Monday, September 28, 2009

Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert Loses Moral Ground

This is what is said in the San Diego Union-Tribune about this ethical phony:
“Saying the United States lost the moral high ground, the outgoing [RETIRING] Marine general who built and ran the Guantanamo Bay military prison in early 2002 said he quickly concluded that it was the wrong path and that the cells he constructed should be emptied.”
Got it. But did he speak out before he started collecting his retirement checks? If he didn’t, then he is an ethical phony just like all the hired guns who have been involved in the moral low ground of the Iraq War and the Afghan War. Let’s see, about a half million Iraqis dead since 2003:

About 4.7 million Iraqis have been displaced since 2003.

But who gives a fuck. They’re just a bunch of rag-heads no better than termites.

More about Maj. Gen Moral High Ground:
“‘I came to the conclusion very soon that this probably wasn't the right way to go,’ Lehnert, 58, said during a media round table yesterday. ‘Probably before I left Guantanamo, I was of the opinion it needed to go away as soon as possible.’"
But he didn’t speak out because he didn’t want to jeopardize those FAT MILITARY RETIREMENT CHECKS. So he speaks out now so he can get the big checks and not feel guilty for running a stupid, concentration camp for suspected enemy.

By the way, why doesn’t bully America give back to Cuba that piece of land it stole from them? Then maybe the Cuba in Miami could be relocated. I mean those Cubans are a greater threat than those rag-heads—unless the pus heads in Washington allow them to immigrate to the US. But they aren’t that stupid. YES THEY FUCKING ARE. Did you read that the National Institute of Mental Health said recently, “An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.” And they are all fucking politicians! Anyway, the Cubans in this country are doing a lot more harm than the rag-heads, at least for now. Check it out.

Back to Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground:
“Lehnert said the United States has a moral obligation to treat the prisoners humanely. He added that HE WASN'T IN CHARGE OF INTERROGATIONS, which were handled by a different task force.”
I smell guilt. He might not have been in charge but he knew what was going on. So why didn’t Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground scream his fucking head off?
Answer: those fat retirement checks. You know that if the Germans hadn’t lost the war that the guys managing the death camps would have been raking in big bucks. Death camp, torture camp—what’s the difference--immorality is immorality, cruelty is cruelty.

You know Bush and his Neocon goons would have put the rag heads in the ovens if they could have gotten away with it. Apparently they did get away with it because like Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground they are living like fat cats while Americans are losing their homes—not to the rug huggers but to the greedy motherfucking money changers whose form of capitalism is pornographic. I mean I don’t know who’s worse, guys who are into child porn or the guys on Wall Street or guys who participate in immoral wars.

Finally the truth is spoken: “If he thought that at the time, why didn't he do anything about it?” asked Colby Vokey, a former Marine defense attorney who served at Camp Pendleton before retiring last year.”

Before the interview Maj. Gen Moral High Ground should have been read his rights, like anything he said would be held against him. Leave to a lawyer to do just that. Hooray! for Vokey for not defending do as I say but not as I do Maj. Gen Moral High Ground. HYPOCRIT!

“Lehnert said he made his views known through ‘the appropriate chain of command.’” Yeah right! In other words, he whisper to military types like himself that there might be a problem with shit like waterboarding and throwing the Koran in the toliet knowing they weren’t rocking the boat until they got their pensions and maybe a tell-all book deal. The COURAGEOUS thing to have done was speak to the media—tell the fucking world that Gitmo is a fucking moral outrage.

Check out this video that shows a 16-year-old guy imprisoned in this secret prison for throwing a grenade at an American soldier in Afghanistan. Isn’t that what soldiers try to do—kill each other? Well he wasn’t dressed as a soldier. Most the people the American military kills are not soldiers but civilians defending their homeland. That’s exactly what Americans would do if they were invaded. Whoops! We are being invaded by Mexico and are doing nothing. Okay I got that wrong. By the way Muhammad Grenadazi is a Canadian citizen. HOW FUCKING STUPID IS THAT? Of course, now America is finding out that some of their Muslim imports are terrorists. What in the fuck good does it do to kill them over there and then bring them over here? You'll have to ask the anti-American pus heads in Washington.

Still, imprisoning a kid so that he can be tortured in order to get information is just plain idiotic and mean. He doesn’t know shit. This villainess sickness came out of the Bush administration which was filled with sicko warmongers and Jewish hate-the-Muslim neocons like that filthy Irving Kristol. I’m so glad he’s dead, though hopefully his ashes won’t be scattered. They’ll just stink up the air.

Kristol is another example of Jewish immigrants (his parents) given sanctuary in America and immediately begin taking over the country. No wonder Hitler feared the Jews. We defeated the fascist menace but not the Zionist menace. Look what they have done to America, for example, which would not be fighting the present two wars had it not been for filthy neocon Jews like Kristol, who turned America into Israel’s pit-bull. WHAT HAVE THE JEWS EVER DONE FOR AMERICA BESIDE GET IT INTO TROUBLE? (Not to mention what they have done to Wall Street and Hollywood.) As a result the country has become a laughingstock and an object of disgust and ridicule around the world, you know like JOKER THE JEW and his AMERICAN HENCHMEN. Sick, sick, sick.

Well Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground, I guess you are going to have to live with your guilty conscience because no one except other psychopathic conservatives buy your I’m-really-a-nice-guy bullshit. Think about it General. A handful of rag heads commandeer with box cutters three commercial jetliners and kill 3000 Americans. That’s an act of war? No army, no tanks, no air force, no navy—just a posse of terrorists. Give me a fucking break. We hype it up to war status and then invaded a country run by a maniac (our maniac was George Bush).

Results: tens of thousands of innocent people slaughtered in Iraq and thousands of dead innocent civilians in Afghanistan, and a country, like Iraq, destroyed by war. Take a look Maj. Gen. Moral High Ground:

It makes you ashamed to be an American (not you I mean Americans with a conscience). Yes, after 9-11 we needed to go in a punish al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but now what we are doing is obscene. Except to morally simple-minded Americans, the war in Afghanistan is an obscene show of technological slaughter. The country has become a testing ground for America’s un-heroic weapon systems such as the killer drones, in other words, America’s version of Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.

Check out the new American Robo Soldier:

Will they be passing out Medals of Honor to those guys?

Sorry General, you wasted your life as a soldier. Had you been seriously interested in defending America you would have joined the Border Patrol.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hispanic Nation President, Obama, Presents His District 9-ing of America Plan

Should have got around to this earlier but blogging in America is like sewer surfing. Sometimes you just ain’t in the mood to smell the shit. :-(

“President promotes his health care reform at Hispanic lawmakers gala” is the title of the 9/17/09 barrio San Diego Union-Tribune article. The article begins by saying “Obama also salutes Justice Sotomayor. There is no doubt in my mind that Obama sees himself as the president of the Alien Nations now occupying America, the largest and most dangerous of which is the Hispanic Nation.

Check out the Hispanics who are turning America into Arkham Asylum, with Joker Obama in charge but no gringo Batman to the rescue, too many traitors in the DC shithouse:

He “told a Latino gathering yesterday that no one in the United States illegally would receive benefits under plans for a health care overhaul.” Of course that is bullshit. Illegals already receive medical care in this country.

Check out this:

Looks like free medical care to me. Okay, maybe the person getting the shot isn’t illegal, but she’s getting a free shot and I never have gotten a free shot. And if she was illegal, you know she could get the shot anyway. Getting the point here is that the HISPANIC NATION is getting a lot of free stuff paid for by gringo taxpayers. Now California university students are protesting the UC budget cuts. Hell only 27% are gringo. I for one am tired of paying the bill in California to educate the aliens who have invaded the state. Let them pay their own way.

Getting back to the great alien leader’s healthcare bill, what his medical bill will ensure is that all the illegals’ American born children will get medical care, no questions ask, which they pretty much do already. Also, passing the bill will mean that the millions of illegals in this country will qualify when their leader gets his ILLEGAL ALIENS AMNESTY BILL passed by the ant-American politicians in Washington, meaning Democrats and Republicans (don’t forget Reagan’s amnesty bill and alien lovers such as Bush and McCain).

Then we are told, “‘Our own royalty, somebody who we have become so extraordinarily proud of, somebody who I've just come to adore, and who is somebody who's going to make us proud for many, many years to come, because she's not term-limited, the newest justice of the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor,’ Obama said, bringing the room to its feet to applaud Sotomayor, who attended the dinner.’ "ADIÓS YOU STUPID FUCKING GRINGOS."

She’s not royalty to me or any other gringo American. What she is is a symbol of the Hispanic destruction of America, of all the millions of Hispanics who have invaded the American homeland with the help of traitorous politicians.

Then we are told, “He said the proudest moment of his presidency was when Sotomayor took the bench.” Of course it was. The aliens are his people. He's one of them. They brought him to power, so what you expect him to say? But it certainly wasn’t America’s proudest moment. It was a moment of shame and humiliation. The first thing he Obama does once in office is KISS ALIEN BUTT. As far as I’m concern, the appointment was telling Americans (red, black, and white—there are no others) to go fuck themselves.

Next Obama says, “As she lifted her right hand to take the oath, our nation took one step closer to fully realizing the founding ideals that the court itself was established to defend,” BULLSHIT! America took another step toward disappearing. And are the founding ideals of the court to overthrow America by an illegal demographic deluge? I urinate on the graves of the politicians that authorized giving U.S. Citizenship to aliens such as Puerto Ricans who hate the gringo. They are my enemies and always will be. They have their own fucking homeland. Leave us ours.

Then the alien chief said, “And across America, millions of children's sights are now set higher; their dreams are a little bigger. That benefits all of us.” Not gringo children. The Hispanic Nation Obama represents has its sights on the homes, schools, and communities of the gringo children. All our children can look forward to is the disappearance of their homeland under the Alien Deluge and being home schooled in an underground bunker.

This is what Mexican immigrants think about America:

Next we are told, “Part rally for his agenda and part reminder to a KEY CONSTITUENCY [read illegal aliens and their illegitimate offspring], Obama's speech to a packed ballroom promised help FOR THE LATINO COMMUNITY and the nation more broadly [read rhetoric for the stupid gringos]. He said the problems Latinos face cut across all communities, from crumbling schools to a devastated economy.” The truth is the cholo people have done the most harm to their communities. I hear on NPR today about class sizes being too large, 40 in LA. The expert said that the large class size is really hard on disadvantage student and second language speakers—in other words gangbangers and illegal immigrants or the children of—who can’t speak English and are illiterate in Spanish. Why does Vermont rank as the smartest state?

Because it’s 98 percent gringo. Why is California 47th ? Because it has become an appendage of Mexico.

Check out the real world of the Hispanic Nation:

You want to see why our disadvantage students don't do so well:

Then the great aliens leader said, “Todos somos Americanos... We are all Americans.” NO THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS. THEY INVADED THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY YOU STUPID FUCK! YOU’RE NOT EVEN ALL AMERICAN, ONLY HALF AMERICAN and apparently your mama hated the gringo otherwise your middle name wouldn't be Hussein.

Check out Muslims attempting to pass the U.S. Arab immigration test:

What was next? "'The American people did not send us to Washington to ignore problems just because they're tough,' said Obama, whose campaign slogan of 'Yes, We Can' borrowed from Cesar Chavez's 'Si, Se Puede'" I'm sure Americans are reassured that Obama's hero and role model was Cesar Chavez. The AMERICA PEOPLE are GRINGOS, BLACKS (whose ancestors were slaves, not Muslims), and American Indians. There are no other Americans, not as far as gringos are concerned. And what was Chavez talking about? THE HISPANIC CONQUERING OF AMERICA! Check it out stupid gringo!

And then the knife to the American throat: “‘All of you have made America more American,’ Pelosi said.” Fuck you, Pelosi. You may represent the anti-American gays in San Francisco but not the real un-diseased America.

Finally: Obama tell his alien audience: “I also don't simply believe we can ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken.” NO SHIT. And with him in charge it will remain broken.

Americans know now that they need to be wearing a gun in Obama's new DISTRICT 9 AMERICA.

Kudos to Dr. Michael Savage for recommending the Kel-Tec FREEDOM 380.

I disagre with Dr. Savage on most issues (he is a rabid supported or virulent State of Israel), but he’s right on about gangbangers and terrorists invading this country. The alien-loving U.S. Government isn't interested in protecting Americans—to the contrary it’s doing it best to see us become an endangered species in our own only habitat.

Lock and load because bad weather has arrived and it’s Alamo time in the USA.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Assemblyman Mike Duvall: Traitor Slut

Mike Duvall is a traitor and a slut. He was slutting around with two lobbyist sluts, no surprise there since lobbyist by definition means pimping slut.

He also proved that like most Republicans—George Bush comes to mind right away—he is a filthy mouth-and-mind dumb shit. He was bragging about his sleazy sex when a mike was capturing the verbal vomit that was spewing out of his filthy mouth to a person who apparently enjoys listening to such filth, Republican Assemblyman Jeff Miller.

Check out this news video on Mike the slut Duvall:

You see that Assemblyman Mike the Slut Duvall, like most other Republicans, looks like a combination of used car dealer and praise-the-lord minister. It’s pretty obvious why he falls into the male-slut category, like the bath-house gays he would criticize but worse because gays don’t parade themselves off as models of virtue.

But why TRAITOR? Because he presents himself as a clean-living, God-fearing, all-American family man, when in fact he is nothing more than a male slut. He wrapped himself in the flag, made himself a symbol of it, then soiled it with his behavior, thus, like Bush, corrupting it and the country in the eyes of its many enemies, foreign and domestic.

He presented himself as an American concerned about Americans because that what Republicans are supposed to be about. But then he soils himself and by doing so soiled America. It doesn’t work that way for Democrats. We know they are not interested America but in their Jewish inspired save-the-world Marxist agenda, which they are willing to sacrifice America for. (You didn't know the secular savior of the world Karl Marx was a Jew? And you never noticed the similarity between his agenda and the Jewish agenda in the U.S.? You didn't know that the Jews who invaded America during the 20th century were either Marxists or Zionists or both and that the Marxist-Zionist agenda is one of the very big reasons America has lost control of its future? Shame on you!)

When Bill Clinton stuck his dick into the mouth of Monica Lewdinsky, a Jew whose actions I believe were aimed at discrediting Clinton because he was considered an enemy of Israel. (Most the people of the world are enemies of Israel just as they are enemies of cancer. Isn’t that what the Jews are—a cancer that feeds on the flesh of other nations? Look at Palestine and how the Jewish cancer has eaten away at it. Look at America and how the Jewish multiculturalist cancer has eaten away at it.). For example, Joseph Farah said in one of his posts, “Bill Clinton did his level best to destroy Israel during his eight years as president. He twisted Ehud Barak's arm to the point that the former prime minister had virtually given his country away to Yasser Arafat.” I think that expresses the view of most the Jews at the time.

But that wasn’t my point. Like other leftists, Clinton was never thought to represent America. Preserving the traditional America is an idea that is foreign to both him and his wife; on the other hand, neither one wraps himself or herself in the flag like the Republicans do. That means, Democrats are enemies of America, but Republicans are traitors. Actually, it’s not about winning but fighting for the country. Like Joe Wilson calling Obama a liar. On the other hand, he is no better than Bush, being more interested in fighting self-defeating, immoral wars and defending Israel than preserving America.

It seems to me that to the Democrats America is nothing more than a very large refugee camp for the unclean, uneducated, morally challenged (Yes, yes, like Mike the slut Duvall) unAmerican masses of the world. And to the Republicans America is nothing more than a combination shopping mall, industrial park, and military base. They really don’t give a damn who populates the country as long as they spend money, work cheap, and are willing to be cannon fodder for the military-industrial complex, dying for some right-wing ideology, be it anticommunism or proIsrael. The main thing is that it will get the country into some kind of war and create profits for the war profiteers and give these idiots something to rant about.

You see, Republicans aren’t really interested in fixing things at home. You got to give Obama that. He wants trains that run (even if they are overflowing with aliens), a medical care system that works for everyone (including millions of illegals, past and present, and their illegitimate offspring), about cleaning up the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we drink, and so on. The Republicans remind me of black fathers who strut their masculinity but who abandon their children. That brings us back to Mike the slut Duvall who, like Bill Clinton, was not only a traitor to his country but to his family.

Okay, so no one really considered Bill Clinton a true America. Unlike George Bush, the man who finished the country off, he never wore the little American flag lapel pin. Mike the slut Duvall, however, probably wore American flag pins in his nipples as a kind of twisted aphrodisiac—because he is a twisted man, like Gollum in Lord of the Rings, except his obsession is women’s panties. Lord of Women’s Panties is now the new title of Sir Sleaze.

Let’s review. What Mike the slut Duvall did was like using the American flag as toilet paper. He shit on the flag, and thus on America which the flag represents, by posing as an American when in fact he is a traitorous political slut—and hypocrite and liar.

Americans need a party to represent them. The Marxist, multicultural Democrats is not that party, but everyone knows that. The Republicans are the party of liars and war-and-money mongers who present themselves as true Americans representing America and Americans, but they aren’t. They are all sluts, in one way or another, like Mike the slut Duvall. Bush was the best example of the phony American politician. His loyalty was to power, money, and aliens. Remember his waving the Mexican flag? He was all about making as much money as possible for his wealthy friends. He was Texas’ version of Bernie Madoff.

Americans need to find a new party—one that will fight for them to the death, not political sluts like Mike Duvall. We don’t have to win, but only put up a good fight. And the battle is here at home, not in Iraq or Afghanistan. But if the country has become like Mike the slut Duvall, then perhaps it’s not worth saving and it doesn’t really matter if it flushes itself down the alien toilet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gringo Deconstruction of “He Found His Home on the Dance Floor”

The above is the title of a Sept. 13 love-the-alien propaganda article in the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune that I think needs a little gringo deconstruction. First of all the title. The article is about a director of a Hispanic dance studio. The article tells us that “At age 14, Oceguera — the director of Oceanside's Ballet Folklorico Tapatio — told his dad he was giving up boxing lessons with his brothers to join a Mexican folk dancing troupe.”

Now I assume that means that he lived in Mexico at the time. The article goes on, “‘It was hard for my dad to hear,’ Oceguera said. ‘In Mexico, you have really macho men and my dad wanted me to do a man's sport. But when I got in the boxing ring, I realized I didn't like to fight.’”

So it seems that Oceguera grew up in Mexico. The title says “he found his home on the dance floor," but apparently he also found his home in America. My question is this: How did that happen? How did Oceguera end up in America? Did he or his parents go through the proper consular channels or just showed up one day in the U.S. and worried about going through the proper channels later? Or perhaps they are waiting for amnesty? Maybe everything was done legally, but I'm suspicious because I know that the millions of Hispanics that populate barrio San Diego either came here illegally or their parents or grandparents did. And to me, that means they don't belong here. You see if a couple broke into my home and had a baby there, that would not mean that the baby would have a right to live in my home. Only our anti-American government tolerates that—for votes and money.

It’s as if there is an open border between the U.S. and Mexico. Of course, the exodus goes only one way. For one reason, the Mexican government doesn’t allow alien squatters to set up camp in Mexico.

You might have read in the Sept. 15 edition of the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune about the passing of Kathern Haning. The title of the obituary is “Widow Spent Her Final Years Fighting for Coastal Property Rights in Mexico”:

“Kathern “Kat” C. Haning, a widow who led an ultimately futile protest against the Mexican government for forcing Americans out of beachfront homes they had built and leased, has died. She was 75.”
“But in October 2000, after her husband had died, Mrs. Haning and more than 200 other homeowners, mostly Americans, were evicted. Authorities said the residents' business deals weren't with the legally recognized owners of the coastal property.”
The truth of the matter is LEGAL is a meaningless term in Mexico. So America gets illegally invaded by tens of millions of Mexicans and apparently that is pretty much okay with our aiding-and-abiding-the-enemy government, but Mexico throws out 200 Americans, who by the way were not living off of Mexican welfare but actually contributing to the economy. The philosophy of Mexico and the Mexicans living here toward America and Americans is FUCK YOU! STUPID GRINGO.

So once again why is Luis Oceguera in America? His dance studio is located in the Mexican barrio of Oceanside, CA. And why is Oceanside, CA, a barrio? Because it was invaded by illegals who produced lots of babies—lots and lots of babies. Oceanside used to be a cool gringo beach town. Now it’s a gang-ridden barrio. 30% of the population is Hispanic and 53% gringo. But that seems the way the country is going, and 30% Hispanic can ruin a nice American community:

The future of Oceanside, CA:

Back to the article: “In Mexico, you have really macho men and my dad wanted me to do a man's sport. But when I got in the boxing ring...” In other words, what Hispanics are all about is masculine violence. The men live the cholo life and the women produce more baby cholos. Okay, there may be a few exceptions like Señor Folklorico, but he is very much the exception. And it really doesn’t matter if the people who show up in America are nice people. If they came illegally, they don’t belong here. They are criminals. As shown in the case of Kathern Haning, Mexico doesn’t give a damn if you’re nice. If you are illegal you go to jail or back home or end up dead on the side of the road.

The article continues, “He [Oceguera] told us that his dad always taught the family the Mexican traditions and that it was important to remember them.” That’s the other thing. AMERICA is meaningless to these people. The fucking politicians who think these people come here to become Americans are full of shit. They export their culture. Actually, the Mexicans hate the gringo and gringo America. Period!

Bad news from the U.S. Census Bureau:
“The nation’s Hispanic population increased 1.4 million to reach 45.5 million on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 million.”

“National and state estimates by race, Hispanic origin, sex and age released today by the U.S. Census Bureau also show that the Hispanic population exceeded 500,000 in 16 states.”

“Overall, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million in 2007 — 34 percent of the total. California had a minority population of 20.9 million — 20 percent of the nation’s total, Texas had a minority population of 12.5 million — 12 percent of the U.S. total.”

“132.8 million—The projected Hispanic population of the United States on July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Hispanics will constitute 30% of the nation’s population by that date.”
So that means that there will be at least 200 millions Hispanics in the U.S. by the end of the American century—almost all of whom will be the product of illegal immigration.

The situation looks really bleak, like the American Titanic has just hit the Hispanic iceberg:
“2nd: Ranking of the size of the U.S. Hispanic population worldwide, as of 2008. Only Mexico (110 million) had a larger Hispanic population than the United States (46.9 million).”
The American people have been sold out by a bunch of political traitors—people like John McCain, Ted Kennedy, George Bush, and hundreds more. Now the country is being run by a half alien. Thanks a lot Washington, for fucking over the American people!

An American Homeland Now! If the Indians deserve reservations, then the people whose ancestors built the fucking country deserve an American reservation for themselves.

Until then, LOCK AND LOAD and Remember the Alamo!—for what it’s worth.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mau Mau Kanye Steals Show at VMAs

The New York Post tells us, “An apparently drunk Kanye West callously stole the spotlight from country superstar Taylor Swift last night, moments after she won at the MTV Video Music Awards.”

That “Swift was giving her acceptance speech after copping the award for Best Female Video when West stormed onto the Radio City Music Hall stage, stole the microphone and dissed the beautiful young songbird, declaring that Beyoncé's "Single Ladies [Put a Ring On It]" should have won.”

Check out the attack of Mau Mau West:

If you haven’t seen the wholesome Beyoncé in action, check her out:

As you can see Kanye and Beyoncé are black, and Taylor Swift is a white country-western singer. What bugged the Mau Mau was the white country-western chick getting the award, because the Mau Mau hates white America.

The following video shows why Kanye wouldn’t like Taylor Swift. She just ain’t dirty enough.

Okay, Taylor Swift is no Martina McBride, but that's not the reason Kanye hates the white bitch. Let’s check out one of Kanye’s inspiring videos so we can get his view of women:

That’s pretty much black America’s twisted view of reality—though I’m thinking Taylor Swift wishes she were the girl with the shovel.

Beyoncé recorded “several Spanish records for the re-release of B'Day. Destiny's Child had already recorded a Spanish song and received favorable responses from their Latin fans.” So she’s a big hit with the Hispanic Nation who hates gringos as much as Cain, I mean Kanye does.

And of course Beyoncé sang America the Beautiful during the Obama inaugural opening ceremonies.

From white America’s perspective black America isn’t beautiful at all, but crass, immoral, and uncivilized. Actually, I think black men despise women—black or white.

And apparently black men aren't the only ones who like to mau mau white women:

A nostalgia moment:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Nation Building in Afghanistan while America Is Being Torn Down

Sunday Labor Day weekend, alien hordes were celebrating ile America Is Being Torn DownLabor Day at Mission Bay,San Diego. This is what it looked like:

Labor Day is now an alien proletariat holiday in the U.S. These are the people who would and will overthrow the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, just as they did in Russia and China—except at least there the revolutionaries were Russians and Chinese. Americans have become like the hated royal families of yesteryear. We are in a revolutionary time in America. There is a war going on, part civil war, part invasion.

I felt like I was visiting an international refugee camp over flowing with alien hordes from places like Ciudad Juárez, Mexico; Calcutta, India; Baghdad, Iraq; Medellin, Colombia; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Mogadishu, Somalia, and on and on and on. To most Americans it looked like an amalgam of Grand Theft Auto and Resident Evil.

Recently I was trying to get Michael Savage on my Walkman radio, and for five minutes all I could get were Spanish stations. The airwaves have become what America has become, overrun by Hispanics. It would have been easier to find an honest cop in Tijuana than to get Michael Savage’s show among the Spanish garble—almost impossible in other words. Mr. Savage said on the show that every state in America is going to become a Cuba. In fact, I knew he was going to say that because I thought the same thing. He hates Cuba the way I hate Miami. But no, it will be much worse. Every state will become a Ciudad Juárez, Mexico—lawless. That’s the Mexican way. Hispanics do not believe in law. It is something foreign to them. Check it out:

All I can say, America, is hide your women and children. You know what’s happening. Well check out the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum. The aliens are turning America into an insane asylum run by the Cholo Joker. Cholo Joker’s thugs are coming after you. If you want to visualize your adversary all then take a look at KILLER CROC, the embodiment of the Hispanic nation. Oh, have I left anybody out? Of course, Batman. But America has no Batman to protect it and its government is being run by the Joker... hahahahahahahah!

Here’s your future America. As the Savage would say, it’s going to be a long ride in a black boat on a black sea in a very black night. That’s what America is—a ship on a dark alien sea that has struck an iceberg consisting of traitorous politicians and illegal aliens. Savage doesn’t believe anything can be done. It’s too late. So why is he still talking? Because he is like the orchestra on the Titanic... What are those screams—those of gringo’s children drowning in a shark infested alien sea!

It wasn’t just all those brown people... Why is it that most whites don’t want to live among the brown people but brown people love to move into white neighborhoods? Why is it that it’s acceptable that the Hispanimaniacs want to live in their barrios but whites are racists when they want to live in their disappearing whitebread communities. It’s not that that white have a phobia toward the color brown, it’s because brown people live in a chaotic, unruly fashion. They are the helter-skelter people, in the same way as the Manson family was. All you have to do is read the papers about Mexico. Or visit your local graffiti ridden barrio. Those are gang markings telling you that you’ve just entered ganglandia, which is the same as Hispandia. The future for America and the present state of thousands of American cities look like this thanks to the Hispanic invasion:

Of course, once a family has hit the floor during a drive-bye shooting, Mr. and Mrs. Latino think, gee an all-white community wouldn’t be so bad after all. Boring, but at least there would be no blood flowing in the gutters.

The thing is white people prefer living with their own for the same reason brown people make fun of whites... You know they are anal, uptight, moralistic, obey the law... like they don’t want their daughters getting fucked at the age of 12, or their kids doing dope at the same age, or carrying guns to school. They don’t like drive-by shootings or thugs hanging out on the street harassing everyone that walks by. They believe riff-raff is riff-raff and not civilization. They don’t think you should park your car on the lawn and then leave it there until the elements reclaim it. They believe cops are the good guys, not the gangsters They don't think drug cartels should be glorified in song. Whites think their kids should study in school rather than drop out and join a gang. Maybe some brown parents think that too but their kids drop out and join a gang anyway.

Whites still believe in reading—you know literacy. Whites are disgusted that their country has become a bilingual nation just because the Hispanics are too damn lazy to learn English, and are pretty much illiterate in their own language. My visit to the bay illustrated once again that the male brown people, or thug people, are also all about looking scary awful. Hispanics guys especially were all dressed up looking like gangsters or just thuggish. Imagine a group of baboons, the males curling back their lips to reveal their sharp teeth. The way the Hispanics do this by walking around shirtless to show off gang tattoos, the close cropped haircut or shaved head. The wife-beater t-shirt, the pants that come down below the knee, and calf high white socks and tennis shoes. Besides that there must have been a dozen Tijuana ice cream vendors. You know the guys who push those cart filled with ice cream imported from China. I figured they were selling ice cream to the kids but drugs to the adults. The question is how do these guys who are obviously illegal not get picked up and sent back to their shitholes south of the border? Because the U.S. Government represents the aliens, not Americans. Look at Obama. He is the product of a momma who hated the country and an alien father. What do you expect?

This is the America the alien thug people love to hate but keep invading:

Remember when America looked something like this? It's call being civilized.

No you don’t, but I do.

America is becoming a GRAND THEFT AUTO society and there is not a fucking thing Americans can do about it now. The traitorous American politicians allowed this to happen, encouraged it. What do they care? They live in affluent enclaves. They are like the fucking generals in Washington who sit at a desk but send the grunts to fight and die in unnecessary wars that serve not America but the INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY COMPLEX.

Take that hated of Democrats Nancy Pelosi as an example. Wikipedia tells us,
“The Pelosi family has a net worth of nearly $19 million as of 2007, largely from investments. In addition to their large portfolio of jointly owned San Francisco Bay Area real estate, the couple also owns a vineyard in St. Helena, California, valued between $5 million to $25 million. Pelosi's husband also owns stock, including $5 million in Apple Computer. Pelosi continues to be among the richest members of Congress.”

On immigration: Pelosi voted AGAINST the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
“The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109-367) was enacted October 26, 2006[1] in the United States. The act allows for over 700 miles (1,100 km) of double-reinforced fence to be built along the border with Mexico, across cities and deserts alike, in the U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in areas that have experienced illegal drug trafficking and illegal immigration. It authorizes the installation of more lighting, vehicle barriers, and border checkpoints, while putting in place more advanced equipment like sensors, cameras, satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles in an attempt to watch and control illegal immigration into the United States. Officials say that it will help cut down on the number of illegal vehicles that go back and forth across the border bringing illegal drugs.”
Not only that
“After becoming Speaker of the House in January 2007, Pelosi held firm against impeachment [against the anti-American, pro-alien war monger George Bush], notwithstanding strong support for that course of action among constituents in her home district. In the November 2008 election, Pelosi withstood a challenge for her seat by antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, who ran as an independent primarily because of Pelosi's refusal to pursue impeachment.”
Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about anything other than Nancy Pelosi. Just consider that she represents the SANCTUARY CITY SAN FRANSCO, the homosexual capital of the world. Why is that important? Because gays HATE AMERICA. You can see that in profag movies like Brokeback Mountain and American Beauty. They hate the men and women that built this country and want to do everything possible to destroy that America, the best way being the multiculturalization of America and the poisoning of the minds of children through the sexually hedonistic and perverse lifestyle propagated in Hollywood movies.

I didn’t always dislike gays and still don’t believe their same-sex preference as a problem. It really isn’t like the Mexican Swine Flu that is contagious. But once I realized that they had decided to take up arms against America, then they became my enemy. Check it out what Cinnamon Stillwell of the San Francisco Chronicle tells us:
“San Francisco's political establishment has long prided itself on providing a haven for illegal immigrants. Mayor Gavin Newsom even launched a taxpayer-funded $83,000 'public awareness campaign' earlier this year assuring illegal immigrants that the 'sanctuary city' by the bay was in their court.

And indeed it is. Under the city's 1989 voter-approved sanctuary ordinance, police officers and other city employees are prohibited from inquiring into immigration status. In addition, the city will not direct municipal funds or employees towards assisting federal immigration enforcement, unless such assistance is required by federal or state law or a warrant.”
And what are the ways of gays. Well, the phrase ROUGH TRADE will give you some insight into these corrupters of America: “Often, the terms "trade" and "rough trade" are treated as synonymous. Often the attraction for the gay male partner is finding a dangerous, even thuggish, partner who may turn violent. That is not to say that people necessarily desire to be physically hurt, but the danger of seeking a partner in a public park, restroom, or alleyway may be exciting.” (Wikipedia)

So it’s no wonder that Nancy Pelosi is just another self-serving, straw-stuffed, featherbed leftist politician. You can’t say she is an American Politician because she isn’t. Her view of America is totally antithetical to that of the American people whose ancestors built the country. Besides, most Americans hate her guts.

Aristocrats should be leading the nation. But all we have in Washington, D.C., is swine. Pig Town is what it should be called.

Back to LABOR DAY BY THE BAY. I doubt one percent of the people I saw had completed high school. This is cultural evolution in reverse. Did any of you stupid gringos read National Geographic State of the Earth 2010 issue? Of course you didn’t because like I said YOU ARE STUPID! What it tells you is that there are now 6.8 billion people in the world. Should you worry? You stupid fucks, of course you should worry. It also says that “America’s population is projected to keep going up, due in large part to immigration.” And they are not Europeans, your ancestors, who are coming but Africans, Asians, and Hispanics—all the riff-raff of the world. Like I said, America is becoming an unruly refugee camp.

If you check out you’ll see that there are already 47 million Hispanics in the country. I imagine half can't speak English or can't read or write in any language. And probably a couple million are gang members. But you are also told that there will be over 132 million by 2050. That means your kids are FUCKED! I guess that means over 300 million by the end of the century. So it seems America conquered by the Hispanics barbarians flooding through the southern gate without a fight. Why? Because Americans have been defanged and castrated (like the British) by lefties, traitors, aliens, and Jews. And Black America you really don't have reason to celebrate. You know the Mexicans hate your guts and soon you will be outnumbered ten to one. And don't expect the white man to rescue you. He can't rescue himself. You two could join forces. Do an Alamo action.

Did you read “Recession Dims Job Prospects for Iraqi Refugees [in the U.S.]”? Of course you didn’t because you are a stupid gringo. Okay, there are tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees in this country because of that STUPID FUCKING SON OF A BITCH George Bush who decided that it would amuse him to invade Iraqi. National Geographic says that much of the immigration has been cause by wars. Because of the stupid son of a BITCH I just mentioned, Europe is being invaded by Afghans. But my point here is WHO IS HELPING THE INVADED TO INVADE AMERICA? Take a look:
“Today, only Iraqis who have family in San Diego County are being resettled here. Four agencies in San Diego County — INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, CATHOLIC CHARITIES, JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES AND ALLIANCE FOR AFRICAN ASSISTANCE — have contracts with the State Department to assist new arrivals.”
The first and third organizations are Jewish. The second is Catholic. Both the Catholic Church and the Jews want to see America tuned into a multicultural society. The pedophiliac Catholic Church is desperate for members (especially young boys), and has set up hundreds of sanctuary churches to protect illegal aliens from American authorities. The Catholic Church is an enemy of America. The Jews are hoping to conquer America with imported armies of aliens. And Jews like leftist CASS SUNSTEIN, yet another Hussein Obama Jewish appointee now wants to defang and castrate Americans by taking their guns away. IT IS A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

To those who say that Americans need to embrace the newcomers flooding into the country and transforming its communities into refugee camps, I say, FUCK YOU. They are a threat to America and I don't want to live around them for the same reason I don't want to live in Tijuana or Calcutta, the the same reason the American Indians don't want to live among whites. We want our own homelands. The aliens fucking hate America (often with good reason, as in the case of the Iraqis) and want to clone it into the shithole homelands they left behind. And just in case someone told you your children were save from the anti-civilization riff-raff, then you better take a look at this:

You know fifty years from now the Afghans and the Iraqis will still possess their homelands because they were willing to fight for them. Instead of slaughtering those people, Americans ought to learn from them. Otherwise, Americans better get used to living in the barrio and other alien slumdog environments. OLD TOWNS for tourists will be all that’s left of the USA. You know with a statues of George Washington and John Wayne covered with graffiti.

THREE CHEERS FOR HATE! I hate the diseases that destroy the people I love, and I hate the human diseases that ware destroying the country I once loved by turning it into unlovable alien thing.

Lock and load America. Stormy weather is coming your way.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama, Leave Our Kids Alone!

I don’t want Hussein Obama talking to my kids, and it’s not because of his health care program. If Americans don’t mind being ranked 37th in health care in the world, just above Slovenia and Cuba (What do you think about that Michael Savage!), then so be it. (France is 1st—oh that hurts, fast trains, less unemployment, no wars going on, and number 1 in health care.) Check it out:

I don’t want universal health care because millions of Hispanics who entered this country illegal and their children will be getting it. If America is going to become Mexico North, then I don’t care if the whole country dies from the Mexican swine flu.

And it isn’t because he’s a black man (though he is a phony black American because his ancestors were not slaves in this country). I wouldn’t want George Bush talking to my kids either because I wouldn’t what them to know that someone that dumb could become president of the United States.

As far as I’m concerned, the present commander in chief of the aliens conquering America is Hussein Obama, and that’s why I don’t want him talking to my children. If he wants to give a speech to the nation, fine. We can turn the channel and watch wrestling. But our kids will be a captive audience. That ain’t right!

Keep in mind that half the country did not vote for President Hussein and pretty much hate his guts. It’s just better that he stay away from their children. Otherwise, the White House will have to be put on one of those lists of people who mess around with kids without the permission of their parents.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Park View Victory, A No-Win Situation For America

WARNING: This blog has been taken down many times by those who do not like the ugly truth about illegal immigration.

Gringos Got Nothing to Celebrate

That's because the little vatos' victory is a sign of THINGS TO COME! That's right, that Mexico’s Park View Little League Team Wins the Little League Championship illustrates the rising to power upon American soil of the (drum roll, please) HISPANIC NATION and the Hispanic euthanizing of old feeble America, a death that is a happy one only for Latinos.

To win the championship, first Mexico’s Park View vatos had to beat a number of American teams. During one of the final games you could hear the crowd chant Cholo Vista, Cholo Vista. Yes these heady times for the Aztlán Warriors, kicking gringo ass.

Poor fucking, stupid gringos got nothing to celebrate. Their cities, schools, governments, courts, the entire fucking country being taken over by the Hispanic Nation. The Cholo Vista Park View homeboys kick Taiwan's butt. Hey, but at least the Taiwan players have a homeland to return to that hasn’t been overrun by illegals. The Hispanic Nation’s vice president and Obama’s white monkey and feather bed liberal José Biden was there to root on the future warriors of the Reconquista of America.


I’m sure the Hispanic Nation’s hero and president Hussein Obama will have some flowery words of praise for the little Pocos Pero Locos, like FORGET THE ALAMO! All the other traitors in Washington have.

In Alamo America Hispanics taking over communities, governments, courts, and sports. Can a little league victory compensates for the loss of our nation? I don’t think so—except for those alien collaborators who can make money off the illegal invation.


You just have to learn to love the alien like that featherbed liberal Mike Lupica. He wrote the article titled “President Obama is the real target of Health Care Protesters, not Policy.” That’s right because Americans know that Obama is leading the way to the alien destruction of the United States of America. And Mike Lupica called the Americans protesting Obama’s health care program idiots. Well at least they are not COLLABORATORS! Mike is part of the American Fifth Column that is embracing the new multicultural America because it makes him a good living. You might have seen his new book about the Cuban boy who lives in the shadows like the millions of other illegals in New York City but wants to play Little League: Heat. Kissing the ass of the Hispanic Nation pays well. Lupica can afford to live in the posh, 95% white community of New Canaan, Connecticut with his wife, Taylor, their daughter and three sons. That’s right no barrio for Mike and his kids, just for all the non-wealthy Americans.


I know by now that the vatos locos from barrio Cholo Vista stomped the shit out of gringo Kentucky and New England, just like their people are stomping the shit out of team America. You have probably seen plenty of propaganda coverage of the team in the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune, which now devotes more space to what the Latinos are doing in barrios San Diego than to the gringos because the Latinos have taken over. The owners know where the beans for their burritos will come from in the future—if only the homeys learn to read English. Fuck it, they'll print the paper in Spanish. Everything else is.

One earlier article said, “Some wondered if Park View’s power might be negated by South Williamsport’s 225-foot fences.” Well hell know. That’s the thing about the Hispanics, they know how to get around fences, just ask the Border Patrol. Did you see the team photos in the August 22nd Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune? What you see are the faces of future America, names like Rios, Porras, Garcia, Ramirez, and Castro. And of course there are Oscar Castro and coach Ric Ramirez (think future president and vice president of the United States of La Raza). There are a couple of token gringos on the team to give the impression that Park View is an American team. But we all know it’s part of the Hispanic stealth attack on America.


My guess is that most if not all the members of the team can trace his linage to an illegal, which means there would have been no team if their illegal ancestors had stayed in Mexico. And as far as I’m concerned that should make the kids illegal also. But our alien-loving government could care less. Americans have no government. But the Hispanic God Father will soon allow the illegals to come out from the shadows. You ever asked yourself why they are in the shadows? It because that’s where criminals always hide.


So what is life like in Cholo Vista? Here is what one entry of the Urban Dictionary tells us:
Chula vista is a large city surrounded completely by a San Diego, an even larger city. The western part of Chula Vista(west of the 805 freeway) is one of the worst areas in San Diego, particularly west of Hilltop dr. and south of Naples st. It also has an very high population of methamphetamine addicts. the neighborhood of Castle Park has almost no streetlights and is considered quite dangerous at night. High gang activity.
Here another.
City in the southern part of San Diego. All the pendejos in the area want to rep SD, but they are not from San Diego, so stop reppin' San Diego. The westside is full of non-creative, lazy-arrogant idiots who do nothing but lower property taxes and prefer to act like locusts instead of having goals in life & being civilized. No one there has an real street cred. They are all wannabees who make dickies & Air Force Ones annoying. The Eastside is nicer, but full of "fresas", "cremillas", & "sociales" who think wearing Abercrombie & Bitch, Hollister, & Polo make them better than everyone else while they party in TJ with their fake ass IDs at Tangaloo or Monte Picacho. Eastlake is full of minstrels who can't even where clothes that fit them. Chula Vista is not part of the city of San Diego & we should all be so thankful.
I’m not sure I get all this, but it’s terrific poetry and makes me glad I live in the neo-barrio I live in, as bad as it is.

Two more from Urban Dictionary just for the excruciating fun of it:
WEST chula vista is the third most ghetto place in San Diego. The most ghetto place in San Diego is San Ysidro, then National City, then Chula. Come on, people.
The most ghetto place of San Diego County followed closely by Escondido, Santee and Impiral Beach. Most refeer to it as Chula Juana.
“Chula Juana!” You got to love it. This is the Hispanic tsunami that is washing over America. So much for the good ol’ American neighborhoods seen in Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best—i.e., civilization.



Do let the Little League propaganda fool you. The culture of Mexico and Mexicans occupying American cities is one of lawlessness. Take as an example the following New York Times article by Solomon Moore:
LOS ANGELES — A grand jury in San Diego on Thursday indicted 17 men suspected of being members of a kidnapping and death squad who are accused of killing at least 9 people from 2004 to 2007.

The Mexican-American squad, Los Palillos, kidnapped victims in San Diego County and held them for ransom in suburban rental homes, said Mark Amador, a county prosecutor. Mr. Amador said the kidnappers often killed their hostages whether or not they received money from the victims’ families and dumped the bodies around the county. The police said Los Palillos also used a vat of acid to liquefy two bodies.

The police raided a hide-out that was being used to hold kidnapping victims in 2007, after family members went to the police. Since then, the police have arrested nine members of the organization, including its leader, Jorge Rojas Lopez, who is charged with nine counts of murder. Mr. Lopez and eight other men are in prison for murder and other charges. Eight members of the group are at large, and three have been killed in gang violence since the investigation began two years ago, Mr. Amador said.

In the same edition of the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune celebration Park View’s Little League victory, there was also this article about Mexico: “Families Plant Crosses for Missing Relatives.”

TIJUANA — Family members of people who have disappeared planted 100 white crosses yesterday afternoon in an eastern ranch where a man confessed to having dissolved 300 bodies on orders of a drug cartel. ...

On Jan. 22, the Mexican military arrested Mesa López south of Rosarito Beach. He alleged that a leader of the Arellano Félix cartel, Teodoro “El Teo” Garcı́a Simental, had paid him $600 a week to dissolve bodies at the ranch, according to the federal authorities.

That’s the horror of Mexico, a horror exported illegally into thousands of American cities.



The gringo better move fast because those cities are disappearing as the anti-American U.S. government is importing hordes of aliens from the shitholes abroad and sending them into American cities with a multicultural mission: to get whitey to love the alien. But it ain’t going to work.

San Francisco Declare Itself an UnAmerican City

You probably read that the traitorous fags of San Francisco have declare the city a SANCTUARY CITY. No surprise there. We’ve always have know that fags hate America. Remember Brokeback Mountain. And fags wonder way real Americans hate their guts. Check out the article:

Who is one of the leaders of this ANTI-AMERICAN MOVEMENT? Supervisor David Campos, “An undocumented immigrant who spoke only Spanish, David grew up in the barrio of South Central Los Angeles.” Fuck you, is all I have to say to David, and I think MILLIONS OF GRINGOS like myself would agree. You are not an American. You are a criminal who entered my FUCKING HOMELAND ILLEGALLY.

But you stupid fucking gringos do get it, do you? You are fucking pathetic and deserve to lose your nation. You are nothing like your American ancestors. In fact you are a fucking disgrace.


Americans living in barrios like Cholo Vista are now just trying to sell their homes and move to an American city. Americans living in barrios like Cholo Vista are now just trying to sell their homes and move to an American city. Why would they want to leave a city like Cholo Vista, aka, Chula Vista? Well, first of all the city has become half Hispanic, and will soon end up like Hermosa, Chicago, where Hispanics are 84% of the population, and white Americans only 11%.

You might have heard the pro-immigration, pro-multiculturalism piece on NPR, the radio station that represents the end of white America. The story was about the United States government’s importation of aliens into the once American city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The reporter couldn’t conceal her glee at the prospect of the town being inundated by aliens. From the report it seems that the city now has people representing 95 countries and 125 languages. For anti-American multiculturalists that’s progress. For Americans it means death. What brings the aliens to Sioux Falls? Well first of all the U.S. government and the American taxpayer. Who gets to comes. Well it ain’t just one persecuted individual but parents, children, and grandparents. The Kurd they interviewed said he has five children. Why not when Uncle Sam is paying the bills. He did lament that Americans didn’t know about his country, which he still considers his TRUE HOMELAND, just as the true homeland of the Park View Chicano warriors is SOUTH OF THE BORDER. I was in the car while I had to listen to this leftist, unAmerican propaganda and almost when into a fit of road rage. But that’s the truth of the matter. Those little vatos playing for Park View, they consider themselves Mexicans first and Americans only for the education, welfare, medical care, other benefits appropriated by the illegal Hispanic Nation.

Good bye, America!