The last time CONNIE MEZA saw her son alive, he was dressed to impress in his signature MICHAEL JORDAN SNEAKERS, ACQUA DI GIO COLOGNE and GUESS WATCH. SONNY CARRILLO, 20, stood in the door of his mother’s bedroom, pinkie swore that he would be home later that night and left for a friend’s birthday dinner.The rhetoric here is typical of the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune. Basically it’s propaganda designed to make gringo readers not only feel sorry for the Mexican kid and more important see him as an all-AMERICAN boy. That doesn’t work on most gringos. It certainly doesn’t work on me. All I see are Mexicans who are now occupying America. I don’t care that the Mexican kid was killed, no more than a Palestinian would care about an Israeli Jew being killed.
The first question that comes to my mind is how Sonny, Connie, and Julio ended up in America. I know the answer. In all their backgrounds are hidden Mexicans who illegally entered America. So what we have are a combination of illegal aliens and anchor babies. And then comes to mind the Dream Act signed by California’s traitorous governor Jerry Judas Brown that allows criminals to benefit from America’s education system—created and paid for by gringo taxpayers. Why should a single dime of our tax money go to helping people who invaded this country illegally? Where's the justice in that?
And today NPR did a story on how 25% of San Diego’s student population is English learners. And the story said that they aren’t learning English too good, meaning that they are illiterate in two languages. An older article on the same problem says, “Thirty percent of the public school students who are learning English in the county are proficient in the language, according to state test results released yesterday.”
So the school system has to come up with a solution. It’s never the immigrants but always the SYSTEM that is faulty! So you can’t expect much sympathy from us gringos.
Getting back to the above quote, why do mother and son have different last names? And where is the father? Connie’s two husbands committed suicide! And now she can't work and will thus soon lose her home! What we are looking at is a dysfunctional family and community. And who's going to foot the bill?
Who paid for the hospital visit? Who paid the police? For the medical personnel who took care of Sonny? And who’s paying for the on-going search for the killer? And who will pay for the trial and incarceration if he is caught? There are over 400,000 Hispanic males in U.S. prisons, over twice as many as gringo, though blacks are the dominant population. And of course we know that gringos are responsible for blacks and Hispanics being in prison. For example, I expect Julio’s lawyer will argue that Julio hated the gringos for their injustice and he struck out against his Latino brother because he thought he was killing a gringo. Everyone knows that all crime grows out of the injustice of the gringo. Even the killing fields of Mexico are caused by Americans using drugs imported from Mexico.
She [Connie] became so despondent that she was taken to a hospital and sedated for the next 12 days — so much so that she says she doesn’t remember her son’s funeral.
What I see is increasing Hispanic dysfunctionality. And I don’t believe the country can AFFORD to deal with it.
Carrillo was remembered as a mature, considerate young man with dreams TO JOIN THE MARINES. He graduated from Mount Miguel High School in Spring Valley, where he was in the ROTC, and later attended Grossmont College. He faithfully attended Lemon Grove Foursquare Church, where his uncle is pastor.This is more pro-immigrant propaganda. I don’t doubt that Sonny was a good kid. I just don’t care. My country is being overrun by illegal immigrants and their anchor babies. The country is in a mess that it can’t clean up in part because of the dysfunctionality of immigrant communities. For example: "60 arrested in El Cajon Chaldean organized crime case." These are Iraqi Christians and you can expect thousands more of them from Iraq. In fact, Kristina Davis did a story on these imported criminals:
Now a local Chaldean leader of this criminalized community of Iraqis has just met with Obama to express his concerns over the Iraqi Christians being ethnically cleansed in Iraq:
Will Obama have a solution? Of course. Simply allow all the Iraqi Christians to immigrate into Refugee Camp USA.
And lots Americans in Alabama agree that illegals don’t belong in America. Of course the traitorous, collaborating, cheap labor farmers disagree because they don’t give a shit about America or paying a fair wage. But Alabamans don’t want their state to become a crime-ridden barrio—but it will. The Feds have already canceled the law, just as they did in Arizona. Why should our Kenyon President care? He’s half alien himself—the black half. So the Feds will pass laws favoring the illegals and think the problem will go away. It won’t. There will more animosity, more gangs, requiring more enforcement and bigger prisons. Maybe the black Crips and Bloods will join with the Klu Klux Klan to protect their state.
The article begins with “The July 29 slaying has left (Connie) Meza desolate, angry and desperate for justice.” And what about Justice for Americans? Why aren't immigration laws enforce rather than nullified by the federal government. Connie wants justice. Well so do Americans and most likely she will get her justice at the expense of American taxpayers. But Americans will never get justice. They will simply watch their country be unjustly stolen from them with the help from the Judas politicians who are destroying America, soon to be a crime-infested Amerexcio.
Sonny dreamed about joining the Marines. Just consider the irony there. He wanted to protect America from the terrorists but gets killed by a local! Who are the terrorists terrorizing? Nobody in America. But the people who terrorize Americans each day are Hispanics like Julio, who have been allowed to live in and ruin this country.
You know why Mexico is such a mess? It’s the Mexicans. And America has allowed a tsunami of Hispanic dysfunctionality sweep across its southern borders. (No threat from the civilized Canadians!) And now America is drowning in it. There will be no solution, no fixing the problem. America is suffering from a Hispanic cancer that it cannot cure. All it can do is address the secondary symptoms—all the social problems that have been caused by the invasion, including millions of gringo who hate the aliens and hate their government for betraying them.
America’s future is looking very grim. I can’t wait until the bottom falls out of the economy again. Perhaps the U.S. prison system will have to follow California and release the prisoners because there is no money to keep them incarcerated! But for some communities a little more crime won’t make any difference.