When I say each thanksgiving there’s less to be thankful for, of course I’m speaking of Americans. The alien invaders have a lot to be thankful for, being about to take over the country Americans built.
When did this decline begin? I would say about the time Ronald Reagan became president is when America began to have less to be thankful for at Thanksgiving. I say this because Reagan signed the first illegal-alien amnesty bill. He also escalated defense spending to such an extent that the military-industrial complex became the single most potent economic driver of the U.S. economy. Finally, Reagan established in the American mind that America would be the world’s military policeman forever. Of course, Reagan doesn’t deserve all the blame. It can be shared by all the politicians that have been leading America down the downward path since the end of World War Two.
However, my thesis is that each year from now on Americans will have less to be thankful for. And I will illustrate my thesis by looking at some of the stories in the Nov. 21, Sunday
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune. Let’s look at the front page.
(1) “Terror Arrests Jolt Somalis Amid Celebration”
What are they celebrating in San Diego? Eid al-Adha, the end of the annual five-day pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. That’s right, along with the Hispanic Nation there is growing in America an Islamic Nation, which is totally alien to America. We might as well have Martians in San Diego celebrating some Martian deity. Each year a small part of America disappears into the ever expanding alien swamp. Who helped bring these people here? Jewish Family Services. As you should know, the Jews want America to become Alienerica as soon as possible because then the Jews will have gained a strangle hold upon every aspect of American society. The Jews have the brains. What they lack are the votes. The immigrants will give them that. Of course, the Jews don’t care if the old America disappears because they don’t really give a shit about America except as a source of revenue and protection for Israel.
Of course with the aliens (especially the Hispanics and Muslims) comes trouble. You see in the past 3 months five local Somalis, including Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed (that’s his name I shit you not), the imam (spiritual leader) of City Heights have been accursed of terror-related crimes. SUPRISE SUPRISE! Of course the “authorities” says the Somali population is as patriotic as a Fourth of July parade. Let’s just call that multicultural propaganda bullshit. I’ll let you read the article and look at the photos. But I will tell you one thing; these people have NOTHING to do with America. They are invaders who do not belong here, but have been brought here by other invaders and leftist organizations and politicians to live off the American taxpayer as they takeover his homeland.
Isn’t multiculturalism a beautiful thing? Take a look:
It’s like we don’t have enough trouble with our own AFRICAN-Americans that we have to import more! For example:
(2) “9 Pounds of Highly Explosive Material Found”“NORTH COUNTY — What began as an investigation into a minor blast that injured a gardener in North County has led to the discovery of more than nine pounds of a highly explosive, homemade compound that has been used in terrorist plots and by suicide bombers worldwide.”
“Authorities have identified the renter of the property, George Djura Jakubec, 54, as the person who manufactured the explosive.”
Items indicating America is finished. First, the gardener is Hispanic (of course). Second, the Deputy District Attorney is Terri Perez, working at one of those jobs Americans don’t want. Third, there is no way George Djura Jakubec is American. But apparently he not only makes bombs but robs banks. Fourth, the area where all this occurred is Escondido. Escondido has now been declared a barrio since there are more Hispanics living there than Americans. What do Hispanics bring to the community? Gangs:
Just to show you how bad things have gotten alien-wise all you have to do is go back a few days to the November 16, edition of the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune—the B section, which is the loco new, on look at the front page articles.
“Donors Respond to Motorcycle Crash”5 people killed in a motorcycle crash. This is what happened:
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/nov/19/a-path-to-tragedy/The first guy who caused the accident was driving at high speed toward Mexico when he passed the motorcyclists causing a second driver,
CARLOS RAMIREZ BOBADILLA, 36, of Mexicali, Mexico to run into the riders. It will be interesting to see who the killer was.
“TV Event Puts San Diego in Immigration Spotlight”This was a big celebration of the Hispanic overthrow of America. It was attended by Latino insurgents and gringo collaborators. And it took place at the Catholic university—which makes sense because the Catholic Church is all about providing sanctuary to illegals—especially the uneducated ones who haven’t read about the games the priests like to play with the kiddies.
“SAN DIEGO — Prominent Hispanic ACTIVISTS, academics and journalists took center stage Monday in the national immigration debate during a two-hour town-hall forum broadcast live on MSNBC from the University of San Diego.”
The photo shows that these people were having a jolly ol time celebrating the HISPANIC OVERTHROW OF AMERICA by invading criminals and their anchor babies. There was a Texas sheriff present, Adrian Garcia, looking like a Mexican generalissimo. As you know Texas has finally lost the Mexican-American War since the gringos are now a minority in that state. The new rallying cry in Texas is FORGET THE ALAMO!
Garcia became the first Hispanic sheriff in Harris County history in 2008. The son of Mexican immigrants, Garcia defeated Tommy Thomas in 2008, who had been the sheriff for 14 years. I wonder why? Demographics. Why do you think the country is now being run by the man from Kenya? Garcia had also worked in an Anti-Gang Office in Houston and was named director the anti-gang effort. Again, I wonder why? Maybe because the gangbangers are mostly Latino and it's essential to speaka the language. It’s interesting how the Hispanics import problems and then need to be hired to deal with them. And is sheriff one of those jobs gringos don’t want? Someone forgot to tell Tommy.
“Film actress Rosario Dawson, a vocal opponent of Arizona’s recent immigration-enforcement law, added star-power to the lineup.” In other words, she a vocal opponent of Americans defending their borders from the criminals who are invading the country.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZn4Ed4fd-c“Prosecutors: Woman Aided Terror Group in Somalia”Yeah, those wonderful San Diego Somalis are back in the news.
“Nima Ali Yusuf, 24, was indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday on charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide material support to al-Shabaab and lying to a government agency investigating a terrorist matter.”
“Yusuf is the fourth Somali native living in San Diego to be charged this month with aiding al-Shabaab, a militia that has links to al-Qaeda. The group wants to establish an Islamic state in that war-torn country.”
“About 10,000 Somalis live in San Diego, mostly in the City Heights neighborhood, making it the second largest Somali community in the United States, behind Minnesota’s Twin Cities.”
Deegusting I’d say. And why would I, an American, be thrilled having to live with the people who possess NO qualities that I find appealing. Oh but they’re HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE YOU. I don’t give a shit. They are not my people. I don’t want to be around them any more than I’d want to be around the people who live in the refugee camp in District 9:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_AaBbnBbms&feature=relatedWelcome to LA, or South Africa. At least the aliens in the movie want to go home. The problem with the aliens that come to America illegally is that they won’t go home and our government will protect them. They’re like the aliens in the movies
Aliens. Once they are on-board you wish they’d go home but it’s too late. Maybe we should take a look at good ol Somaliland:
By the way:
“Mogadishu SOMALIA – It’s really hard to find statistical information on this city, but I know I’ve seen it on then top of many lists. Even with no data to report on this city, the governments warning to travel here is extremely high. Mogadishu has one of the highest terrorist populations in the world. There is an ongoing civil war going on in Somalia’s capital, which poses a huge risk to anyone travelling there. Hundreds of people are wounded everyday in Mogadishu’s empty streets. No one knows how many people are actually killed there, but the numbers would be outrageous. Looting, Prowling, kidnapping, gunfire, etc... makes Mogadishu one of the top 3 most dangerous cities.
Capetown SOUTH AFRICA – Murder and robbery stats have been very high for many years in Capetown. In one year they had 71,500 sexual offenses, 18,400 burglaries and 13,900 business robberies. There are approximately 50 murders a day in South Africa, and more than 1/2 of those murders are in Capetown. The city is in a huge recession making robberies very common. Capetown is in a great state of poverty, making crime a part of the peoples everyday life. Going out at night is not advised."
http://www.gustey.com/2010-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-worldAnd what does our government do? Brings those people over here turning our communities into hellholes like Mogadishu, Somalia, in addition to Caracas, Venezuela, and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico (ranked 1st and 2nd), origins of many of our immigrants. And why do we think that they will behave better once they come to America, built by the people they hate?
3) “Neighbors Sound Off over Basing F-35 Jets at Miramar”“In a city proud of its long history of naval aviation, the roar of the F-35 proposals struck some as ‘the sound of freedom.’”
Freedom? How about occupation? Freedom is just a bullshit term used by the military-industrial complex to keep the idiotic American public behind America’s biggest industry—WAR, INC. Like who was going to take away our freedom? Hussein his gang? The Talban? Al-Qaeda? Iran? Give me a fucking break. How would they do that? Even Russia and China are interested in taking away our freedom. And how would they do that anyway?
If you haven’t notice, Americans, you are losing your country to the aliens, who are protected by their arm forces, which used to protect us. It’s not the loss of freedom Americans should be worried about but the loss of their country. Well also the financial meltdown. China is burying us in debt, beating us at the capitalism game. We have tens of millions of people unemployed, millions who have lost their homes, a private and public sector buried in debt. Check this out:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTSQozWP-rMIt’s a spoof but right on. What the Republicans don’t want to you think about is the amount of money being spent on the military. Take a look:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expendituresSo America spends $663,255,000,000 on its defense, 6 times as much as China, 10 times as much as Russia. Interestingly broke Britain is in 3rd place. The only reason for this discrepancy is the military-industrial complex. Lots of people are getting very rich and millions are being employed by this complex. However, since it relies totally on tax dollars it is socialistic enterprise that is bleeding America to death. Seniors’ medical care may be reduced, but by god they’ll have Lightning II jets protecting them from sky-diving Taliban. What America is doing to itself is what Reagan did to the USSR, sent it to the poorhouse by causing it to overspend on its military.
Get this:
“The $380 BILLION Joint Strike Fighter under development by Lockheed Martin is the Pentagon’s costliest weapon program. It is also at least four years behind schedule and fighting for its life in Washington.”
Okay, $380 BILLION is what this fighter program is going to cost. But China (with the 2nd largest defense budget) is spending 98 billion for its total defense. Am I missing something here or is this FUCKING NUTS! So what is America’s financial future? Take a look:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qHD7-XVX4I2 to 4 million Vietnamese killed as a result of the American led Vietnam War. Most Americans don’t know that or don’t care. In fact, Americans care more about their pets than they do about the Vietnamese, Iraqis, and Afghans they’ve slaughtered—still are in Afghanistan, where America’s Kenyon war chief plans to keep U.S. forces until 2014, which doesn’t mean were really going to leave, not unless we can establish a permanent puppet government, a kind of drone government that we can control from the U.S.
Now the U.S. military is sending M1 Abram battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year war, a further escalation in the aggressive tactics that have been employed by American forces to attack the Taliban. Kind of reminds you of the Nazi Blitzkrieg into Poland, except the Poles were better equipped militarily than the Taliban and the Nazi tanks were nothing compared to the M1 Abram. Let’s take a look:
The M1 Abrams tanks:
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/414175/m1_abrams_tank/God Americans love war, especially the video-game generation.
The Enemy:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRk6MPtVa4&feature=relatedDid you see the Taliban fighters with their AK-47s and RPG? Let’s try again:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IPdxzG035EThere it is. The Taliban’s secret weapon is the war scream. And to think that our brave soldiers not only get to mock these guys but get to kill them, which isn’t all that easy because we are told by the U.S. media that they are well trained and prepared, and by the U.S. military that they are more powerful than ever. I believe it.
Maybe the alien overthrow of America is simply bad karma at work. Over and out from the U.S. Weapons Testing Area Afghanistan.
4) “It’s Black Friday... Everyday”
This article is about Americans post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy. The article says, “This Black Friday promises to be more convenient for shoppers, with retailers offering deals anytime, anywhere their customers want through websites, smart phones and facebook.”
In other words, forget about
--city, states and the federal government being broke
--millions of Americans having lost their homes
--tens of millions having lost their jobs and now unemployed
--millions living on the streets
--two million living in prison
--the country’s fighting two wars considered to be crimes against humanity by world (though not by Americans and Jews, who have apparently lost their moral compass)
--the country’s economy collapsing probably before the last troops leave Afghanistan and Iraq
--America not being able to compete in the global marketplace because its only high quality products are weapons, bought mostly by Israel with U.S. Foreign Aid tax dollars
--communities, cities and towns being overrun by alien gangs
--and the country being overrun by aliens.
And forget that each year Americans grow poorer and smaller in number compared to the increasing number of aliens and more American communities become alien enclaves. Forget all the bad news about America’s demise by during a little Christmas shopping. Oh, I forgot. We don’t say CHRISTIAMAS SHOPPING because to do so would insult the Jews and those other invaders who worship Allah. It’s their land now. But forget that. Just go out and do a lot of holiday shopping. Maybe doing so will jump start our moribund economy. Just think of the captain of the Titanic telling the passengers to forget about the iceberg and visit the gift shop.
Ergo, each year for now on Americans will have less to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. My advice is throw out the turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie and start serving tacos, burritos, nachos, chalupas and perhaps some favorite dishes from Iraq, Somalia, China and the hundred plus nations now establish Global Refugee Camp America kept safe by our brave men and women in uniform.
And get yourself one of those Uncle Sam piñatas that have become so popular with the Hispanics. Fill it with food stamps and other goodies and beat the hell out of it. Of course, the Somalis would want to Black Hawk piñata, one with doll pilots that the kids could drag around and set on fire.
Speaking of fire, I got to go, my turkey enchiladas are burning. And happy Thanksgiving. That was a joke! ;) But it will be a lot happier for us than it will be in the future for America children and grandchildren. Though at least they can go shopping online so they won't have to venture out from the new Green Zone Communities created once America has gone completely alien.