Yes sir Yessiree we did. We freed Iraq from the tyrant. Of course, the reason given for invading Iraq was to protect the U.S., but when that turned out to be a Republican hoax, we made the best of a bad situation by changing the operation from capturing Weapons of Mass Destruction to operation Iraqi Freedom, or something like that.
So it will cost America over 4000 lives and only god knows how many physically and mentally wounded. Yet a small price to get rid of Saddam Hussein—you remember him, don’t you? And the cost—two or three trillions dollars in the long term, but who’s counting pennies when the Iraqi people are so grateful to us—or if not them at least the Israelis and all he Jewish neocons in the U.S. who were the ones who wanted the war in the first place.
To show their appreciation today the Iraqis killed four American soldiers and shouted good riddance to the colonizers. What! The great victory for the Iraqi people is not getting rid of Hussein but getting rid of the Americans. In other words, the liberated Iraqis hate our guts!
Of course Dick Cheney believes that American soldiers should remain in Iraqi and just keep killin’ the sons of bitches until we run out of bullets. But doesn’t he realized that Americans back home are in a Depression caused in part by him and the other Republicans who believe it’s okay to fuck the American people as long as the fat cats can get fatter, such as the war profiteers and our Jewish friends, like Bernie Madoff.
And then there are the millions of Hispanic invaders now occupying thousands of cities across America and soon will invade the U.S. Supreme Court. So what about saving America for Americans? “Cut out your whining” is the U.S. Government’s response.
But what about the boys who died in Iraq? What did they die for? Could it be that they died for nothing, nada, zip—just so the Iraqis to thumb their noses at them for being stupid enough to allow themselves to be cannon fodder on the behalf of Israel and the American Military-Industrial Complex?
It looks that way. So what is the conclusion to all the shit that’s been goin’ on? Well, America is broke and invaded and can expect everything to get a lot worse.
One more conclusion. The three greatest disasters in American history caused by Americans themselves are the CIVIL WAR, the GREAT DEPRESSION, and GEORGE W. BUSH & CO.
And the next disaster? It’s already here: Barack Obama.