That is basically the title of today’s article in the San Diego Union-Tribune by one of La Raza‘s ministers of Hispanic propaganda, Ruben Navarrette, Jr. (The actual title is “Can McCain Sustain His Appeal to Hispanic Voters?”) If you have been paying attention, you will have noticed that the San Diego Union-Tribune is increasing becoming a newspaper dominated by Hispanic writers, and with each one it ceases to be an American newspaper.
Actually, the answer to the title question is “Who gives a shit, other than the Hispanic army that now occupies Barrio San Diego?” And if older San Diego readers haven’t seen the transformation occurring, they haven’t been paying attention to the growing amount of graffiti (or the patches of paint covering graffiti it*); or to the gang logos scratched on gas pumps, mirrors in public places, or windows; or to the demographic change from American to alien occurring in all the public schools—resulting in a degradation of the educational environment; or to the growing number of crimes cause by Hispanics in general and Hispanic street gangs in particular; or to the tens of thousands of Hispanic criminals who are bursting the seams of the state prisons**; or to the fact that California can’t pay its bills because of the large third-world population that is draining city and state coffers in a hundred different ways.***
“Oh,” you say “but what about the boon to the American economy that has resulted from the millions of illegal aliens who have invaded America?” Yeah right! The economy is in terrific shape. And what about the cost to the economy cause by the millions of illegal alien children? Did you read the San Diego Union-Tribune article titled “Growth of minorities Led by Children”? “Overall,” it says, “Latinos continued to grow faster than any other group, surpassing 15 percent—45.5 million people—of the nation’s population.” Hell, that’s almost half of Mexico’s population. The article goes on to say, “The latest estimates dramatize the breadth of the nation’s growing diversity,” which means basically the death of America.
These are some of the reasons it is so hard to look at Navarrette’s smiling face without becoming sick to one’s stomach (if you are a Gringo, and I would assume blacks feel the same way since their children are each day victims of Hispanic gangs).
But hey, if Americans are too fucking lazy and stupid to fight and protect their country, they deserve to fall into ruin, just as the Romans did to the invading barbarians. And if you don’t think the Hispanics aren’t barbarians, you haven’t been reading the paper, such as the article in today’s paper titled “Troops Arrive to Fight Violent Drug Cartel.” Where? Mexico, of course, but soon soldiers will be needed to fight the street gangs and drug cartels on American soil. And there was the recent assassination of the Mexican national police chief. Remember what that idiot President Bush said about the Iraq War, that we had to “fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here at home”? Well, we are fighting them here, in the form of armies of street gangs. And, by the way, we are losing.
Getting back to Navarrette’s propaganda, he says, “Texas gov. George W. Bush made headlines for earning an impressive [demoralizing if you’re an American] 49 percent of the Hispanic vote in his re-election, [and] McCain walked off with an unheard-of 65 percent in his Senate re-election bid.” Of course, McCain will do fine among the Hispanics. He’s an American traitor, just like George Bush, a ballot whore who will sell out his country for votes. Navarrette points out that Bettina Nava “was recently named one of 11 campaign managers for McCain. She’s in charge of Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico,” which can be consider 3 Alamo states, since it won’t be long before they are totally taken over by Hispanics. In addition, “McCain marked Cinco de Mayo by launching his Hispanic outreach effort, which includes a Spanish-language Web site.” Finally, one Hispanic is quoted as saying, “The fact that McCain is so patriotic is a draw for many Latinos.” He must be talking about Mexico. McCain is no American patriot, and I don’t care about his participation in the Vietnam War, another idiotic, immoral war that the U.S. Government foisted upon the American people. Were the Vietnamese about to invade America? Stupid question. Of course they weren’t, but lots of fat-cat war profiteers got fatter because of the war. And McStroke was all for that war, and still thinks America should not have cut and run. I swear to god that American politics is like a toilet where all the turds float to the top.
Had McCain and George Bush been at the Alamo, they would have pushed open the gates to let in General Santa Anna and his troops. That is exactly what they have been doing to fortress America. And by the way, don’t expect any help from Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama. They too are part of the pro-illegal alien fifth-column bent on the destruction of America, which will occur before the end of this century.
Viva Bush! Viva McCain! Viva Clinton! Viva Obama! Death to America!
So it’s no surprise that a large majority of immigrants report facing growing hostility. Well of course they will be facing growing hostility from the people whose homeland they have invaded. All Americans have left is their hatred. The f-ing government isn’t going to help them, and in places like California, much of the government is run by Hispanics. So much for democracy. Millions of Americans hate Hispanics for the same reason Palestinians hate Jews and Iraqis hate Americans. They invaded our country, are ruining it, and are taking it over.
*Did you read the article May 1st titled “El Cajon to pay more for graffiti removal around city”? That is what you can expect as your city becomes a barrio.
**The stupid French are experiencing the same problem. In the same issue of paper is an article titled “In France, Up to 70 Percent Incarcerated are Muslims.” That’s what they get for opening the gates to the Islamic hordes (which, by the way, is what America is about to do). And let’s not forget Juan Manuel Alvarez, whose trial is set to begin. Remember, he’s the Latino who poured gasoline on his Jeep, parked it on railroad tracks, and then ran off and watched a train collide into the Jeep and derail. The wreck killed 11 people and injured more than 180. √* The Hispanic gift just keeps on giving, like their gift of tuberculosis: “In 2007, the TB rate in foreign-born persons in the United States was 9.7 times higher than in U.S.-born persons. TB rates among Hispanics, blacks, and Asians were 7.4, 8.3, and 22.9 times higher than among non-Hispanic whites, respectively. In 2007, foreign-born persons accounted for a majority of TB cases among Hispanics (77.2% [2,942 of 3,812]) and among Asians (96.1% [3,261 of 3,393]).” Yeah, immigration is working out really well for the U.S.
√*Alvarez's sister-in-law, Maricela Amaya, is quoted as saying, "He was having problems with drugs and all that and was violent." Well of course he was. He’s Hispanic. In addition, Alvarez is consider some kind of Aztec hero among the La Raza crowd fighting to drive the Gringos from the old Mexican homeland called Aztlan, which consist of 7 American states. For example, Charles Truxillo, professor at the University of New Mexico advocates the secession of the Southwest into an independent Mexican state. It’s amazing how stupid Gringos are, educating the aliens in Chicano Studies classes so that they become, like Charles Truxillo and Ruben Navarrette, members of the Chicano intelligentsia and work for the overthrow of America. An idea that might save a piece of America for the stupid Gringos would be for them to establish an AMERICAN RESERVATION consisting of the northern heartland states, including Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa. I guarantee you would have Americans flocking back to those states. I’d put up with the cold weather to get out of the quicksand of the Hispanic invasion. KFI’s John and Ken should address the plan. If you don’t know who they are, they are like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie fighting a losing battle in Alamo L.A. They are true Americans, not the traitors running for the presidency.
***And how is the Governator going to deal with the $15.2 billion shortfall? With the Super Lotto! What a super idea. More and more California is becoming like those inapt people who can’t earn enough money to pay their bills so they buy lotto tickets and hope they get lucky. (And those are the poor bastards who will be funding Arnold's crazy scheme.) I have a better idea. Why doesn’t Mexico pay for all the services used by its citizens who are in this country illegally, and their progeny, who have transformed California into a social, cultural, and financial basket case?