Friday, July 29, 2011

Anders Breivik: Fighting for the Homeland

Enemies and Collaborators

I know what you’re thinking. If this ultra-conservative wanted to defend his homeland why didn’t he kill Muslims? Dumb question. First, let’s look at an article (Nils Myklebost) in my barrio newspaper—because my small piece of America has been already appropriated by aliens.

Anti-Immigrant Nationalist, i.e., Extreme Patriot

The article says,
National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told NRK that the suspected gunman's [Anders Breivik] Internet postings "suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.
Going After the Real Enemy—the Collaborators

My guess is the fact that Norway’s leftist, Marxist government was in part the target because it has allowed the country to be flooded by aliens, especially Muslims who are not only Medieval in their worldview, parasitic upon social services, but fucking hate their host who pay for their social services. One reason for Muslim hatred jealousy. You see one of the effects of the Islamic religion has been to put the brake on progress in Islamic nations. If it weren’t for oil, those countries would be as important to Western nations as the Somalis are. And we know how much the Somalis hate Westerners, though the U.S. continues to import them:

Gratitude that kills:

Somali immigrants’ contribution to the American education system:

Making a Contribution to American Culture:

Somalis adopting the American entrepreneurial spirit:

Another American thrilled with their government’s policy to save the world by making the U.S. into refugee camp. The poor fuck is clueless like most Americans. I knew that right away when he used the word “HOPE”:

The new face of America and Norway:

Anyway you can see the Somali thing is working out really great for Americans. How about Muslim immigrants:

Muslims loving America:

I Feel Your Hate, Anders

As an American I find it really hard to like these people, even though I hate my government as much as they do. Woops. A Freudian slip. But that right. I agree with their condemnation of U.S. foreign policy. But just because I agree with them doesn’t mean I like them. I don’t. I hate them. In fact, I call phony patriots because they continue to live the good life in America instead of going to Afghanistan and fighting with the real warriors. When they get sick they go to an American doctor. Most like they get welfare benefits and food stamps to spend at the local farmers market. BUT I HATE MY GOVERNMENT EVERN MORE FOR ALLOWING THOSE SCUMBAGS INTO MY COUNTRY. America is America—not fucking Afghanistan, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Somali, China, Vietnam, Haiti, Philippines, or the hundred other countries pouring their excess population into America.

And by the way, I just heard on NPR that France is having trouble providing those free health services. Could it be those millions of Muslim immigrants and their riotous offspring aren’t paying their share? :-))

Blame the Jews

Islam has been an anchor upon the cultures of the Islamic world. But we need to keep in mind that Islam is neo-Judaism. Every Muslim is a Jew. And the very worst side of Islam was inherited from the Jews. You find the worst side in the Old Testament, which doesn’t mean the good side is the New Testament. There isn’t any good side to the Jewish fantasy. All I can say is read the fucking Bible. Or if you’re too damn lazy to do that, check this out:

So basically the same irrational anchor hung around the neck of Christian civilization. What do you think pushed Western civilization into the Dark Ages? Okay the barbarians had something to do with it (as they are doing in the U.S. and Europe), but Christianity kept Europe there for a millennium. The cultural disease was induced by the Jews and their idiotic religion. Had the Jews not been dispersed into real civilizations like that of Egypt, Greece, and Rome they too would be no more sophisticated than the Somalis. Here is what all the Jew would be like if Western Civilization hadn’t pulled them out of the gutter of superstitious:

A Member of Norway’s Patriots Party

The patriot Anders was a former member of Norway’s Progressive Party. The party has complained about the strains placed by immigration on the welfare state. No wonder. The aliens show up, uneducated, not enthusiastic about getting an education, but expecting to live like well-educated, hard-working Norwegians.

The Marxist Collaborators

The problem with the bleeding-heart Marxist liberals is they want to turn the country into a fucking refugee camp. Of course, they are too stupid to realize that there are a couple billion people who qualify for refugee status. And the population of Norway is less than 5 million. And there is more bad news from Wikipedia:
In recent years, immigration has accounted for most of Norway's population growth. According to Statistics Norway (SSB), a record 61,200 immigrants arrived in the country in 2007, an increase of 35% from 2006. At the beginning of 2010, there were 552,313 people in Norway of some immigrant background (including those born of immigrant parents), comprising 11.4% of the total population.
In other words, by the end of the century the Norway will have to change its name to Norwegianstan. But life won’t be so happy until then. Think South Africa or Israel or one of the many American big cities that have been appropriated by aliens.

A Fool’s Errand

The Marxist liberals also believe that once in their country the migrants will accept their civilized way of life and embrace the host population. Apparently the Norwegian leaders haven’t been paying attention to what has been going on in the U.S., France, and Great Britain:


This is not a show of faith but power. But the French politicians are soft, like the Norwegian politicians. So the collaborate with the enemy rather than serve their own people.

The situation isn’t much better in Londonstan:

How are things in Denmark?

Apparently not so good.

The Alien Trojan Horse

Of course American, Norwegian, Danish, French, and British politicians think they are smarter than the proletariat they rule over. However, they could learn a lesson from the story about the Trojan Horse or even Brier Fox and the Tar Baby. The thing is once a hole is put into the law that supposed to keep out the aliens the water just keeps flooding in.

Who Are the Muslim Barbarians Invading Scandinavia

And what is the response of the Marxist leaders to the crimes committed by the criminals they allowed to invade their countries? “Outrageous,” “barbaric,” and “appalling.” Blah, blah, blah. Then the misguided souls are locked away for a short stay in prison and the immigrants hordes just keep pouring in. The fact is the leaders of European nations have all been castrated. They roll over and show their bellies to the barbarians. Thus, they deserve the fate of all traitors.

Anders Breivik Went after Who Was Responsible

One would think Anders Breivik would go after the Muslims? What fucking good would that do? Frighten them? Fuck they aren’t scared by the U.S. military machine. It’s the fucking Europeans who are shitting their pants. That’s what happened in the U.S. When the U.S. government threatened to do something about illegal immigration, the Mexicans turned by the thousands and the Americans shit their pants and hid in their homes. But that’s not the point. The point is that the lefties who allow the alien barbarians into the country live in secure, affluent compounds. They are not going to pay attention until they and their babies are threatened. Besides, as beast, crude, and barbaric as the invaders are, they are not at fault. It’s the fucking turncoat traitors running the country who are responsible.

The Girly Norwegian Police

The idiot Norwegian police said of the crime that “It seems it’s not Islamic-terror related.... This seems like a madman’s work.” Of course it’s Islamic related. It’s all about a Norwegian citizen who’s had enough with the invaders and with his turncoat government. And the officials love to say it’s the work of a MADMAN. Dumb fucks. He wasn’t mad. He was cogent, coherent, rational, and pissed.

“It’s more OK today to be an Islamophobe,” [the police official] said in a phone interview in Stockholm. “It’s more okay to have racist views. It has become more accepted.” This was stated as if it were a bad thing. Like Mr. Breivik is the devil. Forget about all the shit the Muslims have been doing. Forget about the fact the country is being overrun by aliens who hate the fucking country. It’s all Mr. Breivik fault. Just like the 9-11 attacks were all Osama bin Laden’s fault. Forget about the Jews invading Palestine and appropriating the homeland of the Palestinian people. Forget about America and Britain and other Western nations meddling in the affairs of the Middle East for oil and Israel. In one of the video Muslim condemns Bush and the U.S. They deserve to be condemned. He also condemned Tony Blair, Bush boy. And the Murdock scandal has shown how fucking filthy and dirty are the people who run Great Britain. Murdock’s people will have a lot of children’s phones to hack into in Norway.

Killer Obama Speaks of Fighting Terror

Obama, who tossed the body of Osama bin Laden into the ocean like it was a piece of garbage, and continues to use Afghanistan as a shooting gallery, said “It’s a reminder the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring.” In other words, what Mr. Breivik did justifies the WAR ON TERROR and the tens of thousand of Muslims’ lives it’s cost. The truth is all these governments are fucking dirty. I don’t blame Mr. Breivik for being pissed. He has every right to be pissed. Did the Norwegian government ever ask Norwegians if they wanted their country flooded by bizarre and barbarous aliens? No fucking way. Did any fucking European government ask its citizenry if they wanted to allow millions of aliens into their country or if their country should side with the U.S.’s invasion of Iraq? They are just like the U.S. government, which operates as a cog disconnected from the American people.

Hypocrite Muslims

I agree with much of the Muslims’ criticism of the colonialistic West. Fucking Western nations keep the fuck out of other nations. But the Muslims’ philosophy is, Do as I say, not as I do. It’s okay for them to invade and colonize Western nations. It’s called reverse colonialization. But if Western nations don’t have the testicles to protect themselves, then they deserve to be overrun.

Cutting Off Your Nose Despite Your Face

I still think it foolish to allow those who hate you into your home. But of course the communities of the fatcats are not being invaded. However, Mr. Breivik just showed them what that feels like.

Mohammed was right when he decreed that no unbeliever should ever be allowed to set foot on the sacred soil of Muslims’ homelands. I fucking agree. But that is not my point. My point is that to allow that to happen is like beating a wasp’s nest with a stick when naked.

McVeigh, Another Sane Madman

Oh yeah, they mentioned Timothy McVeigh, another madman, though smart enough to blow up a U.S. government complex. He was pissed off at his government too. Today a lot more Americans are pissed off at their (it’s not really theirs) government.

Girly Prime Minister Stoltenberg

Prime Minister and Dumb-Fuck Jens Stoltenberg said of Norway, “We are a small, peaceful nation.” No longer. When you allowed the Trojan Horse filled with anti-Westerner aliens into your country you chose conflict over peace. The blood Mr. Breivik shed is also on your hands and the other dumb-fuck leaders like you. There are still a few Norwegians who veins run with Viking blood.

Wussy man Stoltenberg said in another article:

"No one will bomb us TO SILENCE. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway," Stoltenberg said.

"You will not destroy us. You will not DESTROY OUR DEMOCRACY or our IDEALS FOR A BETTER WORLD," he added.

What kind of gibberish is this? Mr. Breivik isn’t being silent. And I don’t think he wants the government to be silent but to get off its ass and do something to protect the country. Destroy your democracy! Did you ever let the people vote on whether or not the country should open its gates to the Islamic hordes? The thing is fucking democracy isn’t working. And since when does SAVING THE FUCKING WORLD require sacrificing your own nation? All this is girly talk. And believe me, the Muslims, like the Mexicans in the U.S., recognize a yellow streak when they see it.


The save the world lefties believe they know what is best for the world and their own people. They’re going to save the world regardless of what their unenlightened people think. Like the Biblical Abraham they are willing to sacrifice their children for an idea.

They are willing to sacrifice their nation to fulfill their multicultural agenda. In that regard they are just as much autocrats as the old-time communist apparatchiks who sought to transform their nation to conform with their ideological utopia, whether the people want it or not.

Mad as Hell

How well is the socialist multiculturalist utopia working? No very well in America or France or Great Britain. And voila, it doesn’t appear to be working that well in Norway, where a lot of Norwegians feel as angry like Mr. Breivik but don’t have the balls to do anything about it. Mr. Breivik finally got as mad as hell about his government treating his country as if it were a multicultural political experiment. Mr. Breivik got mad as hell like Mr. Beale in the movie Network:

Shouting Doesn’t Change Things; Shooting Does

Like the Libyan freedom fighters, Mr. Breivik knew that sticking your head out the window and yelling you’re mad as hell won’t do any good. Murdock publishing would just mock you and make money off your anger and despair and the politicians would just call you crazy and go back to getting richer. Mr. Breivik knew that shouting has no effect on the establishment because it is too isolated. Those folks don’t have to mingle with the aliens, and their children can go to private schools and recreate at island getaways. So Mr. Breivik loaded his Glock and set the timer on his bomb to show the leaders of Norway that their children are not safe when the public gets made as hell.

A Simple Solution

The solution is simple. Stay out of other peoples’ countries and keep them out of yours. Had the Saudis not been allowed in the U.S. the 9-11 attacks would not have happened. Had the Muslim barbarian been kept out of Norway, 7-27 attacks would not have occurred. If the aliens overpopulate their countries, that’s their doing. If their politicians are crooked, they are their politicians.

If you want to help out other nations, do it on their own territory, as in the case of Egypt and Libya. But the people have to show they are ready for help but taking to the streets. And leave your fucking prejudices behind in your own country. The U.S. and Europe have a long history of helping out countries to benefit themselves. They are willing to work with dictators if there’s a profit to be made or a political advantage to be had. They’ve worked with Mubarak, Kaddafi, Hussein, and the dictators of Saudi Arabia. So has the U.S. assisted Cuba or even the Taliban? The Taliban didn’t have anything to do with the 9-11 attacks.

And if you’re going to help out a country, leave the fucking Bibles at home. Aid has often been a front for Christian evangelists. It’s no wonder that the Somalis don’t want help from the Bible toting NGOs. It’s Christians who have been killing Afghans and Iraqis for ten years. It’s Christians who supported the Jewish takeover of Palestine.

Homeland Security Draining the Treasury

Because Western governments have put out the welcome mat for hostile aliens, their homeland security agencies have to keep an eye on not only nondomestic terrorists but on homegrown terrorists as well. In addition, immigration increases crime. Let’s call it soft terrorism. America has suffered an epidemic of crime since the Hispanic civilian armies have arrived. Not only that the U.S. and its sycophant allies have been busy the past ten years creating thousands of more Islamic terrorists because of the U.S. led invasion of Iraq and its brutal occupation of Afghanistan.

I don’t blame the rag-heads for being mad as hell. But now Homeland Security has become a permanent and very expensive fixture of life in nations whose government thought they would civilize the world by allowing their own nations to be invaded by hordes of barbarians. Maybe some of those cocky politicians should have read just a little about the history of Rome. Part of Osama bin Laden’s victory over the U.S. has been the cost of revenge. And America will be paying for another fifty years.

Barbaric Oil Doesn’t Mix with Civilized Water

What the dumb fuck politicians don’t realize is that they are trying to mix alien oil with domestic water. It doesn’t work. And all the fucking multicultural (all the world needs is love) propaganda isn’t going to convince anyone who matters (the guys who are willing to see the streets run red with blood because they feel betrayed). What the multicultural leftists don’t get is what they say is meaningless. It all blah, blah, blah bullshit. Of course, they can threaten this and that (in the way the French threaten to crack down on the aliens who riot for weeks). Remember?

The French government didn’t do shit. Governments can threaten all they want, but they will be picking up the tab for surveillance, capture, prosecution, and incarceration. And that will go on forever. Also, the mutual hatred will go on forever. These politicians have been reading too much pop psychology. Maybe they should take a look at a country that has been doing better than all the countries in Europe and can deal with catastrophes without riots taking place: Japan. Japan doesn’t have alien hordes mucking up their life as the Europeans and Americans do. That’s one reason Asia, not the U.S. or Europe, is the future.

The Tipping Point Has Been Reached

And it may be too late because once Trojan Horse has entered the city and has unloaded its hostiles, the only recourse to saving the city being to drive them out. But the multicultural lefties don’t have the balls to do that. All they are willing to do is roll over and show their bellies—actually the belly of their country, which the alien will disembowel.

And What about those Other Big Fucking Problems Facing the World?

Like global warming, food shortages, expanding organized crime, over population, etc. Can’t get to them because the domestic affairs are in disarray. You got to fucking laugh. Look at America. It thinks of itself as the country leading the world into the future. In reality, it can’t even lead itself in any direction but the wrong direction.

What about Morality?

When people feel they have been fucked over by their government they suspend morality. Anyone knows that who knows anything about the French revolution. What about those innocent children? Do you think the Americans gave a shit about the innocent children of the Native Americans, or the Jews about the innocent children of the Palestinians, or the Americans about the innocent children of the Vietnamese, or the French about the innocent children of the Algerians or the Germans about the innocent children of the Jews or the Japanese about the innocent children of the Chinese, or the Americans about the innocent children living in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? When people become made as hell, they don’t give a fuck about the children.


People want to believe that Mr. Breivik and Osama bin Laden are fanatics looking for a reason to engage in terrorist acts. That’s not it at all. The truth is terrorists are made, not born. Government betrayal and corruption motivate ordinary people to become terrorists. And terrorism is the only weapon ordinary people have to fight the government. The Jewish terrorists—the Zealots called Sicarii—would assassinate Roman officials. In addition they “also raided Jewish habitations and killed fellow Jews whom they considered apostate and collaborators.” (Wikipedia) What was the problem? The Romans had invaded and were occupying the Jews’ ancient homeland. Taliban and the Iraqi “insurgents” have been doing the same thing—fighting against the occupiers of their homelands and killing those Afghans and Iraqis who collaborate with the occupiers.

Terrorists believe the children of my enemy are my enemy. Is that morally right? Like I said, in such situations morality gets suspended. Was America morally right to kills thousands of Japanese women and children when they dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The question of morality becomes moot when a situation is created in which morality is no longer relevant.

So I’m I saying that what the Norwegian politicians get for betraying the Norwegian people. No, I’m only saying that is what they can expect when they act as if the Norwegian homeland belongs to them and not to the Norwegian people. Will Mr. Breivik’s actions inspire an uprising of followers? No, but they will inspire other like himself, and he has taught them how to succeed. (1) If possible work alone. (2) Keep your mouth shut online and off. (3) Expect to sacrifice yourself. Fortunately for governments like the U.S., Great Britain, and Norway their own people can’t keep their mouths shut and don’t want to sacrifice themselves for the homeland. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the problem will never ever go away. Thousands of Norwegians will blame the immigrants for what Mr. Breivik did.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bad News from the Dark Side: “Schools Tackle black Achievement Gap”

What this article reveals is blacks’ continuing to avoid facing reality, which is the real reason for black students having the worst performance in the country. Here’s the first paragraph:

“City schools will rethink how African-American students are educated under a plan to boost academic achievement and reverse high rates of discipline that have plagued black students for generations.”

The wording suggests that black students are being plagued, as if getting into trouble at school is something like getting the flu. The reality is simple. Black students have a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE toward school, learning, and authority. Compare that to Asian students, who respect the school, want to learn (even enjoy learning), and respect authority (teachers and administrator). Blacks hate it when they are compared to Asian immigrants, who get off the boat with a huge inferiority complex and may not speak English very well but excel in school. In other words, the situation isn’t so different, but the attitude is.

“The San Diego Unified School District will slowly launch the reform effort, beginning in the fall. The $3.5 million plan has yet to get funding for parent centers and other programs called for in the initiative.” Okay, we’re going to throw more money at the problem, which won’t do a bit of good. I don’t care about the money. I’d rather see it go to black Americans than aliens. But it’s not going to work because the school isn’t the problem. The students, families, and culture are the problem. An attitude change wouldn’t cost anything—but I don’t see it happening because black kids are programmed to fail in school, and it’s not the fault of the whites or the teachers or the administrators. It’s the fault of black culture.

And the key thing is BLACK STUDENTS DON’T GIVE A SHIT. It’s okay to act up in school. It’s okay to fail. Though later in life there is a price to pay.

Here comes a big load of bullshit:

“‘The underachievement of African-Americans in this district and nationwide is a travesty and a crime against children,’ said Shirley Weber, executive director of the San Diego Association of African Educators. ‘ If we get every child to get to school and we don’t change the academic experience for them, we are not doing anything.’”

First of all it isn’t a crime against the children. These “children” are responsible for their behavior. Who is committing the crime? The administrators? The teachers? It’s the same old black ploy of blaming anyone (especially whitey) for the behavior of black young people. That accusation might have had some validity 50 years ago, but no longer. Also, “we are not doing anything”? What are teachers supposed to do other than teach? Must they become social workers and parole officers? Is every black student to be team taught? What, what, what? The teachers and the school are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

It’s the student and mostly their parents who aren’t doing what they are supposed to do. If a student won’t read a book, won’t do his or her assignment, how in the fuck is that the teacher’s fault? They need to make the information more interesting? Bull shit. Being a student is different from playing video games or watching movies or listening to music and hanging out. And if the school became a Disneyland it wouldn’t matter. Too many black kids aren’t interest and don’t want to do the work. In fact, most of their parent weren’t any different.

In the same section of the paper there is a photo of Hispanic and black youths waiting to register for American Idol. That’s part of the problem—kids wanting to be celebrities. It’s fun—no books, no studying, and no tests. But it’s a dead-end.

What’s the plan?

Parenting programs, meaning that a lot of these parents are poor parents. The chances are only mom is at home. In other words, many black students come from dysfunctional families. That is the result of a dysfunctional culture, such as one where dads like producing kids but not raising them.

Families will sign compacts. I’m sorry, that just bullshit. What’s the school going to do if the compact is broken? There is already in place a legal compact about kids being in school. It’s a gimmick.

Schools must create a more welcoming environment and do a better job communicating to families. What a joke. In most parts of the world families would be grateful to schools for educating their children. And they should be grateful to taxpayers given that the average public school spends $9,963 educating one child per year, $1,900 in L.A., most likely for the same reason prisons are more expensive to operate than public schools. Only 9% of the students in the public school are white, 84% are Hispanic and black. The L.A. Unified School District is characterized by “high drop-out (26%) and expulsion rates, low academic performance in many schools.” So much for the minorities (Asians excluded) appreciating getting free education.

“The district will offer college-preparation workshops and parenting programs.” So the parents have to go back to school because like their children they didn’t get an education when they had the chance. For blacks, “parents” should be “parent.”

 "Staff members would be designated to serve as an official school contact for African-American parents.” It’s not as if the schools don’t already have enough work to do. They now have to work as social workers.

“Eventually, parent centers would be established in schools with high populations of African-American students.” One simply must shake his or her head. So parents will have something akin to a teacher’s lounge. You wouldn’t have to go to such lengths with a school in the middle of Africa where the mothers are totally uneducated. While the African mothers are out collecting firewood or obtaining water for cooking, the kids would come to school and learn. Of course, the dad would probably be out raping the women collecting firewood and water. Men are always a problem, but in black communities they are a nightmare. That’s why the idea below is a good idea.

“The district will create separate programs for girls and boys in an effort to boost overall achievement.” No shit, give girls a place where they can be students without being constantly harassed by the boys. Perhaps have of the black population can be saved. Also a third program for black nerds. I know they exist. A place to learn where they don’t have to fear being beaten, knifed, or shot.

“The district will establish a new, uniform discipline policy, one that seeks to eliminate racial bias, and will require area superintendents to approve student expulsions. In the 2009-10 school year, black students were five times as likely to be expelled as their white classmates. They also accounted for 21.5 percent of suspensions, while white students made up 4 percent of suspensions.”

Black students don’t do anything wrong, no more than white students. It’s just that teachers and administrators enjoy suspending and expelling them. This is just another example of blacks unwilling to face reality. Black girls end up uneducated, overweight single mothers because of the choice they make. And black guys end up uneducated gangsters and/or drug addicts who either get themselves murdered, drug overdosed or imprisoned. I think it’s time for a reality check here:

The problem with educating blacks is to be found at the schools (except for the student body) and at the home and in the community. Black culture is dysfunctional—even nihilistic among the young people:

Do you really think these guys want to be in school? No way. And the girls:

Black girls see themselves as meat, and no way they want to be in school either.

Let’s get down to business. Just about the same time the article on closing the black academic achievement gap, this story appeared:

The video “shocked many.” It didn’t shock me. But it does show you that black culture is out of control. It’s like it’s suffering from a cultural from of the Ebola virus. Is it any wonder whites don’t want to be near blacks?

Notice that the interview of the mother of one of the wildings does not including an interview of the father—because in black culture fathers are the parent non-present of the family. Usually, dad is in prison or getting some other black woman pregnant and on welfare. Did you notice that mom has a tattoo? It kind of reminds me of the movie Precious. Blacks are most interested in sex, violence, drugs, hanging out, and getting tattoos, and playing basketball. I do give this women credit for coming forward about the criminal behavior of her daughter. Usually, blacks do talk to the police—because they hate the police and they fear the gangters in their own community. And that’s another reason nothing gets done to improve the community. Black neighborhoods are like Mexico—the gangsters are in charge. That that is not the fault of the schools.

Finally, it’s time to drive the last nail into the coffin of the black illusion that the cause of San Diego black students’ poor performance is not black students or their culture but the schools, teachers, and administrators, most of whom are not black. So here it is—178 (black) teachers and principals cheated by raising student test scores to make black student performance look better than it really was.

When Shirley Weber jumps on San Diego Unified School District it’s pretty clear that she is jumping on white people for short changing black students. But what happened in Atlanta indicates that it’s no longer white people who are holding back black students. It’s black culture. Even the adults are corrupt. That’s not news to anyone who watched the movie Precious. Black

Black culture is broken and I don’t think it can be repaired, especially when black people can’t seem to face that reality.

The Union-Tribune article had some interesting online comments. One irate commentator accused the system of hold racist attitudes toward black students. I for one consider the racist label an ad hominem response—you know, ignore the facts and blame the messenger. I for one have no problem with people being racist. One of the commentators obviously hates whites and I say go for it. I don’t hate blacks but I don’t want to live around them because I consider them dangerous and unpredictable.

But there are people I do hate. I think all this hype about loving your neighbor is bullshit. What if my neighbor is Michael Vick and his fighting dogs and beating them to death keeps me up all night.

I’m supposed to love such a person. I don’t think so. Beside, if a racist is telling the truth then his racism is irrelevant. I agree that white teachers should not be teaching black students until college. There are 39 million blacks in America. Certainly they should be able to produce enough teachers to teach black students. Oh but I forgot about the Atlanta fiasco. So blacks are white man’s burden? That goes for Hispanics too. Let Hispanics teach their own kids. They came into this country illegally and laid their anchor babies. They should be the problem of gringos. We didn’t invite them here. That goes for policing communities. Black police for black communities and Hispanic police for Hispanic communities.

That way white teachers will no longer have to take the blame for academic failure of black and Hispanic students and white cops won’t have to take the blame for abusing black and Hispanic gangbangers. Let the blacks and Hispanics clean up their own communities and keep the fuck out of our communities. Let white teachers teach white kids and white police protect white communities.

But that ain’t ever going to happen. That’s why this honky gringo is going to get the fuck out of this fucking cultural, social, economic mess called America.

P.S. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think blacks are what’s wrong with the country. They may have fucked up their own lives and communities, but they are not responsible for the country’s being fucked up. The whites are with a lot of help from the alien Hebrews who were allowed to flood into the country and taint Wall Street, D.C., Hollywood, and anywhere else they settled with their corruption and by turning America into Israel’s lackey. The Jews are to America what they are to Palestine—a cancer.

To begin, if blacks are a problem, then they are a problem that was imported into the country as slaves by a bunch immoral, Christian Southern white trash—the Republicans of today. And blacks didn’t cause America’s most disastrous war, the Civil War. Again it was greedy, corrupt stupid whites whose offspring make up today’s Republican Party. And Blacks didn’t cause the Great Depression. Greedy, corrupt filthy rich white men did, just as they caused the most recent collapse of the economy, though this time with a lot of imported Hebrew help—like Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan, Jews who believe the wealthy should used main street Americans like personals credit cards.

And white men like that fucking piece of shit George Bush, who threw average Americans to the greedy white and Jewish wolves. And men like filthy Rep. John Boehner and filthy Jew Rep. Eric Cantor. About Cantor: “In June, 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor owns shares in a fund that stands to benefit financially if U.S. Treasury bonds perform poorly.” Typical Jew betting against America. Anyway these two scumbags want to repeal Obama’s health care bill because they don’t represent the American people but the fat-cat insurance companies. The Republicans are the most unenlightened people in the country (perhaps the world). They are not social progressives but social regressives. I’m no fan of Obama’s because I believe his main interest is the aliens (like himself) who are taking over the country. He want to make sure all those folks get free medical care paid for by AMERICAN taxpayers. But listen up you dumb ass Republicans, no way this hater of the Democratic party will vote for you. And you are too stupid to figure that out. You better get out your fucking calculator and do the Tea Party math. THEY REPRESENT A FUCKING MINORITY OF VOTERS. But you just don’t get it. Sen. Boner just played the big dick by walking out on Obama. The fact that all of the Republicans are against Obama tells you that they don’t care about solving problems. They are fucking ideologues.

And blacks were not the cause of 9-11 attacks, but neoconservative Zionist Republicans like Bush and Boehner and Jews like Cantor were. And Blacks weren’t the cause of the Iraq War except for Bush’s boy Colin Powell. And they weren’t responsible for the Vietnam War. And they can’t be blamed for allowing the country to be invaded by Hispanics, an invasion that has hurt blacks more than any other group. When it comes to the two-faced Republicans one can ask what in the fuck have they done for the country. Nothing. They’ve been an anchor around the country’s neck.

Conclusion: White people have trashed this country because they are the ones who have been in control of it. Like black people they don’t want to look in the mirror either and see what they really are and what they have done to fuck up their country. They and no one else are to blame.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

World Celebrates Japanese Women’s Soccer Victory—Against the Evil Empire

Another defeat for the Evil Empire. The only nation cheering for the American team was America. Now that the USSR is gone there is only one Evil Empire left in the world that threaten world peace and global stability, and it’s not China.

America has become the most despised nation in the world. Sure there are smaller creepy nations like North Korea, which sank a South Korean ship but hasn’t been engaged in two immoral and one illegal war for the past 10 years (who’s counting anymore?). Certainly Israel ranks as an Evil Empire but only a mini-evil empire.

Americans like to think of their country leading the rest of the world into the future. But the rest of the world sees America leading the world into disaster with its global ambitions and trillion-dollar military and its nefarious organizations such as the CIA, FBI, and NSA and its policy of preemptive military strikes and use of torture. And its belief that America right or wrong is right. And then there all of those unmanned killer drone flying about blowing up homes and cars.

The Pentagon now says it will use its military to attack any nation responsible for a cyber attack against the U.S.

"A cyber attack is governed by basically the same rules as any other kind of attack if the effects of it are essentially the same," Gen. Dunlap said Monday. The U.S. would need to show that the cyber weapon used had an effect that was the equivalent of a conventional attack.”

The country is has been brainwashed by the military, which is totally paranoid and megalomaniacal.

Then there is America’s unconditional, immoral support of that Hebrew mini-evil empire.

And of course Americans are the least environmentally sensitive people in he world, not only do they they continue to believe that global warming is a hoax while the rest of the world struggles to deal with the problem they won't even use reusable bags for their groceries.

And American greed and corruption were the greatest causes of the big meltdown of the global economy.

America is no longer great or likable, just fucking scary. The Japanese have been kicking our asses long before their soccer team did. They build high quality products while Americans build junk.

And if you don’t buy Japanese you have to buy Chinese. About American cars one mechanic said,

“As one who has been in the auto repair business for over 15 years now, I see the reasons why people are fleeing from American cars everyday. The main reason? I will single out GM cars, but all the big three suffers from the same problem. The problem is their failure to improve designs of high failure rate components such as fuel pumps or injectors on vortec engines just to name a few.”

At home the country has entered into a state of decline. A 14 trillion dollar federal government debt! The private sector is no better off. And the economy is on taxpayer life supports. Millions of people have lost their jobs and homes, thousands live on the streets or tent communities. The prisons are bulging with 2 million prisoners (many criminals from south of the border), now being let out to roam the streets because the Supreme Court says so.

The country will soon eliminate Social Security and Medicare but will keep providing services to the illegal aliens and their anchor babies. And what about Mexico’s victory over the American men’s soccer team? The Mexicans living in the U.S. rooted for the Mexican team and booed the American team. That’s another reason I was elated by the Japanese win. The fucking U.S. Government has abandoned Americans for the immigrants.

And what about America’s public transportation system? Amtrak is a fucking joke compared to the fast trains in Japan, China, and Europe. The electric red cars were eliminated decades ago. Now there are only buses that are next to useless.

I drive a Chevy made in South Korea, but I’m going to sign up for a Japanese car. Not because they are better cars (though they are) but because Americans have become a disgusting people and their country the world’s Evil Empire. Just for all the men, women and children slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan I’ll buy Japanese.

America is still spending 10 billion dollars a month in Afghanistan—supposedly to kill members of Al-Qaeda but mostly they kill members of the Taliban, who are Afghan freedom fighters. I read that in April 25 members of Al-Qaeda were killed in the previous month. Isn't that 400 million each? How much did the body of Osama bin laden cost? At the very minimum 3 trillions dollars.

Something is both wrong and sick about such an operation. You probably heard that Gen. Petraeus is taking over the infamous CIA and turning the Afghan occupation over to another warmonger Gen. John Allen who said that Afghanistan can still be won. Won for fucking who? Don't you get it the U.S military consists of a club of professional killers who never want the killing game to end. And their political purpose is called colonialism. Idiot Gen. Allen said himself that the task was to get the Afghans to accept the government, basically put in place by the U.S. and to keep killing the guys who are trying to get end the U.S. occupation.

The generals love this shit. THEY FUCKING HATE PEACE! None of the peoples of the nations that have troops supporting the U.S. occupation want their troops in Afghanistan because they know that their troops are their because of U.S. pressure or bribery or because they still think they are mover and shaker on the world stage (Britain and France). The Canadians are getting out, with that sinking feeling that they were working for the devil just as they did during the Vietnam War. Their troop that died died for nothing once the war became a moral disgrace.

We all know the government in Afghanistan is corrupt. Look at President Hamid Karzai's sleazy brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai. He was basically a godfather and drug lord. Corrupt as shit. And do you think his brother is clean? And why is America willing to do business with such people? The same reason America was willing to do business with Hussein and all the other dictators in the region, to have influence in the region, for the sake of power, oil, and Israel. Everyone knows America is dirty, that the country behaves much like the drug cartels in Mexico.

And what about American culture? Sports, TV, video games, NASCAR, amusement parks, Las Vegas, American Idol, etc. America’s culture is one of banal, trite, vulgar entertainment. It’s all bread and circus.

The ugly American has gone global and that’s why I’m delighted that the Japanese girls won the big match. Nothing against the girls of the American team. Actually I admire their spunk and skill—I, like the rest of the world, just no longer admire the country they represent.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Chinaman Yee, Keep your Fu Manchu hands off my joystick

I hear the supreme court brought your boss-man ass down cus I was goin to send the Master Chief to your place to pull out those creepy long fingernails you chinamen wear. Or maybe I tell the CIA bout chu and theyll waterboard your ass for engaging in unAmerican activities.

China born, you aint even american and as soon as you get off the boat you start telling us mao tse dung style how were goin to live our lives. If you want to be a dictator go back to your homeland. I get sick of you brave new world types passin laws that control everybody elses life.

Besides that dumbass you don’t know shit about video games. I’m playing FEAR 3 and its fucking great. You think I’m goin to grab my daddy’s glock and start poppin cats just because I played a video game? Youre dumbass like I said. Beside what Im I supposed to do, read a fucking book or go outside and get shot by a gangbanger?

You see, chinaman, what you dont understand is buying a video game aint like goin to see a movie or buying cigarettes to smoke on the sly. You got to bring the fucking game home to play it. If the parents are too fucking stupid to know what goin on then you got bigger problem than the video games, like down in the hood where most the homes don’t have a daddy.

Besides, if you want to fine the game stores for selling a game to a kid, then shouldnt you be fining the parents who buy the games for their kids. I mean wouldnt that like parents buying cigarettes or booze for their kids? If it would be wrong for the store to corrupt kids minds then it should be wrong for the parents to do the same thing. You just want to come off as a big fucking politician hero. Ill tell you this, there millions of kids who hate your fucking guts and Im one of them.

And you whiny ass slant says that the supreme court caved into the corporations. You’re a fucking idiot, like the economy not bad enough you want to shut down the video game business. And do you think microsoft or sony needs the fucking supreme court. No, Ill tell who will go out of business—local video game stores like Game Stop. And are you going to have the parents inform on the stores to the FBI? And what about buying the games over the Internet? You goin to fine

Thing is, you dont know shit about video games or about the kids who play them. Check this kid out:

You think hes goin to grow up to be a serial killer? What you dont get dumb shit is that video games aint whats wrong with this country. Actually, the video games will tell you whats wrong with the country, the crooked, corrupt politicians, military types, and corporate goons running it.

You want to see California's future, then I recommend you play Call of Juarez: the Cartel. I fucking love the game. No way we're goin to win against the vatos in the real world since our government is on their side. But at least you can kick some Hispanic ass in the virtual world. Think about all those gringo kids that get bullied at school by Latino homies. Now they can get a little pretend payback. Oh yeah, Obama is one of the characters in the game under the alias Eddie Guerra. How cool is that!

And where do you think the game designers get their ideas for the video games. From the real world, dumb ass. Don't you read the fucking newspaper? Maybe if George Bush had played a few violent video games he would have known that invading Iraq was such a good idea. That war is bloody and often the good guys are the bad guy.

Now youre going to introduce another bill to get around the supreme court. I say FUCK YOU, chinaman. You want to keep under 18 from buying video games in Chinatown San Francisco, do it. It aint even America. You talk about mental health. Your fucking town is full of butt fucking perverts and gots fucking bums all over the streets. And bath houses that are really gay whorehouses where men fuck for free (the only admission being AIDS and syphilis). Check it out:

"SAN DIEGO — About 50,000 Americans become infected with HIV every year." And,

"The Centers for Disease Control says most of these infections are among men who have sex with other men, and bisexuals."

Those are your supporters. They dont play video game but with each another. Maybe you ought to visit one of the spas and loosen up. Im sure one of the guys who voted for you will give you a free BJ.

I say clean up the perversion in your own backyard and leave us gamers fucking alone. Otherwise take your Big Brother attitude back to your homeland china where it belongs. If I hear anymore about you hasslin the gamers Ill have to send the zombies over to your place. They love chinese food.

Gordon Freeman, 12 going on 13
P.S. Mr. Yee, I tink if you play Shadows of the Damned youll see that that video gaming builds good character and a positive outlook on life. My 5-year-old brother is playing the game at this moment and he just loves the BIG BONER! Mom always lets us play when shes passed out. I wish I could play with Dad. Maybe I will if he ever drops by.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July—What’s to Celebrate?

We are celebrating our independence from Great Britain because we were being over taxed by the British government. Okay the federal tax rate in Britain is 32% and in America and 27% in the U.S. However, the British have excellent public transportation and public Health Care. The country is immaculately kept up. The murder rate in Great Britain is 1.6 per hundred thousand, 5.9 in the U.S.

The Civil War might not have occurred because the British abolished slavery in 1807. And certainly blacks would not have had to wait until the 1960s to gain their civil rights. The policy of exterminated the Indians might have been avoided. The Romantic Movement had begun to emerge in England toward the end of the 18th century. With it came a greater respect for native peoples, especially the noble savages of North America, and for nature. Perhaps the slaughter of wildlife such as the bison might have been greatly reduced. We all know the English have a great love for nature. America never had a Romantic Movement. It was all business. It’s attitude toward destroying the Indians and wildlife was that of the Mafia: nothing personal, just business. The Westward Movement was an uncivilized and often inhumane free-for-all grab fest. Had Great Britain been in charge the process of settling the country might have been more civilized and more humane because Great Britain was already a great civilized nation, and thus might have given some order and restraint to the conquering of North America.

The United States of Great Britain would not have gotten involved in a war in Vietnam because Britain was at that time retreating from its colonies. I doubt if the 9-11 attacks would have occurred because evangelicals and Zionists would not have taken control of foreign policy. I doubt the United State of Great Britain would have almost 40% of the world Jews. Thus the Jewish corruption of Hollywood, Wall Street, and Washington D.C. would have been avoided. I doubt we would have been involved in two wars for the past 8 to 10 years. Maybe we wouldn’t have a 14 trillion dollar federal debt. And maybe I wouldn’t be living in a barrio because the U.S.G.B. government would have protected the borders.

Or maybe things would have turned out just as bad, but they couldn’t have turned out any worse. In fact, had Americans not achieved independence from Great Britain the U.S. today might be a lot like Canada—you know civilized.