Sunday, October 9, 2011

Obama Shows Why America Is Still Israel’s Nigger

Obama: Israel’s Boy

Obama was at the U.N. chest all puffed out playing the big man celebrating the Arab Spring—except for the Arabs in Concentration Camp Israel. He was bragging about America corralling international support for the Libyan intervention. But when it came to Palestinians Obama said they are on their own against the diabolical duo Israel and its nigger the U.S.

Obama bragged on the emancipation of the Libya and the empowerment of its people with the assistance from the U.S. and a group of international allies. But even though those same allies want Palestinians to have a country of their own (which was stolen by the Jews), two-faced Obama, doing a Zionist jig, said he’ll veto any move to give the Palestinians a homeland.

The Obama position is this:

"Peace is going to have to be made between the parties," Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said Tuesday, offering a preview of Obama's remarks. "It's going to have to be the Israelis and the Palestinians sitting down, dealing with the very hard issues that have divided them. There's no shortcut to peace."

Using its typical doublespeak, a spokesman for the Obama politburo said, “that granting Palestinian statehood was premature and would jeopardize efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, which it has said is the only route to a durable peace.”

But not premature for the Libyans, Egyptians, or Syrians. What fucking two-face Judases. And where’s the fucking logic there? If the peace talks are long-stalled then how in the hell would statehood delay them? Actually, if the Palestinians had a state of their own, maybe they would make peace with the Jews—tolerate them, ignore, leave them alone and get on with their lives.

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Mahmoud Abbas “insisted that the bid for statehood wasn't ‘aimed at isolating Israel or de-legitimizing it; rather we want to gain legitimacy for the cause of the people of Palestine.’” Fuck NO ONE could isolate Israel or de-legitimize it more than the Jews have themselves. Israel is a vortex that pulls hatred to it. And the U.S. itself has become a vortex for global hatred, with such policies as Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama expanding Terminator America’s use of drones.

Obama is a phony: a phony America, a phony American black, a phony man of peace, and a phony Democrat. I wish the Republicans would beat him in the next election, but they don’t have what it takes. They are cardboard patriots who have nothing to offer but the same old Paleolithic bullshit. Against abortion, against gay marriage, for the rich, and for the socialist Military-Industrial Complex—an economy and way of life that thrives off American tax dollars.

And what has the megamilitary really accomplished for Americans other than making war profiteers rich and employing (in socialist fashion) millions of defense contractors and service men and women (and getting the world to hate our guts)? What in the fuck have the two recent wars accomplished? Bin Laden’s 3 trillion dollar body bag? Even the fucking Romans knew better than to fight wars just for the fun of it because they are FUCKING EXPENSIVE. But don’t expect the Neanderthal Republican politicians to change their thinking, because they benefit big-time by supporting Military-Industrial Complex, Inc., and Israel.

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Palestine to Be Bullied by Nigger America and Its Zionist Master

In other words, the Palestinian people (who don’t even have a nation) will have to duke it out with two of the most powerful nations in the world. That’s like fighting a man with his hands and legs tied (i.e., kick him while he's down), which both the Israeli and American torture artists are quite good at. Or it’s like the Germans beating up on the Jews. Perhaps God used the Germans to punish the Jews for the crimes He knew they would commit against the Palestinians and for their various forms of corruption in the U.S. (Wall Street, D.C., Hollywood, etc.). As he had the Assyrians punish them:

“The king of Assyria captured Samaria and he carried the Israelites away to Assyria... And this was so, because the people of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God.” I mean the Jews rarely made God happy. They were a big fucking disappointment to Him as they have been to the world ever since the Holocaust (their recent punishment for God knows what). If their God can’t find reason to warm up to them, then why should we?

In other word, Israel will be able to stall until it gobbles up all of Palestine. WE KNOW WHAT IN FUCK IS GOING ON! Israel is a morally dirty nation, but that America allows itself to be Israel’s nigger and thus become morally filthy as well is outrageous. The Judas people are the most hated people in the world, not the Taliban. And the reason they are hated is because they will shit on anyone to get their way.

The Hebrew Corruption of America

We know that in America. We’ve seen the Jewish Judas take control and corrupt Wall Street, in Hollywood, and in Washington D.C. What they have accomplished is the degradation of a country that welcomed them (which turned out to be a poison pill).

And let’s not forget that as the Jews flooded into America so did millions of Zionists and communists. And now those Zionist and communists have taken control of the country. Of the born-stupid-again religious right believe its all part of God’s plan (thus far about 3000 year plan). No people have done greater harm to America—by getting the nation involved in the Middle East morass, including the present two wars, and by helping to destroy America’s economy, political system, and culture. Hollywood is a Jewish toilet.

Piss on You, America

You know when Larry David pissed on Jesus he was really pissing on that dumb-ass goy Uncle Sam. Why it is Jews are totally unwelcome throughout the world? Because they are arrogant, narcissistic, and morally dirty.

But Larry David’s hatred of America is nothing more than a reflection of Israeli Jews hatred of America:

No Jewish pity for Rachel:

No Jewish pity for the USS Liberty:

No pity at all for anyone except themselves:

Obama: Netanyahoo’s house boy

Obama met with his master Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to get his orders: “Listen here, boy, you veto any statehood move for the Palestinians or else I'll sick AIPAC on your ass and your political career will be over and you'll be polishing shoes in the train station. Remember what happened to that peanut farmer when he criticized us. We leaned on that goy telling him that we'd make sure his his grandson Jason couldn't run for dog catcher if he didn't wash our Hebrew feet with an apology. What did President Peanut Butter do? He got kosher and squealed out an apology. Dumbass Christian cracker.”

Of course, Carter isn't the only American politician whose washing the feet of the Hebrews:

Oreo Obama Becomes Judas to the Palestinian People

You might remember that when he was running for president Obama said he would help the Palestinians out. But Oreo Obama ain’t what he seems. He walks and talks like a humanitarian Democrat but inside he’s just a two-faced Republican.

He referred to liberating the Libyans from “four decades of darkness.” Well what about the more than half-century of darkness the Palestinians have had to endure under the Zionist Nazis? The Muslims, like the rest of the world, know America is not to be trusted—except to serve its NATIONAL INTEREST (2nd) and the interests of Israel (1st) because the Jews run America. If you don’t go along with what they want—which is to fuck over the Palestinians, but I believe eventually to fuck over the entire world. You see, they still think they are God’s chosen people, when in fact they chose themselves to be God’s chosen people.

Wearing the Star of David Obama Address the U.N.

Israel’s boy Obama turns thumbs down on the Palestinian before the U.N. General Assembly drawing strong support from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who called the president's opposition to the Palestinian diplomatic effort a "badge of honor." I call it a badge of dishonor. And what do the Jews know about honor? As a people what are their great accomplishments other than a virulent book of fantasies that destroyed the glories of the pagan world? Who are their Socrates, Plato, Aristotle? Moses, King David, Solomon? What a joke.

The Hebrew Destruction of Western Civilization

And what did the Jesus-Paul combo do other than halt the progress of Western Civilization and initiating the dark ages with their diseased religion? Read The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman. However, the subtitle should be The Rise of the JudeoChristian Faith and the Destruction of Reason. The fucking Jewish insurgents conspired to destroy Rome and the rest of pagan civilization. Pagan faiths tolerated having an opened mind, multiple faiths, and reason in the form of philosophy and science.

And this occurred at the very time the Roman Empire had reached the apex of its glory. In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus (in reality not Jesus but Hebrew scribe insurgent) tells his fellow insurgents: “Go therefore and make slaves of all nations by Judaizing them in the name of the Jewish God and his subversive son and of Hebrew spirit, teaching them to kneel before the great Jew god and his son. Then they will become our slaves. I am with you always, comrades.”

And then there is Karl Marx the Jesus of communism. We all know how much evil that system has done in the world.

Whence the Hatred of Israel?

Why is it that Israel has no supported except the U.S. government? Of course the majority of Americans support Israel because they hate Arabs and just about everyone else in the world. They hate the Europeans, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Africans they are indifferent to. The reason is because they are out of tune with the rest of the world and know the rest of the world sees them as a bizarre monstrosity with its ongoing pursuit of warfare, while at home it’s faced with all kinds of dysfunctionality. And the amazing thing is Israel isn’t America’s friend. What has Israel ever done for America (or anyone else for that matter)? How many German Jews fought against Europe and America during the First World War?

“Mr. Obama evoked the horrors of the Holocaust to describe the Jewish state's tenuous security position and made no mention of Israel's construction of settlements on land the Palestinians envision as their future state.”

Been there, done that. I am so sick of hearing about the Holocaust. Only 10% of the people who died in W.W. II were Jews. And the others were fighting Hitler. The Russians lost four times as many people during the war. Also twice as many Russian soldiers died fighting Hitler as the number of Jews murdered. The Chinese lost almost twice as many people as the Jews. Of course, we all know that the lives of Russians and Chinese or anyone else for that mater are worthless compared to the lives of God’s chosen people. And by the way, where was your fucking God while your people were being slaughtered?

And of course Obama didn’t mention the WALL because America is Israel’s nigger right or wrong. Morality is suspended when it comes to the doings of the Jews and Americans. And how can Americans criticize the Jews for stealing the land of the Palestinians when it wasn’t that long ago that Americans were stealing the land of the Indians, Mexicans, Hawaiians, and Filipinos?

Israel’s has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, is a wealthy nation (receiving tons of foreign aid money from the U.S. government and the Jews in America, who are nothing more than agents for Israel). So why should Americans be involved? What do you think?

Zionist control of U.S. politics

Obama backed Israel and then was stroked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for being a good boy:

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Hypocrite Zionist sympathizer Hillary Clinton condemns Russia-China veto

The governments of Russia and China disgraced themselves by vetoing a U.N. resolution condemning the Syrian Nazi government for its slaughter of its own people. Bashar al-Assad will go down in history with other political garbage such as Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin Dada, Muammar Muhammad Abu, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, etc. Why wasn’t there ever a resolution condemning George Bush, whose is responsible for killing tens of thousand, not just twenty-five hundred? Or condemning Johnson for slaughtering two million minimum Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese as a result of the Vietnam War? Because the U.S. would veto any such resolution.

Once was a time when Russia and China were all about the common people. Apparently those days are long gone. Such behavior is disappointing to us who thought they might become leaders to a more sensible world. Certainly that is not a role warmongering, Zionist America is willing to play.

Of course, the Russia-China veto was a tit-for-tat response to Obama’s threat to veto the Palestinians request for statehood. That’s how the game is played, but Hillary is a fucking hypocrite. Pretending to care about the poor oppressed Syrian rebels but willing to throw the Palestinians to the Zionist dogs. But that is to be expected given she Benjamin Nitwityahoo’s American domestic:

This is what America’s masters are doing the Palestinians people:

And America allows this to happen because it has become Israel’s boy. Hieronymus Bosch got it right about the Jews in his painting Christ Carrying the Cross:

In that painting Jesus can represent Palestinians.

The friend of my enemy is my enemy

So Egypt's Coptic Christians are taking heat from Egypt's Muslims, in particular the military. Well what did the Copts expect? They are the friends of the enemies of the Muslims thus the enemies of the Muslims. Didn't their parents tell them not to associate with bad people. The people of the man the Coptic Christians worship as god are the oppressors of the Palestinians, and their fellow American Christians have been slaughtering and torturing Afghans and Iraqis for ten years. Here's an example of Americans winning friends in Afghanistan:

That's exactly the kind of terrifying person one would expect to represent the American War on Terror, given that the American nation is in love with television programs such as Dexter, where the good guy is a serial killer who tortures and kills only bad guys. Isn't that the U.S. government's basic premise—that it has the right to do anything it wishes to anyone or any nation that it deems as a threat to itself—including using torture, or what Dick Cheney calls "enhanced interrogation program." (He would have made a great Grand Inquisitor, perhaps he was in a previous life.)

In other words, MORALITY can be SUSPENDED for the purpose of national security. America's DEXTER POLICY seems to have come into existence with the Bush Administration's declaration of the Global War on Terror and anyone or any nation suspected of supporting directly or indirectly terrorists.

So what do the Copts expect? They have associated (by religion) themselves with Jews and Americans—two supporters of the dictator Mubarak's long suppression of the Egyptian people and the two nations that have sought to castrate or circumcise Islam. The Muslims who have suffered (like the one being tortured by the U.S. agent if torture, most likely CIA, the agency of torture, if he survived) would like to strike out against America and Israel, but those nations are too powerful, so they strike out against those associated with them—such as Christians and collaborators living next door. You are an enemy because you appear to be a friend of the enemies of Islam. That you are not does not matter. American's preemptive strike policy has validated that appearances are enough to condemn man or nation to torture or destruction.

Americans have become Palestinians in their own country

About the time of the Clinton Administration Jews in the U.S. and Israel took control of the U.S. Government. Now the government does what the Jews want—in particular looking after Israel. The October issue of Time magazine says that 20% of the households own 85% of the wealth. And I just bet percentage-wise more Jews in America are in that 20% than Americans are, and few or no Jews are in the bottom 50%. In other words, the U.S. has worked out a lot better for the Jews and Israel than for Americans.

The Jews and aliens want to see America become a minority dominated nation; in other words, they want Americans stripped of their political power. Americans are already a minority in California (and other states), where the Hispanics and Asians have taken over. Recently Congress Asian Judy Chu has sought a bill in Congress that would have Americans grovel at the feet of Asians:

“In the US, some lawmakers have jointly proposed a bill to Congress, demanding an apology for passing the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The bill has gained support from both chambers of the Congress and across party lines. It was initiated last year by the first US house representative of Chinese decent, Judy May Chu.”

I’ll give my apology now. FUCK YOU! MOST of the Asians living in this country have arrived in the past few decades (millions illegally). I doubt if Chu’s ancestors were doing the laundry for the railroad. They arrive from a country where their people have been treated like shit forever yet they want apology from Americans. Go back to your home country. You are not Americans.

The fucking Asians did nothing to build this country. America is the creation of the people who came from Europe and the slaves who came from Africa. All the others are latecomers and and fucking interloper. So Chu can get her fucking apology but she and her people will be hated for making Americans grovel. I look forward to the forever war of hatred. Stay in your fucking Asian enclaves, and we Americans will stay in ours cleaning our guns while we can, before the alien agents in the government take them take away to defang the old American tiger to make it a toothless alien lapdog.

We know the government won't protect our communities anymore than it will the communities of Palestinians. We know the War on Terror is bullshit and the real terror is occurring in our communities and has since the alien invasion began a half century ago, when the Jew Emanuel Celler, the Marxist Ted Kennedy, and the patriot turn traitor Philip Aloysius used the Hart Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 to stab Americans in the back. And the act was signed by the demonic mass murderer and American traitor President Lyndon Johnson.

I should point out that the Act was Celler's brain child. Already the Statue of Liberty had been co-opted by the Jew Emma Lazarus whose poem "The New Colossus" encouraged the alien flood and aided the agenda of the Jewish insurgency. She turned the statue into a weapon that would help destroy America. Celler understood that a tidal wave of immigrants would create a minority nation that could be easily ruled by Jews. I mean look how Americans already grovel before the Jewish god. New York City is the Jewish model for America' future. White Americans are a minority and the 12% Jewish community runs the city.

And how have things turned out for Americans? Bad and getting worse. Today Americans are following the footsteps of the Palestinians as their homeland is taken from them piece by piece.

What the U.S. Government should apologize to Americans for is repealing Chinese Exclusion Act and for enacting all the anti-American immigration acts. It's interesting that there is no fucking Asian gratitude for the repeal! They’ve made it clear that they are our enemy. America has become a nation of waring clans living in their enclaves.

Most likely Lady Fu Manchu will get the unAmerican government to apologize. That’s fine too because I now enjoy hating the government because it is not an American government. America has ceased to be America.

On the Hispanic side of the takeover the U.S., Gov. Jerry Judas Brown has signed the American Nightmare Act allowing illegal immigrants to apply for state-funded college financial aid. In other words, illegals occupying California will get a better deal than real Americans who come from other states to study in California. Illegals will be eligible for public grants, other tuition assistance and fee waivers to attend the University of California and California State University system, as well as community colleges. Of course they have already been attending American primary and secondary public schools paid for by American taxpayers.

Like the Palestinians, Americans have been betrayed and there’s not a fucking thing they can do about. Like the Palestinians, Americans have lost their country and the U.S. Government certainly isn’t going to help them get it back.

Video gaming—an vicarious revenge

Americans, you know it's a losing battle against the aliens because they have the federal and state governments on their side along with hundreds of pro-immigrant organizations. But you can fight back vicariously. Buy a video game. Pretend the mutants and zombies are the aliens. I recommend the Resident Evil games but the game Rage offers the imagination a look at America's future. Americans hiding out in enclaves in a world ruled by mutants. That's America's future—a nation at war with itself forever.