Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July & Americans' Loss of Independence!

4th of July is supposed to be a celebration the nation's independence. What a fucking joke. If anything it should be a lamentation of Americans' loss of independence.

1. Illegal aliens: Obama is itching to sign America’s surrender to millions of illegal aliens and their anchor babies. The Census Bureau says there are 50 million Hispanics in the country growing at 10% per decade. USA Today says the Hispanic population will triple by 2050. 150 million Hispanics! Mexico population today is only 106 million. Just imagine the welfare roles, the hundreds of thousands of gang members, the swelling prison population (2 million today, the largest in the world), the failed schools, the thousands of American communities transformed in to dangerous, dysfunctional barrios... THAT’S FUCKING INDEPENDENCE? I don’t think so.

2. America’s failed education system: “‘You have high schools in Los Angeles that send more kids to prison, than they graduate from college,’ Michael Piscal said. ‘ It's time for a radical, radical change.’” I agree, L.A. high schools are dysfunction, but don’t blame the schools blame the students and their families. Schools can’t fix broken cultures, in this case black and Hispanic. Take a look:!v=VkjA512NTjM&feature=related

I don't find many scholars there. The last video captures the romantic aura of Mexican gangs. So why would they give themselves over to the gringo way of life. They are like the Indians. The problem is America is allowing MILLIONS of immigrants to invade this country who don't really want to have anything to do with America. They come here and establish their own communities and as a result undermined America's ability to be inspired as a unified nation. The massive immigrant invasion hasn't made America stronger but weaker by destroying her integrity. She's rotting from within, and Americans are losing control of their nation. This country does not belong to the Jews, Mexicans, South Americans, Vietnamese, Iranians, Iraqis, Russians, etc., but to Americans. The new immigrants will become to Americans what the Jews are to the Palestinians. And the result will be collapse from within--not because of some terrorist attack from a band of crazed Taliban. Osama must really be laughing up his sleeves. He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams because of the corruption in Washington and the gullibility of the American people.

The drop out rate for both blacks and Hispanics is about 50%. And we keep on importing more dysfunction. America has become a refugee camp for all the failed states of the world. (Asians excepted, but they are not overwhelming the system.) Why is California the 3rd dumbest state in the Union when it used to be at the top? Illegal immigration. First of all why is Vermont the smartest state in the Union? Because it’s mostly white American. Why are New Mexico, Nevada, and Arizona among the dumbest states? Hispanics and other immigrants. Why are Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana among the dumbest states? Blacks. Schools in the barrio and the hood are like Green Zones, more concerned about security than education.

What all this means is that America is spiraling downward educationally. A country filled with millions of ignorant people will not rebuild but continue to decline. That’s hardly independence.

3. Jews run the America: The government, foreign policy, financial institutions, the media, Hollywood, Disney, every fucking thing. And their goal is to turn America into a multicultural society, meaning Americans (white, black, and red) will no long be in control. Look at New York City were a billionaire Jew just bought the election. White Americans are a minority there. That’s what the Jews want because they know they are smarter than most the immigrants, but they need their leftist votes to keep them in power. Why? Jews love power and they want to use America as Israel’s pit bull.

What is the Zionist global agenda and America's role in it? Take a look:

4. The military-industrial complex: More money is spent on the U.S. military than on all the other militaries in the world combined. And for what? To protect us from Afghanistan? From Iraq? From Iran?

By the way, how many nations has Iran invaded in the past 50 years? The U.S., on the other hand, invaded Vietnam and killed 2 to 4 million people (See “Vietnam War,” Wikipedia). We’ve been killing Afghans for 10 years. We invaded Iraq on the behalf of big oil and Israel, where we have killed hundreds of thousands of people and destroyed their country. And in 1953 the U.S. and Britain overthrew an elected government in Iran on the behalf of British Petroleum, the same company that created the mess in the Gulf. In place of the elected government we installed the Shah and a 27 year dictatorship. Read about it:

Did Americans know about this? No. Their government does whatever it pleases, and what it does has most to do with BIG BUSINESS and ISRAEL (big money).

Americans are paying through the nose for a military that has not been needed since the end of the Cold War. Why? War profiteers. All the military does is takes money from the taxpayers—take, take, take. On the other hand, the automotive industry employs Americans and sell its cars to other nation bring back their money into the U.S. economy. At this moment the U.S. auto industry sell more vehicles to China than to Americans. That’s good. That’s what the Chinese learned a long time ago, but the U.S. Government hasn’t learned. The big military is a financial and moral black hole, but Americans have no control over it at all (and perhaps are so arrogant that they don't really give a damn).

5. And warmongers still run the county: Obama and Clinton. Clinton just signed off on the missiles in Poland to protect Europe she said. Read ISRAEL, though Israel can protect itself, but why should it when Americans will foot the bill. And Europe certainly is not threatened by Iran. It’s military grandstanding that doesn’t benefit the country at all. On April 10, 2010, the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech KaczyƄski, along with 89 other high-ranking Polish officials died in a plane crash. Bad karma perhaps for joining in the U.S. invasion of Iraq and allowing U.S. missiles on European soil, just like in the bad old days of the Cold War.

By the way, America likes to portray Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran as a THREAT! I don’t consider him very bright, but how many people has he been responsible for killing. How many people died in those million people riots in Iran recently? 50 to 70. How many people have Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld been responsible for killing in Iraq and Iran? A hell of a lot more. And let’s not forget about the U.S. Government's killing American protesters during the Vietnam War. And the Jews?

An Israeli killing American protester Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer:!v=O3JI-axaRF4&feature=related

And look at what Biden calls America’s most important ally did to an American ship:

And did Iran invade and occupy another people’s homeland, as the Jews did Palestine with the help of the U.S.?

Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are nothing more than a boogieman created by the U.S. and Israel to distract attention from their own real crimes against humanity. In fact, Obama and Clinton have continued the militaristic crimes against humanity policies of the previous administration and now have more Iraqi and Afghan blood on their hands than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has on his.

Politicians play the power and money game, and don’t give a damn about the American people.

6. Republicans and Democrats: Let’s keep it simple. Republicans serve the industrial-military complex and the rich. The Democrats are basically multiculturalist Marxists, like Ted Kennedy, who are more interested in benefiting illegal aliens than Americans. Some politicians, like John McCain are both. The reality is democracy isn’t working for Americans. If you don’t believe me then you are not paying attention to what’s going on.

7. The economy:
National unemployment rate is 9.5 percent. Almost 9 million workers out of work. Millions of Americans have lost their homes and are still losing their homes.

“U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter from a year ago.... A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are starting to wade through the backlog of troubled home loans at a faster pace, according to a new report.” (CBS News)

How many Americans have become slaves to inflated mortgages and the credit card companies?

"Private debt is much higher now than during the Great Depression, and has been allowed to grow as if there were no consequences to borrowing, and no limit to what can be paid back in the future.

Rising Debt to Income Ratios
Year Debt to Income Ratio
1952 40%
2006 126%

Source: Center for American Progress (CAP) Report
America is frequently called the ‘richest nation on earth’, but the reality is that the American people are living on borrowed money.”

The recession killed off 7.9 million jobs. Most won’t come back because they are linked housing and manufacturing. Home sales have declined because of the end of the $8000 incentive, which was greatly abused by crooks. And most the homes sold have been foreclosures by investors waiting for the recovery.

But how will that recovery occur if America doesn’t make stuff the way China does. Isn’t about 80% of all that Wal-Mart sells made in China? Sure there are jobs public sector jobs, but many states and cities are broke. And those jobs don’t produce wealth, just draw off of it.

China might be economically independent, and Germany, but not America. In fact, some believe that the financial bubble created by the Obama administration might just pop and then where will the so-called recovery money come from? Read this:

And watch the documentary Collapse.

And where did all that recovery money go? To a bunch of fat cats it seems to me. And why was Bernie Madoff, the shyster who shit on his clientele, of all those Wall Street crooks the only one to go to jail? Because they run the government and the legal system, and you know who they are! Bernie was a scapegoat for the others.

I could on and on and on but this shit is too depressing. However, the conclusion is this: There is no reason for Americans to be celebrating INDEPENDENCE DAY when they have little or no control over anything—not even a lot of stuff close to home or in the home. And as soon as Obama surrenders America to the aliens, there will no longer be an America. Then America will be so disunited it will be a dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest nation. And that kind of nation cannot be inspired to greatness. Obama—the messiah from Kenya—apparently believed that he could bring America together, to unite America in the way John Kennedy did. He was dreaming. For one thing most Americans hate his guts, just as they ended up hating Bush’s guts enough to vote for a Kenyan. America can no more be united than Afghanistan. It’s become a nation of tribes. I think that’s why politicians want to keep a war going, to unite us. Most Americans don’t buy that shit any longer. We’re just trying to survive the multicultural wars at home.

Independence Day—yeah if that means that each American is now on his or her own! Remember Lord of Flies. Well, welcome to future America! ;- ))) Hahahah