Americans have been associating with the Judas people too long, and are not to be trusted. That dictatorial piece of shit Herr Hosni Mubarak has been supported by Zionist-America for 30 years. The Wall Street Journal says that the conflict has,
“highlighted the divide between Mr. Mubarak and his longtime ally, the U.S.”
WHY IN THE FUCK HAS THE U.S. BEEN THIS DICTATOR’S ALLY? Why does Mubarak get special treatment but we lower the hammer on that other dictator Fidel Castro? Something’s smells rotten like gefilte fish. Let’s take another whiff of the stench:
“The White House on Friday threatened to cut off its $1.5 billion in annual aid to Egypt if security forces continue to use violence to crush the protests.”
Most of which is military aid.
So why is a fucking dictator getting a BILLION DOLLARS PLUS in American taxpayer aid? That rotten smell is: ISRAEL. You see a not so small Jewish cabal runs America, supported by Jewish loving religious simpletons on the right. Think Republicans. Remember George Bush?
On the left support for Mubarak’s dictatorship comes from Jewish-Marxist loving Democrats. And in the middle there’s the profit from blood Military-Industrial Complex that makes billions each year providing military aid to support (keep in power) dictators like Mubarak and the kings of Saudi Arabia. Hussein used to get a lot of military stuff from America when he was killing Iranians. And so were the Afghan freedom fighters when they were killing Russians rather than members of the Covenant Military Alliance, also know as International Colonialism Assistance Force.
Take a look at Belligerents in Wikipedia’s “War in Afghanistan.” On the one side you have the forces of the Covenant: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Australia, Spain, Georgia, and Denmark. You see these nations want to pretend that they are really at war like during W.W.II. But who are they fighting. No fucking countries, basically just gangs: the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, Hezb-e Islami Khalis, etc. And do these guys have advance small arms, armored personnel carriers, tanks, helicopters, jets, killer drones, etc.? Hell no. Take a look at these guys:
They are the real thing, the real heroes in this war. They are like those American patriots who fought the British. It’s a real war for these guys. For the members of the International Colonialism Assistance Force it’s a pretend war—as well as an immoral war and a crime against humanity. They might as well be fighting the Crips, Bloods, Hell’s Angels, Arian Brotherhood, and the Mexican Mafia in the U.S. and pretend that’s a war. It sure in the hell would be more beneficial to America. Oh yeah, recently a big round up of Mafia members. Big fucking deal. Some of these guys are guilty of illegal gamble. Why is it I feel perfectly safe in Little Italy or never worry about the Mafia in the graffitied barrio where my bunker is located?
There’s more from the WSJ:
“President Barack Obama said Friday evening he spoke with Mr. Mubarak and told him to refrain from violence and take ‘concrete steps’ to advance the rights of Egyptians. ‘This moment of volatility has to be turned into a moment of promise,’ he said.”
How do you like that last part? More of Rev. Obama’s preacher bullshit. So what’s the deal? It’s not oil—like when America helped the Brits take down Iran’s democratically elected government. Read all about it:
Well you see Pharaoh Mubarak is an Zionist-America’s puppet. In other words, like all the other presidents since the founding of Gulag Israel upon the homeland and bodies of the Palestinians (aka, Canaanites, who have been there a hell of a lot longer than Jews), the Zionist cabal has a grip on Barack’s tiny testicles, and they get a big squeeze if he even thinks about not towing the Zionist line. In the case of Clinton they’ve threatened to take away her Marx Express Card.
Anyway, Obama should yell loud and clear to the world that it’s for the old dictator Mubarak to go. That he has no fucking right to treat Egypt as his little fiefdom, that in reality he's just another military dictator thug who thinks he deserves to be king and that he's better and smarter than the people he lords over. But he isn't. He's just another Idi Amin, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, but most of all he's like the old Shah of Iran, a Zionist-America stooge. Isn't interesting that when you look these dictators up on the Net they're always shown wearing a uniform and a chest full of medal. Costumes of arrogance. But don't expect marionette Obama to do anything more than dance to a Zionist tune. Like Mubarak he likes being king and wants to be King of Zion-America for another term.
Besides, all Negros know you can’t beat the Jew. Those culture parasites have been attaching themselves to black culture forever and sucking the monetary-political blood from it forever. You must have seen Al Jolson (aka, Asa Yoelson) in black face in The Jazz Singer. So there’s no way a Negro can say no to a Jew. Well they can say no but it doesn’t make any difference. Look how the Jews stole New York City. Here’s one black American (a real black American, not a phony like Rev. Barack) is says no to a New York Jew:
Of course, the Jews still own New York City, like they do Washington and all the other politically and monetarily important parts of the country.
But if the brave protesters in Egypt (unlike the phony Egyptians living in this country, protesting at the Egyptian Embassy with a Starbuck’s latte in hand) finally turn the page on Mubarak, then the Washington Chameleon will change its complexion to look like best friend of the Egyptian people it has betrayed for 30 years. But don’t trust America. It has the moral of THE COMPANY in Prison Break. It has proven itself repeatedly to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
As for the Jews, ever since pagan times people have known not to trust the Judas people. If you want to see into the darkness of the Hebrew heart, read that great work of Hebrew self-promoting propaganda the Old Testament, like the Book of Joshua. Or The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman, two Jews—like Marx (the side critical of avaricious capitalists and plutocratic politicians, like those who have ruined America), Freud, and Einstein—who can’t ignore the truth. (Good Jews?! What can I say? It happens, just not very often.)
Then read the New Testament, which tells how Christian Jews planned to destroy the great cultures of Greece and Rome, which they did, replacing the Greek Intellectual Miracle with the Hebrew Nightmare called Christianity. Then the Biblical lie would morph into Islam. But I ask you, why do the Christian and Muslim offspring of Abraham hate their Jewish brethren? Because they are quintessential opportunists, the Judas people.
Look at what they have done to Palestine and America. Inviting them into your country (if they didn’t force their way in like they did in Palestine) is like inviting termites into your home. Before you know it, they’ve taken over and your home is rotten. And I suppose Hitler’s final solution was something like tenting for termites.
But I don’t suggest any violence against the Juden. As you know they have Arsenal America at their disposal. Just keep your distance—you know, avoid the kiss of Judas, which has been the kiss of death to America and the Palestine. They are posers and users, betrayers and corruptors. That why Obama is walking a tightrope when it comes to Egypt, why Pres. Obama is wearing black face and dancing to a Zionist tune. He know that the Zionist-loving politicians and the money-loving members of America’s Military-Industrial Complex will use that rope to lynch him.
Time to flush this blog, but before I do I want to ask Mubarak one question: How does it feel to be hated by your people, to be considered a traitor? You're the Judas. Maybe the Israelis will give you asylum.