Friday, October 30, 2009

N1H1 Swine Flu, Obama’s Katrina

The swine flu has arrived everywhere but not enough vaccine. But that don’t matter none because the people who can’t get the vaccine are those old Gringos who built the country. Hurricane Katrina caused 1,836 deaths. It’s estimated that the H1N1 swine flu could result in 1,200 deaths in the first months of the outbreak. Over 5 million people have been infected the first 4 months of the epidemic since April and thousands hospitalized. The amount of vaccine has fallen millions doses short of what was promised.

Here in barrio San Diego the Swine Flu is in all the Schools. It’s already killed 1,000 people in the country. Hey where is the vaccine? The alien-loving government is spending billions of dollars killing Afghan warriors and getting American soldiers killed but isn’t protecting Americans (that the soldiers over there are supposed to be protecting) from a virus that is already killing them.

And who is alien Hussein Obama making sure is getting vaccinated? In this part of the country Illegal alien mothers and their anchor babies are getting vaccinated at clinics. Those who will have to wait are the OLD GRINGOS. And we all know that the present—pro-Israel, pro-illegal alien—government believes that the country would be better off without them anyway because they are an obstacle to the country becoming a full-fledged multicultural District 9.

Here it is from the L.A. Times:
Illegal immigrants deserve medical care for swine flu


Aside from the moral imperative, it just makes sense to treat all people for the illness -- before they have to go to the emergency room.
May 04, 2009

George Skelton From Sacramento — The swine flu scare may be hype. Maybe not. Either way, it's reassuring to know that hospital emergency rooms and community clinics are treating anyone who's sick, including illegal immigrants.

"Swine flu knows no borders," notes Carmela Castellano-Garcia, chief executive of the California Primary Care Assn., an organization of roughly 700 clinics. "It pays no regard to income or immigration status."

“SWINE FLU KNOWS NO BORDERS”! I guess that makes the SWINE FLU and the ILLEGAL ALIENS a lot alike.

Obama, KING OF DISTRICT 9 USA, has declared a national emergency—which means no questions asked. In other words, illegal mamas and their anchor babies and anchor babies’ babies will be lining up at the DISTRICT 9 free clinics to get free vaccine, no questions asked. Don’t you just love diversity? Sure you do if you’re an illegal alien.

The poor GRINGOS will be left on the rooftops like all those black Americans during Karina (Laura Bush thinking how lucky they were to sunbathe on the roof while their homes floated gently away). The GRINGOS will be waiting for the vaccination that will never come because their tax dollars have been wasted on stupid wars and taking care of illegal aliens and their anchor children.

Let's play FIND THE GRINGO in this line of people waiting for the vaccine in L.A.:

And now President Barack Hinsane Obama has overturn a 22-year-old travel and immigration ban against people with HIV. The U.S. has been among a dozen countries that bar entry to travelers with visas or anyone seeking a green card based on their HIV status. Next HIV status will qualify you for citizenship. Why not, entering the country illegally qualifies you to most of the rights of citizenship already. So one epidemic isn’t enough for the Savior of the Third-World, the messianic Obama. Now he wants to open the doors to all the diseased aliens of the earth, as if the United States was a international general hospital. It makes sense, the country's already become an international welfare center. However, we will need to get a nurse's uniform and a surgical mask for the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your diseased, your poor,
your ignorant, crime-ridden huddled masses
yearning to live free off the American taxpayer,
to displace the old-time Americans
from their homes and communities.
The wretched criminally insane
refuse of your teeming shore,
send these, and the homeless, penniless,
tempest-tossed dregs of society to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden doors
of our prisons, hospitals, schools
red pen and checkbook in hand!"

And now in Washington House leaders unveiled their health bill. Which will mean that the millions and millions of illegals and their anchor babies’ babies will be getting free health care on the GRINGO DIME. Then will come the AMNESTY BILL (waving the white flag of surrender to Mexico and other south of the border nations) which will allow millions and millions of alien felons to receive health care paid by the STUPID GRINGOS while they steal America by demographically transforming it into a DISTRIC 9 NATION.

Don’t know District 9? Take a look:

Here is the new District 9 Hispanic America:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Larry David Pisses on America by Crucifying Jesus a Second Time

That’s right; Jew Larry David crucifies the image of Jesus and by doing so pisses on America. This is not something unique to David. It illustrates the mocking attitude of Jews generally. Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Judd Apatow, Sam Mendes, and Jewish dominated Hollywood. To them nothing is sacred—maybe money. What do they like to mock most of all? America. To the Jews America is a big joke. You can’t blame them. Americans have allowed the Jews to move in (most are immigrants of the children of recent immigrants) and take over the government, the financial system, Hollywood, the courts with various organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, etc. Well take a look for yourself:

AIPAC is a Jewish organization that run American foreign policy. Have you noticed that American foreign policy is mostly about Israel and its enemies?

“The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC; pronounced /eɪ.pæk/, ay-pak) is a lobbying group that advocates for pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States.” (Wikipedia)

AIPAC and the Jewish Zionist NEOCONSERVATIVES pushed the religiously demented George Bush to war with Iraq. To see the Zionist control of the American government for yourself check out this:

So it’s no wonder that the Jews have such little respect for Americans. Oh they love America as a place to make money and acquire power, but despise Americans. Check out Woody Allen doing an advertisement for America Apparel:

You might recall that American Apparel is owned by an immigrant Jew Dov Charney who has been accused of hiring illegal immigrants:

That’s the thing about Jewish arrogance—it doesn’t respect anything or anyone. Just look at the Jews’ treatment of Palestinians. I believe the arrogance is rooted in the notion that the Jews are God chosen people. To most of the world they are Satan’s chosen people. Just consider the havoc they have caused since they created Israel by destroying the homeland of the Palestinians. It does seem like the work of the Devil, as well as the havoc they have caused in this country.

Another example of their arrogance is that of the Orthodox Jews’ invasion of the small town of Postville, Iowa. These are the most religious of the Jews, and the owners were all recent immigrants or the children there of. And what do they do in the land that welcomed them? They hired illegals. You see Jews don’t care about Americans. They despise Americans. Take a look at what Wikipedia tell us about these Jews:
Criminal charges
On October 30, 2008, former CEO Sholom Rubashkin was charged with abetting aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory two-year minimum sentence. Sholom Rubashkin, the son of Agriprocessors owner Aaron Rubashkin, was CEO from 1987 until being removed after the May 2008 immigration raid.
Rubashkin was arrested again on November 13, 2008 at his Postville home on Federal charges of bank fraud. These new charges were due to the fact that under his direction millions of dollars that were supposed to be deposited in an account as collateral for a loan were fraudently diverted to another account, and were used to fraudulently increase the value of Agriprocessors accounts receivable. After the money was diverted Rubashkin ordered the records of these transactions removed from company computers. Rubashkin now faces up to 30 years in prison on these new charges.
On November 21, 2008 a Federal grand jury returned a 12 count indictment on immigration and bank fraud charges.
In January 2009, an additional 99 federal charges were filed against former CEO Sholom Rubashkin and three former managers for money laundering, making false statements, failing to make required payments for livestock, and 25 additional bank-fraud charges.
And we all know this man:

Bernie Madoff.

So you see the Jews bite the hands that offered them shelter in a world that rightly despises them. Hitler must have been just a Jew bigot because he saw their arrogance and perhaps feared their aspirations. That arrogance got 6 million killed. But they didn’t learn their lesson, as Larry David proves and as the State of Israel proves.

And who gave the Jews the great support for the Iraq War? American Christians.
Conservative Christians Biggest Backers of Iraq War
by Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON - Of the major religious groups in the United States, evangelical Christians are the biggest backers of Israel and Washington's planned war against Iraq, says a new survey released here Wednesday by a politically potent group of fundamentalist Christians and Jews.
Some 69 percent of conservative Christians favor military action against Baghdad; 10 percentage points more than the U.S. adult population as a whole.

And how are these Christians paid back? The Jew urinate on their SAVIOR. Remember that 9-11 was caused by America’s support of Israel. That’s what Osama bin Laden said. U.S. military presence in the Middle East was not to protect oil resources but Israel. The worst Islamic thugs will always sell their oil. The U.S. didn’t invade Iraq to protect America from Saddam Hussein. He was never an enemy of America but of Israel. So America lost 3000 lives on 9-11 because of its support of Israel. Those attacks resulted in the war in Afghanistan. In other words, all of the death and suffering endured by Americans civilians and soldiers was for the Jews. And how is America paid back—for all that and for allowing millions of Marxist and Zionist Jews to immigrant to this country?

The Jew Larry David crucifies Christ a second time for all of America to see. And by doing so he pisses on America. The Muslims wouldn’t do that. Their attacks on 9-11 were acts of revenge that cost the lives of the attackers. Larry David, so typical of the Jew, mocks the image of Christ for money.

What David did was worse than burning the American flag, which would be to show disrespect toward the country as a political entity. He attacked the soul of America. And he did so out Jewish arrogance. The Muslims are fanatics; the Jews are nihilists. Those men with long beards and black hats believe in only one thing, themselves. And it is this attitude that was expressed in Larry David’s urinating on the image of Christ. A big joke on those pathetic American gentiles:

All this does make you wonder how much insult Americans are willing to take from Jews, illegal aliens, and their own government. Perhaps Americans have become a joke—a laughingstock and schmucks—to all the Jews here and abroad, and as a result to the rest of the world.

What are the consequences of such arrogance for the Jews? You saw in Schindler's List. All those Jews marched off to the boxcars that would carry them to the death camps. It is remarkable that Jews are able to solicit so much hatred, but now Larry David has shown you why. They are the children of God who believe they are above everyone else, an attitude that leads to mockery. But it leads to hatred as well. What Larry David did encourages attitudes expressed in the videos below:

Good job, David!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize without Peace!

We all know that the Norwegians are big fans of cannabis but they ought to lay off the stuff when passing out da Prize. Norwegian committee think-tank:

Hey, maybe I could get it for my blog--you know da prize for literrature. I could use the money to get out of debt and leave the country before the alien bangers completely take over.

By the way, Obama won the prize for what? I mean he hasn’t done anything except bankrupt the nation and turn it over to the aliens. Like the prize for science, you have to do something, right? It’s a peace prize, stupid. No one else to give it to. Ain’t going to be any fucking peace in this country. I can tell you that for sure.

Okay, I get it. He beat the warmonger John McCain thus preventing World War 3. Or was it because compared to George My-Hands-are-bloody Bush Obama looks like Gandhi, Jr.?

But what about the Obama’s administration’s policy not to arrest al-Qaeda warriors but just kill them—because if you arrest them where are you going to put them? I suppose you could relocate them to a barrio in the U.S., but that would be torture, believe me.

Hey, let’s take a look at Obama's WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE strategy. Notice how our brave soldiers face the enemy in combat.

Tell me how killing an unsuspecting enemy from the air is morally superior to the use of the improvised explosive device (roadside bombs). On the radio a couple of days ago I heard how a suspected al-Qaeda was blown up last week from the air while he was driving, and then commando retrieved the body (more likely a piece of it) because of America's KILL DON'T CAPTURE policy. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about, taken from 2 news articles on the Internet:

“Miranshah, Pakistan - A United States missile slammed into a car killing up to five militants on Monday in Pakistan's remote tribal belt near the Afghan border in the third attack in a week, Pakistani officials said. The strike from a suspected US drone was similar to an August 5 attack that killed Baitullah Mehsud, the head of Pakistan's Taliban organization and suspected al-Qaeda facilitator. It came as a US military raid in Somalia on Monday killed a top Kenyan operative for al-Qaeda.”

“DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — A missile killed six Taliban fighters in northwest Pakistan on Tuesday, intelligence officials said, apparently the latest strike in a covert U.S. program that American officials are considering intensifying.

U.S. drones have carried out more than 70 missile attacks in the north over the last year, but the strikes are rarely acknowledged by Washington. The United States says the mountainous tribal belt along the border is a base for militant attacks on American and NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan and a stronghold of al-Qaida’s senior leadership.”
That is really reminiscent of the good ol' days with the three killer amigos Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. And killing these people invisibly at a distance, a dozen at a time, sometimes women and children, is how we are going to win the hearts and minds of these people? I'm sorry you just can't warm up to an army of exterminating TERMINATORS. Most U.S. citizens hate their government. In some parts of the country they hang government men because they don't see the government as their friend. I don't. So why in the world would the people of Afghanistan or Iraq?

Oh yeah, doesn't anyone notice that our soldiers invaded the homelands of those people? It really is amazing that we accept our troops and military bases occupying other nations as being morally okay, when we raise hell if troops are brought into our communities (or even just a census taker like the guy who got himself hanged recently). It's like it's okay that we've been over there killing people for years. Do you really think the guys being slaughtered had anything to do with 9/11? I don’t thinks so. For the Afghan fighters today it’s all about getting the alien invaders out of their country. (Wouldn't it be nice if someone thought that here in the U.S.?) But they have a Muslim agenda, you say. Yeah, like we’ve never had a Christian agenda. Anyway, hundreds of people are being killed each week by our (whoops! your) Commander in Chief Obama.

I know, I know. Better to fight them over there than here. But they seem to be here anyway because we let them in. Wouldn't it be cheaper and involve less killing just to protect our borders and keep the aliens out in the first place? 9/11 wouldn't have happened had we been doing that. The 2 wars wouldn't have happened. A lot of bad stuff (like tens of thousands of Hispanic gangbangers) wouldn't be happening today in this country if the government had been doing its job of protecting our borders.

The honorable thing for Obama to do is refuse the prize because he doesn’t deserve it because his hands are already bloody. He can say, “Hey, guys check me out in a couple of years and see if I deserve it then. Right now you pot-head motherfuckers are causing a lot of controversy that makes my job harder to do. That’s because everyone but you hates my guts for getting the prize.”

Oh, I forgot that the prize is worth 1.4 million dollars. I can see the honorable thing is off the table.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Alien Overthrow of the United State of America, Part 1

“1,800 Anchor Immigrants Workers Fired in L.A.”

IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME an illegal got fired. What about the other 30 million? Here’s the story from the New York Times:
“LOS ANGELES — A clothing maker with a vast garment factory in downtown Los Angeles is firing about 1,800 immigrant employees in the coming days — more than a quarter of its work force — after a federal investigation turned up irregularities in the identity documents the workers presented when they were hired.”
IRREGULARITIES! What a fucking euphemism! In other words this outfit has been hiring illegals. Oh they didn’t know. Bullshit. This fucking outfit is an ALIEN ALLY of the illegals. Its name is AMERICAN APPAREL. What is AMERICAN APPAREL? America’s worst enemy. Take a look:

“As early as 2001, American Apparel has been A VOCAL ADVOCATE FOR REFORM OF U.S. IMMIGRATION LAWS. On May 1, 2002 American Apparel shut down its factory to allow the company's workers, many of whom are [ILLEGAL] immigrants, to participate in a pro-immigration [ANTI-AMERICAN] rally in downtown Los Angeles. DOV CHARNEY, a CANADIAN IMMIGRANT [that’s right another fuck-America immigrant], also marched alongside the workers. American Apparel participates annually in the May 1st Immigration March and Rally in downtown Los Angeles. In 2008, they added a route from their factory that eventually connected with other supporters near the city hall. The company's politics were eventually spun off into the Legalize LA advertising campaign.” (Wikipedia, though the stuff in bracket is my own.)

And who is DOV CHARNEY? Another fucking Jew immigrant who arrives in America with a MULTI-CULTURAL DEATH-TO-AMERICA AGENDA. What else about this Anti-America Jewish slut? Take a look:

“Charney has been the subject of several sexual harassment lawsuits, none of which were proven” (Wikipedia—Fuck I love Wikipedia!) Now it’s true that in one case the suit was thrown out. The plaintive failed to show up at the hearing. She was probably exported back to Mexico where she was raped and killed and buried with the thousands of other women. Okay, her head was kept as a souvenir on some Narco-Trafficker’s wall. This is the culture that the Jew is helping import into this country:">">

More on Hebraic Sleaze:

“In 2004, Claudine Ko of Jane magazine published a controversial essay narrating multiple sexual exchanges that occurred while spending time with Charney.” One slut exchanging multiple sexual exchanges with another slut?” (Wikipedia) Slut: “A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.” (So says the dictionary.)

But that’s not all about Jew Sleaze. Have you see the magazine that he gives away free to further corrupt America? It’s called VICE. I think the title says it all about the content and mission of the magazine and the filthy-mindedness of its promoter. Check out Charney’s vision for America’s children:

VICE is another is another import from Charney’s Canada. I think instead of bombing Afghanistan we ought to be bombing Canada for exporting its sleaze into America:

Would you like to glimpse into the soul of this greedy, anti-American, decadent immigrant Jew. Here, look for yourself:


Getting back to the bust in Mexico City North, i.e., Los Angeles, we are told:
“Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a Democrat, called the dismissals ‘devastating,’ and his office has insisted that the federal government should focus on employers that exploit their workers. American Apparel has been lauded by city officials and business leaders for paying well...”
Deconstruction: One of the leaders of the HISPANIC NATION is unhappy because a lot of his people got fired because they don’t belong in America, because they invaded the country, because they will soon destroy the entire country, not simply Hispanic enclaves like L.A.

Check out what Wikipedia says about L.A.:
"As of the 2005–2007 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, White Americans made up 48.7% of Los Angeles's population; of which 29.3% were non-Hispanic whites."
First of all Hispanics are not whites. They are browns. Furthermore, you see that gringos make up 30% of chololand. What happens when a city becomes a barrio? This is what happens and will happen to the U.S. as a whole:

"The Crime in Los Angeles has been a major problem in Southern California and concern for Angelenos. Los Angeles is informally known as the 'Gang Capital of the Nation.'" (Wikipedia)

This is what is needed when the Latinos come to town:

Thus the recent article titled "60% of Kids Are Exposed to Violence, Study Finds." No wonder when you allow the country to be flooded with lawbreakers and gangsters.


“Villaraigosa has two daughters, Marisela Villar and Prisila Villar-Contreras, born of a previous, nonmarital relationship.” (Wikipedia) HA, HA, HA—NO COMMENT! What else?
“The Los Angeles Times recently published an investigative report questioning the assignment of high-paying government jobs to those with close family or other personal connections to those in political power, pointing out that California taxpayers pay Marisela Villar, daughter of Villaraigosa, $68,000 for work as a ‘field representative’ answering constituent calls and arranging community meetings. [Hey, L.A. is not America any longer so we do things the Mexican way!] Ms. Villar reportedly has no degrees [She’s Hispanic what do you expect?] or other particular qualifications for the position [Since when did Hispanics have to be qualified?], to which she was appointed by close political allies of her father.”
Tats dah way we do it in Messico. But there is more from Wiki! “His alleged affair with a political reporter, with a Spanish-language television reporter, Mirthala Salinas.” We get it. She’s hot (bong!):
“In a New Yorker profile published shortly before the divorce, Villaraigosa acknowledged that he and Corina had had difficulties over the course of their marriage. ‘In a twenty-year marriage, there are many ups and downs [but not the kind he was looking for],’ [Yeah the wife gets cancer, what a downer] Villaraigosa said." The New Yorker also reported that in 1994, while Corina was undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer, Villaraigosa was involved [read FUCKING] with a friend's wife, and Corina filed for divorce at that time. The couple reconciled two years later. The New Yorker magazine reported that Villaraigosa's actions had infuriated colleagues who had helped portray him as a family man [yeah like most the men south of the border—lots of families] and lost him key supporters.”
“Villaraigosa began a relationship with Lu Parker [started pumping her too; I mean how else is the Hispanics going to take over if the men don’t do their fucking duty?], a local television news anchor and 1994 Miss USA, in March 2009”
“The oldest son of a Mexican-American secretary and a MEXICAN IMMIGRANT who abandoned the family when Antonio was five, he credits the mother who believed in him, a teacher who recognized his potential and paid his SAT fees, and a university system that gave him a chance.”
The question is one of legality. Was the father legal immigrant? Or did he come here and drop an alien anchor?


That’s right. The spawn of the 1,800 illegals are anchor babies. Probably more like 50,000 anchor babies because Hispanics have at least three kids. They can break into this country illegally give birth to their litter who then become American citizens, rooting the birth queens in American soil because no politician has the guts to send the queen and her larva back to the Hispanic hives south of the border.


That’s the title of the article. WHEN WILL AMERICANS GET A FUCKING BREAK FROM THE ILLEGALS? You want to solve the illegals problem? Revoke the ANCHOR BABY LAW. Then the illegals wouldn’t have any leverage on the U.S. Government. But this once again shows you that the fucking government can’t solve problems, only make them worse. And now it doesn't really want to because it has gone over to the enemy. The article goes on to say:

“The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, detains nearly 400,000 foreign nationals on suspected immigration violations each year at a cost of $2.4 billion.”

Once again proof that the aliens are killing this country financially. And why are the invaders America’s problem? They should be the problem of the country they left behind. The thing is the aliens are now in charge in America. Oh I know, we don’t want to separate families. Hey, they can take their fucking kids with them when they leave. This is how Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is protecting America. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE. She must have had a Hispanic brain transplant or at least had her American heart removed. She sure in the hell not one of us.

So the alien-loving government of the United States of Aliens is going to give the illegal bracelets and put them in hotels, feed them better than what millions of Americans are eating, and give them medical care that millions of Americans can’t get.

If you want to know what side the government is on just take a look at the following article:
"Arizona Sheriff's Immigration Deal Clears Hurdle
County officials in Arizona have approved an agreement that would let 60 county jail officers continue to check on the immigration status of jail inmates.
The Associated Press
County officials in Arizona have approved an agreement that would let 60 county jail officers continue to check on the immigration status of jail inmates.

Wednesday's 3-2 vote by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors moves Sheriff Joe Arpaio a step closer to renewing a deal that grants special federal immigration powers to jail officers.
The deal has been signed by Arpaio and is awaiting a signature from an official with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which grants the federal powers.

The sheriff complained that ICE cut his federal powers in half when it wouldn't renew a deal that lets 100 deputies make federal immigration arrests.

Critics say Arpaio's immigration efforts were fraught with racial profiling; the sheriff denies that charge."
In other words, while American law enforcement in Arizona is trying to protect America from alien invaders, the ALIEN-LOVING FEDERAL GOVERMENT is undermining it efforts. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT! What a fucking joke. Enforcement my ass.

WARNING: In other words, by allowing the flow of illegals into this country the federal government is enabling the alien overthrow of American society. The process works this way. Millions of illegal aliens are allowed into the country illegally. They are then given amnesty. Remember the so-called great unAmerican Ronald Reagan was the first to legalize millions of illegals, who were then able to become voters and augment the power of the HISPANIC NATION. That is how they have taken over hundreds of cities in Amereeka. But the second legalization will guarantee the reelection of their leader Barack Hussein Obama.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Miramar Air Show: Celebrating Death, Destruction and Warfare

America’s love affair with warfare—you see it everywhere in American culture, movies, video games, the war loving media, and the military air shows. The fighter jets are nothing more than terminator weapon systems with wings. They may be impressive in the air, but their function is Neanderthal. Remember the club thrown into the air by a Cro-Magnon type that was changed into a space station in 2001 a Space Odyssey? In reality it turned into attack helicopters, fighter jets, missiles, and killer drones—all of which America loves to celebrate and use on those who lack such weapons.

Americans can celebrate death and destruction from the sky because except for Pearl Harbor they have never been on the receiving end at home and rarely in war after W.W.II. I’m sure the Vietnamese people who remember the Vietnam War and the napalm and Agent Orange, the 2 million civilian deaths and half a million or more deaths of Vietnamese military personnel have a different opinion concerning America’s air power. And then there are the Iraqi people whose country has been annihilated by the American military. For example, “In December 2007, the Iraqi government reported that there were 5 million orphans in Iraq - almost half of the country's children.” (“Casualties of the Iraq War,” Wikipedia) The Lancet survey estimates “601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deaths.” The conservative estimate is a 100,000 civilian deaths caused by the war.

Conveniently, America does not keep tract of those they kill. I don’t blame them. And the killing continues in both Iraq and Afghanistan. How can pilots of helicopters and jet fighters and those responsible for sending missiles and killer drones to kill men with rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers or to blow up villages, usually killing as many women and children as terrorists, be consider heroes?

Take a look at the Taliban fighters:

Hardly a match for American Cyberdyne Systems, but it’s sure a lot of fun killing those guys—or anyone else wearing a turban or burka. I mean really, aren’t these guys the real warriors? Take a look at what they are up against:

America is in love with war and the technology of death and destruction. There is no evidence to think otherwise. That’s why it is no longer a cultural leader in the world. Its culture doesn’t go forward but continues to return to the good old prehistoric days. The only difference between that guy with the club and the pilot of a F/A-18 Hornet is that the pilot can fly his club and kill a lot more people without getting dirty.

America loves to celebrate freedom but really doesn’t know how to use it creatively. I think when it comes to culture, Americans are totally clueless. Video games, R-rated movies, sports, celebraty worship, and war are about all Americans know or care about. If some country is going to lead the world to a more enlightened state in this century, it certainly won’t be America.