This blog is about the message relayed in the daily newspapers sent from that island of despair.
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 1-25-11
“Tough Times Stretching the Wait for Housing Aid”
This story is about government subsisted housing for the elderly and working poor. The article says, “The number of people applying for rental-assistance vouchers from San Diego County has rise... swelling the waiting list to more than 41,000. In the city of San Diego, 52,000 families have lined up for the federal vouchers, know as Section 8”
And lo and behold, whom does the article focus on? Trina Ybarra and her children, Niriah Dulin and Joseph Olmos. The photo of the three shows mom wearing a big smile. And why not. She gets a fancy apartment with what looks like a waterfront view for less than $1000. She’s living in a better than millions of Americans are for less than what they are paying each month (including myself). Just another example of the aliens taking what belong to American.
And the director of Housing and Community Development tells us the obvious—that foreclosure situation and economic environment has had an impact on low-income families. Guess who the director is: David Estrella. That’s right, another Hispanic who is working at a job no American would want to.
Who is Trina? Well she’s Hispanic, a single mother... Let’s stop there. Why not IRRESPONSIBLE WOMAN rather than SINGLE MOTHER? Am I supposed to feel sorry for her because she’s single with two kids living on the dole? Was she ever married? Why do her children have different last names? Are they adopted? If so, why is she adopting kids she can’t really support. If taxpayers have to foot part of her rent, then they are footing the bill for her kids to go to school, get health care, etc. She’s not contributing to society but is a parasite living off of responsible Americans.
I don’t really blame her. If American politician are willing to offer the taxpayer’s tit to the immigrants flooding across the border and having they anchor babies in American emergency rooms, then Americans are the dumb asses.
This article is written as a happy ending kind of story. Why not, the author is Christopher Cadelago. It’s a good-news story for the HISPANIC NATION, but not for Americans and America. By the way, if you ever check out HUD housing for the elderly in San Diego, you’ll find it filled with Hispanics, Russians, Arabs, Somalis, etc., but very few Americans.
This is just another example why America will never regain its greatness. First of all, it’s become a welfare nation for immigrant and Americans who are now unemployed because the immigrant invasion. Secondly, America isn’t any longer.
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 1-25-11
“Border Agent’s Father Surrender”
“A man whose son is a U.S. Border Patrol agent and who was wanted on charges of being in the United States illegally after being deported following a drug conviction has turned himself in to federal authorities... Marcos G. Manzano Sr., 46, was taken into custody.... His son Marcos G. Manzano Jr., was arrested Jan. 10... accused of harboring illegal immigrants—including his father—and making false statements.”
More good new from south of the border. Here’s just another example of an anchor baby lack of gratitude for everything America has given him—and working at one of those jobs no unemployed American would want.
The son remains under house arrest (that’s terrible punishment) and, I assume, drawing his paycheck. But he’ll be given a good lawyer and will most like get off for being Hispanic.
I left the bunker today to go to the store and saw a pickup with a front license plate with the Mexican flag. The rear plate was California. That pretty much tells you where the loyalty lies of the Hispanics living in the U.S., legally or illegally. It lies with the HISPANIC NATION.
Oh yeah there was also an article titled “Learning How To Seal the Deal,” all about universities teaching sales skills. I wonder if retired politicians and businessmen who have sold out America are teaching the classes?
I check out the obituaries. There was one for America—survived by the Alien Nation. :-)))
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 1-25-11
“Cuts Threaten Programs that Help Veterans Find Benefits”
“San Diego County veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq may be welcomed home by state budget cuts that threaten programs that help them navigate complicated applications for federal benefits ranging from health care to college tuition.”
I have a recommendation. How about not getting involved in cruel, immoral wars just because some dumb-fuck president thinks it would be a lot of fun and the people in charge of the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX think wars are the best thing for the economy, when actually they aren’t. But the CEOs of MIC, Inc. don’t give a shit because wars make them richer.
“Gov. Jerry Brown, confronting a $25.4 billion budget gap and stiff resistance to taxes, has spared few programs from the state’s spending retrenchment, including many that are politically popular.”
I wonder how much of that budget gap is due to the fact that California has been overrun by illegal immigrants and their anchor babies.
Like having to dole out a lot of public assistance to Hispanics like the seƱorita above article “Tough Times Stretching the Wait for Housing Aid.”
And check our prison incarceration:
African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six (5.6) times the
rate of whites;
Hispanics are incarcerated at nearly double (1.8) the rate of
Lot’s of blacks in prison because blacks don’t have tiger moms but crackhead moms. But there’s a lot more Hispanics in California than blacks, and twice as many of them as whites go to prison.
“California already spends $1.1 billion a year on health care for inmates -- a doubling in costs in just seven years.”
Fuck that’s just for health care!
“By racial and ethnic breakdown the California prison system is 36.3% Hispanic, 29.5% black, 28.4% white, and 5.8% other... Whites and Asians are a lower percentage of California's population than they are for California's prison population whereas the opposite is the case for Hispanics and blacks.”
Why am I not surprised!
“With whites a shrinking minority and Hispanics increasing the prison population will likely continue to growth faster than the state's total population. The costs from crime, the criminal justice system, and prisons will rise along with the Hispanic population growth.”
And that just one small part of the expense of the Hispanic invasion. You know if there weren’t millions of illegals and their anchor babies there might have been more money to help out black Americans.
Just think how much better off America would have been if its soldiers had been protecting its borders rather than participating in war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Oh but America is trying to bring democracy to those poor countries. Bullshit. Those wars are operations carried out by America’s Zionist run government and the Military-Industrial Complex. End of fucking story. Yeah, we really don’t like supporting dictatorships like Iran. BULLSHIT! What about EGYPT? Democracy didn’t keep that dictatorial piece of shit thug Mubarak in power for 30 years using STATE OF EMERGENCY as an excuse for his dictatorship. He’s a fucking military dictator but the U.S. Government will support ($$$$$$$$) him as long as his government will pretend to like the Israelis:
“Aid is central to Washington's relationship with Cairo. The US has provided Egypt with $1.3 billion a year in military aid since 1979, and an average of $815 million a year in economic assistance. All told, Egypt has received over $50 billion in US largesse since 1975.I’m one of those critics. I say FUCK Mubarak and fuck the fucking Jews Israel and the fucking Jews running and ruining America.
The money is seen as bolstering Egypt's stability, support for US policies [read PRO-ISRAEL policies because the fucking Jews run the U.S. Government] in the region, US access to the Suez Canal, and peace with Israel. But some critics question the aid's effectiveness in spurring economic and democratic development in the Arab world's most populous country - a higher US priority after Sept. 11, 2001.”
And what about the Saudis? A family dictatorship. The idea that America is all about democracy is bullshit. America is all about itself, Jews, and money. And I will tell you, when democracy come to Egypt and Tunisia, those people won’t love America. They will hate our guts. And they should—if only for our support of that crime against humanity Israel and our wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.
But my original point was that maybe we should be wasting our troops fighting wars that have little to nothing to do with protecting America. In fact they’ve been counterproductive:
“Overall, the number of what the U.S. government considers "significant" attacks grew to about 655 last year, up from the record of around 175 in 2003, according to congressional aides who were briefed on statistics covering incidents including the bloody school seizure in Russia and violence related to the disputed Indian territory of Kashmir.”
America hasn’t been involved in a war on terror but sowing the seeds of terror! :-))) I tell you, America, you’ve go a bunch of dumb shits running and ruining your country.
Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune 1-25-11
“Encinitas City Manager Received Extra Pay”
That’s fucking news?! All you read about in the newspaper is how local (but not loco) politicos have been shafting citizens rather than serving them.
“By mid-December of 2009, Encinitas City Manager Phil Cotton had made the $198,723 his employment contract allowed. Then the city decided to pay him an additional $8,331.
The decision didn’t just boost Cotton’s 2009 pay — it will also affect his pension payments for life.”
Public servants like Phil Cotton prove what all taxpayers know—that all crime isn’t illegal and loyal public servants are loyal first and foremost to themselves and their bank accounts.
To repeat the theme of Prison Break—if it works for the government, it’s not trustworthy.