Sunday Labor Day weekend, alien hordes were celebrating ile America Is Being Torn DownLabor Day at Mission Bay,San Diego. This is what it looked like: Day is now an alien proletariat holiday in the U.S. These are the people who would and will overthrow the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, just as they did in Russia and China—except at least there the revolutionaries were Russians and Chinese. Americans have become like the hated royal families of yesteryear. We are in a revolutionary time in America. There is a war going on, part civil war, part invasion.
I felt like I was visiting an international refugee camp over flowing with alien hordes from places like Ciudad Juárez, Mexico; Calcutta, India; Baghdad, Iraq; Medellin, Colombia; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Mogadishu, Somalia, and on and on and on. To most Americans it looked like an amalgam of
Grand Theft Auto and
Resident Evil.
Recently I was trying to get Michael Savage on my Walkman radio, and for five minutes all I could get were Spanish stations. The airwaves have become what America has become, overrun by Hispanics. It would have been easier to find an honest cop in Tijuana than to get Michael Savage’s show among the Spanish garble—almost impossible in other words. Mr. Savage said on the show that every state in America is going to become a Cuba. In fact, I knew he was going to say that because I thought the same thing. He hates Cuba the way I hate Miami. But no, it will be much worse. Every state will become a Ciudad Juárez, Mexico—lawless. That’s the Mexican way. Hispanics do not believe in law. It is something foreign to them. Check it out: I can say, America, is hide your women and children. You know what’s happening. Well check out the video game
Batman: Arkham Asylum. The aliens are turning America into an insane asylum run by the Cholo Joker. Cholo Joker’s thugs are coming after you. If you want to visualize your adversary all then take a look at KILLER CROC, the embodiment of the Hispanic nation. Oh, have I left anybody out? Of course, Batman. But America has no Batman to protect it and its government is being run by the Joker... hahahahahahahah!
Here’s your future America. As the Savage would say, it’s going to be a long ride in a black boat on a black sea in a very black night. That’s what America is—a ship on a dark alien sea that has struck an iceberg consisting of traitorous politicians and illegal aliens. Savage doesn’t believe anything can be done. It’s too late. So why is he still talking? Because he is like the orchestra on the Titanic... What are those screams—those of gringo’s children drowning in a shark infested alien sea! wasn’t just all those brown people... Why is it that most whites don’t want to live among the brown people but brown people love to move into white neighborhoods? Why is it that it’s acceptable that the Hispanimaniacs want to live in their barrios but whites are racists when they want to live in their disappearing whitebread communities. It’s not that that white have a phobia toward the color brown, it’s because brown people live in a chaotic, unruly fashion. They are the helter-skelter people, in the same way as the Manson family was. All you have to do is read the papers about Mexico. Or visit your local graffiti ridden barrio. Those are gang markings telling you that you’ve just entered ganglandia, which is the same as Hispandia. The future for America and the present state of thousands of American cities look like this thanks to the Hispanic invasion: course, once a family has hit the floor during a drive-bye shooting, Mr. and Mrs. Latino think, gee an all-white community wouldn’t be so bad after all. Boring, but at least there would be no blood flowing in the gutters.
The thing is white people prefer living with their own for the same reason brown people make fun of whites... You know they are anal, uptight, moralistic, obey the law... like they don’t want their daughters getting fucked at the age of 12, or their kids doing dope at the same age, or carrying guns to school. They don’t like drive-by shootings or thugs hanging out on the street harassing everyone that walks by. They believe riff-raff is riff-raff and not civilization. They don’t think you should park your car on the lawn and then leave it there until the elements reclaim it. They believe cops are the good guys, not the gangsters They don't think drug cartels should be glorified in song. Whites think their kids should study in school rather than drop out and join a gang. Maybe some brown parents think that too but their kids drop out and join a gang anyway.
Whites still believe in reading—you know literacy. Whites are disgusted that their country has become a bilingual nation just because the Hispanics are too damn lazy to learn English, and are pretty much illiterate in their own language. My visit to the bay illustrated once again that the male brown people, or thug people, are also all about looking scary awful. Hispanics guys especially were all dressed up looking like gangsters or just thuggish. Imagine a group of baboons, the males curling back their lips to reveal their sharp teeth. The way the Hispanics do this by walking around shirtless to show off gang tattoos, the close cropped haircut or shaved head. The wife-beater t-shirt, the pants that come down below the knee, and calf high white socks and tennis shoes. Besides that there must have been a dozen Tijuana ice cream vendors. You know the guys who push those cart filled with ice cream imported from China. I figured they were selling ice cream to the kids but drugs to the adults. The question is how do these guys who are obviously illegal not get picked up and sent back to their shitholes south of the border? Because the U.S. Government represents the aliens, not Americans. Look at Obama. He is the product of a momma who hated the country and an alien father. What do you expect?
This is the America the alien thug people love to hate but keep invading: when America looked something like this? It's call being civilized. you don’t, but I do.
America is becoming a GRAND THEFT AUTO society and there is not a fucking thing Americans can do about it now. The traitorous American politicians allowed this to happen, encouraged it. What do they care? They live in affluent enclaves. They are like the fucking generals in Washington who sit at a desk but send the grunts to fight and die in unnecessary wars that serve not America but the INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY COMPLEX.
Take that hated of Democrats
Nancy Pelosi as an example.
Wikipedia tells us,
“The Pelosi family has a net worth of nearly $19 million as of 2007, largely from investments. In addition to their large portfolio of jointly owned San Francisco Bay Area real estate, the couple also owns a vineyard in St. Helena, California, valued between $5 million to $25 million. Pelosi's husband also owns stock, including $5 million in Apple Computer. Pelosi continues to be among the richest members of Congress.”
On immigration: Pelosi voted AGAINST the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
“The Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109-367) was enacted October 26, 2006[1] in the United States. The act allows for over 700 miles (1,100 km) of double-reinforced fence to be built along the border with Mexico, across cities and deserts alike, in the U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas in areas that have experienced illegal drug trafficking and illegal immigration. It authorizes the installation of more lighting, vehicle barriers, and border checkpoints, while putting in place more advanced equipment like sensors, cameras, satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles in an attempt to watch and control illegal immigration into the United States. Officials say that it will help cut down on the number of illegal vehicles that go back and forth across the border bringing illegal drugs.”
Not only that
“After becoming Speaker of the House in January 2007, Pelosi held firm against impeachment [against the anti-American, pro-alien war monger George Bush], notwithstanding strong support for that course of action among constituents in her home district. In the November 2008 election, Pelosi withstood a challenge for her seat by antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, who ran as an independent primarily because of Pelosi's refusal to pursue impeachment.”
Pelosi doesn’t give a shit about anything other than Nancy Pelosi. Just consider that she represents the SANCTUARY CITY SAN FRANSCO, the homosexual capital of the world. Why is that important? Because gays HATE AMERICA. You can see that in profag movies like
Brokeback Mountain and
American Beauty. They hate the men and women that built this country and want to do everything possible to destroy that America, the best way being the multiculturalization of America and the poisoning of the minds of children through the sexually hedonistic and perverse lifestyle propagated in Hollywood movies.
I didn’t always dislike gays and still don’t believe their same-sex preference as a problem. It really isn’t like the Mexican Swine Flu that is contagious. But once I realized that they had decided to take up arms against America, then they became my enemy. Check it out what Cinnamon Stillwell of the
San Francisco Chronicle tells us:
“San Francisco's political establishment has long prided itself on providing a haven for illegal immigrants. Mayor Gavin Newsom even launched a taxpayer-funded $83,000 'public awareness campaign' earlier this year assuring illegal immigrants that the 'sanctuary city' by the bay was in their court.
And indeed it is. Under the city's 1989 voter-approved sanctuary ordinance, police officers and other city employees are prohibited from inquiring into immigration status. In addition, the city will not direct municipal funds or employees towards assisting federal immigration enforcement, unless such assistance is required by federal or state law or a warrant.”
And what are the ways of gays. Well, the phrase
ROUGH TRADE will give you some insight into these corrupters of America: “Often, the terms "trade" and "rough trade" are treated as synonymous. Often the attraction for the gay male partner is finding a dangerous, even thuggish, partner who may turn violent. That is not to say that people necessarily desire to be physically hurt, but the danger of seeking a partner in a public park, restroom, or alleyway may be exciting.” (
So it’s no wonder that Nancy Pelosi is just another self-serving, straw-stuffed, featherbed leftist politician. You can’t say she is an American Politician because she isn’t. Her view of America is totally antithetical to that of the American people whose ancestors built the country. Besides, most Americans hate her guts.
Aristocrats should be leading the nation. But all we have in Washington, D.C., is swine.
Pig Town is what it should be called.
Back to LABOR DAY BY THE BAY. I doubt one percent of the people I saw had completed high school. This is cultural evolution in reverse. Did any of you stupid gringos read
National Geographic State of the Earth 2010 issue? Of course you didn’t because like I said YOU ARE STUPID! What it tells you is that there are now 6.8 billion people in the world. Should you worry? You stupid fucks, of course you should worry. It also says that “America’s population is projected to keep going up, due in large part to immigration.” And they are not Europeans, your ancestors, who are coming but Africans, Asians, and Hispanics—all the riff-raff of the world. Like I said, America is becoming an unruly refugee camp.
If you check out you’ll see that there are already 47 million Hispanics in the country. I imagine half can't speak English or can't read or write in any language. And probably a couple million are gang members. But you are also told that there will be over 132 million by 2050. That means your kids are FUCKED! I guess that means over 300 million by the end of the century. So it seems America conquered by the Hispanics barbarians flooding through the southern gate without a fight. Why? Because Americans have been defanged and castrated (like the British) by lefties, traitors, aliens, and Jews. And Black America you really don't have reason to celebrate. You know the Mexicans hate your guts and soon you will be outnumbered ten to one. And don't expect the white man to rescue you. He can't rescue himself. You two could join forces. Do an Alamo action.
Did you read “Recession Dims Job Prospects for Iraqi Refugees [in the U.S.]”? Of course you didn’t because you are a stupid gringo. Okay, there are tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees in this country because of that STUPID FUCKING SON OF A BITCH George Bush who decided that it would amuse him to invade Iraqi.
National Geographic says that much of the immigration has been cause by wars. Because of the stupid son of a BITCH I just mentioned, Europe is being invaded by Afghans. But my point here is WHO IS HELPING THE INVADED TO INVADE AMERICA? Take a look:
“Today, only Iraqis who have family in San Diego County are being resettled here. Four agencies in San Diego County — INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, CATHOLIC CHARITIES, JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES AND ALLIANCE FOR AFRICAN ASSISTANCE — have contracts with the State Department to assist new arrivals.”
The first and third organizations are Jewish. The second is Catholic. Both the Catholic Church and the Jews want to see America tuned into a multicultural society. The pedophiliac Catholic Church is desperate for members (especially young boys), and has set up hundreds of sanctuary churches to protect illegal aliens from American authorities. The Catholic Church is an enemy of America. The Jews are hoping to conquer America with imported armies of aliens. And Jews like leftist CASS SUNSTEIN, yet another Hussein Obama Jewish appointee now wants to defang and castrate Americans by taking their guns away. IT IS A DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
To those who say that Americans need to embrace the newcomers flooding into the country and transforming its communities into refugee camps, I say, FUCK YOU. They are a threat to America and I don't want to live around them for the same reason I don't want to live in Tijuana or Calcutta, the the same reason the American Indians don't want to live among whites. We want our own homelands. The aliens fucking hate America (often with good reason, as in the case of the Iraqis) and want to clone it into the shithole homelands they left behind. And just in case someone told you your children were save from the anti-civilization riff-raff, then you better take a look at this: know fifty years from now the Afghans and the Iraqis will still possess their homelands because they were willing to fight for them. Instead of slaughtering those people, Americans ought to learn from them. Otherwise, Americans better get used to living in the barrio and other alien slumdog environments. OLD TOWNS for tourists will be all that’s left of the USA. You know with a statues of George Washington and John Wayne covered with graffiti.
THREE CHEERS FOR HATE! I hate the diseases that destroy the people I love, and I hate the human diseases that ware destroying the country I once loved by turning it into unlovable alien thing.
Lock and load America. Stormy weather is coming your way.