Thursday, June 16, 2011

Congressman Weiner the Weenie Politically Castrates Himself

The case of Congressman Anthony Weiner, now know as Congressman Weenie, is considered the first recorded case of castration by cell phone. Technology is fucking amazing. The political castration occurred when Congressman Weenie decided to tweet his erection to an admirer. However, a rumor on the blogosphere suggests that what was in his underwear was not his penis but a bratwurst from a local deli. The reason being is that when a child the congressman had been circumcised by a blind rabbi.

As a result Congressman Weenie joins the illustrious Hebrew organization the D.L.F.J.C (Dirty, Lying, Filthy, Jews Club), other members being Whore’s My Meat Eliot Spitzer, Greed’s My Game Bernie Madoff, Scalp an Indian Jack Abramoff, Serpent in the American Garden Jonathan Pollard, etc. The simple fact is the Judas people are not to be trusted. They are dirty. Look at what happened when one of the females got into the White House and tempted Billy the Hick Clinton into disgracing himself.

Of course, one is tempted to ask why a congressman would do such a thing. But that's the wrong question given that to be a congressman requires a willing suspension of moral belief. So it's necessary to dig a little deeper. A childhood friend of the Weenie said that as a child Anthony was a big fan of the Peewee Herman Show and that the Jewish actor, Paul Reubens (nee Paul Rubenfeld), was his idol.

You might know that when Reubens wasn't entertaining the children of America he was at home being entertained by his collection of child pornography. Reubens defended himself by saying he was only a collector of erotica, as if that was something that could earn a merit badge in the Boy Scouts. Had Reubens not been Jewish he might have become Catholic priest. (Imagine two hemophiliac priests meeting each evening for confession and forgiveness after a long day of fondling altar boys and maybe themselves. It's a very convenient setup.) Or Reubens could have become a congressman or even president of the United States!

Since we are talking about confession, I admit I don’t like Jews, but I don't consider that a sin but more like an emotional conclusion to the fact that they have pretty much destroyed America—mainly because most Americans are gullible dumb asses like Billy Boy Clinton.

Zionist Nazi Congressman Weenie “voted for the authorization to use force in Iraq,” which he later said he regretted. Bullshit! WE KNOW HE’S A FUCKING LIAR! Jews hate Muslims (unless they can be used for political advantage) but if they want to be Democrats they have to appear to love everyone equally. For example, “In May 2006, Weiner attempted to bar entry by the Palestinian delegation to the United Nations.” (All data from Wikipedia.) No matter that his Hebrew ilk are occupying the Palestinian homeland.

“On July 29, 2007, Weiner and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) [obviously another fucking Jew] announced that they would seek to stop a $20 billion arms deal that the Bush Administration had negotiated with Saudi Arabia.”
Who in the fuck is running the U.S. Government? Israel’s operatives like Rep. Weenie, that’s fucking who.

“On March 29, 2010, the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call reported that Weiner had accumulated $2,180 in parking tickets in Washington, D.D., between 2007 and 2010 and that all but one had yet to be paid (before the release of the story).”

Everyone knows God’s chosen people don’t have to behave like the rest of us. Rep. Weenie is just another uppity ego-bloated Jew, that’s all.

And most recently we find that Rep. Babylon Weenie has been sending dirty pictures like some fucking school boy. But then Rep. Weenie said “that he had been involved in ‘six inappropriate relationships over the past three years.’” So he has been treating his wife in the way Judas treated Jesus—BETRAYAL!

He had planned to become mayor of New York City. You see the fucking Jews think the city belongs to them. The name should be changed to Jew York City. NPR said that Weenie admired Obama’s right-hand Zionist White House Chief of Staff Rahm ISRAEL Emanuel. The middle name says it all. Rahm is now mayor of Chicago. If you pay attention you can see how the Jews are taking over.

They fucking think they own the country, and why not? They own Wall Street, Hollywood, and Washington, D.C. An example of how they have infiltrated Washington, a big friend of Rep. Weenie is Hilary Clinton. His wife is Huma Mahmood Abedin, a former aid to Hillary. She’s the offspring of aliens. I mean Americans might as well give up because of the alien nepotism in Washington.

When Weenie's wife found out her husband is a sick porno addict, Rep. Weenie said, “She was very unhappy, she was very disappointed, and she told me as much. And she also told me that she loved me and we're going to get through this.” I bet! Notice how he does all the talking. With these Middle Eastern types, the wife knows to keep her mouth shut and let the husband do the talking. And being a good Muslim she goes along with whatever her husband says. Mrs. Weenie is no Maria Shriver.

It is believed that Huma now wears a burka when she goes out, not as a religious expression but to conceal her shame and identity. Paparazzi aren't interested in taking photos of a black sack especially when they don't know who's inside. The person could be Congressman Weenie himself. You can imagine how his poor wife gets heckled by her Muslim friends: "Huma, we told you they can be trusted."

Apparently she's pregnant. What a dirty fucking pig Rep. Weenie is! But that’s what she gets for marrying a Jew.

NPR said that politicians like Weenie have second lives, like “the elder statesman Clinton.” Give me a fucking break. Bill Clinton is not an elder statesman. He’s a dirt-bag pig. For one thing he announced under oath to all America's children that girls could suck off boys and that didn't count as sex. It's no wonder the blow job has become so popular in American high schools. It's not sex; it's like holding hands.

Of course Rep. Weenie’s critics will be called anti-Semitics. So what’s wrong with that? I’m anti-Semitic, for the same reason the Indians were anti-European—because the Jews are a threat to my country just as my ancestors were a threat to the nations of the Native Americans.

Jews are all over Wall Street, Washington, D.C., and Hollywood like flies on shit. They're every fucking where. And wherever they are they lay their eggs of corruption. They are the true people of Babylon. Just look at the filth that comes out of Hollywood. And dumb-ass Americans worship the cinematic vomit that the Jews spew out on TV and movie screens across the country. I’ll deal with that in another blog, but for now I’ll just say that the Hebrew minds at work in Hollywood are very much like that sick fuck Rep. Weenie.

America, have you forgotten this:

Unlike Jesus, Larry David is a Jew who deserves to be nailed to a cross and pissed on by gentiles. But America is too fucking dumbed down or brainwashed to give a damn.

The thing is JEWS HAVE CAST A SPELL OVER AMERICANS, in the way the Pied Piper cast a spell over children and led them to their destruction. I mean do you really think Clinton was the one in control as Jewess slut Monica Lewdinsky was blowing his horn?

Here a glimpse of how the Hebrew Pied Piper has taken control of the USA:

(1) Hebrew-control Hollywood* is destroying the morality of America. The result is Americans end up in a decadent stupor—like a girl given a dated rape drug and then gang-raped.

(2) The Democrats Pied Piper Karl Marx. Following him, they shall open the floodgate to all of humanity and shower them with benefits paid for by American taxpayers, who, as they go broke, watch their nation disappear under an alien sea.

(3) The Republicans love to portray themselves as America’s party. BULL SHIT! They worship that other Jew, Jeesus, therefore feel divinely obligated to serve as Israel’s sword. Remember the Bush administration. Bush praying to the God of the Jews, looking for guidance. Reading the book of the Jews, looking for guidance. Then like Saint Paul he had a revelation: America must smite the enemies of Israel.

The ideology of the Bush administration and even the present Obama administration is neoconservatism. What that word does not reveal is its connection with the Jews. Read it for yourself:

Or watch this:

If you want to watch a example of neoconservative propaganda, watch the movie Battle Los Angeles, a recruitment film for young Americans to join the Marines and fight the aliens (i.e., terrorists) who have attacked America but who are a threat to the whole world. Sponsored by Zionists for a Zionized America and by Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. ;-)

Given that most Americans have been Judaized (have become Christian) or Marxized, America has become putty in the hands of Marxist-Zionist Jews, who want America to protect the interests of Israel whatever the cost in American blood and money and to transform America into a minority-majority nation (Americans become just another minority) which will then fall under the control of the Jews because they—like the Serpent in the Garden—are a lot more cunning than the rest of us.

You mean theorists."


I am a conspiracy theorist when it comes to the Jews because they always have a plan.


Hey, didn't their diaspora Judaized Rome by using the Jesus myth? It's in the history books. Christianity is Judaism! And now the diaspora in the U.S. is taking over America, the new Rome (too decadent, superstitious, and brainwashed to see what's going on).* The Jews couldn't do it if Americans weren't already Judaized (reborn in the blood of the Jesus).

So America has become a nation of Zombies that sacrifice their children (think Abraham) on the altar of Israel. Wise up, America. The joke is on you.

Who’s left as the Judaized zombies roam the streets? Just us Cassandras in the blogosphere warning that the U.S.S. America is heading toward a fatal iceberg and the captain is wearing a yarmulke.

*If you don't believe America is in a serious state of decline, then you haven't see this video that shows a fight outside the Casey Anthony trial:

That's another reason democracy doesn't work in this country. Too many stupid people. Forget about what I said about wising up. It's too late. There's no fucking hope for America.

I'm mad and angry too. However, here's a blogger is more reasonable than I am but who also thinks we're in pretty deep Hebrew shit:

*The Jews use Hollywood for 4 basic purposes. The first is to rich by corrupting America’s youth (pretty much a fait accompli). I’m not going to list the many recent such films, but will simply mention Black Swan as one example, which was nominated by the Jewish dominated Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The King’s Speech won the Oscar for best picture but only because the Nazis were threatening in the background. But the Jewess porno actress won Best Actress for masturbating on screen. The movie is a desecration of a real work of art, the ballet Swan Lake. If Hitler was worried about the Jews corruption the German culture, we know he had every reason to be worried.

The other uses of Hollywood are propagandistic. First to promote the neoconservative-Zionist agenda. As with the Bible you sometimes have to decode what’s going on, as in the case of Battle Los Angeles. The aliens attacking the city are not illegal aliens (which would make a lot more sense but contrary to the Jewish program to transform America into a minority dominated nation). They are a metaphor for those nasty Muslims who hate Israel and hate America for unconditional support of Israel as well as its other imperialistic tendencies in the region.

Second, Hollywood Jews use their movies to promote their multicultural-multisexual agenda. The Kids are All Right is an example of such a movie. Actually, American children aren’t all right. Third, the Jews use Hollywood to promote themselves—to make the world feel sorry for them (infinite replays of the Holocaust theme). There is no better example of this form of Jewish propaganda than X-Men First Class.

First of all the story begins with the mandatory reference to the Holocaust. Poor baby Jewish boy sees his mommy shot by the big, bad Nazi. You would think that the only mommies killed by the Nazis were Jewish. And I won’t even bring up all the Palestinian mommies who have died because of the big, bad Zionazis:

But the little Eric, played by that Jewish favorite Michael Fassbender, who also played in that Jewish cinematic wet dream of revenge Inglourious Basterds, which just goes to show you the Jews can buy just about anyone. And I’m sure being German and having watched many Jewish Holocaust propaganda movies he feels guilty about being German. I suggest he get a Star of David tattoo on his forehead.

Anyway, little Eric grows up to be a super Jew just like all the other Jews—a leader of the mutant pack. And eventually he will kill that bad ol’ Nazi for killing his mommy.

But there is more to the Jewish propaganda than the Holocaust and the Jews being God’s super race. There is also the multicultural theme. The mutant minority (Jews, illegal aliens, etc.) are really better than the ordinary, mediocre goy people. In fact, the Super Jew Eric has sex with Raven who looks like a female lizard with a human face. The comic book version is much nicer but less mutant looking. So having sex with a scaly mutant just shows you how far a Jew is willing to go to prove his multiculturalism. Of course, the kinky sex and lizard woman walk by naked is just the kind of taboo busting the Jews love in their movies. Parents might want to remind their children that pets are not mutants!

Oh yeah, the last line of the movie: MUTANT AND PROUD. Translation: JUDEN AND PROUD.

Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler

Since I’m Jew bashing... Jews really don’t care about being hated by the goy, who don’t read my blog but do spend millions of dollars watching Jewish cinematic filth and propaganda. Anyway super Jew Steven Spielberg fired Megan Fox for using the H word: Hitler. When Der Führer Spielberg heard that she uttered the word, he said, “Fire her right now.” I don’t think he meant put her in the oven though. I just want to point out the hypocrisy of filthy Jews like Spielberg. He has no problem using cinematic sluts in movies to continue the total corruption of American culture, but when one uses H word he flies into a Yahweh-like rage.

Now I’m not a fan of Megan. I believe she is a typical self-serving, narcissistic bimbo who doesn’t care about the message she send out to the young girls of America. She said, "If your idea of a role model is somebody who’s gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I’m not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah."

Here’s how little girls can grow up to be strong and intelligent like Megan:

“Fox alluded to being bisexual... When she was 18 years old, she fell in love with and sought to establish a relationship with a female stripper. She used this experience to illustrate her belief that ‘all humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes.’ [She] additionally showed interest in Olivia Wilde. In May 2009, she confirmed her bisexuality. (Wikipedia)

Here a scene from Megan movie Jennifer’s Body, teaching girls to be strong and intelligent, with a little body mutilation and lesbo sex thrown in:

Kinky! Having Megan Fox as a role for girls is like having Ryan Dunn as their driver’s education teacher. It’s a recipe for disaster.

But Steven Spielberg doesn’t mind using Megan Fox in a movie he helps to finance—as long as she doesn’t us the H word. Being Jewish, money is all that counts.

However, you got to check out the side by side photos of Spielberg and Fox. It’s like the fucking beauty and the beast:

I believe in evolution and my theory about the Jews is that they evolved from an earlier primate such as the Proboscis monkey, which is really a lot cuter than their Jewish descendants, and the monkeys aren't fucking up America. (Why don't the Jews in the U.S. just go home to Israel and leave us fucking alone? I forgot. America is Israel's piggy bank. That little piggy Jews consume with delight.)

Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler