That can’t be right. The prisoner swap gives the impression that the value of a Palestinian is 1/1027 of that of a Jew. But we all know that is not true. Jews believe that the value of 1 Palestinians = 0. That’s why Jews are Nazis. Nazis believed 1 Jew = 0. Ergo, people who consider the worth of a person of another ethnic/religious group to be worth 0 are Nazis.
It’s not surprising that Jews criticize the swap and Israeli courts tried to block it. A better deal from the point of view of the Jews would be a final solution for the Palestinians since the Jews believe the Palestinians have no more value than terminates. Ultimately, the Jews feel that all other peoples are worthless. It’s an attitude that can be found in the Jewish Bible. There God, Yahweh, believes that all of humanity is worthless except for his chosen people. That’s pretty clearly illustrated in the story about the Great Flood. If the Jews could exterminate all the nonJews of the world, they would do it. They would then be able to live as happy campers in their Promise Land. That might just be their plan for how America’s nuclear weapons will be to be used.
We all know that the prisoner swap was just a diversion from the Nazi-Zionist plan for settling thousands more Nazi-Zionist Jews in a strategic part of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, which will cut a link between Jerusalem and the West Bank.
That is exactly what I want to do—cut my link to any Jews because each time I’m close to one the smell of sulfur causes in me an acid-reflux reaction. I’m thinking of moving to Sweden because only .01% of the population is Jewish. Imagine being able to live the rest of one’s life without ever seeing a Jew. That would be Heaven. Actually, one of the big selling points of Heaven is that it is a closed community—no Jews allowed. That’s almost enough to get me to give up atheism.
I hate Jews for their treatment of the Pedestrians. It’s a hate so pure that it feels like love.
I will depart with this tribute to the infamy of the Jew:
P.S. My advice to Muslims is to cleanse the Koran and Islam of its Hebrew elements. They are a stench and unnecessary. Free yourself from the mental tyranny of Judaism. You want to believe in God, fine. I get that. But remove the Hebrew pollution from your religion, just as the Jews seek to remove Muslims from their homes and communities.