Don’t get me wrong. I consider Jews aliens as well. They are recent newcomers, which any American would know who does a little Wikipedia research on the Jews now in control of every important facet of American society. The Jews did nothing to build this country, nor did any of the other alien groups who have taken control of it. The degree of that control can be seen in your alien president, Chief Obama’s nominations to the no-longer SUPREME COURT: SONIA MARIA SOTOMAYOR and ELENA KAGAN.
Obviously your alien president is acting as quickly as possible to turn America into an ALIEN NATION controlled MARXIST-ZIONIST JEWS and their ALIEN ALLIES.
By the way, who are Americans? BLACKS whose ancestry goes back to the slavery in America (Sorry Obama.) NATIVE AMERICANS. And the WHITE EUROPEAN STOCK who built the country. Everyone else is an interloper. Those not from European stock are less than interlopers. They are ALIENS.
Puerto Rican SONIA MARIA SOTOMAYOR’S “father was Juan Sotomayor (born c. 1921), from the area of Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and her mother was Celina Báez (born 1927), from the neighborhood of Santa Rosa in Lajas, a still mostly rural area on Puerto Rico's southwest coast. (Wikipedia)
Sonia wasn’t selected because she was qualified. I’m not saying she isn’t. I mean the Supreme Court is packed with political appointees. These people ARE NOT extraordinary. Most Americans think the court is a big joke. Anyway Sonia was an Obama down payment to the HISPANIC NATION until he can make final payment to them with the SURRENDER AMERICA ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY ACT, which will be basically America surrendering to Mexico and its Hispanic allies. Obama IS NOT on the side of Americans. Obama IS NOT serving Americans. He is an ALIEN PRESIDENT serving the HISPANIC NATION now occupying the U.S.
He came out on the side of the HISPANIC NATION against the Americans in Arizona who are trying to preserve their state from thousands if not millions of ILLEGAL ALIENS and their ANCHOR BABIES. “A Gallup poll concludes that more than three-quarters of Americans have heard about Arizona's new immigration law, and of these, 51 percent say they favor it and 39 percent oppose it.” Who are the almost 40%? The Hispanics along with a few American traitors. In other words, that’s how much the Hispanics have taken over Arizona. Once the illegals and anchor babies can vote, Arizona will be annexed to the HISPANIC NATION. And what is the biggest contribution of the illegals to the state? CRIME:
Most dangerous states: Crime rankings for 2010
The ugly truth that nobody wants to admit is that states with large HISPANIC and BLACK populations have HIGH CRIME RATES.
Wikipedia tells us, “Since 1964, the U.S. crime rate has increased by as much as 350%, and over 11 million crimes were reported in the year 2007 alone.”
Yeah I’d say 1964 was just about the time the illegals really started flooding the country. United Farm Workers of America came into being about that time. It looked like a union but it was in fact an early, perhaps the first, Mexican civilian army to occupy the U.S. Its responsibility was to defend Mexicans illegally invading America. Its eventual goal was to conquer the Southwest. However, the phenomenal success of the HISPANIC INVASION and now expanded there goal of the HISPANIC NATION to the complete overthrow of gringo America.
AZTLAN RISING!!v=ajkAP_M4ZAM&feature=related
You better wake up, America—though I think it’s actually too late. Take a look at THE president. I almost said YOUR president, but he ain’t. He’s THEIRS! A good model for America’s future is South Africa. Those smiling nannies, gardeners, and other Hispanic workers in your homes and communities are like the smiling natives in South Africa who smile at their white masters in the day and cut their throats in the night. You might want to watch the movie DISGRACED or read Barrett’s novel STRANGERS because that is your future. And both show the white man’s behavior as being disgraceful.
DISGRACED shows how the white MAN has abused the black man (black women in this case) and his daughter (think his people) suffer as a result. And it’s true: whites never belonged in South Africa and exploited and mistreated the native peoples (just as the Native Americans suffered). I get that. But it’s a Darwinian world, and now the black man has his machete at the white man’s neck. If America ever again has a WHITE and AMERICAN president who isn’t a fucking alien-loving traitor like Reagan, Kennedy, McCain, Bush, etc., there should be an open-door policy to let into America all the whites living in South Africa. If we can do that for Cuba’s criminally insane and Africa’s diseased and uneducated, we can do it for the white people in South Africa who now must live in GREEN ZONE COMMUNITIES surrounded by a giant, hostile, diseased, crime-ridden, over populated African DISTRICT 9. Besides, we can use all the help we can get.
STRANGERS shows the American male’s betrayal of his family. Think of the American businessmen and politicians who have welcomed the invaders for votes and money. These traitors have the conscience and loyal of fleas. And America is their dog. That reminds me...
Another Obama Jew-appointee and another Jew thinking that he is better than the rest of us Yutzi Americans. This time the CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION COMMISSIONER. What a fucking joke.
“Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan D. Bersin said Thursday he didn't know he's required by law to file paperwork verifying that his household employees were authorized to work in the United States.”Now you know why the Jews are so big on turning America into a multi-cultural society—so they can have all that domestic help CHEAP.
Bersin told senators that he and his wife tracked the immigration status of a nanny, house cleaners and babysitters "on a piece of paper that was on file in our home."
God I hate Jews. They are destroying the country and living like kings as they do! If they are God’s chosen people, then I say FUCK GOD!
Yeah I was just thinking what a fucking joke TEXAS is. Those fucking Texans (and by the way I was born in that shithole of a state that produced the likes of Karl Rove, George Bush (the man who sold out America), his wife Killer on the Road Laura Bush, Tom gouge America Delay, and the Vietnam War (crime against humanity) blowhard John O'Neill who helped smear Vietnam Vet John Kerry, who at least had the moral courage to come out against the war.
Wikipedia tells us,
“In recent years, the Asian American population in Texas has grown, especially in Houston with its' newly developed Chinatown, in Fort Bend County, which has the LARGEST CONCENTRATION OF ASIAN AMERICANS in the southern United States, and in suburbs in western and northern Dallas, and Arlington near Fort Worth. People with ancestry from Vietnam [thanks to an illegal and immoral war], Pakistan, China, the Philippines, Korea, and Japan make up the largest Asian American groups in Texas. The Gulf Coast has the largest number of Asian-Americans in the state, due to the shrimp fishing industry attracted tens of thousands of Vietnamese, Filipinos and Chinese from the South China sea coasts in the late 1970s and 1980”I fucking love it that the Vietnamese and their allies are eating up the Texas cowboys. How do you say giddy-up in Vietnamese? Hahahahah. :- )))
And of course the Hispanics are killing Texas. Again Wikipedia:
The Hispanic population in Texas is increasing as more immigrants (including illegal aliens) from Latin America—primarily from Mexico—look for work in Texas.Don’t you just love it! Those fucking blowhards are experiencing a tornado of bad fucking Hispanic karma. I do because they fucking well deserve it.
The state has the second-largest Hispanic population in the United States—California has the largest Hispanic population.
Numerically, Hispanics dominate south, south-central, and west Texas and are a significant part of the residents in the cities of Dallas, Houston, and Austin. This influx of immigrants is partially responsible for Texas having a population younger than the union average.
Hispanic births have outnumbered Anglo ones since early 1990-s. In 2007, for the first time since early 19th century, Hispanics accounted for more than half of all births (50.2%), 34.3% of all new-borns were non-Hispanic White.
Arizona is today ALAMO AMERICA, taking a stance against the HISPANIC NATION seeking to take over Americans’ homeland.
“LA City Council Passes Economic Boycott of Arizona”
What did you expect? L.A. isn’t American. It’s an extension of MEXICO—MEXICO CITY NORTH. Who’s on the L.A. city Council? I’ll tell you alien enemies of America, Marxist Multiculturalist Jews, and gringo traitors. Mayor Antonio Santa Anna Villaraigosa is one of the generalissimos of the HISPANIC NATION. Take a look at FUTURE Barrio L.A.:
The cockroach people. The one thing they know how to do besides commit crimes is reproduce. Should you be worried America? Yeah... like really worried! :- (help!) You want help. Don’t expect any from ALIEN CHIEF OBAMA or GENERALISSIMO SANTA ANNA VILLARAIGOSA or BORDER-DEFENDER ALAN BERSIN. You’re on your own.
I know. It makes you want to vomit. But unlike the American Indians you fucking Americans didn’t think your country worth fighting for. EXCEPT FOR THAT LONE AMERICAN PATRIOT: COUNCILMAN GREIG SMITH who cast the only vote against the boycott. (Makes you think of founders of America like Capt John Smith--that the aliens, Jews, and gringo traitors don't give a shit about--if they know who he is. And I doubt they do.) God bless you Mr. Smith and GOD DAMN the others. We love you and hate the others' motherfucking guts.
Here’s a guy you need to listen to America:!v=vBLArmKL870&feature=related
Obama picks a Jewish Zionist-Lefty for the Supreme Court. Why? Because the Jews picked him to be president. It’s payback time.
You see that. Elena’s telling the Chief that she’s watching him. Did you really think Obama is running the show? The Jews are the ORGAN GRINDER and Obama is their MONKEY (as are most the politicians in D.C. and everywhere else for that matter). And who is the white, gringo, goyish monkey in the background. What’s his name again? Oh yeah, old point dog for the CREDIT CARD COMPANIES, usury is my state's game, JOSEPH R. BIDEN is my name. Biden petty much illustrates how much clout Americans now have in their country—none. The Jews and aliens have taken it from them
Looking for Elena’s father—because I know that her parents or grandparents are among the Jewish immigrants who have been flooding this country during the past century. And guess who I came across—another alien Jew, Neo-Con ROBERT KAGAN, born in Greece. Don’t you love how these alien Jews just start taking over once they get here? And they are good at it. In less than a century they have taken control of the United States. “In 1997, Kagan co-founded the PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY...”
What’s that? It’s a Neo-Con think tank founded by Jew Kagan and Jew William Kristol. These are two of the Zionist fucks who have taken control of U.S. foreign policy—which is in fact Israeli foreign policy. Americans should do a little research on how the Jews have destroyed the country—but they are too fucking lazy and stupid and the Jews know it. Most Americans think GAWD will save them. Well, he’s not doing a very good job. I mean I thought the Jews were the bad guys in the Christian God’s eyes because instead of worshiping his son who is also himself (so weird!) they nailed God to the cross. (How can that happen? Do you think a bunch of sandal wearing Greeks could nail Zeus to the cross? No way.) But if Americans don’t mind drinking the Hebrew Hemlock, I guess I should just accept it...NO FUCKING WAY!
Okay, enough of Elena Kagan’s family. However she studied under another JEW ROBERT SEAN WILENTZ who it turns out is a big friend of the Clintons. Don’t you get it? The fucking country is run by a country club of JEWS, ALIENS, and LEFTIST AMERICAN POLITICIANS. It’s a fucking private club. Behind the P.R. HYPE, these people don’t give a shit about Americans. Take the name of Robert Kagan’s think tank: PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY.
(1) To defend ISRAEL at all costs. And the cost in BLOOD and MONEY has been considerable. A few days ago NPR did a special on the Veterans Administration. About half of all the veterans of the Iraq and Afghan Wars are messed up mentally or physically. And for what? For Israel. 9/11 happened because America is Israel’s pit bull.
(2) So what do the American vets have to come back to? A nation overrun by illegal aliens and their anchor babies and under the control of leftists, aliens, and multicultural Jews who don’t give a shit about the American soldier. What they give a shit about is taking control of his homeland, which the American soldeir thinks he is defending. Man if that isn’t a joke. And that’s #2. The Marxists, aliens, and Jews now running the country want to turn America into a GLOBAL REFUGEE CAMP. The Marxists hate America for its capitalism, the Jews know they can take complete control of the country only after Americans become just one of many minorities, and the aliens just want the American Golden Goose, the land and nation AMERICANS BUILT.
(1) They are fucking land grabbers. They did it in ancient times, and they have done in modern times as soon as Hitler lanced the Hebraic tumor and allowed the disease to spread to America and Palestine.
(2) They are money usurers. Moses saw it when they worshiped the GOLDEN CALF, and Jesus saw it the Temple. We have seen it today on Wall Street. We see in it Hollywood where the filthiest, most decadent movies are made for profit. Hollywood Jews have turned Americans into worshipers of cultural filth. They are the preeminent mockers of everything. Remember Larry David pissing on Jesus?
Why is that? Because the Jews have no culture of their own except those silly men in black hats and pigtails:
So what can they do? Two things. First, mock the cultures of others. Second, become culture thieves. And they can do the latter in two ways. They can steal other cultures' art forms. Leonard Bernstein who composed the music for WEST SIDE STORY. And Kirk Douglas (real name: Issur Danielovitch), the phony American cowboy. They are parasites that feed off the cultural blood of others. I'm not saying they aren't talented, only that they are cultural mockers and cultural blood suckers.
The other way is the feed monetarily off of nonJewish talent. For example, Leonard Chess who lived off black musicians. And Brian Epstein who got rich off the Beatles. And you already know that they have taken control of Hollywood and Disney. The Jews are really good at getting rich. You've got to give them that. It's that love of GOLD and being good with MONEY, even in the house of God. And Moses didn't mind that they were land grabbers.
(3) They are salesmen. They sold the world on a Hebraic pipe dream that the JEWS WERE GOD’S PEOPLE. THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD is not all wrong. It was a story, like BEDTIME STORY or COCK-AND-BULL-STORY. But it was also the greatest FLIMFLAM of all time. By doing this they made sure that a bunch of Hebraic losers wandering the desert who should have been forgotten would never be forgotten. They even convince the so called rational world to worship one of their own as God. I mean these people are so fucking arrogant and self-centered they believe the entire UNIVERSE is all about them. It’s no wonder that they think it’s okay for them to fuck over anyone they like or dislike--it don't matter as long as they benefit.
What about Larry David? Remember the first time the Jews pissed on Jesus? They nailed him to the cross. Actually what Jesus told the Jews that got him into trouble was that they aren't so special. Hitler tried prove to them that God doesn't give a Matzah ball about them. Wiped out half of them. They still think they are the CHOSEN PEOPLE. And Christians (even Muslims!) continue to bow down to the JEWISH GOD. You gotta hand it to them. THEY ARE THE GREATEST CON ARTISTS THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.
Yuck! How will any lawyer be able to argue a case before the Supreme Court when he or she has to look at three of the ugliest women in the world?
Ugly #1: Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg
I have to admit the guys are a joke as well.
Ugly #2: Sonia Maria Sotomayor
Ugly #3 Elena Kagan
How can God’s people be so ugly? Hey, maybe they are in his image. Then I certainly don’t want to go to Heaven and have to look at a mole face God for eternity.
GOODWIN LIU for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Goodwin Hon Liu’s is the second son of Wen-Pen and Yang-Ching Liu, both of whom came to the United States from Taiwan.
However, if I must spend an eternity with God, I hope it's Ryuk, a much cooler god than the Hebraic old man who forbids the eating of apples. Ryuk loves apples and I'm sure he wouldn't be into killing whales since he seems to be a vegan:!v=-PeCDCkD68I&feature=related
There’s no end to it America. You are fucking finished. And it’s hard to feel sorry for you because you are so like your last president, you know Georgie the Retard: arrogant, selfish, and indifferent to the suffering of others. Yeah, you deserve to have your country turned into an ALIEN HELLHOLE.
4 solutions:
1. Direct vote. REPRESENTATIONAL GOVERNMENT no longer works in America (HAS IT EVER?). Americans should vote directly on every big decision, such as immigration, war, healthy care, etc., and before the aliens become a majority, which they are in places like California.
2. An American homeland should be created for Americans, just like the reservations for Indians. State secession would accomplish this. I would move to North Dakota next week if it were declared an American Homeland Reservation.
3. American soldiers could return America to Americans in a year's time. Right now they are fighting not for America but for the Fat Cat war profiteers and Israel and have disgraced themselves and the country as a result. If soldiers left the military after their time is up instead of reenlisting, then you bet the U.S. Government would kick the illegals and their anchor babies out of the country.
And American young people should refuse to join the military. Go to college and do something you can be proud of.
4. A military coup would be cool, like the cavalry coming to the rescue like they did in those old western movies that don’t mean shit to the Hispanic, Asians and Islamic hordes taking over the country, or to their ALIEN IN CHIEF HUSSEIN OBAMA. Personally I’d love to see one. But it’s not going to happen. The armed services have been having too much fun testing new weapons in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fucking generals don’t give a shit about this country. America has had some great generals, but not since W.W.II America's last and perhaps only great war--in the moral sense. Enrico BAJ's GENERAL capture the essence of military leaders today:
I mean you can't really admire military men who accept the slaughter of innocent men, women, and children and the destruction of nations as collateral damage.
This is what the U.S. Military brought to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan:
And this is what the new American military looks like to me and the rest of the world:
How can a country that spends more on its military machine than all the other nations in the world combined be threatened by a rag-tag group of freedom fighters that are more like a street gang than a military? Take a look:
But nobody complains about wasting so much money. Just imagine if most that money was invested in schools or in the economy.
Hey, I don’t want to end on a negative note. There’s always hope:!v=q6bra1wPFVg&feature=related
Hahahah :-)))
Okay, I was just kidding. We can get along, right? Just imagine a happy MEXICAN-AMERICAN future together. For example:!v=TtZruqYC6ns&feature=related
Like when the lion lies down with the lamb: Lion = Mexicans Lamb-Chops = Americans. Where is the lamb? In the lion's stomach.
Hahahah :-)))
Hahahah :-)))
Hahahah :-)))
Hahahah :-)))
Hahahah :-)))
Hahahah :-)))
I can’t stop...