Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Poor Jimmy Wales has hat in hand—again!

The founder of Wikipedia has been begging for money for over a week, and the preceding fund drive wasn't that long ago. It’s fucking embarrassing.


More recently it said, IF EVERYONE READING THIS WOULD GIVE $10 THE DRIVE COULD COME TO AN END TODAY. But then what about tomorrow, Jimmy? We'd love to help you out, Jimmy, but we're just poor folk, the people Wikipedia is meant to serve.

There was even one crazy plea that talked about nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. These fucking fund-raising campaigns are driving me crazy.

You would think some fatcat who has made billions of the Internet like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin would step forward and offer to help Wikipedia, but forget that. They're all about GREED.

Jimmy’s Wikipedia is a true gift to humanity. He doesn’t even care when other sites steal his information. You can live anywhere in the world and get the information you need from Wikipedia for free. For example, take the topic of botulism (speaking of billionaires). If you are living in deepest Africa or North Dakota and need information on the toxin you can find it on Wikipedia. On the other hand, Facebook is all about chatting, idiotic games, and tons of ads.

Wikipedia is like a global intellect. Facebook is global social masturbation.

Jimmy Wales had some money but he sunk it all into Wikipedia—not to get rich but to do something good for humanity. Very unlike the billionaire pigs feeding at the Internet money trough. Well you all know that the billionaire money gluttons have ruined America. Wales is all about spreading the wealth of knowledge; the billionaires are all about acquiring as much wealth as possible for themselves.

And one reason billionaires hate Wikipedia is that they are all dirty in some way and it dirt shows up on Wikipedia. A lot of Americans are in awe of the money hogs, which just shows how corrupt Americans have become. You know, allowing Wal-Mart to gut the life out of every American community just so they can buy toothpaste made in China on the cheap. In such an environment—stupidity and greed—poor Jimmy doesn’t have a chance.

Jimmy is an idealist, a utopian. He wants a truly democratic world in which every little guy on the planet can have access to factual and scholarly information unsullied by commercialism. But that’s never going to happen, Jimmy, because the billionaires will never let it happen.

Jimmy’s an Internet version of Jesus. Jesus arrived at the Temple with a more sensible, more humane, less greedy version of religion. He told the money gluttons that they weren't welcome in the Temple, that they defiled the Temple and the religion it represented.

Now Jimmy arrives at the Internet Temple saying basically the same thing—that the money gluttons were exploiting and ruining the religion of the Internet, which is to serve as the world’s brain and provide people with easy, cheep, convenient access to important and meaningful information. But the money gluttons see the Internet as a kind of Las Vegas, an environment for trivial entertainment and trivial chitchat. And of course an electronic universe full of hucksters trying in a hundred different ways to trick people into buying all kind of shit they don’t need. SELL! SELL! SELL! BUY! BUY! BUY! Finally the Internet has been turned into a slut pimped out by the money gluttons.

This is what she looks like because of them:

Into the world came this beautiful technological miracle, the Internet. That how Jimmy saw. Then the money gluttons turned it into a money slut, just like other money gluttons turned Hollywood into a brothel.

Jimmy wanting to provide something wholesome, useful, and free—an entire universe of excellent information. A fucking Platonic dream: the Realm of the Ideas at humanity's fingertips. Sure some people complain about the quality of the information (which improves each year), but what do they do to help improve the greatest source of global information? Not a fucking thing. So poor Jimmy has to crucify himself by becoming like one of the thousands of beggars in the U.S. standing on street corners or in the middle of the street with their signs:

I’m Jimmy Wales
and I want the whole world
to have all the information
it needs
for FREE!
Please give!

Give up the begging, Jimmy. You might as well become a money glutton like all the other billionaire money gluttons. Offer an ad-free Wikipedia for those who can afford it and to ease your conscience offer another version for those who can’t. Just try to keep the ads to a minimum (because they are like a mental cancer). The other option is pull the plug on Wikipedia and let one of the money pigs pick it up and change its name to Pigpedia.

I gave my $20, Jimmy. But I can’t afford any more than that. But you have my love, just as the money pigs have my hate. In fact they have everyone’s hate. Just ask the Occupy folks. I tell you what, I’m going to take out my voodoo dolls of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin (I have the whole Washington, D.C. collection) and push needles into their eyes. If they go blind maybe they’ll see that money isn’t everything. If they go blind and don’t have a Scrooge revelation, at least they’ll have to count their money (their favorite pastime) in the dark.

Please, no more begging, Jimmy.