Thursday, November 25, 2021

America Canceled

 New Rule: Let It Go | Real Time with Bill Maher

Monologue: Shake It Off | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Thanksgiving for what? America is gone. You didn’t know that the nation has been cancelled? It has. In his post- America Thanksgiving happy eulogy Bill Maher makes the point he wants to deny—that cancelled America can be both unified and divided. (That’s called a contradiction.) It can’t. Cancelled America is what the Marxist left wanted and this Christmas they get their wish—a piecemeal, fragmented, broken, fractured, shattered, smashed, America at war with itself. Maher tells dumb-fuck Americans, mostly but not all white, that they have to just get used to their country being cancelled and transformed into a fragmented global refugee camp in which the refugees share one view in common: they hate America. This thanksgiving America’s demise will be celebrated in a hundred different languages. They have one loyalty: to the homeland, not to industrial park and shopping mall America.

Maher makes it clear that dumb-fuck Americans proved they are dumb-fucks by voting for Trump. Who were the “basket of deplorables” going to vote for—America hating-Hilary so Bill could get another blow job in the White House? Except for the Trump cult Americans voters who voted for Trump were voting against Hilary who hated and despised them. Ditto that for those who voted for Trump rather than for the white-America-hating drooler and his America hating running mate. She’s not American. That requires ancestors rooted in the nation’s history and culture. She’s no more an authentic black American than Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren is a Native American. In fact, unity wasn’t the goal Bill Maher’s hateful eulogy for cancelled America. In his castigation of white Americans he drags in slavery and the Ku Klux Klan, no matter that Chicago’s pandemic murder rate of blacks is caused neither by members of the KKK or bad cops. He hates Americans and loves anti-Americans who make up his audience. (Does he pass out “America Cancelled” armbands to his audience?) His anti-America acidic words say as much. He believes Americans are dumb-fucks and secretly wishes they could all be loaded onto box cars and sent to cancellation camps.

I’m a conservative who stopped voting long ago when I realized it didn’t matter because the candidates were toxic, disgusting, anti-American even when shouting patriotic slogans, or just plain stupid. And Republican politicians fall into all those categories as did Democrats. “Did” because the new band of Democrats are cancel America Marxists filled with hate for country, the nation they have been working so hard to cancel, and as it turns out they have succeeded. When I listen to Maher I keep waiting for the light at the end of the dark, dark tunnel of his monologue. It never arrives. What arrives is the precipice into which cancelled America  plummets as his audience wearing “Cancel America” armbands and waving artificially lit torches cheer with applause. Personally, I don’t give shit. I’m watching from afar. I knew something like this would happen. The post-FDR era has been a downward spiral in large part because of stupid, poisonous politicians who have used America to realize their financial or ideological ambitions. America has always been like Russia, China, and North Korea—a nation used by controllers to enrich themselves and further their political, personal, or ideological ambitions.

It’s over for Americans. They might as well get used to it. That is what Maher tells them. The nation has become a Marxist refugee camp for the world’s have-nots. For them the post-America society is still a good place to work and buy and to send money back to the homeland they truly love. Violence, hatred, and animosity will remain, but most of those people are used to those conditions back home. America might be broken for Americans but it will function well enough for the interlopers. American did the same to the Native Americans. Now it’s their turn. Suck it up. Life has always been about survival of the fittest. Your nation wasn’t fit enough because of back-stabbing politicians and financial puppet masters, so now you are on your own. Get tough and do what is necessary to survive. That might mean retreating to American enclaves (they exist) or acquiring skills that will allow you to move to a first-world nation that has not yet been cancelled.

A nation is a subjective entity—not buildings or property. A unified nation is unified by a shared culture and history that the majority of citizens are devoted to and believe worth protecting and preserving. Such a nation is like a puzzle in which all the pieces fit together to create a unified image, a unified culture for a unified nation. Unfortunately, Americans built the American Promise Land in the way the ancient Jews built theirs—by creating enemies where none existed before. Slavery, Indian extermination, species annihilation to name the obvious. Of course, the killing and extermination were justified because the invaders were Old Testament Christians. The books of Joshua and Judges, not the words of Jesus, provided the game plan for conquest. Jews call it Herem or cherem (“that which is given over to the Lord for destruction.” Apostle Paul says that slaves should be obedient to their masters with “fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ” (Ephesians 6:5-6). So before blaming the white man you should blame the Jewish ideology he used to justify his misbehavior.

America came close to creating a coherent nation after World War II. But the leadership (they never led only misled) began almost immediately to fragment the puzzle and misshape the pieces. Like a priest caught playing “let’s compare weenies” with a boy in his care, the legendary Ike gets caught involved in a dirty little covert scheme called Operation Ajax that thwarted democracy in Iran along with that other legendary figure Churchill. Then came Kennedy and LBJ’s cruel, misguided war against the Vietnamese, which did far more harm to America than it did to the Vietnamese. (All but two Democrats and Republicans voted for the war: Senators Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening opposed the war and went to their graves with a clear conscience.)

The war divided America and united the Vietnamese. That division never healed. The divide remained to weaken the country. What emerged was the counterculture, a movement that hated politicians but thought America could be saved. But what it offered, mostly drugs, could not save the nation. Yet there was an aspect to the movement that might have saved the nation from the folly of blind—well more greedy than blind—politicians. What the young rebels wanted had been expressed in the poetry of Walt Whitman. They wanted an America that wasn’t filled with hatred, a Woodstock Festival America. They were desperate. A cruel and ugly war was raging and young American men of every color were pulled into it.

What they got instead of a Woodstock America was something else best illustrated by the Rolling Stones’ Altamont festival of bloody brutality. Don McLean sang “Bye, bye, Miss American Pie.” The end had not arrived but it was on its way, eventually in the form of Democrats’ jack boots BLM and Antifa rioting and burning of American cities. How could it have been otherwise with presidents such as Richard (dirty tricks) Nixon, Ronald Reagan (amnesty against America’s future), George H. W. Bush (who allowed mass murderer Saddam Hussein to remain in power after the Gulf War), Bill (blow-job) Clinton, George Nitwit Bush (who loved war more than he loved Main Street America), Barack Obama (for whom the job of unification was too big), the ultimate loser Donald “It’s all about ME” Trump (whose bogus “Make America Great Again” program accomplished the opposite and made drooler Biden president), and finally Joe ("I really hate a white America") Biden: “Whites will be a Minority in US by 2017 and that's a good Thing” . There is something toxic about Washington politics. Politically, America has been a toilet that flushes all its shit to Washington.

Then with the support of both Republicans and Democrats the floodgates were opened to the third world and the fatal alien invasion began. It would accomplish what the Germans and Japanese could not: America cancelled. The invaders wanted jobs and money but not a new homeland because they had their own. Republicans want cheap labor and more consumers. Democrats wanted more voters. The Catholic Church wanted more perishers after the long era of pedophilic priests sent believers to Protestant churches or atheism. But with the anti-Western-Civilization movement funded by the likes of George Soros (how many cultures and nations have been destroyed these Jewish ideologies: Judaism, JudeoChristianity, JudeoIslam, and JudeoMarxism?), the border were opened and an ocean of aliens began flooding in with the help of cancel America collaborators. Now the American puzzle was no longer American because the pieces didn’t fit together. Politicians and money monarchs had misshapen pieces originally American and the aliens introduced pieces that belong to different puzzles. The American puzzle had become a heap that could not be put together. The country had become a meaningless jumble of ethnicities, cultures, ideologies, histories, languages, and loyalties and disloyalties.

Maher’s final advice to Americans is “let it go,” let your country go to be taken over by people who hate it and you and want it destroyed or simply to people to whom the nation does not belong. He says George W. Bush wasn’t his kind of president but wouldn’t lock up reporters or him. No, Bush wouldn’t do that, but he had no compunction to becoming a mass murderer because God gave him permission. So if God gave him permission he might have locked you up.

Maher did give Americans one piece of good advice: LET TRUMP GO! If Trump represents America, then America isn’t worth saving. As an American conservative, when I see the Trump cult in action, I have to admit I see no connection between them and the Americans who bravely and with great dignity and courage endured the Great Depression and fought against evil in two world wars. That Greatest Generation has been cancelled by the Marxist-Alien Coalition, but hasn’t completely disappeared. You will find them in hospitals working as doctors, nurses, and technicians, among cops, firefighters and other emergency responders, as electricians and plumbers, in the Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines, and on farms and in factories. They are there if you take the time to look rather than turn away in disgust. They continue to exist even if their homeland doesn’t.

In his Shake It Off Monologue he mentions how the Indians remember the first Thanksgiving as a celebration of undocumented immigrants who arrived and had anchor babies and then took over the country. Yeah, exactly. Now it’s our turn, no biggie if you’re a rich celebrity living in a gated community and chauffeured by a bodyguard.

Thanksgiving? Won’t happen. Can’t be thankful for one’s country being cancelled. Still, I will be thankful for the steak and fries I’ll be eating, washed down with a few American brews, and watching the Bears vs. Lions, Raiders vs. Cowboys, and Bills vs. Saints.

Maher and his anti-America cult will be celebrating 

Let go, America

Let go, America

No borders

No walls

No USA at all.