Saturday, March 26, 2022

Ukraine and Unpardonable Sins

Second Coming Redux

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out of Spiritus Masculinus

Troubles my sight: somewhere in the dead lands of the gulag archipelago

A shape with sloth’s body and the head of a gargoyle has emerged,

Its gaze blank and pitiless as a shark’s,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Reel shadows of the bloated carrion-eating birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by another of Satan’s avatars,

And what is this rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouching from Moscow to be reborn? (from WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS)

* * *

The Unpardonable Sin According to Nathaniel Hawthorne from “Ethan Brand” 

“Well, and so you have found the Unpardonable Sin?” asked Bartram the lime-burner.

“Even so!” said the stranger, calmly.

“If the question is a fair one,” proceeded Bartram, “where might it be?”

Ethan Brand laid his finger on his own heart.

“Here!” replied he. 

It is the empty heart, dried and shriveled, possessing no feeling for humanity, a heart unmoved by the suffering and death of men, women, and children. 

Unpardonable Sin can neither be atoned for nor forgiven. It is a sin that triumphed over the sense of brotherhood with man and sacrificed everything to its own mighty claims! The only sin that deserves a recompense of immortal agony! It is the absence of tenderness, love, and sympathy for mankind. 

“Sacrificed everything to its own mighty claims": greed, personal will to power, conquest, and ideology. Each claim kills the heart so it no longer feels for those who must be destroyed in order that the claim can be realized. 

So much for the intellect! But where was the heart? That, indeed, had withered--had contracted--had hardened--had perished! It had ceased to partake of the universal throb. He [Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, LBJ, Hussein, Bush Jr., or Putin] had lost his hold of the magnetic chain of humanity. He was no longer a brother-man, opening the chambers or the dungeons of our common nature by the key of holy sympathy, which gave him a right to share in all its secrets; he was now a cold observer, looking on mankind as the subject of his [political or ideological] experiment, and, at length, converting men and women to be his puppets, and pulling the wires that moved them to such degrees of crime as were demanded for his diabolical machinations. 

Of course, puppets can be victims such as serfs or demon soldiers. The latter, however, are guilty of the Unpardonable Sin. Their crimes are conquest, destruction, injury, oppression, and murder. They are the Evil One’s officers and foot soldiers. 

“O Mother Earth," cried he, "who art no more my Mother, and into whose bosom this frame shall never be resolved! O mankind, whose brotherhood I have cast off, and trampled thy great heart beneath my feet! O stars of heaven, that shone on me of old, as if to light me onward and upward!—farewell all, and forever. Come, deadly element of Fire--henceforth my familiar friend! Embrace me, as I do thee!” 

This is one who knows his sin but most do not. Most glory in sin—the harm, destruction, and murder of innocence. They cannot be forgiven because there is no one to forgive them, not even their victims can forgive them. They have chosen to be heartless human husks who commit evil deeds. 

Paul Joseph Watson Plays Word Games while Innocent Men, Women, & Children Die

YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson, aka PJsplays word games in his “The Truth about Ukraine” while Ukrainian men, women, and children are injured and murdered by Putin’s military juggernaut of glowing eyed husks. He plays his word games to justify Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. He argues that Putin sent in “peacekeeping” troops. For a peacekeeping force they are doing a lot of maiming, killing, and destroying. PJs says NATO is outraged by the Putin invasion of Ukraine but sent troops to rebel-held area in Libya. And so? You’re saying NATO’s intrusion into Libya (a country you would consider a shithole; which it is, watch 13 Hours which also shows Washington to be a shithole as well) was wrong, so NATO’s complaining about Putin’s invasion is hypocritical and that somehow justifies Putin’s invasion of Ukraine? Logically, NATO’s idiocy, hypocrisy, or whatever belongs to NATO. The invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s glowing eyed husk soldiers cannot be justified by words. Fucking words cannot justify killing women and children and destroying their homeland. The beautiful Olga Smirnova got it right when she said war is not a civilized way to solve problems. Unfortunately, men like Hitler, LBJ, Bush Jr., Putin, and PJs are of a different, uncivilized opinion. 

The Red Herring

PJs then finishes his diatribe against everyone but Putin by making jokes about the Alphabet People, about American generals being more concerned about white racists in the ranks than about the military’s ability to win wars (which it hasn’t been very good at since WWII, Desert Storm being a turkey shoot with a lot of help from those allies hated by conservatives such as PJs). And speaking of turkey shoots he then goes after the drooler Biden in his “World War Woke.” That’s like starting a fight with an old man in a coma, which is what Biden is. Then he goes after the wicked witch Pelosi and the alphabetized to infinity genders in the U.S. military. Next, rubbing salt in the humanitarian superpowers self-inflicted wounds he quotes Alice Smith true and most painful words, “Putin waited until the West was weakly led, low on patriotism, and manhood, with a media obsessed over domestic trivialities, and politicians with a penchant for waging war on their own citizens.” He finally goes after the hypocrisy of the unAmerican left's celebrating the burning and destruction of American cities by the glowing eyed husks of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

On & on & on about how fucked up America is hoping his American viewers will forget about Ukraine and think about how they suffer with their awful government (they’ve all been awful) and the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas. He creates a fog of words designed to conceal the horrors Putin and his army of mindless husks have inflicted upon the people of Ukraine. Worse yet, his words condone the horrors, such as the 300 people killed in Russian airstrike on Mariupol theater, which had “CHILDREN” written on the walls. Here’s more: 

Russia-Ukraine War: Before and after satellite images of destruction caused across Ukraine

Half of Ukrainian children have been deposed of their homes. Many are without parents because both fathers and mothers have stayed behind to fight for the homeland and future of those children.

Ukrainian women and children flee war as men stay and fight [Opening scene calls to mind Homer’s Hector and his son Astyanax]

The Female Fighters of Ukraine's Forgotten War [That other war caused by Putin Russia. Russia always equals bad news (suffering) for others.]

Meet the women who have taken up the fight in Ukraine 

Meet the men risking their lives to defend woman and children from Russian evildoers

Poor little PJs safe and sound in his comfortable London apartment complains about the woke people, as he should, but in his own way he is being very wokish. PJs’ Unpardonable Sin is that he attacks the only people concerned about Ukrainians and who are willing to play the role of Good Samaritans. What are you accomplishing PJs in your role of Putin’s Joseph Goebbels? You see, as a propagandist objectivity and moral reason is suspended. Even if the drooler Biden does something right, it cannot be admitted. He is Putin’s enemy and you are Putin’s Goebbels. Clearly, PJs and his Russian/Putin loving ilk don’t care about the destruction, suffering, and death Putin has unleashed upon Ukraine. Why not just shut the fuck up and let those who are willing condemn and resist the Evil One do their job? Unless of course being a BIG FAN of the Evil One you’re hoping to be invited to one of his oligarch’s monster yachts for caviar and crackers.

PJs' answer to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Is To Do Nothing

What PJs doesn’t understand is that there are conservatives who don’t defend bullies but defend the weak against bullies.

Good Samaritans Who  Risk Their Lives to Rescue the Elderly

“Ukraine the Ones Who Stayed Behind”

Former American paratrooper joins fight in Ukraine

US volunteers reach the frontline of the war in Ukraine

DISPATCH: Americans, Other Foreign Fighters Join Ukrainian Citizens 

PJs on the Philly Train

(Raped woman = Ukraine / Cretan rapist Fiston Ngoy = Russia) 

PJs stands with the 10 bystanders on a metro Philadelphia train and watches them as they do nothing while illegal alien Fiston Ngoy rapes a helpless woman. One of the female passengers asks PJs, “Shouldn’t we help the woman?” “None of our business,” responds PJs. “The lesbo probably brought the attack on herself. You can tell she was asking for it. So fuck her. She’s getting what she deserves.”

Had Will Smith been on the train the woman would have been rescued while Chris Rock laughed and made dirty jokes. The difference between evil men and good men is that evil men will harm physically or verbally women and children whereas good men will protect them from the assaults of evil men.

PJs & Tucker and the Good Samaritan

A holy man named Ісус who lived in Ukraine said, “A certain Ukrainian woman left her village and was going Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv to pray for her homeland. But she fell among Russian robbers, who stripped, raped and beat her, then departed in their tanks, leaving her half dead. By chance a certain propaganda priest called PJs was going down that way. When he saw the woman, naked, bloodied and beaten, he passed by on the other side because he loved Putin and his soldiers. In the same way a propaganda priest name Tucker came to the place and saw her. He too passed by on the other side complaining that time is money. But a certain Good Samaritan was in the country and came to where woman was. When he saw her, he was moved with compassion, came to her, and bound up her wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and wrapped her in his coat. Being without a car he carried her to an inn though bombed was still opened as a shelter. Once inside, good people who were volunteers cared for her. The next day when the Good Samaritan departed, he gave money to the host, and said, “Take care of woman. Whatever you spend beyond what I’ve given you, I will repay you when I return.” The host said, “The woman, she cries out for her child.” “I am sorry said the Good Samaritan. I saw no child.” “Now,” asked the holy man, “which of these three men do you believe was a good neighbor to her who fell among the Russian rapists and robbers?" 

Good Samaritan Contra Evil Russians: The Equalizer

Another version of the Good Samaritan the movie The Equalizer. The Good Samaritan is Robert McCall played by Denzel Washington. The evil bad guys belong to the Russian mob that has come to Boston just as the fiery eyed, murderous Putin husks came to Ukraine. The victims are two young women: one beaten, the other murdered. Think of them as representing Ukrainian women and children. Nicolai Itchenko, like Putin a former member of the Russian secret police, has been sent by the Russian mob kingpin Vladimir Pushkin (think Putin) to assassinate (in Putin fashion) the Good Samaritan McCall. (Really, isn’t what Russia is today—an organized crime cartel run by kingpin Putin?) 

Putin’s Party for His European and American Collaborators

Of course PJs was invited.  Another guest was “Marine” Le Pen.

“Why are you here?” asks PJs.

“Putin and I are very close. Je soutiens ses bêtises et il soutient ma campagne.”

The French actor and alleged rapist Gérard Depardieu says, “Madame Le Pen, don’t waste your time. The poor boy is a Brit and doesn’t understand a word you’ve said.” He then scoops a large amount of caviar onto a stack of crackers and stuffs them into his mouth and begin to chew.

“Why were you invited?” PJs asks the big man. But when Depardieu tries to answer crackers and caviar fly from his mouth onto the other guests who frowned in disgust.

And of course Steven Seagal was invited. “Why are you here?” asks PJs.

“Vladdy and I go way back. We’d get naked and slap one another, a Russian tradition. Why are you here girly man?”

“I’m a big supporter of Putin. He’s the man, if you know what I mean.”

“I don’t know what you mean, but that’s okay. Wanna get naked and slap each other?”

“Maybe later.”

Then  PJs sees Schwarzenegger and asks him why he's there.

“It’s logical. I love Russians, Putin is a Russian, so I love Putin. I love Russians, I love Russians....”

“I get it,” says PJs. “You can stop.”

Then PJs sees his greatest hero of all time, former President Donald Trump. “Would you sign my napkin, Mr. President? I hate Biden.”

“Everyone hates Biden, even his supporters,” responds the aged orange man, who then signs PJ’s napkin. PJs folds it very carefully and put in his shirt pocket. “Thank you, thank you a dozen times, Mr. President” says PJs wiping the tears from his eyes inadvertently with the same napkin. Then he asked, “What brought you here, Mr. President?”

“Why don’t they turn down that fucking music. It’s driving me fucking nuts.”

“Shiss, Mr. President. Probably afraid to get thrown overboard. It’s the Russia national anthem. Anyway, I know you Putin are big friends. Is that why you’re here?”

“More than friends. Partners in crime you might say, ha, ha, ha. Me and Putin are bosom buddies. I like the way he does things and I tell the world just what I think. Putin doesn’t let conscience get in the way, you know. I’ve told everyone that his invasion of Ukraine was smart, very savvy, pure genius. Like I said, he don’t let conscience get in the way. If he wants something he takes it. You don’t like it, tough shit. I like that. Real different from those squeamish fucking Democrats except when their hordes were burning down American cities. Then they were doing it Putin’s way, but being fucking hypocrites won’t admit it.”

“Ditto that, Mr. President.”



“Welcome guests, I have a wonderful announcement to make. We are winning!”

Everyone applauds.

“Half the Ukrainian children have been displaced from their homes by our brave Russian soldiers. Ukrainian mothers are having to abandon their children to fight alongside Ukrainian men. Such desperation and foolishness against our glorious tanks, planes, drones, and bombs. When will they learn that our brave soldiers will not be defeated by mothers, wives, sisters, and girlfriends. Where have all your men gone? To graveyards every one. Ha, ha, ha” laughed the demonic voice that sent chills through the guests.

“You got to love the Russians, says Schwarzenegger”

“I tell you, no conscience,” says Trump. “Mothers and wives fighting tanks. That’s brilliant.”

“He’s a good man,” chirps Le Pen.

“Mothers and wives fighting on the battlefield is nothing compared to the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas," grumbles Tucker.

Then PJs sees Tucker Carlson. “Hey, Tucker!” shouts PJs. “How’s it hanging, bro? I knew you’d be here. You’ve  always been a big Putin fan. So what got you the invite?”

“Been saying all along that there is no reason the United States should assist the Ukrainian people in their fight against Putin’s war machine. We’re already paying $5 a gallon for gas in America. What a tragedy, so sad. My chauffeur says my Cadillac Escalade ESV cost over a hundred bucks to fill up. That’s a tragedy. So I say let Putin have Ukraine if it means cheaper gas for Americans. That’s called patriotism.”

“Let me ask you this, Tucker. Is that really Putin at the other end of the table? I can’t tell, didn’t think I’d need to bring a pair of binoculars with me.”

“Probably not. He has to be careful. He's hated almost as much as Biden is. On my way in I saw a dead food taster on the floor.”

“Do you think the caviar is safe?”

“Don’t know, but I’m going to eat mine. No way I’m passing up free caviar.”

“What do you make of the blue and yellow crackers in the shape of babies?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Did you notice that they contain a red sauce inside that squirts out when you bite into them?”

“Delicious and cost free.”

Then Depardieu asks in a big voice, “How come we don’t get a big spread like those guys at the other table?”

PJs asks Tucker. “Yeah, Tucker, why do they have a ton of food and we just get Ukraine baby crackers and fish eggs?”

“That table is for corporate collaborators that are still doing business in Russia. A few kept businesses open in Germany during World War II. I think Subway and Burger King operated restaurants in concentration camps for the guards only, of course. Skinny Jews made the sandwiches and burgers.”

“Nah, you’re putting me on, Tucker,” says PJs with a bubbleheaded grin.

“I’m just trying to get you to shut the fuck up. You ask too many questions.”

“Look here, Tucker, what’s this card on our table?” PJs takes the card and opens it.

All at the table take notice. “What’s it say?” asks one of the guests.

“Table reserved for unpardonables.”

“Must be a joke,” says Le Pen, “I’ve done nothing wrong. How could I? Je ne suis qu'une politicienne!”

“Madame Le Pen,” says PJs, “I would have expected that you would be dinning in a bunker with Zelensky.”

“Why do you say that!”

“Well, your big message to the French people is that unlike Macron you would defend France against invaders. Isn’t that what Zelensky is doing, defending Ukraine against Russian invaders? Yet you say nothing in support of him and are here eating caviar provided by the the man responsible for the invasion of Ukraine. Isn’t that a little hypocritical?”

“Je suis une femme politique, c'est tout. Besides, I prefer caviar to les rations de combat.”

“Your Brits’ ration-pack food, dear boy,” explains Depardieu, who then waves a waiter over to the table. “More crackers and caviar s'il te plaît et qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel? Did you put that insulting card on our table?”

“Not me, sir. Anastasia set the table.”

“We feel insulted,” said PJs. “We would like to speak to her.”

“That is impossible. Did you not hear the splash? She was stowaway, Ukrainian. Please accept my apology. Each of you will receive an autographed photo from Lord Putin.”

All at the table smile then applaud. “Apology accepted.” 

Siding with the Evil One: The Unpardonable Sin

Tucker shamed himself by claiming that $5 a gallon of gas is a tragedy but worse he became guilty of the Unpardonable Sin by supporting the Evil One. His hands are stained with virtual blood as the land of Ukraine is stained with the real blood of Ukrainian men, woman, and children. He believes that Putin was within his right to invade Ukraine and that the Ukrainians should have just waved little Russian flags and surrendered their homeland to the Evil One instead of bringing all that killing and destruction upon themselves plus cause the incredible tragedy of $5 a gallon of gas in the U.S.

Your response, PJs, is to do nothing but mock those who cannot stand by and do nothing as the Evil One’s glowing eyed husks ravage towns—as Antifa and Black Lives Matter did in America—destroying, harming, and killing. You’ve taken position of the Democrats that applauded when the Antifa and Black Lives Matter husks burned and looted Americans cities. That is what Putin is doing—burning and stealing an entire nation. Who’s the hypocrite now?

Watching PJs take the side of Putin is like a mother discovering that her priest has been molesting her son during private Bible study sessions. The boy would come home in tears and she believed it was because he was so moved by the lesson. One day she asked him what brought tears to his eyes. The boy said the priest made him do dirty things. Discovering that the priest had molested her son, the mother concluded that the high-sounding words of the priest were empty and his good deeds were for naught because he was guilty of an unpardonable sin.

Choosing for Children: Three Choices

First is the Putin choice—bloody, cruel, heartless—to choose to abuse, harm, or kill children and to destroy their homes. The most destructive of the Putin category are warmongers. Such people are considered the worst of monsters guilty of endless Unpardonable Sins committed against children.

Second are the saviors who choose to defend children from the demons of the Putin category. They are the Ukrainians fighting and dying to protect their children from Putin’s mindless husks that injure and murder children, that destroy children’s homes, communities, parents, and playmates. Saviors include the Good Samaritans who have joined with Ukrainians to protect children from Russian monsters. Saviors are heroes each and every one.

The third choice is made by those who defend the ghouls that terrify, injure, and murder children—such as Putin and his army of mindless husks. Defenders of evildoers commit an Unpardonable Sin by becoming allies of evil.

Tar Baby Biden and the Republicans

From the second of the Uncle Remus stories: “When Br'er Rabbit comes along, he addresses the tar ‘baby’ amiably, but receives no response. Br’er Rabbit becomes offended by what he perceives as the tar baby's lack of manners, punches it and, in doing so, becomes stuck. The more Br’er Rabbit punches and kicks the tar baby out of rage, the worse he gets stuck” (“Tar-Baby,” Wikipedia). Putin’s military invasion of Ukraine has put the Republican Party in the position of Br’er Rabbit and Tar Baby Biden as he attempts to befriend the Ukrainians.

We’ve seen how Tucker whines about the tragedy of $5 a gallon gas and promoting the do-nothing policy of Paul Joseph Watson, a British talking head for Republican Party. They would have good reason to complain that Biden cares more about Ukraine and its border than he does about America and its border. But as Biden takes the moral high ground with Ukraine, Republicans who criticize him end up like Br'er Rabbit, taking a beating for taking the low moral ground. Of course, Biden is playing politics with Ukraine. Republicans have been doing the same. Every issue becomes part of the political tit for tat game played by the two major American political parties.

The Ukrainians, like the Hispanics south of the border, really don’t matter to either party and are used only to achieve each party’s machinations. Right now, however, Biden’s party is benefiting the most from the war because it took the moral high ground right away causing the Republicans to ineptly take the moral low ground by criticizing him rather than backing the right choices he makes even though he makes them to make political hay. And most likely some Republicans will complain about Biden’s welcoming a 100,000 Ukrainian refugees into the U.S., which is the right moral thing to do; they’re refugees not immigrants looking welfare benefits. To complain would be to take the moral low ground. And most likely, if Putin doesn’t swallow Ukraine the refugees will want to return to their homeland since they have one. How ironic! If Putin is victorious and incorporates the Ukraine into Russia, the Ukrainians will lose their homeland as Americans have. Ukraine would disappear into the Russian gulag; America has disappeared in a multicultural gulag—a society without a national identity. Thus, Americans no longer have a homeland even though they live on the soil that was once their homeland. The Democratic left has made sure of that by adopting the Marxist-Soros no-border policy. However, if the Ukrainians do stay, at least the U.S. will be getting well-educated, civilized Europeans unlike the hordes that arrive each day from the criminalized societies south of the border.

America’s decrepit, suicidal state of affairs is revealed by Biden’s telling Trump to bring it on and the Trump cult (Republicans) saying they will. That is how moribund and suicidal the American political system has become. And Americans are losing the war at home because unlike the Ukrainian government the U.S. Government has turned against Americans by implementing  Antifa’s mission: “No borders, no walls, no USA at all.” How ironic! How pathetic America has become! 

Biden’s Requiem

Whatever good Biden accomplishes helping Ukrainians to keep their homeland, he will still have betrayed Americans by doing to America what Putin is attempting to do to Ukraine—to make the national homeland disappear. Biden is no more loyal to America than Putin is to Ukraine. Biden will go to his grave as a Marxist hero to the aliens he enabled to invade America to displace Americans from their communities as Russians will displace Ukrainians from theirs. But to Americans Biden will take his place among the ranks of Benedict Arnold and all the others who have sold out America, many in office today. They too are guilty of an Unpardonable Sin—that of betrayal.