CRAWFORD, TEXAS -- Jenna Bush, daughter of President Mass Murderer George Bush, couldn't see herself getting married at the White House, which has become a haunted house filled with the ghosts of dead American soldiers and dead Iraqi men, women, and children. They say at night you can hear their screams, a chorus a suffering humanity.
And when she and Henry Hager said "I do," one wondered why they were not down at the Army or Marine recruiters office saying “I do” so they could go off and do their part fighting daddy Bush’s wars. But life is just too good for the wealthy to want to go off and die. And it is so nice on daddy Bush's ranch away from the black ghettos and the American barrios where life has gone or is going to hell. They marvel at the waist-high corn, can even ride horse, and then take off and spend some time in some rich-man’s paradise, unlike the millions of Americans who have been living homeless on the streets or have lost their homes recently and live in some God-forsaken place where all the roads are dead-ends and tattered American flags wave above rooftops.
It was said that the president and the bride picked "You Are So Beautiful" for their father-daughter dance, when a more appropriate song would have been “American Woman” by The Guess Who. The music for the newlyweds’ first dance was "Lovin' in My Baby's Eyes" by Taj Mahal. That is so sweet, such as the lines, “Late at night when I take my rest / Oh I hold your picture to my breast.” Think of all the wives and children of dead American soldiers who died in daddy’s war who do just that. And, of course, all the people of Iraq, young and old, who have lost loved ones.
One who witnessed the ceremony said afterward that the groom was dressed in a dark blue suit with powder-blue tie and the bride wore a "very simple and elegant" white dress and no veil. Now I ask once again why was not at least the groom dressed in military blues and ready to be shipped to Iraq to fight daddy Bush’s war. Well it is because young Mr. Hager got his start two years ago as an intern in the White House for Karl Mephistopheles Rove, so he would be more interested in war profiteering, like daddy Bush and his cohorts, than risking his life by wearing a military uniform.
We are told that away from the glare of television cameras, Jenna's outdoor wedding to Henry Hager reflected their penchant for privacy. Well of course they would not want to marry having to listen to the shouts of millions of Americans who hate daddy Bush and detest anyone or anything associated the nefarious Bush family. One wonders if Jenna married only so that should no longer be know as Jenna Bush because wearing the Bush name is like the Ancient Mariner’s having to wear the dead albatross around his neck.
"This is a joyous occasion for our family," Bush said in his Saturday radio address. Hearing those words, one can only think of the human suffering daddy Bush has inflicted upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the families and friends of the American soldiers who have suffered needlessly because big daddy’s desire to be the big man. And why was not the family of the Miracle Man, Marine Sgt. Merlin German, who survived burns to 97% of his body and endured 150 operations only to die at age 22, invited to the wedding? Let’s face it, had daddy Bush not been reelected president by the morally deficient Republican masses, Merlin German would still be alive. But the truth is the wealthy and powerful people who run U.S., Inc., don’t give a shit about the little guy, especially if he is black.
Daddy Bush added: "It's also a special time for Laura who this Mother's Day weekend will watch a young woman we raised together walk down the aisle." And what about all those other women who lost their husbands, boyfriends, brothers, sisters, or children in daddy Bush’s war games? Fuck them. They just don’t matter to the people at the top who are too busy having fun and spending money (much of which made at the expense of the little guy, such as war and oil profiteering) to worry about the little guy. But it matter to the rest of us because daddy Bush has done more harm to America and to Iraq than did Saddam Hussein.
That is why millions of Americans don’t give a damn whether the nuptials live happily ever after because Jenna’s daddy has made sure that millions of people will never live happily ever after. And to the millions of Americans whose money continues to lose value, who have lost their homes, who can’t get medical care without becoming bankrupt, and who watch their cities and communities being overrun and criminalized by illegal aliens and their offspring—to those Americans, Jenna’s wedding dress is a shroud of mourning for a nation that once was but is no more: America.