Did you read Zionist Jew Charles Krauthammer’s bullshit piece titled “U.S. Missing Chance for Revolution”? He says about the protestors, “The demonstrators are fighting on their own, but they await just a word that America is on their side.” Actually, it’s none of our fucking business. But of course what Zionist Krauthammer wants is for America to cripple another of Israel’s enemies, and if blood in the streets of Tehran is needed, then so be it. But believe me America and Great Britain (via the BBC) have been doing everything possible to inflame the critics of the Iranian government. It’s interesting that the U.S. is so critical of the insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq but love the insurgency in Iran.
A Jewish version of Russ Limbaugh, Krauthammer supported Bush’s war against Iraq, another country that needed liberating. Yes, liberation has work out very well for the Iraqis, hundreds of thousands dead, untold numbers maimed, and millions having lost their homes. But the Jew places the interest of his people above everyone else’s because the Jew believes his people are righteous. To date there have been 17 or so killed in Iran (small number compared the number of Arabs killed by Israel’s fascists government) and about that many people are killed on a daily basis in Iraq—because Iraq has been liberated. And of course the Jews liberated Palestine from the Palestinian.
Krauthammer wants the U.S. to transform political protests concerning a questionable election into a revolution. This Jew, in other words, would like to see a full-blown bloody revolution. Jews love blood in the streets, especially when it’s not their own. Like how many Jews are serving with American troops in Iraq—about 100 out of 140,000. And it was neocon Jews like Krauthammer who got the U.S. to invade Iraq—whispering into the Idiot Boy Bush's ear. I mean this (Craphammer) is a guy who is all for torture—which is to be expected. Look at what his ancestors did to Jesus.
He says, “That's our fundamental interest. And our fundamental values demand that America stand with demonstrators opposing a regime that is the antithesis of all we believe.” Bullshit. He could care less about the Iranian people or the American people. It’s not in America’s interest one way or another. It’s in Israel’s interest. But Americans just don’t get it because they are a thick-headed, stupid people. They are like Lennie being led around by George in Of Mice and Men. But most Americans wouldn't get that because they don’t read. They just watch TV.
No one knows yet whether or not the protesters’ candidate won the election. It’s not like Iran is filled with liberal free thinkers. Look at Iraq. How many liberal democrats have appeared since the liberation of Iraq? Not many of them but lots of suicide bombers, but what do the Jews care as long as an Israeli enemy is crippled (actually Israel has no friends once you cut through the cant of all the phony politicians such as Obama, Brwon, Sarkozy, McCain, etc.). Most people hate Jews and for good reason--because they have become they are greedy, arrogant, and the biggest menace to world peace. And they will always be hated because that is the way they are. They will never change. You might as well ask cancer to change.
What pisses me off the most is that the Jews have pretty much high jacked American foreign policy. Krauthammer is another Zionist neocon who seeks to transform the U.S. into the United States of Israel. That America has allowed itself to become Israel’s hit man and apologist has been a disaster for America. I understand how someone like James von Brunn can hate the Jews. And by the way, what are those Holocaust museums anyway that so many thousands of people visit each year? Their job is to create sympathy for Jews who are hated because of what they have done in the Middle East and in America. At these museums the Jews drag out their dead and say “Oh look at how we have suffered. We are nothing more than poor victims of irrational hatred.” Bullshit!
And why is attendance so high at the Holocaust museums? Because American students are forced to visit them. Forced busing is what it turns out to be. And if any parent objects he or she is labeled an anti-Semite. It’s a snake oil medicine show selling sympathy for the Jews in the guise of objective history. And I don’t deny the Holocaust. It happened. Bad shit happens all the time, but the Jews didn’t mind being the source of bad shit happening to the Palestinians. Did you notice when Obama went to pay his respects to the American soldiers who fought at Normandy that the Jews had to get into the act. Ol’ Eli Weasel pulling out his hair, gnashing his teeth, weeping over his poor pa who died in the camps—“Woe is me and my poor people.” Fuck him. (And by the way I read his book Night. I also read The Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sajer. Does the Weasel think the Jews were the only ones who suffered in the war? Actually more Germans than Jews died in the war. And what about the solders who died fighting to liberate the Jews who did nothing to liberate themselves? They were too busy getting rich in Germany. Does the Weasel think his daddy suffered any more than a soldier who fought for years during the war, only to die liberating his pathetic people? Yeah, the Jews lost six million during the war they didn’t fight, but the Russians lost almost 24 million. But of course, it wasn’t a Russian who died on the cross but a Jew. And the Russians were communists. That has been the Jews big claim to fame—the man on the cross.
It not just what they have done to American foreign policy and America’s reputation. They are the inspires of greed that has driven America into the economic dirt. Have you already forgotten Bernard Madoff? And look at Jewish run Hollywood. It’s nothing more than a mill for Holocaust propaganda films, pornography, multicultural propaganda and films that celebrate crudity such as Jew Judd Aptow’s 40 Year Old Virgin. The two faces that best express Judaism are those of Bernie Madoff and Sacha Noam Baron Cohen of Borat fame. Check him out on the cover of GQ. If you suffered through his Borat, you will understand the mocking arrogance of the Jew. Cohen alone gives justification for hating all Jews because embodies the arrogance of all Jews.
Have you noticed that any young woman wanting to be an actress in Hollywood comes out a slut. A slut, in this case, is a woman who sells her body in a sexual way. The movie The Reader illustrates both, in which Kate Winslet, who is married to a Jew (who fucking hates America—check out his American Beauty), is at her slutty best. Let’s feel sorry for those poor Hebrews killed by Hitler is the theme of the movie, because the Jews are such nice people who would never think about do that to anyone. Yeah right like their kindness toward the Palestinians who homeland they stole--twice! The Jews in Hollywood keep rubbing the Germans’ face in the Holocaust shit that I think most Germans wouldn’t mind having another go at the Final Solution. I mean Hitler did Europe a big favor driving the Jews out of Europe. Most of them went to either Palestine or the U.S. and look at the shape those two countries are in because of them. Check out the movie Under the Bombs to see what the Jews are really all about.
Hollywood has become America’s cultural toilet but it is also used by Jews to brainwash Americans into accepting the Jewish multicultural agenda: the castration of white America. (And big name American actors who play in such movies (like Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, etc. are American traitors.) Of course, they don’t have to live in the barrios but in some fucking affluent gated community.
I am not a skinhead or a white supremacist. I see how stupid my own people are. Too many of them are fat, unmotivated, and illiterate, and I often wonder why I just don’t say fuck it. Maybe when the old American generation is finally gone things will get better, but I don’t so. I think what is in America’s future is a demographic war—the FOREVER WAR.
And now the Zionist operatives are whispering in Obama’s, telling him to condemn the Jew hating leaders of Iran. If the streets run red with blood. That’s fine, as long as another enemy of Israel is crippled.