Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No Way Meg Whitman Can Win in Barrio California


The governor race in California is emblematic of the breakdown of democracy in America. Voters must choose between bad and worse. They are stuck with two political parties, neither of which represents the interests of ordinary Americans.

First of all, who are Americans? The answer is simple. There are three categories: European stock, African Americans who can trace their roots to former slaves, and Native Americans. There are no others. The aliens who have been invading the country since the end of World War II are interlopers, usually hostile to America and American values—and therefore are seeking the ideological, cultural, demographic and political overthrow of the nation. .

The main reason Meg Whitman can’t win in the governorship in California is the same reason she couldn’t become president of Mexico. She wants to take an Alamo stand against the Hispanic hordes who have invaded the country. She said we have to secure our borders, hold employers accountable for hiring illegals, eliminate sanctuary cities, and use a temporary guest worker program.”

THUS, she loses the support of the Hispanics taking over California. Americans now make up less than 50% of California’s population. Latinos (on record) 36%. So without the Latino illegals and their anchor babies there’s no way a candidate can become the governor of California.

So pay attention, America: The Latinos might as well have 60% of the vote because the gringos percentage will always get split between the Democrats and Republicans, giving the Latinos the majority vote. Let's say the gringos had 60% of the vote, which gets split 30% for the Democrats and 30% for the Republicans. Whichever party gets the 30% Latino vote wins. So Megan (wanting to fight the illegals and aliens to save America) loses. The other more common option (such as in the last presidential race) is that both parties cater to the illegals so the Hispanics win either way. Thus, in America the vote will always be a win-win situation for the illegals and the Hispanic Nation and a lose-lose situation for Americans.

Of course, Meg Witless is one of those employers who hire illegals, so fucking typical of Republicans who talk patriotism but betray the country by hiring illegals. Take George Bush (whom I shall curse in my dying breath):


That could be Meg with her illegal nanny or whatever she was. I hate the fucking Hispanics for invading my country, but if I make a commitment to someone I live up to it. Whitman is a typical cheapskate Republicans. She’s got a billion dollars, so why couldn’t she hire an American? But she didn’t. But when she cut loose her illegal why didn’t she help her out? Get her legalized or give her enough money to live for a couple years. Because she’s a fucking cheapskate. I hate Mexicans but they don’t disgust me because they have a sense of loyalty—which Americans apparently lack. So don’t get me wrong, Whitman is the bad choice in this matter. There is no way anyone can respect her rich ass.


Brown is the worse choice. He’s a mummified Marxists. Why is it that American politicians are the dregs of society? All our options are either military types like McCain; lawyers, who rank with child molester as people least-admired in America; fatcat business types like Whitman; and finally just dumb fucks like the airhead Sarah Palin. Take Brian Bilbray for example. This guy couldn’t finish a two-year degree at a community college. Wikipedia says he worked as a tax consultant before entering politics. Oh please! There is no fucking hope for this country.

(Yeah, I know he’s against the illegals. That good, but also typical of his sort of Republican, the ones who focus on hot button issues like abortion, pot, gay marriage, etc. but otherwise lack intellectual sophistication.)

Getting back to Lefty Socialist Democrat Brown, he said he has a government sponsored program that would create 500,000 new jobs. So how many of those jobs at taxpayers expense will be taken by Hispanics—illegals or their anchor babies? Lots of them. You might have heard that Jew leftist (redundancy) Stephen Colbert joking before congress about Hispanics doing those jobs American won’t do. Actually, millions of those Hispanics are working for federal, state, and city governments at jobs Americans would love to have but can’t get because of affirmative action. I haven’t had a Caucasian delivering my mail for years. Personally I’m sick of my tax dollars going to aliens.

Brown also complained that the Medi-Cal program has its own issues and that “We’ve got to save money in that program so we can continue to cover those at the lowest incomes.” Guess who most of those people are:
The May [Medi-Cal] report, "Medi-Cal Funded Deliveries," states that of the 14,350 taxpayer-funded births in the county that year, 5,814, or 40.5 percent, were to illegal immigrants. That is an 18 percent increase over the 4,916 Medi-Cal-funded deliveries to illegal immigrants in San Diego County in 2001, as shown in an earlier state report.
And their children will be given U.S. citizenship and then the growing low-income families of the illegal aliens will be sucking from the Medi-Cal tit forever. No wonder the system is broke, just like everything else in California.

Brown said he strongly opposes police, sheriffs, and attorney Generals gong after undocumented people. In other words, the law is only applies to Americans. I say to Brown: FUCK YOU! The law is the fucking law. No wonder that the Hispanics think it’s okay to come to America and join gangs, deal drugs, work for the cartels, etc. The first lesson they learn is that the law doesn’t matter. Brown says it’s a federal problem. Well actually the Hispanics are a big fucking problem for lots of Americans who live in barrios such as Vista, Oceanside, Escondido, Bonita, Chula Vista, etc., in and around barrio San Diego, or East L.A. Let’s take a look at the people who are above the law as far as SeƱor Brown is concerned:


These are the people who broke American and international law when they invaded America by the millions. And they have an agenda, which is to make Americans a minority in their country and to nullify Americans’ political power. And what happens to the neighborhoods once they take over? Here’s a paean to just one of the hundreds of Hispanic gangs that have emerged in America since the invasion began:


You see for those Americans who live in a barrio or a community suffering barrioization the Hispanics are a big fucking problem. And obviously neither the Feds nor the state governments want to do a fucking about it for the same reason kiss-their-brown-asses Jerry Brown doesn’t want to do anything about it: IT’S THE FUCKING VOTES STUPID. And of course it’s not a problem for Brown who, Wikipedia tells us, lives in a 1.8 million dollar house. Brown, like the Kennedys, was born with a silver spoon in is mouth and now he’s using it as a dagger to stab Americans in the back.

But he’s not unique. Whitman, like other Republicans, does the same thing. They talk American but are quite willing to encourage the millions of illegals to work in America. That’s the dilemma facing America voters. The choice is between

Republican CAPITALISTS, who are willing to sell out Americans to war overseas and illegals to make a PROFIT.


Democrat MARXISTS, who are seeking to transform America into an international-socialist refugee camp in which Americans are just another minority, such as what has happened in New York City, which is the Marxist Control Center of America, created and run by Marxist-Zionist Jews. The Jews had the brain power but lacked numbers—a Marxist-Revolutionary Army. They have that army now. It consists of millions of aliens. Stupid Americans wonder where did all those Marxists come from. They are the Zionist-Marxists who flooded into America (and Palestine) from Europe after World War II. That is when America took the Hebrew Hemlock. Look at the Supreme Court:

Stephen Gerald Breyer: Jew, wants to disarm Americans so they will be completely defenseless against Big Brother.

Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg: Jew

Elena Kagan: Jew, nominated by America’s alien president Obama.

Samuel Anthony: Catholic, parents immigrants.

Sonia Maria Sotomayor: Catholic, Hispanic, parents immigrants.

Antonin Gregory Scalia: Catholic, father an immigrant, mother’s parents immigrants.

Anthony McLeod Kennedy: Catholic American.

John Glover Roberts: Catholic American. Not all that impressive but you take what you can get.

Clarence Thomas: Catholic, typical black stud, just ask Anita Hill.

So where are the Protestants and nonbelievers? Why should the Jews (recent interlopers) and members of the Church of Pedophiles dominate the non-longer Supreme Court? Don’t get me wrong I love the people who invented the cannoli and the Mafia, but it seems to me that the court is heavy with Jews, aliens, and Catholics. It’s no wonder that the welcome mat is out for the Hispanic invaders. And it’s no wonder that Democracy is no longer working for Americans.

That’s why I’m not bothering to vote. Fuck it. Just looking at Amerika

the idiotic wars

the broken economy

the culture of debauchery

the dysfunctional schools (watch Waiting for Superman to see the future America)

the declining neighborhoods being appropriated by alien invaders

the broken economy

the corruption of greed on Wall Street (should be called Madoff Street)

the corruption of greed in Washington (watch Casino Jack)

a federal government run by Jews:


Though the Jews have been in control of Washington since LBJ allowed them to destroy the good ship U.S.S. Liberty:


You see, America, democracy no longer works for you. The Jews, aliens, and the unAmerican plutocracy hijacked it.

Post-Election Comment

I believe my claim has been verified:

"According to an exit poll of Latino Decisions, Brown's victory was due in large part to the overwhelming support of Hispanic voters toward the Democrats, a difference than ever before 86% for Brown and 13% for Whitman."


That's why America has no chance against the growing Hispanic Nation. Just look at New Mexico. It has become a Mexican state. Its former and newly elected governor are Hispanics. The Associated Press tells us:

"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Republican Susana Martinez, who made history by becoming the nation's first female Hispanic governor, promised to chart a 'new direction' for New Mexico by shrinking state government and turning around poorly performing schools."
Yeah, that new direction isn't an American one. Gringos are now a minority in New Mexico, as well as California and Texas. And I wonder why the schools are failing, maybe because the majority of Hispanic students drop out. Perhaps that will change when they realized that New Mexico really does belong to them. And now the aliens are heading for the suburbs. Huffington Post tells us,
"Suburbs still tilt white. But, for the first time, a majority of all racial and ethnic groups in large metro areas live outside the city. Suburban Asians and Hispanics already had topped 50 percent in 2000, and blacks joined them by 2008, rising from 43 percent in those eight years."
The whites are finding out there is no where to run to that they can call home. That's because:
"About 83 percent of the U.S. population growth since 2000 was minority, part of a trend that will see minorities become the majority by midcentury. Across all large metro areas, the majority of the child population is now nonwhite."

Americans such as the Tea Party types complain about the government's mortgaging their children's future. Sadly, the future facing America's children is that of a disappearing America.