America’s Religious Idiocy
“Preparing for Passover,” by Peter Rowe
A more accurate name for this ritual would be PASSOVER PLOT. Rowe says,
“One of Judaism’s central holidays, Passover celebrates the Jewish people’s escape from bondage. Moses warned that, unless Jewish slaves were freed, Egypt would suffer the wrath of the Almighty, Yahweh. Through nine plagues, the Pharoah [sic] refused. The 10th plague killed all firstborn children — except in Jewish homes, where doorways were marked with a sacrificed animal’s blood.”
First of all it never happened. The Jews were never the captives of the Egyptians. They were a bunch of ignorant migrant goat and sheep herders. You get that much from the Bible. And what you get from history is that Egypt was a civilization, one of the greatest civilizations the world has known. While they produced the monuments we associate with all great civilizations, the Jews were collecting stories/fairy-tales (often from other cultures) that many centuries later would become the horrific fantasy known as the Old Testament.
Like many migrant peoples at the time, during hard time the Jews would go to Egypt to find shelter, work, and sustenance.
Israel Finkelstein (obviously a Jew himself) says in The Bible Unearthed that in Canaan there were years of low precipitation that usually resulted in drought and famine. “And in times of severe famine there was only one solution: to go down to Egypt.... Egypt was a well-organized state thus prepared for better or worse years by storage of grain in government warehouses.”
Of course the fabricating Jews give Jacob credit for teaching the Egyptians something (storing grain for times of famine) that they had been doing for millennia.
The Jews weren’t slaves in Egypt, most likely illegal migrants like those invading America. They were losers who took refuge among a successful people—the Egyptians. But the story about the nine plagues does give you some idea of the maniacal God the Jews worship.
In his first volume of his monumental The Story of Civilization Will Durant says, “Apparently the conquering Jews took one of the gods of Canaan, Yahu, and re-created him in their own image as a stern, warlike, ‘stiff-necked’ deity.” Since we are discussing Passover, I’ll quote what Durant says about that: “He asks the Jews to identify their homes by sprinkling them with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, lest he should destroy their children inadvertently along with the first-born of the Egyptians.”
Apparently Yahweh doesn’t become omniscient until the Christian era. Durant says about Yahweh that “He is, now and then, greedy, irascible, bloodthirsty capricious, petulant.’” “The Lord is a man of war.” To me he hardly fits the word divine, like good, lovely, or excellent.
Durant also explains, “There are no direct references in contemporary sources to either the Exodus or the conquest of Canaan,” i.e., it’s a cock and bull story the Jews wrote to glorify themselves when they had accomplished nothing. And until the modern era they would accomplish nothing of worth mentioning. And those who did, such as Spinoza, gave up being Jews. But they would become the cause of endless wars and suffering because of their theft of Palestine based on their book of lies.
It was Yahweh who was the killer, not the Pharaoh. Like Rowe says, “The 10th plague killed all firstborn children.” Yahweh says,
“Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.”
Fucking nice guy. And this slaughter of Egyptian children is what the Jews celebrate even today. And today Yahweh’s bloody swords are the U.S. and Israel. And it’s the young victims are Iraqi and Afghan.
ALSO, the poor Pharaoh had no choice because, “Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country.”
The divine deck was stacked against the Pharaoh. And what is Yahweh doing? He was fucking showing off.
Moses says to the Pharaoh, “Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.”
The Jews love to bitch about they're being victims of religious persecution. Example: "The mission of the Anti-Defamation League is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, blah, blah, blah. But what you find in the Old and New Testaments (both written by Jews) is that the Jews were the first to introduce serious religious intolerance into human history. Not the Greeks, not the Romans, certainly not Buddha. And they will pass on their hatred of others to Christians (their bastard child, monster really) who will commence upon centuries of conquest and slaughter of non-Christians. In fact, that Hebrew intolerance will catch up with the Jews in the form of Hitler.
And let’s not forget that Islam is the third member of the axis of evil, a religious monstrosity that finds its origin in the religion of the Hebrews, with all of its violence, irrationality, and hatred toward the infidels, and their barbaric attitude toward women. It can all be traced back to the Jews.
And who was this Moses guy anyway? Durant says, “It is astonishing, however, that no mention is made of him by either Amos or Isaiah, whose preaching appears to have preceded by a century the composition of the Pentateuch.”
Actually the Exodus of the Jews was due to the desire of the Egyptians to protect themselves from a plague that had broken out among the Jews. In other words, the Jews didn’t escape; they were driven out of Egypt as undesirables. I’m sure the Palestinians would agree that the Jews have been a plague upon their homeland, Palestine. And Moses isn’t even a Jewish name. It’s an Egyptian name.
And by the way, did you hear about a painting confiscated by the Nazis being restored to its Jewish rightful owner? Here’s the story. The 1509 oil-on-canvas painting, Portrait of a Young Man, by Hans Baldung Grien, was part of a famous art collection belonging to Friedrich and Louise Gutmann, German-Jewish bankers, why am I not surprised, you know the Jews’ owning Wall Street and financially ruining America.
I have an idea. Why don’t the Jews return the land they stole from the Palestinians based on the fabrication that it was given to them by God? And I say, even if it was given to them by God that doesn’t matter. God is no fucking smarter than humanity. In fact, given his so-called powers, he’s a fucking self-absorbed dumb ass.
But we don’t want the fucking facts get in the way of our faith. Like today is Easter: THE KING IS COMING. Well it’s been over 20 centuries, ¾ of a million days, and we are still waiting!
And what about Saul, Jonathan, and David? Durant says, “There is no contemporary mention of these personalities outside the Bible.” He then makes mention of Samson who burned the crops of the Philistines by letting loose in them three hundred foxes with torches tied to their tails and slew a thousand men with a jawbone of an ass. Sounds a little fantastic doesn’t it?
Finkelstein says pretty much the same about the patriarchs, but that if Saul, Jonathan, and David existed at all they were not kings but tribal chieftains. READ THE FUCKING BOOK!
But you don’t have to go to outside sources to see that the Bible is a self-serving tall-tale. All you have to do is read it, with your reason awake. Yahweh was divine warlord and his people were no more sophisticated or sensitive than the Teutonic hordes that invaded Rome. If you don’t believe me, read Isaiah.
Back to the article in the San Diego Union-Tribune, on the front page you have a dad and his sons performing a Passover ritual of burning bread. In the foreground is a fire. When the Christian saw the Indians doing their dances around a campfire they thought of them as superstitious and demon-possessed. I ask what’s the difference between the Passover ritual and the Indians’ rain dance? Nothing. Both are based on superstition.
The big difference is that the Indians' superstition isn't filled with hatred for other peoples' superstitions. The Indians would be slaughtered and their lands confiscated by the God-fearing offspring of the Jews. Exactly what the Jews do to the Canaanites in the Old Testament. Exactly what the Jews did to the Palestinians. Abraham's offspring believe they have a divine right to everything. That is the awful legacy of the Jews.