Thursday, August 26, 2021

Osama bin Laden Was a Fucking Genius

Selections from Frank Kyle’s Gringo Unabridged

 Osama bin Laden is a fucking genius

“I think America will become a divided nation. Half the country will be well off and happy enough but the other half will be struggling and very unhappy, and very angry. I will tell you one thing, Osama bin Laden is a fucking genius. He waited until we had a retard in the White House before striking. He must have known that with idiot Bush in office the country would collapse from its own weight, just like the World Trade Towers. Now it’s like worrying about whether or not there are enough lifeboats on board after the ship has struck the iceberg and is half underwater, the skipper still trying to put on his pants and shoes. It’s too late. Too late. Too late. Just like it’s too late for me.”

George Bush was never a match for Osama bin Laden because George Bush is a phony, and Osama bin Laden is the real thing. He is a real soldier, a true believer who lives the life of poverty that we expect of a spiritual leader. He is a man who fights for his people and their homeland rather than for personal gain. He is a man who without a nation, without a military, without great material resources, took on and defeated the United States.*

He will be remembered as one of greatest leaders of 21st century (thus far, the greatest leader**). George, on the other hand, will stand out as the 21st century’s greatest incompetent, a man who had the opportunity and the power to accomplish unimaginable good for his people and the world, but instead squandered both for a personal agenda of cultic Christianity, Zionism, oil, wealth, cronyism, and the will to political power.

*If you haven’t noticed that we have been defeated it’s because you have so little imagination. When you think defeat, you imagine only military defeat. Think again. The United States defeated Iraq’s military and now occupies the country, so the Iraqis are defeated and we are the victors. But no, we were defeated when our soldiers first stepped upon Iraqi soil, and we continue to be defeated each day we remain. And who lured the U.S. into Iraq? Osama bin Laden, because he knew that after 9-11 the U.S. would do something irrevocably stupid because he knew that political extremists like himself but not as intelligent occupied the White House and political fools occupied the Senate and House of Representatives.

If you want to see defeat, America, look in the mirror. What you will see is a nation that is disgraced; morally, politically, and financially bankrupt; bogged down in unwinnable wars; invaded by alien hordes; and confused, conflicted, corrupt, despairing, and demoralized. Instead of being a nation of leaders, we’ve become a people led by fools, which makes us fools since we elected them. We have been defeated and will not recover.

In other words, the greatness of Osama bin Laden is that he understood that he didn’t have to defeat America but only create a situation in which America would defeat itself.

**Do the math. 1 George Bush + 1 Tony Blair + 1 John Howard + 1 José Maria Aznar + 1 Silvio Berlusconi + all the other Bushian lap-dog leaders of the Coalition nations who acted against the will of their people = 0. You ask how 1 = 0 is possible. A politician who stands against his people, ignores reason, and acts immorally is nothing. You may recall that evil is nothing in-itself, but only the absence of good, an argument used to get God off the hook of having created or allowing evil to exist in the world. I will let neither God nor these evil men off the hook, but in the case of these evil men, they are nothing, less than the ash of the burnt homes, villages, cities, and bodies they have caused to be destroyed.

Yet, 1 Osama bin Laden = 1. Why? Because he and a handful of followers struck a blow against the monstrous imperialistic dragon that seeks to control and transform the world: America. He is the knight of old who serves not himself but his village and his people. Americans cannot see Osama bin Laden as a hero because they do not see their own villainy. They do not see that America has become like one of the Humvees that drive through the streets of Baghdad shooting up the town and intimidating the people. But like the lone protester who stood before the line of tanks in Tiananmen Square, Osama bin Laden and a handful of his followers stood up to America. Now millions do. Imagine 1 leader x 100 x 1000, x 10,000 followers and you will understand what has occurred under the reign of George W. Bush. And these millions are willing to follow Osama bin Laden to the grave, and will continue to do so long after he is dead. And why? I will say it again, unlike the other so-called leaders, Osama bin Laden is supported by his people because he represents them, he fights for them, and in their eyes he serve the good by fighting against the evil empire. And who follows George Bush? A ragtag crew of the possessed, either by God or Greed.

Thus I predict that by the end of this century, Osama bin Laden will be worshipped by hundreds of millions of followers because he stood up to the New Rome. I will even venture that he will rival Jesus, who was unwilling to stand up against Rome (“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s” [Mark 12:17]), who chose to surrender rather than fight. The present-day American politicians and their motley crews of foreign sycophants will be remembered, like a bad dream that cannot be forgotten, as the self-serving fools who led America and the West to their ruin during the final years of their decline, just as the corrupt Catholic priests will have struck the deathblow against a decrepit Catholic Church.

Of course, in the hands of Apostle Paul Jesus would become the sword that would destroy the Roman Empire. The strategies of Paul and bin Laden have similarities. Both men relied on psychology as their main weapon. Neither believed the enemy could be destroyed militarily. Bin Laden has always known that the Muslim freedom fighters can’t defeat the U.S. military, but he knew he could cause it to defeat America by turning it against America. That sounds paradoxical. But the American military has helped destroy America in various ways. Money spent on it and its wars abroad is money that financially drains American taxpayers but does nothing to improve the functionality of their nation. And by focusing on the so-called threat abroad, Americans have neglected various threats under their noses, such as a growing hostile Hispanic Nation that is taking over America communities and acquiring greater political clout to accomplish its own mission to take control of much of America, especially the territories America stole from Mexico (the Aztlán Movement). But Americans’ militaristic mindset has also resulted in the continuing deterioration of the nation’s infrastructure, cities, primary and secondary education, social services such as care for the elderly and public transportation, and economy.

In addition, America’s reckless use of the military has destroyed even among its allies its reputation as a nation motivated by ethical ideals. But there is something else about America that is unhealthy and frightening. Because of the 9-11 attacks Americans have come to celebrate militarism, so much so that it has deeply changed the culture. We have become like the ancient Spartans. The military defines our values and self-image. Culturally Sparta had nothing to offer the ancient world except its fighting prowess. It was Athens that was the intellectual and artistic center of the ancient world. It, not Sparta, represented a culture that could inspire future civilizations. America has become a nation of consumption, gadgets, entertainment, and militarism.... 

* * * 

Toxic Aliens

Osama bin Laden made it clear that Muslims are no different from infidels when it comes to wanting a homeland free of unwanted aliens. He gave the presence of U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia as one of the reasons for the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Islam forbids infidels from desecrating Muslim soil. The interesting idea is what desecration implies about how infidels are viewed: to Allah they are a form of pollution. This requires no action on their part. They are inherently toxic to anything associated with Islam. This idea originated with the ancient Jews and their belief that pagans were an abomination to Yahweh. We need only recall what Ezra tells the Jews: “Separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives” [10:11]. Why? Because to Yahweh they were an abomination.

Replace Yahweh with Allah and you have the Islamic view of “the people of the land”: non-Muslims, that is, infidels or kafirs. However, for centuries Muslims were the toxic alien invaders. Arab Muslim conquests were in reality a centuries-long pogrom of violating other peoples’ homelands and cultures. Muslims are like the thief who is outraged that property he stole is stolen from him. The process of Muslims’ violating (by colonization, appropriation, and ethnic cleansing) other peoples’ homelands began when Muhammad and his army appropriated Mecca from its pagan inhabitants, cleansed the city of its pagan religions, and converted the populous to Islam.

Cultural Preservation Is Justified

Yet, I tend to agree with the idea that the people of each nation have a right to preserve their homeland from foreign invasion and corruption (even if that means only alteration or mutation). I suspect that what the ancient Jews feared as much as defilement was dissolution. They existed in a sea of pagans whose often appealing cultures could absorb the Jewish people and by doing so make them disappear—as so many tribal cultures have been absorbed by larger, more sophisticated cultures. One strategy adopted by the Jews to prevent this was to declare the pagans the enemies of God. The reason the ancient Jews sought a homeland was to be able to root their culture in that which is tangible, stable, and enduring. A people’s homeland is a bulwark that protects and enables the preservation of a people’s culture, the matrix that defines who they are.

It is simply a matter of preserving the homeland of one’s people in order to preserve the culture that gives a people their identity. That can’t happen if the homeland is overrun by aliens whose cultures are incompatible with those of the resident culture. What Jefferson demanded of the Indians is instructive. He demanded that the native peoples adopt the ways of the invaders. That is different from a resident culture’s demanding invaders to adopt the resident culture: its beliefs, values, attitudes, morals, language, knowledge, education, history, dress, law and government, etc. The former is morally unjustified; the latter isn’t. Why? Because invaders have no moral authority to demand anything of the people whose homeland they have invaded.

Perhaps what most inflamed Hitler’s hatred of the Jews was that after World War I many of the Bolsheviks seeking a Marxist revolution in Germany were Jewish. Thus he considered Jews a threat to the Germanism of Germany. One example is the Spartacus League which was a Marxist revolutionary movement organized in Germany during World War I. Rosa Luxemburg, Paul Levi, and Leo Jogiches were prominent Jewish members. But even the non-Jewish members of the movement were Marxist. Hitler witnessed the Marxist destruction and cultural cleansing of Russia, which became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Cultural-ethnic cleansing has been the intended goal of the four most influential Jewish ideologies: Judaism, JudeoChristianity, JudeoIslam, and Marxism. All four of these ideological programs have engaged in the violent cultural destruction of the countless homelands they invaded. 

* * * 

George W. Bush’s Iraq War

And then our president creates the most successful terrorist training camp in the world—Baghdad, Iraq, a camp operated by the American military from the Green Zone. The city itself is used to provide a real-world urban fighting environment, and American soldiers and Iraqi civilians are provided as live targets for the terrorists to ambush, kidnap, torture, shoot, and blow up. The entire operation is funded by the American taxpayer, and the success has been phenomenal. Before Camp Baghdad was activated, there were only a few thousand elite terrorist fighters in the world; now there are tens of thousands. And George Bush and his crew deserve all the credit. Well, not all the credit. There is also that genius Osama bin Laden, the project’s mastermind. 

Who Is Really Responsible for the Americans Killed in Iraq?

Or is it fair that the U.S. Government places a $25,000,000 bounty on Osama bin Laden’s head, who was responsible for killing 3,000 Americans; a $25,000,000 bounty on Saddam Hussein’s head and a $15,000,000 bounty on each of the heads of his sons, none of whom had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks; yet no bounty is placed on the heads of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who are responsible for the killing and maiming tens of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers? The blood they have spilled would form a lake, and God knows that the bloody karma they have caused by the global disturbance they have created will continue to spread into the future for decades to come, like an endless hurricane that rains razor blades instead of drops of water and whose spiral arms cut like scimitars. And yet, these men shall retire in luxury, play golf, eat steak, and feel good about themselves. Truly a world that allows such injustice is vanity and its creator a laughingstock.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Afghanistan: Endless War Endless Terror

 Poems from Frank Kyle's Tatiana

“Taliban” and “terror,”
terrible words,
terrible deeds.
How can immorality
speak against immorality?
How can one claim
to serve one’s people
by terrorizing them?
How is cruelty godly?
How does one surrender to God
yet serve Satan
unless one’s God is Satan?
How do terror, coercion, and intimidation
achieve spiritual peace
a sacred heart?
They cannot.

* * *

how is a most merciful God served
by cruel deeds?
How is a most just God served
by injustice?
How is a most patient God served
by vicious intolerance
of people who believe differently?
How is villainy justified
in God’s name?
How can claiming to know God’s mind
and then killing God’s children
not be blasphemous?

the sound of suffering
weeping of women and children
silent cries of the dead
not the voice of God.

politics of sadness
despair and hopelessness.

cave dwellers
who perceive life through gun sights
whose downcast eyes
are blind to primordial earth
and nature’s creations
whose idol is a book.

The world weeps at the sound.

* * *

Leader of the pig people speaks:
"The bone people shall be crushed
ground into dust.
The world will then be safe
markets will open for business
cabarets will sing
lewd songs and melodies
the subjugation of earth
and its cultural metamorphosis
will continue—
a new world order built
upon the ruins of the old
to the beat of jackhammers
transforming piety and tradition
into cheerful satisfaction."

Thus conspired the
three-headed tyrant,
sprouting gargoyles
like those of the great stone
sepulchers of worship
Kodak curiosities
eroding cairns
of a forgotten religion
visited by zombic tourists
its gargantuan body
sitting high upon its throne
whence its heads,
aroused and agitated
oversee the future
of the world.

Jagannath, Lord of the World.

The pig people rejoice,
once again at their troughs
feeding in peace
content in their gluttony.

* * *

Thanksgiving day
I sit somber looking at a 
morning eucalyptus.
The words our warrior chief
little corporal in cowboy boots
echo in my ears.
“We are at war.
Resist us and be destroyed.
Hide those who resist us
and be destroyed.
We possess the will
and the power
to destroy you.
You think your god Allah
is greater than our god Mammon.
You are wrong.

“Your god has given you
prayer rugs
ours has given us
the most devastating war machine
money can buy.

“In the air,
OH-58D Scout Attack Helicopters
AH-1W Super Cobra Helicopters
armed with a three-barreled Gatling gun
AH-64A Apache Helicopters
Super Stallion helicopters
F-15 Strike Eagles
armed with Sidewinder
and Slammer missiles
B-2 Spirit and F-117A Nighthawk
Stealth Bombers
B-1 Lancer Bombers
F/A 18 Hornets and F-22 Raptors
Harrier Jump-Jets
F-14 Tomcats
A-10A Thunderbolts
firing armor-piercing penetrators
fabricated from depleted uranium
B-52, E-8C & E-2C surveillance aircraft
laser guided bombs
the terror tool
the BLU-82
15,000 pound ‘daisy cutter’
that kills everything
within a half-mile
and the dreaded Predator drones
armed with supersonic Hellfire missiles
that give their victims no warning.

“On sea
aircraft carriers
cruisers and destroyers
armed with cruise missiles
beneath in the watery darkness
nuclear submarines
armed with holocaust weapons.

“On land
M16, M2 machine guns
M242 automatic cannons
MK 19 and M203
automatic grenade launchers
M252 81mm mortars,
M-198 Howitzers,
Assault Amphibian Vehicles
Amphibious Assault Platoons
M2/M3 Bradley fighting vehicles
M1A1 Abrams tanks
TOW anti-tank missile launchers
M47 Dragon missiles
Multiple-Launch Rocket Systems
firing cluster munitions & submunitions
and scatterable mines with
devastating effect.

“Still to come
from the military matrix
new and improved
Armageddon devices:
the Earth penetrating B83
HyDrOgEn BoMb
one hundred times more powerful
than the Hiroshima killer A-Bomb
‘Little Boy,’ and
the latest and greatest
Weapon of Mass Destruction
the human vaporizer
the Mother of All Bombs
the Massive Ordnance Aerial Bomb
that bursts into a flesh-devouring fireball
upon impact.”

* * *

“We shall free the earth
of terror,” hisses
our warrior chief
dressed in khaki
and flight jacket
lined with lamb’s wool
a make-believe warrior
speaking dragon words
that command terrible armies.
He who delights
in the power of war
commanded his troops:
“When you meet the unbelievers
smite their necks
and make wide slaughter
among them.”

To the world
the wise warrior chief speaks:
“Our way is the highway
to the future.
Join us or be left behind
but do not impede progress
our gift to you
else you shall know
the flaming sword
of righteousness
its terrible justice.”

* * *

Again speaks the righteous one
protector of the pig people
wielder of the law:
“The world shall be ours
safe in our bosom.
To those who deny
our just ways
bring slaughter
upon us
I say unto you
your twisted rod of terror
shall be broken
you will feel the earth tremble
our pain you shall
know as your own.

“Bone People, I say unto you
do not contemplate terror
against America.
You do not know terror
you men on horseback
you hijackers of planes
you walking bombs
you suicide warriors.
Yet you will
when your mountains are razed
your cities pulverized
your earth scorched.”

The righteous one speaks
terrible leader acts
the world trembles.

* * *

I had a dream.
It took place in a dark cave
where sat Osama bin Laden
with a Buddha-like expression
of tranquility.
“Why this war,
Osama bin Laden?”
I asked.

“It began centuries ago,
when the West decided
it wanted the rest
of the world
when Europe decided
to plant its ways
in foreign soil
and water them
with foreign blood.
You came for the land
and its treasures
though they did not
belong to you.
You came to plant
your alien religions
and ideologies
build your bureaucracies.
You came not for us
but for yourselves.
We the people
the bone people
of rock and cave
and desert sand
of the rainless valleys
and windswept plateaus
we were invisible
to you
ghosts of the past
to be forgotten
to be buried.
We have never been
more than wildlife
to you.

* * *

“You Americans
have continued the ways
of your ancestors
who came
to the New World
which was in truth
a very old world
the world God
had created.
You destroyed
the ancient ones
the lost tribes
of God’s first people
the inheritors
of Paradise.
You never saw them
at all.
They were invisible.
You saw only the land
the wealth, the future.

“You restless ones
shall never cease
until all the old ways
are gone.

“Now you come
for labor
and markets
to build
your shopping mall

“You have forgotten
the world of God
and preach the gospel
of consumption.
You know not the earth
nor the ways of God.

“You pass your days
worshipping false images
and pursuing false dreams.
Your leader says you are free
but we the bone people
see you enslaved
by false gods
and nefarious

“The British came
to this place
to use it as a pawn
in their global game
of Empire.
The Soviets came
for the same reason
bringing with them
their dead religion
Then the Americans
at first not with planes
missiles and bombs
but with satellites
and television
spreading the propaganda
of a new world order
of buying and selling
of sex
endless pleasure
bought and sold.
And we could not
stop it
the propaganda
of consumption
of secularism.

“And we knew
they would never stop
because the new world
would make them

“You think I am happy
having killed thousands
of Americans.
I am not.
And I will not ask
how many you have killed
and enslaved
nor tell you of the thousands
you buried in the mountains
and killed in the villages
those who did not even know you.
You judged me
but punished a nation.
I will not mention
the dictators you supported
who killed thousands.
I will not mention
the millions dead
in Indochina.

“I am sad
for all the death
but more sad
for the souls
stolen by
your brave new world.
We fight because
we must
like the Indians who fought
Geronimo and Cochise
Tecumseh and Crazy Horse
and Chief Joseph
and all the others
you thought
I did not know.
They fought
for their land
and their ways.
In the end, they too
were sad.

“We cannot win.
The American soldiers
will not fight us.
Their bombs will
destroy us
their satellites will
poison the minds
of our youth.
One cannot fight
the wind
or the pestilence
it brings.
But if we stop
then we too
like the Indians
once proud and free
living the sacred life
in a sacred land
will die
and our land
will become reservations
for the dead.”

Those were the words
of the Evil One.
He said no more,
this leader
of the bone people.
The tranquil sadness
had never left his face.
The dark eyes
never strayed from
that inward gaze.
He would die
in the darkness
I thought.

* * *

Osama bin Laden,
one-eyed Odin of the bone people
desert fox
mountain wolf
the wind carries your name
to starving ears
desperate hearts
longing for salvation
seeking to endure.
The melodious name is music
to distraught and confused souls
fearing the end of the world
dying to preserve it.

In despair and dread
and weakness
you wage your war of terror
against giants
the industries of Loki
the armies of Hel
the multinational conglomerates of Iörmungandr
encircling and strangling the globe
spurting poisonous profanities
charming with obscene coils
seducing soul and body.

They invade your homelands
the Hel-hound Garm
and fatal wolf Fenrir.
Nidhogg feeds upon your dead
devours worm-like culture and soul.
Armored night-dragons fill the skies
ignite earth with fire.
Your Tyr lies dead.
Exhausted and beaten
Thor lies dying.