Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ukraine and Unpardonable Sins

Second Coming Redux

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out of Spiritus Masculinus

Troubles my sight: somewhere in the dead lands of the gulag archipelago

A shape with sloth’s body and the head of a gargoyle has emerged,

Its gaze blank and pitiless as a shark’s,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the bloated carrion-eating birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by another of Satan’s avatars,

And what is this rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouching from Moscow to be reborn? (from WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS)

* * *

The Unpardonable Sin According to Nathaniel Hawthorne from “Ethan Brand” 

“Well, and so you have found the Unpardonable Sin?” asked Bartram the lime-burner.

“Even so!” said the stranger, calmly.

“If the question is a fair one,” proceeded Bartram, “where might it be?”

Ethan Brand laid his finger on his own heart.

“Here!” replied he. 

It is the empty heart, dried and shriveled, possessing no feeling for humanity, a heart unmoved by the suffering and death of men, women, and children. 

Unpardonable Sin can neither be atoned for nor forgiven. It is a sin that triumphed over the sense of brotherhood with man and sacrificed everything to its own mighty claims! The only sin that deserves a recompense of immortal agony! It is the absence of tenderness, love, and sympathy for mankind. 

“Sacrificed everything to its own mighty claims": greed, personal will to power, conquest, and ideology. Each claim kills the heart so it no longer feels for those who must be destroyed in order that the claim can be realized. 

So much for the intellect! But where was the heart? That, indeed, had withered--had contracted--had hardened--had perished! It had ceased to partake of the universal throb. He [Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, LBJ, Hussein, Bush Jr., or Putin] had lost his hold of the magnetic chain of humanity. He was no longer a brother-man, opening the chambers or the dungeons of our common nature by the key of holy sympathy, which gave him a right to share in all its secrets; he was now a cold observer, looking on mankind as the subject of his [political or ideological] experiment, and, at length, converting men and women to be his puppets, and pulling the wires that moved them to such degrees of crime as were demanded for his diabolical machinations. 

Of course, puppets can be victims such as serfs or demon soldiers. The latter, however, are guilty of the Unpardonable Sin. Their crimes are conquest, destruction, injury, oppression, and murder. They are the Evil One’s officers and foot soldiers. 

“O Mother Earth," cried he, "who art no more my Mother, and into whose bosom this frame shall never be resolved! O mankind, whose brotherhood I have cast off, and trampled thy great heart beneath my feet! O stars of heaven, that shone on me of old, as if to light me onward and upward!—farewell all, and forever. Come, deadly element of Fire--henceforth my familiar friend! Embrace me, as I do thee!” 

This is one who knows his sin but most do not. Most glory in sin—the harm, destruction, and murder of innocence. They cannot be forgiven because there is no one to forgive them, not even their victims can forgive them. They have chosen to be heartless human husks who commit evil deeds. 

Paul Joseph Watson Plays Word Games while Innocent Men, Women, & Children Die

YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson, aka PJsplays word games in his “The Truth about Ukraine” while Ukrainian men, women, and children are injured and murdered by Putin’s military juggernaut of glowing eyed husks. He plays his word games to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He argues that Putin sent in “peacekeeping” troops. For a peacekeeping force they are doing a lot of maiming, killing, and destroying. PJs says NATO is outraged by the Putin invasion of Ukraine but sent troops to rebel-held area in Libya. And so? You’re saying NATO’s intrusion into Libya (a country you would consider a shithole; which it is, watch 13 Hours which also shows Washington to be a shithole as well) was wrong, so NATO’s complaining about Putin’s invasion is hypocritical and that somehow justifies Putin’s invasion of Ukraine? Logically, NATO’s idiocy, hypocrisy, or whatever belongs to NATO. The invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s glowing eyed husk soldiers cannot be justified by words. Fucking words cannot justify killing women and children and destroying their homeland. The beautiful Olga Smirnova got it right when she said war is not a civilized way to solve problems. Unfortunately, men like Hitler, LBJ, Bush Jr., Putin, and PJs are of a different, uncivilized opinion. 

The Red Herring

PJs then finishes his diatribe against everyone but Putin by making jokes about the Alphabet People, about American generals being more concerned about white racists in the ranks than about the military’s ability to win wars (which it hasn’t been very good at since WWII, Desert Storm being a turkey shoot with a lot of help from those allies hated by conservatives such as PJs). And speaking of turkey shoots he then goes after the drooler Biden in his “World War Woke.” That’s like starting a fight with an old man in a coma, which is what Biden is. Then he goes after the wicked witch Pelosi and the alphabetized to infinity genders in the U.S. military. Next, rubbing salt in the humanitarian superpowers self-inflicted wounds he quotes Alice Smith true and most painful words, “Putin waited until the West was weakly led, low on patriotism, and manhood, with a media obsessed over domestic trivialities, and politicians with a penchant for waging war on their own citizens.” He finally goes after the hypocrisy of the unAmerican left's celebrating the burning and destruction of American cities by the glowing eyed husks of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

On & on & on about how fucked up America is hoping his American viewers will forget about Ukraine and think about how they suffer with their awful government (they’ve all been awful) and the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas. He creates a fog of words designed to conceal the horrors Putin and his army of mindless husks have inflicted upon the people of Ukraine. Worse yet, his words condone the horrors, such as the 300 people killed in Russian airstrike on Mariupol theater, which had “CHILDREN” written on the walls. Here’s more: 

Russia-Ukraine War: Before and after satellite images of destruction caused across Ukraine

Half of Ukrainian children have been deposed of their homes. Many are without parents because both fathers and mothers have stayed behind to fight for the homeland and future of those children.

Ukrainian women and children flee war as men stay and fight [Opening scene calls to mind Homer’s Hector and his son Astyanax]

The Female Fighters of Ukraine's Forgotten War [That other war caused by Putin Russia. Russia always equals bad news (suffering) for others.]

Meet the women who have taken up the fight in Ukraine 

Meet the men risking their lives to defend woman and children from Russian evildoers

Poor little PJs safe and sound in his comfortable London apartment complains about the woke people, as he should, but in his own way he is being very wokish. PJs’ Unpardonable Sin is that he attacks the only people concerned about Ukrainians and who are willing to play the role of Good Samaritans. What are you accomplishing PJs in your role of Putin’s Joseph Goebbels? You see, as a propagandist objectivity and moral reason is suspended. Even if the drooler Biden does something right, it cannot be admitted. He is Putin’s enemy and you are Putin’s Goebbels. Clearly, PJs and his Russian/Putin loving ilk don’t care about the destruction, suffering, and death Putin has unleashed upon Ukraine. Why not just shut the fuck up and let those who are willing condemn and resist the Evil One do their job? Unless of course being a BIG FAN of the Evil One you’re hoping to be invited to one of his oligarch’s monster yachts for caviar and crackers.

PJs' answer to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Is To Do Nothing

What PJs doesn’t understand is that there are conservatives who don’t defend bullies but defend the weak against bullies.

Good Samaritans Who  Risk Their Lives to Rescue the Elderly

“Ukraine the Ones Who Stayed Behind”

Former American paratrooper joins fight in Ukraine

US volunteers reach the frontline of the war in Ukraine

DISPATCH: Americans, Other Foreign Fighters Join Ukrainian Citizens 

PJs on the Philly Train

(Raped woman = Ukraine / Cretan rapist Fiston Ngoy = Russia) 

PJs stands with the 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train and watches them as they do nothing while illegal alien Fiston Ngoy rapes a helpless woman. One of the female passengers asks PJs, “Shouldn’t we help the woman?” “None of our business,” responds PJs. “The lesbo probably brought the attack on herself. You can tell she was asking for it. So fuck her. She’s getting what she deserves.”

Had Will Smith been on the train the woman would have been rescued while Chris Rock laughed and made dirty jokes. The difference between evil men and good men is that evil men will harm physically or verbally women and children whereas good men will protect them from the assaults of evil men.

PJs & Tucker and the Good Samaritan

A holy man named Ісус who lived in Ukraine said, “A certain Ukrainian woman left her village and was going Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv to pray for her homeland. But she fell among Russian robbers, who stripped, raped and beat her, then departed in their tanks, leaving her half dead. By chance a certain propaganda priest called PJs was going down that way. When he saw the woman, naked, bloodied and beaten, he passed by on the other side because he loved Putin and his soldiers. In the same way a propaganda priest name Tucker came to the place and saw her. He too passed by on the other side complaining that time is money. But a certain Good Samaritan was in the country and came to where woman was. When he saw her, he was moved with compassion, came to her, and bound up her wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and wrapped her in his coat. Being without a car he carried her to an inn though bombed was still opened as a shelter. Once inside, good people who were volunteers cared for her. The next day when the Good Samaritan departed, he gave money to the host, and said, “Take care of woman. Whatever you spend beyond what I’ve given you, I will repay you when I return.” The host said, “The woman, she cries out for her child.” “I am sorry said the Good Samaritan. I saw no child.” “Now,” asked the holy man, “which of these three men do you believe was a good neighbor to her who fell among the Russian rapists and robbers?" 

Good Samaritan Contra Evil Russians: The Equalizer

Another version of the Good Samaritan the movie The Equalizer. The Good Samaritan is Robert McCall played by Denzel Washington. The evil bad guys belong to the Russian mob that has come to Boston just as the fiery eyed, murderous Putin husks came to Ukraine. The victims are two young women: one beaten, the other murdered. Think of them as representing Ukrainian women and children. Nicolai Itchenko, like Putin a former member of the Russian secret police, has been sent by the Russian mob kingpin Vladimir Pushkin (think Putin) to assassinate (in Putin fashion) the Good Samaritan McCall. (Really, isn’t what Russia is today—an organized crime cartel run by kingpin Putin?) 

Putin’s Party for His European and American Collaborators

Of course PJs was invited.  Another guest was “Marine” Le Pen.

“Why are you here?” asks PJs.

“Putin and I are very close. Je soutiens ses bêtises et il soutient ma campagne.”

The French actor and alleged rapist Gérard Depardieu says, “Madame Le Pen, don’t waste your time. The poor boy is a Brit and doesn’t understand a word you’ve said.” He then scoops a large amount of caviar onto a stack of crackers and stuffs them into his mouth and begin to chew.

“Why were you invited?” PJs asks the big man. But when Depardieu tries to answer crackers and caviar fly from his mouth onto the other guests who frowned in disgust.

And of course Steven Seagal was invited. “Why are you here?” asks PJs.

“Vladdy and I go way back. We’d get naked and slap one another, a Russian tradition. Why are you here girly man?”

“I’m a big supporter of Putin. He’s the man, if you know what I mean.”

“I don’t know what you mean, but that’s okay. Wanna get naked and slap each other?”

“Maybe later.”

Then  PJs sees Schwarzenegger and asks him why he's there.

“It’s logical. I love Russians, Putin is a Russian, so I love Putin. I love Russians, I love Russians....”

“I get it,” says PJs. “You can stop.”

Then PJs sees his greatest hero of all time, former President Donald Trump. “Would you sign my napkin, Mr. President? I hate Biden.”

“Everyone hates Biden, even his supporters,” responds the aged orange man, who then signs PJ’s napkin. PJs folds it very carefully and put in his shirt pocket. “Thank you, thank you a dozen times, Mr. President” says PJs wiping the tears from his eyes inadvertently with the same napkin. Then he asked, “What brought you here, Mr. President?”

“Why don’t they turn down that fucking music. It’s driving me fucking nuts.”

“Shiss, Mr. President. Probably afraid to get thrown overboard. It’s the Russia national anthem. Anyway, I know you Putin are big friends. Is that why you’re here?”

“More than friends. Partners in crime you might say, ha, ha, ha. Me and Putin are bosom buddies. I like the way he does things and I tell the world just what I think. Putin doesn’t let conscience get in the way, you know. I’ve told everyone that his invasion of Ukraine was smart, very savvy, pure genius. Like I said, he don’t let conscience get in the way. If he wants something he takes it. You don’t like it, tough shit. I like that. Real different from those squeamish fucking Democrats except when their hordes were burning down American cities. Then they were doing it Putin’s way, but being fucking hypocrites won’t admit it.”

“Ditto that, Mr. President.”



“Welcome guests, I have a wonderful announcement to make. We are winning!”

Everyone applauds.

“Half the Ukrainian children have been displaced from their homes by our brave Russian soldiers. Ukrainian mothers are having to abandon their children to fight alongside Ukrainian men. Such desperation and foolishness against our glorious tanks, planes, drones, and bombs. When will they learn that our brave soldiers will not be defeated by mothers, wives, sisters, and girlfriends. Where have all your men gone? To graveyards every one. Ha, ha, ha” laughed the demonic voice that sent chills through the guests.

“You got to love the Russians, says Schwarzenegger”

“I tell you, no conscience,” says Trump. “Mothers and wives fighting tanks. That’s brilliant.”

“He’s a good man,” chirps Le Pen.

“Mothers and wives fighting on the battlefield is nothing compared to the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas," grumbles Tucker.

Then PJs sees Tucker Carlson. “Hey, Tucker!” shouts PJs. “How’s it hanging, bro? I knew you’d be here. You’ve  always been a big Putin fan. So what got you the invite?”

“Been saying all along that there is no reason the United States should assist the Ukrainian people in their fight against Putin’s war machine. We’re already paying $5 a gallon for gas in America. What a tragedy, so sad. My chauffeur says my Cadillac Escalade ESV cost over a hundred bucks to fill up. That’s a tragedy. So I say let Putin have Ukraine if it means cheaper gas for Americans. That’s called patriotism.”

“Let me ask you this, Tucker. Is that really Putin at the other end of the table? I can’t tell, didn’t think I’d need to bring a pair of binoculars with me.”

“Probably not. He has to be careful. He's hated almost as much as Biden is. On my way in I saw a dead food taster on the floor.”

“Do you think the caviar is safe?”

“Don’t know, but I’m going to eat mine. No way I’m passing up free caviar.”

“What do you make of the blue and yellow crackers in the shape of babies?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Did you notice that they contain a red sauce inside that squirts out when you bite into them?”

“Delicious and cost free.”

Then Depardieu asks in a big voice, “How come we don’t get a big spread like those guys at the other table?”

PJs asks Tucker. “Yeah, Tucker, why do they have a ton of food and we just get Ukraine baby crackers and fish eggs?”

“That table is for corporate collaborators that are still doing business in Russia. A few kept businesses open in Germany during World War II. I think Subway and Burger King operated restaurants in concentration camps for the guards only, of course. Skinny Jews made the sandwiches and burgers.”

“Nah, you’re putting me on, Tucker,” says PJs with a bubbleheaded grin.

“I’m just trying to get you to shut the fuck up. You ask too many questions.”

“Look here, Tucker, what’s this card on our table?” PJs takes the card and opens it.

All at the table take notice. “What’s it say?” asks one of the guests.

“Table reserved for unpardonables.”

“Must be a joke,” says Le Pen, “I’ve done nothing wrong. How could I? Je ne suis qu'une politicienne!”

“Madame Le Pen,” says PJs, “I would have expected that you would be dinning in a bunker with Zelensky.”

“Why do you say that!”

“Well, your big message to the French people is that unlike Macron you would defend France against invaders. Isn’t that what Zelensky is doing, defending Ukraine against Russian invaders? Yet you say nothing in support of him and are here eating caviar provided by the the man responsible for the invasion of Ukraine. Isn’t that a little hypocritical?”

“Je suis une femme politique, c'est tout. Besides, I prefer caviar to les rations de combat.”

“Your Brits’ ration-pack food, dear boy,” explains Depardieu, who then waves a waiter over to the table. “More crackers and caviar s'il te plaît et qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel? Did you put that insulting card on our table?”

“Not me, sir. Anastasia set the table.”

“We feel insulted,” said PJs. “We would like to speak to her.”

“That is impossible. Did you not hear the splash? She was stowaway, Ukrainian. Please accept my apology. Each of you will receive an autographed photo from Lord Putin.”

All at the table smile then applaud. “Apology accepted.” 

Siding with the Evil One: The Unpardonable Sin

Tucker shamed himself by claiming that $5 a gallon of gas is a tragedy but worse he became guilty of the Unpardonable Sin by supporting the Evil One. His hands are stained with virtual blood as the land of Ukraine is stained with the real blood of Ukrainian men, woman, and children. He believes that Putin was within his right to invade Ukraine and that the Ukrainians should have just waved little Russian flags and surrendered their homeland to the Evil One instead of bringing all that killing and destruction upon themselves plus cause the incredible tragedy of $5 a gallon of gas in the U.S.

Your response, PJs, is to do nothing but mock those who cannot stand by and do nothing as the Evil One’s glowing eyed husks ravage towns—as Antifa and Black Lives Matter did in America—destroying, harming, and killing. You’ve taken position of the Democrats that applauded when the Antifa and Black Lives Matter husks burned and looted Americans cities. That is what Putin is doing—burning and stealing an entire nation. Who’s the hypocrite now?

Watching PJs take the side of Putin is like a mother discovering that her priest has been molesting her son during private Bible study sessions. The boy would come home in tears and she believed it was because he was so moved by the lesson. One day she asked him what brought tears to his eyes. The boy said the priest made him do dirty things. Discovering that the priest had molested her son, the mother concluded that the high-sounding words of the priest were empty and his good deeds were for naught because he was guilty of an unpardonable sin.

Choosing for Children: Three Choices

First is the Putin choice—bloody, cruel, heartless—to choose to abuse, harm, or kill children and to destroy their homes. The most destructive of the Putin category are warmongers. Such people are considered the worst of monsters guilty of endless Unpardonable Sins committed against children.

Second are the saviors who choose to defend children from the demons of the Putin category. They are the Ukrainians fighting and dying to protect their children from Putin’s mindless husks that injure and murder children, that destroy children’s homes, communities, parents, and playmates. Saviors include the Good Samaritans who have joined with Ukrainians to protect children from Russian monsters. Saviors are heroes each and every one.

The third choice is made by those who defend the ghouls that terrify, injure, and murder children—such as Putin and his army of mindless husks. Defenders of evildoers commit an Unpardonable Sin by becoming allies of evil.

Tar Baby Biden and the Republicans

From the second of the Uncle Remus stories: “When Br'er Rabbit comes along, he addresses the tar ‘baby’ amiably, but receives no response. Br’er Rabbit becomes offended by what he perceives as the tar baby's lack of manners, punches it and, in doing so, becomes stuck. The more Br’er Rabbit punches and kicks the tar baby out of rage, the worse he gets stuck” (“Tar-Baby,” Wikipedia). Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine has put the Republican Party in the position of Br’er Rabbit and Tar Baby Biden as he attempts to befriend the Ukrainians.

We’ve seen how Tucker whines about the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas and promoting the do-nothing policy of Paul Joseph Watson, a British talking head for Republican Party. They would have good reason to complain that Biden cares more about Ukraine and its border than he does about America and its border. But as Biden takes the moral high ground with Ukraine, Republicans who criticize him end up like Br'er Rabbit, taking a beating for taking the low moral ground. Of course, Biden is playing politics with Ukraine. Republicans have been doing the same. Every issue becomes part of the political tit for tat game played by the two major American political parties.

The Ukrainians, like the Hispanics south of the border, really don’t matter to either party and are used only to achieve each party’s machinations. Right now, however, Biden’s party is benefiting the most from the war because it took the moral high ground right away causing the Republicans to ineptly take the moral low ground by criticizing him rather than backing the right choices he makes even though he makes them to make political hay. And most likely some Republicans will complain about Biden’s welcoming a 100,000 Ukrainian refugees into the U.S., which is the right moral thing to do; they’re refugees not immigrants looking welfare benefits. To complain would be to take the moral low ground. And most likely, if Putin doesn’t swallow Ukraine the refugees will want to return to their homeland since they have one. How ironic! If Putin is victorious and incorporates the Ukraine into Russia, the Ukrainians will lose their homeland as Americans have. Ukraine would disappear into the Russian gulag; America has disappeared in a multicultural gulag—a society without a national identity. Thus, Americans no longer have a homeland even though they live on the soil that was once their homeland. The Democratic left has made sure of that by adopting the Marxist-Soros no-border policy. However, if the Ukrainians do stay, at least the U.S. will be getting well-educated, civilized Europeans unlike the hordes that arrive each day from the criminalized societies south of the border.

America’s decrepit, suicidal state of affairs is revealed by Biden’s telling Trump to bring it on and the Trump cult (Republicans) saying they will. That is how moribund and suicidal the American political system has become. And Americans are losing the war at home because unlike the Ukrainian government the U.S. Government has turned against Americans by implementing  Antifa’s mission: “No borders, no walls, no USA at all.” How ironic! How pathetic America has become! 

Biden’s Requiem

Whatever good Biden accomplishes helping Ukrainians to keep their homeland, he will still have betrayed Americans by doing to America what Putin is attempting to do to Ukraine—to make the national homeland disappear. Biden is no more loyal to America than Putin is to Ukraine. Biden will go to his grave as a Marxist hero to the aliens he enabled to invade America to displace Americans from their communities as Russians will displace Ukrainians from theirs. But to Americans Biden will take his place among the ranks of Benedict Arnold and all the others who have sold out America, many in office today. They too are guilty of an Unpardonable Sin—that of betrayal.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukraine, Russia, and America: The Good, the Bad, and the Decadent

 Dead Men

At night do evil, stupid men ever look up at the stars, marvel at mountains, meadows or lakes? No. They are too trapped in their bloated egos, ideologies, will to power, greediness, pathological narcissism, and other self-centered obsessions to experience the world with appreciative awareness. They are dead men, the walking dead, hollow men, husks who believe they see and understand but are blind and trapped in their stupidity. One cannot feel sorry for these dead men no more than one can feel sorry for the cancer that kill men, women, and children. The harm they’ve cause is unforgivable. That is why Hell was invented in hopes that evil men who go unpunished in this world will get their just deserts in Hell. But there is no Hell thus no final justice. The only Hell is the hell created by men such as the diabolical Putin and other similarly evil men. The Preacher saw the truth of evil and injustice over two thousand years ago: 

All things are full of weariness;

a man cannot utter it;

the eye is not satisfied with seeing,

nor the ear fill with hearing. 

Ukraine, Russia, and America: The Good, the Bad and the Decadent

And behold, the tears of the oppressed,

And they had no one to comfort them! 

In my vain life I have seen everything;

the a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness

and the wicked man who prologs his life in his evil doing. (Ecclesiastes) 

Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard Disgraced Themselves

The extent of America’s self-centered decadence is reveled in a Tucker Carlson segment titled “Tucker: Does Biden want war?” It is a loaded question implying an unjustified assumption of guilt. Its purpose is to slander Biden. That is all we get from the Republican Party and its supporters in the news media. Ditto that for the Democratic Party news pundits. Objective, respectable newsmen such as Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow no longer exist. Today’s news agencies have become propaganda mills, each side representing political ideologies, not news per se. News broadcasts provide a platform that enables the two groups to go after one another and to espouse the ideologies and political celebrities they represent. This us-versus-them mindset is also part of Washington politics. The conflict has little to do with the concerns of the American people. They are simply spectators who can really do nothing but look on. Votes don’t matter nor does viewership. What Americans get is all bad. There are exceptions, a few politicians who work outside of Washington and subterranean news commentators who broadcast on YouTube platforms. However, this episode sadly reveals the petty character of America’s decadent self-centeredness. 

Nostradamus Carlson

Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security advisor, says he can’t predict what is going to happen in the Ukraine and wisely tells Americans there to leave. Even Ukrainians have been leaving by the tens of thousands. But Carlson is quite willing to predict the future if by doing so he can criticize Biden. The show implies that Biden want’s war with Russia. That’s incorrect. Biden said that no American troops would be sent to Ukraine. What Biden actually said was that if Russia invades NATO countries, America would support those countries. Of course, a Republican like Carlson cares nothing about Europe. Trump represented that view. And I’m sick and tired of hearing that if Trump had been president the invasion wouldn’t have occurred. Trump is a charlatan who withheld military aid from Ukraine. And Putin isn’t afraid of Trump and is certainly not worried about the U.S. military being sent to defend Ukraine. To defend Europe, yes because America would have 30 NATO states fighting on its side, two of which have nuclear weapons. 

For Good Nations War Is a Necessary Evil if It Achieves a Moral Good

Carlson asks how would a war with Russia make America stronger and more prosperous. Another loaded question. Becoming stronger and more prosperous are the reasons evil nations go to war. Many Americans asked a similar question when Hitler’s war machine invaded Poland. “Getting involved won’t benefit us.” But the British and French didn’t ask that question. They chose to go to Poland’s aid. Carlson’s position remind one of the 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train who watched and did nothing while illegal alien Fiston Ngoy raped a helpless woman. Each was probably thinking “If I try to stop the beast I might get hurt.”

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

Carlson says that the Europeans are not concerned about a Putin blitzkrieg into Ukraine. The truth is that they have been concerned for years that the diabolical one would invade another country because having the imagination of a virus or bacterium that is all Vladimir Makarov Putin* thinks about—invading, hurting, harming, and causing misery. 

*Vladimir Putin’s and Vladimir Makarov’s modi operandi are similar. Makarov commits a mass shooting at an airport in Moscow, killing multiple Russian civilians then killing an American embedded in his squad and leaving his body at the airport to implicate the United States in the massacre and by doing so turn the Russia people against the U.S. Putin sends Russian husk troops to be killed by Ukrainian patriots and freedom fighters** that are supported by Europe and the U.S. This will trigger an anti-Europe and anti-America response among the Russian people. Just as Makarov seeks a global conflict between Russia and the West, so does Putin. It’s the last item on his bloody bucket list. We must face that fact that there are men devoted to doing evil and want to be remembered as villains. That may seem unnatural. Yet, events in our own society and recent history have proven otherwise.

**Unlike the husk Russian soldiers who serve the Evil One, Ukrainian fighters fight for their families and friends, communities, and their homeland. Theirs is a moral imperative. Clearly and logically, invading another country that is in no way a threat to one’s own people and country is not defending one’s family, friends, community, or homeland. Of course, the Russian husk soldiers don’t understand that. Unlike American soldiers they have been lobotomized and reconfigured like the soldiers that serve the Illusive Man. That is what totalitarian societies do to their citizens—program them into living robots, i.e., husks. This has been going on since Judaism introduced religious indoctrination into the world. The society created by the Catholic Church was a totalitarian society in which thinking outside the box was punished by torture and death. JudeoIslam transforms believers into husks. Ditto that for JudeoMarxism. There is a reason why group think is enforced because the religious or secular ideologies cannot stand up to critical analysis. What gave LBJ so much trouble during his Vietnam war was that young Americans were capable of independent thought because they had available to them endless sources of information. The Russian people don't and haven't had for almost a century.

The post-Soviet Russian society no longer serves an ideology but a dictatorial thug, the Evil One Putin. I doubt that his husk soldiers realize that what they are doing is immoral. Like mad dogs they kill women and children and blow up maternity hospitals. Engaging in war is morally justified only as a defensive response to physical aggression. Thus, the cowardly aggression of the Russians falls into the worse category of immorality: Evil. In response to this evil, heroic Ukrainians fight for their lives and homeland against the evil juggernaut Putin Russia. However, moral thinking requires intellectual autonomy and a modicum of philosophical reason. This is clearly lacking in Russia. The Evil One used to try to justify his evil actions. No longer. He reasons not as a philosopher but as a political godfather, the leader of a militaristic cartel populated by criminals who do his bidding either for wealth or as mindless, obedient husks. There are many reasons why such men engage in evil: ideology, self-aggrandizement, will to power, and material benefit. Many, however, do it because they enjoy doing evil. That is Vladimir Putin’s and Vladimir Makarov’s motivation.

As Freud finally explained, this evil is not an aberration but a natural tendency, clearly in men rather than in women. Before Freud, Robert Louis Stevenson illustrated the beastly behavior in men in his gothic story Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. La Émile Zola 1890 novel Bête humaine makes the same point. . (I hate the phase the beast in man given there are no beasts as evil and cruel as men. Not even cancer since cancer takes no enjoyment from the harm it does.) Every society sees the pleasure beast men take from doing harm—rape, drive-by shootings, and serial killing are three categories. War is the most cruel and destructive, as World War I would prove. Morality and the love of one’s family, friends, and neighbors are two influences that inspire men to tame the beast within and ride it like a dragon to protect the good and by doing so become heroes. 

The Role of Women Taming the Masculine Id

Freud was a rationalist. He wanted to find rational explanations for all problems having to do with human behavior, and he did so brilliantly. So he argued that society or civilization repressed primordial psychic energy of the id redirecting those energies into creative forms. That’s like saying sexual repression will produce a Michelangelo. Being patriarchal what Freud hated to recognize was role of women in humanizing masculine aggression, and there seems to be a Freudian element in this explanation. In Robert Louis Stevenson’s story Jekyll and Hyde are a single bipolar individual who suffers swings between the two extremes of evil aggressor and the civilized medical doctor. This model illustrates Freud’s theory of repressing the masculine beast who then flourishes into a medical man who works with the poor. But in both accounts, the evil masculine id remains undefeated. It/he only goes into hiding. Stevenson’s story becomes alarming if it is interpreted as not representing a single individual but humanity. Then the battle between good and evil in “man” is a struggle without end. In other words, we are stuck with evil men such as Putin just as we are stuck with cancer.

The contribution of women is simple. It wasn’t merely moral principles and society’s laws that tamed the masculine beast but the female and all that she contributes to society: children, home, community, and inspiration, especially the inspiration to do good. The female herself inspired some men to use masculine violence to protect the female. Why? Love is why. Some men, let’s call them romantics, fell in love with female. She was beautiful, sensuous, and loving. Certainly, the appreciation of women flourished during the Greek era. She was deified, and rightly so. But the appreciative awareness of women would be destroyed by the hyper-masculine Jewish religions, only to return to view with Italian artists, beautifully expressed by Michelangelo’s Pietà. Mary’s son has been murdered by masculine haters. Jesus is portrayed as both weak and pathetic, a nice boy murdered by bullies, like Putin. Mary is glorious feminine beauty, creator of life, full of compassion and love. Men learned from women what is worth fighting and dying for. Not an ideology, as was the case with Jesus, but women, their children, and the community that provides for and protect women and children.

Though Jesus adopted a caring attitude toward women and their children and defended women being persecuted by Pharisees, who cared more about religious law than about individuals. Nevertheless, he does not represent a defender women and family since he was essentially a celibate religious ideologue who believed his otherworldly ideology came before all mundane values. Jacques-Louis David’s painting Oath of the Horatii depicts the evolution of masculine values from the instinctual masculine drive to destroy wholesale men, women, children, family, and communities illustrated in the past by Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan and today by Putin the Terrible and his army of husks who are attacking Ukraine to the masculine defenders those values--their motivation being love and morality. This maturation of masculine values was not simply the result of moral progress—which is essentially philosophical thus abstract—but an emerging love and appreciation for women and what they represent.

The “three brothers from a Roman family, the Horatii, agree to end the war by fighting three brothers from a family of Alba Longa, the Curiatii. The three brothers, all of whom appear willing to sacrifice their lives for the good of Rome” (“Oath of the Horatii Wikipedia). Of course, “the good of Rome” is sort of abstraction that has been used to justify masculinity’s idian propensity for war. Morally there is only one moral justification for war, which the painting reveals in the concrete—the defense of women, children, and family. These are what give primary and primordial meaning to the state; all else is of subordinate value.

Camilla, a sister of the Horatii brothers “is betrothed to one of the Curiatii fighters, and thus she weeps in the realization that, whatever happens, she will lose someone she loves. Seeing her weep the surviving brother, Publius, kills Camilla for weeping over the enemy.” Camilla committed no crime. She simply weeps from love. She harms no one. That she would be murdered by her brother reveals Publius’ shallow understanding of morality. Thus, he fails to be a hero since he murders whom he should be defending. In a way, his action is morally worse than Camilla being murdered by an enemy. His action adds betrayal to murder. And since she represents the innocent embodiment of love, he murders love as well.

Putin: Pure Barbarity Dressed in a Suit

What we find in Putin is contrary to both love and morality, a throwback to pure barbarity. He is pure destructive, murderous id, which seems to exist only in the human animal and male gender. Animals can be vicious, but only in men such as Putin do we find an enjoyment of vicious behavior. Animals don’t have the conscious development to enjoy the horror of doing harm. Chimpanzees seem to be the only exception. It interesting that the beast is revealed in the faces of beastly men such as Mr. Putin:


"I looked the man in the eye and saw into his soul." Dubya  

Trump, Neither Hero nor Friend

Typically, Trump preferred to play crooked self-serving politics with people's lives rather than being a friend and hero. Trump had been reluctant to go ahead with selling missiles to the Ukraine and “only did so when aides persuaded him that it could be good for U.S. business. ‘He wanted to know if the Ukrainians would pay us back,’ said a former senior official with direct knowledge of the decision to provide Ukraine with a grant to buy the powerful anti-tank Javelin missiles.” “In 2019, Trump ordered a freeze on a $400-million package of military assistance to Ukraine that had been approved by Congress. The freeze came days before Trump's phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which he pressured the Ukrainian leader to investigate Joe Biden, a presidential front-runner at the time, and his son Hunter Biden.” Add to that price tag 71 Ukrainian children murder by Russian husks and more than 100 wounded. (The news today says Russians husk have killed more civilians than soldiers.) With Trump it is always about ME, ME, ME. Fuck the Ukrainian men, women, and children. But Good Samaritan altruism requires self-sacrifice. Ditto for Obama and Biden. An interesting line: At a press conference President Trump took a shot at former President Barack Obama, claiming that while the Trump administration provided Ukraine with “anti-tank busters,” Obama simply sent “pillows and sheets.” With American politicians it’s always about party politics, just as it is with the major news outlets, not about the American people or Europeans, whom Trump disliked because they would not pretend that he was a great man, because he isn't. He's only a rich man who inherited his wealth. They saw Emperor Trump without his clothes—naked, pathetic, and disgusting—as did millions of Americans. He was a flimflam man, mountebank, and charlatan. To see him as president of the United States was sickening because we knew he was only one of the corrupt, stupid creatures that populated the Washington D.C. political swamp. Those of us who were the children of America's Greatest Generation lamented “How could the country have come to this?” Then came Biden and Harris like fatal secondary infections.

The Old America Echoes in My Heart: Brother Can You Spare a Dime

Europe finally Grew Some Backbone

Europe has been sending rather than withholding military supplies to Ukraine, have imposed stiff sanctions (even from the usually neutral self-serving Swiss), and have been accepting thousands (more than 1.2 million as of this writing) of Ukrainian war refugees—not immigrants, there’s a difference. Over a half million into Poland, which unlike America knows what it’s like to be under the iron heal an aggressor. This from the Internet about a week ago:

Switzerland will adopt all the sanctions that the European Union has imposed on Russian people and companies and freeze their assets to punish the invasion of Ukraine, the government said in a sharp deviation from the country's traditional neutrality.


“Last week, Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki officially offered ‘tens of thousands of bullets and artillery ammunition, MANPADs, light mortars, reconnaissance UAVs and other types of defensive weapons.’”

Czech Republic

The transfer of 4,006 stored 152-millimeter shells with a total value of $1.7 million at no cost to Ukraine was approved following a request from the Czech defense ministry.

Baltic countries

Latvia and Lithuania are ready to provide stinger anti-aircraft missiles and related equipment. Estonia will donate an unspecified amount of Javelin anti-tank missiles.


“Germany will supply Ukraine with 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles from Bundeswehr stocks for defense against Russia.” So the Germans decided to take their testicles out of their purse and put them between their legs! About time.

Spain, Holland and Denmark

“Spain has mobilized frigates and fighter jets to the Black Sea. Holland and Denmark have moved troops into other NATO countries in order to deter Russia from possible attacks.”


“The Spanish government has promised to send 20 tons of aid to Ukraine, mostly medical and defensive equipment such as bulletproof vests.”

Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Stockholm is also breaking its historic neutral stance to send 5,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, with Denmark contributing a further 2,700. Norway is sending helmets and body armor and up to 2,000 M72 anti-tank weapons.”


“France will respond without weakness to Russia's act of war against Ukraine, said President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, adding that Russia could expect tough sanctions that would hit its military, its economy and its energy sector.”

The Netherlands

The Netherlands will supply air defense rockets and anti-tank systems to Ukraine, the Dutch government said in letters to parliament on Saturday.

The Dutch government agreed to a Ukrainian request to rapidly ship 200 Stinger air defense rockets and 50 “Panzerfaust 3” anti-tank weapons with 400 rockets, the letters said.


Neutral Finland takes the “historic” decision to supply weapons to Ukraine and will send 1,500 rocket launchers, 2,500 assault rifles, 150,000 rounds of ammunition, and 70,000 servings of field rations.


“Belgium says it will supply Ukraine with 3,000 more automatic rifles and 200 anti-tank weapons, as well as 3,800 tons of fuel.”


Portugal is giving Ukraine night-vision goggles, bulletproof vests, helmets, grenades, ammunition and automatic G3 rifles.


“Greece, which has a large diaspora community in Ukraine – 10 of whom have been killed – is sending ‘defense equipment’ as well as humanitarian aid.”


“Romania – which shares a border with Ukraine – is offering to treat wounded people from the crisis zones in its 11 military hospitals as well as sending fuel, bulletproof vests, helmets and other ‘military material’ worth $3.3m.”

Czech Republic

“Prague said Saturday it is sending Ukraine 4,000 mortars “in the next few hours” as well as an arsenal of 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles, 3,000 machine guns, many sniper rifles and a million bullets.

The Czechs had already promised Kyiv 4,000 mortars worth $1.6m which have yet to be delivered.”


“Zagreb will dispatch 16 million euros’ worth of small arms and body armour.”

Great Britain

“The UK is also supporting Ukraine's economy – including through £100 million of ODA, and guarantees of up to $500 million in development bank loans. Secondly, we are cutting off funding for Putin's war machine.”

“Britain says it is ready to provide Ukraine with additional military support, including lethal defensive weapons, and major loan guarantees to help Kyiv ‘weather the storm of Russian aggression.’”


“Ottawa is sending lethal military weaponry to Ukraine and loaning Kyiv half a billion Canadian dollars ($394m) to help it defend itself.”

Kudos Elon Musk

Even American Elon Musk, a friend when needed, says SpaceX’s Starlink satellites are now active over Ukraine after a request from the embattled country’s leadership to replace internet services destroyed by the Russian attack. Unlike the self-serving Russian oligarchs, Musk creates wealth; whereas Putin the Russian oligarchs stole their wealth from the Russian people. Musk serves the good of the ordinary people of Ukraine; whereas Russian oligarchs serve Putin, destroyer of the ordinary people of Ukraine. Serving the Ukrainian people Musk serves moral good; serving Putin Russian oligarchs serve evil thus become evil. 

No Love for Europe, Praises for the Evil One, & Fake Americans

For Carlson there is no reason to aid Europe because Europeans mean nothing to him; yet Europeans mean a good deal to millions of other Americans. No matter that NATO Allies went into Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the side of the United States. No matter Australia, Great Britain, and Poland were American allies during Bush’s idiotic Iraq War. (Where was Israel by the way?) I suppose that if Putin invades Poland, which evil Putin would love to do, America would do nothing. President Bush Jr. said he “looked the man [Putin] in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul.” Apparently Bush didn’t smell the sulfur.

Trump has praised Putin whom he considers to be a friend. Really? How can one be the friend of someone who behaves very much like Stalin? Trump & Putin: two little men with monstrous egos. And we know how Trump feels about the Ukrainians, having withheld military aid from them, just because their president wouldn’t find dirt on Biden’s dirty son. So now the dirty boy is the son of the president. (Wisdom & Trump don't mix. Ditto that for morality.) Such a move left Ukrainians more vulnerable to Czar Putin and his horde of Moskal husks. That is the reason Trump lost to the pathetic drooler Biden. Trump cares only about two things—Trump and expensive prostitutes. He is no more American than are Biden or Harris or Pelosi or Schiff or the other hollow men and women of the anti-America Democratic Party. They’re all rich celebrities for whom Washington is a reality show. The dominant themes are greed, narcissism, ideology, corruption—truly like the TV series the House of Cards. Americans are nothing more than an audience. Remember the fake clap Pelosi gave Trump? To the politician performers Washington is Saturday Night Live, a big fucking joke on the American people. 

Et tu, Tulsi?

Tulsi Gabbard says Biden could have prevented the conflict by telling Putin that Ukraine won’t become a member of NATO. Nonsense. It’s not about NATO membership but Putin Russia’s expansion, as were Putin Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 and Putin Russia’s invasion of Crimean and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. Putin Russia’s War in Donbas during which Russia launched a coordinated political and military campaign against Ukraine, the result of which was 14,000 killed. President Macron spoke to Putin and Czar Putin told Macron that nothing could stop the invasion. Gabby Gabbard sounds a lot like Hitler’s sycophant Neville Chamberlain who played a role in the Munich Agreement of 1938 which ceded parts of Czechoslovakia to Hitler and is now the most popular example of the foreign policy known as appeasement. She and Carlson twist facts and pretend to know what’s going on just in order to go after the drooler Biden—who showed more gumption than they by warning Vladimir Makarov Putin to stay out of NATO nations.

She says that sanctions are a modern day siege. And that is much worse than Russia’s Blitzkrieg into Ukraine? Jesus! Whose side is she on? She says that it is the military–industrial complex that wants war with Russia. What?! America’s military–industrial complex is only in favor of little wars that can be neither won nor lost thus use up lots of equipment, not a war with a nation that has a million soldiers and a total nuclear warhead inventory of 5,977—the biggest in the world. Even those greedy stupid self-serving bastards know better than that. Only a know-nothing FOX toady would be so stupid as to say such a thing. I used to have some respect for these two talking heads, but I now see they are on the Republican payroll. They’re fake. Everything they say is scripted even Carlson’s fake laugh. How sad it’s all become like a surreal carnival fools.

Poor Gabby Gabbard reminds me of Biden, a nobody who so badly wants to be a somebody, which really is a common theme in Washington. Politicians are the only people who can become celebrity stars without doing any but getting enough votes. She feels so sorry for the Russian people. Why? THEY’RE THE INVADERS! Would she have felt sorry for the German people during WWII? Why is it that she can’t tell the difference between the invaders and the invaded? Even if Drooler Biden wanted the war, Putin is the one who chose the war. And then FOX toady Babbler Carlson jumps in to repeat “Why aren’t the Europeans afraid?” They are, dummy! Clearly, Carlson has spent little time in Europe. Living in on fantasy resort Gasparilla Island how can he know their fears? To be fair to Carlson, he had no choice given the ghoulish zombie squads of Antifa and Black Lives Matter scour the streets looking for conservatives to eat. For conservatives, especially Republicans, big cities have become like Raccoon City in Resident Evil. That show just how far mighty America has fallen. It has become a gutter nation. The news is filled with chronic, random violence, shootings, stabbings, murder, and mayhem just for fun. Violence always existed in America but was never a plague. And usually it served some criminal purpose such as robbery. Now it’s become a form of recreation—murdering for pleasure.

The Greatest Generation

In the above video FDR’s words could be those of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Before becoming president he was comedian. Like most ordinary people he is a family man who just wanted live life and have some fun. But the world is full of evil men like diabolical Putin who won’t allow ordinary people to live peacefully and have a little fun. These are men with big egos, big plans along with reptilian minds and no imagination. They are the human version of the poisonous wolf spiders. They carry within them a sac of lethal masculine venom. Like the men who operate drug cartels they seek the domination and destruction of other people who just want to be left alone. Yet, in today’s America that America’s greatest generation is hated by Democrats, looters, and arsonists just for being American. 

Ukrainians Have Been Afraid of the Ugly, Mangy Bear for Years

Ukrainians and about a dozen other form Soviet bloc nations have been afraid scabby bear for years. One can see that reality doesn’t matter either of these two know-it-all talking heads. They are members of the Republican Defamation Squad (the Democrats have their own) who twist reality to drum up hatred toward Democrats—who don’t need their help for that since real non-Marxist Americans know that Democrats have betrayed them and their country. To Democrats, the word American is a slur and would sue for defamation anyone who called them that. And actually the two talking-heads' exhibition of Trumpish heartfelt concern for the Russians will have the unintended effect of their becoming recruiters for the Democratic Party. What they have forgotten is that most Americans don’t like bad guys, and making Biden and his ilk the bad guys and Russians the good guys as if the Russian husks were seduced into invading Ukraine when in fact pathological Putin has been planning this and probably a dozen other invasions for years. 

When It Comes to Politics Contradictions Don’t Matter

You can see how they twist the facts in Gabby Gabbard's contradiction: Europe wants Ukraine in NATO but that will never happen. Why? Because Europe doesn’t want Ukraine in NATO. Though now that might change since Putin’s invasion has caused the European Union to officially welcome Ukraine’s application to join the European Parliament. Go Putin, you fucking genius, not! The reality is that were it not for Russia, which was once the infamous Soviet Union by the way, there would be no need for NATO. Then Babbler Carlson jumps in asking why Americans would want Ukraine in NATO. What! Most Americans have never given a shit about Ukraine because most of them didn’t know that there was such a country, though thanks to Putin now they do, just as they didn’t know that there was a Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq. Most Americans think Europe is a nation. 

Tucker Carlson Must Hate the Good Samaritan

Babbler Carlson constant refrain is “IS THERE SOME BENEFIT TO AMERICA?” The 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train probably asked the same question: Would there be some benefit to me rescuing the woman being raped? The Good Samaritan could have asked the same question, but he didn’t: 

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’” (Luke 10:25–37) 

What was the benefit? The satisfaction of helping a person or any creature who is suffering or in trouble. It’s called altruism. It’s a moral good.

Then Gabby Gabbard says she has a hard time with anyone saying “We are defending Democracy.” Sorry, Gabbard, but it’s about defending mothers and their children from Vladimir Mad-Dog Putin’s war machine. War should never be about defending an abstraction. So where did you get that idea? Who said we must go to war with Russia to save Ukrainian democracy? “Fucking democracy doesn’t work in the U.S.” says Putin laughing out loud. To both of you talking heads it’s all about Biden. That is all American people get from mainstream news: attacks on Trump and attacks on Biden. Yes, both are fools who should have never been presidents but are because the America is decadent, like Russia run by wealthy oligarchs, and its political system is totally corrupt. The world is bigger than Trump and Biden and a hell of a lot more interesting.

She complains that Biden has supported authoritarianism which she says (correctly) is going on in the U.S. today. But the implication is that Republicans never supported authoritarian regimes. And they have repeatedly. But notice that Gabby Gabbard’s last shot is at Ukraine, that being an authoritarian regime its people don’t deserve our support. Yet, there are two different authoritarianisms: (1) the ones now occurring in the U.S. and in countries like Saudi Arabia, and (2) the jack-boot forms authoritarianism such as old USSR and the new yet still barbarically oppressive  authoritarianism  of North Korea and Czar Putin’s Russia. It is not about authoritarianism but about women and children being killed by bullets and bombs. So what we’ve witnessed here is propaganda from FOX/Republican talking heads, not unlike the propaganda spewed out by CNN & Friends working for the Marxist Democratic Party.

Most Pathetic Tucker Carlson

In a YouTube broadcast titled “These are the realities that actually matter,” Biden’s puppet Jen Psaki makes the point that standing up for our values has costs. Fair enough says Carlson but then asks, “What are our values and what is the cost.” He answers the questions: gas prices are and the increase in the price of gas would be an unbearable cost to pay. Then comes the kicker: $5 for a gallon of gas is “a tragedy for a lot of people.” No, $5 a gallon of gas is not a tragedy. This is a tragedy:

This is a tragedy: 

The mass exodus of refugees from Ukraine to the eastern edge of the European Union showed no signs of stopping Monday, with the U.N. estimating more than 520,000 people have already escaped Russia’s burgeoning war against Ukraine. (AP News) 

Refugee crisis in Ukraine intensifies 

Most of the refugees are woman and children. The men—many civilians—have stayed behind to fight. Like Homer’s Hector in the Iliad, they are the good defenders of homeland and family. A tragedy is a woman being raped on a train while 10 other passengers look on. That is the tragedy born from me-generation decadence. From The Guardian “Children, teachers: civilian casualties of the Ukraine conflict.” That’s a tragedy. The article says, “The truth, they say, is the first casualty of war.” 

With that, back to the U.S. where Gabby Gabbard and Babbler Carlson illustrate that the truth has been a casualty of political claptrap for decades, going as far back as the Vietnam War. One news source claims “Day 5 of Russia-Ukraine war: Over 5,000 people, including 14 kids, killed so far, say reports.” That’s a tragedy because it was unnecessary and should never have happened, the result of Darth Vader Putin’s evil will to power and conquest. Of interest, the citizens of European countries providing Ukrainian freedom fighters with support already pay $5 to $6 a gallon for gas and, unlike Americans, depend heavily on Russian oil and gas exports, but they are not wimping out by whining that an increase in gas prices would be a tragedy.

The death of the diabolical Russian reapers of course is not a tragedy but a victory against evil. Willingly or not, those who serve evil become themselves evil because they destroy homes, places of employment, schools, and kill innocent men, women, and children. Russian soldiers are the bloody tip of Putin’s spear. That was true for American soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq. Russia doesn’t have a monopoly on evil leaders. The sad, sad lesson here is that things will never change. Evil men such as wormy-heart Putin will always be with us just as cancer will be. They are as much a part of the human condition as are old age and death. So good men who care about defending women and children must always be ready to confront evil because though evil cannot be finally defeated, the good can be defeated if not defended.

For Gabby Gabbard and Babbler Carlson the only war worth worrying about is the war between the Democrats and their talking heads and the Republicans and their talking heads such as Gabby and Babbler. In a YouTube piece titled “This is moral blackmail” Babbler Carlson works very hard to convince us that morality is being used to encourage action that is evil, a tragedy. It’s as if moral awareness is burdensome just as higher gas prices are a tragedy. What really angers the Babbler is that Biden is taking the moral high ground probably for political reasons knowing that doing so means the Babbler’s do-nothing position (because doing something would be burdensome and result in tragic gas prices) will result in Babbler’s taking the moral low ground. And the talking heads—Gabbard & Carlson—claim that Biden wants a war with Russia is also a logical fallacy—an appeal to fear using distortion of the truth. 

Kristi Noem Gets It Right; little Greta Thunberg’s Hope for Humanity Dashed

In her commentary “This is what Biden Gave Putin” Kristi Noem, a rare decent and America-loving politician gets it right because she doesn’t loudly declare that Biden wants a war with Russia. She’s not looking to smear Biden—he does that just by being himself. She looks at his bad policy. First, Europe and the U.S. should have been focusing on energy independence so they don’t have to be enslaved to Nazi Putin. Poor little, Greta Thunberg, was hoping that the first priority of the world would be global warming because being just a kid who still believed in the goodness of adults and who couldn’t face the real threat to humanity—masculine aggression and global stupidity. The top most pressing priority is and always has been national survival, meaning the survival of people today in the here and now. She’s disappointed in huMANity. She should be. I am too. Any thinking person would be.

If there were no evil, uncivilized men in the world such as the maniacal Collector Putin, then we could focus on the civilized matters such as the environment. But these evil entities won’t allow that. When it comes to survival—right now—environmental considerations are secondary—national borders are primary. So responding to the demands of the Marxist anti-America coalition led by the unAmerican, non-American, fake American, phony America, death-to-America Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fifth column Democratic squad, brainless puppet Biden arbitrarily canceled the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of ordinary Americans out of work and jeopardizing the energy survival of America and its ability to help Russia dependent countries in Europe. Biden’s rotting anti-American brain was ripe for subversion, just as was G.W. Bush tiny brain was ripe for subversion by Jewish neoconservatives. (Read in his blog.) Both were brainwashed by Jewish ideologies.

Biden was always a husk of stupidity but now he’s an evil husk. Poor Greta, allowed herself to become a slave to a global warming political ideology that would be used to destroy America, a country that will be sorely needed if Freddy Krueger Putin and his army of homicidal nitwits invade Sweden. (Will we still be able to buy IKEA? ask Babbler Carlson. If so, better to let Sweden die and not increase gas prices.)

To address Czar Putin cyber-attacks Noem says the U.S. needs to develop cybersecurity and notes that South Dakota has a university focusing on just that. She focuses on issues rather than being a Republican attack dog mauling Biden. And unlike Babbler Carlson, her interviewer Stephen Doocy (a friend to America in spite of serving FOX) at least recognizes that Russia’s strongman Putin is evil and has evil plans for Europe and the U.S., unless of course he dies from whatever brain-eating disease he’s suffering from. Be a shame to lose the man, be like recovering from cancer. :-)

Even attack dog Sean Hannity gets it right. He knows that Biden is not a friend to America, and points out that America’s import of Russian oil double last year under Biden. He says in spite of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and his war crimes the U.S. continues to import 500,000 barrels of oil every single day. That’s like doing business with Hitler or Stalin or Mao. So the Green New Deal is fake. America looks like it produces and uses less oil because it imports oil from Putin Russia, Europe’s and America’s greatest enemy. Such fakery! Why do we continue to empower our and the world’s greatest threats—Russia and China? Ignorance, decadence, and greed are why. And instead of finding ways to free Europe from the evil empire of Russia by providing European nations with gas and oil, Biden put a pause on oil and gas leases in America the very same day the rabid bear invaded Ukraine.

In the Hannity piece Biden says we must start seeing ourselves for who we are: “Fellow Americans.” We're not fellow Americans. There is no such thing. Biden has just allowed a million plus non-fellow-Americans into the country, not one of whom identifies with America, has roots in American history or culture, thus cannot be nor ever will be a “fellow American.” Even he, Harris, and Pelosi are not fellow Americans because they are not American at all. They hate America and their supporters and fellow Democrats hate America. They laughed as America burned. Harris is a paper American, a fake black American, having no roots in American history such as slavery. Pelosi is a capitalistic anti-American Marxist. And Biden hates America because Americans never have and still don’t recognize him as having any more substance than a depleted credit card. A former shill for the credit card companies is who he is and always will be. He is not enhanced by being president but continues to be the Incredible Shrinking Man. There is nothing American about the Biden-Harris duo sabotaging the country. It’s as if the country is being led by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Lesson from Biden: A False Friend Is Worse than a True Enemy

In a news conference Judas Biden was asked why after Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Poland had been given a green light for MiGs that he stabbed the Ukrainians in the back by blocking Poland’s offer to transfer 28 Soviet-designed MiG-29s to Ukraine. Biden gave a truly unhinged response:  “The idea that (1) we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in (2) with American pilots and American crews —just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, [now sounding like demon Pazuzu in The Exorcist] THAT’S CALLED WORLD WAR III.”

The lack of logic and his betrayal are not surprising. First of all, any weapon can be used defensively or offensively—be it a rifle or a jet plane. Second, no Americans would be involved. The lack of logic is not surprising given Biden has only one brain cell and it’s infected with Alzheimer's. Watching the president and vice president is like Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in the movie Dumb and Dumber compete for dumbest title.

Second, no American would be surprised by Biden’s betrayal given he has been betraying Americans ever since he took office. The transfer of an array of weapons to Ukraine received vast and rare bi-partisan support through the recent passage of the funding bill, with $13.6 billion in aid. And Senators and congressmen from both parties have called for the transfer of these fighters, as well as other arms. James Refalo, former Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy, says that spineless (my phrase) Biden's refusal to authorize the transfer makes us/U.S. look spineless, disorganized, without resolve, and afraid. True, but spineless, disorganized, without resolve, and afraid applies not to us but to the invertebrate Biden.

Unlike President Drooler Louisiana Senator John Kennedy has an entire functioning brain and conscience. Unlike Vice President Cackles, he doesn't believe dead women and children are deserving of jokes and laughter. He says simply, “Give the man [Zelenskyy] his planes!” to defend his homeland and its people. The big question is why the cadaver President Biden is even involved in the decision and transaction? Clearly, given the fact that he and his nurse/VP have destroyed America’s ability to defend its borders, he is politically and morally the wrong man to be involved in the decision about protecting a country just as Judas was the wrong man to be one of Jesus’s disciples.

Ukraine, Land of Patriotic Heroes

These are heroes and patriots: “Ukraine Invasion: Volunteers queue to join Ukrainian army”

America has become a gutted country, a land where patriots are without a patria. How is possible that U.S. citizens would do as the brave Ukrainians are doing when half the population reject America, the other half has been betrayed by the government, and the millions of leftovers are from other countries to which their loyalty lies? They are in U.S. for the cornucopia of free benefits given to them by the Biden GREAT AMERICAN GIVEAWAY government. Really, how is it possible to be patriotic in a country whose inhabitants burned cities while Democratic politicians applauded? In corrupted masterpiece Mass Effect 3 pretty robot EDI says she is willing to die for humanity. If she lived in America she might think humanity isn't worth dying for, though she certainly would if she were in Ukraine.  So heroes go to Ukraine to fight for humanity.

Whoopi Goldberg Wisdom

“Let them white folks kill one another so we colored folks can do our thing:

And “Six teenagers have been arrested and charged with murder in connection with a drive-by shooting at an Iowa school that left a 15-year-old boy dead and two teenage girls wounded. Authorities on Tuesday announced they arrested the teens after a shooting at East High School near downtown Des Moines the prior afternoon. The suspects have been named as Octavio Lopez, 17; Henry Valladares-Amaya, 17; Manuel Buezo, 16; Romero Perdomo, 16; Alex Perdomo, 15; and Nyang Chamdual, 14; all from Des Moines.” (“Schoolboy shot dead and two girls injured after shooting,” I’m sure Harris who applauded the BLM riots and opened the border to more drive-by shooters would agree.

And Women's Liberation WAP Culture:

Foreign Volunteers Join the Fight for Ukraine

Sounding a lot like Neville Chamberlain, let’s do nothing wimpy Carlson says (in his commentary “This is moral blackmail”) that as a result of Putin’s war on Ukraine “we could see many Americans die.” You know, Carlson, there are many Americans who are willing to risk their lives for a moral imperative and to save the lives of others—especially women and children. They do it every day. They’re call cops, firefighters, rescue personnel, sailors, airmen/women, and soldiers. In the Ukraine many fighters are civilians. They don’t worry about increasing prices at the pump. The Babbler simply writes off Biden’s having said “no American troops will be involved in Ukraine.” What more was Biden expected to do, cut off his pinky finger to prove that he means what he says? But for Babbler Carlson it’s Biden, not Putin, who is the enemy. 

‘We are going to defend ourselves’: Ukrainians join war front

Ukraine invasion: The Brits volunteering to go to Ukraine and fight the Russians

Soldier to Vladimir Putin: 'We will come kill you'

[Then the world could breathe a sigh of relief like having cancerous polyp


[Heroes:] Former American paratrooper joins fight in Ukraine: 'This is their 1776' 

Neither the Ukraine nor Europe Is a Threat to Russian National Security

The idea that Europe would undermine Russia’s national security interest is also nonsense. That’s Putinspeak,* similar to Bushspeak when Republican Bush was justifying the unjustifiable Iraq War. After two world wars on their soil, Europeans are not a war-loving people. (Russia is not a European nation. Its leadership has always made that clear.) And today, unlike Russia’s husk people, Europeans are enjoying life too much to want to go to war with one of the world most powerful and brutal military machines (known to shoot down passenger planes just for the fun of it). That’s all Russia is, a military base wanting to go to war just like North Korea. Why does Russia—territorially the largest nation in the world—have an economy smaller than Italy’s? Because the Russian people have been reconfigured into lobotomized Morlocks who work in armament factories and grow food for Russian C-rations. They engage in no innovative intellectual, technological, artistic, or cultural creativity. Their Olympic Games athletes are hormonal cyborgs that often break down shedding anabolic steroid tears.

*Putin’s behavior is not inspired by a love of Russia but by a hatred of others. Russia is merely his tool, a weapon that he uses to express his hatred toward others. He wants Russians to continue to believe that Europe wants to invade Russia. The French people didn’t want to invade Russia; that was Napoléon’s idea. And the German people didn’t want to invade Russia; that was Hitler’s idea. And I suspect that the Russian people were not interested in invading Ukraine; that was Putin’s idea supported by his grotesque-looking war-loving generals. It’s always men at the top, men like Napoléon, Hitler, LBJ, Bush, Hussein, and Putin—who cause wars. Their motivation is either will to power, self-aggrandizement, blind hatred, inferiority complex, ideology, or the love of conquest. What they all share in common is stupidity—a numbness to life. Evil can be clever but it’s inherently stupid in the way cancer is stupid. Their minds are insensible to that which is good and beautiful and deserving of love, appreciation, and preservation. Its opposite is the wisdom that comes from love and moral reason. Of course, politicians have followers, ordinary people whom politicians have used propaganda (just words) to lobotomize into unthinking husks.

The Ruins of Russia

Once upon a time Russia had an intellectual/artistic aristocracy inspired by Europe. It founded the Bolshoi Ballet. It produced Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s renowned Swan Lake and the 1812 Overture. From it came writers such as Leon Tolstoy (Anna Karenina and War and Peace) and Fyodor Dostoevsky (Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov). And let’s not forget Ivan Turgenev who wrote Fathers and Sons whose character Bazarov is the fictional version of nihilistic Putin. But then came JudeoMarxism that erased the aristocracy and transformed Russia into that monstrosity of inhumanity the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, against all odds a few great thinkers/artists emerged from the Gulag the country had become: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Boris Pasternak who must be weeping tears in death. Yet, humane, aristocratic creativity never returned.

The Soviet Union enslaved minds and bodies. With the collapse of the Soviet Union it was hoped that the old aristocratic Russia might be revived and the Russian people for the first time in their history would be allowed to be free. But that was not to be. All that was left was the detritus of the Soviet era including one lowly, mentally deranged KBG agent Putin who against all odds would come to rule Russia as his private fiefdom and the Russian people as his serfs. (The little corporal Hitler had pulled it off so why not Putin?) Putin Russia became a land without a humane vision for its people. Like the mind of Marquis de Sade, Putin's mind is incapable of such a vision. The destroyed landscapes of Ukraine are what the vision of his mind looks like. There could be no aristocracy because the country had become essentially a military camp constantly preparing for its master’s next war.

That is why today’s Russia’s claims to cultural fame must rely on the past. Culturally, intellectually, scientifically, technologically, philosophically, and artistically Russia is a dead zone with no more creative spirit than that of Afghanistan. During the 19th century Russia came close to choosing a path that would lead to greatness. But then it was lobotomized by the JudeoMarxism revolution from which it never recovered. Certainly a man with the personality of a crime boss was unable to lead Russia to greatness but only to infamy while keeping its culture dumbed-down, mirroring his own mind.

The Artificial Russian

JudeoMarxism was used to perform an ideological lobotomy on the Russian people and under thug Czar Putin, the nation never recovered to its former 19th century glory. Yes, it was a time of oppressive czars but loads of artistic and intellectual creativity. Now there is just Czar Putin without creativity and a bunch of oligarchs who stole Russia’s wealth from the communists who had sole it from the Russian people, who now live off of the crumbs that fall from the fat mouths of the oligarchs. There were gulags under Stalin; now the entire country is a gulag and the Russian people are serfs to the super-wealthy oligarchs. See one piggy oligarch’s luxury yacht:

“France seizes yacht linked to Russian oligarch at Mediterranean port”

Wow, capitalist owner Alisher Usmanov is a real oinker. It’s weird that Russia became communist to cleanse the country of exploitative capitalistic czarist pigs who kept Russians poor. But communism kept the people just as poor while the members of the politburo got rich. So it was overthrown. And now another czar is back—Vladimir the Terrible—with his 19th century crony capitalism and his oprichnina security that utilizes assassins. This isn’t innovative capitalism but primitive nature exploiting chop-drill-dig-process capitalism. The pigs take control of the farm and live off the labor of the serfs. Maybe the only change was for the word communism to be banned as the word war has been banned in Russia’s news media. What was verboten was to allow the talents of the Russian people to flourish. Decadent ostentation displays of wealth are always disgusting, but at least American movie actors (movie stars are extinct) and entrepreneurs earn their wealth rather than just appropriating it from working people as do Vladimir Sauron Putin’s cronies. Really, Russia has become a mafia nation with Czar Putin playing the part of godfather. France has been confiscating oligarchs’ palaces and bank accounts. So much wealth in so few hands. What Russia needed wasn’t another war but another revolution—one like the French Revolution: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity! Go France! Can’t blame the oligarchs for wanting to spend some time in France where people have reason to smile and laugh. France is like the Ritz-Carlton whereas Putin Russia is like the Bates Motel where you never take a shower.

I lived in Europe for eight years and never came across anything made Russia, yeah a lot of stuff made in China because China might be a totalitarian nightmare but the Chinese know how to produce quality stuff because its people are all about quality in the sense of quality in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert M. Pirsig. A zen mindset might have something to do with that along with a large dose of Confucianism: propriety (li ), wisdom (zhi ), and trustworthiness (xin ). With Mao benevolence (ren ) and righteousness (yi ) were removed from the list of virtues.

What Exactly Has Putin Done for the Russian People?

Have the ordinary Russian people ever stopped to ask what the little man who sweats venom really what has he done to improve their quality of life. The big military isn’t for them but serves the little man’s inflated ego. It has only disgraced them as it has their little master, and lacking imagination perhaps they don’t mind being pulled into Putin’s evil vortex. Except for the harm they can do, no one gives a second thought to the Russian people because they are not interesting. Clearly, communism had a dumbing down effect on their intelligence. Generation after generation was intellectually less than the previous generation. And once communism was overthrown, Putin wasn’t the man to revive them. But once a KGB robot always a KGB robot. I mean look at this guy:

 That’s the face of evil. The face of a gulag guard. If he was German, he would be in a Gestapo uniform. Putin didn’t smile at birth and hasn’t since. What is missing in the ace is empathy, also known as fellow-feeling. Perhaps he smiles inwardly, as not to reveal weakness, when told that a critic has been terminated. If he did smile, it would be the smile of the criminal mastermind JOKER, nemesis of all that is good. It’s no wonder that Russia turned out to be more like North Korea than France—it’s a gulag nation. I’ve known high school students who were artistically and intellectually superior to Putin. Any person who actually works for a living—the plumber, doctor, nurse, electrician, railroad brakeman or engineer, forester, farmer, fisherman, working men in factories and on highways, cowboy, firefighters, cooks, etc., are better human beings because they accomplish some good and are not evil.

And why are these people more interesting than Putin? Because they live close to life; in fact, their jobs are about serving life. They are immersed in life, not aloof from it. Putin is a political thug who serves death. He thinks because he sends men to their death, men who kill innocent men, women, and children that that makes him interesting. It doesn’t. It just makes him evil. Psychopaths are boring, and he is a psychopath. Actually, war is boring except for the threat of death or serious injury. Call of Duty is not an intellectually interesting game in the way Mass Effect is. (And let’s be clear about one thing: no video is as intellectually interesting as a good book.) The only satisfaction is killing evil entities, the Russians in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. So if you are interested in getting some virtual payback against the evil Russians who invaded Ukraine, play the game. Putin has the intellectual depth of Sonny Liston. The difference is that Sonny actually got into the ring. Putin is chicken hawk. He likes war as long as other people risk their lives to do the fighting 

The Banality of Hannah Arendt’s Defense of Evil Adolph Eichmann

Hannah Arendt believed that because she was Jewish she truly understood evil. To the contrary she totally misunderstood evil and evil men. Her attitude toward evildoers was that of the leftist defense attorneys who work very hard to get an innocent verdict for the most heinous evil doers. It’s as if they are on Satan’s payroll. Of course she was a Marxist leftist. She lived in New York City the Marxist capital of the United States. Why is it that all leftist Jews live in the U.S. and conservative Jews live in Israel?

Consecration Camps Are not Normal except in Organizational Structure

“Arendt found Eichmann an ordinary, rather bland, bureaucrat, who in her words, was ‘neither perverted nor sadistic,’ but ‘terrifyingly normal.’” That makes “normal” a meaningless word. It means the norm, but the norm is not terrifying. Each day we are surrounded by normal people who are not terrifying. This is not to say that evil men don’t disguise their evil or evil intent. Operating a concentration camp is similar to operating a summer camp. The camp has employees, people are brought to the camp, they are housed, and there are activities, meals, rules and regulations, rewards and punishments. The employees who run the camps wear uniforms and so on. The operations of the camps are structurally similar and the behavior of the employees is structured, mechanical, as with all such organizations.

It’s not possible to distinguish the employee’s actions (doing what he is supposed to) from his intent. A concentration camp employee puts prisoners into a shower where they will be gassed. You can say that the employee was just doing his job and did not intend the harm that occurred to the prisoners. That’s pretty much Arendt’s argument. Says the guard to her, “I was doing my job as protocol required but what I was thinking about was getting home to my family and playing with the kids.” Only a robot would not know that gassing people is committing an evil act thus making the person gassing the people evil as well.

Arendt’s argument is “Well, his action was evil but that doesn’t mean the man was evil.” My response is then what is an evil man if it isn’t a man who commits evil acts? As Arendt should have known having studied some philosophy, we don’t know directly other people’s minds. Thus all talk about who Eichmann really was is nothing more than useless speculation. Though defense attorneys use such speculation to cause doubt in a jury: “Don’t judge the suspect only by his actions. Consider the possibility that deep in his heart he is a good man crying silently in pain within his soul for the child he dismembered. Perhaps it wasn’t him at all committed the act, but an indwelling demon created long ago by a traumatic event.” These are words games that have been used to snare naive listeners for centuries and continue to do so today. 

Eichmann was a “Moral Monster” or the Phrase is Meaningless

“Eichmann was not an amoral monster, she concluded in her study of the case, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963). Instead, he performed evil deeds without evil intentions, a fact connected to his ‘thoughtlessness’, a disengagement from the reality of his evil acts.” How did she know that Eichmann was not an amoral monster? Beside, amoral does not mean unable to know what is morally right from what is morally wrong. Or at the very least, to know the moral rules of one’s society. Michael Myers of the movie Halloween has a moral compass, even though my saying that is speculation since unlike Bush Jr. I can’t see into his soul. He could very well know right from wrong and enjoy doing that which is wrong. Bacteria, funguses, and viruses are amoral in the sense of lacking a moral compass. A moral compass requires some degree of consciousness. Amoral is a tricky term, in part because it can’t always be verified when applied to humans. An amoral individual could be one who is emotionally indifferent to morality. And it must be understood that emotion plays the role of motivator in moral behavior. If Eichmann perform his role exterminating Jews (just doing his job) without moral consciousness (which he had because he was not killer microbe or insane), he was an amoral monster, in the sense behaving morally meant nothing to him. Or if he knew exterminating Jews—men, women, and children—was immoral but did it is anyway, he was a moral monster. He was either aware or unaware that what he was doing was morally wrong. Either way, he was moral monster. In other words, he might not have been an amoral monster and still be a moral monster. 

Human Evildoers Are Not Robots

Arendt seemed to have believed that evildoers like Eichmann are disconnected from the evil they commit. Hannibal Lecter might seem quite ordinary and harmless in an interview, but he will not seem that way to his victims. “Eichmann ‘never realized what he was doing’ due to an ‘inability… to think from the standpoint of somebody else.’” Arendt sounds like a defense attorney playing word games to get off some evil monster like Nikolas Cruz.* What does having the ability “to think from the standpoint of somebody else” have to do with knowing one is engaging in evil? And what difference that it make one way or another? Thinking or unthinking evil are both evil. I admit that Adolf Putin is most likely to be so stupid, so dumbed down, so insensitive that he is totally incapable of empathy or sympathy. That, however, doesn’t absolve him or Eichmann from being evil individuals.

*Evil prosecutors prosecute individuals they know are innocent. Evil defense attorneys defend criminals they know are guilty of crimes causing grievous bodily harm.  

Of course, evil for someone like Eichmann or Putin is a good, either as a result of demonic emotions or an evil condoning ideology (most ideologies condone evil), but that doesn’t mean the individual isn’t evil. Both men are thoroughly evil. Yes, what I’m saying is that being dimwitted Putin might not believe he is engaging evil, but he is, absolutely and universally.* And claiming “Eichmann ‘never realized what he was doing” is simply false. That he wasn’t Jewish doesn’t mean he was stupid. Arendt’s entire argument is expressed by gangsters in movies who say, “Nothing personal; just doing business.” Doing harm does not have to be personal to be evil.

*A person can be evil even though he believes his evil actions are not evil to him. He knows what other people believe about evil actions and has the moral responsibility to take seriously what other people believe, which often is the basis for moral principles. The child-molesting priest may not believe his actions are evil, but he is morally obligated to consider what other people—such as the mothers of the children being molested. “I didn’t think it was wrong” ≠ the action was not morally wrong. Thus, whatever Eichmann believed and whatever Putin believes cannot be used to determine the moral status of an action. This is triply true for actions that cause harm, not shoplifting.


Meursault & Eichmann

“Arendt dubbed these collective characteristics of Eichmann ‘the banality of evil’: (1) he was not inherently evil, but merely shallow and clueless, a ‘joiner’, in the words of one contemporary interpreter of Arendt’s thesis: (3) he was a man who drifted into the Nazi Party, (4) in search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief. In Arendt’s telling, Eichmann reminds us of the protagonist in Albert Camus’s novel The Stranger (1942), who randomly and casually kills a man, but then afterwards feels no remorse. There was no particular intention or obvious evil motive: the deed just ‘happened.’” She makes excuses for evildoers, as if the evil of a cruel act is an epiphenomenon. It’s not. The act, the deed, is what is evil.* (Passages from “What did Hannah Arendt really mean by the banality of evil?” Thomas White, Encyclopædia Britannica.)

Evil and Goodness in the Parable of the Good Samaritan

*This is tricky. Clearly declaring X evil is a moral judgement. In a society in which children are eaten, infanticide is not evil because moral development has not occurred or is primitive. Morality is the highest form of human evolution—not science, technology, art, certainly not religion. Morality is rooted in moral reason and the emotions and is a discipline of philosophy, though one need not be a philosopher to know killing children is morally wrong. The principle goal of morality should be the lessening of suffering by condemning acts that unnecessarily cause suffering. Jesus got it right with his parable of the Good Samaritan. The worst/lowest/most barbaric of human thought and behavior is represented by the men who attacked the traveler, stripped him of his clothing, beat him, and left him half dead. The altruistic Good Samaritan who aids the traveler represents the highest human cultural evolution. Of what value are humanity’s other achievements if no one is safe from evildoers?

“In The Non-Suicidal Society Andrew Oldenquist describes such a society as one in which a person is unable to predict the behavior of others. In a society based on an ethics of consideration for others (like the Golden Rule), a person knows that most likely he or she will be treated with respect. If the ethics of a society are in a state of disarray, predicting others’ behavior becomes more uncertain. In a society of egoists, a person can expect to be taken advantage of by others who seek only to benefit themselves. In such a society power rules, the power of law and punishment or the power possessed by the individual. It is a society where women carry a gun or mace in their purse to protect themselves. What [Hemingway’s] The Sun Also Rises suggests is that at the chaotic core of human nature and human society egoism rules” (Hemingway and the Post-Narrative Condition, Frank Kyle, 219).

All the accomplishments of a society are worthless if people are not safe from one another. The parable of the Good Samaritan applies to Putin’s war on the Ukraine, and that is all it is: his war. The Ukrainians are like the traveler simply living their lives until attacked by Putin’s army of husks with men, women, and children murdered, and homes, businesses, and communities destroyed. The Good Samaritans are the people from other nations aiding the Ukrainians in any way they can. Putin’s war represents a society in which no one is safe, a society in which morality is absent or powerless against the forces of evil.

(1) “He was not inherently evil.” First of all, a definition of inherently evil is needed. How about “intent on doing harm”? That works me if harm means to cause suffering, torment, pain, or death to a living organism. However, how can intent be determined? It can’t be, not directly. It can be if the intent was recorded in some fashion—even then the intent is not known directly. Guessing what a person thinks doesn’t work because we can’t read people’s minds. And as Shakespeare’s evil Iago illustrates, the words of the perpetrator are unreliable. We know that because people are constantly being duped by the words of conmen, politicians, lawyers, sales people, husbands, etc. WORDS CANNOT BE TRUSTED! Finally, a person need not be inherently evil to be evil. A person who engages in evil act, regardless of his motive, is evil. A person is evil even if he believes his evil actions are not evil—such as priest sexually molesting children but believe their molestations were expressions of love.

(2) Eichmann was a shallow, clueless joiner! “One of the major organizers of the Holocaust” (Wikipedia) cannot be shallow and clueless. Germany didn’t nor doesn’t assign shallow, clueless individuals to positions of responsibility. I’m sure that like Bush Jr., Putin, and Biden he was no intellectual superstar. Nor was Hitler, who was not shallow or clueless. They all knew exactly what they were doing. And what difference does it make? A shallow, clueless thug can still be evil. You read about such people every day in the news. In the U.S. drive-by shooters are an example of shallow, clueless, retards can be evil. The act is the primary determiner of evil. If a mindless simpleton rapes a woman, his action is evil, and his evil act makes him evil. His evil cannot be forgiven just because he is a dolt.

(3) He was a man who drifted into the Nazi Party. Bullshit! That’s like sying someone drifts into the Hells Angels. Germans chose to join the Nazi Party, a political party of note. Hitler and his Brown Shirts made it clear the character of the party—violence prone and Jew hating. It was not a collection of skinheads. And when Eichmann made the decision to become a Nazi he associated himself with Nazism—including all the crimes of the party even before he participated in those crimes. The same is true for people who join evil organizations in the U.S. It’s a conscious choice and once made they share in the evil done by the organization.

(4)In search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief.” So what? The phrase “purpose and direction” is vague and suggests he was looking for something positive to devote himself to. He was basically a good young man looking to join a meaningful organization like the Nazis with their cool uniforms and Hitler salute. Did Heidegger, the philosopher with whom Hannah committed adultery, join the Nazis, because he poor lost man looking for an organization that would give his life meaning, not to mention lots of pizzazz with flags and parades and big speeches. How naive to think that. If these men did not join the Nazis out of deep ideological belief (and Heidegger did), then they were looking for an ideology that they could commitment themselves to. 

Jews and Ideology

She should have known this better than most people. The Jews are an ideological people. As Muhammad notes in the Quran, they are the people of the book, always a book of one kind or another. They do not know how to live without an ideology. Arendt herself read Marx and Trotsky, and Marxist Jews brought Marxism to America. Of course, America being a capitalistic society it would have to be targeted for revolution by the Marxists, which is being realized at this moment.

Jews introduced the nemesis of ideology into the Western world, which would lead to endless acts of destruction. JudeoChristianity would destroy classical civilization (Catherine Nixey’s The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World), JudeoIslam’s destruction of endless cultures, JudeoMarxism destruction of Russia and other cultures, now in the final stages of America’s destruction, and Judeo-Neoconservatism dragged an idiot president and America into war that destroyed tens of thousand Iraqi lives. Had there been no JudeoMarxism there would have been no Der Führer, no Russian Revolution, no Stalin or Mao or Putin. 

The Pre-JudeoChristian Greeks and Romans Were Free of Ideological Infection

And when it came via Apostle Paul it would destroy them. Greco-Roman pagans were not peoples of the book, people programmed by an ideology. They were an earthly people whose religion celebrated not ideas or God but the Earth, the forces of nature which they deified. In The Greek Way tells us as much: “The Greeks had no authoritative Sacred Book, no creed, no ten commandments, no dogmas. The idea of orthodoxy was unknown to them. They had no theologians...” who would become ideologue autocrats with JudeoMarxism. Most important it was “a world in which no individual shall be sacrificed for an end” (216).  How many millions of people have been sacrifice in the name of the various Jewish ideologies? Endless millions is the answer. And these ideologies became conduits for the machinations of evil men.

Evil Comes in All Colors, Religions, Nationalities, and Ethnicity

Evil men believe it’s okay to be evil if you are the man in charge, like Putin, and other heinous dictators such as Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines), Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Equatorial Guinea), Yoweri Museveni (Uganda), Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela), Isaias Afwerki (Ethiopia), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan(Turkey), Bashar Al-Assad (Syria), Kim Jong-un (North Korea), and Omar Al-Bashir (Sudan). White hating Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the Democratic Party might take note that evil comes in different colors, religions, nationalities, and ethnicities. The one common characteristic is masculinity. No Americans are on list I used from the Internet, but I believe any man who starts a war belongs on the list of evil leaders–ergo, LBJ and Bush Jr.

I’m writing on a Lenovo computer that I bought 9 years ago for about $300. Now, I would never buy a Chinese computer, or anything made in China if that were possible, because China remains a Maoist Marxist bully that threatens small nations of the Pacific Rim, but to do so is difficult. I don’t want to empower evil. On the other hand, there is nothing of quality to buy from Russia. The only quality in Russia is military. The quality of life is better in Brazil as long as you don’t get kidnapped. Like Rocket Man Kim Jong-un, the only way for Vladimir Putin (who sucks the life blood of his people (he owns them) and spills Ukrainian blood) to get attention is by grabbing his crotch and invading some nation that can’t win or chronically threatening war as in the case of Jong-un. Evil Putin has transformed the previously unknown Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy into a super hero in his country and on the world stage, and has made himself even more hideous with the face of Michael Myers. In contrast, America’s Trump and Biden are a laughingstock, though inspiring laughter is better than inspiring terror. Still, what the world needs now is a little competence & wisdom in Washington. Sorry, all sold out.

When listening to FDR one realizes that the country has declined 100%. We were unable to deal Covid-19 in a unified, dignified, altruistic, and civilized manner. The country collapsed like a house of cards. China knew it would. Whatever China is it’s not decadent. Its schools and factories and people reveal that much. That is also the case for Asians generally who live in the U.S. The Russian immigrants to America brought with them the Red Mafia (the little version of Putin Russia). Hispanics bring organized crime such as the drug cartels and human trafficking. Then there are the Muslims who brought with them Islamic terrorism.  It’s no wonder that America is such a mess. As if it didn’t have enough problems already (and it had plenty and still does), it imported more. The truth is that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is both a land grab and a live-fire military exercise that uses women and children as targets. There are no longer warmongering leaders in Western Europe. Adolf Putin is a warmonger cut from the same cloth as Hitler and like Hitler an outcast by choice.

Lies Do Not Excuse Evil

For men such as Putin and his henchmen doing evil is the norm. That is the norm that is terrifying and we are witnessing in Ukraine. In a video Arnold Schwarzenegger tells Russians they’re being lied to. No news there. They’ve been lied to ever since the Russian Revolution. I understand that they exist in a fog of propaganda and misinformation. Yet, how is it not clear to the Russian forces that they are the invaders and the war is a war of expansion? That is a matter of just looking, seeing, paying attention. But a modicum of thought is required and that is where the Russian husks are limited, kind of like the infected in Resident Evil movies. They have been lobotomized, but that does not make them lovable, Arnold.

Arnold addresses Russian soldiers in Ukraine in a brotherly tone. He says, “I love the Russian people. That is why I have to tell you the truth.” Yet, we’ve been told that the Mariupol Drama Theater was bombed on March 16, though the building had been used as a shelter for hundreds of Ukrainian civilians. “Notably, on the March 14 satellite imagery, the word “children” is written in large white letters (in Russian) in front of and behind the theater.” I don’t know how one loves a people who engage in an aggressive war against a nation that was in no way a threat to Russia and bombs a shelter filled with mothers and children. I thought love implied lovable. Imagine the poor mother holding a dead child torn by shrapnel longing to join her child in death. 

Wake Up, Arnold. The Russians Love the Evil One

Schwarzenegger says the soldiers have been told all sorts of lies about Ukraine. But those lies are irrelevant. Clearly, any Russian who is not totally brain dead can see that the Ukraine was not invading Russia but the other way around. Regardless of the lies, Russian soldiers can see the shelter for civilians before they bomb it. Though Putin has kept Russians pretty much in the same state they were in under the czars and communists—living as serfs—not allowed to think for themselves, not allowed to publicly express their opinions, and not allowed to have the opportunity for self-realization. Yet, the Russian people worship Putin, consider him their savior. They are willing to do his bidding.

Before Putin it was the Soviet Union which by the way had allied itself with Hitler. So what is the basis for love? The Russians’ adoration of the giant celebrity Schwarzenegger. They love him so he loves them back. Soviet authorities imprisoned or executed about 25 million people, yet “In a poll conducted in 2019, 70 percent of Russians said they approved of Stalin’s role in history.” How different from Americans who bitterly denounce and rightfully so America’s crimes against blacks, Indians, Vietnamese, etc. “Putin has even gone so far as to praise Stalin as an “effective manager” (“The Truth About Stalin’s Prison Camps,” The Atlantic). And Putin would have access to all historical information. Putin has the mind of a third-class KGB cyborg constructed in an underground KGB factory that also made toasters, which became infamous for exploding. They were dubbed KGB exploding toasters. Oddly, they were popular with Russian consumers. The factory now produces Putin toadies.

Schwarzenegger and the January 6 “Insurrection”

It was hardly an insurrection. 2,000 members of the Trump cult dressed up for Halloween broke into the Capitol building doing what the left had been doing for months in American cities: occupying, vandalizing, looting, destroying, and assaulting. They were frustrated and angry with the political system, but they were hardly revolutionaries. They called their protest the “March to Save America,” not overthrow it. It was the other side who wanted to overthrow itto replace a homeland with an ideology as happened when Russia became the Soviet Union. Mostly, they were out to have some bloody good fun. The American political system has been a grotesque for decades. Yes, America too is filled with various brands of rowdies. Just look at the thousands of gangs and gang members. The system didn’t fail the Capitol rioters. They just got what they didn’t want—the political takeover of the American by Marxists who hate country and have not connection with it. Their roots are in an ideology, not in the rich earth, history, and culture of America. But democracy worked just as it did when Hitler got elected. These angry children should have directed their anger at those who failed them: Trump and other clowns of the Republican Party. That Arnold spoke out isn’t all that surprising. It was the thing to do among Hollywood’s leftist hate-America glamorati.

Still, it was an attack on the American political system. Agreed. Yet, why didn’t Arnold speak up when America—not the political system—was under attack by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, when the thuggish fans of Gorge Floyd (who held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant; wow, such a hero!) were looting businesses, vandalizing anything and everything, setting fires to and destroying businesses, and intimidating and assaulting American citizens if they were white. And all this condone by the Democratic Party. No condemnation from Arnold because the attacks were popular with Hollywood and his fans. His loving appeal to the Russians and defense of Ukrainians is a win-win situation for Arnold’s popularity. When it comes to Hollywood actors, I agree with Ricky Gervais. The two groups of people who can never ever be trusted are actors and politicians.

Still, I’m not condemning Arnold’s appeal to the Russian people. Certainly, they’re not all brain dead. It is hard to write off a people who gave us some many great writers, a few of whom spoke out against the Soviet gulag, great composers, the Bolshoi Ballet, and some terrific film makers. Arnold concludes saying to those brave protester against a totalitarian system, “You are my new heroes.” They are the real heroes. They remind one of the young Americans who protested the Vietnam War but under conditions not so severe. The U.S. wasn’t a totalitarian state. Kudos to the Russian heroines. 

Heroines: Russian Protesters

Marina Ovsyannikova

The brave woman Marina Ovsyannikova, editor at Channel One, protested the war by walking behind a news anchor while holding a sign reading “No War” and telling viewers they were being lied to. It also said “Russians against war.”

“Russia's federal Investigative Committee is now handling her case; any charges against her could stem from Russia's newly adopted laws making it a crime to spread what the Russian government deems ‘fake news’ about its military.” (NPR) Fake news! Apparently new KGB picked that up from CNN. Call the news what you like but the dead people are dead, the mothers are dead, their children are dead, the bodies torn and bleeding are torn and bleeding.

Marina Ovsyannikova is courage; Putin is cowardliness.

Marina Ovsyannikova is loving wisdom; Putin is cruel stupidity.

Olga Smirnova 

Olga Smirnova and Adolf Putin: Beauty and the Beast

She is beauty; he is ugliness.

She brings beauty into the world; he brings ugliness into the world.

She is perfect form; he is formless.

She brings joy into the world; he brings sadness into the world.

She is wise; he is stupid.

She is what men value and fight to protect; he threatens what men value.

She represents the apex of human civilization: beauty, art, wisdom, and

goodness; the troglodyte Putin, closed off from the world, a beast creature from

the primordial swamp that gave birth to humanity.

Putin's evil masculinity that would destroy Olga Smirnova without ever seeing

her beauty. 

Do the Russian heroes represent the “true heart of Russia”? I’m not so sure. But the real heroes are the Ukrainian men and women fighting and dying against Gargoyle Putin’s husk armies. Dying to protect mothers and children and their mother Ukraine. 

Who sat and watched my infant head

When sleeping on my cradle bed,

And tears of sweet affection shed?

My Mother.

When pain and sickness made me cry,

Who gazed upon my heavy eye,

And wept for fear that I should die?

My Mother … (Ann Taylor)

American Decadence Is a Tragedy

Because of its decadence America no longer serves as the great hope that the civilized world once turned to. And Americans couldn’t care less as long as they can buy their gas cheap and buy their cheap made in China stuff. If China was to slaughter a half million Taiwanese, which it would like to do (to continue Mao’s legacy) and take the island, America couldn’t go to war with China. It lost to China during the Korean War when America was at its peak of power. Mao deployed about quarter million glowing eyed husk “volunteers” fighting as the People's Volunteer (LOL) Army. American soldiers were the best in the world, but they would eventually run out of bullets.

China cannot be defeated conventionally but could be economically, but that would require making nothing in China and buying nothing made in China. But in Carlson’s terms not being able to buy cheap made in China would be a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust. Americans have become China’s junkies—Amazon and Walmart its dealers (both of which have destroyed more Americans businesses than Russia has destroyed Ukrainian buildings); thus Americans would be unwilling to make even a bloodless sacrifice. Russia also could not be defeated by America if such a war meant taking the fight over there. Napoleon failed and Hitler failed and they were already over there and far more sophisticated than the Russian military. Even Russia, with its advanced military, is having difficulty fighting the heroic Ukrainians because the Ukrainians are fighting for their homeland on the soil of their homeland. America should have learned during the Vietnam War that offensive war into another people's homeland triggers fierce patriotism. Yet, as we all know the best and the brightest never make it to Washington, just the opposite.

The way to confront the Russians without sending troops into the motherland is to isolate uncivilized Russia from the civilized world so its only friends would be Syria, China, and North Korea, which is already pretty much the case. No manufacturing in Russia, no trade of manufactured goods. Russians would not be allowed to enter the U.S. or European countries, and Russians who leave those countries would not be allowed to return. It is a matter of making an uncivilized nation an unwelcome pariah among civilized nations. Russia is listed as a European nation. It's not. It’s a rogue nation like North Korea. 

The IKEA Episode

Sweden developed a modicum of camaraderie that it lacked during WWII and told its companies not to do business in or with Russia. In good old WWII fashion IKEA balked at doing what was necessary. “Greed before morality” is our motto. But the Swedish government told IKEA tough shit; do as you are told. So wimpy IKEA closed the manufacturing plant and put the employees out of work, but said it would continue to pay them. What? The goal is to put them out of work so the Russian government would have to pay their unemployment benefits—100 rubles each week. Besides, the hands of all Russians are dirty and bloody unless they in some fashion they rebel against the evil doings of their evil president, even if that act of rebellion is only urinating on a Putin poster.

During the Vietnam War—when America was doing evil under the auspices of evil politicians (only two senators, Wayne Morse (D-OR) and Ernest Gruening (D-AK) voted against going to war against Vietnam). Later American politicians proved they had not grown any moral or rational backbone when they supported the Jewish neoconservatives’ idiot boy puppet President Bush’s Iraq War. Still, students at Kent State University were shot and killed by F Troop members of the Ohio National Guard when protesting evil LBJ’s Vietnam War. That is how to absolve oneself of the evil doings of one’s nation. And there were thousands young protesters willing to go to prison. Of course, evil America was not a totalitarian society whose presidents engaged in assassinations of political critics even when they are outside the country. It’s not easy being a rebel when locked up in Putin’s national version of Arkham Asylum. 

America: no longer “a shining city upon a hill”

That can hardly be the case when Judas Americans were setting fires to American cities. Let’s face it, we all know that America was never perfect, often not even close. Still, America was the best hope for the civilized world because only its power could protect that world against evil juggernauts that crush innocent life beneath their wheels as cruel Putin is doing in Ukraine with his made in Russia juggernaut. But that power for good was squandered by evil men such as LBJ and Bush Jr. and the sycophant politicians who did their bidding. The eyes of people from all over the world have been on America, and what they have seen is a rapid state of decay, the richest country in world yet where $5 a gallon of gas is considered a tragedy.

American streets are lined with drug addicts, the homeless, and the insane. Corporations serve greed and evil ideologies. Politicians have become husks, deluded, self-serving, corrupt, and decadent. The old decent America still exist—mostly outside of big cities like L.A., Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, and New York—as it always has, but its goodness is ignored while its wealth is stolen and misused. Who are the old decent Americans? They are the men and women devoted to family and work, who want to be good, though often fail because they are human. Still, they prefer to seek goodness and reject evil. They want to be the kind of people others can depend on. They are farmers, fishermen, teachers, doctors and nurses, cops, soldiers, scientists, and teachers, not vagrants and wastrels. They are good neighbors and believe it’s better to be a poor Good Samaritan than rich, powerful, and evil. I believe this because I’ve known these people—all of them as family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Some were foolish or misguided but none of the people close to me were evil, and some were perfect in their goodness and willingness to suffer and sacrifice for others. Unfortunately, as in other countries the power and influence of the common people is limited in America, and being law-abiding they have been easily deceived and tricked, thus betrayed, exploited, and manipulated by evil men.

I tend to believe that big name, big money actors, entrepreneurs, and Washington politicians are detached from what it feels to be an American. They exist in a bubble of affluence that is disconnected from America and the American experience. The distance between them and the average America is similar to the distance that separated black slaves from their masters. It’s not that the super rich and famous are necessarily oppressors or exploiters of ordinary people—which has been and often is the case—but that they live in a different reality and have a different mindset and values created from wealth. The language games and lebensforms are so radically different that they are a different human species. 

Call of Duty and Battlefield: Bad Company Get It Right

Video gamers know better than Carlson that the Russians are the bad guys, as is gloriously illustrated in three video games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and Battlefield: Bad Company. One confused video gamer asked “Why always Russians are bad guys in video games?” That’s like asking why Germans and Muslims are always depicted as bad guys in video games. Well, the Germans are responsible for the two most evil, cruelest, and most destructive wars of the 20th century and Muslims have been responsible for endless acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. The answer to the gamer’s question is that ever since the Bolsheviks took control of Russia it has been an enemy of Europe and the U.S. Yeah, but the Soviets fought against Hitler’s Nazis. Only after Hitler’s war machine invaded the Soviet Union. Before that time, the Soviets allied themselves with Hitler. Post-Marxist Russia has remained evil because it has been led by an evil man Czar Putin, who oppressed and exploited the Russian people and turned Russia into a military camp.

And the big difference between America foolish and cruel wars and Putin’s evil wars is that Putin’s wars have always been wars of expansion and self-aggrandizement as was Saddam Hussein's motivation for invading Kuwait. This is why Putin and Hussein are identical personalities—two peas in an evil pod. America had no interest in expanding its territory by conquering Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq, though America’s past has been sullied by such behavior by the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. Initially, it was a land-grab policy, but as Richard Drinnon explains in Facing West: the Metaphysics of Indian Hating & Empire Building morphed into a quest to Americanize the globe, a program rooted in capitalistic JudeoChristianity, which included Vietnam and other Pacific nations. The title of his book comes from the words of John F. Kennedy: “For I stand tonight facing west on what was once the last frontier [L.A., California]... [But] we stand today on the edge of a new frontier” (429). Thus, most of its history has been devoted to conquest of land or ideology. That is one reason that its criticism of such behavior is received as hypocritical.

That America is broken and has been for a long while is expressed pessimistically and unexpectedly in Who Wrote the New Testament? by Burton Mack: “(1) Since Vietnam, our sense of innocence and righteousness as a people has been shaken. (2) With the end of the Cold War our villains in league with the evil empire have vanished. (3) Recent waves of immigrants have not melted down. (4) Our multi-cultural cities are neither converting nor celebrating their diversity. (5) The gap between the rich and the poor keeps growing. (6) Violence is apparently the order of the day. (7) Our leaders lack social vision. (8) The concept of social democracy is not working in America” (1995, 305).

I was blown over by that compact and provocative statement of America’s demise, especially in a book on the New Testament. I inserted the number because feel the need to address each statement. (1) Born during World War II I have witnessed during my lifetime America’s rapid downward spiral, which I believed was triggered by the Vietnam War. It was a moment when America came to a fork in the road, one for better the other for worse. America’s politicians chose the latter. I believe young Americans and veterans were ready for a different, better America to finally emerge. A sociologist or historian would be required to explain why greedy, racist, expansionistic tendencies reemerged. My only explanation is that after FDR America’s political leadership entered a decline that reached bottom with Trump and Bidden. Sometime during my life I came to the realization that I’ve known ordinary men and women who were more sensible, thoughtful, dependable, and unselfish than the politicians and the corporate magnates who have been running and progressively ruining the country.

(2) Our villains didn’t vanish. We live in a Darwinian world in which there will always be villains, essentially aggressive, self-centered men driven by a will to power. What the Preacher in Ecclesiastic gets so right is that there will always be such men and God won’t join the fight against tyranny and injustice. And, disappointingly, America joined the league of villains with the Vietnam War.

(3) As a result of the waves of immigrants not melting down, America became a hodgepodge of ethnic groups—hostile tribes. The final result is seen today: America is at war with itself. One of America’s strengths was cultural unity, that in good times and bad we were a people working together. That’s gone and with it the soul of the nation. Americans, the common, ordinary people, wanted to serve a greater good and were willing to work together to refine our understanding of the greater good. But with multiculturalism the good became tribal. And added to the numerous ethnic, religious, cultural, and national tribes already occupying the country were new invented tribes. For example, sexual identities alone now include 11 sexualities and 72 genders. America has become a puzzle the pieces of which no longer fit together. Tolerance as a nation’s greatest good is a meaningless abstraction. The national soul requires something of greater substance rooted in deep history and culture. Without that there is no basis for national integrity required to bring citizens together in the struggle against Hamlet’s “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” As I watch Ukrainians fighting for the existence, I see them unified by a national soul that unites them in the face of evil. I see in them what I saw in the faces of America's Greatest Generation.

(4) We’ve watched our cities burn and become multicultural crime zones. They fill up with strangers from other lands who feel nothing for America in part because the question can be asked “What is America today?” It has become just a place made up of ethnic and micro-culture enclaves, a national mall where people work and shop, a nation of consumers addicted to cheap made in China stuff and decadent stuff made in Hollywood. Even a traditional American with roots in American history and culture can say “I am an American” and then wonder if being an American really means anything in today’s America. Yes, that means that many Americans are now without a country.

(5) In 2017 it was estimated that “70% of the nation's wealth will be in the hands of millionaires and billionaires by 2021.” And “The average U.S. household with debt now owes $155,622, or more than $15 trillion altogether, including debt from credit cards, mortgages, home equity lines of credit, auto loans, student loans and other household obligations — up 6.2% from a year ago” (CNBC, Jan 11, 2022). America is still the land of financial opportunity, but one must live wisely and carefully and work very hard in school and on the job. A question that comes to mind is whether Americans are happier and if so what is that happiness based on.

Following the lead of the ancient Native Americans such as Luther Standing Bear, Black Elk, and others, the most profound, enduring sources of happiness are the family, tribe (community), and nature. These sources of happiness are primordial rooted in the organic world of nature. With the industrialism and computer technology came sources of happiness (meaning) resulting from interacting with machines. And next came the entertainment age with movies, radio, television, and the computer providing various forms of entertainment that became a universal source of happiness. I will only argue here that entertainment and consumption generally provide forms of happiness that are superficial and temporary—and often degrading. It seems to me the fundamental character of the Native American way of life was to live simply and with dignity and with a commitment to family and tribe rather than to oneself. These were fundamental sources of meaning thus happiness.

The meaning that comes from machines, technology, consumer goods, and sensual pleasures is external and focused on the self-satisfaction. There exists a separation between the object and the subject whereas with the values of family, tribe, and nature there is oneness and unity. It’s the difference between watching show about a bar named “Cheers” and actually visiting local bar where the patrons know your name. You would be more willing to risk your life to defend those patrons who are your friends and neighbors than to defend the show which does not know you even if you’re a devoted fan of show who never misses an episode. There exists in the commitment to the others a moral imperative that provides a higher morally profound meanings than what Pitirim Sorokin calls sensate meanings—such as watching television.

The moral imperative is altruism. Jesus is a good illustration of a life that derives meaning by living altruistically. Unlike traditional Jews, he was devoted first and foremost not to God but to his people. He believed wrongly that God would benefit them if they devoted themselves to him. Based on empirical evidence, the Preacher of Ecclesiastes knew that was not true. God is always absent when needed. Jews learned that during the war with Rome and the Holocaust. But that really didn’t lessen the significance of Jesus’ moral approach to life. I will use atheist Stephen Crane’s short story “The Open Boat” to make my point. The survivors of a shipwreck find themselves in a small dinghy on a stormy sea. All but one survive because they work together altruistically, the one who dies worked the hardest so that the others survive.

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Martin Luther King is quoted: “A man who would not risk his life for something does not deserve to live.” I don’t agree, but one can ask the question of whose life is more meaningful thus has the highest quality of happiness, the man who has nothing in his life he would be willing to die for or the man who does. Are machines, technology, consumer goods, and sensual pleasures worth dying for? I think most people would say no. But in a sensate society the fundamental or popular values are those associated with machines, media technologies, consumer goods, and sensual pleasures.

(6) Unfortunately, in America violence is apparently the order of the day. Homicides continued to increase in Major U.S. Cities in 2021. “Homicides in the US are surging in 2021 after jumping to 19,400 in 2020, on a wave of gun violence.” Guns are a secondary issue. The primary issue is Americans slaughtering one another. Truly, America is at war with itself. This is not an illustration of national unity but an illustration of national decadence. And when rioters looted and set fire to businesses many politicians applauded them. The question that looms large is whether such a country is worth risking one’s life to defend.

(7) That our leaders lack social vision is so obvious that a comment is unnecessary.

(8) “The concept of social democracy is not working in America.” American democracy has been in decline since LBJ but really hit bottom with Trump and Biden. How can democracy work if the candidates are a collection of political knuckle-dragging deplorables that have crawled out of America's fetid political swamp?

Pitirim Sorokin’s Social and Cultural Dynamics,

The question that arises when reading Pitirim Sorokin’s Social and Cultural Dynamics, which describes the sensate stage of society as the one to which a society eventually collapses, which seems to be the stage that America began entering shortly after World War II. The question that comes to mind is whether members of a sensate society, given their materialistic, self-centered value system, would be willing to risk their lives to defend such values, a consumer way of life devoted to commercially produced products and forms of entertainment many deeply decadent? And what about the value of the nation? Does “nation” or “America” mean what it meant during the Great Depression and World War II? Certainly, the immigrants are devoted to their ethnic enclaves, but why would they have any commitment to America, a land they do not know and most likely don’t like, which the Democratic Party has made sure of. The Marxist Democratic Party seeks loyalty onto to itself and its ideology, not to America, which their Marxist ideology repudiates as being an evil racist nation. Why would any immigrant fight for it rather than return home. Or if they fought, their motivation would be simply Darwinian survival. 

It’s Better than What Leftist Anti-America Would Have You Believe

American and European nations have tried to be better. Whether they know it or not, they believe that Kant’s principle of autonomy should be the guiding principle of a civilized, humane society. That the autonomy of people should be respected as long as they respect other people’s autonomy. They also believe that citizens should be able to choose their political leaders, even if doing so doesn’t always work out very well as in the U.S. A good nation can be recognized by the fact that other nations do not fear it. No nation fears South Korea, Taiwan, or Japan, yet many nations fear China and North Korea and certainly Russia. Why? Because they are dangerous bullies who enjoy threatening other nations. Other than Russia, there are 44 countries in Europe. None of those countries fear one another, but all of them fear Russia because Russia is a Europe-hating aggressor nation. The reason for the hatred has been Russia’s leadership hates the fact that European nations today are not authoritarian dictatorships but humane and civilized, which Russia hasn’t been since the communist revolution. Dictators believe that authoritarianism is good because it benefits them and their supporters and that democracy is bad because democracy is against authoritarian rule, essentially rule by political gangsters.

Can a Sensate Culture Produce a Patriotic Nation?

Why would citizens (does that word really mean anything in U.S.?) devoted to the sensate values risk their lives to defend the nation. What would be their motivation—to defend Hollywood, Amazon, and Walmart? I doubt they would consider the consumer way of life worth defending to the death. How deeply can one be invested to commercially produced products and various forms of entertainment? What about the nation? To many the American nation is simply a place where one works and spends.

One would expect immigrants to be willing to defend their ethnic enclaves, but that loyalty most likely would not extend to America as a whole. Their homelands exist elsewhere. And many immigrants have repudiated America as a nation of racist white people. On the other hand, the other half of the country rejects the half that hates them and the America they considered to be their homeland because it is. Irish, German, Polish, and British Americans who have roots in American history consider themselves first and foremost Americans. They don’t create Irish, German, Polish, and British enclaves with Irish, German, Polish, and British flags waving everywhere nor use the old homeland language unless it’s English. And neither group would fight to the death for the political establishment. Biting the bullet for Clinton, Bush, Trump, or Biden would be a joke. Most people have far greater respect for their plumber, and they might be willing to risk their lives for him and his family if they were neighbors. 

Shared Values Are the Strength of a Nation

The strength of a nation is to be found in its shared values. The betrayal of American politicians is that they have allowed the country to be flooded with people who do not share American values, even reject them. There is altruism, but it’s local and tribal. Coming together to confront a serious threat as Ukrainians have done is most likely to be undermined by tribal loyalties and an attitude of indifference and even animosity toward the nation as a whole. Many sub-groups consider the nation (America) the enemy, in some cases justifiably so. Both gays and patriotic conservatives feel betrayed by the nation, in the first case by hostile anti-gay culture rooted in Old Testament and New Testament Judaisms; in the second case by the betrayal of the political system.

Unity is what is missing in America and is present in Ukraine. And in the U.S. a national unity cannot be built upon. Is there any other country in the world that is so demographically fragmented? Hedonistic self-interest and tribalism is a foundation made of sand, which is the case for today’s America. How ironic that a former U.S. Marine must go to Ukraine to fight for a nation and its people because its people are willing to fight to the death for their nation. The same sentiment existed in America during World War II, but because of awful political leadership, betrayal really, American patriots found themselves without a country worth fighting for. 

America’s Requiem?

Perhaps. I have no idea how the country could be kick started. Reviving America requires some unifying principle. How is that possible when the country has become a puzzle in which none of the pieces fit together and the political system is corrupted by greed, ideology, and hatred? As I’ve said the political system is too busy fighting one another to be worried about the American people that half of the politicians loathe. I simply don’t see how it is possible to revive and unify America. There is no America only a vast collection of ethnic enclaves and my guess is that is how the country will continue into the future. Democrats are shoveling dirt into America's grave they dug and the Republicans believe that flimflam man Donald Trump is America’s savior. That’s how bad it is. 

Greta’s Song:  It’s a Sad, Sad, World After All

It's a world of desperation

A world of tears

And a world of fears

There's so much to fear

That it's time we're aware

It's a small dangerous world after all

It's a small world threatened by maniacs after all

It's a small world boarding on destruction after all

It's a small, small world

A small precious world.

There is just one moon

But many evil men.

And one golden sun

And many stupid men.

And a smile means friendship.

But our enemies wish to do us evil.

Though the mountains divide

And the oceans are wide

Nuclear weapons are only minutes away.

It's a mad world after all

It's a small, small world

A mad, mad world after all. 

“This is all wrong.”

Poor little Greta Thunberg looked so desperate when at the age of 16 she addressed the United Nations. She believed the threat to her generation is global warming, when it’s not. War is. And what is wrong are the warmongering and monstrous defense budgets that waste billions of dollars that could be used to help people rather than destroy them. Really, is global warming a more serious threat than the approximately 3,750 active nuclear warheads and 13,890 total nuclear warheads in the world? You worry about a climatic shift, and rightly so, but it would take some time. A nuclear war could be started tomorrow by a political troglodyte such as the primordial brute Putin.