That’s right our fucking greedy inept government is going to keep our money for an additional month plus, probably to earn extra interest. I went down to HR Block to do my taxes and got the bad news.
The fucking government steals our money, then wastes it on pork barrel projects; on paying for welfare and social services for tens of millions legal and illegal aliens and their anchor babies; on illegal, immoral, fucking idiotic wars; on foreign aid to dictatorships such as Egypt’s and noxious states such as Israel; and other bridges to insolvency.
Those fucking federal fatcats don’t realize that because they have so fucked up America’s economy (not to mention the society generally) that many of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck and depend on their tax refund to pay off some serious bills so they don’t end up on the fucking street. Millions of Americans need the refund FUCKING NOW, but they’ll have to wait a month and a half before they see any of the money stolen from them by their self-serving fucking government.
God bless those Tunisian and Egyptian patriots who are showing the balls to take back their country. Even the fucking Mexicans have the cajones to take their complaint to the streets. I hate them but admire their gumption. No way Americans have the guts to do that (except for a few lone-wolf warriors). It would mean taking to the streets rather than to Starbucks or the local tattoo parlor.
There are decent, hardworking Americans with gumption but not enough of them. Besides, most of them live in small towns scattered across the country. No, I’m afraid America is doomed—looted, vandalized, and rotting like an abandoned house on the prairie.
I’ll save my last words for the IRS and the politicians running and ruining the country: FUCK YOU!