Monday, December 26, 2011

Avi Spiegel: Another Clandestine Pro-Israel Agent

So I see this article in the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune titled “A Professor’s course comes alive” and notice that the professor is Avi Spiegel:

“Avi Spiegel, a sharp student of the Middle East, found himself in a new position in January: teaching a class on its history and politics as uprisings utterly changed both in one country after another.”

Right away I’m fucking doubtful. This guy is obviously a Jew, so how much objectivity are we going to get from him? I’ll tell you—none. Avi says,

“It became clear that these young people were more than just protesters. They were literally marching themselves free of authoritarianism.”

Blah, blah, blah. Like the big deal in the Middle East is authoritarian regimes and not fucking Israel. What a fucking whitewash. Israel is the big tumor on the Middle Eastern landscape. All those fucking authoritarian regimes, like the one in Egypt, were financed, supported, and tolerated by the West as long as they kept their fucking mouth shut about the oppressive policies of Israel.

The Middle East would not be a tender box were it not for the Jewish occupation of Palestine and the meddling of the fucking colonialist nations such as France, fucking Great Britain, and the U.S. The Palestinians were bullied into accepting the Jews by countries—in particular the U.S. and Britain—who didn’t want them. Can’t blame them. However, the U.S. ended up with as many Jews as there are living in Israel, and look how they have corrupted Wall Street, Washington, Hollywood, the judicial system, etc.

Had there been no Israel there would not have been a half-dozen wars or 9-11. Why so many wars? Because the Hebrews invaded the Palestine after the WWII just as they invaded Canaan in the Old Testament. Just as Jewish Marxists invaded German driving Hitler off the deep end. Of course the Jewish invasion was okay because a book of fairytales, the Bible, said it was okay.

The article makes no mention of Avi being Jewish nor of Israel. It’s just another example of proJewish propaganda. Avi is presented as just a great professor only interested in his students' love of learning. My guess most of his students are Jewish or neoconservative types. What fucking B.S. It says he spends a lot of time in the Middle East, giving the impression he hangs out with Muslims. I don’t think so. My guess is most of his time in the Middle East was spent in Israel.

Having Avi lecture on the Middle East is like have having Josef Mengele lecture on the medical care in the German concentration camp.

Avi just wants to give the impression of a Jew truly interested in events affecting Muslims, when in fact he is a propaganda artist for Israel. You see Israel is a fucking Jewish ghetto that ranks in popularity with North Korea, which at least doesn’t create a lot of deadly turmoil out side its borders. No one likes Jews, so the Jews have to work very hard at appearing likeable—when in fact they are not. They have a Zionist agenda and every Jew in the U.S. is part of that agenda, an agent of Israel. They are shape shifters.

Here’s what USD Web site has to say about him:

“He is currently completing a book on the next generation of political Islam, based on his extensive fieldwork (conducted in Arabic) among young activists from both legal and illegal Islamist movements.”

I just bet he’s keeping an eye on the Araabs. But here is something else:
Dear Jewish Community Leaders,

Many of you know me from my days as President Clinton's liaison to the JEWISH COMMUNITY. After leaving my position as Special Assistant to the President at the White House, I lived and worked in Israel for four years. I returned recently to take up the post as Senior Advisor for Middle East and Jewish Affairs for the Kerry campaign. In the coming days, you will also be getting to know my DEPUTY, AVI M. SPIEGEL. AVI JUST FINISHED GRADUATE SCHOOL, COMPLETING HIS LAW DEGREE AT NYU AND A MASTER'S DEGREE IN THEOLOGY FROM HARVARD. AVI AND I FIRST WORKED TOGETHER AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHERE HE ASSISTED IN OUR JEWISH OUTREACH EFFORTS.

I have already been in touch with many of you throughout the past weeks and months, and I hope to continue to stay in close touch with all of you throughout the course of this campaign. This promises to be a long and exciting campaign season, and Senator Kerry needs your help. JOHN KERRY’S RECORD ON ISRAEL IS SECOND TO NONE...

Every Friday from now until November 2, we will be sending you important information relating to John Kerry and the Jewish community... This week, we have attached a document entitled "John Kerry: STRENGTHENING ISRAEL'S SECURITY AND BOLSTERING THE US-ISRAEL SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP." [In other words, being Israel pit bull which will get Americans entangled in 2 wars because of that born-again nut case George W. Bush.] ...

We are also in the process of building national and State Jewish leadership teams comprised of prominent national and local leaders in our communities...

We have already had our first organized meeting with the Massachusetts Leadership Team. Since they have known Senator Kerry the longest, they are in a unique position to articulate the SENATOR'S LONGSTANDING PERSONAL SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL AND HIS RECORD ON ISSUES OF CONCERN TO AMERICAN JEWS. [I.e., the fucking Jews have hijacked the U.S. government, and neocons (Zionists lovers) will take control of the White House not under Kerry but Bush. You see it doesn’t make any difference whether Americans vote Republican or Democrat. Either party is more concerned about satisfying the desires of wealthy Jews and Israel that about serving Americans].

Thank you all again for your continued support and optimism. Your help in this campaign will be instrumental, and I very much look forward to working with all of you.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jay K. Footlik
Senior Advisor on Middle East and Jewish Affairs
John Kerry for President

So I’m not buying that Avi is an objective observer of Middle Eastern affairs. I’m sure what he gives in class is a Zionist spin on the doings in the Middle East. The Jews are saints, having never done anything wrong (other than occupy Palestine). The Zionist/Neocon/born-agains want us to believe that all the problems in the Middle East are the result of those Islamic tyrants, whom the U.S. and Israel had no problem supporting as long as the went along with the Hebrew occupation of Palestine. The Jews are just innocent bystanders. :-)))) HAHAHAHAHAHA

I hope student political science students aren’t required to take a class from Avi in order to graduate. That wouldn’t be fair to Muslim students, especially Palestinian students. In fact, a Muslim should be teaching the course since the ARAB SPRING is about ARABS! Or at least the course should be team taught.

This blog another one of those responses that the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune is willing to publish on its web site as long as you are willing to give your name and get fired from your job. So what the paper gets are favorable responses or critical responses that sound like compliments. No one dares question Jews. They are as sacred as the crucifix in Zion America. What a fucking joke.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Iraqis to America: Get Out!

Iraqis tell America: Get the fuck out of our country!

Yankee Go Home!

“President Barack Obama said Friday he was bringing all U.S. forces home from Iraq by the new year.” Like he had any choice. The Iraqi people simply said GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.

That’s gratitude for taking out Saddam Hussein. Hussein who? You know the dictator. He was forgotten after all the destruction and carnage the American killing machine caused.

Remember the days when American soldiers set a standard for good behavior in warfare. They are long gone.

The Terminator Goliath Versus David

“WASHINGTON - President Obama on Friday declared an end to the Iraq war, announcing that the last U.S. soldier would leave the country by year's end in a move that would bring to an end a nearly nine-year MILITARY ENGAGEMENT that divided the U.S. public and came to define the United States' role in the world.”

ENGAGEMENT? Talk about double-speak. It was an OCCUPATION. It has been called a WAR, but it was only a war for the Iraqis. For Americans it was a turkey shoot. First of all, though Hussein had a military, it was eliminated within a couple of weeks. After that it was a matter of American ships, planes, helicopters, killer drones, tanks, armored vehicles, and all sorts of other advance military technology taking on freedom fighters armed with AK47s, RPG, and plastic explosive.

Here are what the Iraqi freedom fighters have been up against:

Here are the Iraqi freedom fighters and their weapons:

Here they are fighting the brave Americans:

Americans Killed... Iraqis Slaughtered

In addition, America lost 4,400 soldiers during the 8-year war. That’s about 550 soldiers per year. The number of Iraqis who died as a result of the war is between 601,027 and 1,033,000. Using the smaller number, that’s about 75,128 per year, in a nation with a population of 7 million smaller than that of California. Tens of thousands of civilian men, women, and children were killed. How many American civilians (other than greedy contractors) were killed? None that I know of. Americans never had to listen to enemy jets and helicopters flying overhead.

Feeling Sympathy for the Dead Exterminators

What about the soldiers who died? Are you kidding me? They love this shit.

What the Video Game Rage Says About America

Initially in this video game the bad guys appear to be the mutants and bandits, in other words, the game’s version of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. But one soon finds out that the true villains are the Authority, an organization with advanced technology and weapons that is trying to control the entire world. Guess who the Authority is. Good ol’ USA. Now there is also the Resistance. Unfortunately, it’s been eliminated in post-60s USA.

Now the theme of this game is typical. Most video games of this type involved a lone warrior or group of warriors fighting a high-tech organization with awesome killing machines and soldiers that seeks to rule the world (or Universe). Most the US soldiers have grown up playing these games and join the military to do some real-world killing. What they forget is that by serving the US military in Afghanistan or Iraq they are serving the very kind of organization they used to fight in the video games. It’s the Afghan and Iraqi Resistance fighters who are like the good guys in the video games. America has become a world’s Terminator Nation. It uses its advanced weaponry to slaughter fighters that are about as well equipped as the mutants and bandits are in Rage.

The same was true of the Vietnam War. The big difference is those soldiers had little choice: either join up or get drafted. At least if you joined you had a choice. Thus, most Vietnam Veterans can’t be held morally responsible for that crime against humanity. Some can, those who enjoyed killing the gook civilians, like Lt. Calley, McCain, the generals, the demonic warmongers such as Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and McNamara.

But those who join today to fight for the Authority against the Resistance do have a choice. Most are not very bright in the first place, so it’s not too difficulty to transform them into cyborg soldiers.

U.S. Military disappointed that the killing come to an end

“The chief effect of Mr. Obama's announcement was to end any chance of a substantial U.S. troop presence in Iraq after the end of the year, A DISAPPOINTMENT FOR U.S. DEFENSE OFFICIALS.”

Of course, defense officials are disappointed. They love the smell napalm:

They know nothing but dealing out death and destruction and making tons of tax dollars for the weapons merchants of the Military-Industrial complex. The US WAR MACHINE has been in Iraq for almost 9 years, but they have no desire to leave. That sick but not surprising. Mayhem is just too much fun. Let’s sing the Nobel Peace Prize winners favorite song:

It’s summertime and the killin is easy
Blowin’ those Iraqis sky high is so pleasing
Oh your mamma raped and your daddy’s dead
Hush little baby, unless you want a bullet in your head
It’s morning cheered by the sound of a village screaming
We got a day’s worth of killing so rise up singing
Spread your wings and let the rockets fly
So lots of Iraqi men, women, children will die
If a homeland fighters try to harm you
Call in the air force to turn them into Arab stew.
The killin’ is good
Such fun watchin’ them Araabs die.
Dear God I hate to say goodbye.

America flees moral and legal responsibly

“It was an acknowledgment that Iraqis had refused to agree TO A KEY U.S. CONDITION FOR LEAVING AMERICAN TROOPS BEHIND: IMMUNITY FROM IRAQI LAW.”

In other words, Americans demanded immunity from the law were told no. The Iraqis believe that men who murder, torture, and rape should go to trial and be punished. But that’s not the way of the American military. It has considered itself above morality since the days of Indian killing. And it considers itself above the law because AMERICA IS RIGHT EVEN WHEN IT’S WRONG.

The best example of being above morality is the fact that George Bush (who has killed far more people than Milošević or Kaddafi) never stood trial for war crimes.

Warlord Obama wanted to continue the occupation of Iraq

The Obama administration pushed to keep thousand of U.S. troops in Iraq for years to come. Any civilized person would say 9 years of killing and occupation is enough. So much for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize Committee should do the right thing and revoke Republican Obama’s prize, maybe replace it with Nobel Liar’s Prize. Obama is a phony. It’s strange that this KENYON would be all for colonialism. I give the Iraqi government credit for standing up to the Terminator Nation. America thinks of itself as the new Rome. The big difference is that at least the Romans offered civilization with oppression. America’s view of civilization is NASCAR racing, football, extreme fighting, sleazy movies, video games, and fast food—in addition to the constant celebration of the military. It has become a Neanderthal Nation (no offense to the Neanderthal people intended since they didn’t know any better).

Don’t expect wisdom from the military

Men like Gen. David Petraeus are not expected to be wise—only good exterminators. They are like Orkin company that’s in the business of pest removal. That what they are good at. Don’t expect their exterminators to discuss the ethics of extermination. It’s irrelevant to them. A pest is a pest and a good pest is a dead pest. Petraeus thinks the Islamic fighters who have died by the 10s of thousands trying to drive out the U.S. colonialists are pests. The goal of the military is to eliminate the threat of the Islamic pests and the conditions that give rise to them. It’s interesting that he never ponders the question of why U.S. has been meddling in the affairs of that part of the world (in part by supporting dictators and maintaining a constant military presence). The answer is Israel, oil, and global dominance. But like I said, you can’t expect wisdom from an exterminator.

The General and the Jew

Joe Klein, another Zionist Jew admirer of war criminal George Bush wrote a paean Killer Gen. Petraeus titled “David Petraeus’ Brilliant Career.” I don’t know what is so brilliant about it. Both wars are not only failures but crimes against humanity. The Jew had written that counter-insurgency warfare was something that might work in Iraq. That’s is so typical of JudeoChristian arrogance—that they have the truth on how to live and have a divine right to impose that truth on nonJews and nonChristians. It’s called civilizing the savage. Of course, there was no consideration that the American killing machine had no business invading and occupying Iraq. But, hey, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!

Petraeus telephoned Klein and told him that Klein didn’t know anything. That’s hard for a Jew to take from a goy. But the Jew knows better because America wouldn’t be in either war were it not for the Jews. And as I said, what in the fuck does Petraeus know? Like the war against the Afghans has been a big success other than as a testing site for military hardware and tactics, i.e., a killing field?

Klein said Petraeus sent him a long reading list. I was surprised because I know most soldiers can only read instructions. Let’s face it most of them are C-range high school graduates who rather play video games than read a book. Klein said the reading was tough. Well, he probably isn’t used to reading manuals. I’m sure there was no Plato, Shakespeare, or Hemingway (especially Farewell to Arms) on the list. The thing is military types don’t want to be reading much out of the military box. Otherwise, they might just discover how wasted their lives are, even morally wasted.

Klein said he spent a week at Fort Leavenworth where Petraeus was running a think tank, emphasis on TANK. Klein said that was the most rigorous intellectual experience of his career in journalism. What was he writing before, writing obituaries? He said that Petraeus surrounded himself with West Point grads (i.e., Terminators) and Rhodes scholars. Like this was Oxford or Cambridge! What were all these geniuses doing? Writing a counterinsurgency doctrine and changing the way American soldiers would be fighting wars in the 21st century. I thought they might be working on how to end war. Silly me!

What is counterinsurgency? It’s a program of combating guerrilla warfare and subversion. The guerrillas in this case are the patriots who are attempting to drive out alien forces occupying the country. Just as the Jewish Zealots fought against the Romans occupying the Kingdom of Judah, just as Native American warriors tried to drive out the long knives who had invaded their homeland and were destroying their people. In some cases, Indians were scalped. But U.S. soldiers today wouldn’t do such a thing. Oh yeah!

They[U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan] are accused of collecting fingers and other body parts from Afghan corpses as souvenirs, hoarding illicitly gained weapons as momentos and other spoils of war. They're also accused of dropping weapons beside corpses of unarmed civilians to make them appear to have been combatants, according to the charges filed by Army prosecutors and statements soldiers in the platoon made to investigators.

Back to Petraeus’ brilliant counterinsurgency, the subversion part involves bribing civilians in various ways. It’s called the chewing gum-chocolate bar strategy. The Indians were offered steel knives, beads, and blankets. The Afghan people are offered money, lots of American dollars, schools, etc. The Wal-Mart approach, given that American culture is a Wal-Mart culture of consumption. The goal is similar to that used by Christian missionaries (who are also at work behind the scene in Afghanistan trying to convert heathens from their Islamic brand of Hebraic idiocy to the American brand, Christianity). Make your enemy like yourself and he/she ceases to be your enemy. Of course, that requires destroying the cultural soul of the enemy.

How about we take a quick look at American culture:

And you thought the Taliban were bad. I think we need a little counterinsurgency training over here.

Have you ever noticed how spiritual healthy the Afghan people look compared to Americans, especially the children. The truth is that the culture of the Afghan people is far superior to the decadent culture of Americans.

Here’s a musical tribute to American Wal-Mart culture:

Too much of a good thing? No. It was never good.

What America keeps saying it offers the people whose lands it invades and occupies are freedom and democracy. Both are good things to have, though Americans no longer seem able to restraint their freedom and their democracy seems incapable of effectively addressing the problems of greed, militarism, illegal immigration, the deterioration of schools and infrastructure, crime, etc. In other words, the country has gone to hell.

Oh were there to liberate their women? So why don’t we invade Saudi Arabia? And by the way, it’s a dictatorship. So why don’t we impose freedom and democracy there? Because it’s a dictatorship that benefits America and keeps its mouth shut about the Zionist oppression of Palestinians. Of course, as Newt Gingrich said they’re not really people. The Jews are real people (with money ;-}).

But the failure of freedom and democracy in America is not the reason they cannot be used to justify invading other nations. America simply has no moral right to forcefully to impose its decadent and vacuous culture upon another people. European colonialists did the same thing for centuries—usually to benefit themselves. But being morally stupid Americans have continued their long tradition of taming the savage.

The Soviets already tried to make the Afghans into communists, which we opposed. So what give us the right to make them in capitalistic democrats? What the great Western crusader Petraeus, like the rest of America, continues to ignore is that the Afghan people had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE 9-11 ATTACKS. But they love to play the WHITE MAN’S BURDEN GAME especially when the killing is so easy and so much fun. And to ensure those nasty al Qaeda don’t sneak back in we’ll transform Afghanistan into a giant GREEN ZONE with shopping malls and strip bars.

Klein tells us that in a few weeks Petraeus will retire from the Army to take over the CIA. In other words he moves from a killing organization to a torturing organization. Then Klein says that things have calmed down in Iraq which will allow “our” soldiers to leave safely and with honor. Honor? How’s that? That’s one of those noble sounding words that have become meaningless when Americans use them. No, I don’t think. America has been using the Vietnam War strategy of destroying a village to save it. But now it destroys nations to save them.

Why is it American soldiers have had to sneak out of Iraq at night? Because the people hate our guts. If wishes were weapons, the Iraqis would have already killed all the U.S. soldiers who have left bloody footprints on the soil of the Iraqi homeland. The U.S. stay in Iraq involves a very long list of horrific crimes. Ask any Iraqi about the honor of U.S. soldier. He/she will laugh in your face. And the rest of the world—excluding Israelis (a people without honor)—will agree. Of course Americans back home think the U.S. military is an honorable organization because their basic premise is AMERICA IS RIGHT EVEN WHEN ITS WRONG, i.e., it is honorable even when engaging in dishonorable acts. Americans (including Petraeus) live in an amoral bubble, just as they have been living in an economic bubble. The wheelers and dealers of this country really do believe crime pays because it does. Many of them make billions from the war industry.

And what does the so-called victory mean when 1 out of 15 Americans lives in poverty?

Interesting video. Very few people have watched it. Americans are too busy watching Hollywood filth being put out by the Jews, such as The 40-The 40-Year-Old Virgin, which made $177,378,645. This is American culture. Americans really don’t give a fuck about the people in need in America, and they certainly don’t give a fuck about the Iraqis. Petraeus doesn’t give a fuck. He loves war and the mission. Beyond that he’s clueless. He’s clever but when it comes to wisdom he, and Klein, are fucking idiots.

What turns on the brilliant Petraeus?

Answer: a remarkable simulator VIDEO-GAME-like device that enabled artillery officers to respond to the sort of threat they might face in Iraq.” What kind of THREATS? “Americans troops tapped in a building by insurgents firing ROCKET-PROPELLED GRENADES from ARMED PICKUP TRUCKS.” That’s has been the big threat facing the U.S. killing machine all along. It takes a lot of pretending to make fighting an enemy that has to use pickup trucks and plastic explosive into a credible war. Usually they are on foot:

And how do the Afghans prepare to deal with an invisible enemy in the sky? What videos do they watch? The narrator of this video tries to make the airborne killer to appear to be a good guy because he makes sure he’s not killing civilians. Sorry, that doesn’t work. The men who are slaughter are civilian soldier fighting the occupiers of their homeland. And as far as being a threat to the killer in the sky, they might as well be carrying BB guns.

It takes a lot of make-believe to make such slaughter appear honorable. But that’s the make-believe world Petraeus and his ilk live in. They are a bunch of evil phonies.

The difference between what America soldier face and what Afghan and Iraqi fighters have had to face is this. Americans carry out hundreds of missions against their enemy without suffering casualties. And certainly the flyboys almost never suffer casualties. How many jets do the insurgents have? It’s a fucking joke. But when insurgents or Taliban fighters attack they know that each time some of them will die. And for the wounded there are not medevacs or hospitals for them—just death. The odds are so stacked against them that they have to blow themselves up to have any chance at all. And Petraeus pretends America is fighting a war. It’s not a war for the Americans (and all their big European allies, each with its on military consisting of tanks, ships, and aircraft) because they are not fighting a military but groups of resistance fighter. The U.S. military is very much like the Nazis when they were fighting against the French Resistance. It’s not a fair fight, but it is bloody fun. Or imagine the troops in Call of Duty fighting the crew of assassins in Assassin’s Creed. That’s what the match up really is.

Getting back to the military’s simulator VIDEO-GAME, Petraeus explained that the simulator showed a U.S. captain calling in mortar fire, which destroyed vehicles. Then the brilliant Petraeus said, “We don’t shoot mortars in Baghdad. They’re too inaccurate. By using this scenario, you’re putting our troops at terrible risk in the field.” That deduction is pure genius. :-)) Notice that he didn’t give a shit about the Iraqi people who live in Baghdad.

Petraeus says that his favorite painting is The Stampede by Frederic Remington. “This is not a nice orderly cattle drive,” said Petraeus. “There’s all sorts of stuff going on.” That’s truly profound. There’s more: “The cowboys are straining to keep, to restore control. And that’s the most important quality that our troopers need going into asymmetrical combat situations: they’ve got to be comfortable in chaos.”

Think of them cows as insurgents being led to the slaughter.

The truth, however, is “our troopers” have been creators of chaos. And if Petraeus thinks it’s tough being an American trooper, just imagine how difficult it is to be an Afghan or Iraqi fighter. Their situation is similar to that of Kyle Reese fighting the cyborg in the movie Terminator.

My guess is the paintings of Remington Petraeus liked most were the ones about Indian killing. Until the closing of the frontier, which Frederick Jackson Turner said occurred in the 1890s, what America was all about was destroying the Indian nations. Petraeus is of that mindset. In other words, Americans (men mostly because women are more easily satisfied and have more commonsense) had become so used to conquering, killing and civilizing (Petraeus would call it counterinsurgency) that when the nation had reached the west coast they didn’t want to stop, and they didn’t.

Americans had the richest and youngest nation on earth yet they wanted more (how do you spell GREED?). So Turner (a truly brilliant man) understood that the quest for more would extend beyond the nation’s borders, and thus give birth to IMPERIALIST AMERICA and GUN-BOAT DIPLOMACY. And that imperialistic behavior hasn’t stopped and men like Petraeus don’t want it to ever stop. They don’t want peace because peace is boring.

It’s not surprising that Petraeus likes Remington because the painter celebrates militarism. But it’s interesting that in Remington’s paintings of Indians there is to be found an appreciation of their culture. For example, the painting The Outlier captures the spirituality of the Native American and his closeness to nature. That is totally missing in Remington’s painting of soldiers. He romanticizes them as fighters, but beyond their toughness and killing ability, they are empty—cyborg killing machines without soul or intellect. There is nothing to learn from them. Just as there is really nothing worthwhile to learn from Petraeus.

My guess is that Petraeus’ favorite painting of Remington’s would be one like Arrest of Blackfeet Murderer.

All dem nigger Indians braves are all murders, every ‘merican knows dat. Indian killing was great sport. Damn shame frontier closed. But the fun would continue in the Philippines, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Where next? According to the video game Battlefield 3, it’s Iran.