What caused Rep. Weiner to flip his yarmulke? Could it have been repressed guilt caused by his subconsciously knowing that 9-11 was the fault of Zionists Jews? I suggest that Anthony see a gentile psychotherapist; perhaps Woody Allen could recommend one.
The big deal that got Weiner’s earlocks into a knot was the Republicans voted down a bill to provide long-term medical benefits to 9/11 first responders. As a result Weiner started foaming at the mouth and speaking in tongues.
Perhaps deep down in that ever-growing caldron of Jewish guilt Weiner realized that were it not for the Zionist Jews like himself in America, who have taken control of the U.S. Government, the 9-11 attacks would never have happened. This is what Osama bin Laden, Weiner’s Abrahamic brother, said:
"Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we WITNESSED THE INJUSTICE AND TYRANNY OF THE AMERICAN-ISRAELI ALLIANCE AGAINST OUR PEOPLE IN PALESTINE AND LEBANON.”
And bin Laden is fucking right. The Jewish occupation of Palestine was an act of Zionist colonialism, just like in the bad old biblical days when the terrorist Joshua invaded Palestine and slaughtered its inhabitants, but this time supported and aided by U.S. Zionist sympathizers. And the crime against humanity continues in Israel’s torment and repression of the Palestinian people.
And one could argue that the Jewish control of the U.S. Government, as well as of America's media, entertainment industry, financial institutions such as Wall Street, and legal system (look who’s going to be our newest justice of the not so Supreme Court) is the result of the Jewish neo-colonization of America by the Jews who invaded America (as they did Palestine) in massive numbers after W.W.II.
So I say let Israel pay those benefits—as well as the benefits for all the G.I.s killed fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq—because the Zionists in the U.S. and Israel are the ones responsible for the Americans who died on Sept. 11, 2001 and who have continued to die as a result in the Middle Fucking East.
And by the way mad dog Weiner voted for the war against Iraq even though Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, unlike the MAIN FUCKING CAUSE, the state of Israel and its U.S. collaborators. His hands are filthy with the blood of American soldiers and innocent Iraqi men, women, and children. And he’s a fucking hypocrite—playing the role of Mr. Nice Guy while authorizing the horror against the Iraqi people and supporting Israel’s Palestinian concentration camps.
Check this out:
What Jewish rant does that remind you of? Go back to Jesus you stupid Republicans! :-)ha)ha)ha)
I say, FUCK Rep. Anthony Whiner!
And fuck all the Republicans for allowing the Zionist neocons to take control of the American government so that it serves Israel instead of serving the American people.
Here's one such specimen of a Zionist neocon, that creep Wolfowitz:
And fuck the Democrats for going along with the neocons and for collaborating with the illegal immigrants and for participating in the Hispanic Nation’s overthrow of the American Nation. Don’t you get it, America? The aliens and Jews have stolen your country. Turn off the fucking TV* (that means see the footnote) and pay attention!
America is being colonized by Mexico! The old colonizer has become the colonized, which wouldn’t be so bad if Mexico weren’t a Cro-Magnon society. That’s right. The progress clock is spinning backwards in America. American communities are being de-civilized by the Hispanic hordes. Being colonized by Mexico is like hooking up a healthy person to an I.V. of bubonic plague. What is being pumped into America’s veins is a cultural form of bubonic plague.
And it’s too late, America! You lost because you were betrayed by the likes of Reagan, Ted Kennedy, George Bush, Clinton, McCain, and all the other unAmerican traitorcrats who have been working so hard to destroy this nation.
Alamo America is under siege just as Iraq was and Afghanistan continues to be. But eventually, the Afghans and the Iraqis will take back their countries because they believed they were worth fighting for. Do you really believe sending U.S. soldiers to fight in the Middle East—while you sit on your couch watching TV—is fighting for your country? Do you really believe Al-Qaeda was ever a threat to America? If you do, you’re a fucking idiot. Destroying some buildings is not the same thing as conquering a nation. Osama bin Laden didn’t allow the hundreds of thousand of Islamists into this country. The Marxist-Zionist traitors running the U.S. Government did that. Blame them and Israel for this:
Not Osama bin Laden.
Lock and load, patriots! America’s end days are drawing near.
*For example, why in the hell would any AMERICAN give a damn about the news about Chelsea Clinton’s wedding? Some idiotic female commentator (I believe it was on NPR, but I may be wrong) said that since America has no aristocracy, people like the Clintons become our aristocracy. I say, give me a fucking break—Bill Clinton aristocracy, the guy who got his knob polished in the White House by the tongue of the Jewish princess Monica Lewdinsky? Don’t make me fucking sick. And who did Chelsea marry? Marc Mezvinsky, “former Goldman Sachs investment banker. He works at the hedge fund G3 Capital” (Wikipedia). That doesn’t make you sick?!
And here’s dad:
“[Ed] Mezvinsky was involved in a series of business transactions that ultimately led to his downfall.In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. Nearly $10 million was involved in the crimes... After serving five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008. He is expected to remain on federal probation until 2011, and owes substantial restitution to his victims.” (Wikipedia)
Will the son follow in his father’s footstep? He doesn’t have to. Dad stole enough money for the whole family and I’m sure his Jewish friends will look out for the kid.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is the new movie about Jewusurer like Ed, you know people who make money from money. No wonder the Jews hated Jesus, you know his condemning a life devoted to money. It was like he was telling Jews and they could be Jews. So JC got nailed to the cross. Michael Douglas stars in the movie. It takes a rich Jew to play one. You remember, he the one with the drug-dealing son, Cameron. I mean it was like the kid didn’t have enough money. Greedy, greedy, greedy. :---) Can’t say Jesus didn’t warn you.
Why hasn’t God punished Jews for being so greedy? Well, he tried. Wasn’t that Hitler’s job? Of course the Nordic botched it given he destroyed Europe as well and allowed enough Jews to live to reestablish themselves, like those small mammals that took over after the big dinosaurs bit the dust. Still, Jews have to bear the cross of hatred for fucking people over. Just take a look at the harm they have done since the end of World War II—to the Middle East, America, and Europe. And let’s not forget that those nutty Muslims are really members of the Jew brotherhood. I know, it’s fucking nuts!
Okay, conclusion. America has no aristocracy (look up the fucking word!). What it has is a PLUTOCRACY run by fatcat Wall Street and political types, like Mezvinsky & Clinton, Inc. They don’t really give a shit about Americans because they don’t associate with you. Like Henry VIII in The Tutors they live in the bubble of the wealthy that floats high above ordinary folks and their silly morality.
Maybe you shouldn’t turn off the TV, America. Reality America is pretty fucking bleak.