Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Democracy No Longer Serves Americans

Americans really are a stupid people. They love to brag about democracy and their role in bringing it to the rest of the world. However, democracy works best in a homogenous society. It doesn’t work so well for minorities. Its power is in numbers. That’s why constitutional rights are necessary, so that minorities are not run over by the majority.

But democracy no longer serves Americans. In fact, it has become the greatest weapon for those who seek to destroy America for Americans by turning America into an international refugee camp. Let’s look at two recent newspaper articles.

The California Dream Act Rings the Death Nell for an American California

What we are witnessing today is a process of minoritization of the American people. In very many cities and in some states Americans have become a minority. White Americans are now only 40% of the population of California, and the Hispanics are catching up with almost 37%. Thus it’s no wonder that Gov. Jerry Judas Brown signed legislation allowing lawbreaking illegal immigrants to apply for state-funded college financial aid. Brown used P.R. bullshit to justify his betrayal of Americans in and outside of California, saying that going to college is a dream. Well having money is also a dream but does not justify robbing people. Illegal aliens who use American social services are robbing the American people. They are immoral thieves.

In July brown signed the first part of the package, which permits undocumented students to apply for financial aid. What Brown is doing—as hundreds of other so-called American politicians have done and are doing—is collaborating with the Hispanics and their takeover of the America. And who are these aliens Brown and other politicians are surrendering America to? Take a look:




Not a very pretty picture.

At 37% of the California population Hispanics have enough votes to ensure that any Democrat or Republican will do the bidding of the Hispanic Nation. Brown isn’t an American. He’s a Hispanic collaborator who could care more about his leftist agenda than he does about Americans. And like all the other turncoats like him he’s happy as long as he can hobnob with the wealthy elite who live in safe, secure, exclusive communities. Take a look at Brown’s house, though not especially extravagant, it certainly exist far above the barrioized communities afflicted with graffiti and crime such as Azusa, Highland Park, Fresno, Harbor Gateway and hundreds of other once-American communities being overrun by Hispanics. Take Hawaiian Gardens as an example:


And it only took four years for the authorities to do something about the problem—only after one of their own was killed! You see that is where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don’t allow the country to be overrun by aliens in the first place. You can see that for black and white Americans the Dream Act is a nightmare that they can’t wake up from because democracy is no longer on their side.

The courts are on the side of criminals, not on the side of Americans

Alabama wanted to schools to check if students were in the country legally. It’s a matter of enforcing the law and protecting the American taxpayer. But a federal appeals court blocked a key part of the law. This is exactly what the Feds did to Arizona. Americans can’t protect their country. It’s as if they are the ones living in a foreign country. The court also has prevented the state from charging aliens who do not carry proof of residency.

of the National Immigration Law Center called the decision a "partial victory." No shit! That’s exactly what it is. There is a fucking war going on. America is be invaded just as Rome was invaded by the barbarians who came to take what Rome has. And the illegals won a victory because of unAmerican collaborators.

"I think that certainly it's a better situation today for the people of Alabama today than it was yesterday," said MOMAR JADWAT, an attorney for the anti-American ACLU. The problem is that Alabama is being overrun by Hispanics. Now many communities and schools are dominated by them. In other words, Alabama is on its way to becoming a state of OLD MEXICO just as California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas have.

, head of the U.S. Justice Department's civil rights division, said Friday before the ruling that a team of attorneys is in Alabama trying to determine whether the law was leading to civil rights violations. Did you check out that name? What fucking chance do Americans have? The War Chief President of the country is an alien himself. And apparently his mother hated American men.

What are those folks in Birmingham afraid of? This from the Birmingham New:
Five men were shocked, beaten, bound and their throats slashed in a Shelby County apartment this month... Authorities say the crime also signals a broader message to the people of Birmingham and its metropolitan area: Mexican and Central American drug gangs operate here, and more incidents of such violence could follow.
You see, Americans don’t want their homeland to become like the killing fields of Mexico or Somalia. But you can also see Americans have no chance. The nation’s powerbrokers are bent on transforming America so that its future looks like that in the movie District 9, except the aliens in America don’t want to return home. Ha, ha, ha. Joke’s on you America.

Radio jocks John and Ken say Americans keep voting stupid

I heard that on their show last tonight. They were talking about California voters. Not only do they not have much faith in the politicians running and ruining America, they don’t have much faith in the American people. That’s the subtext of what they say. I agree that politicians are mostly worthless, self-serving assholes and that the American people are basically stupid. Only the other hand, America’s two-party political system no longer offers real options. Rage Against the Machine expresses that reality in their music video Testify:


You might have notice the price of gas has increased almost 100% since the video was made.

Bill Clinton is appears in the video as if he was a good guide. You know exPresident Sleaze just celebrated his 65th birthday. All kinds of beautiful women showed up so he must have had a hard-on all night. Lady Gaga (as in retch)...


was there but not Monica Lewdinsky.

August Brown captured the moment in the L.A. Times’"Pop and Hiss" music blog:
“I just love you and your hot wife,” Lady Gaga said, writhing like a breathy, smitten Marilyn Monroe on the Hollywood Bowl stage mere feet from Bill Clinton, his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and their daughter, Chelsea. Gaga described her life as a screwy embodiment of the American dream in eyebrow-raising language, and she praised the Clintons by promising that “tonight, I thought we’d all get caught up in a little Bill romance.”
There’s one photo of Chelsea looking at Gaga and seems to be thinking, “Tell me, did you suck my dad’s dick?”


One guest at the party that the celebrity sites have played down was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was there. You know at a National Council of La Raza La Raza event Bill Clinton thanked George Bush for supporting illegals to become citizens:
"I'm proud of him for doing it and I thanked him for doing it," he said of Bush during a "Cafe con Clinton" breakfast speech to the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy group. (From ROBERT JABLON, AP writer)
Once again what choice do Americans have.

This is so Bill Clinton. But people seem to overlook the fact that Bill Suck-my-dick Clinton turned the White House into a blow-job parlor and by doing so got elected the worst president America has yet experienced, George Blood-Is-My-Game Dumb-Is-My-Name W. Bush. Ergo, both presidents were a disaster for America. No fucking choice there.

The result: Refugee Camp USA

In section A of today’s Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune there are two photos about the city’s schools. The photo on the front page was of students doing calisthenics in a science class. Their teacher, who obviously needed to do more exercising at home, was called teaching artist. To me it seemed a very strange way to teach science. The second photo was of a teacher actually teaching.

My point is that in both photos immigrants dominate. And that is almost always the case when the newspaper covers what’s going on in the school. I don’t know it the reason is propagandistic (getting Americans in San Diego to accept the fact that the city has become a refugee camp) or because immigrants (especially Hispanics) dominate the public schools.

An earlier edition of the paper captures perfectly what’s happening to San Diego and America:
Longtime cabdriver MIR NAJIBULLAH SADAT SAHOU, 68, was found dead from gunshot wounds on Sept. 28... An arrest warrant was issued Tuesday for ISMAEL RAUL LOPEZ charging him with murder, San Diego police said Friday. Investigators are asking for the public’s help to locate Lopez, who is described as Latino, 5 feet 9 inches tall and between 160 and 180 pounds.

According to an arrest warrant declaration filed in San Diego Superior Court, a young man told police in 2007 that Lopez — described as a family friend who often stayed overnight — repeatedly sexually assaulted him on nights when they slept in a common area. The assaults started in January 2001, when the victim was 13 years old.
In other words, America is become a sick fucking place that is totally alien to Americans. When I go to a store I study people. And the dominate them is a lack of joy. Rarely do I see people smile. Most the stores in my quasi refugee camp community are what one would expect. The customers are a mixed bag of ethnic groups. Americans are rarely the majority. Nobody is happy until they get back home. Of course, Americans have the least reason to be happy. The aliens have the benefit of escaping their shit-hole nations. So to them life in Amerika is pretty good, though it sucks for Americans.

I predict that what will occur throughout this century is a deterioration and eventually disappearance of the American spirit. Americans themselves have become cynical and angry. It will be a situation where each family and each individual will worked to benefit himself and his or her family. But not the country. It’s a survival game. This loss of enthusiasm will affect Americans’ ability to be world leaders (they certainly aren’t now, more like the world's intimidator) and to produce high quality goods and services. Of course, there will always be the occasional Steve Jobs but during the forties and fifties the entire country was like Steve Jobs.

There will be more crime, more despair, more outbreaks of violence like shooting in Seal Beach, more hopelessness, more young people dropping out and turning on to whatever their subculture has to offer, and so on.

The prices at Wal-Mart will still be cheap, but so will the quality of life for millions of Americans.