Lazarus and the Jews
You may know the Biblical story of Lazarus the starving beggar. In that story Lazarus comes to the home of a rich Jew who gives him nothing to eat but crumbs that fall to the ground. The dogs come to lick the sores on Lazarus’ body. Eventually the beggar dies as does the rich Jew, who ends up going to Hell.
Today the Palestinians are Lazarus who beg only for a small piece of land that they can call their own. But the rich, glutinous Jews want all the land, and allow the Palestinian men, women, and children to live and die in poverty. In the story the rich Jew goes to Hell, but in reality there is no Hell.
Still the Jews have created one for themselves. They live in a giant Green Zone that they call Holy but their presence makes it unholy. And anywhere the Jews go in the world they take their hell with them because they are despised. When gentiles or Muslims see a person wearing a yarmulke, they clear the phlegm from their throat and spit because they feel sick inside.
The Jews preach godliness, but of course their god is interested in no one but the Jews, so the Jews are interested only in themselves. They preach virtue but their behavior toward the Palestinians is an abomination. Thus, they are liars and hypocrites. And because the Americans support the Jews in every way, they too are an abomination, liars, and hypocrites.
“We are not animals but human beings,” cry the Palestinians
But the Jews (and Americans) consider the Palestinians no better than animals. The Jews slaughter animals with greater respect than they slaughter Palestinians.
What the Palestinians seek from the UN is some form of recognition and legitimacy that has been stolen from them by the Jews and Americans. They are saying, WE EXIST! WE WANT TO BE TREATED AS A PEOPLE! WE WANT A HOMELAND OF OUR OWN!
But BIG ISREAL (the U.S.) and LITTLE ISRAEL care more about dogs than they do the Palestinians:
The Palestinians said to the Jew
“Sir, you have stolen our land and slaughtered our people.”
The Jew responded,
“That has not created in me a sense of obligation.”
“But we exist,” said the Palestinians.
“Yes, but it is unfortunate that you do.”
America is right even when the world knows it’s wrong
107 nations voted for allowing Palestine to join the U.N. The U.S., Canada (bribed), and Germany (still suffering Holocaust guilt) voted against. What a fucking revolution America has undergone since W.W.II. The hero to the world has become the EVIL EMPIRE serving its Hebrew master and followed by two lackeys, one dependent on the U.S. economy, the other still gnashing its teeth, pulling out its blond hair, and wearing sackcloth because of the Holocaust.
You may recall the supreme Jew of Christianity, the Pope, just paid the Germans a visit to stir up their guilt, when in fact the Catholic Church was responsible for the longest Holocaust humanity has known (it lasted over a thousand years), against nonChristians and even nonCatholics.
Israel call the vote a tragedy. No, it is Israel that is a tragedy for the rest of the world.
U.S. Government is only for one-way democracy: its way
America is all in favor of democracy as long as the vote goes its way. When it doesn’t, it throws a tantrum:
“NEW YORK — UNESCO voted Monday to admit Palestine into the organization as its newest member, and the United States promptly responded by cutting off funding for the agency.”
The United States of Israel
Of course, America has become an obscene appendage of Israel—Israel’s penis used to fuck over other nations, especially those that complain about the cruel Nazi-like Jewish occupation of Palestine.
“[T]he STATE DEPARTMENT on Monday announced that the United States has stopped funding the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization because of the vote. Department spokesman Victoria Nuland told reporters that the Obama administration would not make a planned $60 million payment to the agency due this month.”
Zion Big Sister: Hillary Clinton
The STATE DEPARTMENT, that’s the outfit run by BIG SISTER HILLARY CLINTON. Big Sister is already telling the Libyans how to run their country:
"Groups and individuals who really believe in democracy should be welcome into that process," [Clinton] said. "But GROUPS THAT WANT TO UNDERMINE DEMOCRACY or subvert it are going to have to be dealt with -- by the Libyans themselves."
What a fucking hypocrite. Obviously America is one of the anti-democracy nations in the UN.
Zionist Neocons in the State Department’s closet
“State Department spokeswoman VICTORIA NULAND said, "We were encouraged to see President Jalil make a clarification." But she reiterated a warning to Libya and other Islamic countries in transition, saying that "the number one thing is that universal human rights, rights for women, rights for minorities, right to due process, right to transparency be fully respected."
Of course, VICTORIA NULAND is a Jew married to a neoconservative piggish Jew. So it’s pretty clear who runs the U.S. State Department . Furthermore, Chelsea Clinton married a Jew.
So is it really any mysterious that the U.S. Zionist State Department would tell the Palestinians and the U.N. to go fuck themselves?
Here are the people who have made Americans their servants:
Like termites the Jews are cobbling up Palestine
“JERUSALEM — Israel said on Tuesday that it would accelerate the construction of 2,000 housing units in contested areas of East Jerusalem and in two West Bank settlements. The announcement came a day after the Palestinians won full membership in Unesco in the face of staunch Israeli and American opposition.” (New York Times, Isabel Kershner)
The Jews are liars and fornicators who have been fucking over the Palestinians for over a half century. That is WHY they have been stalling for time year after year. Each year means the Palestinians lose a little more of their homeland, of which there is very little left.
The Holocaust created a sulfur breathing monster
The Holocaust did not make the Jews more humane and humble—which they have never been. It produced a monster. Hitler created two monsters—one Aryan, the other Hebrew. The world joined together to destroy the Aryan monster, but the Hebrew monster was released from it cage and spread to Palestine and America. Mutation-like it divided. The bloody boot of the Zionist Nazis crushed, with America’s help, the men, women and children of Palestine.
Don’t underestimate the Jews—they destroyed Rome
The Jews have always lived as takers and parasites. They stole the homelands of the Canaanites, as recorded in the Old Testament. Even before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, more Jews lived among the pagans, hating them while they sucked their cultural and economic blood. And then the Jew “Saint” Paul spread the Hebrew pathology that consumed the Roman empire just as cancer consumes a healthy human body.
Rome wasn't decadent when Saint Paul began contaminating the pagans with his Hebrew malignant religion. The Empire was at the peak of its cultural health.
The truth is to be found for those who have the gumption to face it. Simply read The Closing of the Western Mind by Charles Freeman, The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silberman (not all Jews are liars, only most of them), and of course Nietzsche’s The Antichrist. Pull the Hebrew scabs from your eyes.
Frankenstein Zionist Jews created their own monster: USA, red in tooth and claw
In America the infection has taken control of the U.S. Government, transforming America into a juggernaut of death and destruction. Today the world fears America as it once fear the Soviets. The U.S. Government would have the world believe that the Russians and Chinese are the threat to world peace, but the world knows better. The U.S. spends yearly $698,105,000,000 on its military. China spends a sixth of that amount because it know America is its greatest enemy, that America is the new USSR. Russia spend less on its military than does either France and Great Britain. But American video games would have Americans believe that the Russians are a threat to America. Hebrew financed movies such as Battle: Los Angeles are designed to make Americans fear the aliens (killer mutant Muslims) so that America will keep the blades of its military lawnmower red with Islamic flesh and blood.
Yet, no nation is a threat to America but America is a threat to the entire world because it has become insane, driven insane by Hebrew megalomania.
The alien theft of America continues by Jewish allies
And if it isn’t the Jews, it’s other aliens: “Rep. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN (R-Fla.), who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said she supports a cutoff of aid as mandated under U.S. law.”
Ros-Lehtinen isn’t even an American. She was born in Cuba. I mean Americans no longer have control of their country which is no longer theirs. When I leave the country, nobody can accuse me of abandoning my country. It abandoned me a long ago.
The legacy of Israel and Zionist America isn’t pretty
This and other reasons are why Americans and the Jews are the most hated people on the planet. But they do not care. They seek to be despised and hated. That is the Jewish gift to Americans. To make them into Jews despised by the world as the Jews of the Old Testament and Jesus of the New Testament were despised. That is the power of the Jews over America. With priestly wiliness Israel says to America, “You are despised by the world. That is a sign of your greatness, as it has been a sign of our own.”
So America joins company with those others who revel in being despised, who considered it an honor: Saddam Hussein, Moammar Kadafi, Bashar al-Assad, and of course Benjamin Netanyahu and every other leader of Israel.
Quoted passages from Washington Post World (Colum Lynch) and CNN (By Dugald McConnell and Brian Todd)