Sunday, July 17, 2011

World Celebrates Japanese Women’s Soccer Victory—Against the Evil Empire

Another defeat for the Evil Empire. The only nation cheering for the American team was America. Now that the USSR is gone there is only one Evil Empire left in the world that threaten world peace and global stability, and it’s not China.

America has become the most despised nation in the world. Sure there are smaller creepy nations like North Korea, which sank a South Korean ship but hasn’t been engaged in two immoral and one illegal war for the past 10 years (who’s counting anymore?). Certainly Israel ranks as an Evil Empire but only a mini-evil empire.

Americans like to think of their country leading the rest of the world into the future. But the rest of the world sees America leading the world into disaster with its global ambitions and trillion-dollar military and its nefarious organizations such as the CIA, FBI, and NSA and its policy of preemptive military strikes and use of torture. And its belief that America right or wrong is right. And then there all of those unmanned killer drone flying about blowing up homes and cars.

The Pentagon now says it will use its military to attack any nation responsible for a cyber attack against the U.S.

"A cyber attack is governed by basically the same rules as any other kind of attack if the effects of it are essentially the same," Gen. Dunlap said Monday. The U.S. would need to show that the cyber weapon used had an effect that was the equivalent of a conventional attack.”

The country is has been brainwashed by the military, which is totally paranoid and megalomaniacal.

Then there is America’s unconditional, immoral support of that Hebrew mini-evil empire.

And of course Americans are the least environmentally sensitive people in he world, not only do they they continue to believe that global warming is a hoax while the rest of the world struggles to deal with the problem they won't even use reusable bags for their groceries.

And American greed and corruption were the greatest causes of the big meltdown of the global economy.

America is no longer great or likable, just fucking scary. The Japanese have been kicking our asses long before their soccer team did. They build high quality products while Americans build junk.

And if you don’t buy Japanese you have to buy Chinese. About American cars one mechanic said,

“As one who has been in the auto repair business for over 15 years now, I see the reasons why people are fleeing from American cars everyday. The main reason? I will single out GM cars, but all the big three suffers from the same problem. The problem is their failure to improve designs of high failure rate components such as fuel pumps or injectors on vortec engines just to name a few.”

At home the country has entered into a state of decline. A 14 trillion dollar federal government debt! The private sector is no better off. And the economy is on taxpayer life supports. Millions of people have lost their jobs and homes, thousands live on the streets or tent communities. The prisons are bulging with 2 million prisoners (many criminals from south of the border), now being let out to roam the streets because the Supreme Court says so.

The country will soon eliminate Social Security and Medicare but will keep providing services to the illegal aliens and their anchor babies. And what about Mexico’s victory over the American men’s soccer team? The Mexicans living in the U.S. rooted for the Mexican team and booed the American team. That’s another reason I was elated by the Japanese win. The fucking U.S. Government has abandoned Americans for the immigrants.

And what about America’s public transportation system? Amtrak is a fucking joke compared to the fast trains in Japan, China, and Europe. The electric red cars were eliminated decades ago. Now there are only buses that are next to useless.

I drive a Chevy made in South Korea, but I’m going to sign up for a Japanese car. Not because they are better cars (though they are) but because Americans have become a disgusting people and their country the world’s Evil Empire. Just for all the men, women and children slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan I’ll buy Japanese.

America is still spending 10 billion dollars a month in Afghanistan—supposedly to kill members of Al-Qaeda but mostly they kill members of the Taliban, who are Afghan freedom fighters. I read that in April 25 members of Al-Qaeda were killed in the previous month. Isn't that 400 million each? How much did the body of Osama bin laden cost? At the very minimum 3 trillions dollars.

Something is both wrong and sick about such an operation. You probably heard that Gen. Petraeus is taking over the infamous CIA and turning the Afghan occupation over to another warmonger Gen. John Allen who said that Afghanistan can still be won. Won for fucking who? Don't you get it the U.S military consists of a club of professional killers who never want the killing game to end. And their political purpose is called colonialism. Idiot Gen. Allen said himself that the task was to get the Afghans to accept the government, basically put in place by the U.S. and to keep killing the guys who are trying to get end the U.S. occupation.

The generals love this shit. THEY FUCKING HATE PEACE! None of the peoples of the nations that have troops supporting the U.S. occupation want their troops in Afghanistan because they know that their troops are their because of U.S. pressure or bribery or because they still think they are mover and shaker on the world stage (Britain and France). The Canadians are getting out, with that sinking feeling that they were working for the devil just as they did during the Vietnam War. Their troop that died died for nothing once the war became a moral disgrace.

We all know the government in Afghanistan is corrupt. Look at President Hamid Karzai's sleazy brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai. He was basically a godfather and drug lord. Corrupt as shit. And do you think his brother is clean? And why is America willing to do business with such people? The same reason America was willing to do business with Hussein and all the other dictators in the region, to have influence in the region, for the sake of power, oil, and Israel. Everyone knows America is dirty, that the country behaves much like the drug cartels in Mexico.

And what about American culture? Sports, TV, video games, NASCAR, amusement parks, Las Vegas, American Idol, etc. America’s culture is one of banal, trite, vulgar entertainment. It’s all bread and circus.

The ugly American has gone global and that’s why I’m delighted that the Japanese girls won the big match. Nothing against the girls of the American team. Actually I admire their spunk and skill—I, like the rest of the world, just no longer admire the country they represent.