Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Poor Jimmy Wales has hat in hand—again!

The founder of Wikipedia has been begging for money for over a week, and the preceding fund drive wasn't that long ago. It’s fucking embarrassing.


More recently it said, IF EVERYONE READING THIS WOULD GIVE $10 THE DRIVE COULD COME TO AN END TODAY. But then what about tomorrow, Jimmy? We'd love to help you out, Jimmy, but we're just poor folk, the people Wikipedia is meant to serve.

There was even one crazy plea that talked about nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. These fucking fund-raising campaigns are driving me crazy.

You would think some fatcat who has made billions of the Internet like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin would step forward and offer to help Wikipedia, but forget that. They're all about GREED.

Jimmy’s Wikipedia is a true gift to humanity. He doesn’t even care when other sites steal his information. You can live anywhere in the world and get the information you need from Wikipedia for free. For example, take the topic of botulism (speaking of billionaires). If you are living in deepest Africa or North Dakota and need information on the toxin you can find it on Wikipedia. On the other hand, Facebook is all about chatting, idiotic games, and tons of ads.

Wikipedia is like a global intellect. Facebook is global social masturbation.

Jimmy Wales had some money but he sunk it all into Wikipedia—not to get rich but to do something good for humanity. Very unlike the billionaire pigs feeding at the Internet money trough. Well you all know that the billionaire money gluttons have ruined America. Wales is all about spreading the wealth of knowledge; the billionaires are all about acquiring as much wealth as possible for themselves.

And one reason billionaires hate Wikipedia is that they are all dirty in some way and it dirt shows up on Wikipedia. A lot of Americans are in awe of the money hogs, which just shows how corrupt Americans have become. You know, allowing Wal-Mart to gut the life out of every American community just so they can buy toothpaste made in China on the cheap. In such an environment—stupidity and greed—poor Jimmy doesn’t have a chance.

Jimmy is an idealist, a utopian. He wants a truly democratic world in which every little guy on the planet can have access to factual and scholarly information unsullied by commercialism. But that’s never going to happen, Jimmy, because the billionaires will never let it happen.

Jimmy’s an Internet version of Jesus. Jesus arrived at the Temple with a more sensible, more humane, less greedy version of religion. He told the money gluttons that they weren't welcome in the Temple, that they defiled the Temple and the religion it represented.

Now Jimmy arrives at the Internet Temple saying basically the same thing—that the money gluttons were exploiting and ruining the religion of the Internet, which is to serve as the world’s brain and provide people with easy, cheep, convenient access to important and meaningful information. But the money gluttons see the Internet as a kind of Las Vegas, an environment for trivial entertainment and trivial chitchat. And of course an electronic universe full of hucksters trying in a hundred different ways to trick people into buying all kind of shit they don’t need. SELL! SELL! SELL! BUY! BUY! BUY! Finally the Internet has been turned into a slut pimped out by the money gluttons.

This is what she looks like because of them:

Into the world came this beautiful technological miracle, the Internet. That how Jimmy saw. Then the money gluttons turned it into a money slut, just like other money gluttons turned Hollywood into a brothel.

Jimmy wanting to provide something wholesome, useful, and free—an entire universe of excellent information. A fucking Platonic dream: the Realm of the Ideas at humanity's fingertips. Sure some people complain about the quality of the information (which improves each year), but what do they do to help improve the greatest source of global information? Not a fucking thing. So poor Jimmy has to crucify himself by becoming like one of the thousands of beggars in the U.S. standing on street corners or in the middle of the street with their signs:

I’m Jimmy Wales
and I want the whole world
to have all the information
it needs
for FREE!
Please give!

Give up the begging, Jimmy. You might as well become a money glutton like all the other billionaire money gluttons. Offer an ad-free Wikipedia for those who can afford it and to ease your conscience offer another version for those who can’t. Just try to keep the ads to a minimum (because they are like a mental cancer). The other option is pull the plug on Wikipedia and let one of the money pigs pick it up and change its name to Pigpedia.

I gave my $20, Jimmy. But I can’t afford any more than that. But you have my love, just as the money pigs have my hate. In fact they have everyone’s hate. Just ask the Occupy folks. I tell you what, I’m going to take out my voodoo dolls of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin (I have the whole Washington, D.C. collection) and push needles into their eyes. If they go blind maybe they’ll see that money isn’t everything. If they go blind and don’t have a Scrooge revelation, at least they’ll have to count their money (their favorite pastime) in the dark.

Please, no more begging, Jimmy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Arizona Recall and the Failure of Democracy in the U.S.

Democracy will destroy not save America

Democracy no longer serves Americans because it has become the weapon of choice by the alien enemies of Americans, in particular the HISPANIC NATION.

Alamo Arizona under siege
PHOENIX (AP) — Last week's recall election defeat of the Republican legislator who wrote Arizona's tough anti-immigration law and the seating of Democratic mayors in Phoenix and Tucson have given Democrats renewed hope for picking up the state in next year's Senate and presidential elections.
The American patriot who wrote that legislation in an attempt to defend Americans in Arizona from the Hispanic civilian army that has invaded the state is Senate President Russell Pearce.

Combined, the outcomes underscored the diversity of voters in what many view as a conservative state even though voters here are split nearly in thirds among Republicans, independents and Democrats.

The diversity of voters means that Hispanic illegal aliens and their anchor babies have taken control of the state. Hispanics are now 30% of the state’s population, and as I have said before, 30% is all they need to control state level (or national level) politics. Especially when one adds 12% Pacific Islanders and 2% Asian. That leaves the gringos at 57%.
“For the first time in 20 years, we will have Democratic mayors of Tucson and Phoenix," state Democratic Party Chairman Andrei Cherny wrote in an email to supporters. "And for the first time in American history, a state legislative leader - the most powerful politician in Arizona - was recalled from office. These are victories for all Arizonans - ones that six months ago would have seemed all but impossible."
Phoenix’s mayor: Phil Gordon, a Jew.

Tucson’s mayor: Robert E. Walkup is a Republican but won’t run again, opening the door for a Marxist, multiculturalist democrat—either Hispanic or Jewish. The governor is Jan Brewer. Because of her stand against the aliens she’s history.

Andrei Cherny is also a Jews.

The Jewish agenda is the transform America into a minority-majority nation. In other words, the gringo gentiles will become just another minority. To do this the Jews need an army of anti-Americans that will allow the Jews (and the aliens) to take control of America’s democratic political system.

By doing this the Jews will take control of the country, which they have done to a large extent—in Washington, D.C., Hollywood, New York, and California. Both of California’s U.S. Senators are Jewish. And if you know anything about neoconservatism (and most Americans don’t) you know that the Jews have taken control of the federal government, which was the main cause of the Iraq War—the U.S. serving as Israel’s pit bull.

“These are victories for all Arizonans,” say Cherny. I say BULL SHIT! They are victories for the Jews and their illegal alien allies.

What the stupid gringos do not understand is that with democracy numbers is all that counts. From a different perspective Darwin understood this as well. Why is it that the most power animals on the planet are becoming extinct but rats and cockroaches are thriving? Because rats and cockroaches have numbers. Americans thought they were too powerful to be conquered. The Zionist insurgents in the U.S. convinced Americans that the Muslims were the threat, which distracted Americans from the real threat within and the one that has been pouring across the border. That is why the Mexicans call themselves the COCKROACH PEOPLE. Once they invade your home there is no getting rid of them.

"A year from now [said Cherny], when we are looking back on Election Day 2012, we will point to last night as where things turned around for our party and state," he added.

No shit. Arizona will become the next Alamo State.

Republicans dismissed Tuesday's results as coming from an "abnormal election" funded by out-of-state interests upset by Arizona's 2010 enactment of the groundbreaking immigration enforcement law known as SB1070.

The fucking Republicans are so fucking stupid. The message the recall clearly sends is that the Republicans can protect the state (and certainly not America). For one thing look at Sen. John McCain, a pro-illegal alien, anti-American collaborator. Which is exactly what George W. Bush was.

That is one reason the country is being run by a Kenyon. It’s actually fucking funny. :-)))

"They thought this proved a point. It didn't," said Arizona GOP chairman Tom Morrissey. "It will all be undone in the next election. It was a power grab by the left. They won a battle, they have not won the war by any means."

Yeah but that mean they have a chance, a very good chance, of winning the war, which means winning the war for the Hispanic Nation, Israel and the Zionists occupying the U.S., and the Marxist left that wants to turn America into the world’s largest refugee camp!

Paleolithic Republican Party to the rescue—no fucking way

And what is is the PALEOLITHIC REPUBLICAN PARTY going to do about. Look who they have running for president. A selfish black tiger Woods wannabe (if I’m going to vote for a black man I’ll vote for one who can keep his hand off white women’s asses), a Mormon cultist, a mentally challenged clone of George Bush, a born-again foster mom who wants to adopt and convert all Americans as her children, Lazarus porky pig Gingrich (who had eighty-four ethics charges filed against him when he was Speaker of the House but still looks good compared to the groper), Ron Paul but he’s too intelligent to get Republicans to vote for him, and then a bunch of president wannabes who look like used car salesmen. It’s hard to believe this is the party of Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

Back to the insurgency

In 2012, Obama spokeswoman Ofelia Casillas said, the state will play a "critical role" and has been among the battleground states where its grassroots movement, Organizing for America, has been active. The campaign has also recently hired a Mexican-American regional field director and a Mexican-American fellow who is focused on reaching out to the Latino community.

Obama spokeswoman Ofelia Casillas—the name says it all. I will bet you anything that there is an illegal in her family history. And it seems she is also a member of the ACLU (Anti-American Civil Liberties Union) You can see that Arizona and the aliens in the White House provide a crystal ball in which to see America’s alien future.
Richard Carmona officially entered the race for the seat now held by retiring Republican Jon Kyl. The former surgeon general under President George W. Bush was aggressively recruited by Democratic leaders who hope he will appeal to the state's moderate and independent voters.
The former surgeon general under President George W. Bush! Americans have no chance when they are being betrayed by their presidents. Bush is far worse than Obama because Bush claims to be ALL-AMERICAN. He is an ALL-AMERICAN TRAITOR. Obama is an alien. So yeah we expect him to be for the aliens. That doesn’t make him a traitor. Richard Carmona is a Puerto Rican who joined the military when he was 16. Now there are over a million Hispanics in the U.S. military. If the military is accept aliens as mercenaries and America allows Puerto Ricans, Cuban, etc. to become Americans automatically then America will become nation totally dominated by Hispanics by mid-century and a full-fledge Hispanic Nation but the end of the century.


Barrio San Diego has become a Mexican city. Reading the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune you would think you’re reading a Mexican newspaper. Its favorite topic are Hispanics. Take yesterday’s issue. One article is titled “SUPERMERCADOS SURGE: HISPANIC MARKETS, DRIVEN BY DEMOGRPHIC SHIFTS, SEE BUSINESS GROWING” Fucking scary. Another American city bites the Hispanic dust:
Hispanic “supermercados” are springing up around the nation and competing on price and product mix with small bodegas and mainstream supermarkets alike.

Demographic shifts are driving development of these retail stores, which often boast on-site tortilla factories, premium meat and seafood sections, and hot-food

About 1 in 3 San Diego residents is Hispanic, up from around 1 in 4 a decade ago, according to 2010 census data.
Mid-century it will be 1 in 3 are gringo. End of century. The gringo won’t be worth counting. They will have taken off looking for an American city. Good luck!

Oh yeah, the article is by Yanya Mannes. Finding a gringo writer for Barrio SDU-T is like finding a needle in a Hispanic haystack.

You can leave feed back on the article but Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune requires that the commenter leave his/her name. Don’t want to offend any of the alien customers. That means the negative comments won’t appear. Do you really think saying what you think is worth losing your job. It’s just another way of silence the voice of America, just like the jackboots have been shutting down the Occupy people.

The never-ending war at home

Everything will be fine when all the warring tribes are living happily together—but that will NEVER happen. The Hispanic, black, Asian, and white gangs will remain. People will continue to arm themselves. There will be plenty of hated. Sure perhaps half of Americans will accept losing their country. That leaves a hundred million plus who will remain angry as hell. America will become like Israel and South Africa, having to spend a lot of time, money and attention on controlling the outburst of hate.

The people people love to hate most

A recent example is the outburst of hatred expressed against Brooklyn Jews.

The Jews are the most hated people in the world and in America. Their defenders say that Antisemitism is unjustified. I say bullshit. Just ask the Palestinians. America wouldn’t be in two wars were it not for the Zionists in this country. The Jews turned Wall Street into Rip-Off America Street. They’ve turned Hollywood into a porno factory. I hate them for what they have done, not for their religion. Certainly not for killing Jesus, though Jesus saw through the phoniness of his people’s religion. Read Nietzsche’s The Anti-Christ. Oh I forgot Americans can’t read. They prefer to lap up the Jewish vomit spewing out of Hollywood.

I hate the Jews for the same reason they hate Hitler—for their action, not for their idiotic religion, though their idiotic religion destroyed Western Civilization (read Charles Feeman’s The Closing of the Western Mind). And I feel the same way about the Mexicans who illegally invaded my country. I feel toward them the way their ancestors felt toward Americans when they invaded Mexico. And I hate the Jews for being the advocates and collaborators of the invaders. I hate even more American traitors (Jews are interlopers, not Americans) such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Ted Kennedy, and bloodthirsty, arrogant, self-serving and morally demented John McCain, all of whom who have aided and abetted the enemy.

An unhappy marriage but mother America all I got

Don’t think for a minute I think America is innocent. I’m not a fucking Republican (or a Marxist Democrat). It’s tribal. The American tribe has behaved awfully throughout its history: destroying Indians, enslaving Africans, destroying with glee wildlife, greedily seeking more of everything—power and wealth—beyond its borders, the monstrous crime committed against the Vietnamese, the war against the Iraqi people, the never-ending war against the Afghan people. But there are decent Americans and they are my people, not the Jews, not the Mexicans, not any of the other ALIEN invaders. ALIEN because they are non-Europeans. I’m of European stock and perhaps I will return to Europe and forget about the alien deluge destroying my country. I know... The Muslims are destroying Europe, dragging it back to the Dark Ages. I’ll have to find a niche away from the noisy call to prayer. It would be good to get away from the Americans who made mother America a whore to be ravaged by the aliens. Those Americans are far worse than the aliens. One is supposed to fight to protect one's mother.

The end won’t be pretty :-)))

Anyway, the tribes aren’t going to melt in the American melting pot. That fire has gone out and has been rekindled as a pervasive hatred. By the end of the century American troops will be needed here at home keeping a lid on the hate. :-)))

P.S.: Bad news is never ending in the U.S.

Census bad new for California

The bad news from south of the border never ever stops. An article in today’s Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune by Elizabeth Aguilera (that’s right, a Hispanic) says,
NATIVE CALIFORNIANS MADE UP MORE THAN HALF OF THE STATE’S POPULATION LAST YEAR — the first time that has happened in more than a century, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. It resulted from the nation’s lowest migration rate in decades and more CALIFORNIANS CONTINUING TO MOVE TO NEARBY STATES.
Native Californians made up more than half of the state’s population last year. That means about half aren’t native and a big chuck of them is Hispanic. Also, the so-called native Californians are now mostly the children of aliens, including a lot of anchor babies. And the two categories of Californians leaving the state are gringos tired of living in Barrio and having to pay endless taxes to care for and educate nonAmerican children. I’m certainly getting the fuck out.

The other group is Hispanic immigrants moving into other American cities that will be Hispanized, causing the gringos to leave them.
Census even worse news for Texas

This one from is from The title of the article is Fewer People moving, but Texas Leads in New Arrivals. Author: Juan Castillo. You guessed it! :-))

But Texas also saw the third-highest number of people leave the state for other states, with 411,641, meaning it had a net in-migration of about 75,000.

I don’t why anyone would want to live in the state that produced George W. Bush and Rick Perry. And child-beaters like the cowardly judge William Adams:

Filthy, chickenshit YouTube has the video but is using the video to get people to sign up with YouTube. What I say to YouTube is FUCK YOU! you money-grubbing assholes.

Anyway, a lot of the people leaving Texas might be kids getting the shit beat out them. My guess is a lot of the migration experienced by Texas and California is Hispanic:

In 2010, Texas led the nation in migration from other states with 486,558, and the largest outflow among all states was from California to Texas, with nearly 69,000 Californians moving here.

Gringos make up only 45% of Texas’ population. Hispanics 37%. The comparison with California is interesting. In California gringos make up only 40% of the population. Hispanics 37%. Asians grab 13%. You can see which way the alien wind is blowing—from the south and east. And Americans have become so much litter. Which they deserve for being so estúpido.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Joe & Jill Biden Request more Socialism for Veterans

Joe and Jill Biden shovel out more pro-military propaganda this Veterans Day. They begin with:

Today is Veterans Day, the day we honor the military service and sacrifice of all the veterans who have served this nation. Because of THE INCREDIBLE COURAGE OF THE 9/11 GENERATION, the tide of WAR IS RECEDING AND AMERICA IS MORE SECURE THAN A DECADE AGO.


Incredible courage? It wasn’t as if they were going off to fight the Nazis or Japs but a ragtag group of zealots who lived in caves. It was a war for the Arabs on the receiving end of the trillion dollar military machine. Al-Qaeda had no tanks, planes, helicopters, drones, ships, armored personnel carriers, etc. They didn’t even have a nation. It was a hunting expedition. Sure there was some risk just as there is when hunting big game. But the guys who join the military enjoy risk. They enjoy hunting people. And most of the personnel never see combat. So come on, Joe and Jill, it wasn’t what you see in Call of Duty.

About 5000 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq. But “in the decade since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, 2,333,972 American military personnel had been deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or both ( Yeah, there some risk but nothing like that of a real war. Hussein’s military was knocked out within a couple of weeks. Then all there was left were freedom fighters dying to rid their country of the U.S. military machine. They are guys who were fighting for their lives, and mostly dying.

Afghanistan had no military whatsoever. The killing there has been a turkey, a mechanized hunting expedition, not a war—except for the Afghan fighters. And nobody knows how many of them have died. To Americans they have no moral status. It’s like killing flies.

America more secure than a decade ago?

Really? What was expected from Al-Qaeda after 9-11—that new hijackers would appear with box cutters to hijack more American planes? That’s nonsense. I don’t know how many Al-Qaeda terrorist were in lurking about at the time, but from what I read there wasn’t more than a 1000. That’s hardly a threat. The Taliban were never interested in attacking the U.S. in the first place, and had nothing to do with 9-11, which Americans conveniently forget. There has never been a Taliban fighter on U.S. soil. No American in the U.S. has been injured or killed by a Taliban fighter. The Taliban kill members of the forces occupying their country, just as Americans would... I take that back. America is presently occupied by 39 million Hispanics. In fact, 1.2 million veterans were Hispanic. This 11/21 issue of Time also points out that “Since 9/11 70,000 foreigners have won American citizenship by joining the U.S. military. Right now, about 16,000 noncitizens are on active duty.” These soldiers are mercenaries. So much for the military protecting America from invaders!

And this Veterans Day thousands of more alien mercenaries have been sworn in as U.S. citizens. America is disappearing FAST! And the military has been aiding and abetting the enemy.

But the job of the military is to protect Americans from Arabs invading the country. Well it hasn’t done a very good job. Take a look at the Arab occupation in San Diego:

Scary! That doesn’t look like America to me. But the fact is the military is a society of its own. It doesn’t care about America. It cares only about itself. It doesn’t care who are what its soldiers are. If they were cyborgs (and in many ways they are after being programmed) it wouldn’t care. It cares only about destroying and killing, nothing else.

And speaking of secure, tens of millions of Americans have lost their homes and jobs. That’s fucking security! And by the way “Approximately 45 murders are committed each day in the U.S.” That’s 16,425 murders each year. So the military is keeping us safe? Bull shit! In fact, even if there was a 9-11 event each year (3000 killed), the number of murders committed by Americans (and aliens) would still exceed the terrorists' body count by 13,000. Biden is a bullshitter.

No victory when there is only suffering

Next month, WE WILL END THE WAR IN IRAQ, BRINGING ALL OF OUR TROOPS HOME by the end of this calendar year. In Afghanistan, our brave forces are transferring responsibility to the Afghans. THEY TOO WILL BE HOME WITHIN TWO YEARS—Maybe!*

And maybe not even in two years. You might have read that the Obama administration is negotiating a deal with its puppet government that could keep thousands of Americans troops in Afghanistan for years to come. U.S. puppet leader Karzai told his puppet assembly that he was happy it would consider the deal. If you don’t think some form of American bribery is involved (it always is) then you are a simpleminded dumb fuck. The U.S. delivers money on pallets to the leaders. The Obama administration calls the agreement a STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP DOCUMENT. That’s PR gobbledygook for NEO-COLONIALISM. The colonialist puts a puppet government in place and has it rubberstamped its colonialist policies. What is going on is the U.S. want to us Afghanistan as a military base and as a weapons-tactic testing site, using Afghan men, women, children, and villages as props.

The Iraqis kicked our ass out of Iraq and believe me that we would have stayed if the rest of the world was watching. America’s strategy in Iraq was truly to DESTROY THE VILLAGE TO SAVE IT. The U.S. military machine destroyed, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children and the flight of millions of people from the country who could afford to get out—meaning the professionals, such as doctors, engineers, educators, etc. American soldiers engaged in rape, executions, torture, and wholesale slaughter. The Iraqi people rightfully hate our guts. If you’ve notice the news media doesn’t pay much attention to Iraq because the U.S. invasion was a total indecent, immoral, 3-trillion dollar debacle. This video shows the attitude toward the Iraqis:

And forget about YouTube. Apparently they’ve been castrated by the government.

Americans hate because they hate the ugly truth about themselves.

Okay, YouTube has one testicle left.

To Afghanistan: We will leave when we bloody feel like it

Two more years and maybe not then! Ten years of beating up on those people isn’t enough?! And the Afghan people had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks! But human hunting in Afghanistan and trying out all those new weapons is just too much fun. This is what the ragged and truly courageous Afghan freedom fighters have been up against:

God Americans love war. But human hunting is so much fun when the hunted are at such a disadvantage, like shooting wolves from a helicopter, another American sport.

The people Americans have been killing:

America’s gift to the Afghan people:

But this is what the rest of the world knows about the Afghanistan War:

Biden doesn’t give a shit about the people in Afghanistan and Iraq whose lives have been destroyed by the American military machine. He’s too in love with America brave fighting men and women... Or is he simply in love with their votes. There are 22,658,000 veterans in the U.S. That’s a lot of votes!

Service members already haves jobs good fucking jobs!

But as our SERVICE MEMBERS RETURN, MANY ARE DISCOVERING A NEW BATTLEFIELD as they leave the military and search for civilian employment opportunities.

They already have a job with good benefits. If they choose to be unemployed that’s their choice. You know, welcome to the real fucking world. Here’s what millions of Americans have been facing while you’ve been off on America’s human hunting expeditions.

Look at this, SERVICE MEMBERS, and tell me what you’ve been fighting for. You haven’t been protecting Americans from anything that is a threat to them. I’m sorry, Americans are not threatened by Iraqis or Afghans—but those people have been very much threatened by the U.S. MILITARY MACHINE.

Why should anyone be concerned about service men and women who quit their jobs? They weren’t drafted. It was a career choice. That made sense the first couple of years of the war against the Afghan people. That’s right, like or not, the Taliban are Afghans, just as Southern nigger-hating, war-loving crackers are Americans. And any person who signed up after America invaded Iraq, signed up to participate in a crime against humanity—specifically the Iraqi people.

And by the way, that war was fought on the behalf of Zionist Jews and their collaborators, such as born-again but still dumb as shit George Bush.

Vets are so bad off? I don’t think so.

You know, fuck the military. Millions of Americans are facing a bad economy. But these are some of the benefits that a lot of working men and women don’t get. This is what the gov. offers if you sign up for military socialism:

Educational Benefits – GI Bill, Tuition Assistance, Service member Opportunity Colleges, Education on Duty, etc.

Advanced Technical and Specialty Training

Cash bonuses

Tax-Free Housing & Food Allowances, or Free Room & Board

30 Days of Vacation per Year

Space A Travel – Free flights between baese

Substantial discounts and deals throughout the private sector

Health & Dental Care for you and your family

Special deals on Home Loans (VA Loans link)


Not fucking bad, but there’s more:

Example of 2010 Annual Military Pay:
Unmarried Married with 2 children
Basic Pay $24,300.00 $24,300.00
Cash for Meals $3,886.44 $3,886.44
Cash or (Equivalent) for Housing* $10,548.00 $13,932.00
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Cash Total $38734.44 $42,118.44
Federal Tax Advantage $4,421.00 $5,412.00
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Regular Military Compensation $43,155.44 $47,530.44

You know that looks pretty good to me. Maybe ALL THOSE BENEFITS are the real reason why Americans sign up for the military. How many unskilled high school graduates can expect the above? Not many. And let’s face it, it’s just about impossible to be fire.

How many companies will give you health insurance for life for just working four years?

And if you decide to stay in for 20 years, meaning an 18 year old can retire at 38 this is what you get:

Military Pension

If you decide to make the military your career, you will be eligible for retirement pay, including continued health benefits and on-base shopping privileges similar to those you enjoyed while on duty. For instance, a 20-year career in the service will often result in retirement in your late 30's. Considering that a typical enlisted retiree will receive over HALF-A-MILLION Dollars in retirement pay alone, a military pension is a great deal and you pay nothing into this it is all part of your rewards for serving!

Health Care

You and your family will have medical insurance (TRICARE) for as long as you remain in military service. If you remain in the Military through retirement, your medical benefits will extend throughout your lifetime and that of your spouse.

Pure Socialism

The Vice Bubble-head President and his Bubble-head wife need to read Time magazine’s article “An Army Apart.” It says that military personnel are immune to the economic insecurities plaguing the rest of the nation. But here’s the big new: “Military compensation per service member has jumped from $56,738 in 1998 to $$85,581 last year. A 20% raise. “Other benefits have jumped even higher: housing allowances (188%), bonuses (up 56%), retirement funding (up 24%).” What I see are coddled killers that remind me of the special treatment Roman legions received.

What you are looking at is the purest FORM OF SOCIALISM that exists. What is the U.S. military really doing? It’s keeping MILLIONS of people who work for the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX employ, paid for by the America taxpayer. And a lot of those people (for example, the CEOs of military corporation) are getting rich. THE UNITED STATE MILITARY is nothing more than the BIGGEST BUSINESS in America. And it makes nothing that is of use to anyone (except weapons sold to dictators like the Saudis). Japan’s Toyota makes more money for the Japanese than the U.S. military war industries make for Americans. The Japanese (even more the Chinese) are more interested in making money than making war (and enemies). When did American become so stupid to think a war economy (even when the wars are phony) is the best economy?

Obama: America’s Nobel Peace Prize warmonger

What do Obama and tiger Woods have in common? BETRAYL. Remember when he gave the impression that he would be a president for peace. That he would have America lead the world to a more peaceful future. Now we (and the Nobel Prize committee) know that Obama is just another sleazy, dirt-bag politician who wears leopard skin underwear and caries a spear around in the White House. Here’s one of Obama’s favorite inspiration films:

Remember Obama said he wanted to get the troops out of Afghanistan, and I-HAVE-A-HARDON-FOR-WAR Obama escalates the war in Afghanistan:

Who would have believed that compared to Obama that George W. Bush looks like the Gandhi.

If it weren’t for Bush the U.S. military would continue its occupation of Iraq. In fact, in spite of that agreement the Obama War Administration didn’t want to leave Iraq, but couldn’t stay because they wanted to continue to operate above the law—you know torture, rape, murder, etc., without accountability.

And it’s not clear that Obama will get the troops out of Afghanistan at the agreed upon deadline. Obama, like the U.S. military, finds that he enjoys the killing.

Big Snoop-Dog Obama in the China Sea

Wearing his red, white, and blue colored around his forehead, his Raiders cap turned backwards, and grabbing his crotch, Big Snoop-Dog Obama “announced an expansion of U.S. operation in the region [the South China Sea] with the basing of up to 2,500 Marines in Darwin, Australia.”

Heaven knows that round eyes know much better what is best for the Asians.

Obama told the Chinese “The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay.” Talk about President Phallus Obama! I wonder if he wasn’t feeling a little like Tiger Woods or Herman Cain standing near that hot, fair-skinned, red-headed Prime Minister Julia Gillard. With her looking on he’s got to prove his manhood by showing the Chinaman who’s boss.

"In the face of China’s growing military power and concerns about maritime trade routes in the South China Sea, President Barack Obama announced an expansion of U.S. operations IN THE REGION with the basing of up to 2,500 Marines in Darwin, Australia."

Does he think the Chinese will block those trade routes? How would get all those goodies to Americans, who would be in a fine fix if they had to buy MADE IN AMERICA but nothing is made in America.

And apparently he didn’t notice the name of the sea: SOUTH CHINA SEA, not SOUTH AMERICA SEA. And by the way how man Chinese ship has anyone seen off American coasts? And I find it ironic that he’s having to visit the old colonialists the Australians. 22 million people! Like they represent the region! Why didn’t Obama visit Okinawa? Here’s why:

It’s just another sequel to UGLY AMERICAN REDUX. You notice that the reporter said the American soldiers don’t seem to mind. Of course not. They’re cyborg soldiers, i.e., terminators. They have no feelings. They have undergone an emotional spinal tap after years of playing video games that enable them to vicariously kill gooks, rooskies, japs, slants, African zombies and ragheads. Boot camp leaves only one emotion—hate.

Imagine having your homeland turned into a military based by cyborg colonialists. And you see that democracy doesn’t work any better in Okinawa than it does in America. Of course, the U.S. government through millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars at the people. THAT is the American values system: everything (even one’s culture) is for sale and anyone can be bought. I thought the one woman was right when she objected to having to participate in America’s crimes against humanity—in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

And what this shit about THE REGION. It’s not our region, though America thinks the whole fucking world is its region. Americans are such big fucking hypocrites. They don’t want anyone messing around in “their” (the fucking Hispanics don’t count) region but they love messing around in everyone else backyard. Especially with their cruise missile, Chief Obama favorite new bloody toy.

The Aussies just love getting on their knees to America. They are a morally filthy people. They totally fucked over the Aborigines, supported the U.S. in its Vietnam War Crime against Humanity. And they supported America’s crimes against humanity in the Iraq War and the war against Afghanistan. I hope Australia gets overrun by Asians. Like their British ancestors they deserve to disappear.

"The Darwin deployment will be the largest in Australia since World War II when Gen. Douglas MacArthur moved his headquarters there for the Pacific campaign."

America is sick, fucking sick. No way does it qualifies as a leader for world peace. IT’S A FUCKING ANCHOR ON WORLD PROGRESS. Its plan is world domination. It can’t do anything else. It’s like Obama doesn’t read the newspapers to know that the country has turned into cultural and economic waste site.

However, let’s see who the real military tyrant is. Compare the defense spending:

United States $698,105,000,000
Republic of China $114,000,000,000

China has three times our population and 1/6 our defense spending. Which country is suffering military psychosis?

The country the world fears most is the U.S. with its Terminator high-tech military and its glassy-eyed cyborg soldiers.

Obama said that the Marine presence was “necessary to maintain the security architecture of the region.” Like the U.S. did during the Vietnam War. SECURITY ARCHITECTURE—what fucking political gobbledygook. The reality is Obama like having a military erection. But it’s the American taxpayers and people of other countries who are getting fucked in the ass.

But what’s the government going to do—bring all those killers home and park them in America. Even the Romans knew that it was best to keep the legions based as far away from their civilized home as possible.

Again democracy doesn’t work in the U.S.

In Big Chief Hussein Obama we have a black version of George W. Bush, though weirdly as it turns out even though Bush is responsible for the American led slaughter in Afghanistan and Iraq, he also did more to bring them to an end than Obama has. In Hillary Clinton we have a white version of Condoleezza Rice. In other words, when it comes to foreign policy the Clinton and Obama are Republicans. And that fucking means that Americans are not given democratic options considering U.S. foreign policy.

Also Hillary demonstrates that women are no better than men once give power. Thus the feminist idea that the world would be better off with more women in government is just bullshit. Male or female, all politicians are drive by the WILL TO POWER.

The battle veterans face after the wars!

This rant started with the battle veterans face after the wars. I say what about the battle the Iraqis face and the Afghans will have to face because oppressors will have left their countries in shambles? What will American soldier come back to? Homes, medical care, veterans benefits, educational opportunities, and a big monthly check if they claim post traumatic stress, which Obama has made it easier than ever to claim. If you passed through Iraq or Afghanistan you qualify.

The reality is that U.S. soldiers are coddled because they are an essential part of Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. They are a hell of a lot better off than coal miners and lots of other worker who work at filthy, dangerous, miserable jobs, not for two years (getting a BIG FUCKING BONUS IF THEY SIGN UP FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS), but for twenty years. Still the military is relying increasingly on alien mercenaries not because the job is difficult, but because most young Americans don’t want to participate in committing crimes against humanity. They have enough moral fiber not to get into the killing game because its fun, pays well, and has lots of benefits.

Beside, what would intelligent young Americans have to talk about with cyborg soldier—ideas, art, books, etc. I don’t think so. Maybe video games, sports, pornography, killing, killing, and killing. And the fact that most U.S. soldiers have graduated from high school doesn’t mean shit.
You see there is no good in what America’s military does (with the exception of the occasional rescue mission don’t for media coverage).

Joe Biden is a phony friend to working Americans

Joe Biden’s support of U.S. soldiers is just political B.S. He doesn’t give a shit about working Americans military or otherwise. Before he became Emperor Obama’s albino monkey he was a dirt-bag monkey for the usurious credit card companies:

Whoops! I just heaved all over my computer. I always do that when I think about the self-serving, morally filthy politicians running and ruining the country.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cowardly Texas Judge Beats Daughter

Bible Belt versus the Taliban

Take a look, America. Before you start criticizing the Taliban you might begin by looking at one of the perverted, chickenshit, cowardly parental monsters living in this country—a judge at that. Judge William Adams didn't use stones on his daughter Hillary just a belt over and over and over again and lots of mean words.

But that just good Bible-Belt children: spare the rod, rod, rod and spoil the child. What the Bible-Judge does not know because he is a cruel son-of-bitch is that the golden rule of child rearing is that there should be one place safe in the universe for children, especially a daughter with ataxic cerebral palsy, should be the home. One more rule for the dumb-ass judge. Parents should be the most trusted people in a child's life.

Unfit to judge

This judge clearly enjoys being jury, judge, and executioner. But a judge is still supposed to know what punishment fits the crime. This girl was downloading music, a crime that deserves a good talking too, not a beating. He doesn't seem to realize that what he did was a far greater crime, though perhaps not in the capital punishment capital of the universe.

This judge obviously doesn't know anything about a reasonable, humane correlation between crime and punishment. And just because he lives in the land of the demented, which has that produced dementees such as Karl Rove, George Bush, and Rick Perry, is no excuse. No telling how many niggers this Texas judge has sent or dreams of sending to the executioner.

Living with nightmare parents

And apparently the daughter had enough spunk to video her monster dad. I'm amazed she kept it for so long. If monster dad had found out about the secret recording, he probably would have strung her up Texas style in her bedroom and told the authorities that she committed suicide.

It's fucking depressing that this girl had to pass her youth living fear of her parents because you know this was the first beating and probably not the last.

Parting words


It's clear to me that you had a daughter, but in you she didn't have a father.

Oh yeah, thanks a lot, Monster Mom (of sorts), for getting in on the cruelty rather than protecting your daughter! Now I bet both of you wish you had been better parents.

Is the greedy, vicious music industry less cruel?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lazarus and the Jews

You may know the Biblical story of Lazarus the starving beggar. In that story Lazarus comes to the home of a rich Jew who gives him nothing to eat but crumbs that fall to the ground. The dogs come to lick the sores on Lazarus’ body. Eventually the beggar dies as does the rich Jew, who ends up going to Hell.

Today the Palestinians are Lazarus who beg only for a small piece of land that they can call their own. But the rich, glutinous Jews want all the land, and allow the Palestinian men, women, and children to live and die in poverty. In the story the rich Jew goes to Hell, but in reality there is no Hell.

Still the Jews have created one for themselves. They live in a giant Green Zone that they call Holy but their presence makes it unholy. And anywhere the Jews go in the world they take their hell with them because they are despised. When gentiles or Muslims see a person wearing a yarmulke, they clear the phlegm from their throat and spit because they feel sick inside.

The Jews preach godliness, but of course their god is interested in no one but the Jews, so the Jews are interested only in themselves. They preach virtue but their behavior toward the Palestinians is an abomination. Thus, they are liars and hypocrites. And because the Americans support the Jews in every way, they too are an abomination, liars, and hypocrites.

“We are not animals but human beings,” cry the Palestinians

But the Jews (and Americans) consider the Palestinians no better than animals. The Jews slaughter animals with greater respect than they slaughter Palestinians.

What the Palestinians seek from the UN is some form of recognition and legitimacy that has been stolen from them by the Jews and Americans. They are saying, WE EXIST! WE WANT TO BE TREATED AS A PEOPLE! WE WANT A HOMELAND OF OUR OWN!

But BIG ISREAL (the U.S.) and LITTLE ISRAEL care more about dogs than they do the Palestinians:

The Palestinians said to the Jew
“Sir, you have stolen our land and slaughtered our people.”
The Jew responded,
“That has not created in me a sense of obligation.”
“But we exist,” said the Palestinians.
“Yes, but it is unfortunate that you do.”

America is right even when the world knows it’s wrong

107 nations voted for allowing Palestine to join the U.N. The U.S., Canada (bribed), and Germany (still suffering Holocaust guilt) voted against. What a fucking revolution America has undergone since W.W.II. The hero to the world has become the EVIL EMPIRE serving its Hebrew master and followed by two lackeys, one dependent on the U.S. economy, the other still gnashing its teeth, pulling out its blond hair, and wearing sackcloth because of the Holocaust.

You may recall the supreme Jew of Christianity, the Pope, just paid the Germans a visit to stir up their guilt, when in fact the Catholic Church was responsible for the longest Holocaust humanity has known (it lasted over a thousand years), against nonChristians and even nonCatholics.

Israel call the vote a tragedy. No, it is Israel that is a tragedy for the rest of the world.

U.S. Government is only for one-way democracy: its way

America is all in favor of democracy as long as the vote goes its way. When it doesn’t, it throws a tantrum:

“NEW YORK — UNESCO voted Monday to admit Palestine into the organization as its newest member, and the United States promptly responded by cutting off funding for the agency.”

The United States of Israel

Of course, America has become an obscene appendage of Israel—Israel’s penis used to fuck over other nations, especially those that complain about the cruel Nazi-like Jewish occupation of Palestine.

“[T]he STATE DEPARTMENT on Monday announced that the United States has stopped funding the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization because of the vote. Department spokesman Victoria Nuland told reporters that the Obama administration would not make a planned $60 million payment to the agency due this month.”

Zion Big Sister: Hillary Clinton

The STATE DEPARTMENT, that’s the outfit run by BIG SISTER HILLARY CLINTON. Big Sister is already telling the Libyans how to run their country:

"Groups and individuals who really believe in democracy should be welcome into that process," [Clinton] said. "But GROUPS THAT WANT TO UNDERMINE DEMOCRACY or subvert it are going to have to be dealt with -- by the Libyans themselves."

What a fucking hypocrite. Obviously America is one of the anti-democracy nations in the UN.

Zionist Neocons in the State Department’s closet

“State Department spokeswoman VICTORIA NULAND said, "We were encouraged to see President Jalil make a clarification." But she reiterated a warning to Libya and other Islamic countries in transition, saying that "the number one thing is that universal human rights, rights for women, rights for minorities, right to due process, right to transparency be fully respected."

Of course, VICTORIA NULAND is a Jew married to a neoconservative piggish Jew. So it’s pretty clear who runs the U.S. State Department . Furthermore, Chelsea Clinton married a Jew.

So is it really any mysterious that the U.S. Zionist State Department would tell the Palestinians and the U.N. to go fuck themselves?

Here are the people who have made Americans their servants:

Like termites the Jews are cobbling up Palestine

“JERUSALEM — Israel said on Tuesday that it would accelerate the construction of 2,000 housing units in contested areas of East Jerusalem and in two West Bank settlements. The announcement came a day after the Palestinians won full membership in Unesco in the face of staunch Israeli and American opposition.” (New York Times, Isabel Kershner)

The Jews are liars and fornicators who have been fucking over the Palestinians for over a half century. That is WHY they have been stalling for time year after year. Each year means the Palestinians lose a little more of their homeland, of which there is very little left.

The Holocaust created a sulfur breathing monster

The Holocaust did not make the Jews more humane and humble—which they have never been. It produced a monster. Hitler created two monsters—one Aryan, the other Hebrew. The world joined together to destroy the Aryan monster, but the Hebrew monster was released from it cage and spread to Palestine and America. Mutation-like it divided. The bloody boot of the Zionist Nazis crushed, with America’s help, the men, women and children of Palestine.

Don’t underestimate the Jews—they destroyed Rome

The Jews have always lived as takers and parasites. They stole the homelands of the Canaanites, as recorded in the Old Testament. Even before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, more Jews lived among the pagans, hating them while they sucked their cultural and economic blood. And then the Jew “Saint” Paul spread the Hebrew pathology that consumed the Roman empire just as cancer consumes a healthy human body.

Rome wasn't decadent when Saint Paul began contaminating the pagans with his Hebrew malignant religion. The Empire was at the peak of its cultural health.

The truth is to be found for those who have the gumption to face it. Simply read The Closing of the Western Mind by Charles Freeman, The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silberman (not all Jews are liars, only most of them), and of course Nietzsche’s The Antichrist. Pull the Hebrew scabs from your eyes.

Frankenstein Zionist Jews created their own monster: USA, red in tooth and claw

In America the infection has taken control of the U.S. Government, transforming America into a juggernaut of death and destruction. Today the world fears America as it once fear the Soviets. The U.S. Government would have the world believe that the Russians and Chinese are the threat to world peace, but the world knows better. The U.S. spends yearly $698,105,000,000 on its military. China spends a sixth of that amount because it know America is its greatest enemy, that America is the new USSR. Russia spend less on its military than does either France and Great Britain. But American video games would have Americans believe that the Russians are a threat to America. Hebrew financed movies such as Battle: Los Angeles are designed to make Americans fear the aliens (killer mutant Muslims) so that America will keep the blades of its military lawnmower red with Islamic flesh and blood.

Yet, no nation is a threat to America but America is a threat to the entire world because it has become insane, driven insane by Hebrew megalomania.

The alien theft of America continues by Jewish allies

And if it isn’t the Jews, it’s other aliens: “Rep. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN (R-Fla.), who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said she supports a cutoff of aid as mandated under U.S. law.”

Ros-Lehtinen isn’t even an American. She was born in Cuba. I mean Americans no longer have control of their country which is no longer theirs. When I leave the country, nobody can accuse me of abandoning my country. It abandoned me a long ago.

The legacy of Israel and Zionist America isn’t pretty




This and other reasons are why Americans and the Jews are the most hated people on the planet. But they do not care. They seek to be despised and hated. That is the Jewish gift to Americans. To make them into Jews despised by the world as the Jews of the Old Testament and Jesus of the New Testament were despised. That is the power of the Jews over America. With priestly wiliness Israel says to America, “You are despised by the world. That is a sign of your greatness, as it has been a sign of our own.”

So America joins company with those others who revel in being despised, who considered it an honor: Saddam Hussein, Moammar Kadafi, Bashar al-Assad, and of course Benjamin Netanyahu and every other leader of Israel.

Quoted passages from Washington Post World (Colum Lynch) and CNN (By Dugald McConnell and Brian Todd)