We all know Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jews hate the gentile:
And we certainly don't want to overlooked the Dirty Filthy Jews' attack on the good ship USS Liberty:
This attack clearly shows that the Jews care about one thing only—themselves. Did not Abraham insist that his son Isaac not marry a Canaanite?
But their feeling toward the Negro is that of condescension. They’ve treated the Negro as Jacob treated his brother Esau, cheating him out of his birthright. Then his Jewish scheming mother help Jacob trick his father Isaac into blessing him rather than Esau. He did this by lying to and deceiving his father. Why? Greed! The Bible says “Now Esau hated Jacob.” And I hate Jacob's people for the same reasons, but I'm not to blame. Yahweh has hardened my heart toward them as he did the heart of the Pharaoh whose country suffered the 10 plagues of the Jewish god and slaughtered their first-born.
But Jacob is deceived by his kinsman Laban who promises to give his daughter Rachel to Jacob but then tricks him into marrying his other daughter Leah, who then is hated by Jacob, but not so much that he won’t fuck her. After seven year Laban throws in Rachel, so Jacob got a two for one deal. (An inspiration to the Mormons.)
Laban is greedy but not as greedy smart as Jacob. Because he figures a way to cheat Laban out of his livestock. “Thus Jacob grew exceedingly rich, and had large flocks, maidservants and menservants, and camels and asses.” Having a lot of wealth is what the Jewish religion is all about. Even Rachel says of her father, "He has sold us, and he has been using up the money given for us." Great guy. Of course, Rachel isn't much better. When she and Jacob take off with all of her dad's wealth she adds insult to injury by stealing her father's household gods (so much for Judaism being monotheistic!).
And then there was Jacob's son Joseph, whose brothers plotted to kill him but then decided to sell him into slavery for twenty shekels of silver. But Joseph was very much like his brothers. The "evil" Pharaoh made Joseph the lord of his house and over all the land of Egypt. In return, Joseph stole grain from the Pharaoh and gave it to his brothers. And when the bad ol' Pharaoh heard about Joseph's brothers having come to Egypt, the Bible says:
When the news reached Pharaoh’s palace that Joseph’s brothers had come, Pharaoh and all his officials were pleased. Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Tell your brothers, ‘Do this: Load your animals and return to the land of Canaan, and bring your father and your families back to me. I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land.’ You are also directed to tell them, ‘Do this: Take some carts from Egypt for your children and your wives, and get your father and come. Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.’”And Joseph being a smooth operator like the the Wall Street Jews helps the Pharaoh to get all the money, livestock, and land of his people and turn them into slaves. (And has not America become like Egypt, the controllers of its wealth being decedents of Joseph and they the slaves of the Pharaohs in Washington, D.C.?
For the Jew to be blessed is to have a lot of stuff like Job or Bernie Madoff. If you want to know the heart of the Jew, just read the Old Testament. They are motivated by greed and will use lying, deception, and trickery to achieve greedy ambitions. Or violence, as in the case of invading the homeland of the Canaanites or more recently the homeland of the Palestinians. And their God? He backs them all the way.
How many times has the Jew smiled at the black man while exploiting him. You might remember the Jew Al Jolson hamming it up in black face:
Maybe that Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jew Halperin will put on the black face and sing Obama’s Mamma.
Here’s what the blacks feel about dickhead Jews:
Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jew Halperin’s dickhead daddy is Morton Halperin, who argued in favor of "large-scale American bombing in South Vietnam." Here’s one of Mort’s favorite videos:
I hear that when he plays it he uses an air freshener that smell like burning flesh. But this is what Morton really had in mind—B52 destruction:
Of course, Dirty Filthy Dickhead Zionist Jews like Morton—created the neoconservative movement that led to the invasion of Iraq:
Maybe Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jew Mark Halperin is pissed that Obama is willing to criticize the thugs that run that horror the State of Israel and is ready to end the Afghan War—because we all know that Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jews believe the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.
Dirty Filthy Dickhead Jews who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at the president of the country that protects that nation of Dirty Filthy Dickhead Zionist Jews—the State of Israel, the creation of which resulted in 59 Palestinian concentrations camps.
Jews have been to Palestine and America what hemlock was to Socrates. Halperin, your people are not one of us. You are interlopers. After World War II they flooded into America—Zionists and Marxists everyone. And they have been a canker eating away at American society and culture, gorging themselves upon America’s wealth and power.
You are the people of Abraham, Jacob and Joseph—self-serving liars, deceivers and swindlers. Get away from us. Leave our country and return to the country you stole from the Palestinians.