U.S. foreign policy is totally amoral and self-serving. The Feds say they are fighting the good fight for freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of our efforts Iraq ranks 3rd among the most dangerous countries in the world and Afghanistan about fifteen. That’s the hell we’ve turned those countries into. And the world isn’t at all more peaceful. The recent issue of Time magazine says there were 423 terrorist attacks in 2000 and 10,999 in 2009. Good job, America.
By the way, Mexico ranks high on the list and is now flooding the U.S. with criminals while the U.S. has been fighting terrorists who are basically no threat to us, and were much less before those two wars and our importation of Muslims into this country. Fucking idiots.
So the potentate Abdullah tells us that we should attack Iran. What does the tyrant fear, that some Iranian trained Saudi revolutionaries might overthrow his family’s dictatorship?
Or is this all hyped up because the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex wants another war to stimulate America’s war economy—even though it’s killing America. The same issue of Time magazine says that in 2001 the U.S. military budget was 316 billion dollars. Today it’s 693 billion dollars. Osama bin Laden has done to us what Reagan did to the Soviets. He drove them into bankruptcy. And Osama no longer has to do anything more except sit back and enjoy the show now that America is in automatic self-destruct mode.
The fact is Iran doesn’t plan to use nuclear weapons on anyone because if it does it knows it will be toast. The Iranian government knows that the only protection it has from the U.S. government is nuclear weapons. The Vietnam and Iraq Wars have proven that. Nuclear weapons are the only thing that protects North Korea from the U.S. attacks.
America’s ambitions are Rome-like. The Zionist neocons and corporate militarists want America to dominate the world with its immense military presence. However, at least Rome could tax the nations it dominated. America just keeps going broke.
The moral hypocrisy here is that America has slaughtered millions of people during its wars against Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq and devastated the nations. America has morphed into War, Inc. Americans love war. It’s become reality TV for them since it really doesn’t affect them. The U.S. homeland is safe (the 9-11 attacks were hardly a threat to the nation) and U.S. soldiers are volunteers. They love war. Most of them have been raised on video games. (Actually if you could look into the mind of the U.S. Government but especially the Pentagon, what you would see would look very much like a Call of Duty game such as Black Ops, i.e., totally twisted.) The moral point is that Iran has done very little harm to other nations compared to the mayhem caused by the U.S. Besides, the U.S. was directly involved in the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government:
In addition, the U.S. supported Hussein’s war against Iran, which Hussein started (as he did against Quawait).
“The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, on August 19, 1953 (known as the 28 Mordad coup in Iran), was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom and the United States.[1][2] The coup launched 25 years of dictatorship under Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi, who relied heavily on U.S. support to hold on to power until the Shah himself was overthrown in February 1979.” (“1953 Iranian coup d'état,” Wikipedia)
Of course dumb ass Americans don’t know this because they don’t read. And it’s no wonder Wikipedia’s founder Jimmy Wales can’t raise money because the plutocrats are more interest in profit and power than in the truth. And thank god for Wikileaks given that decades before the the U.S. Government declared war on terror it had declared war on the truth.
Finally, if our goal is to bring democracy to all the nations of the world, then why do we befriend the leaders of such nations as Saudi Arabia and Egypt (having basically a one-party democracy but getting tons of U.S. foreign aid)? The answer is we really don’t give a shit about democracy. It’s control that America is all about. Countries that resist U.S. influence are the bad guys. America and Israel are working together for world domination. It is some sort of bizarre religious-economic quest, an alliance of evangelical, Zionists-loving, the world is coming to an end Christians and the U.S. plutocracy which is now dependent upon the Military-Industrial Complex for its revenues since America has become a second-rate competitor in the global economy.
In other words, since America has become a bench-warmer in the Capitalism game, the Military-Industrial Complex (paid for by U.S. taxpayers whether they like it or not, thus a socialistic enterprise) has become America's most lucrative and dependable source of revenue. (The Pentagon is the nation's single largest employer.) So the nation of peace has become War, Inc., with a defense budget larger than all the other defense budgets of the world combined. (The Pentagon spends over $50 billion on military heath care, compared to Russia's $61 billion total defense budget).
Why is it that America should feel more threatened than any other nation in the world? The answer is the threat is a government created condition of perpetual war (as in the novel 1984) to keep America on an unending war-footing status profitable to the fatcats who run America's war industries.
And by the way, it was Saudis, not Iranians or Iraqis or Afghans who pulled off the attacks on 9-11.
And on behalf of Willie Nelson and Wesley Snipes my message to those running and ruining this country is the same as it is for that fucking dictatorial clown wearing a Groucho Marx mustache and dressed in a nightgown, Saudi King Abdullah: FUCK YOU Texas and FUCK YOU IRS!