What this article reveals is blacks’ continuing to avoid facing reality, which is the real reason for black students having the worst performance in the country. Here’s the first paragraph:
“City schools will rethink how African-American students are educated under a plan to boost academic achievement and reverse high rates of discipline that have plagued black students for generations.”
The wording suggests that black students are being plagued, as if getting into trouble at school is something like getting the flu. The reality is simple. Black students have a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE toward school, learning, and authority. Compare that to Asian students, who respect the school, want to learn (even enjoy learning), and respect authority (teachers and administrator). Blacks hate it when they are compared to Asian immigrants, who get off the boat with a huge inferiority complex and may not speak English very well but excel in school. In other words, the situation isn’t so different, but the attitude is.
“The San Diego Unified School District will slowly launch the reform effort, beginning in the fall. The $3.5 million plan has yet to get funding for parent centers and other programs called for in the initiative.” Okay, we’re going to throw more money at the problem, which won’t do a bit of good. I don’t care about the money. I’d rather see it go to black Americans than aliens. But it’s not going to work because the school isn’t the problem. The students, families, and culture are the problem. An attitude change wouldn’t cost anything—but I don’t see it happening because black kids are programmed to fail in school, and it’s not the fault of the whites or the teachers or the administrators. It’s the fault of black culture.
And the key thing is BLACK STUDENTS DON’T GIVE A SHIT. It’s okay to act up in school. It’s okay to fail. Though later in life there is a price to pay.
Here comes a big load of bullshit:
“‘The underachievement of African-Americans in this district and nationwide is a travesty and a crime against children,’ said Shirley Weber, executive director of the San Diego Association of African Educators. ‘ If we get every child to get to school and we don’t change the academic experience for them, we are not doing anything.’”
First of all it isn’t a crime against the children. These “children” are responsible for their behavior. Who is committing the crime? The administrators? The teachers? It’s the same old black ploy of blaming anyone (especially whitey) for the behavior of black young people. That accusation might have had some validity 50 years ago, but no longer. Also, “we are not doing anything”? What are teachers supposed to do other than teach? Must they become social workers and parole officers? Is every black student to be team taught? What, what, what? The teachers and the school are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
It’s the student and mostly their parents who aren’t doing what they are supposed to do. If a student won’t read a book, won’t do his or her assignment, how in the fuck is that the teacher’s fault? They need to make the information more interesting? Bull shit. Being a student is different from playing video games or watching movies or listening to music and hanging out. And if the school became a Disneyland it wouldn’t matter. Too many black kids aren’t interest and don’t want to do the work. In fact, most of their parent weren’t any different.
In the same section of the paper there is a photo of Hispanic and black youths waiting to register for American Idol. That’s part of the problem—kids wanting to be celebrities. It’s fun—no books, no studying, and no tests. But it’s a dead-end.
What’s the plan?
Parenting programs, meaning that a lot of these parents are poor parents. The chances are only mom is at home. In other words, many black students come from dysfunctional families. That is the result of a dysfunctional culture, such as one where dads like producing kids but not raising them.
Families will sign compacts. I’m sorry, that just bullshit. What’s the school going to do if the compact is broken? There is already in place a legal compact about kids being in school. It’s a gimmick.
Schools must create a more welcoming environment and do a better job communicating to families. What a joke. In most parts of the world families would be grateful to schools for educating their children. And they should be grateful to taxpayers given that the average public school spends $9,963 educating one child per year, $1,900 in L.A., most likely for the same reason prisons are more expensive to operate than public schools. Only 9% of the students in the public school are white, 84% are Hispanic and black. The L.A. Unified School District is characterized by “high drop-out (26%) and expulsion rates, low academic performance in many schools.” So much for the minorities (Asians excluded) appreciating getting free education.
“The district will offer college-preparation workshops and parenting programs.” So the parents have to go back to school because like their children they didn’t get an education when they had the chance. For blacks, “parents” should be “parent.”
"Staff members would be designated to serve as an official school contact for African-American parents.” It’s not as if the schools don’t already have enough work to do. They now have to work as social workers.
“Eventually, parent centers would be established in schools with high populations of African-American students.” One simply must shake his or her head. So parents will have something akin to a teacher’s lounge. You wouldn’t have to go to such lengths with a school in the middle of Africa where the mothers are totally uneducated. While the African mothers are out collecting firewood or obtaining water for cooking, the kids would come to school and learn. Of course, the dad would probably be out raping the women collecting firewood and water. Men are always a problem, but in black communities they are a nightmare. That’s why the idea below is a good idea.
“The district will create separate programs for girls and boys in an effort to boost overall achievement.” No shit, give girls a place where they can be students without being constantly harassed by the boys. Perhaps have of the black population can be saved. Also a third program for black nerds. I know they exist. A place to learn where they don’t have to fear being beaten, knifed, or shot.
“The district will establish a new, uniform discipline policy, one that seeks to eliminate racial bias, and will require area superintendents to approve student expulsions. In the 2009-10 school year, black students were five times as likely to be expelled as their white classmates. They also accounted for 21.5 percent of suspensions, while white students made up 4 percent of suspensions.”
Black students don’t do anything wrong, no more than white students. It’s just that teachers and administrators enjoy suspending and expelling them. This is just another example of blacks unwilling to face reality. Black girls end up uneducated, overweight single mothers because of the choice they make. And black guys end up uneducated gangsters and/or drug addicts who either get themselves murdered, drug overdosed or imprisoned. I think it’s time for a reality check here:
The problem with educating blacks is to be found at the schools (except for the student body) and at the home and in the community. Black culture is dysfunctional—even nihilistic among the young people:
Do you really think these guys want to be in school? No way. And the girls:
Black girls see themselves as meat, and no way they want to be in school either.
Let’s get down to business. Just about the same time the article on closing the black academic achievement gap, this story appeared:
The video “shocked many.” It didn’t shock me. But it does show you that black culture is out of control. It’s like it’s suffering from a cultural from of the Ebola virus. Is it any wonder whites don’t want to be near blacks?
Notice that the interview of the mother of one of the wildings does not including an interview of the father—because in black culture fathers are the parent non-present of the family. Usually, dad is in prison or getting some other black woman pregnant and on welfare. Did you notice that mom has a tattoo? It kind of reminds me of the movie Precious. Blacks are most interested in sex, violence, drugs, hanging out, and getting tattoos, and playing basketball. I do give this women credit for coming forward about the criminal behavior of her daughter. Usually, blacks do talk to the police—because they hate the police and they fear the gangters in their own community. And that’s another reason nothing gets done to improve the community. Black neighborhoods are like Mexico—the gangsters are in charge. That that is not the fault of the schools.
Finally, it’s time to drive the last nail into the coffin of the black illusion that the cause of San Diego black students’ poor performance is not black students or their culture but the schools, teachers, and administrators, most of whom are not black. So here it is—178 (black) teachers and principals cheated by raising student test scores to make black student performance look better than it really was.
When Shirley Weber jumps on San Diego Unified School District it’s pretty clear that she is jumping on white people for short changing black students. But what happened in Atlanta indicates that it’s no longer white people who are holding back black students. It’s black culture. Even the adults are corrupt. That’s not news to anyone who watched the movie Precious. Black
Black culture is broken and I don’t think it can be repaired, especially when black people can’t seem to face that reality.
The Union-Tribune article had some interesting online comments. One irate commentator accused the system of hold racist attitudes toward black students. I for one consider the racist label an ad hominem response—you know, ignore the facts and blame the messenger. I for one have no problem with people being racist. One of the commentators obviously hates whites and I say go for it. I don’t hate blacks but I don’t want to live around them because I consider them dangerous and unpredictable.
But there are people I do hate. I think all this hype about loving your neighbor is bullshit. What if my neighbor is Michael Vick and his fighting dogs and beating them to death keeps me up all night.
I’m supposed to love such a person. I don’t think so. Beside, if a racist is telling the truth then his racism is irrelevant. I agree that white teachers should not be teaching black students until college. There are 39 million blacks in America. Certainly they should be able to produce enough teachers to teach black students. Oh but I forgot about the Atlanta fiasco. So blacks are white man’s burden? That goes for Hispanics too. Let Hispanics teach their own kids. They came into this country illegally and laid their anchor babies. They should be the problem of gringos. We didn’t invite them here. That goes for policing communities. Black police for black communities and Hispanic police for Hispanic communities.
That way white teachers will no longer have to take the blame for academic failure of black and Hispanic students and white cops won’t have to take the blame for abusing black and Hispanic gangbangers. Let the blacks and Hispanics clean up their own communities and keep the fuck out of our communities. Let white teachers teach white kids and white police protect white communities.
But that ain’t ever going to happen. That’s why this honky gringo is going to get the fuck out of this fucking cultural, social, economic mess called America.
P.S. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think blacks are what’s wrong with the country. They may have fucked up their own lives and communities, but they are not responsible for the country’s being fucked up. The whites are with a lot of help from the alien Hebrews who were allowed to flood into the country and taint Wall Street, D.C., Hollywood, and anywhere else they settled with their corruption and by turning America into Israel’s lackey. The Jews are to America what they are to Palestine—a cancer.
To begin, if blacks are a problem, then they are a problem that was imported into the country as slaves by a bunch immoral, Christian Southern white trash—the Republicans of today. And blacks didn’t cause America’s most disastrous war, the Civil War. Again it was greedy, corrupt stupid whites whose offspring make up today’s Republican Party. And Blacks didn’t cause the Great Depression. Greedy, corrupt filthy rich white men did, just as they caused the most recent collapse of the economy, though this time with a lot of imported Hebrew help—like Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan, Jews who believe the wealthy should used main street Americans like personals credit cards.
And white men like that fucking piece of shit George Bush, who threw average Americans to the greedy white and Jewish wolves. And men like filthy Rep. John Boehner and filthy Jew Rep. Eric Cantor. About Cantor: “In June, 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that Cantor owns shares in a fund that stands to benefit financially if U.S. Treasury bonds perform poorly.” Typical Jew betting against America. Anyway these two scumbags want to repeal Obama’s health care bill because they don’t represent the American people but the fat-cat insurance companies. The Republicans are the most unenlightened people in the country (perhaps the world). They are not social progressives but social regressives. I’m no fan of Obama’s because I believe his main interest is the aliens (like himself) who are taking over the country. He want to make sure all those folks get free medical care paid for by AMERICAN taxpayers. But listen up you dumb ass Republicans, no way this hater of the Democratic party will vote for you. And you are too stupid to figure that out. You better get out your fucking calculator and do the Tea Party math. THEY REPRESENT A FUCKING MINORITY OF VOTERS. But you just don’t get it. Sen. Boner just played the big dick by walking out on Obama. The fact that all of the Republicans are against Obama tells you that they don’t care about solving problems. They are fucking ideologues.
And blacks were not the cause of 9-11 attacks, but neoconservative Zionist Republicans like Bush and Boehner and Jews like Cantor were. And Blacks weren’t the cause of the Iraq War except for Bush’s boy Colin Powell. And they weren’t responsible for the Vietnam War. And they can’t be blamed for allowing the country to be invaded by Hispanics, an invasion that has hurt blacks more than any other group. When it comes to the two-faced Republicans one can ask what in the fuck have they done for the country. Nothing. They’ve been an anchor around the country’s neck.
Conclusion: White people have trashed this country because they are the ones who have been in control of it. Like black people they don’t want to look in the mirror either and see what they really are and what they have done to fuck up their country. They and no one else are to blame.