“People sometimes ask Mike Neil if he ever thinks about the Vietnam War. ‘Every day,’ says Neil, a retired Marine brigadier general. It's not just the combat, the night ambushes and hours-long firefights in the jungles and rice paddies near Da Nang. It's not the Navy Cross he earned for taking out an enemy machine-gun nest.”Notice that the Vietnamese were the enemy. And of course there were the “ambushes and hours-long firefights,” but the truth is Americans didn’t belong in Vietnam. The French were there before us and they didn’t belong there either. But we always have an excuse, like we do for being in Iraq killing Iraqis. This is just another feel-good piece of American press propaganda. America has become an Israeli-like monstrosity that can talk about nothing but war and soldiers in a failed attempt to refurbish it tarnished reputation.
Oh yeah, Neil also wanted “to find GTO... a boy befriended by Neil's platoon. He was 11, the ringleader of a group of children who wandered over regularly from their village to a nearby bridge the Marines were guarding. His father was the village barber.”
“Befriended”?! Give me a fucking break. America probably killed his extended family with napalm or Agent Orange or carpet bombing. “Befriended!” We were the enemy. I love the twisted way America thinks. Because of some twisted ideology—religious or otherwise—we believe we have the right to invade a country and slaughter its inhabitants.
“Neil bought GTO his first shoes, a pair of black leather lace-ups.” Isn’t that touching! Maybe the brave American soldiers in Nevada who are blowing up Afghani villages with missiles from drones will visit the limbless children in 40 years, bring with them prostheses. Until then perhaps the drones can drop chewing gum and chocolate bars as they fire off into the night their village vaporizing missiles? I think it would help the morale of the children if they could chew some Wrigley’s while they crawl to the funerals of parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends, acquaintances, etc.
God war is wonderful and America is so good at it! And what about the 2 million Vietnamese killed during the war? Does GTO’s pair of shoes make up for them and for the millions of injured and homeless? Not exactly, but they make us feel better about the death and destruction. Besides, most of THAT BLOODY MESS was collateral damage, so doesn't count.
Like Sen. McCain, Mike Neil believes that America should have stayed in Vietnam and kept on killing gooks—you know destroy the village to save it philosophy, like the one now be applied to Afghanistan and Iraq. America should have taken Gen. Curtis Lemay's advice and just nuked the gooks. Lemay said, “All war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier.” Thank God that America only has good soldiers under its command.
Neil also says, “We left a lot of good Vietnamese people on their own,” meaning I suppose that we should have allowed the entire population of South Vietnam into America instead of tens of thousands (today there are one and a half million in the U.S.).
The fact is men like McCain, Neil, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush are warmongers at heart and use delusional thinking to justify the slaughter they engage in. America suffers from a kind of warmongering psychosis. That has been our entire approach to solving the world’s problems. Remember the Marshall Plan? That wasn’t a bad idea, but why is it all the building we do today is in response to destruction we help cause? Of course, the Marshall Plan wasn’t unselfishly motivated. America wanted a strong Western Europe as a buffer to the Russian communists. But the creative part of the solution receded from sight and what took over were FEAR OF COMMUNISM, CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS FANATICISM, GREEDY CAPITALISM, and BULLYING MILITARISM.
The FEAR OF COMMUNISM is rooted in America’s Puritanism—the fear that you find in the works of Nathanial Hawthorne—that communism is the tool of the devil. And our Islamic-like CHRISTIAN RELILGIOUS FANATICISM got us to hook our wagon to the inglorious fate of Israel—not the other way around, believe me. Israel has been leading America by the nose, and now it’s all bloody. Christian fanaticism has always been the great motivator or justifier of America’s foreign policy, just as it was when Americans destroyed the Native American nations and confiscated their land. (Am I the only one who has read Drinnon's Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building? I forgot that Americans’ prefer watching American Idol and NASCAR and cleaning their guns.) You should have noticed by now that faith and war dominate the American mind, beautifully so during the Bush administration (Texas can be proud). And let’s not forget that George Bush was reelected after he illegally and immorally invaded Iraq. See, Americans really do enjoy being self-righteous bullies.
It would appear ironic that CAPITALISTIC GREED has always been a great foreign policy motivator in Christian America. Americans have somehow found a way (actually justified by the Puritans) to be both RICH and HOLY and feel good about it. The idea did not originate with Jesus (a Christian) but with the Jews who in their Bible, the Old Testament, equate WEALTH with HOLINESS. Remember the Book of Job? If you are reading this, you probably do, but most Americans don’t because they don’t read. To be fair to the Jews, Christian nations have always ignored Jesus condemnation of the pursuit of wealth and used Christianity as a justification for stealing the homelands of nonChristians (once again an idea taught in the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament). It really is odd that Jesus’ name would be used to justify behavior so contrary to his teachings.
That’s what happens when lawyers and politicians get religion. They twist it into a tool of exploitation and domination. At least the conquerors of old, such as the Persians, Greeks, and Romans, didn't make excuses. They did what they did because they could. That's the drawback to Christianity: it gives you a guilty conscience. And like the Jews, Americans’ appetite for stuff and wealth is limitless. Our houses and cars can’t be big enough. And the Jews want all of Palestine or at least the best parts. The Palestinians can live on desolate reservations like the American Indians do.
And finally there is the celebration of MILITARISTIC BULLYING. Everyone knows that the biggest kid in the class is always the bully. America has the biggest guns so it bullies. When there is a crisis the French send in DOCTORS WITOUT BORDERS, and America sends in GUNSHIPS. Of course, even bullies know that it’s better not to pick on the other big guys in the class, so America leaves China and Russia alone and bullies countries like Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and Afghanistan. Beside it’s no fun having all those weapons and not using them once in a while. I just know the military can’t wait to take out North Korea and Iran. Nuke them for the Duke. Remember Gen. Curtis Lemay’s wanting to nuke Cuba and we offered to give France the weapons to nuke North Vietnam (see “Vietnam War,” Wikipedia).
You know I’ve always wondered about how conservatives can condemn socialism and praise the military-industrial complex. America’s trillion-dollar-a-year military is a form of socialism, pure and simple. One could even argue that the military culture is a modified form of communism. And by the way, isn’t their medical care system a form of socialized medicine?
And just look at America’s today: a capitalistic meltdown because we got too greedy, fighting two wars, and along with Israel the most unpopular bad guy on the international block. The two swear words in the international vocabulary are ISRAEL and AMERICA. But we don’t care. That’s the nice thing about being an American—or a Jew—you don’t have to give shit what people think about you because God loves you.
Getting back to the feel-good story about Mike Neil and GTO—it seems that GTO is doing pretty well in communist Vietnam because we are told “He has his own career in the Vietnamese government.” Of course Vietnam under the communists is really a living hell, though it seems to be a living hell that attracts a lot of tourists:
“Vietnam's number of visitors for tourism and vacation has increased steadily over the past ten years. About 3.56 million international guests visited Vietnam in 2006, an increase of 3.7% from 2005. The country is investing capital into the coastal regions that are already popular for their beaches and boat tours. Hotel staff and tourism guides in these regions speak a good amount of English.” (“Vietnam,” Wikipedia).
Of course, GTO can’t be doing as well as Americans are in their capitalistic paradise. And I'm surprised that Neil, a former enemy of Vietnam with Vietnamese blood on his hands along with a bunch of other Vietnam vets, were allowed into the country by its dirty communist government. I bet it's a lot harder for Vietnamese to visit the U.S., as it should be because they tend to move in with relatives once they're here. It’s called CHAIN MIGRATION. And why would they do that? Well of course, anyone from a third-world slumdog nation would want to move to America, especially when the American taxpayer will pick up the tab for their health care, education, etc. And really because of the Vietnam War coming to America is not like leaving home at all for the Vietnamese. They can just move to one of the many LITTLE SAIGONS scattered about our alien infested nation.
That’s right, I am not a big fan of aliens invading America for whatever reason because, for example, the Vietnamese here still have a homeland that they can visit anytime they like. But Americans are surrendering their homeland to aliens like the Vietnamese. I think the Vietnamese are a terrific people who should have been left alone and even helped economically. BUT I DON’T WANT TO LIVE IN A LITTLE SAIGON! I WANT TO LIVE ON MAINSTREET AMERICA. But now Little Kabuls and Little Baghdads will be popping up like mushrooms across the country. It seems lately every war America fights it ends up losing pieces of America. And ironically it doesn’t even bother to fight the millions of Hispanic invaders who have taken over hundreds of American cities and turned them into crime zones.
Take San Jose, California, for example. Over sixty percent of the population is Hispanic and Asian. It’s no longer an American community but an alien enclave. At least the Vietnamese still have a country of their own and are willing to fight and die to preserve it. America does just the opposite. It invades other nations rather than protect itself against invasion. The result will be that Americans will become less, not more patriotic. Patriotism is rooted in a cultural identity, which America has lost. That’s why the U.S. military has to work so hard to get volunteers (and it’s lucky that there is a recession going on).
Why would any American want to fight on the behalf of Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, and Africans who have been invading this country during the past 50 years? The battlefield for Americans is now here at home because they have to compete with the aliens for jobs and education. For example, at San Jose State University there are 15,000 Hispanic and Asian students and 8000 American students. It’s no longer one for all and all for one in America, but survival of the fittest. The Asians are smarter and the Hispanics will work for less. The biggest employers in the country, federal and state governments, prefer hiring aliens to hiring Americans. In the age of multiculturalism, doing so has become mandated. So it looks like the Americans are losing the demographic war at home. The corporations that make the products we buy are alien, and the workers who build the produces our corporations sell (such as Nike shoes) are aliens as well. Why is that? Because the U.S. Government and the American people suffered a lobotomy some time after W.W. II.
So quit the excuse making Mike and just accept that you participated in Vietnam's American-made Holocaust. Vietnam would be in a lot better shape if America had help them develop their nation—communist or otherwise—instead of destroying it for 16 years. (And America would have been more American if the Vietnamese here had stayed home.) Isn’t it interesting that conservatives believe that communism is always doomed to fail—as I believe it is—but also believe that America’s participation in that failure is required? Just look at China. The Chinese communist finally realized that a communistic economy doesn’t work, so they adopted a capitalistic economy.
Oh I forgot, we are really interested in freeing people from dictatorships—so why don’t we stop doing business with China and stop selling China our debt, you know, use our noble and effective Cuban policy against China? And what about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and all the other dictatorships that we don’t seem to have a problem doing business with? And as it turns out we are not even happy with democracy when it goes against our interests, such as in the most recent elections in Iran and in 2009 election in Lebanon when The Amal-Hezbollah alliance won 35 seats in the legislature—with the help of that other bully, Israel. Any enemy of Israel is my friend kind of philosophy because Israel has proven itself to be a warmongering cancer that has become the greatest obstacle to global peace, in part because it has—via the Jews living in America—taken control of America's foreign policy.
And you might recall the democratically elected Salvador Allende who “served as the President of Chile... until the U.S. backed September 11, 1973 coup d'etat that ended his democratically elected Popular Unity government [and his life]. He was a physician and the first democratically elected Marxist socialist to become president of a state in the Americas.” Kissinger told Nixon "we helped them...created the conditions as great as possible" (referring to the coup itself). (“Salvador Allende,” Wikipedia)
The answer is that a bully doesn’t pick on bullies like himself but on little guys. However, as it turns out, those little guys, like the Afghani, Iraqi, and the Vietnamese warriors who without planes, missile, helicopters, tanks, etc. are sometimes capable of standing up to the bully when their homeland is at stake.
So give it up Mike. You fought on the side of the bad guys. Most Vietnam vets have the excuse that they didn't have much choice: it was either serve in the military or serve time in jail. That’s a valid excuse for having been involved. Use it. But I forgot, you can’t because you joined up because you saw an anti-war movie that showed footage of a Marine helicopter getting shot down. It showed the pilot exiting the wreckage and the Viet Cong shooting him. The moviegoers cheered and clapped and that made you mad so you joined the Marines. In other words, Mike, you went to kill Vietnamese who were fighting the American invaders they hated because they were killing them with helicopter gunships they, the Vietnamese, didn’t have. You never considered that maybe the young audience was angry because their lives had been put on hold because their stupid fucking government decided it wanted to beat up on some little country over a lot of ideological cold-war nonsense. If you ever read any history, you know that getting involved in stupid wars is what governments have done forever, and it’s always the people who suffer. And by the way, it's the invaders who are usually he bad guys, not the defenders.
The Vietnam War wasn’t a war to protect America no more than the Iraq War is, or even the war in Afghanistan at this point. It’s about fucking pride, showing off to the rest of the world. As it turns out Mike joined up mostly because he hated the Americans who hated the war. I wonder if Mike ever asked himself whether or not the Vietnamese had the right to fight the American military who had invaded their country, just as they fought the French and Japanese before the Americans? That’s right. The Vietnamese fought on the side of the Americans during W.W. II. The freedom fighters then were called Viet Minh—"League for the Independence of Vietnam." I think if Mike had lived in the 18th or 19th century he would have been an Indian killer.
The truth of the matter is that arguing that the Vietnam War was a good thing is just bullshit. It was EVIL. And maybe GTO will forgive Mike if he brought him another pair of shoes, a pair of Nikes made in a Vietnamese sweatshop by a child for $1.60 a day, maybe by GTO’s own kids. See American capitalism has arrived in Vietnam. : - ) (http://www.irregulartimes.com/nike.html)
It won’t be as easy for Iraq War vets to excuse their behavior because the draft is no more. They volunteered to be the implementors of American-made mayhem that has destroyed Iraq and killed thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children.
Let’s take one more look at the numbers. (Most of the data below comes from Wikipedia.)
Wars ------------ Killed ------ Length
W.W. II -------- 318,274 --- 3 ¾ years
Vietnam --------- 58,184- --- 9 ½ years
Desert Storm --- 190 ------- 3 months
Iraq -------------- 4314 ----- 6 1/3 years
Why so many American soldiers killed in W.W. II, a war much shorter than the Vietnam and Iraq wars? Because America was fighting a real enemy with a real military—ships, planes, tanks, etc. In Vietnam Americans fought an enemy, not a military (which requires ships, planes, tanks, etc.). How did the enemy kill so many American soldiers? The jungle helped, but so did a lot of self-sacrifice—over a million enemy soldiers ended up dead or missing. One could argue that the Vietnam War was America’s war of mechanized slaughter.
Desert Storm wasn’t war at all but just slaughter. In just a few days 20,000 to 200,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed. Many were buried alive by American earth-moving equipment and Saddam Hussein wasn’t really interested in keeping track of how many of his soldiers died (it might have suggested he lost the war), thus the wide range of the estimation. The Iraq military was a real military but totally out matched by America’s sophisticated weapon systems. It was like shooting fish (especially the tanks) in a barrel. Still, was the slaughter justified? Yes. Hussein invaded Kuwait and his people paid a terrible price. Like George W. Bush Hussein was a vain, stupid man, and Bush’s invasion of Iraq was just as evil as Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, but the outcome was the same: the Iraqi people paid the price.
The Iraq War is going on its 7th year and yet America has lost only 4314 troops (more by tomorrow), but “Iraqi Violent Deaths,” civilians and fighters combined, is estimated to be over a million. The Iraq War should be called Operation Iraqi Slaughter. America isn’t fight a military but a bunch of freedom fighters (they may also be Islamic assholes, but they are fighting to free Iraq of American domination) armed with AK-47s, RPG, and IEDs (improvised explosive devices)—against tanks, helicopter, guns ships, jet fighters, cruise missiles, satellites, etc., THE LARGEST MILITARY THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. Check out the June 22 Time magazine. It provides a chart for military spending. America’s defense budget for 2008 was 607 billion dollars, seven times more than number 2, China, and more than the rest of the world combined. That is what the Iraqi freedom fighters have been up against.
So it seems that America has made heroes of the little Arab Davids who stand up and die against TERMINATOR AMERICA. The wars that America has been engaging in since Vietnam have been wars of slaughter. That's why along with the word Israel, America has become an obscenity. You know when you think of really bad guys, it’s the Germans who always come up. But the Germans did two types of killing. The first was in combat, and you have to give them credit. They took on real militaries. The Germans lost almost 6 million soldiers killed. The second was slaughter. The Germans used its military to systematically slaughter millions of civilians. The key similarity here is that those civilians had little more chance against the German military than Vietnamese, Afghani, and Iraqi fighters did and do against the American military machine. In both cases it’s slaughter. And one could even argue that the resistant fighters who fought the German forces that had invaded their countries are very much like the Viet Cong, Taliban, and Iraqi fighters who fought and are still fighting in the latter two cases the American military which invaded their countries. America has killed over 50,000 people in Afghanistan. How many Afghani people must die before America’s blood lust for the 3000 Americans killed on September 11, 2001, is satisfied? My point is that along with Israel, America has become a 4rd Reich.
What about the Russian’s invasion of Georgia? At least Russia had the somewhat reasonable excuse rescuing thousands of Russians living there. How many Americans were being threatened in Iraq when George the Conqueror decided to invade Iraq?
Hey, what we need is a feel-good story about the American military in Iraq. Try today’s San Diego Union-Tribune story “Married Army Captains both in Iraq.” It’s quite heartwarming to know that American couples are getting involved in the killing. We are told that the wife will outrank her husband. Isn’t that something. And in the photo you see she’s wearing a pistol—a regular pistol-packing-mama. She’ll teach those Iraqi rag heads that you can’t push around American women.
Yet there is sadness: “All told, they've been together for two of their five years of marriage.” Then again it’s not so bad, just consider the “Hundreds of thousands of widows are becoming the silent tragedy of a country sliding deeper into chaos by the day.” (Google “IRAQ: Widows Become the Silent Tragedy.”) And just to think that American soldiers like Nathan and Jennifer made that possible. That has to warms heart of any patriotic American.
You might want to check out the 2006 article “655,000 Iraqis Have Died in War, Says Lancet.” (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article668840.ece) This isn’t really bad news. Let’s face it, if you hate Arabs, then it’s good news. And think of how many more have died since 2006! : - )