Joe and Jill Biden shovel out more pro-military propaganda this Veterans Day. They begin with:
Today is Veterans Day, the day we honor the military service and sacrifice of all the veterans who have served this nation. Because of THE INCREDIBLE COURAGE OF THE 9/11 GENERATION, the tide of WAR IS RECEDING AND AMERICA IS MORE SECURE THAN A DECADE AGO.
INCREDIBLE courage?Incredible courage? It wasn’t as if they were going off to fight the Nazis or Japs but a ragtag group of zealots who lived in caves. It was a war for the Arabs on the receiving end of the trillion dollar military machine. Al-Qaeda had no tanks, planes, helicopters, drones, ships, armored personnel carriers, etc. They didn’t even have a nation. It was a hunting expedition. Sure there was some risk just as there is when hunting big game. But the guys who join the military enjoy risk. They enjoy hunting people. And most of the personnel never see combat. So come on, Joe and Jill, it wasn’t what you see in Call of Duty.
5000 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq. But “in the decade since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center,
2,333,972 American military personnel had been deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or both ( Yeah, there some risk but nothing like that of a real war. Hussein’s military was knocked out within a couple of weeks. Then all there was left were freedom fighters dying to rid their country of the U.S. military machine. They are guys who were fighting for their lives, and mostly dying.
Afghanistan had no military whatsoever. The killing there has been a turkey, a mechanized hunting expedition, not a war—except for the Afghan fighters. And nobody knows how many of them have died. To Americans they have no moral status. It’s like killing flies.
America more secure than a decade ago?Really? What was expected from Al-Qaeda after 9-11—that new hijackers would appear with box cutters to hijack more American planes? That’s nonsense. I don’t know how many Al-Qaeda terrorist were in lurking about at the time, but from what I read there wasn’t more than a 1000. That’s hardly a threat. The Taliban were never interested in attacking the U.S. in the first place, and had nothing to do with 9-11, which Americans conveniently forget. There has never been a Taliban fighter on U.S. soil. No American in the U.S. has been injured or killed by a Taliban fighter. The Taliban kill members of the forces occupying their country, just as Americans would... I take that back. America is presently occupied by 39 million Hispanics. In fact, 1.2 million veterans were Hispanic. This 11/21 issue of
Time also points out that “Since 9/11 70,000 foreigners have won American citizenship by joining the U.S. military. Right now, about 16,000 noncitizens are on active duty.” These soldiers are mercenaries. So much for the military protecting America from invaders!
And this Veterans Day thousands of more alien mercenaries have been sworn in as U.S. citizens. America is disappearing FAST! And the military has been aiding and abetting the enemy.
But the job of the military is to protect Americans from Arabs invading the country. Well it hasn’t done a very good job. Take a look at the Arab occupation in San Diego:! That doesn’t look like America to me. But the fact is the military is a society of its own. It doesn’t care about America. It cares only about itself. It doesn’t care who are what its soldiers are. If they were cyborgs (and in many ways they are after being programmed) it wouldn’t care. It cares only about destroying and killing, nothing else.
And speaking of secure, tens of millions of Americans have lost their homes and jobs. That’s fucking security! And by the way
“Approximately 45 murders are committed each day in the U.S.” That’s 16,425 murders each year. So the military is keeping us safe? Bull shit! In fact, even if there was a 9-11 event each year (3000 killed), the number of murders committed by Americans (and aliens) would still exceed the terrorists' body count by 13,000. Biden is a bullshitter.
No victory when there is only suffering
Next month, WE WILL END THE WAR IN IRAQ, BRINGING ALL OF OUR TROOPS HOME by the end of this calendar year. In Afghanistan, our brave forces are transferring responsibility to the Afghans. THEY TOO WILL BE HOME WITHIN TWO YEARS—Maybe!*
And maybe not even in two years. You might have read that the Obama administration is negotiating a deal with its puppet government that could keep thousands of Americans troops in Afghanistan for years to come. U.S. puppet leader Karzai told his puppet assembly that he was happy it would consider the deal. If you don’t think some form of American bribery is involved (it always is) then you are a simpleminded dumb fuck. The U.S. delivers money on pallets to the leaders. The Obama administration calls the agreement a STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP DOCUMENT. That’s PR gobbledygook for NEO-COLONIALISM. The colonialist puts a puppet government in place and has it rubberstamped its colonialist policies. What is going on is the U.S. want to us Afghanistan as a military base and as a weapons-tactic testing site, using Afghan men, women, children, and villages as props. Iraqis kicked our ass out of Iraq and believe me that we would have stayed if the rest of the world was watching. America’s strategy in Iraq was truly to DESTROY THE VILLAGE TO SAVE IT. The U.S. military machine destroyed, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children and the flight of millions of people from the country who could afford to get out—meaning the professionals, such as doctors, engineers, educators, etc. American soldiers engaged in rape, executions, torture, and wholesale slaughter. The Iraqi people rightfully hate our guts. If you’ve notice the news media doesn’t pay much attention to Iraq because the U.S. invasion was a total indecent, immoral, 3-trillion dollar debacle. This video shows the attitude toward the Iraqis: forget about YouTube. Apparently they’ve been castrated by the government.
Americans hate because they hate the ugly truth about themselves., YouTube has one testicle left.
To Afghanistan: We will leave when we bloody feel like itTwo more years and maybe not then! Ten years of beating up on those people isn’t enough?! And the Afghan people had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks! But human hunting in Afghanistan and trying out all those new weapons is just too much fun. This is what the ragged and truly courageous Afghan freedom fighters have been up against: Americans love war. But human hunting is so much fun when the hunted are at such a disadvantage, like shooting wolves from a helicopter, another American sport.
The people Americans have been killing:’s gift to the Afghan people: this is what the rest of the world knows about the Afghanistan War:
Biden doesn’t give a shit about the people in Afghanistan and Iraq whose lives have been destroyed by the American military machine. He’s too in love with America brave fighting men and women... Or is he simply in love with their votes. There are 22,658,000 veterans in the U.S. That’s a lot of votes!
Service members already haves jobs good fucking jobs!But as our SERVICE MEMBERS RETURN, MANY ARE DISCOVERING A NEW BATTLEFIELD as they leave the military and search for civilian employment opportunities.
They already have a job with good benefits. If they choose to be unemployed that’s their choice. You know, welcome to the real fucking world. Here’s what millions of Americans have been facing while you’ve been off on America’s human hunting expeditions. at this, SERVICE MEMBERS, and tell me what you’ve been fighting for. You haven’t been protecting Americans from anything that is a threat to them. I’m sorry, Americans are not threatened by Iraqis or Afghans—but those people have been very much threatened by the U.S. MILITARY MACHINE.
Why should anyone be concerned about service men and women who quit their jobs? They weren’t drafted. It was a career choice. That made sense the first couple of years of the war against the Afghan people. That’s right, like or not, the Taliban are Afghans, just as Southern nigger-hating, war-loving crackers are Americans. And any person who signed up after America invaded Iraq, signed up to participate in a crime against humanity—specifically the Iraqi people.
And by the way, that war was fought on the behalf of Zionist Jews and their collaborators, such as born-again but still dumb as shit George Bush.
Vets are so bad off? I don’t think so.You know, fuck the military. Millions of Americans are facing a bad economy. But these are some of the benefits that a lot of working men and women don’t get. This is what the gov. offers if you sign up for military socialism:
Educational Benefits – GI Bill, Tuition Assistance, Service member Opportunity Colleges, Education on Duty, etc.
Advanced Technical and Specialty Training
Cash bonuses
Tax-Free Housing & Food Allowances, or Free Room & Board
30 Days of Vacation per Year
Space A Travel – Free flights between baese
Substantial discounts and deals throughout the private sector
Health & Dental Care for you and your family
Special deals on Home Loans (VA Loans link)
PensionsNot fucking bad, but there’s more:
Example of 2010 Annual Military Pay:
Unmarried Married with 2 children
Basic Pay $24,300.00 $24,300.00
Cash for Meals $3,886.44 $3,886.44
Cash or (Equivalent) for Housing* $10,548.00 $13,932.00
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Cash Total $38734.44 $42,118.44
Federal Tax Advantage $4,421.00 $5,412.00
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Regular Military Compensation $43,155.44 $47,530.44
You know that looks pretty good to me. Maybe ALL THOSE BENEFITS are the real reason why Americans sign up for the military. How many unskilled high school graduates can expect the above? Not many. And let’s face it, it’s just about impossible to be fire.
How many companies will give you health insurance for life for just working four years?
And if you decide to stay in for 20 years, meaning an 18 year old can retire at 38 this is what you get:
Military PensionIf you decide to make the military your career, you will be eligible for retirement pay, including continued health benefits and on-base shopping privileges similar to those you enjoyed while on duty. For instance, a 20-year career in the service will often result in retirement in your late 30's. Considering that a typical enlisted retiree will receive over HALF-A-MILLION Dollars in retirement pay alone, a military pension is a great deal and you pay nothing into this it is all part of your rewards for serving!
Health CareYou and your family will have medical insurance (TRICARE) for as long as you remain in military service. If you remain in the Military through retirement, your medical benefits will extend throughout your lifetime and that of your spouse.
Pure SocialismThe Vice Bubble-head President and his Bubble-head wife need to read Time magazine’s article “An Army Apart.” It says that military personnel are immune to the economic insecurities plaguing the rest of the nation. But here’s the big new: “Military compensation per service member has jumped from $56,738 in 1998 to $$85,581 last year. A 20% raise. “Other benefits have jumped even higher: housing allowances (188%), bonuses (up 56%), retirement funding (up 24%).” What I see are coddled killers that remind me of the special treatment Roman legions received.
What you are looking at is the purest
FORM OF SOCIALISM that exists. What is the U.S. military really doing? It’s keeping MILLIONS of people who work for the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX employ, paid for by the America taxpayer. And a lot of those people (for example, the CEOs of military corporation) are getting rich. THE UNITED STATE MILITARY is nothing more than the BIGGEST BUSINESS in America. And it makes nothing that is of use to anyone (except weapons sold to dictators like the Saudis). Japan’s Toyota makes more money for the Japanese than the U.S. military war industries make for Americans. The Japanese (even more the Chinese) are more interested in making money than making war (and enemies). When did American become so stupid to think a war economy (even when the wars are phony) is the best economy?
Obama: America’s Nobel Peace Prize warmongerWhat do Obama and tiger Woods have in common? BETRAYL. Remember when he gave the impression that he would be a president for peace. That he would have America lead the world to a more peaceful future. Now we (and the Nobel Prize committee) know that Obama is just another sleazy, dirt-bag politician who wears leopard skin underwear and caries a spear around in the White House. Here’s one of Obama’s favorite inspiration films: Obama said he wanted to get the troops out of Afghanistan, and I-HAVE-A-HARDON-FOR-WAR Obama escalates the war in Afghanistan: would have believed that compared to Obama that George W. Bush looks like the Gandhi.
If it weren’t for Bush the U.S. military would continue its occupation of Iraq. In fact, in spite of that agreement the Obama War Administration didn’t want to leave Iraq, but couldn’t stay because they wanted to continue to operate above the law—you know torture, rape, murder, etc., without accountability.
And it’s not clear that Obama will get the troops out of Afghanistan at the agreed upon deadline. Obama, like the U.S. military, finds that he enjoys the killing.
Big Snoop-Dog Obama in the China SeaWearing his red, white, and blue colored around his forehead, his Raiders cap turned backwards, and grabbing his crotch, Big Snoop-Dog Obama “announced an expansion of U.S. operation in the region [the South China Sea] with the basing of up to 2,500 Marines in Darwin, Australia.” knows that round eyes know much better what is best for the Asians. told the Chinese “The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay.” Talk about President Phallus Obama! I wonder if he wasn’t feeling a little like Tiger Woods or Herman Cain standing near that hot, fair-skinned, red-headed Prime Minister Julia Gillard. With her looking on he’s got to prove his manhood by showing the Chinaman who’s boss.
"In the face of China’s growing military power and concerns about maritime trade routes in the South China Sea, President Barack Obama announced an expansion of U.S. operations IN THE REGION with the basing of up to 2,500 Marines in Darwin, Australia."Does he think the Chinese will block those trade routes? How would get all those goodies to Americans, who would be in a fine fix if they had to buy MADE IN AMERICA but nothing is made in America.
And apparently he didn’t notice the name of the sea: SOUTH CHINA SEA, not SOUTH AMERICA SEA. And by the way how man Chinese ship has anyone seen off American coasts? And I find it ironic that he’s having to visit the old colonialists the Australians. 22 million people! Like they represent the region! Why didn’t Obama visit Okinawa? Here’s why:’s just another sequel to UGLY AMERICAN REDUX. You notice that the reporter said the American soldiers don’t seem to mind. Of course not. They’re cyborg soldiers, i.e., terminators. They have no feelings. They have undergone an emotional spinal tap after years of playing video games that enable them to vicariously kill gooks, rooskies, japs, slants, African zombies and ragheads. Boot camp leaves only one emotion—hate.
Imagine having your homeland turned into a military based by cyborg colonialists. And you see that democracy doesn’t work any better in Okinawa than it does in America. Of course, the U.S. government through millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars at the people. THAT is the American values system: everything (even one’s culture) is for sale and anyone can be bought. I thought the one woman was right when she objected to having to participate in America’s crimes against humanity—in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
And what this shit about THE REGION. It’s not our region, though America thinks the whole fucking world is its region. Americans are such big fucking hypocrites. They don’t want anyone messing around in “their” (the fucking Hispanics don’t count) region but they love messing around in everyone else backyard. Especially with their cruise missile, Chief Obama favorite new bloody toy.
The Aussies just love getting on their knees to America. They are a morally filthy people. They totally fucked over the Aborigines, supported the U.S. in its Vietnam War Crime against Humanity. And they supported America’s crimes against humanity in the Iraq War and the war against Afghanistan. I hope Australia gets overrun by Asians. Like their British ancestors they deserve to disappear.
"The Darwin deployment will be the largest in Australia since World War II when Gen. Douglas MacArthur moved his headquarters there for the Pacific campaign."America is sick, fucking sick. No way does it qualifies as a leader for world peace. IT’S A FUCKING ANCHOR ON WORLD PROGRESS. Its plan is world domination. It can’t do anything else. It’s like Obama doesn’t read the newspapers to know that the country has turned into cultural and economic waste site.
However, let’s see who the real military tyrant is. Compare the defense spending:
United States $698,105,000,000
Republic of China $114,000,000,000
China has three times our population and 1/6 our defense spending. Which country is suffering military psychosis?
The country the world fears most is the U.S. with its Terminator high-tech military and its glassy-eyed cyborg soldiers.
Obama said that the Marine presence was “necessary to maintain the security architecture of the region.” Like the U.S. did during the Vietnam War. SECURITY ARCHITECTURE—what fucking political gobbledygook. The reality is Obama like having a military erection. But it’s the American taxpayers and people of other countries who are getting fucked in the ass.
But what’s the government going to do—bring all those killers home and park them in America. Even the Romans knew that it was best to keep the legions based as far away from their civilized home as possible.
Again democracy doesn’t work in the U.S.
In Big Chief Hussein Obama we have a black version of George W. Bush, though weirdly as it turns out even though Bush is responsible for the American led slaughter in Afghanistan and Iraq, he also did more to bring them to an end than Obama has. In Hillary Clinton we have a white version of Condoleezza Rice. In other words, when it comes to foreign policy the Clinton and Obama are Republicans. And that fucking means that Americans are not given democratic options considering U.S. foreign policy.
Also Hillary demonstrates that women are no better than men once give power. Thus the feminist idea that the world would be better off with more women in government is just bullshit. Male or female, all politicians are drive by the WILL TO POWER.
The battle veterans face after the wars!
This rant started with the battle veterans face after the wars. I say what about the battle the Iraqis face and the Afghans will have to face because oppressors will have left their countries in shambles? What will American soldier come back to? Homes, medical care, veterans benefits, educational opportunities, and a big monthly check if they claim
post traumatic stress, which Obama has made it easier than ever to claim. If you passed through Iraq or Afghanistan you qualify.
The reality is that U.S. soldiers are coddled because they are an essential part of Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. They are a hell of a lot better off than coal miners and lots of other worker who work at filthy, dangerous, miserable jobs, not for two years (getting a BIG FUCKING BONUS IF THEY SIGN UP FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS), but for twenty years. Still the military is relying increasingly on alien mercenaries not because the job is difficult, but because most young Americans don’t want to participate in committing crimes against humanity. They have enough moral fiber not to get into the killing game because its fun, pays well, and has lots of benefits.
Beside, what would intelligent young Americans have to talk about with cyborg soldier—ideas, art, books, etc. I don’t think so. Maybe video games, sports, pornography, killing, killing, and killing. And the fact that most U.S. soldiers have graduated from high school doesn’t mean shit.
You see there is no good in what America’s military does (with the exception of the occasional rescue mission don’t for media coverage).
Joe Biden is a phony friend to working Americans
Joe Biden’s support of U.S. soldiers is just political B.S. He doesn’t give a shit about working Americans military or otherwise. Before he became Emperor Obama’s albino monkey he was a dirt-bag monkey for the usurious credit card companies:! I just heaved all over my computer. I always do that when I think about the self-serving, morally filthy politicians running and ruining the country.