Thursday, May 22, 2008

Outpouring of Sympathy for Sen. Kennedy from the Hispanic Nation

Since diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, there has been an outpouring of sympathy for Senator Edward Kennedy from the illegal Hispanic Nation now occupying communities, cities, and even some entire states across America. La Raza recognizes Sen. Kennedy as a generalissimo in the La Reconquista of the Southwestern United States. MEChA (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán) has considered awarding Kennedy the Medal of Pancho Villa for Kennedy’s assistance in the enabling the restoration of Aztlán.

For you stupid Gringos who know nothing about what’s going on, Aztlán refers to the lands of Northern Mexico that were annexed by the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War, and is the land which the Mexicans who have invaded America seek to reclaim. Kennedy’s efforts on the behalf of illegal aliens has been so valuable to the growing Hispanic Nation in America, that Mexico’s president has offered honorary Mexican citizenship to Kennedy, an honor bestowed on President George Bush, and will like be received by many other American politicians, such as Senators McCain, Obama, and Clinton.

However, though Sen. Kennedy is a hero south of the border, he is considered by millions of Americans to be a malignant tumor on the American body politic and a betrayer of America and its people.

Many experts believe that Kennedy’s love and support for aliens and his efforts to transform America into an Alien Nation are rooted in the 1969 incident at Chappaquiddick, where Kennedy drove a car off a bridge into a channel. Kennedy managed to escape by abandoning campaign worker and close friend Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned in the submerged car. Concerned about his political career, Kennedy left the scene of the accident and did not call authorities until the following day. Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and received a typical millionaire slap-on-the-wrist suspended sentence of two months in jail.

The incident pretty much captures the kind of man Kennedy is: an ego-centric maniac who places his political career before all else. But after Chappaquiddick, Americans repudiated Kennedy as another worthless millionaire. Feeling guilty and rejected, Kennedy knew he could turned to the aliens for love and acceptance, but in doing so stabbed America in the back.

He had already proven himself a friend of the aliens “as a strong supporter of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act — signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson [another Texan turncoat] — which dramatically changed US immigration policy.” Sounding a lot like a Chicano Minister of propaganda, such as Ruben Navarrette, Jr. or Linda Chavez, Kennedy said, "The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants [obviously Kennedy hasn’t been to L.A., San Diego, or San Francisco, just to mention three of scores of California cities that have become barrios, Chinatowns, Little Saigons, etc.] It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." No, it will on degrade American jobs.

In addition, “the legislation replaced the Immigration Act of 1924, which favored immigrants from northern and western Europe. Proponents of the 1965 bill argued that immigration laws and quotas were discriminatory, and that American immigration policy should accept people not on the basis of their nationality. This also abolished the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.”

“The Immigration and Nationality Act abolished the national-origin quotas that had been in place in the United States since the Immigration Act of 1924 [designed to keep the country from being flooded by millions of Asians*]. It was proposed by Emanuel Celler, cosponsored by Philip Hart and heavily supported by Senator Ted Kennedy.” And now family reunification visas are unlimited, making possible CHAIN MIGRATION, so that one immigrant can pull in unlimited number of family members. Keep in mind that in Third-World countries like Mexico, people don’t have families but tribes. “In the United States, chain migration is supposed by many to be one of many reasons that legal immigration has quadrupled from levels during the 1960s.” As the United States’ becomes a lifeboat for the undeveloped, chaotic nations of the world, America sinks and disappears an ocean of aliens.

But Kennedy wasn’t done trying to destroy the country that hates him for opening its gates even further to the alien hordes invading America. (And it’s true that politicians like Kennedy have been encouraging the alien rape of Mother America—an international gang rape.) He would later take “a leading role in several other would-be immigration measures, including the [traitorous] Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S. 1033) ("McCain-Kennedy") [aka, the Benedict Arnold-Robert Hanssen act]) in 2005 and the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, a bipartisan measure worked out with President George W. Bush [American’s very own Judas] which ultimately failed on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Among other reforms, the 1033 legislation proposed allowing [the armies of] ‘undocumented immigrants in the U.S. to come out of the shadows, submit to background checks, and register for a legal status [thus keeping busy an army Spanish-speaking bureaucrats working for the U.S. Government]. Immigrants and their families would have 6 years to earn permanent residence and ultimately citizenship.’" Once eligible to vote they could accelerate the political takeover of America to be replaced by the Hispanic Nation, with the help of their myriads of offspring, thus transforming America into Amexico.

“Kennedy is now the chairman of the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, and remains a strong advocate for immigrants.” And it is pretty clear that the immigrants have Hispanicized and Asianized, i.e., destroyed the ethnic mix of traditional American society. (For information on Edward Kennedy's voting record search Edward Kennedy on Wikipedia.)

The San Diego Union-Tribune article quotes Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. as saying about Kennedy’s illness, “We just don’t feel like going on....He is the center of the Senate—the heart, mind and soul. Just pray.” Who is Schumer? He is a member of American Israel Public Affairs Committee, you know the Israeli organization that wants the U.S. to continue wasting American blood and money fighting on the behalf of the misState of Israel. So of course he supported Bush’s war against Iraq. He also authored the Assault Weapons Ban, so Americans won’t be able to defend themselves when the Jewish supported aliens take control of the country.

On immigration, Schumer "Voted on Senate floor in favor of increasing chain migration.” IMMIGRATION STANCE says, “Overall, Senator Charles Schumer has a poor record when it comes to immigration reform. Senator Charles Schumer actively encourages more illegal immigration to our country and is in our opinion a threat to this nation. We cannot give Charles Schumer our seal of approval.” AMERICANS FOR BETTER IMMIGRATION gives Schumer an F- rating. So it is clear why Schumer would be alarmed by Kennedy’s cancer. Schumer is also a generalissimo serving on the behalf of the alien insurgency.

Finally, the article says, “Kennedy’s fingerprints can be found on landmark legislation.” And they are the fingerprints of a criminal whose political life has been devoted to the destruction of America. The Hispanic Nation may be grieved by Kennedy’s cancer, but to millions of American Kennedy himself (like Schumer) has been a cancer on the American political landscape. For Americans who are watching their country being overrun by aliens, Kennedy’s cancer didn’t come soon enough to prevent the harm he has done to the country.

What those American know is that politicians like Kennedy, Schumer, McCain, Bush, Clinton, and Obama have sentenced Americans and their children a never-ending age of anguish caused by legal and illegal immigration. From now on, America will be haunted by the immigration problem. Like the Terminator, it will never, ever go away. What will happen, though, can be seen in multi-cultural paradises like Israel and South Africa where there is and will continue to be constant conflict and hatred between peoples who hate each other’s guts.

And if you think teaching tolerance in the schools or at Hispanic cultural centers like the new Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (which legitimizes the Hispanic invasion), or by creating the illusion of multicultural harmony in the media with Hispanic broadcasters like that obnoxious Cuban killer Rick Sanchez (yes his parents are from Castro country) will solve the problem, then you are just an idiot. We are not talking about someplace like Switzerland where the different groups are more alike than different because they are all civilized. We’re talking about countries fractured by alien invasion, where the fundamental difference between the two groups is that of invader versus invaded.

If you want to see America’s future all you need to do is read the crime-watch section in the newspaper, where you discover that Mexico’s most notable export to America crime (along with drugs, disease, and the illegals themselves). Note some recent articles:

OCEANSIDE: Man Arrested in 'Back Gate' Stabbing: “Jesus Vasquez Borja, 27, is being held without bail at the Vista jail on suspicion of murder, according to county booking logs. Borja also is being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”

New Restrictions on Taco trucks Met with Defiance by Vendors: What’s new about Mexicans defying the law. That what they did when they came into the country and that is what they do while living and working illegally in the country, like the 18 illegals working at the Pacific Beach bakery The French Gourmet. (They ought to send the Mexicans back to Mexico—without a costly hearing—and the Frenchman back to France.) Back to the taco trucks, the article said, “Some critics have suggested the law is racist.” That is what Hispanics always say when Americans require that they obey the law. I say, “So what if it’s racist. The Mexicans are just as racist as the Anglos, like those who recently celebrated Chicano Park Day. The park sports mural art that “salutes the community and Mexican and Latino heroes.” There was also a commentary about the murals, including one titled “Birth of La Raza.” If you think these people like Americans, you are nuts!

La Mesa Woman is Among 4 Shot Dead: “The body of a La Mesa woman [Gianna Craig] with ties to Mexico was among four discovered Sunday in a rural canyon east of Rosarito Beach. All had been shot to death... One of the men shot had an arrest record in San Diego County and had been deported to Mexico three times.” [Nothing new there.] The men all were Hispanic. “Violent crime, some of which has taken place in residential areas and on busy streets, has surged in Baja California,” as it has in California, USA, because of the surge of Hispanics in the state. That’s the Mexican way of life, and that’s what American children can look forward to seeing more of as America becomes Hispanicized and, consequently, criminalized.

2 Men Rob Couple in Park at Gunpoint: “The victim, a 28-year-old man, told police he and his girlfriend were approached by two men in the park...One of the men pointed a black semi-automatic handgun at the couple and took the man’s wallet and cell phone....Police said one of the robbers was Latino.” Don’t you just love living in a multicultural paradise!

Crackdown on Graffiti Gets Preliminary OK:
“The city has budgeted $1.6 million this fiscal year for graffiti abatement, enforcement and public education.” Like me, you might have noticed that as Hispanics move into your community, so does the graffiti. The problem with this program is that it further restricts access to markers and spray-paint, but does nothing about the vandalizing cholo gangsters in the community. They will remain in the community until they are arrested for some other crime such as murder or robbery and sent to prison. Once out they will return to the community they left. That is why Americans begin to flee their communities when graffiti begins to appear. They know that where there is graffiti there are gangs, most likely Hispanic gangs, and where there are Hispanic gangs there is crime, drugs, and violence. Soon the schools will deteriorate, so parents will have to home-school their children or send their kids to an expensive private school, which means less money for the public schools. It’s a downward spiral. It’s just easier to leave and allow the once American community to become another barrio.

Police Seek Leads To Find Suspect in Burglaries: “Crime Stoppers is offering up to $1000 for tips that lead to the arrest of a burglary and assault suspect believed to be hiding in the San Diego area...Rodelio Limpo Cataroja [sounds like the name of a brain tumor], 36, is believed to be responsible for burglaries in San Diego, Nevada, Riverside County and Carlsbad...[It is true, Hispanics are hardworking.] He is known to be armed and has past arrest for assault, police said...Cataroja is describe as Latino.”

96 Arrested in San Diego State [University] Drug Bust: “Among the suspected drug dealers is Omar Castaneda, 36, who is not a student and is allegedly connected to a gang in Pacoima that has possible ties to the Mexican Mafia, said Ralph W. Partridge, a special-agent-in-charge for the Drug Enforcement Administration in San Diego.” As it turns out Omar is an illegal alien. Just another example of the bad new being exported from Mexico into the U.S. And not only are Mexican drugs destroying American lives, the Mexican gangster culture is destroying American culture. Would American society and culture be better if the Hispanics just disappeared? You better believe it would. You might not be able to buy tacos and have to mow your lawn, but that would be a small sacrifice for ridding America of those who have contributed more than any other group to the criminalization of American society and culture: Hispanics, especially Mexicans. The looming question is WHEN ARE AMERICAN POLITICIANS GOING TO TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THOSE WHO HAVE STOLEN IT: THE ILLEGAL ALIENS? Sadly, the answer is never because American politicians like Kennedy care more about the aliens than they do about Americans.

Shared Responsibility: U.S. Must Aid Our Neighbors in battle Against Drugs and Violence: First of all, what does he mean OUR neighbors? The writer is Antonio O. Garza. He might be the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, but he is not one of us. For one thing he is the grandson of Mexican immigrants to the U.S. (Did they come to the U.S. legally?) And he served as the appointed Texas secretary of state under Governor George W. Judas Bush. And he just happens to be married to the richest Mexican woman. Jesus Christ, American, how much of this betrayal can you take? Anyway, Garza is referring to a plan called the Merida Initiative that will give $550 million for equipment, technology, and support to fight the gangsters south of the border. Isn’t that how it always works. The crime and drugs are exported north into America and the money is exported south into Hispanic Land. A better plan would have been gunships flying mission along the Mexican-American border. Sure it would have meant killing some illegals heading north, but no more than have already died in the desert or automobile wrecks, and it would have stopped illegal immigration dead in its tracks. But Gringos today are more interested in who is going to be the next American Idol than in protecting their country. Toward the end of this century all the next American Idols will be Hispanic because most of the audience will be.

Family threatens Doctor After Man in Shootout Dies, Hospital Says:
“Relatives of a man [Luis Humberto Moreno Rodriquez] wounded last month in a fierce Tijuana shootout threatened a doctor yesterday after they learned the man had died in the hospital...Moreno was among nine injured a gun battle between rival criminal gangs that left 13 people dead.” This is exactly the culture that has been and continues to be exported into America. It is a diseased culture that has infected America because self-serving politicians like Kennedy and Bush have betrayed the American people by not only doing nothing about the alien invasion but by encouraging it.

Border Agent Arraigned on Smuggling Charges:
“A U.S. customs and Border Protection office was arraigned in federal court yesterday on two charges of conspiracy to smuggle illegal immigrants and conspiracy to smuggle marijuana...Luis Francisco Alarid was ordered held until a bail...Alarid has admitted ‘numerous’ vehicles carrying drugs and illegal immigrants in the United State...A car carrying 18 illegal immigrants and 170 pounds of marijuana and driven by Alarid’s uncle was allowed into the United States.” So much for the notion that all these people want is a good job, or that their poverty causes them to commit crimes. In reality, Hispanic culture celebrates the criminal way of life, and a good job isn’t going to change that.

As you can see, American children have a lot to look forward to in the increasingly Hispanicized America. And who should they thank for the loss of their homeland? Politicians like Kennedy, Bush, Schumer, and McCain and greedy businessmen. I expect in a few decades you will begin to see Americans attacking the aliens like the South Africans have been attacking immigrants recently. The immigrants are accused of taking jobs and criminalizing townships. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Or worse, disgruntled Americans may become insurgents themselves, expressing their anger toward the government they believe has sold them out, such as when Sen. Turncoat McCain says to the Cubans occupying Miami, “Today, on Cuba's Independence Day, we have occasion to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted traditions of the Cuban people. Cuban Americans...have enriched and enlivened our country. In every field, and in states across America, they bring to our communities their custom of hard work and personal initiative. And for many of these patriotic individuals, while their lives and work are here in the United States, a bit of Cuba will always endure in their hearts.”

That’s right McCain—in their hearts they are Cubans, not Americans, Hispanic aliens living in and getting rich off of America. Hispanics creating a colossus called the Hispanic Nation, a Hispanic Frankenstein monster roaming the land destroying American communities. So don’t be surprised if an American insurgency arises. Isn’t that what gave birth to the Iraqi insurgency, the belief that the Iraqi government, such as Jawad al-Maliki’s, has sold them out to the alien American invaders? If you are familiar with Shakespeare’s Othello, you will recall that the villain Iago becomes a villain because he believes he has been betrayed by Othello, the general he serves. His sense of betrayal transforms him into a monster who seeks to destroy not only Othello but innocent Desdemona. In other words, Iago becomes a terrorist. There are dark clouds gathering on the American horizon, lightening strikes and thunder. A storm is brewing.

Is there a solution? Does any nation offer one? Yes, Italy: Italy's Anti-Immigration Push: “The government plans to tighten up its immigration policy, making it a criminal offense to stay in Italy without permission, and making it easier and quicker to expel immigrants.” “Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi concluded his first cabinet meeting in Naples, pledging to... and impose a crack down on illegal immigration.” That goes to show you that Italy now has a government that cares more about the Italian people than about the aliens who threaten to overrun the country. Kudos for Berlusconi.

*You might have seen the article in the April 20 San Diego Union-Tribune titled Protesters Demand That CNN Fire Commentator. Who were these protestors? “Chinese-Americans [obviously, Chinese living in America] rallied outside CNN’s Hollywood office yesterday to demand the firing of commentator Jack Caffery [an American who cares about America] for calling that nation’s [China] goods ‘junk’ and its leaders a ‘bunch of goons and thugs.’” Of course, both statements are true. First of all consider the plight of Tibet caused by the political “goons and thugs” that run China. Second, consider the shoddily built 7000 classrooms that collapsed during the recent earthquake, killing thousands of Chinese children.

But that is not my point. My point is that these “Chinese-Americans,” who are in fact not Americans but Chinese living in America, ought to do all of us a big favor and get the hell out of America and go back to that workers paradise China. So much for the wonderfulness of a multicultural America! It may be wonderful for the aliens who arrived here from some shit-hole country, like China, which still hasn’t even yet abolished slavery, but not for Americans. The truth is the aliens that come to America do so only for economic opportunity. America is only a place to do business. Otherwise, they have no interest in or connection with America as a historical entity or with the American story. And just because the Chinese came here to build railroads and do laundry doesn’t make them Americans. Unlike blacks, they have always remained Chinese, just as the Mexicans will always remain Mexican. Blacks, on the other hand, created a distinctive American identity.

One sign shown in the article said, NO CHINESE NEGATIVE NEWS. I have a different sign: NO CHINESE IN AMERICA.