America is an insane nation. It is no less militaristic than Nazi Germany was. Its militarism is pure and simple SICK. Take today’s Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune. The front-page story is titled FIGHTING GETS INTENSE IN A KEY AFGHAN TOWN. And the photo shows Marines shooting their guns.
The Afghan War, obscenely called Operation Enduring Freedom, is a sham war. The media and U.S. Government would have you believe that America is in a real war, fighting a real enemy. Actually, America is in a killing spree fighting a sham enemy. After ten years America has lost just over 1,300 soldiers. Approximately 16 as many Afghan fighters and civilians have been killed, though who can know for sure when American bombs often leave nothing left of bodies except pieces of burnt flesh. And how often has the phrase SUSPECTED ENEMY has been used to describe the Afghans the U.S. kill?
Operation Enduring Freedom is a war of occupation. It has no purpose other than to create a society willing to accept America’s presence and influence. It is a war of colonialism. It has no other purpose. Democracy and freedom are simply slogan to justify the American occupation.
The enemy is the Taliban (there are less than a hundred al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), but these are simply Afghans fighting against an alien occupying force. Had they another name, they would still be called terrorists because they are fighting against the American occupation. I have read nothing to show that the Taliban were involved in the 9-11 attacks, or even had any knowledge of what Osama bin Laden was up to. And let’s not forget that the attacks were carried out because America would not remove its military forces from Saudi Arabia and because of its support of the Jewish occupier of Palestine.
And by the way, if America’s so interested in ENDURING FREEDOM then it should invade Saudi Arabia since its government and culture is not so different from that of Afghanistan. It’s hardly a democracy. And why does the dictatorship of Egypt receive the second largest amount of U.S. foreign aid after Israel. And why does Israel receive the lion’s share of U.S. foreign aid? Perhaps because Jews run the U.S. Government.
Both Iraq War and the Afghan War (after a year or two) are guilty of crimes against humanity. And the veterans of these wars have participated in this crime. Thus they are criminals. Of course, they, the government, and the media present them as brave soldiers fighting a dangerous war, when in fact the wars are hardly more dangerous than most extreme sports. American soldiers like to see themselves as something like the noble Spartans in the HALO REACH video game fighting against Covenant forces. Well American soldiers are equipped like the Halo Spartans but the enemy is more like the Native Americans carrying junky AK-47s and, APGs. Their most destructive weapon is homemade bombs, IEDs. Take a look at just a few o the weapons U.S. Soldiers use against the Taliban:
The truth of the matter is that the Taliban has no military—no tanks, planes, ships, artillery, armor transport vehicles, etc. They don’t even have advanced firearms. And they certainly don’t have satellites or predator drones. What American soldiers are doing is obscene. The world knows and millions of thinking Americans know it. The soldiers don’t know it because they are uneducated or if they went to college it was a military college that trains cyborgs, not thinkers.
Also in the paper was a photo of alien mercenaries becoming U.S. citizens. The military is having trouble getting enough Americans to participate in their crimes against humanity, so they have to import aliens and in the process contribute to the alien overthrow of American society.
Also, there was a picture of the Cold-War President John F. Kennedy. You remember him. He is the one who started the Vietnam War that would kill 2 to 4 million Vietnamese. At least the soldiers who participated in that crime against humanity had the excuse of not having much of a choice since to refuse the draft was a crime. The criminal U.S. Soldiers who participated in the Iraq and Afghan Wars have no excuse. Don’t need one. They did it because it was a kick. Better than playing a video game and not much more risk.
And you might have read Eisenhower’s farewell speech warning about influence of the Military-Industrial Complex upon American society. I doubt if any U.S. soldiers have read it because except for manuals they don’t read. They are historically, culturally, and morally illiterate. Anyway, one year after Kennedy had taken office the military budget was increased by 27%. And there lies the explanation of the militarization of American culture. The U.S. economy and millions of Americans and thousands of businesses depend upon that complex.
America likes to see itself as guiding the world into the future. The rest of the world doesn’t see America in that way. It sees a country that glories in its evangelical mythology and militarism. America has become War, Inc. And if it’s leading the world anywhere it’s backwards to an age of barbarism and irrationality.