Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saudi Arabia and U.S. Hypocrisy

I don’t even want to deal with this shit. The U.S. Government has become totally diseased. First of all let me say FUCK Saudi King Abdullah. Has the U.S. Government overlooked that he and his family are a bunch of fucking tyrants that run Saudi Arabia as their own private fiefdom. The country isn’t a democracy but our government considers the Saudis as our friends. Of course, Hussein was once our friend, as well as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda when they were fighting the Soviets.

U.S. foreign policy is totally amoral and self-serving. The Feds say they are fighting the good fight for freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of our efforts Iraq ranks 3rd among the most dangerous countries in the world and Afghanistan about fifteen. That’s the hell we’ve turned those countries into. And the world isn’t at all more peaceful. The recent issue of Time magazine says there were 423 terrorist attacks in 2000 and 10,999 in 2009. Good job, America.

By the way, Mexico ranks high on the list and is now flooding the U.S. with criminals while the U.S. has been fighting terrorists who are basically no threat to us, and were much less before those two wars and our importation of Muslims into this country. Fucking idiots.

So the potentate Abdullah tells us that we should attack Iran. What does the tyrant fear, that some Iranian trained Saudi revolutionaries might overthrow his family’s dictatorship?

Or is this all hyped up because the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex wants another war to stimulate America’s war economy—even though it’s killing America. The same issue of Time magazine says that in 2001 the U.S. military budget was 316 billion dollars. Today it’s 693 billion dollars. Osama bin Laden has done to us what Reagan did to the Soviets. He drove them into bankruptcy. And Osama no longer has to do anything more except sit back and enjoy the show now that America is in automatic self-destruct mode.

The fact is Iran doesn’t plan to use nuclear weapons on anyone because if it does it knows it will be toast. The Iranian government knows that the only protection it has from the U.S. government is nuclear weapons. The Vietnam and Iraq Wars have proven that. Nuclear weapons are the only thing that protects North Korea from the U.S. attacks.

America’s ambitions are Rome-like. The Zionist neocons and corporate militarists want America to dominate the world with its immense military presence. However, at least Rome could tax the nations it dominated. America just keeps going broke.

The moral hypocrisy here is that America has slaughtered millions of people during its wars against Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq and devastated the nations. America has morphed into War, Inc. Americans love war. It’s become reality TV for them since it really doesn’t affect them. The U.S. homeland is safe (the 9-11 attacks were hardly a threat to the nation) and U.S. soldiers are volunteers. They love war. Most of them have been raised on video games. (Actually if you could look into the mind of the U.S. Government but especially the Pentagon, what you would see would look very much like a Call of Duty game such as Black Ops, i.e., totally twisted.) The moral point is that Iran has done very little harm to other nations compared to the mayhem caused by the U.S. Besides, the U.S. was directly involved in the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government:

“The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, on August 19, 1953 (known as the 28 Mordad coup in Iran), was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States.[1][2] The coup launched 25 years of dictatorship under Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, who relied heavily on U.S. support to hold on to power until the Shah himself was overthrown in February 1979.” (“1953 Iranian coup d'état,” Wikipedia)
In addition, the U.S. supported Hussein’s war against Iran, which Hussein started (as he did against Quawait).

Of course dumb ass Americans don’t know this because they don’t read. And it’s no wonder Wikipedia’s founder Jimmy Wales can’t raise money because the plutocrats are more interest in profit and power than in the truth. And thank god for Wikileaks given that decades before the the U.S. Government declared war on terror it had declared war on the truth.

Finally, if our goal is to bring democracy to all the nations of the world, then why do we befriend the leaders of such nations as Saudi Arabia and Egypt (having basically a one-party democracy but getting tons of U.S. foreign aid)? The answer is we really don’t give a shit about democracy. It’s control that America is all about. Countries that resist U.S. influence are the bad guys. America and Israel are working together for world domination. It is some sort of bizarre religious-economic quest, an alliance of evangelical, Zionists-loving, the world is coming to an end Christians and the U.S. plutocracy which is now dependent upon the Military-Industrial Complex for its revenues since America has become a second-rate competitor in the global economy.

In other words, since America has become a bench-warmer in the Capitalism game, the Military-Industrial Complex (paid for by U.S. taxpayers whether they like it or not, thus a socialistic enterprise) has become America's most lucrative and dependable source of revenue. (The Pentagon is the nation's single largest employer.) So the nation of peace has become War, Inc., with a defense budget larger than all the other defense budgets of the world combined. (The Pentagon spends over $50 billion on military heath care, compared to Russia's $61 billion total defense budget).

Why is it that America should feel more threatened than any other nation in the world? The answer is the threat is a government created condition of perpetual war (as in the novel 1984) to keep America on an unending war-footing status profitable to the fatcats who run America's war industries.

And by the way, it was Saudis, not Iranians or Iraqis or Afghans who pulled off the attacks on 9-11.

And on behalf of Willie Nelson and Wesley Snipes my message to those running and ruining this country is the same as it is for that fucking dictatorial clown wearing a Groucho Marx mustache and dressed in a nightgown, Saudi King Abdullah: FUCK YOU Texas and FUCK YOU IRS!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Each Thanksgiving There’s Less To Be Thankful For

When I say each thanksgiving there’s less to be thankful for, of course I’m speaking of Americans. The alien invaders have a lot to be thankful for, being about to take over the country Americans built.

When did this decline begin? I would say about the time Ronald Reagan became president is when America began to have less to be thankful for at Thanksgiving. I say this because Reagan signed the first illegal-alien amnesty bill. He also escalated defense spending to such an extent that the military-industrial complex became the single most potent economic driver of the U.S. economy. Finally, Reagan established in the American mind that America would be the world’s military policeman forever. Of course, Reagan doesn’t deserve all the blame. It can be shared by all the politicians that have been leading America down the downward path since the end of World War Two.

However, my thesis is that each year from now on Americans will have less to be thankful for. And I will illustrate my thesis by looking at some of the stories in the Nov. 21, Sunday Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune. Let’s look at the front page.

(1) “Terror Arrests Jolt Somalis Amid Celebration”

What are they celebrating in San Diego? Eid al-Adha, the end of the annual five-day pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. That’s right, along with the Hispanic Nation there is growing in America an Islamic Nation, which is totally alien to America. We might as well have Martians in San Diego celebrating some Martian deity. Each year a small part of America disappears into the ever expanding alien swamp. Who helped bring these people here? Jewish Family Services. As you should know, the Jews want America to become Alienerica as soon as possible because then the Jews will have gained a strangle hold upon every aspect of American society. The Jews have the brains. What they lack are the votes. The immigrants will give them that. Of course, the Jews don’t care if the old America disappears because they don’t really give a shit about America except as a source of revenue and protection for Israel.

Of course with the aliens (especially the Hispanics and Muslims) comes trouble. You see in the past 3 months five local Somalis, including Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed (that’s his name I shit you not), the imam (spiritual leader) of City Heights have been accursed of terror-related crimes. SUPRISE SUPRISE! Of course the “authorities” says the Somali population is as patriotic as a Fourth of July parade. Let’s just call that multicultural propaganda bullshit. I’ll let you read the article and look at the photos. But I will tell you one thing; these people have NOTHING to do with America. They are invaders who do not belong here, but have been brought here by other invaders and leftist organizations and politicians to live off the American taxpayer as they takeover his homeland.

Isn’t multiculturalism a beautiful thing? Take a look:


It’s like we don’t have enough trouble with our own AFRICAN-Americans that we have to import more! For example:

(2) “9 Pounds of Highly Explosive Material Found”

“NORTH COUNTY — What began as an investigation into a minor blast that injured a gardener in North County has led to the discovery of more than nine pounds of a highly explosive, homemade compound that has been used in terrorist plots and by suicide bombers worldwide.”

“Authorities have identified the renter of the property, George Djura Jakubec, 54, as the person who manufactured the explosive.”

Items indicating America is finished. First, the gardener is Hispanic (of course). Second, the Deputy District Attorney is Terri Perez, working at one of those jobs Americans don’t want. Third, there is no way George Djura Jakubec is American. But apparently he not only makes bombs but robs banks. Fourth, the area where all this occurred is Escondido. Escondido has now been declared a barrio since there are more Hispanics living there than Americans. What do Hispanics bring to the community? Gangs:

Just to show you how bad things have gotten alien-wise all you have to do is go back a few days to the November 16, edition of the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune—the B section, which is the loco new, on look at the front page articles.

“Donors Respond to Motorcycle Crash”

5 people killed in a motorcycle crash. This is what happened:

The first guy who caused the accident was driving at high speed toward Mexico when he passed the motorcyclists causing a second driver, CARLOS RAMIREZ BOBADILLA, 36, of Mexicali, Mexico to run into the riders. It will be interesting to see who the killer was.

“TV Event Puts San Diego in Immigration Spotlight”

This was a big celebration of the Hispanic overthrow of America. It was attended by Latino insurgents and gringo collaborators. And it took place at the Catholic university—which makes sense because the Catholic Church is all about providing sanctuary to illegals—especially the uneducated ones who haven’t read about the games the priests like to play with the kiddies.

“SAN DIEGO — Prominent Hispanic ACTIVISTS, academics and journalists took center stage Monday in the national immigration debate during a two-hour town-hall forum broadcast live on MSNBC from the University of San Diego.”

The photo shows that these people were having a jolly ol time celebrating the HISPANIC OVERTHROW OF AMERICA by invading criminals and their anchor babies. There was a Texas sheriff present, Adrian Garcia, looking like a Mexican generalissimo. As you know Texas has finally lost the Mexican-American War since the gringos are now a minority in that state. The new rallying cry in Texas is FORGET THE ALAMO!

Garcia became the first Hispanic sheriff in Harris County history in 2008. The son of Mexican immigrants, Garcia defeated Tommy Thomas in 2008, who had been the sheriff for 14 years. I wonder why? Demographics. Why do you think the country is now being run by the man from Kenya? Garcia had also worked in an Anti-Gang Office in Houston and was named director the anti-gang effort. Again, I wonder why? Maybe because the gangbangers are mostly Latino and it's essential to speaka the language. It’s interesting how the Hispanics import problems and then need to be hired to deal with them. And is sheriff one of those jobs gringos don’t want? Someone forgot to tell Tommy.

“Film actress Rosario Dawson, a vocal opponent of Arizona’s recent immigration-enforcement law, added star-power to the lineup.” In other words, she a vocal opponent of Americans defending their borders from the criminals who are invading the country.

“Prosecutors: Woman Aided Terror Group in Somalia”

Yeah, those wonderful San Diego Somalis are back in the news.

“Nima Ali Yusuf, 24, was indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday on charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide material support to al-Shabaab and lying to a government agency investigating a terrorist matter.”

“Yusuf is the fourth Somali native living in San Diego to be charged this month with aiding al-Shabaab, a militia that has links to al-Qaeda. The group wants to establish an Islamic state in that war-torn country.”

“About 10,000 Somalis live in San Diego, mostly in the City Heights neighborhood, making it the second largest Somali community in the United States, behind Minnesota’s Twin Cities.”

Deegusting I’d say. And why would I, an American, be thrilled having to live with the people who possess NO qualities that I find appealing. Oh but they’re HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE YOU. I don’t give a shit. They are not my people. I don’t want to be around them any more than I’d want to be around the people who live in the refugee camp in District 9:

Welcome to LA, or South Africa. At least the aliens in the movie want to go home. The problem with the aliens that come to America illegally is that they won’t go home and our government will protect them. They’re like the aliens in the movies Aliens. Once they are on-board you wish they’d go home but it’s too late. Maybe we should take a look at good ol Somaliland:

By the way:

“Mogadishu SOMALIA – It’s really hard to find statistical information on this city, but I know I’ve seen it on then top of many lists. Even with no data to report on this city, the governments warning to travel here is extremely high. Mogadishu has one of the highest terrorist populations in the world. There is an ongoing civil war going on in Somalia’s capital, which poses a huge risk to anyone travelling there. Hundreds of people are wounded everyday in Mogadishu’s empty streets. No one knows how many people are actually killed there, but the numbers would be outrageous. Looting, Prowling, kidnapping, gunfire, etc... makes Mogadishu one of the top 3 most dangerous cities.

Capetown SOUTH AFRICA – Murder and robbery stats have been very high for many years in Capetown. In one year they had 71,500 sexual offenses, 18,400 burglaries and 13,900 business robberies. There are approximately 50 murders a day in South Africa, and more than 1/2 of those murders are in Capetown. The city is in a huge recession making robberies very common. Capetown is in a great state of poverty, making crime a part of the peoples everyday life. Going out at night is not advised."

And what does our government do? Brings those people over here turning our communities into hellholes like Mogadishu, Somalia, in addition to Caracas, Venezuela, and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico (ranked 1st and 2nd), origins of many of our immigrants. And why do we think that they will behave better once they come to America, built by the people they hate?

(3) “Neighbors Sound Off over Basing F-35 Jets at Miramar”

“In a city proud of its long history of naval aviation, the roar of the F-35 proposals struck some as ‘the sound of freedom.’”

Freedom? How about occupation? Freedom is just a bullshit term used by the military-industrial complex to keep the idiotic American public behind America’s biggest industry—WAR, INC. Like who was going to take away our freedom? Hussein his gang? The Talban? Al-Qaeda? Iran? Give me a fucking break. How would they do that? Even Russia and China are interested in taking away our freedom. And how would they do that anyway?

If you haven’t notice, Americans, you are losing your country to the aliens, who are protected by their arm forces, which used to protect us. It’s not the loss of freedom Americans should be worried about but the loss of their country. Well also the financial meltdown. China is burying us in debt, beating us at the capitalism game. We have tens of millions of people unemployed, millions who have lost their homes, a private and public sector buried in debt. Check this out:

It’s a spoof but right on. What the Republicans don’t want to you think about is the amount of money being spent on the military. Take a look:

So America spends $663,255,000,000 on its defense, 6 times as much as China, 10 times as much as Russia. Interestingly broke Britain is in 3rd place. The only reason for this discrepancy is the military-industrial complex. Lots of people are getting very rich and millions are being employed by this complex. However, since it relies totally on tax dollars it is socialistic enterprise that is bleeding America to death. Seniors’ medical care may be reduced, but by god they’ll have Lightning II jets protecting them from sky-diving Taliban. What America is doing to itself is what Reagan did to the USSR, sent it to the poorhouse by causing it to overspend on its military.

Get this:

“The $380 BILLION Joint Strike Fighter under development by Lockheed Martin is the Pentagon’s costliest weapon program. It is also at least four years behind schedule and fighting for its life in Washington.”

Okay, $380 BILLION is what this fighter program is going to cost. But China (with the 2nd largest defense budget) is spending 98 billion for its total defense. Am I missing something here or is this FUCKING NUTS! So what is America’s financial future? Take a look:

2 to 4 million Vietnamese killed as a result of the American led Vietnam War. Most Americans don’t know that or don’t care. In fact, Americans care more about their pets than they do about the Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Afghans they’ve slaughtered—still are in Afghanistan, where America’s Kenyon war chief plans to keep U.S. forces until 2014, which doesn’t mean were really going to leave, not unless we can establish a permanent puppet government, a kind of drone government that we can control from the U.S.

Now the U.S. military is sending M1 Abram battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year war, a further escalation in the aggressive tactics that have been employed by American forces to attack the Taliban. Kind of reminds you of the Nazi Blitzkrieg into Poland, except the Poles were better equipped militarily than the Taliban and the Nazi tanks were nothing compared to the M1 Abram. Let’s take a look:

The M1 Abrams tanks:

God Americans love war, especially the video-game generation.

The Enemy:

Did you see the Taliban fighters with their AK-47s and RPG? Let’s try again:

There it is. The Taliban’s secret weapon is the war scream. And to think that our brave soldiers not only get to mock these guys but get to kill them, which isn’t all that easy because we are told by the U.S. media that they are well trained and prepared, and by the U.S. military that they are more powerful than ever. I believe it.

Maybe the alien overthrow of America is simply bad karma at work. Over and out from the U.S. Weapons Testing Area Afghanistan.

(4) “It’s Black Friday... Everyday”

This article is about Americans post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy. The article says, “This Black Friday promises to be more convenient for shoppers, with retailers offering deals anytime, anywhere their customers want through websites, smart phones and facebook.”

In other words, forget about

--city, states and the federal government being broke
--millions of Americans having lost their homes
--tens of millions having lost their jobs and now unemployed
--millions living on the streets
--two million living in prison
--the country’s fighting two wars considered to be crimes against humanity by world (though not by Americans and Jews, who have apparently lost their moral compass)
--the country’s economy collapsing probably before the last troops leave Afghanistan and Iraq
--America not being able to compete in the global marketplace because its only high quality products are weapons, bought mostly by Israel with U.S. Foreign Aid tax dollars
--communities, cities and towns being overrun by alien gangs
--and the country being overrun by aliens.

And forget that each year Americans grow poorer and smaller in number compared to the increasing number of aliens and more American communities become alien enclaves. Forget all the bad news about America’s demise by during a little Christmas shopping. Oh, I forgot. We don’t say CHRISTIAMAS SHOPPING because to do so would insult the Jews and those other invaders who worship Allah. It’s their land now. But forget that. Just go out and do a lot of holiday shopping. Maybe doing so will jump start our moribund economy. Just think of the captain of the Titanic telling the passengers to forget about the iceberg and visit the gift shop.

Ergo, each year for now on Americans will have less to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. My advice is throw out the turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie and start serving tacos, burritos, nachos, chalupas and perhaps some favorite dishes from Iraq, Somalia, China and the hundred plus nations now establish Global Refugee Camp America kept safe by our brave men and women in uniform.

And get yourself one of those Uncle Sam piñatas that have become so popular with the Hispanics. Fill it with food stamps and other goodies and beat the hell out of it. Of course, the Somalis would want to Black Hawk piñata, one with doll pilots that the kids could drag around and set on fire.

Speaking of fire, I got to go, my turkey enchiladas are burning. And happy Thanksgiving. That was a joke! ;) But it will be a lot happier for us than it will be in the future for America children and grandchildren. Though at least they can go shopping online so they won't have to venture out from the new Green Zone Communities created once America has gone completely alien.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day Hypocrisy

America is an insane nation. It is no less militaristic than Nazi Germany was. Its militarism is pure and simple SICK. Take today’s Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune. The front-page story is titled FIGHTING GETS INTENSE IN A KEY AFGHAN TOWN. And the photo shows Marines shooting their guns.

The Afghan War, obscenely called Operation Enduring Freedom, is a sham war. The media and U.S. Government would have you believe that America is in a real war, fighting a real enemy. Actually, America is in a killing spree fighting a sham enemy. After ten years America has lost just over 1,300 soldiers. Approximately 16 as many Afghan fighters and civilians have been killed, though who can know for sure when American bombs often leave nothing left of bodies except pieces of burnt flesh. And how often has the phrase SUSPECTED ENEMY has been used to describe the Afghans the U.S. kill?

Operation Enduring Freedom is a war of occupation. It has no purpose other than to create a society willing to accept America’s presence and influence. It is a war of colonialism. It has no other purpose. Democracy and freedom are simply slogan to justify the American occupation.

The enemy is the Taliban (there are less than a hundred al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), but these are simply Afghans fighting against an alien occupying force. Had they another name, they would still be called terrorists because they are fighting against the American occupation. I have read nothing to show that the Taliban were involved in the 9-11 attacks, or even had any knowledge of what Osama bin Laden was up to. And let’s not forget that the attacks were carried out because America would not remove its military forces from Saudi Arabia and because of its support of the Jewish occupier of Palestine.

And by the way, if America’s so interested in ENDURING FREEDOM then it should invade Saudi Arabia since its government and culture is not so different from that of Afghanistan. It’s hardly a democracy. And why does the dictatorship of Egypt receive the second largest amount of U.S. foreign aid after Israel. And why does Israel receive the lion’s share of U.S. foreign aid? Perhaps because Jews run the U.S. Government.

Both Iraq War and the Afghan War (after a year or two) are guilty of crimes against humanity. And the veterans of these wars have participated in this crime. Thus they are criminals. Of course, they, the government, and the media present them as brave soldiers fighting a dangerous war, when in fact the wars are hardly more dangerous than most extreme sports. American soldiers like to see themselves as something like the noble Spartans in the HALO REACH video game fighting against Covenant forces. Well American soldiers are equipped like the Halo Spartans but the enemy is more like the Native Americans carrying junky AK-47s and, APGs. Their most destructive weapon is homemade bombs, IEDs. Take a look at just a few o the weapons U.S. Soldiers use against the Taliban:

The truth of the matter is that the Taliban has no military—no tanks, planes, ships, artillery, armor transport vehicles, etc. They don’t even have advanced firearms. And they certainly don’t have satellites or predator drones. What American soldiers are doing is obscene. The world knows and millions of thinking Americans know it. The soldiers don’t know it because they are uneducated or if they went to college it was a military college that trains cyborgs, not thinkers.

Also in the paper was a photo of alien mercenaries becoming U.S. citizens. The military is having trouble getting enough Americans to participate in their crimes against humanity, so they have to import aliens and in the process contribute to the alien overthrow of American society.

Also, there was a picture of the Cold-War President John F. Kennedy. You remember him. He is the one who started the Vietnam War that would kill 2 to 4 million Vietnamese. At least the soldiers who participated in that crime against humanity had the excuse of not having much of a choice since to refuse the draft was a crime. The criminal U.S. Soldiers who participated in the Iraq and Afghan Wars have no excuse. Don’t need one. They did it because it was a kick. Better than playing a video game and not much more risk.

And you might have read Eisenhower’s farewell speech warning about influence of the Military-Industrial Complex upon American society. I doubt if any U.S. soldiers have read it because except for manuals they don’t read. They are historically, culturally, and morally illiterate. Anyway, one year after Kennedy had taken office the military budget was increased by 27%. And there lies the explanation of the militarization of American culture. The U.S. economy and millions of Americans and thousands of businesses depend upon that complex.

America likes to see itself as guiding the world into the future. The rest of the world doesn’t see America in that way. It sees a country that glories in its evangelical mythology and militarism. America has become War, Inc. And if it’s leading the world anywhere it’s backwards to an age of barbarism and irrationality.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No Way Meg Whitman Can Win in Barrio California


The governor race in California is emblematic of the breakdown of democracy in America. Voters must choose between bad and worse. They are stuck with two political parties, neither of which represents the interests of ordinary Americans.

First of all, who are Americans? The answer is simple. There are three categories: European stock, African Americans who can trace their roots to former slaves, and Native Americans. There are no others. The aliens who have been invading the country since the end of World War II are interlopers, usually hostile to America and American values—and therefore are seeking the ideological, cultural, demographic and political overthrow of the nation. .

The main reason Meg Whitman can’t win in the governorship in California is the same reason she couldn’t become president of Mexico. She wants to take an Alamo stand against the Hispanic hordes who have invaded the country. She said we have to secure our borders, hold employers accountable for hiring illegals, eliminate sanctuary cities, and use a temporary guest worker program.”

THUS, she loses the support of the Hispanics taking over California. Americans now make up less than 50% of California’s population. Latinos (on record) 36%. So without the Latino illegals and their anchor babies there’s no way a candidate can become the governor of California.

So pay attention, America: The Latinos might as well have 60% of the vote because the gringos percentage will always get split between the Democrats and Republicans, giving the Latinos the majority vote. Let's say the gringos had 60% of the vote, which gets split 30% for the Democrats and 30% for the Republicans. Whichever party gets the 30% Latino vote wins. So Megan (wanting to fight the illegals and aliens to save America) loses. The other more common option (such as in the last presidential race) is that both parties cater to the illegals so the Hispanics win either way. Thus, in America the vote will always be a win-win situation for the illegals and the Hispanic Nation and a lose-lose situation for Americans.

Of course, Meg Witless is one of those employers who hire illegals, so fucking typical of Republicans who talk patriotism but betray the country by hiring illegals. Take George Bush (whom I shall curse in my dying breath):

That could be Meg with her illegal nanny or whatever she was. I hate the fucking Hispanics for invading my country, but if I make a commitment to someone I live up to it. Whitman is a typical cheapskate Republicans. She’s got a billion dollars, so why couldn’t she hire an American? But she didn’t. But when she cut loose her illegal why didn’t she help her out? Get her legalized or give her enough money to live for a couple years. Because she’s a fucking cheapskate. I hate Mexicans but they don’t disgust me because they have a sense of loyalty—which Americans apparently lack. So don’t get me wrong, Whitman is the bad choice in this matter. There is no way anyone can respect her rich ass.


Brown is the worse choice. He’s a mummified Marxists. Why is it that American politicians are the dregs of society? All our options are either military types like McCain; lawyers, who rank with child molester as people least-admired in America; fatcat business types like Whitman; and finally just dumb fucks like the airhead Sarah Palin. Take Brian Bilbray for example. This guy couldn’t finish a two-year degree at a community college. Wikipedia says he worked as a tax consultant before entering politics. Oh please! There is no fucking hope for this country.

(Yeah, I know he’s against the illegals. That good, but also typical of his sort of Republican, the ones who focus on hot button issues like abortion, pot, gay marriage, etc. but otherwise lack intellectual sophistication.)

Getting back to Lefty Socialist Democrat Brown, he said he has a government sponsored program that would create 500,000 new jobs. So how many of those jobs at taxpayers expense will be taken by Hispanics—illegals or their anchor babies? Lots of them. You might have heard that Jew leftist (redundancy) Stephen Colbert joking before congress about Hispanics doing those jobs American won’t do. Actually, millions of those Hispanics are working for federal, state, and city governments at jobs Americans would love to have but can’t get because of affirmative action. I haven’t had a Caucasian delivering my mail for years. Personally I’m sick of my tax dollars going to aliens.

Brown also complained that the Medi-Cal program has its own issues and that “We’ve got to save money in that program so we can continue to cover those at the lowest incomes.” Guess who most of those people are:
The May [Medi-Cal] report, "Medi-Cal Funded Deliveries," states that of the 14,350 taxpayer-funded births in the county that year, 5,814, or 40.5 percent, were to illegal immigrants. That is an 18 percent increase over the 4,916 Medi-Cal-funded deliveries to illegal immigrants in San Diego County in 2001, as shown in an earlier state report.
And their children will be given U.S. citizenship and then the growing low-income families of the illegal aliens will be sucking from the Medi-Cal tit forever. No wonder the system is broke, just like everything else in California.

Brown said he strongly opposes police, sheriffs, and attorney Generals gong after undocumented people. In other words, the law is only applies to Americans. I say to Brown: FUCK YOU! The law is the fucking law. No wonder that the Hispanics think it’s okay to come to America and join gangs, deal drugs, work for the cartels, etc. The first lesson they learn is that the law doesn’t matter. Brown says it’s a federal problem. Well actually the Hispanics are a big fucking problem for lots of Americans who live in barrios such as Vista, Oceanside, Escondido, Bonita, Chula Vista, etc., in and around barrio San Diego, or East L.A. Let’s take a look at the people who are above the law as far as Señor Brown is concerned:!v=ajkAP_M4ZAM&feature=related

These are the people who broke American and international law when they invaded America by the millions. And they have an agenda, which is to make Americans a minority in their country and to nullify Americans’ political power. And what happens to the neighborhoods once they take over? Here’s a paean to just one of the hundreds of Hispanic gangs that have emerged in America since the invasion began:

You see for those Americans who live in a barrio or a community suffering barrioization the Hispanics are a big fucking problem. And obviously neither the Feds nor the state governments want to do a fucking about it for the same reason kiss-their-brown-asses Jerry Brown doesn’t want to do anything about it: IT’S THE FUCKING VOTES STUPID. And of course it’s not a problem for Brown who, Wikipedia tells us, lives in a 1.8 million dollar house. Brown, like the Kennedys, was born with a silver spoon in is mouth and now he’s using it as a dagger to stab Americans in the back.

But he’s not unique. Whitman, like other Republicans, does the same thing. They talk American but are quite willing to encourage the millions of illegals to work in America. That’s the dilemma facing America voters. The choice is between

Republican CAPITALISTS, who are willing to sell out Americans to war overseas and illegals to make a PROFIT.


Democrat MARXISTS, who are seeking to transform America into an international-socialist refugee camp in which Americans are just another minority, such as what has happened in New York City, which is the Marxist Control Center of America, created and run by Marxist-Zionist Jews. The Jews had the brain power but lacked numbers—a Marxist-Revolutionary Army. They have that army now. It consists of millions of aliens. Stupid Americans wonder where did all those Marxists come from. They are the Zionist-Marxists who flooded into America (and Palestine) from Europe after World War II. That is when America took the Hebrew Hemlock. Look at the Supreme Court:

Stephen Gerald Breyer: Jew, wants to disarm Americans so they will be completely defenseless against Big Brother.

Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg: Jew

Elena Kagan: Jew, nominated by America’s alien president Obama.

Samuel Anthony: Catholic, parents immigrants.

Sonia Maria Sotomayor: Catholic, Hispanic, parents immigrants.

Antonin Gregory Scalia: Catholic, father an immigrant, mother’s parents immigrants.

Anthony McLeod Kennedy: Catholic American.

John Glover Roberts: Catholic American. Not all that impressive but you take what you can get.

Clarence Thomas: Catholic, typical black stud, just ask Anita Hill.

So where are the Protestants and nonbelievers? Why should the Jews (recent interlopers) and members of the Church of Pedophiles dominate the non-longer Supreme Court? Don’t get me wrong I love the people who invented the cannoli and the Mafia, but it seems to me that the court is heavy with Jews, aliens, and Catholics. It’s no wonder that the welcome mat is out for the Hispanic invaders. And it’s no wonder that Democracy is no longer working for Americans.

That’s why I’m not bothering to vote. Fuck it. Just looking at Amerika

the idiotic wars

the broken economy

the culture of debauchery

the dysfunctional schools (watch Waiting for Superman to see the future America)

the declining neighborhoods being appropriated by alien invaders

the broken economy

the corruption of greed on Wall Street (should be called Madoff Street)

the corruption of greed in Washington (watch Casino Jack)

a federal government run by Jews:

Though the Jews have been in control of Washington since LBJ allowed them to destroy the good ship U.S.S. Liberty:

You see, America, democracy no longer works for you. The Jews, aliens, and the unAmerican plutocracy hijacked it.

Post-Election Comment

I believe my claim has been verified:

"According to an exit poll of Latino Decisions, Brown's victory was due in large part to the overwhelming support of Hispanic voters toward the Democrats, a difference than ever before 86% for Brown and 13% for Whitman."

That's why America has no chance against the growing Hispanic Nation. Just look at New Mexico. It has become a Mexican state. Its former and newly elected governor are Hispanics. The Associated Press tells us:

"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Republican Susana Martinez, who made history by becoming the nation's first female Hispanic governor, promised to chart a 'new direction' for New Mexico by shrinking state government and turning around poorly performing schools."
Yeah, that new direction isn't an American one. Gringos are now a minority in New Mexico, as well as California and Texas. And I wonder why the schools are failing, maybe because the majority of Hispanic students drop out. Perhaps that will change when they realized that New Mexico really does belong to them. And now the aliens are heading for the suburbs. Huffington Post tells us,
"Suburbs still tilt white. But, for the first time, a majority of all racial and ethnic groups in large metro areas live outside the city. Suburban Asians and Hispanics already had topped 50 percent in 2000, and blacks joined them by 2008, rising from 43 percent in those eight years."
The whites are finding out there is no where to run to that they can call home. That's because:
"About 83 percent of the U.S. population growth since 2000 was minority, part of a trend that will see minorities become the majority by midcentury. Across all large metro areas, the majority of the child population is now nonwhite."

Americans such as the Tea Party types complain about the government's mortgaging their children's future. Sadly, the future facing America's children is that of a disappearing America.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Simple Solution to the French Strikes: the Vote!

Hey, Frenchies, the answer to the government-citizens standoff is simple. It’s called democracy. It's weird how after they're elected politicians think of themselves as MASTERS and the citizenry as SLAVES. Remember when idiot boy Tony Blair thought it would be great fun to lead (or drag) Great Britain into war against Iraq just because he and idiot boy George Bush are both BORN-AGAIN IDIOT BOYS? Neither of the idiot boys cared about what their people thought about going to war for no reason other than engaging in a new 21st century crusade and making a lot of money for the war industries by killing Araabs.

I guess you read about Twinkie Boy Blair getting lots of expensive gifts. God, being a politician is fun! You get to play war games with real people and live like royalty.

One of the givers was Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, you remember him, the billionaire who supported the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, which caused him become unpopular, especially after an Italian intelligence agent was killed by U.S. forces in 2005. But the warmonger’s crime was soon forgiven and he was reelected by the Italian people, who are more concerned with their pasta than with their government's committing war crimes. It's an old Italian tradition called indulgences.

Which shows a strong American-Italian connection because Americans proudly reelected their infamous (wealthy, and right-wing) war criminal George Bush. And so the killing goes on:

But who really cares? Killing Afghans is a lot of fun with very little risk. Actually China has proven itself a much greater threat to the U.S. and Italy. China's weapon? Capitalism. How about an Operation Enduring Freedom against China to liberate the Chinese from their tyrannical government? That's a different matter. The Chinese have a real military, not just a bunch of freedom fighters whose arsenal consists of dated AK47s and RPGs, homemade bombs, and of course their weapon of mass destruction the human bomb...

Let's get back to the people who are despised by Americans for preferring drinking wine, making love and eating croissants (pretty much in that order) to making war.

So, Sarko, all you need to remember is that you are president, not king, of France. Besides, you got a hot wife so Décontractéz-vous! Let the people decide in a referendum whether they should have to work to 62. C’est incroyable! expecting people to work until they are 62. All human beings have a god-given right to retired for at least as long as they have worked, no matter the month off each year, weekends, a bunch of saints days, etc.! (Unless you live in Africa, Asia, India, etc. In those places you retire when you die. That's the whole reason for believing in Heaven.)

Oh those poor spoiled French! Only one country—Finland—gets more paid days off 44, 40 for France, 25 for America (who are happy if they have enough time off to to watch sports on TV). And the French work only 35 hours a week—poor babies! But of course the French work to live, not live to work. Still, the big question is who is going to pay for all those retirees living the good life until they are eighty. 30 years straight of paid vacation! What nation can afford that?

But the people should decide. It's their country—their kids' future. That’s what democracy is supposed to be all about. The government can make its case on television. Let the experts have their say. Then let the people vote. If commonsense prevails, then they will choose to work until 62. If self-interest prevails, then so be it. That’s democracy. Sometimes it doesn't work very well, such as when warmongers like Bush and Berlusconi get reelected. But at least the people can't do any worse than their leaders.

Therefore Nicky I say let the people decide. At least the present turmoil will be avoided and the people might stop hating your guts and their government (as is the case in the U.S., where you get only as much democracy as you can afford). Let France give real democracy a try. It’s a simple solution and a democratic one. Sarkozy baby, this is your big chance to show the French people that you are their president, not their king. And maybe you will stop being guillotined in the polls and the press!

P.S. Now of course I'm assuming that the people want to retire at 60 because (1) they're just worn out and can't work another day, so the only humane option is too call it quits at 60 and head down to the Riviera to catch some rays and have a little fun before dropping dead in 30 years. And (2) it only only fair to young people to get out of the way and give them a chance to work.

That is the big complaint of the young demonstrators throwing rocks at the cops, burning cars, and basically destroying a lot of stuff other people built and paid for. It's interesting to see these youngsters so upset, who haven't worked, or paid anything into the system, and who have been receiving lots of freebies from the system (working French taxpayers), such as their education, or welfare benefits if they are just hanging out like a lot of immigrants who expect good jobs but without having to work to work to become well educated.

I read that many of the French rioters are immigrant youth who have nothing better to do and see the French government as the old colonial master and the police as its fist. I read about an unemployed son of North African immigrant who has a high school education but has never held a steady job. He lives on welfare and rent subsidies totaling about $980 a month. No bad at all. And he's thinking about retirement when has been retired for years. After seeing the movie The Class

I'm wondering, are these the masked youthful rock throwers? Wanting good jobs but lack a work ethic in high school. I see that as wanting the benefits without having to work for them and not appreciating the benefits being offered by French society—paid for by taxpayers who worked hard to become educated and work hard at the jobs they perform. And by the way, the private sector (i.e., the capitalism sector) has to pay not only for the social benefits received by the ungrateful strikers (such as education, health care, retirement, and unemployment benefits) but also pay for the public sector jobs (which are paid for with tax dollars that come from tax dollars).

In other words, you can't have welfare state (in which everyone is living and working off the state) without creating massive debt. The British have just sobered up to this fact. You must have tax dollars coming in from that hated private sector. The French strikers see the solution as a combination of the state's printing or borrowing more money and taxing the wealthy even more. The wealthy should be tax, and certainly not allowed to become obscene billionaires as in plutocratic America.
But if overtaxed the fatcats or their money tends to live the country since they really don't belong to any country except that of the wealthy.

A country that is doing much better than France economically as well as providing extraordinary benefits and services to its people (it ain't America!) is Switzerland. How is it that the Swiss unemployment rate is a 1/3 of France's yet the Swiss are required to work until 64 for women and 65 for men—you know, if a low (60 is low; 59- is parasitic) retirement age means more jobs?

However, I want to give the workers and nonworkers who are demanding retirement no later than 60 the benefit of the doubt, that they simply can't work beyond 60 and want to make their jobs available to the younger generation. However that would mean really retiring and not taking a second job once they retired. To do that would DOUBLE-DIPPING, which is very popular among retired public employees in the U.S. That's practice of receiving more than one income. For example, a worn-out Frenchie retiring at 60 taking another job in order to have two incomes. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of making more jobs available to young people? And it's kind of disingenuous (perhaps greedy is a better word) you're giving up your job to a younger person and turn around and take another job.

In spite of my obvious cynicism, I believe the French people should decide this question, not by rioting but by voting. That should always be the case today when a government (in a truly democratic society) is making a BIG DECISION that will substantially affect the nation as a whole. With modern communications and voting technologies, there is no reason not to allow the people to decide. This is done in California. But it would be great for France to lead the way to taking democracy to a higher more democratic level.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chipping Away at America: Repealing 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Now for lots of reasons I hate the GOP, the Grand Old Plutocracy party but they were right on to reject ending the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy (see the above San Diego Union-Tribune article). The rejection occurred because the perverse, anti-American Obama Administration and its Marxist collaborators in Congress tried to sneak by a couple pieces of fecal unAmerican legislation attached to a military funding bill—basically the acceptance of homosexuals and illegal aliens as true-blue Americans.

But with elections just around the corner those crafty Republicans saw what was going on. Queers are queer and illegals are illegal, and any legislation that forces Americans to accept the queer lifestyle as being as all-American as baseball or to legitimize the illegal-alien criminal parasites who are sucking the cultural and financial lifeblood from an already anemic America is subversive legislation.

First of all, most Americans dislike gays (actually hate them), and for good reason—many good reasons.

Gays like to portray themselves as queer Negroes, as if they are some poor minority with a legitimate complaint. They aren’t and they don’t. Blacks can’t hide their blackness, but gays can keep their queerness to themselves. Then they will say Jews could go into hiding. I’m sorry, as much as I dislike Judaism, queerism is not the same as a religion. It’s a lifestyle, and a decadent one at that:

That’s hardly anything like a religion (phallus worship perhaps) or ethnic group. What it is, pure and simple, is hedonism. I would say nihilistic hedonism. Have you ever notice that gay movies are basically sex tapes? The heart of gay culture is bathhouses and gay bars. Those are the churches where gays worship. For them communion is sucking cock or worse (to be explained in just a moment). Of course gay priests will do nasties in the church with children. And basically their religion is godless hedonism. Now I’m okay with the godless part, but living for sexual pleasure is fucking sick. Heterosexuals are also into sex, but they also raise families. In other words, they don't live for sex. And those who do are condemned as sexual perverts by other heterosexuals. Gays live for pleasure (sexual pleasure mostly) and anything else is usually given a sexual slant.

The gay lifestyle is one of sexually promiscuity. Now many heterosexual guys are as well, but as I said before heterosexuals consider promiscuity a sickness, or at the very least a profound form of decadence, whereas gays consider promiscuity a life’s calling.

Recently Terry Gross had this gay composer, Theo Bleckmann, on her show. During the show he said what when he heard July Garland sing “Some day I’ll wish upon a star” in the song Somewhere over the Rainbow what he said he heard was “I wish I were a porno star,” and of course Terry Gross giggles like a little girl, being the Jewish cultural nihilist she in fact is. I mean she has the filthiest people on her show and acts as if they are so fucking cool. Well they aren’t. They are simply filthy nihilists who mock everything. But that’s what queers do. They make everything filthy. You know the Jews and gays have ganged up in Hollywood to transform America into a Sodom and Gomorrah, and that’s why Americans consider them to be at war with American culture. They are the enemy. If you don’t believe me then just watch some of the Jew comedies and gay sex films that come out of unHolywood.

And by the way, it was the Jew Joe Lieberman who introduced the repeal of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Lieberman is just like all the other Jews in the country who are committed to thinking up ways of destroying America. Of course, Lieberman is a neo-conservative Zionist who cares only about Israel and nothing about America. America has only one use and that is to serve Israel. And like his Marxist Jew buddies (and unAmerican traitors such John McCain who wrote up the ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY BILL with that other traitor Ted I’m-glad-you’re-dead Kennedy) he wants to turn America into a multicultural, international refugee camp nation in which Americans will be just another minority because then those sneaky Jews can really take over.

Just look at the Supreme Court—three Jews, one of whom, Stephen Breyer, nominated by Bill Clinton, would like to see the government decide whether Americans can own guns. In other words, Americans are to be defanged so that a Marxist-Zionist Big Brother Government can be established. And he has allies on the court. And you know that fucking Bill Clinton was getting his horn blown by the Jew Monica Lewdinsky. I mean the Jews will do anything for power and control and Americans, like Clinton and Bush, will help them get it if the price is right.

And you wonder why Hitler hated the Jews. He didn’t just hate them. The little man feared them, and rightly so. The thing is people hate what they fear. A truth America's see no evil-hear no evil pollyanna multiculturalists refuse to accept, like Republicans' denial of global warming. In both cases people will keep on ignoring the truth until the truth hits them in head like hatchet. You skinheads out there don’t get the wrong idea. I fucking hate Hitler. He destroyed Europe, including Europe’s backbone, resulting from a Holocaust guilt trip. The Jews forget that it was gentiles who saved their undeserving asses. And what have the Jews done for humanity except infect it with three forms of mental illness: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Well it also has wreaked havoc upon the world since the founding of the illegal state of Israel.

Isn’t it weird how all of the chaos the world is dealing with today (including the 9-11 attacks and their aftermath) can be tied to the Jews? The War on Terror is all about the Judaism and its two demented children Islam and Christianity. And what is the Holy Land? Fantasy Land, a place of make-believe like Disneyland. And then figure in Marxism—the brainchild of a Jew and Hitler going nuts because of the Jews and Jewish Marxism had infected his country. So he goes to war and does the Holocaust thing, but then loses the war so half the Jews flee to the unHoly Land and steal Palestine from its rightful owners, the Palestinians, radicalizing a billion Muslims. The other half flees to America where they are now in the process of overthrowing it. Why is America being flooded not only by Hispanics but millions of Muslims? America’s obsession with Israel and the Hebrew role playing fantasy called Christianity. (Muslims play a different but very similar since all three fantasies are war games.)

And most recently you have that Iranian nutcase Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently trying to sucker punch America into attacking Iran resulting in another war, perhaps World War III, if Lieberman and McCain get their way. Consider all the centuries of chaos linked to the Jews and their egotistical fantasy (GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE, just in case you forgot). But consider most of all the chaos of the past hundred years. How much better off the world would be if the Hebrews had disappeared in the desert 3000 years ago, and the Bible had never been written and Jesus would never have been born. Then perhaps we would all be peaceful living Buddhists.

Homo Sex

Some sick facts from:

“Men having sex with other men leads to greater health risks than men having sex with women not only because of promiscuity but also because of the nature of sex among men.”

"Male homosexual behaviour is not simply either 'active' or 'passive,' since penile-anal, mouth-penile, and hand-anal sexual contact is usual for both partners, and mouth-anal contact is not infrequent. . . . Mouth-anal contact is the reason for the relatively high incidence of diseases caused by bowel pathogens in male homosexuals.”

What kind of sex do queers have? Take a look if you've got the stomach:

a. Anal-genital

“The end result is that the fragility of the anus and rectum, along with the immunosuppressive effect of ejaculate, make anal-genital intercourse a most efficient manner of transmitting HIV and other infections.”

The list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse is alarming:
Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

b. Oral-anal

I know. It’s hard to believe.

"Rimming" is the street name given to oralanal contact. It is because of this practice that intestinal parasites ordinarily found in the tropics are encountered in the bodies of American gay men. Combined with anal intercourse and other homosexual practices, "rimming" provides a rich opportunity for a variety of infections.”

“Men who have sex with men account for the lion's share of the increasing number of cases in America of sexually transmitted infections that are not generally spread through sexual contact.”

c. Human Waste

I know, you thought it couldn't get any worse. But it does:

“Some gay men sexualize human waste, including the medically dangerous practice of coprophilia, which means sexual contact with highly infectious fecal wastes.”

d. Fisting

"Fisting" refers to the insertion of a hand or forearm into the rectum, and is far more damaging than anal intercourse.”

And the morally indifferent pinkocrats are trying to get us to believe these sadomasochistic libidious, hyper-sexual, lascivious, lecherous perverts are normal! I don’t think so. They are fucking abNORMAL. The sex life of gays makes Resident Evil look like family movie.

“‘The whole thing is a political train wreck,’ said Richard Socarides, a White House adviser on gay rights during the Clinton administration.”

I don’t so, Socarides. There are good reasons not wanting to associate with gays—especially in bathrooms and showers. Socarides is gay himself. I don’t even want to know about his sex life.

Think about. Would any normal guy want to go to a gay doctor for a rectal exam or have him handle his testicles. I fucking wouldn't. What he shoves up my ass might not be his finger! (A little humor is need midst all this perversion;-)

Of course the SDU-T article says that the tattooed video slut Lady Gaga, our boys overseas masturbation queen, recommends the DADT policy be repelled so that our GI can know what it’s like to take a shower in a San Francisco bathhouse. Man, if America is taking advice from modern-day Delilahs, America will end of like Samson—culturally, morally, and spiritually blind. Which already seems to be the case. Not even from the Republicans did you hear any condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle. God knows what might be waiting in their own closets. Besides, queer votes, like those of the illegals the Dream Act will give citizenship to, is still votes. Thirty pieces of silver is still thirty pieces of silver. Here's America’s most popular culture queen:

Trade in that old Bible for a Gaga video or the book SEX by that other American slut queen Madonna. And you wonder why the Taliban would rather die than to see their daughters and sisters grow up to become a Gaga, Madonna, Hilton or Lohan slut queen.

Have you ever considered why gays join the military? The lesbos get to hang out and take showers with what is to them the opposite sex. The gays get to do the same. I mean to a gay guy being in the shower with a bunch of G.I.s and goggling their penises, that’s fucking Heaven. But to a heterosexual male knowing the queer G.I. with a hard-on is looking at his penis like it was a cigar or his ass like it was a vagina, that is asking too much of a soldier. It might even throw him into a rage.

Let’s take a look at the conclusion of the article about the health risks of queerdom. There are also cultural risks:
“The societal implications of the unrestrained sexual activity described above are devastating. The ideal of sexual activity being limited to marriage, always defined as male-female, has been a fence erected in all civilizations around the globe. Throughout history, many people have climbed over the fence, engaging in premarital, extramarital and homosexual sex. Still, the fence stands; the limits are visible to all. Climbing over the fence, metaphorically, has always been recognized as a breach of those limits, even by the breachers themselves. No civilization can retain its vitality for multiple generations after removing the fence.”
This guy is right on. Do you want your society to stand for something decent or do you want it to become a porn circus—because that’s what America is very quickly becoming. We don’t have any fucking right to be in Iraq or Afghanistan telling those people that they should become like us. We are fucking sick—and one of our cancers is queernoma.

We are told that “Syphilis cases in San Francisco spiked upward last year [2008], ending a three-year decline in rates of the sexually transmitted disease.”

The queer culture is a disease culture. Sorry, that’s just the way it is. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of the right-wingers who don’t want gays to marry. I don’t give a shit if they want to play house. The right-wingers are some of the most corrupted, immoral, self-serving people on the planet. Born again and stupid George Bush the warmonger and Casino Jack the Judas Abramoff are excellent examples of the moral vacuity of American conservatives. On the left of course you have Bill Suck My Dick in the White House Clinton. My point is let the fucking queers do their nasties to one another in the privacy of their versions of Sodom and Gomorrah (like Hollywood and San Francisco), but keep them out of my fucking shower.

Don’t you get it? Working with a queer in an office is one thing. Having to share a bathroom and shower with it is another. If you’re going to allow homos in military showers with heterosexual men then you might as well let all male soldiers shower with the female soldiers. It’s the same fucking thing.

And don’t give me this shit about homosexuality being natural just because queers are born queers (and not all the guys living the homo lifestyle were born queer, just horny). Check this out:

Two-headed dog. Yeah it came into the world that way but that doesn’t make it normal. And Cookie’s abnormality is her two heads. Okay, I lied. Cookie is not a real dog. The photo is fake. But I figured if the U.S. Government can go to war based on fake photos then why can’t I use a fake photo to make my point? The thing is there are all kinds of physical abnormalities that come into the world “naturally.” Here’s a real (I think) two-headed dog:

There is also the famous case of the two-headed girl, which out of respect I did not include in this rant. Sure we should respect her, but you see she is only physically deformed, not ethically, spiritually, or psychologically deformed, though I’m sure her (their) life has been emotionally difficult. However, just because she (they) was born with two-heads doesn’t make the situation normal. On the other hand, homosexuals are ethically, spiritual, and psychologically deformed. Actually I am referring mainly to the behavior of male homosexuals because I can see why women might seek to remain out of harm’s way by retreating to the safety of their own gender. Women don’t rape, batter and kill. That’s a guy thing—and women are very often the victims.

There is also another big difference. Nobody (well there is always somebody)—most people would not want to be two-headed if they were given the opportunity. But that’s not the case with homosexual perversion. It does have a sexually, hedonistic perverse appeal to some decadent heterosexuals. Let’s face it, some men even want to be serial killers or sodomites. I’m not sure which is worse. So now you see the perversion showing up in American culture. The message is clear: Why live a boring normal life with you can become a pervert?

Like now many movies show guys and girls kissing—as if that’s normal. You know like Sean Penn in Milk. Or Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck kissing Kevin Kline in the movie In and Out. Or Mr. Baseball Dennis Quaid kissing some guy in Far from Heaven. And how about the granddaddy of all homo filmsBrokeback Mountain? And the guy who was getting his ass shafted (or maybe he was doing the shafting), Jaked Gyllenhaal is now playing in a popular Disney film: Prince of Persia. In Brokeback the Prince plays princess to Heath Ledger, or was it the other way around. Talk about causing the kiddies a lot of moral confusion.

But I’m not confused The queer life isn't normal. Take a look and ask yourself is this what you want your sons and daughters to see at the movies:

As any Freudian will explain sexual desire will make people do awful things. Things like child pornography, child molestation, rape, kidnapping girls for the sex trade, priest fondling the children they are supposed to serve, and on and on. Sexual desire can become like a drug addiction that leads one’s life into all sorts of immoral activity. All you have to do to see that is look at the sexual vomit on the Internet or that comes out of Hollywood.

For homosexuals to plead innocent is just plain bullshit. It is not a lifestyle in which sex plays a part; it is a lifestyle in which sex is the entire show. So why are guys attracted to guys? Because unlike most women, guys are horny 24-7. And most women think about having children and committing themselves to something more than just getting fucked. The homosexual life is not only a sick life but a selfish life and one that takes joy in tearing down the values of those who believe family, children, and moral decency are more important than getting a fist shoved up your ass.

And if the fucking Democrats think they can legislate our acceptance of perversion, hoping that someday we will embrace the queer as one of us they are dangerously wrong. In that regard they can learn something from the Muslims. Fuck with their culture and they will destroy you. And they are right because if you don't have your culture you've got nothing. And that means you got nothing to lose!

There is more to this politically perverse story: The Dream Act attachment. But that will have to wait. Writing about the perversity the government tries to foist upon the American people is like swallowing your own vomit. You have to take a break.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9-11: Osama bin Laden Victory Day!

That's right, today is Osama bin Laden Victory Day.

The Genius and the Idiots

Osama bin Laden Victory Day—that’s what September 11 should be called. With a group of 19 committed nationalistic and religious citizen warriors he started the final nail in America’s coffin and let George Bush and the other idiots running the U.S. Government to hammer it in the rest of the way.

Who was Osama greatest ally? Here he is:!v=LaY8wzwxWTc&feature=related

Osama’s Army

Of those who have been identified, all but two are Saudis. No Iraqis, no Afghans. Apparently no Taliban were involved. I doubt the Taliban even knew what the wizard Osama was up to.

The Reasons for the Attacks

1. The continued presence of U.S. troops after the Gulf War in Saudi Arabia. So George Bush senior is also partly to blame—that imperialistic desire to keep the troops in an oil rich country. That impulse is what America was founded on. Then it was land, Indian land, not oil. Now it’s oil rich Iraq.

2. America’s support of the illegal nation of Israel. How did Israel suddenly appear on the Palestinian homeland in 1948? It did so because the West, feeling guilty about the Holocaust, decided to give Palestine to the Jews. Of course the U.S. Government kowtowed to the Jews living in the U.S. It was about this time that the Jews put a ring in America’s nose and began using America as Israel’s demented pit bull.

The fact is that the Western nations have been interfering with the affairs the peoples in the Middle East ever since the Crusades. Google any nation in the region and you find that it is a former colony of a Western nation. Take a look:

That’s right. The West has been the bad guys. Most of Europe has learned that, but not Great Britain or the U.S.

9-11: Osama’s Tripwire

That’s right. 9-11 was Osama’s tripwire. As spectacular as the 9-11 attacks were, they would not have been catastrophic for the nation had the idiots running the government responded to the attacks differently. But those monkeys had their own agenda, but I’ll get to that in just a moment.

Osama was scientifically trained. So he knew or knows (if he is still alive) all about cause and effect. He knew that the U.S. Government would overreact and thus the real damage to the America would be the harm caused by the U.S. Government’s response to the attacks. I doubt he knew just how well his plan would work but he certainly knew that (1) the attacks would be a huge embarrassment to a country that spends a half trillion dollars a year on its military and that its response would be to turn loose its dogs of war and cause itself far more harm than that caused by the attacks. And he was right. In other words, the U.S. Government and the American people took over where Osama left off.

The Neo-Conservatives:

The sage Osama knew that American foreign policy had been hijacked by Jews. Check out the sites below:

By the way, who is Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff? Rahm Emanuel, the son of an Israeli father who was a former member of Irgun, an Israeli terrorist organization. By the way, Wikipedia was forced to remove that bit of information from its article on Rahm. Just another example of the U.S. Government's attempt to limit what the American people and others can know about the truth of its misbehavior. Check out the latest example:

Censorship of Wikipedia is another futile attempt on the part of the politburo running Washington keeping a smiley face on the Zionist Big Brother which has become dominant puppet master in American domestic and foreign policy. It’s interesting—the fathers of the two men running the country are neither Americans nor Christians. (What about Joe Biden, the former credit card king, Obama’s white monkey—what abound him? He’s nothing but a marionette.)

So the Honored Master, Osama, knew that given the chance the Jews would lead American flock over the Zionist cliff, while the American sheeple were told to look to the sky for flying wolves wearing turbans. It’s really too funny, if you don’t mind losing your country.

Osama’s Success

The cost of the 9-11 attacks themselves was about 100 billion dollars and 3000 people killed. That’s significant but one Internet site says that in 2008 17,000 Americans were murder, 46 each day. In other words, Americans surpassed the terrorists in just over two months. And 100 billion dollars is a lot of money but the U.S. spent 185 billion on the Iraq and Afghan wars just for the year of 2008.

War Costs

And that brings us to the harm Osama caused America to do to itself. At the present moment the U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars on those wars. It will spend a couple trillion more on caring for the soldiers wounded in the wars, and all sorts of other war related benefits. Now all veterans qualify for Post Traumatic Status, which I assume means they can go on disability. And the wars haven’t ended. American soldiers are still being killed and wounded in Iraq even though our phony man-of-peace president has declared that war over.

Almost 1,000 Americans soldiers have died and over 13,000 wounded in Afghanistan. In Iraq the numbers are 4,418 killed and 31,929 wounded. That’s quite an accomplishment, Osama! What that Koran-reading wizard did was to cause the U.S. to get itself in a situation where the Afghan and Iraqi fighters would take over killing Americans, not just American civilians but American soldiers. It’s as if Osama gave the U.S. a club to beat itself with and it’s been doing that for almost ten years. It’s almost funny that the Americans haven’t seen the absurdity of their payback strategy. The country is like a kid throwing a temper tantrum by tearing up his room and engaging in self-mutilation. And apparently the government would like to see it go on for another ten years!

Loss of Reputation

After 9-11 the world loved America. Now the world hates America. However, most Americans could care less about their moral reputation because they believe whatever America wants to do is right (actually the moral philosophy of child-molesters and other criminal types, such as politicians). But the rest of the world believes America has morphed into a Terminator-like monster:

American soldiers--Terminators? No way. Take another look be the the Defense Department removes the video:!v=rOyRVG0GALY&feature=related


To most people of the world post-9-11 America is a freak show. A kind of Frankenstein monster on the loose—destroying the world militarily and culturally. Russia and China are off the world’s nations-to-be-feared radar. America doesn’t leave any room for them. America makes a big deal about North Korea, but the rest of the world see North Korea as only the trigger to the greatest weapon of mass destruction threatening the world today, the USA. Take a look at America's Military Imperialism:

America’s destruction of Iraq and use of Afghanistan as nation to be used for the testing of new ordnance and other military technology has caused the world to see the U.S. as a Terminator-out-of-control nation. This may be what America really is, and Osama knew that all he had to do is find a way to set off the Terminator Nation.

The Industrial-Military Complex

Osama must have known that the biggest business conglomerate in the U.S. is the Industrial-Military complex. It’s a half-trillion plus conglomeration of thousands of companies. Osama knew that not everyone would be unhappy about the 9-11 attacks. The war profiteers would be popping the corks on bottles of champagne. Take Dick Cheney as an example. Wikipedia tells us that “from 1995 until 2000, he served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton." Also,

“The company has become the object of several controversies involving the 2003 Iraq War and the company's ties to Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney retired from the company during the 2000 U.S. presidential election campaign with a severance package worth $36 million.”
Why have the Iraq War and the Afghan War been never ending wars? Because they are making a lot of powerful people rich and giving millions of Americans jobs. Of course, the War Industry doesn’t do much for the economy. Mostly, it drives in further into debt. Think about it. American taxpayers pay to produce products (weapons) and services (military operations) that no one other than the U.S. buys. In fact, the use of the products and services creates further debt in the form of the benefits that go to killed and wounded soldiers, not to mention the billions of dollars poured into the pockets of Iraqi and Afghan politicians and warlords. Okay, some governments but the weapons (Saudi Arabia, for example) but China makes more money selling toys. I'm no economist, but it seems to me that to make money you need to sell your products and services to someone else, not to yourself.

Of course you can give other people your money to buy your products and services--like Israel. Or you can just give your money away. You know like giving billions of dollars to a country like Pakistan to fight the War on Terror? That's certainly money out of the pockets of American taxpayers flushed down the toilet call the Pakistan government. And who got us to treat our money like shit? That's right, the genius who prays for America's destruction 5 times a day--prayers America has been answering for the past 10 years--Osama bin Laden. The man's crazy--yeah, crazy like a fox.

Imagine the farmer who gets mad at a fox that eats some of his eggs. So what the farmer does is hire a lot of men to throw his eggs at the fox. Soon there are no more eggs. So then the farmer tells the men to throw the chickens at the fox. But then all the chickens are gone. So then the farmer has the men tear up the chicken coop and throw the boards at the fox. Then the boards are gone, so they go over to the farmer's barn, and after that to his house, until there is nothing left. The farmer is really angry. So he tells the men that they have ruined him and the fox is still running around. Then one of the men says, "Mr. Farmer, when we started there was only one fox stealing a few eggs, but after we started hunting him there were many foxes, and we killed many of them with your eggs, chickens, and the boards from you coop, barn, and house. We don't know if we killed the original fox, but it don't matter does it, because now there are more foxes than ever but there's nothing left for them to steal from you."

The Post-9-11 Downward Spiral

U.S. Unemployment 9 1/2 %

The U.S. cannot compete with China, Japan, and India. We have become the Japan of the 1950s.

The trade gap widened 19% from a month earlier to $49.9 billion, the widest deficit since the financial crisis hit in October 2008, the Commerce Department said Wednesday.

National Debt is over 13 trillion dollars, $3500 for every American. And each year we have allowed millions of illegals and other aliens to basically go on welfare, in other words, to benefit from U.S. programs without paying their share, often not even speaking the English language.

The Average American Family has $79,000 in debt.

Americans have 2 million people in prison.

Our cities don’t have enough money for important services such as education.

Many cities have become crime ridden.

The Alien Trojan Horse:

Millions of illegal aliens have pour across the U.S. border bringing with them a toxic culture of poverty, crime, ignorance and disease. They have pulled American culture downward in a half-dozen ways. At the moment there is a whooping cough epidemic in Barrio San Diego. All the infants who have died have been Hispanic. In other words, the Hispanics don’t get their kids vaccinated, allowing them to go to school to infect other students, and run up medical costs paid for by the real American taxpayers.

Recently I drove by a high school and middle school in Escondido, California. The schools could be called Tijuana Middle School and Juárez High School. There were only a few American kids, and I really felt sorry for them. I’m sure any others get picked up by their parents. It’s shameful that Americans are forced to send their children to schools where they are a minority surrounded by aliens—who, by the way, really do hate gringos (and America):!v=nssyuOmsTfQ&feature=related

And you might have read that the Hispanics have become the largest demographic group in Escondido.

Did you notice:
"Fredi Avalos, a member of Vista Citizens for Responsible Government, said the new data make it more crucial than ever for Vista's leaders to become more welcoming toward Latinos. She said the city's racial and geographic divisions resemble apartheid in South Africa, and that things must change."
That's right, Vista, which neighbors Escondido, is another once-American city that has bitten the dust. Notice that these people arrive in the country illegally, plant their anchor babies and immediately start bitching about how the U.S. isn't doing enough. I agree. If the U.S. were doing enough, they would not be here in the first place.

As soon as they have the opportunity the gringos will leave town and Escondido and Vista will, following in the inglorious steps of Bell, Mexiocalifornia, become corrupt:

Just like south of the border, Bell is a city run by Hispanic crooks. The city is 90% Hispanic. That's your future, America.

Fredi Avalos's compares America to South Africa, which may be true, but it is the Mexicans and their Latino compadres who are the invaders who have no interest in assimilation but only in setting up Hispanic enclaves. They come into the country illegally and set up their shity shanty towns in which they celebrate all the holidays of Mexico--because those enclaves are little Mexicos.

Here in Barrio San Diego the big celebration has been the 200th anniversary of Mexico's Independence and 100th anniversary of its Revolution. These people don't consider themselves Americans but America's conquers. And what do they really have to celebrate south of the border? The country is now run by drug lords. And that's the corruption that is Mexico is illegally exporting into America.

Why in the fuck would gringos want to have anything to do with these people, except for the anti-American capitalists looking for cheap labor and the unAmerican politicians, such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, looking for votes. Reid supports the DREAM ACT, which should be called the American Nightmare Act, because it is a Trojan Horse for the illegals invading America. What is Nevada ranked 49th in the list of smartest states, just above Arizona?

No, it's not because Nevadans voted for Reid, though that is a good reason. It's HISPANICS. What the "Mascara" episode of CSI and you'll see just what it is Hispanics are bringing to the U.S. That's why Las Vegas is ranked America's 4th most dangerous city:

I mean the entire city could be taped off as a CRIME SCENE! But not only that the traitor is running against a Tea Party airhead for the Senate: Republican challenger Sharron Angle. Who is this person:

"A Southern Baptist Christian, worked as a substitute teacher for 25 years, ran a small Christian school for two years, and taught for five years at Western Nevada Community College." Wikipedia

Oh yeah, apparently she was into Scientology, I suppose when she went through a period of Christian existential doubt. And you wonder why the country is doomed and democracy no longer works in America, if it ever did. What Washington, D.C., attracts are cooks, Marxists and ideologue airheads (monstrous offspring of political evangelicalism and conservative talk radio).

Of course like the other Republican morons she doesn't want women to have a right to an abortion, doesn't believe humanity is having an effect on the global climate, that America should burn as much fossil fuel as it likes, opposes legalizing marijuana (though I don't know how you can live in Nevada without being high or suicidal), do away with Social Security, and so on. She's a real brain, a real problem solver. Like other Republicans she is apparently oblivious to the 8 years under their control that have brought ruin upon America. They like to blame Obama for the social, economical, cultural, political quagmire that is pulling America downward, but they, not Obama, are to blame.

That's why the Republicans don't have a chance. I FUCKING HATE Reid but I would not vote for anyone who is stupid enough to think about doing away with Social Security--especially while Americans have the right to bear arms (which they should to protect themselves from criminals, aliens, and the U.S. Government. Remember Ruby Ridge?

God Bless America, God Damn the Government!

The thing is millions of Americans have nothing else to live on in their old age except Social Security. Of course, why in the fuck would the Republicans care? They could give a shit less about ordinary Americans, like that fucking Republican Jew Jack the Judas Abramoff. If you want to look into the heart of Republicans watch Casino Jack and the United States of Money. And now they want to dismantle Obama's universal heathcare plan. You see Republicans are not about solving problems but creating them--like going to war to benefit U.S. war profiteers. They believe in a laissez-faire approach to running the country (except for hot-button issues such as abortion and gay marriage). In other words, let the diseases run their course. And that's why America is dying. But such an approach works really well in a plutocracy--which America really became under the Bush administration, a nation run by plutocrats to benefit the wealthy.

The dilemma of the American voter: a vote for the Republicans is a vote for non-leadership, greed, and warmongering; a vote for the Democrats is a vote for the anti-American alien-Marxist overthrow of America. In addition, voting either way, you still get a government that serves the Zionists' agenda for America, which means America has become Israel's unconditional protector. It's the sort of alliance that caused World War I and could cause World War III, with would be greeted with glee by the evangelicals.

Anyway, that's why there is no fucking hope for the U.S., and thus perhaps not for the world since the U.S. has forsaken its leadership responsibility. I'm sorry, the endless WAR ON TERROR hardly qualifies as a leadership role, especially when it involves crimes against humanity (yes, in spite of what our soldiers may think, Iraqis are people). All the War on Terror has shown is that what Americans are really good at is is invading and destroying nations. The great irony is that we want those nations to become us.

Osama knew that America had become a house resting on a foundation that had been eaten away by self-serving political termites, and that all that was needed to bring it down was a little push.

So the wise old fox Osama bin Laden distracted America from the REAL PROBLEMS it was facing, and the result is a broken country that will never be fixed. While China was creating the greatest manufacturing engine the world has ever known, America has been engage in self-destructive payback for the loss of 3000 people and hundred billion dollars in damage.

Americans whine like a bunch of babies. You know 9-11 attack didn’t destroy the city of New York. It’s still ranked in the top 30 of the world’s cities. For quality of life, Baghdad is ranked as the worse city in the world, at the very bottom. You heard about the gas-line explosion in the California city of San Bruno, 4 people killed, 37 homes destroyed. (Maybe some of that war money should be spent on repairing U.S. infrastructure! Just kidding! :-)) Anyway, such explosions have been an everyday occurrence in Baghdad. That’s what our liberation brought to Iraq. The price of freedom Rumsfeld would say, even though the Iraqi people were not free to choose to have their homeland invaded by the U.S. war machine.

And we whine about possible new attacks being launched from Afghanistan (while we launch attacks on the Afghans everyday). That’s like the crew of the Titanic worrying about an attack by pirates after the ship has hit the iceberg and is sinking. Hasn’t anyone noticed that the U.S.S. Once America is sinking and the icebergs were not Koran-reading fanatics but millions of illegal aliens, a corrupt foreign policy control by Jews and war-profiteers, the Judases running Wall Street, and just good old fashion gringo American traitors, such as Ted Kennedy, John McCain, George Bush, etc. The list is very long. These are the people who provided the TNT that would blow up America. Osama bin Laden was only the detonator.

And then there are ALL THOSE MILLIONS OF ISLAMIC ALIENS who have been allowed to flood into America from all the countries we hate. To show the world that we love Muslims even while we kill them, the U.S. Government has invited millions into the country. The American people hate their fucking guts, but since when has the U.S. Government cared about what the American people think? That is why America will forever be at war with itself--because it will remain FOREVER a nation divided into ethnic clans.

Americans greatest sacrifice of life occurred during the Civil War. Its sole purpose was to keep the nation unified. During the 20th century American politicians have been doing everything in their power to disunify the nation by aiding and abetting tens of millions of culturally viral invaders. What Americans are experiencing today is what Native Americans experienced during the European invasion. And the result will be similar--the disappearance of the American. One difference is that at least the Native Americans were given reservations where they could attempt to preserve their culture. Reservations are the reverse of quarantine centers. Within the reservation the Indian culture tries to isolate itself from the virulent alien cultures that would destroy it.

As soon as the aliens set up shop on U.S. soil I hate their fucking guts, for the same reason Osama hated our guts for setting up our military shop on the sacred soil of the homeland. (In other words, I don't dislike Iraqis in Iraq. I even admire their tenacity and toughness. But I don't want them and their Mosque in America because they are alien to American culture and history.) Of course the U.S. politicians are mostly Marxists and money-grubbers who don’t give a shit about the sacredness of American soil. And that makes them traitors. I keep hearing this BS about fighting for freedom. I don’t give a fuck about freedom. Like the Indians (God bless them) I care more about having a homeland. What in the fuck good is freedom if I have to live in a fucking barrio or Little Vietnam or China Town or Mosul, Michigan?

You do know that Mosques are sprouting up like mushrooms across America—with the same effect on the U.S. population as the mushrooms that spouted over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, but those two cities recovered, but American cities will never recover from the alien population bombs.

And in spite of what their P.R. people say, the Muslims here hate our guts. Think about it. We import the people we have declared war on or exploited in some other way. Why wouldn't they hate us?

Did you notice that the anti-American Koraners don’t fear us because U.S. Government jackboots will stomp any American who stands up to the Islamic enemy burning the American flag.

Osama, you are such a fucking genius. You knew the U.S. Government would open the floodgates to your people once it went to war against Afghanistan. And you knew that Afghanistan wouldn’t satisfy the Industrial-Military Complex’s greed for money and blood, so some other nation, either Iran or Iraq, would suffer as well. And so, your Islamic armies have arrived in the U.S., given U.S. visas, food stamps, welfare checks, medical care, education, etc. by the U.S. Government, paid for by the American taxpayer. It's as if Americans have been forced to pay for the firing squad and its rifles and bullets that will shoot them dead!

By the way, the politicians in Washington like to talk a lot about freedom, but I don't see much freedom in Americans being forced to finance the means to their demise.

Islam Has Defeated the U.S.

That’s right, Master Osama, using as your weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION—(1) the Zionist Jews now in control of America and (2) the U.S. Industrial-Military Complex—you have defeated America.

How do we know this? Pastor Terry Jones is how. He threatened to burn the Koran because he was MAD AS HELL at the Muslim. Aren’t all Americans? He was a Christian soldier who was going to stand up against the Islamic Crusaders invading the holy land of America. (Ain't it weird that the Muslims don't want aliens on their sacred soil but Americans are xenophobic racists bastards because they want to keep the aliens off the sacred soil of their homeland. Personally, I agree with Osama.)

Getting back to Jesus’s very own man, Pastor Terry Jones. So what happened?

Our alien president sent the Federal Bureau of Intimidation down to talk to the Pastor. Perhaps they told him that if he didn’t listen to reason—pulling their coats back to reveal their gold-plated Uzis, that he could expect a visit from the CIA for a waterboarding party followed by an Extraordinary rendition trip to the first circle of CIA hell. So our Pastor Terry Jones was castrated by Islam leader in America, Barrack Osama Obama. (;-))

And why is it okay for the Muslims living off the U.S. to burn the American flag but Americans can’t burn their holy book? And by the way, I’ve read much of the Koran. I’m not impressed. It lacks the beauty of the Bible: the story of Adam and Eve, Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job, the Psalms, and lots of other really cool stories. The Koran is amateur in comparison. It’s more like a religious manual for self- indoctrination, something a Marxists would write. Another thing, like Yahweh, Allah is not a very likable God. As Hegel said, "In the Islamic doctrine there is merely the fear of God." He is an intimidator. From the Koran:
"Hell blazes fiercely enough. We [God] shall send those who reject Our revelations to the fire. When their skins have been burned away, We shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to feel the pain: God is might and wise."
I don't see how the conclusion follows logically from the premise, but God is a mystery.

And I’m sorry, Mohamed’s story doesn’t compare to that of Jesus. Like his followers Mohamed was mostly a warlord. Don’t get me wrong. I consider the Old Testament as a Jewish self-promoting fantasy that they used to conquer other peoples so they could take their land--most recently in the case of the Palestinians. The New Testament was used to do pretty much the same thing—a document used to justify conquering other peoples’ homelands and to brainwash the pagans. Let’s call it cultural cleansing. Islam is no different. Christianity and Islam are both diseases of the mind, and Judaism is the source of both infection. Still, I don’t mind living among American Christians. I consider them—George Bush excepted—as my people.

What happened to Pastor Terry Jones boils down to this: America lost; the Muslims won. Christian lost; Islam won. The Bible lost; the Koran won.

But what did you expect. Haven’t you noticed that the president of the United States is an alien? He says he’s a Christian. He is—a Trojan Horse Christian.

In response to the threat of burning the Koran Obama reminds Americans that there are MILLIONS of Muslims now living in the U.S. He calls them Muslim-Americans. They ARE NOT Americans. They only have U.S. citizenship.

He says they are wearing the U.S. uniform and fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Those soldiers are not American soldiers but ISLAMIC MERCENARIES that the U.S. Government has paid to serve in the military. Why do you think the U.S. Government was so willing to allow an Islamic invasion? It needs translators, spies, etc. to fight it its dumb-ass wars and to help keep an eye on all the Islamic insurgents living in America.

He says burning the Koran would threaten U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan by angering the Muslims. First of all, U.S. soldiers don’t belong there. Second, you mean killing those people, destroying their towns and village, and occupying their homeland don’t make them angry, just burning the Koran does? Of course Obama is one of them, so what do you expect.

And now you have the alien Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, you know the guy who wants to build a Muslim community center near ground zero where the Muslims can laugh their assess off 5 times a day at how stupid the Americans are. If you think the Allah's rugrats won't be saying Osama-hu Akbar you're just another clueless American. Ol' Feisal said, "It is absolutely disingenuous... that that block is hallowed ground." What do you think about that, America, that his camel jockey is telling you what part of America is hallowed ground. I say, FUCK YOU. All of America is hallowed ground and you and your raghead army are a desecration of it. This fucking guy comes to this country because of our corrupt government and get an education at the expense of the American taxpayer and then tells Americans that he wants to build a Islamic community center on the very site that his brothern slaughed 3000 Americans. By the way one of the 9-11 attacks was an Egyptian: "Mohamed Atta, from Egypt, was the ringleader of the 19 hijackers and one of the pilots." Wikipedia

Feisal also said, "For me, Islam and America are organically bound together." That must warm the hearts of millions of Americans who are watching their homeland disappear. Everyday the American percentage of the population of the U.S. grows smaller. I say, FUCK YOU, which is what most Americans think. Your people contributed NOTHING to the building of these country. Your are fucking interlopers, parasites. But here you are! And Osama must be on his laughing rug laughing his ass off thinking about the kinsman of the ringleader of the 19 attackers pontificating to Americans like he was some Islamic godfather, telling them they can either like it or lump it (like another big explosion).

You heard what happened in Paris, right? The Muslims disagree with the French government, which they consider to be the enemy of the Muslim people occupying France, so they threaten to blow up the Eiffel Tower, which doesn't mean shit to them. That's how Muslims do politics. They vote with bombs. France has the largest Islamic population in Europe, which hasn't done a fucking thing for France except cipher off the nation's generous benefits, run a bodega, or play soccer. Take a look at the Muslim presence in France:

The French decided to commit cultural suicide by shooting themselves with the Islamic bullet--gut shot--because they wanted to die a slow, painful death like that of Americans'.

Still, I don't don't hate Osama. I admire him. He showed us just how gullible and stupid Americans really are.

So there you have it, Americans: You have been played by the Zionists, war-profiteers, and Marxist alien-lovers running this country? The U.S. Government works for them, not you. So now you are being played by the Muslim hordes.

Congratulations, Osama
9-11-2010, Osama bin Laden Victory Day!