Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Effect of Japan’s 3/11 versus America’s 9/11: Ascent versus Decline

I have no doubt whatsoever that the Japanese will rise from its earthquake crisis like phoenix, stronger, more unified, more appreciative of themselves as a people. This tiny island country has had until just recently the second largest economy in the world. Their creativity and quality productivity are equal by only a few other nations in the world, the U.S. not being one of them.

Completely destroyed by the the U.S. during W.W.II, cities wiped out by U.S. firebombing and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, they then rose from the rubble like that mythical bird. Whereas the U.S., untouched by the war’s destruction, the greatest manufacturing nation in the world, would just two or three decades later begins its decline. Kennedy could appeal to the American people to ask not what their nation can do for them but what they can do for their nation. The result was Americans put on man on the moon. But those days would not last because the American nation would degenerate into an international refugee camp riddled with greed and corruption.

In other words, the U.S. Government gave a damn only about what Americans could do for the country, not about what the government could do for Americans. Kennedy would lead America into the Vietnam War. And I ask you, how in the fuck did that war benefit Americans? AND how have the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq benefited Americans, other than those working for the Military-Industrial Complex and living off the Americans taxpayer.

The Japanese still possess that quality Kennedy was appealing to. They remain a people united and devoted to their nation, their shared culture, and one another. Japanese society is linguistically and culturally homogeneous with small populations of foreign workers. Whereas America has become a multi-lingual refugee camp, a disunified, chaotic cultural hodgepodge consisting of warring tribes.

This earthquake-tsunami crisis will reawaken the Japanese to their greatness, perhaps a greatness they had recently taken for granted. It will re-harden the steel of the Japanese character.

Tonight I am drinking Asahi beer in honor of Japan. And I have the fridge also loaded with Sapparo. I never drink Miller, Budweiser or any other American beer. Budweiser was once America’s greatest beer. Now it belongs to Belgium. That is just one illustration of how Americans (especially the wealthy ones) don’t give a damn about Americans. They only give a damn about profit. So why should Americans give a damn?

Americans Feel Only Betrayed

I feel no commitment, loyalty, or patriotism toward the U.S. I may live in the U.S. but I don’t live in America. Eighty percent of the people I see when I leave the bunker are aliens. I live in a refugee camp consisting of Hispanics, Asian Indians, Arabs, Somalis or some other African tribe, Filipinos, Koreans, Eastern Europeans, and other ethnic groups or nationalities I can't identify.

After 9-11, a mini-tragedy compared to what happened in Japan, America went on the warpath, just wanting to kill as many Arabs in Afghanistan as possible. And under god awful George Bush, an America that should have been united split down the middle, so an ideological civil war irrupted within the country that continues today. Of course, the illegal aliens were pouring across the border like the barbarians into Rome to escape the country their own ignorant, irrational, corrupt people destroyed, coming here to destroy America, criminally, financially, and demographically. Officially they are 50 million strong. The Census Bureau says,

Based on the middle-series projections, the Nation's population is projected to increase to 392 million by 2050 -- more than a 50 percent increase from the 1990 population size. During the 1990's, the population is projected to grow by 27 million, a 10.8 percent increase. This assumes that fertility, mortality, and net immigration would continue to reflect recent trends.

Arturo Vargas explains,
New Census data confirms what we've been seeing for some time now: America has a new face. Latinos are now more than 50 million strong and represent one in 6 Americans. WE accounted for more than half of the U.S. population increase since 2000, and we exceeded estimates in some states. We are the fastest-growing segment of the nation's population and already the second largest.
Of course Arturo, being one of them, is thrilled about his people’s taking over the country gringos built. He says further,
The next step after we fully digest all these numbers is redistricting. The districts created during this year's redistricting process will decide the political landscape for at least the next ten years, and the LATINO COMMUNITY DESERVES THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROCESS TO CREATE DISTRICTS THAT REFLECT THEIR NEEDS AND ELECTORAL PREFERENCES.
Of course they deserve the right to everything America has to offer, even though they broke into the country illegal and laid their anchor eggs in the nests of American communities, using crime, graffiti, gangs, and general all-around barbarity to drive gringos from the communities they built.

It works. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of the barrio I am presently in. By the middle of this century gringo Americans will have become a minority in their own country.

Ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S. will become the majority by 2050, by which time nearly one in three U.S. residents will be Latino. The following video shows Mexicans moving into America.

It’s like waking up one morning and finding yourself in a Resident Evil game. Here’s the new America:

The result is and will continue to be a lot of hatred. When Americans are told to ask what they can do for their country, their reply with be FUCK THE COUNTRY THAT BETRAYED ME!

An Illustration of How Americans Are Now at War with One Another

On the front page of the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune is an article titled “Governor Ponders His Next Directions.” What’s the problem? Well, the Democrats, consisting of aliens, Jews, and Marxists, want to keep soaking the American taxpayer to bail California out of its 15 billion dollar debt. One reason for the debt can be explained by the fact that Americans are now a minority in California. In other words, the state, encouraged by traitorous, profit-grubbing businessmen, the Catholic Church, and Marxist politicians, has been flooded with illegal aliens and their anchor babies who can’t pay their way. Given the fact that California soaks its citizens for state income tax and outrageous sales tax, yeah Americans say FUCK YOU! We’ve had enough of being robbed by politicians who have betrayed us.

Fucking leave Americans alone! You allowed their country to be ruined demographically, culturally, and financially. Now you continue to rob them as they try to survive in a multicultural jungle.

In the same edition of the paper is another good example of how fucked America. This case is about the pig politician Former Bell city Manager Robert the Pig Rizzo. The interesting thing about Bell, California, is this: 90.90% of the population is Hispanic or Latino of any race. That’s right. It’s overrun by aliens and thus totally fucked up. That’s America’s future.

Pulling Weeds

In the same edition there is also an article about pulling nonnative ice plant. What’s the big fucking deal? We don’t keep out the non-Native invaders from south of the border—who are in the process of completely destroying America—and we worry about fucking ice plant!

Mexicans’ Yes-We-Can Take over America March

“A march for Civil Rights Leader Chavez”

Yeah, in the same paper. I swear to god every edition is soaked with bad new for Americans, if only the fact that Hispanics seem to be on every page. In the marches what you find are Mexicans marching against their enemy the gringo. They don’t identify with America. All they want is to come here (illegally), get jobs, milk social services, and build their Mexican enclaves. They seek to transform America into Mexico. The newspaper photography tried to avoid the Mexican flag, but it was there. I couldn’t find the article online but in this one of Lubbock, Texas, the flag is clearly and proudly presented:

In both articles there was complaining about workers' rights. Isn’t it odd how these people don’t recognize laws or the right not to have one’s country invaded, but bitch about their rights when they get here?

And they bitched about their children not being educated, which is mostly their own fault given Hispanics would rather drop out than graduate. In Texas, "Hispanic males are the lowest-performing group, graduating at a rate of less than 53 percent."

Even if the academic performance of chicanos and chicanas (who rather get pregnant and drop out than graduate) performance was better, Americans don’t believe they have any obligation to pay for the education of the anchor babies of illegal immigrants. Mexico should be footing the bill. That's their country. Americans think: Fuck off! We don’t fucking like you and never will. You have proven yourselves to be our enemy.

Take a look, yes the same edition of the paper:

That’s the thing about Hispanics, no impulse control. They are like their favorite pets: pit bulls.

Illegals Desecrating the American Cemetery

That’s right, the illegals are pissing on American graves, if they’re not digging up the bodies for the gold teeth. You see, a people’s homeland is sacred like a cemetery. And those who enter into them to desecrate them are evil. Let me explain the analogy. By entering the country illegally and dropping their anchor babies illegal aliens are pissing on American laws and lawfulness. When they exploit American taxpayer by using emergency rooms, receiving welfare benefits, food stamps, sending their anchor babies to American schools and clinics, and exploiting all the services they are not entitled too morally or legally they behave like grave robbers.

But then you might ask whether America is truly a graveyard. Yes it is. Today it’s politically and culturally dead. Were it not dead its politicians would have protected it from the invaders.

But what about the Indians? Didn’t the Americans and their European ancestors do the same to the Indians? Of course they did. But at least the Indian tribes didn’t have traitors as chiefs. But my point is the Indians hate the white man’s guts, as they should. You see the multicultural agenda destroyed the Indian nations, just as it will destroy America, transforming America into Americaca, in other words turning America into shit.

Since the war the clock has been turning back to the time when American women and children were no safe and mom needed to know how to use a gun. America has as allowed itself to be invaded by hostile, aggressive, American-hating illegal and legal aliens (remember the Fort Hood shooter or the killer Hmong Chai Soua Vang, who murdered six Americans, both men allowed in the country legally?). It seems every ethnic group brings along with it gangs, organized crime, and a general tendency toward criminality. With the illegals that began at the border.

tells us, “There were at least 30,000 gangs and 800,000 gang members active across the USA in 2007, up from 731,500 in 2002 and 750,000 in 2004” Hispanics account for the majority of gangs (41%), though blacks do their part at 31% .

Hasn’t black culture become a gang that celebrates gang values? The answer is yes. And black culture has probably been the greatest corrupting influence upon white youth. Blacks never became truly civilized in American society. Once they repudiated white values, they adopted what I call the culture of the Mau Maus. Entering the black ‘hood is like entering Ivory Coast or Mogadishu.

For example, this article in today’s Sunday edition of the San Diego District 9 Union-Tribune:
MIRA MESA (CNS) - A man used a handgun to force a donut shop worker to drink liquid dish soap in an unsuccessful effort to get the combination to the store's safe Saturday, police said...

The suspect had sneaked into the store, at 6921 Miramar Rd., when the employee opened the rear door to take out the trash. He is described as black and was wearing baggy blue jeans and a baggy gray hooded sweatshirt, and is still on the loose.

And “baggy blue jeans and a baggy gray hooded sweatshirt” is now all the rage among white kids. It’s call CULTURE CORRUPTION. The difference between black and white culture is the difference between two golfers: slut-man Tiger Woods and family-man Phil Mickelson. 72% of black black children are born out of wedlock, versus 28% for whites (and 51% for Latinos). It's about 40% overall for America. No doubt America has become a nation of sluts, in part inspired by Hollywood's superslut starlets. At least African women have an excuse—having been raped by marauding males. Just another example of America's downward spiral.

And by the way, black were the first group of aliens imported into this country. That has worked out really well. Another example of multiculturalism being dangerous nonsense. And the above statistics doesn’t even included organized crime, such as Red Mafia.

Oh yeah, on the same page of the above article was this article by Sandra Dibble: “10 Suspected of Being in Drug Cartel Arrested.”

Now this article describes what is going on just next door in the land of horror called Mexico but what is also oozing into America.
A former Baja California state agent accused of heading the Sinaloa cartel’s operations in Mexicali has been detained along with nine other suspected cartel members, the Mexican military announced Friday in the state capital.

You see aspect of Mexican society has been corrupted, and that corruption is migrating north. These are the Aztec people who believe in human sacrifice.

Hey wait just a moment. What about the article in the very same edition of the same Sunday paper about border security: “Is Border Secure Enough?”

I’m sorry but it doesn’t matter. The damage has been done. Anyone who knows anythng about Rome knows that once the barbarians established themselves within the Empire Roman civilization was finished. Read The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization by Ward-Perkins.

And anyone who knows the story of the Trojan War (people who have read Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey (meaning no one in government)) knows that you don’t let the enemy into the city. After the Trojan Horse enters the city of Troy, the game is over, the Trojans are history. Every computer geek knows you keep the Trojan viruses out of the computer. Once they’re in it’s too fucking late. Then the hard drive (think nation) needs to be cleaned. But no politician has the guts to even suggest sending the illegals back home because that would be damned as ethnic cleansing.

One of the greatest weapons illegals use against the nations they invade is the moral/legal principles the illegal ignore. HUMAN RIGHTS is the noose the illegals will used to hang America. So the Hispanic and other Alien Trojan Horses have entered the American citadel and it’s too fucking late. Like in a science fiction or horror movies the aliens are replicating—creating chains to the millions of relatives back home.

Who Are the Aztec People Invading the America?

Let’s take a closer look at the bloody heart of Mexican culture hidden beneath the veneer of Catholicism. The true gods of Mexico:


The tribal deity of the Mexica and, as such, he represented the character of the Mexica people. When the Aztecs sacrificed people to Huitzilopochtli the victim would be placed on a sacrificial stone. Then the priest would cut through the abdomen with an obsidian or flint blade. The heart would be torn out still beating and held towards the sky in honor to the Sun-God. Pieces of the body would be used for ritual cannibalism.


Some captives were sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca in ritual gladiatorial combat. The victim was tethered in place and given a mock weapon. He died fighting against up to four fully armed jaguar knights and eagle warriors.


To appease Huehueteotl, the fire god and a senior deity, the Aztecs had a ceremony where they prepared a large feast at the end of which they would burn captives and before they died they would be taken from the fire and their hearts would be cut out.


Tláloc required the tears of the young as part of the sacrifice. The priests made the children cry during their way to immolation.

The tradition of human torture and sacrifice continues in Mexican culture. The holy city of sacrifice in Mexico Ciudad Juárez:

And elsewhere in Mexico:

And now the Aztec people's culture of torture, crime, and death has spread throughout America. That’s progress—thanks to unAmerican politicians in Washington, who have been running and ruining America:

And as if the Aztec people weren't enough, America is importing the culture of crime, death and torture from south of the Mexican border:

And here in barrio San Diego:

Yeah, I just can’t pass up these next two items from the Barrio News (3-30-11):

“Ex-Agent Gets 30 Years to Life in Hatchet Attack”
VISTA, Calif.—A former Border Patrol agent who botched a plot to murder his wife with a hatchet but injured her roommates has been sentenced to 30 years to life in prison.

City News Service reports that 34-year-old GAMALIER REYES RIVERA was convicted last month for a gruesome 2009 attack on a sleeping couple he'd mistaken for his estranged wife and her new boyfriend.

The attack left Chris Anguiano brain-damaged and blind, and his girlfriend Samantha Shaffer suffered deep cuts to her legs and lost the tip of a toe.

In the same edition of the paper:

“Man Tied to Fatal Stabbing Arrested in Indiana”
CARLSBAD — A 20-year-old man was arrested Tuesday at a Greyhound Bus Line station in Indianapolis in connection with a stabbing death Friday night in Carlsbad, police said.

Juan Rocha, who lives in North County, was taken into custody about 2:30 a.m. He is being held on $5 million bail on first-degree murder and gang allegation charges in the death of Devin Allen, 27, of Oceanside.

Devin Allen, a single father of a 6-year-old daughter, worked in construction as a painter and a tiler.

Rocha, who is believed to be a gang member, is being held in Marion County Jail where he is awaiting extradition.

And just below this article is one about a San Diego police officer who was arrested on suspicion of domestic battery. His name, ROEL VINCENTE TUNGCAB, says it all. And even in this piece is the reader is told:

“A San Diego vice detective, ART PEREA, 42, resigned from the department March 4 after being placed on unpaid leave after a college student said he raped her at an El Cajon home. Perea has not been charged, and El Cajon police said the incident continues to be investigated.”

There is no fucking end to the alien nightmare America has become.

And from Ethiopia:
A MESA - La Mesa police had four men in custody Monday and were looking for at least two more suspected of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman Sunday morning.

A woman in her mid-20's contacted La Mesa police at about 8 a.m. to report she had been coerced into a dark-colored van near El Cajon Boulevard and College Avenue, driven to the Motel 6 on Alvarado Road and assaulted by a group of 10 men, who also took her purse, according to the San Diego Union Tribune.

Police arrested Michael Mesfun, 19, Negussie Mesfun, 22, and Guled Mohamed, 21, on suspicion of kidnapping and sexual assault as they tried to leave the motel as officers arrived. (Reported by Hailey Persinger)

Multiculturalism is great if you don't mind living in Hell. I'm not saying white America is without its criminal types. Just look at the criminal behavior of its politicians. We have more than enough social deviants of our own. Thus we shouldn't be importing entire populations of deviants, especially when the imports are like the zombies in the video game Resident Evil or the aliens in the movie Aliens.

Ergo: Cry, Baby, Cry

Glenn Beck’s daughters have every reason to cry. Because of the self-interested traitors that run America they are no longer safe in the homeland their ancestors created for them. That homeland has been given over to the barbarians. The reality is the stupid fucking government worries more about Israel (because of the Israeli Lobby) than about protecting Beck’s children. And the Taliban and Al-Qaeda threat? They are promoted as boogiemen by the Military-Industrial Complex which profits even off of idiotic wars. And had it not been for the Zionist-neocon agenda America would not be in the Middle East today and 9-11 would never have happened.

Cry, baby, cry. You have a lot more to cry about than the deadly weapon that is now your best friend because the U.S. Government abandoned you.

Americans are scared because they know they are on their own. (It can't be said on the show that Americans fear the alien hordes and their gangbanging armies, but they do.) Americans know their government doesn’t give a fuck about them; neither does corporate America. (Look at how the Feds betrayed Americans in Arizona.) And now they are living in alien enclaves. America is no longer a people but a Darwinian jungle. It’s now survival of the fittest. Fuck your neighbor. Chances are he can even speak your language. And American young people feel the hopelessness. Fuck school. Might as well get a tattoo and get high and watch Lady Gaga (as in retch) do her porno performance:

After 3-11 Love Will Be Rediscovered by the Japanese

Their love for themselves, their country and nature will be renewed. Perhaps they will celebrate by ending the slaughter of the leviathan. Perhaps the Japanese with their gentle form of Buddhism will join a half-dozen or so enlightened nations, most as tiny as Japan, in pointing the direction the humanity must go if it is to survive, if civil society is to survive.

But as the very least, the Japanese will do more than recover. They will rediscover themselves as a people and achieve greater heights than before. Out of tragedy will come love and inspiration.

After 9-11 Hate Was and Will Continue to be Intensified in America

On the other hand, America will continue its decline. (It's already been 10 fucking years and where's the progress?) It will continue to throw its military weight around as if its military was a gang. Europe and Asia will continue to eat America’s capitalistic lunch. With its bloated Military-Industrial Complex America has become more of a socialistic nation than Russia. I say that because of the incredibly large number of people who work directly or indirectly for the city, state, and federal governments.

For example, the U.S. has spent hundreds of millions of dollars firing missiles at Libyan forces. Actually, 550 million dollars thus far according to the Wall Street Journal and could reach a billion dollars according to

The cost of each guided missile is a million dollars plus. The companies that make the missiles look like private sector companies, but they aren’t because they work for the U.S. Government. My point is that America’s socialistic economy is killing America.

So as the Japanese phoenix soars from the ashes of its phenomenal tragedy, America has been collapsing in its self-created trash heap. The video above showing illegals invading Arizona shows just how much America is in disarray. America has become like Rome when it was being inundated by Huns and Vandals, that is, lawless barbarians. There is no fucking way a country can progress or reestablish itself under those conditions. Such a situation (invading barbarians, a corrupt government and wealthy class) destroyed the Roman Empire and it will destroy America.

The Japanese will succeed because they deserve to. Americans won’t because they don’t deserve to. Like Othello they betrayed themselves.

No one wants the truth because it's ugly.