jews have taken control of the most powerful nation in the world, the USA. But Muslim can't write a book that traces the harm done by Judaism over the centuries and continues today because they are converts of Judaism. Mohammad is Judaism's most important Arab convert. It was like a Judaic infection that spread throughout the world in the form of Islam, just like Christianity before. That's an ugly truth, but true nonetheless.

It will never happen. The Muslims can't write that book because the Jews have them in their snare just as they do all the Christians of the world. Such a book would have to be self-condemming. :- ))) Hahahaha The BIGGEST JOKE IN HUMAN HISTORY!

Getting back to Miss Meat USA, Miss Rima Fakih, that hot little Muslim kebab. I bet Tiger Woods is thinking about becoming a Muslim so he can show her is balls and driver, at least for a night after seeing her strip show. Haven't you prayer fanatics learned yet that to become an American woman you have to become a meat slut like Brittney Spears?

You see in America you are never too young to be a slut. A YouTube video showed a group of eight to nine-year-old girls slut dancing on stage.

The theme: Too Young to Have Tits but not Too Young to Dirty Dance.

The girls are an inspiration to all the little around the globe. GET DOWN AND GET DIRTY—BECOME AN AMERICAN GIRL. The dancers’ inspiration is super-slut Beyonce.

Some prudish parents expressed alarm, but neither the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF CHILD MOLESTERS nor the AMERICAN CHILD PORN INSTITUTE saw anything wrong with the dance.

If you missed the video, too bad. Chickenshit YouTube says it’s no longer available due to a copyright claim by YUCK FILMS. So you will have to be satisfied with this:

I just don’t get that Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and all those uptight Muslim counties don’t want to become Americanized so their mosques can become discos and all the little children will have the freedom to dirty dance for Allah.

Hey, let's get the Statue of Liberty naked to let the Islamic world know what American culture has to offer: toss the Koran, take off those clothes, and start dirty dancing. ;-)8< Stick it to me daddy!

:- ))))) Hahahaha JOKES ON YOU, MOHAMMAD!


Check this out:

This is why America is FUCKED. It's too stupid to know that it's FUCKED.

:- ))))) Hahahaha