Let’s Get Clear about Nazism
has two fundamental characteristics that must occur together. The first is a
society believing that they are better than anyone else. There is nothing wrong
with believing this. Most societies do. In reality, not all societies are equal
in value or goodness. And valuation can be based on various criteria. However,
the belief in one’s cultural superiority doesn’t imply having a Nazi attitude
and really doesn’t matter as long as the members of the society are content and
do not bother their neighbors. The ancient Greeks believed they were superior
to all other cultures and in many ways they were. That alone, however, does not
make them Nazis.
second characteristic is the destruction of a society because it is thought to
be inferior to one’s own. However, a society that destroys another need not be
a Nazi society. Societies have been destroying one another since the beginning
of so call society. A powerful society may destroy a less powerful society for
wealth, conquest, or just because it can and still not be motivated by Nazism.
It’s the difference between murdering people for their money or car or just or
the fun of it as in the case of drive-by shooting and murdering them for their
ethnicity or sexual orientation.
combination of the two can be considered Nazism. Nazism is the desire of one
society (A) to destroy another society (B) because it’s believed to be inferior
in a way that is repugnant to the values of society (A). Destroying a society
that is thought to be a threat is not an act of Nazism but self-defense.
However, self-defense is usually used as a propagandistic claim.
Nazism’s two methods of extermination: First is murder. The second is conversion (brainwashing, reprogramming, reeducation, etc.). The first kills the body; the second kills the cultural soul so that the person becomes a dead man or woman walking. A cultural soul is either inherited from a person’s culture or is created existentially. The only moral form of conversion is voluntary conversion. Forced conversion is a form of murder.
Siding with Hitler: Ukrainians
version Russians
Putin calls Ukrainians Nazis for siding with Hitler, conveniently forgetting
that Russia (USSR) did the same.
Ukrainians siding with Hitler
nationalists who sided with Hitler “in western Ukraine were among the most
enthusiastic and hoped that their efforts would enable them to re-establish an
independent state later on...” (“Collaboration in German-occupied Ukraine”). The
independence sought was out from under the jackboot of the Soviet Union—the Russians:
negative impact of Soviet policies implemented in the 1930s was still fresh in
the memory of Ukrainians. These included the Holodomor of 1932–33, the Great
Terror, the persecution of intellectuals during the Great Purge of 1937–38, the
massacre of Ukrainian intellectuals after the annexation of Western Ukraine
from Poland in 1939, and the introduction and implementation of
collectivization. The Ukrainians also remembered that their country's brief
independence from 1917 to 1920 was helped by a treaty with the Central Powers
and intervention by German forces. As a result, the population of whole towns,
cities and villages greeted the Germans as liberators, which helps explain the
unprecedented rapid progress of the German forces in the occupation of Ukraine”
(“Collaboration with the Axis powers,” Wikipedia).
This is not Nazism but Darwinian survival: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
You got to hand it to those Russians: action without conscience. The Soviet
Union’s Nazi Russification of Ukrainians forced Ukraine nationalist to side
with Hitler’s husks.
Russians siding with Hitler: Hitler-Stalin
“For Hitler, the pact [Molotov-Ribbentrop pact] provided a guarantee that he could invade first Poland, then France and most of the rest of western Europe, without having to worry about any threat from the east. For Stalin, it allowed a breathing space in which to build up armed forces that had been severely damaged by the purges of the previous years, as his botched invasion of Finland showed. It also gave him the chance to expand the Soviet Union to include parts of the old Russian empire of pre-revolutionary times” (“The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941 – review,” The Guardian). Had German husks not invaded Russia, Russia would have remained loyal to Nazi Germany. Lord Putin called the pack “good foreign policy.” I call it a pack between two devils. Calling it good foreign policy makes Lord Putin another devil guilty of unpardonable sins.
The Jewish Origin of Nazism
the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and
drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites,
Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and
stronger than you— and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you
and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no
mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or
take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your children away from
following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you
and will quickly destroy you. This is what you are to do to them: Break
down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn
their idols in the fire” (Deuteronomy 7:1-5)
illustrates the two combined characteristics of Nazism. The hated nations are thought
to be inferior because they are polytheistic. They don’t even reject the Jewish
God Yahweh. Thus they must be totally destroyed, ethnic cleansing or ḥērem. From Joshua: “They devoted the
city [Jericho] to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in
it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys” (6:21). (Sounds
like the behavior of Putin’s husks (not true soldiers) in Ukraine.) “Then they
burned the whole city and everything in it, but they put the silver and gold
and the articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of the Lord’s house” (6:24).
That as pagans they were thought to be an abomination to Yahweh was the excuse
ancient Jews used to conquer other nations and steal their land and wealth.
That is exactly what Lord Putin is doing, using the propaganda cover that
Ukrainian leaders are Nazis to justify the conquest of Ukraine. Nonetheless,
the ancient Jews believed that they were superior to pagans (they weren’t) and
believed that their superiority as God’s chosen people gave them the right to
destroy pagans. This is Nazism. Most likely there were other cases of Nazism
leading to ethnic cleansing but they were local and didn’t spread like one of
Yahweh’s plagues.
The Nazism of JudeoChristianity
Nazism of Judaism would spread in the form of JudeoChristianity and JudeoIslam.
The cleansing of the pagans of Greco-Roman civilization, i.e., Western civilization,
is described in Christianizing the Roman
Empire by Ramsay MacMullen and The
Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of hate the Classical World by Catherine
Nixey. What these books describe is the JudeoChristian form of Nazism involving
the cleansing of the cultures of Western society. Religious would then replace
science and philosophy, and with the Catholic Church came the Dark Ages,
suppression of free thought and expression, and inquisitions.
Nazism would result in Europeans and Americans destroying Native American
nations, stealing of their land, and converting them to Christianity.
The Nazism of JudeoIslam
rise and spread of Nazism of JudeoIslam is described in Muhammad and the Origins of Islam by F.E. Peters and Jihad by Paul Fregosi. An illustration
of how the Jews suffered from an ideology they created is Muhammad’s cleansing
of the Jews:
first Jewish tribe attacked was the prosperous Banu Qaynuqa. Muhammad and his
followers attacked and defeated the tribe. Survivors were expelled from the settlement,
“leaving their property behind, presumably to the benefit of the new ‘Migrants’
from Mecca [Muhammad and his Muslim followers]” (218). The second Jewish tribe
to be expelled from Medina was the Banu al-Nadir. Muhammad ordered their
palm-trees cut down and burnt. The members of Banu al-Nadir were forced to
leave taking with whatever they could carry. The third Jewish tribe, the Banu
Qurayza, was not so lucky. Its men, 600 to 900 (including boys as young as
thirteen or fourteen), were taken out in batches, decapitated, their bodies
thrown into a trench. About the men to be executed, Alfred Guillaume says,
“after prayer and reading of the scriptures, [they] went calmly to their death”
F.E. Peters (Islam 48 ).
The Nazism of JudeoMarxism:
spread of JudeoMarxism was violent: millions of innocent people were slaughtered.
A person was considered either a Marxist/Communist or an enemy of the cause. The
Communists Stalin and Mao together killed far more people than Hitler did. In
addition, Mao’s ambition was to control the world. He said China “would control
the pacific with a huge new navy, and then eventually the world” (Marr 538).
That is what China is presently doing, threatening Taiwan, Japan, South Korea,
and other nations in the region. It wants to do to these nations what
Putin-Russia is doing to Ukraine. This is the nation that stole Tibet and
supports the nightmare nation North Korea. China created COVID-19 in a lab and
then allowed it to escape to kill so over 4 million people.
The Guardian “China has already
decided to provide Russia with economic and financial support during its war on
Ukraine and is contemplating sending military supplies such as armed drones” (“China
has already decided to send economic aid to Russia in Ukraine conflict, US
officials fear”). China is one of the two nations that are the greatest threat
to America and the world and that could potentially trigger World War III,
Russia being the other, of course.
The Nazism of JudeoMarxism in Today’s
America: Invasion of the Mind Snatchers
JudeoMarxist Nazis of the Democratic Party and the Biden-Harris have taken control
of the political leadership in America. They hate white American
culture/society as an abomination incompatible with a Woke Marxist utopia. And
they seek to cleanse America of America by exterminating white Americans. That
makes them Nazis. Their husk organizations Antifa and Black Lives Matter have
sought the physical eradication of America in large cities. And because of the
inept, laughable failed politician Donald Trump, they took political control of
the U.S. government. The Democratic/Biden-Harris pogrom against white Americans
is now using the second method of ethnic cleansing or extermination—Woke conversion,
reprogramming, or re-education. They are doing this by taking control of the media,
the entertainment industry, education institutions, and the legal system, and by
pressuring colorations to de-Americanize.
They can’t colorize white Americans but they can attempt to turn them into Marxist Woke husks. Such individuals become ideological entities, their historical-traditional culture removed and replaced by culture that is an ideological program. The irony here is that while America’s leadership supports Ukraine against the Russia’s Nazi program of Russification of Ukraine, the Biden-Harris Democratic Party leadership is engaging in a program similar to Putin’s: the Woke cleansing of United States of Americans (of any color, for that matter). The goal is the destruction of American culture by transforming Americans into Woke mutants like the humans transformed into mutants in the film Invaders from Mars. The difference between the situation faced by the Ukrainians and that faced by Americans is that the threat to Ukraine is external, whereas the threat to America is internal. By having relied on the inept cultish Republican Party, Americans fighting for the survival of their homeland and culture are most likely doomed.
The Origin of Putin’s Nazism
Under Tsar Alexander III (1881-1894) “the empire adopted a program of systematic Russification. Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, the peoples of the Caucasus, the scattered German communities, the Muslim groups in central Asia, all faced the prospect of forcible assimilation to the Great Russian culture. The philosopher and chief official of this movement was Pobiedonostsev, procurator of the Holy Synod... of the Russian Orthodox Church. [Like Putin] Pobiednostsev saw the West something alien and doomed.... [He] dreamed of turning Holy Russia into a kind of churchly community, in which a disciplined clergy should protect the faithful from insidious influence of the West.” (A History of the Modern World, R.R. Palmer and Joel Colton, p. 734).
Russification of Finland
Nicholas II... asserted the imperial government's right to rule Finland without
the consent of local legislative bodies, under which:
the Orthodox Russian Church's status was strengthened and the press was
subjected to tighter Russian censorship than before;
the Finnish army was made subject to Russian rules of military service.
The Language Manifesto of 1900, a decree by Nicholas II which made Russian the
language of administration of Finland....
The conscription law, signed by Nicholas II in July 1901, incorporated the
Finnish army into the imperial army and forcing Finns to serve in Russian
Finnish stamps were abolished and Russian stamps became the only allowed in
January 1901.
(6) Some Finnish government offices, such as the Railway and Lighthouse Boards got new, Russian staff. (“Russification of Finland,” Wikipedia) See The Attack (Hyökkäys), an 1899 oil painting by Edvard Isto, depicting the Russification of Finland
Russification of Ukraine
and Soviet authorities conducted policies of Russification of Ukraine from 1709
to 1991, interrupted by the Korenizatsiya policy in the 1920s. Since Ukraine's
independence, its government has implemented Ukrainization policies to decrease
the use of Russian and favour Ukrainian.
number of Ukrainian activists died by suicide in protest against Russification,
including Vasyl Makukh in 1968 and Oleksa Hirnyk in 1978.
the 2014 Russian Annexation of Crimea and establishment of unrecognized
Russian-supported militants in eastern Ukraine, Russification was imposed on
people in these areas.” (“Russification,” Wikipedia)
Who’s the Nazi Now, Lord Putin?
recap, Nazism has two fundamental characteristics that must be taken together.
The first is a society believing that they are better than anyone else. We’ve
seen that that has been the attitude of the Russians going back to Tsar
Alexander, the JudeoMarxism of the Soviet Union, and now the policies of Lord
Putin. The second characteristic is the
destruction of a society because it is thought to be inferior. Putin-Russia is
in the process of destroying Ukraine and the Ukrainian people:
The horrors of Putin's invasion of Ukraine are increasingly coming to light
Bodies of 'executed people'
strewn across street in Bucha as Ukraine accuses Russia of war crimes
Satellite images show civilian deaths in Ukraine town while it was in Russian
Who’s the Nazis Now, Lord Putin? YOU AND THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE! Yet, you are more than just Nazis. You're terrorists. You have terrorized the Ukrainian people as you have maimed and murdered them. You terrorize Western Civilization—to which you do not belong—with your nuclear weapons. We see you for what you are: NAZI TERRORISTS!