Monday, June 17, 2013

Immigration Reform Bill 2013 Betrays Americans & America

The Politics of Betrayal

The Gang of Eight will betray America and Americans. American politicians are all about selling out Americans. The immigration reform bill is not about saving America but selling out Americans. It’s about political greed and power, nothing else. When they finally betray America they will put a smiley face on the bill and Obama will tell Americans that they should rejoice that they have been sold out once again by their government.

If the Republicans were really about standing up for America and Americans, they would stand up against the illegal aliens, whatever the political fallout. (The Marxist Democrats are a lost cause. They serve the invaders. They seek to turn America into a global refugee camp.)

No Citizenship for Children of Illegals

Kill the America-killing Fourteenth Amendment

If Republicans really gave a damn about America and Americans (which they don’t) they rescind (or at least try to) the Fourteenth Amendment law that enables illegal aliens to invade America and then give birth to alien offspring that have U.S. citizenship. That policy is idiotic and unjust and has been destroying America.


Rewarding criminality with the benefits of citizenship

The born into citizenship has been a magnet that has attracted the dregs of societies south of the border. What do I mean by dregs? People who have no money, have no education, can’t speak English, lack respect for other peoples and their laws, are often criminals, and who come to this country primarily to obtain social benefits for themselves and their children.

And usually the second generation hates America and Americans even more than parents do. They believe they are owed everything just because they were born here. And after they receive a cornucopia of benefits, they are ungrateful. A good recent example of this in Britain is the Islamic butchers of London. Born into opportunity, and what is their response? To chop up a true Britain. Why not just go back to the Nigerian pit their parents crawled out of? And give up all those British benefits! No fucking way. :-)))


One strategy of the invaders is to legally or illegally enter the U.S. just to have children, resulting in their children being U.S. citizens with all the rights and benefits of U.S. citizens that their parents didn’t earn because they were not U.S. citizens. The parents then return to their homeland. Eventually, the entire family moves into the U.S

Another strategy is simply to invade the U.S., have babies, and then remain—illegally—knowing that it families are rarely divided in order to deport the parent squatters who are in the country illegal. To their rescue comes a host of organizations: leftist groups, such as the ACLU, and religious organizations, in particular the Catholic Church, which has been having trouble filling its pedophilic churches, so welcome the ignorant, superstitious Catholics from south of the border. But, for different reasons, anti-American Protestants and Jews welcome and protect the invaders. Thus, the children of the illegals anchor the illegals to the country.


U.S. politicians serve themselves, not Americans

Of course, the American people are never allowed to vote on whether the invaders should be tolerated, rather than sent back home, or whether the offspring of illegal invaders should be given U.S. citizenship. Their political representatives vote on these matters. But politicians care only about getting reelected and keeping their jobs. If that means aiding and abetting the enemy (and act of treason) so be it. Money and power speak louder than patriotism in Washington.

Barbarians within the gates

Now the country is overrun by multi-multiplying illegals and their offspring, including tens of thousands of gang members and other criminals. What Americans have been witnessing is the criminalization of American society. In my community sign of the Hispanic criminal presence is seen everywhere in various forms of graffiti, spray painted on walls, buildings, and vehicles, and scratched on mirrors in public buildings and on gas station pump, often newly installed. The barrio presence is quickly corroding American culture and society.

Importing crime:

Here is Wikipedia‘s list of Hispanic gangs just in L.A. County:

13th Street
18th Street
38th Street gang
Clanton 14
Mexican Mafia (prison gang)
Mongols MC
Nuestra Familia (prison gang)
Fresno Bulldogs
The Rascals
Tooner Ville Rifa 13
Varrio Nuevo Estrada
White Fence

The financial damage illegals and their offspring are doing in Barrio California:

“In hosting America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the cost to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.”

Illegal immigration is a societal disease

This situation for an organism would be called a disease—a viral or bacterial infections that threatens the health of the organism. Mexico is a malignant tumor that has been spreading its contagion into America for decades. Frosty Wooldridge tells us:

“Illegal alien migration into the United States costs American taxpayers $346 billion annually reported by the National Research Council. While employers of illegal aliens rake-in billions of dollars, the US citizens subsidize what may be called organized ‘Slavery in 21st Century America.’”


Illegal aliens are a human version of fire and crazy ants

“Fire ants, known for their painful stings, have spread through the Southeast since arriving from South America in the 1930s. In 2002, in Houston, scientists discovered Crazy ants. Now, they are all over the coastal areas. These ants do not sting, but they bite. Even though crazy ants do not cause much pain like the fire ants, they multiply in greater numbers and it is very difficult to control since they do not eat the same poison baits as fire ants do, according to the study.”
Crazy ants come from northern Argentina and southern Brazil.

That’s must more bad news coming from south of the border. But species invading other species’ territories and taking over is the way of evolution, the struggle for survival. Dumbass Americans rather believe in the mythology of the Hebrews than in the reality of the world according to science. That is why they have lost their country. At least the Indians (and Muslims in their homelands) put up a brave fight. But Americans just roll over and show their bellies, believe everything will work out for the best because everything is in God’s hand—even monster tornadoes.

In Europe (and among the left in the U.S.) the myth is Marx’s ideology. Invite the proletariat of the world into your homeland and shower them with benefits, they will appreciate the generosity and love you for it. The reality is they will take as much as they can and remain loyal to their own homeland and own people. And even attempt to overthrow the host society and take it over. That has already occurred in many parts of the U.S. Hundreds of towns have been loss to the invading aliens, big ones, such as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. Even state have fallen to the aliens, such as New Mexico, Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, and Nevada.


The domino theory is alive and well in the U.S.

And article on Jennifer Lopez reveals what Americans have to look forward to:

“Jennifer Lopez: actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer, and now, mobile phone mogul.

The entertainer announced Wednesday that she had teamed up with Verizon Wireless to launch a new mobile brand, including retail stores, aimed at the fast-growing Latino population.
Lopez cited ‘staggeringdemographic statistics that showed the Latino population had grown 43% in the last five years, compared with 5% growth for non-Latinos. Latinos currently make up more than 16% of the U.S. population, and that figure is expected to grow to 30% by 2050.

By Andrea Chang, Los Angeles Times

In other words, by 2050 there will be as many or more Mexicans in the U.S. than are presently in Mexico. And this is exactly what U.S. corporations and politicians have always wanted: cheap labor, more revenue, and more votes. According to Obama and other political and economic wreckers of the American homeland (unlike the aliens, we have no other), we’ll all be one big happy family. That’s fucking nonsense. Americans will embrace the Alien Nation occupying its soil in the same way the Iraqis embraced the Green Zone or the Palestinians have embraced the fortress Israel—with fucking hatred.

Loss of political control

And with 30% of the population, the Hispanic Nation will control the U.S. political system, much as the Jews control American foreign policy in the Middle East. Jews control with dollars. The Hispanic Nation will control with votes.

I call it the 10% margin. The difference between winning and losing for the Republicans and Democrats is usually no more than 10%. The Hispanics, in other words, control the swing votes. That’s how Obama won. He played it to the Hispanics and won. He is, by the way, HALF ALIEN. Thus, Obama, unlike American politicians, cannot betray Americans. He’s not one of us and never has been. We know that by the fact that he attended the services of white-hating Jeremiah Wright. Ergo, he hates whites as well. Otherwise, why would he have attended those services?

A phony black American

Obama may be half American but he is zero black American. To be a black American, a black person must have ancestors who were slaves during that notorious period of U.S. history. Obama is nothing more than a psychopathic, shape shifting, flimflam, narcissistic, Big Brother wannabe politician.

Marx’s crumbs to the proletariat

Marx believed that all that workers receive from capitalists are crumbs, barely enough to live on. That’s true. The institution of slavery is one example. Another is filthy American capitalists using illegal aliens for labor, paying them almost nothing, thus requiring U.S. taxpayers to pick up the bill for social services. Capitalists will cheat and exploit if they can get away with it, whether here or in Bangladesh.

What makes the Democratic Party so appealing to workers is the exploitation of and indifference to the conditions of workers on the part of capitalists (mostly Republicans). But Obama also came to power by offering crumbs to the masses, IN PARTICULAR, the Hispanic masses. Obama Care and a pathway to citizenship are the kinds of crumbs he offers to his Hispanic alien comrades. And it worked. In other words, the 10% factor won the election for Obama. Of course, it helped that all the Republicans could offer were a Mormon Bishop who fired American workers to get rich and a wannabe Catholic cardinal would like America to become a theocracy. Both men care more about money and Israel than about Americans. And most likely both men (being warmongers) would have given the go-ahead on bombing Iran. But they were also coddling the Hispanic Nation, just as George Bush did. It was a lose-lose situation for America. I voted for Obama because I hate the Republican Party, not because I want an alien-loving Kenyon for president.

Like his old reverend, he seeks to help end white Americans control of their homeland.


America’s barbaric future

The source

To know America’s alien riddled future, we need to travel back to America’s future, to where the immigrants are coming from. Let’s take just one item: murder rates south of the border:

Honduras has highest murder rate in the world. El Salvador is second, and Venezuela is forth. Guatemala is eighth. Colombia, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico rank among the top 26 nations with the highest murder rates. And that is out of 196 nations.

Also keep in mind that Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship. And will soon become America’s 51st state. Won’t that be just great for Americans! And both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney said they would respect Puerto Ricans’ statehood decision, whatever it may be. Americans, you have no fucking chance.

Certainly, you knew half-alien Obama would be all for it. But you might have been surprised that the Republicans would sell you out for votes. Usually, they do just for dollars. But what are Republicans going to do as America becomes alienized? They’re going to sell out Americans, that’s what.

What dumb-ass Americans never understood is that democracy can backfire if enough nonAmerican invaders get into the country. Numbers count as votes. And the aliens replicate at a very high rate.

A closer look at America’s barbaric future

What will America’s future society look like? Like the present just south of the border. It’s already becoming a criminalized like Mexico as a result of the barrioization of American communities and even states such as Arizona.

Here’s a glimpse of a criminalized cancer spreading across the American landscape:


Traitors within have welcomed the invaders

The Mexicans will continue to come here and turn America into a nightmare like Mexico. Just as the Muslims have invaded no-longer Great Britain and Sweden, turning them into Islamic nightmares like that of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.

Having escaped their shithole nations
all aliens find living in America to be wonderful.
Nevertheless, aliens are committed first and foremost
to their homelands:
Iraq, Iran, China, India, Korea, Kenya, Israel, etc.
To Americans their homeland becoming a global refugee camp
is a horror.
It means they no longer have a homeland.
Their plight is that of the Palestinians.

Thus, Hispanics celebrates the Hispanic Nation’s occupation of the U.S. But in the Spanish language Americans can hear only the death knell for their disappearing homeland.

The illegals bring their armies with them.

You see, their gangs provide Hispanics with armies to clear out American from their communities.

As a result, Americans are now finding out what it’s like to live as the Palestinians do, their land occupied and controlled politically by a Hebrew juggernaut. Or even what it’s like to live as American Indians do—except there are no reservations that Americans can flee to, where they can escape from and be free from unAmerican intruders.

The U.S. Government that has betrayed Americans will use the force of the law and its jack boots such as the Federal Bureau of Intimidation to ensure every American community can be violated by alien intruders.

A Few Fifth Columnists

Viva Ronald Reagan, who signed the
Viva Ted Kennedy, who
Viva John McCain, co-author of 
Viva the Catholic Church who provides illegals invaders with sanctuary
Viva the ACLU, defender of the illegal aliens
Double Viva Hussein Obama, the great alien leader
Viva all the other traitors who have
aided and abetted America’s destroyers.

Most Americans do not want to live in a barrio or a Little Somalia or a Little Kabul (where the tranquility is shattered five times a day by loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer or by Islamic choppers and bombers lurking in the shadows. But the U.S. anti-American government will use force to enable invaders to invade and violate every American community and set up their alien enclave. Americans themselves are finding that each day there are fewer American communities where they can live among their own people.


Jack Boot FBI attacking angry patriots

You might have read about Buford Rogers. We’re told that an anti-government militia group was founded by his family. FUCK, millions of Americans are anti-government. Why would Americans in Arizona, for example, be for the very government that prevents them from trying to preserve their state as an American, rather than Mexican, state?

As far as I’m concerned, “anti-government” equals patriot.

The story begins with this photo by Jeremy Jones:

You see a bunch of FBI goons handcuffing Buford and some old guy. And another taking cover behind a giant FBI armored vehicle. This is how the Bureau of Intimidation works. What a fucking joke—a bad, bad joke for Americans.

Then we’re told by Associated Press writer Amy Forliti that “Rogers is charged with one count of illegally possessing a firearm. He was arrested Friday after FBI agents from the domestic terrorism squad said they found a cache of explosives and weapons in his parents' mobile home in Montevideo.”

“The FBI said earlier this week that it stopped a terror attack that was in its planning stages, potentially saving the lives of several Montevideo residents.”

These guys must spend their time off watching Homeland Security and playing video games if they’re not at the shooting range. They are fucking delusional. It’s nonsense to consider this guy a threat when millions of illegal aliens have been overrunning our borders and have established a million-man army of street gangs! John Hill tells us, “More than 50,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9/11. Think about that. And compare that number with “the 6,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since that same date.” In other words, the real war has been here at home, and like the others, America will not win the war at home. Why? Because the U.S. Government gives the aliens the power to win and denies Americans the power to defend themselves, as in Arizona.

Back to Amy Forliti, she says “a local police chief said authorities continue to keep an eye on the anti-government militia group founded by his family.” America, Big fucking Brother is watching you!

“Rogers is charged with one count of illegally possessing a firearm. He was arrested Friday after FBI agents from the domestic terrorism squad said they found a cache of explosives and weapons in his parents' mobile home in Montevideo.”

That’s why the lefties want to disarm Americans. So if they decide that they are now living under the following conditions described in the Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw-off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

They won’t be able to throw-off a government abusive to Americans and destructive to American values and culture. Welcome to Brave New Orwellian America.

Our Hypocritical Government

And what fucking hypocrisy! The CIA has been engaging in kidnapping, torture, and drone assassinations. We have a president who is a predator drone serial killer. The U.S. Government has no reservations when it comes to maintaining a concentration camp on Cuban soil or to invading and occupying other nations and slaughtering their populations—not to serve some higher principle but to serve Israel and to generate war profits for the Military-Industrial Complex. And they would continue to do so if it hadn’t become so damn expensive that it wrecked the U.S. while making war profiteers rich. And Buford Rogers is the bad guy? Bull Shit!

There’s more:

“An FBI spokesman and the Montevideo police chief declined to respond to Mohring's statement. Rogers' father, Jeff Rogers, has said his son has done nothing wrong, and is being targeted because he is outspoken about his beliefs.”

Of course they don’t reply. They have all the power—guns and incarceration. If Buford had spoken out in Yemen, he would have been put on Obama’s CIA kill list and taken out with an Obama Predator Drone. Obama has already assassinated 4 U.S. citizens. These people were killed outside of Afghanistan and Iraq. So the U.S. Mafia Government believes it can assassinate anyone it wants. However, let’s not confuse U.S. citizen with American. Anybody with a name like Anwar Awlaki is not and never could be an American.

I, for one, appreciate that patriots like Buford and his father who resists the Sovietization of America. The Feds will lock them up just as they have locked away Guantanamo Islamic patriots who fought the U.S. occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, some of whom were simply innocent bystanders. But collateral damage is just a part of the war game. In the U.S. all Americans are losing their homeland to the aliens are collateral damage.

What were the weapons of mass destruction found at Buford’s home? “Molotov cocktails, suspected pipe bombs.” And, of course, I’m sure he will be charged for have a pressure cooker on the premises. Also, his group regularly wear camouflage. Is that criminal? Hunters do the same, and in San Diego lots of homeless people wear camouflage, some Vietnam Vets who fought in the Vietnam War, which resulted in Little Saigons popping up all over America.

WARNIING: The enemy is lurking everywhere. If you see a camouflage guy sleeping under a bridge, don’t be fooled. Call the FBI so he can be rendered or the CIA so he can be waterboarded.

One more thing: Buford flies the American flag upside down. Flying the flag upside-down signifies that the country is in distress. At least hundred million Americans would agree with Buford, especially in states that are being overrun by alien hordes. Who do they call? If they call Washington to report illegal aliens, they will get a recording saying, “Get lost. We’re on their side.”


Apparently, not very well.

Stockholm, Sweden

“Youths riot in Sweden for third night” is the headline.

Sweden is under attack by Muslim youths, who absolutely hate the Swedes. But the dumbass Swedish government has allowed hordes of Swede-hating Muslims to invade the country, which now has the highest percentage of occupying Muslims of any European nation. Muslims propagate at an incredible rate, especially when the taxpayers of a dumbass, traitorous government are willing to pick up the tab for an array of social services.

Do you think the Swedes are for their government allowing even encouraging their country to be invaded by anti-European Muslims and then offering the invaders all sorts of unearned benefits? Hell no. But the Swedish government doesn’t give a damn about its people. It’s more interest in the have-nots of the world, who amount to many billions of people. The population of Sweden is 9 1/2 million. Good luck with saving the impoverished of the world. Ha, ha, ha.


The Irish Times tells us that “A car set on fire burns [referring to a photo], following riots in the Stockholm suburb of Kista. Sweden’s capital has been hit by some of its worst riots in years after youths scorched dozens of cars, attacked a police station and threw stones at rescue services in its poor immigrant suburbs [think Muslims] for a third night running.”

This sort of behavior is what Muslims do. Just look at the Middle East, say what’s going on in Iraq. How are the Iraqis celebrating their new democracy? By slaughtering one another. And if the Afghan Muslims weren’t fighting the U.S. forces occupying their homeland, they would be fighting one another. You see, Muslims have no interest other than in their religion, which is (much like Christianity) a religion of war, not peace. Let’s face it, they pray 5 times a day. That doesn’t leave much time for other interests.

Like orthodox Jews, but more courageous and less sick.

In that sense, they are very much like those odd creatures the orthodox Jews, though far more courageous. Orthodox Jews don’t serve in the military. They prefer to spit on little girls in red shoes and eat the foreskins of baby boys, giving them herpes in the process because they’ve been out fucking goy prostitutes.

Spitters on little girls

Foreskin chewers

Also, as with their religious primogenitors, the O. Jews, Muslims’ obsession with God undercuts their interest in mundane matters. They remain in that mindset that paralyzed Europe during the Dark Ages. And who do we have to thank for the religious fanaticism that has been wrecking for two millennia? That’s right, the Hebrews.


Back to Stockholm. We’re told by Irish Times, “Hundreds of youths set fire to cars and attacked police and rescue services in poor immigrant suburbs in three nights of rioting in Stockholm, Sweden’s worst disorder in years. Last night, a police station in the Jakobsberg area in the northwest of the city was attacked, two schools were damaged and an arts and crafts centre was set ablaze.”

HUNDREDS! We are not talking about just a handful of haters of Sweden but thousands because the militants are only the avant-garde.

Expressions of religious fanaticism: Destroying school [institutions of learning], a police station [symbol of law and order], and an arts and crafts center [the arts]. This is exactly what Muslims are not interested: learning, law and order, and the arts. Learning is an affront to God. Muslims have their own (brutal, chauvinistic) form of law and order, and the arts are also an affront to God because they distract believers away from contemplating the divine No-thing to enjoying secular entertainment and the real things of this world. One recalls that the Ancient Jews were haters of art, and they passed on that hatred to Christians and Muslims.

Everyone knows that Muslims hate the modern West. They would like to drag the world back into the Dark Ages, but this time the only religion would be Islam.

However, the Ancient Jews hated with the greatest of intensity nonJews—pagans, in other words. What the Jews passed on to Christians would be a hatred of Jews (the murderers of Christ), Muslims (rejecters of the divinity of Christ), and pagans (whom Christians and Muslims would slaughter for centuries as the Ancient Jews did anytime they had the opportunity). But the Muslims have also hated Christians (often, including today, with good reason). European Christians treated Africa as if it were their private property. And after World War II they allow swarms of Hebrews to invade and colonize Palestine.


And who is to blame? The rioter and destroyers? Of course not. This is what the Irish Times tells us Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt had to say:

“While average living standards are still among the highest in Europe, governments have failed to substantially reduce long-term youth unemployment and poverty, which have affected immigrant communities worst.”

Sickening masochistic self-blame. Has this moron looked at the Middle East recently to see why Islamic nations fail? Without oil Saudi Arabia would be no different from Afghanistan. And even with oil, Iraq and Iran cannot progress. (Actually, that goes for the Saudis as well. All they can do is buy stuff. In spite of their religion, what they worship is expensive stuff.) No, Reinfeldt hasn’t examined the natural Islamic state of affairs. He’s a Marxist idealist who is willing to sacrifice his nation and its people on the Marxist altar of self-loathing.

And has he paid attention to the fact that European nations themselves are struggle to survive? What fucking right does he have to give his country away to people who are not progressive, who look for a comfortable way of life without earning it, and who fucking hate their host Western nations?

Fredrik needs to read Darwin’s theory of evolution, the part that explains life is a struggle for survival. Right now the soft Swedes are losing that struggle.


One more item: Among 44 industrialized countries, Sweden ranked fourth in the absolute number of asylum seekers, and second relative to its population, according to UN figures.

ASYLUM SEEKERS! How about hand-out seekers. Let’s face it there are a couple billion people who live in shit-hold nations (created by their own people) who would qualify for asylum. They are a behemoth that could easily swallow Sweden without chewing, but apparently they are doing some chewing, called rioting. And how does it feel being a savior to these asylum seekers who hate your fucking guts?

As a result, lifeboat Sweden is itself is burning and sinking in a sea of aliens wishing the nation’s destruction. The Swedes will always be their sworn enemy. Imagine a colony of mice living peacefully. And then the mice rules decide to invite a cobra to live with them. That’s exactly what the guilt-ridden Swedish leftists and government have done. And will the cobra ever learn to live peacefully with the mice? Never. Doing so goes against its nature. Ha, ha, ha. :-)))

Apparently, the former Vikings have become a bunch of pansies. And if they aren’t willing to fight for their country, they will lose it and deserve to. Just ask the polar bear what happens when you lose your territory. You drown. :-)))


Woolwich, south-east London

Police called to 'frenzied machete attack' in Woolwich, south-east London. That’s right, just like in Sweden, Muslims wanting to chop up an Occidental. Next, they will be eating them. We’re told that one of Muslim choppers in Great Britain shouted “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.” Let’s face it, the Jews passed on a God who loves bloodletting. And I love the way the government labels such incidents as terrorist incidents, end of story. What bull shit!

First of all, Muslims have every reason to hate the fucking British. It was British who gave Palestine to the Jews as if they owned it, rather than just immorally occupied it. Also Britain had to play the big man by accompanying the U.S. in its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Neither one of which was justified. No Afghan had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks and certainly no Iraqis. Hussein was an asshole, but so was George Bush and so is Hussein Obama. George was a warmongering monster, no less than Hussein, and Obama is a serial killer who uses CIA goons and their predator drones to do his dirty work.


“The people who did this were trying to divide us, blah, blah, blah,” British Prime Minister said. “They should know blah, blah, blah that something like this will only bring us together ha, ha, ha, and make us stronger.”

Cameron is using the Chamberlain Appeasement Policy toward the enemies of Britain now occupying the country. Generally, British foreign policy has been making enemies for centuries, but now the Brits allow them into the country so that they can destroy the peace and corrupt the culture of the nation. It is a betrayal of the British people. And to think the British people want to have anything to do with being brought together with aliens hordes occupying their country is just plain stupid.


Colonial occupation has always been hated by the indigenous people whose homeland is being occupied. That’s true even when the invaders are allowed in by the host government. But Cameron is stupid, and, like Obama, a blowhard. The British don’t want to have anything to do with the aliens who have invaded and settled in Britain any more than the Iraqis or Afghans want the Americans and British in their homeland. Did the Indians want the British in their country? Did the Palestinians what the British occupying their homeland? No. Do the Palestinians want that Green Zone called Israel in their homeland, which, by the way, the British government, with the help of delusional Christians, made possible? Fucking no!

The British people don’t want to be occupied by the likes of Islamic chopper Michael Adebolajo than the Kenyans wanted to be occupied by the British as a result of the colonialism of the filthy British government. We know the Brits tortured, raped, and slaughtered Kenyans during the Kenyan rebellion against British occupation of their homeland during the 1950s. Americans have done the same in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the British Government is going to clear its conscience by giving $31 million to survivors of the abuse. Fucking peanuts. People expect to win more than that in lottery.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the British Government stinks, just as the America government has especially stunk since the Vietnam War. Britain’s entire history has been all about making enemies in non-Occidental countries. And American’s history is no better, as Guenther Roppel explains in his book A Harvest of Death and Hatred. And we have our own monsters who delight in slaughtering women and children, monsters such as Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, who will live like a hero and feted like a king in prison until some scummy lawyer paid by a scummy Republican gets him out.

That’s because main theme of American foreign policy is America is right even when it’s wrong. The same can be said for British foreign policy. But that attitude has come with a big price in blood, money, and the lost of homeland territory to the aliens.

But to allow enemies to invade and take over one’s country to assuage one’s guilt is just plain idiocy and a betrayal of one’s own people. (And honestly, neither the government nor the soldiers who enforce its diabolical involvement in other peoples’ homelands feel guilty at all.)


Getting back to the Islamic butcher, he said, “I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land, our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government; they don’t care about you.” Are you fucking kidding me! This guy belongs to the people who cut off women’s breast and arms for sport. What is the government thinking when it opened the gate to the Muslim barbarians who fucking hate the English?

Still, he’s half right. As I said, those people have good reason for hating the British, just as the British people have very good reason for hating the fucking people who have been running and ruining Great Britain. The chopper got one fact right: that the government doesn’t give a damn about the British people. If it did, he would not be in Great Britain, nor would anyone else from that Dark Brutal Continent.

A witness to the butchery asked him why the Islamic butcher chopped up the British soldier. His answer was” because [the victim] has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries.” The Islamic butcher is right about the killing of Muslims by the British. However, there is an important point here about aliens. Though Islamic butcher is a British citizen, his loyalty IS NOT with the British because he is British only on paper. His loyalty is with his people back home. That is true for him would be true for his children and his grandchildren, etc. He and his people represent the enemy within. And the British Government is to blame. It’s the government that deserves to be on the chopping block (as during the French Revolution).

“What the world needs now is love.” Nonsense.
What the world need now is for people to respect one another’s homelands.
Stay out of the aliens’ homelands and keep them out of yours.
It’s just that fucking simple.

ABC online news: The same old political dance response

The Flower Response

Photo of flowers: Giving flowers, a flower children’s response to the we-hate-Brits aliens occupying the homeland. A truly ineffective, do-nothing response to the problem. Instead of doing something effective, send flowers to the victims of the alien barbarians. Ha, ha, ha. :-))) Don’t send flowers. Do your own people a big favor and send the Western/British hating Muslims back to their own dysfunctional countries they came from, and where they truly belong.

Scapegoating and Red Herring response

Britain's intelligence services have come under pressure to explain how they let two Islamic extremists suspected of hacking a soldier to death in the streets of London slip through their net.
Blame security rather than the traitorous government. More fucking self-blame, like the political response to the Swedish riots.

Nothing but the best care for the haters of Britain, which gave them everything:
Both of the Islamic choppers, now under armed guard in London hospitals after being shot by police at the scene of the attack, were previously known to the intelligence services but were reportedly assessed as not posing a deadly threat.

The problem isn’t a free society but an occupied one:
"Peers and MPs will do a thorough investigation in terms of what the security forces knew, but I've seen experts on security explaining how difficult it is in a free society to be able to control everyone,” Mr Pickles told the BBC.

Most Muslims occupying Great Britain love the British. What bunk!
“These people are probably coming out of a small group without, necessarily, any overseas connections” So they don’t need an overseas connection to hate the British. Hmm. Sounds like their hatred is part of who they are: aliens and Muslims—not British.

Another do nothing effective about the problem of being occupied by British haters:
Help for Heroes charity for wounded troops has seen a huge surge in donations

No reports of any reprisals overnight Thursday or Friday morning:
Of course not. British jackboots wouldn’t allow British citizens to fight back. When American patriots want to fight back, Big Brother Obama sends in FBI jackboots, though he would rather send in an Obama Predator CIA Drone.

Paris, France

“France's terrorism investigation unit was called in to lead the hunt for a man of North African appearance who stabbed in the neck a soldier on anti-terrorist patrol amid thousands of Saturday shoppers.”

“The attacker came up behind the soldier, who was the last man in the patrol, and slashed or stabbed his neck with a blade.”

The attacker, described as a muscular man in his earlier thirties and of North African appearance, fled into the adjoining shopping centre before the other members of the patrol could react. The area bristled with security cameras whose footage is being studied.

This is what one’s homeland becomes when the government allows the enemy to occupy it. Billions of dollars must be spent to guard against attack. Even so, an attacker still may emerge from the shadows to cut a citizen’s throat, in this case on of the nation’s guardians. So, in this case, the French people must live in fear wherever there is an alien presence.

Here’s some irony:
French troops were just in northern Mali fighting alongside Mali Army against Islamist occupiers. The French Government spends money and troops to prevent Islamists from occupying Mali, but allows an Islamic Nation to occupy France. The U.S. Government does the same when it aids the Israeli to protect Green Zone Israel’s stolen territory, even tolerating its theft of more the Palestinian homeland, but does little to nothing to protect the homeland of the American people.


“A suspect arrested Wednesday has admitted to the weekend stabbing of a French soldier in Paris and was probably acting based on his “religious ideology,” Paris prosecutor Xavier Molins tells AFP news agency.”

Of course. It’s the ideology of hatred inherited from the Jews’ myth of resentment. To be a Jew, Christian, or Muslim is to hate the other. Jews hated everyone who wasn’t a Jew or even other Jews who didn’t toe the hate-others party line. Read the fucking Old Testament. The history of the Christian Church has been and still is a history of hating, pagans, Jews, Muslims, atheists, queers, etc. So it’s not surprising that Muslims hate all non-Muslims. They might not say so, but there it is in their belief system. How can it be otherwise if God hates the infidel, whoever he or she might be?

At least Muslims fight to free their homelands from the occupiers because they want to protect and preserve their culture—even if we don’t like their culture, which isn’t any of our fucking business, anyway. But not the soft, decadent, corrupt, idiotic Western nations, such as the U.S., Sweden, and Great Britain. From a Darwinian perspective, they deserve to perish.

They like to play tough in other peoples’ homelands, where they unleash their high-tech war machines. But when it comes to protecting their own homelands they are soft. They role over and show their bellies to the enemy, who rips it apart with cleavers and box cutters.

The face of evil within.

The bullshit of political autocrats and ideologues

Michael Adebolajo and the face of evil.

Civilized Occidentals DO NOT want to live among people like Adebolajo. They see such people as ugly, alien, and dangerous. Only deluded save-the-world/fuck the homeland Marxists or Christians want these people to live among us (though even the Occidental Christians and Marxists don’t want them as neighbors). But the deluded do-gooders always rely on their own people to keep the peace.

Look at South America or Africa: the people are constantly at one another’s throats. They create barbarous societies for themselves and our do-gooders (or capitalistic exploiters) import the barbarism into their on countries against the will of their own people. The most dangerous communities in the U.S. are black and Hispanic. They are, for the most part, criminal zone.

And in each case, the haters are justified. The ancestors of American blacks (not phony American blacks like Hussein Obama) were enslaved by colonialists and later Americans. Their hatred is justified. And America stole a big hunk of the Mexican homeland, thus the hatred of the Mexicans is justified. And the same can be said for the American Indians. So by allowing Mexicans to flood the U.S., the U.S. Government allowed millions of gringo haters into the country. And, of course, the gringos hate the invaders. Instead of breaking the cycle of hatred with the Indians and blacks, the movers and shakers that run and ruin America import more hatred.

It’s interesting that in this discussion everyone ignores the Native Americans. We recognize they deserve a homeland of their own, protected by the government (even though in the Dakotas the state governments have been kidnapping Indian children, just like in the good old days). So why doesn’t the government recognize Americans’ right to a homeland of their own, a place where they can live among their own? Because government bureaucrats have taken the side of the invaders. It’s as simple as that. Bullshit political autocrats and ideologues insist that Occidentals allow their communities to be transformed into what amounts to chaotic, irrational, lawless, and dysfunctional refugee camps—where drugs, sex, and violence are the main themes of life.

And even those communities that are not dysfunctional, such as Korean, Chinese, and Japanese communities in the U.S., perhaps the most civilized of all communities, are an alien presence. Americans don’t want to live in a Chinatown or Korean Town, or in a Little Saigon. And those communities want their own enclaves to be pure, and devise various ways to exclude non-Chinese, non-Japanese, non-Vietnamese, etc. Any American who enters a Chinatown knows he or she does not belong there, no more than he or she belongs in Beijing. In those communities, Americans find that suddenly they have become tourists in their own country. And all these people have countries of their own, where they belong. And simply calling them Americans, British, or French, doesn’t make them Americans, British, or French; no more than calling Hussein Obama a black American makes him a black American. He’s not.

The policy of betrayal will create bad karma forever.

Recently a mosque was set afire. Surprise, surprise. Mosques don’t belong in Great Britain. “Police said they were treating the mosque fire as suspicious and that the letters ‘EDL’ had been found scrawled on the side of the building. EDL is the acronym of the English Defense League (EDL), a far-right group that has held several protests in London and elsewhere since the murder.” (

The British Government won’t protect the British homeland so others have to, though they have no chance because they’re no match against government jackboots. But this hatred, animosity, suspicious, and violence will continue forever because of the dumbasses (leftists and doing-God’s-work religious fanatics) who run and ruin the country. And, unfortunately, the British people have been disarmed, so cannot defend themselves.

World War II soldiers betrayed

The veterans of the Second World War fought to protect America (and Europe) from invaders who were a threat to the safety and integrity of their country. Now we see it was all for naught because the Marxists and money worshipers would allow America to be invaded my untold millions of nonAmericans: aliens. America’s communities, cities, and states are now being overrun by aliens, legal and illegal. At present in a half-dozen states, Americans are fighting losing battles to keep their states American. As a result, the nation has been thrown into alien-induced turmoil, which will never end.

The government continues to throw big national holiday parties for the old vets, but they are cynical, meaningless shams. Their purpose is purely rhetorical. The truth is, the old WW II vets and their sacrifice have been betrayed.

Puppets and Puppet Masters

The sad and bizarre thing is how easily Americans are deceived by the hype. Most fail to see that the emperor has no clothes. The phony, invisible clothes are the hyped up threat of terrorism. The American barbarous wars in the Middle East keep Americans distracted and believing that terrorists are the big threat. tells us that the number of illegal immigrants that enter the U.S. each is over a million. And the biggest so-called terrorist event recently has been the Boston bombing, which kill 3 and injured 170.

But really, how many of these so-called terrorists were allowed into the country legally? All, as far as I know. And how many so-called terrorists since 9-11 were Muslim ideologues seeking the destruction of the U.S., rather than simply Muslims angry about the U.S. military machine slaughtering thousands Muslims (men, women, and children) in Afghanistan and Iraq for ten years? And, of course, there is American’s unconditional support of Israel’s policy of encroachment upon Palestinian homelands and the removal of the Palestinians (just like the removal policies imposed upon American Indians). Watch 5 Broken Camera for a peek at what Israelis are all about.

In other words, America is very good at creating enemies who then engage in violent acts, which are then labeled terrorist acts, with the implication that that the perpetrators are members of some global Islamic conspiracy to overthrow Western Civilization. In most cases, the perpetrators do not fall into that category. I’m not denying such people exist. What I am saying is that the biggest gripe of most Muslims has been the meddling presence of Westerners in their homelands. Iraq has never been a threat to America, neither has Afghanistan, for that matter, a country repeated invaded by Westerns. The 9-11 attacks were hardly a Pearl Harbor attack.

And, by the way, compared to today, how many Muslims were in the country before 9-11, or fifty years ago? Very few. And now mosques are sprouting up like toxic mushrooms across the country spouting their noisily their calls to prayer. We brought the Muslims in and now they’re propagating. That’s what Americans are discovering—that aliens are very good at replicating. They would have known about how species spread, propagate, and then dominate if they has paid more attention to Darwin and less to Hebrew mythology.

What about those poor Jews in Israel? What about them? In Darwinian fashion and with the help of Western nations they invaded and occupied Palestine. And they have been brutal, self-serving occupiers ever since. They had no moral right to Palestinian territory. And the notion that their return to Palestine is part of God’s plan is based only on their self-serving mythology. But the point here is that invasion of other people’s homelands is a source of never-ending trouble, for the invaders and the invaded alike.

Compared to what Americans do to themselves,
 the terrorists are a minor threat

Consider that about 16,000 Americans are murdered each year, tens of thousands are stabbed, beaten, and shot but survive, and according to the National Women's Study, 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year. All women who serve in the military are now considered combat veterans who have endured the sexual predations of their male comrades in arms. :-)))

Americans: new aliens, a people without a homeland

Being an American is meaningless today. In their refugee camp nation, Americans struggle to survive and escape the reality of the loss of their nation by losing themselves in idiotic entertainment and spectacle. Older Americans, who knew the America of the 1940s and 1950s, know what has been lost. In the past, even during hard times, an American could take heart in the fact that he was American and had a homeland called America. No longer. Elderly Americans die in an alien land.

Young Americans can see what has been lost by watching some of the classic movies of the thirties, forties, and fifties. America wasn’t perfect but it was still America and was improving by addressing such issues as right of women and blacks. Americans were admired and respected as a likeable, classy people. No longer, because America has morphed into a cultural, political, and demographic monstrosity. The America I refer to is that of Tom Brokaw’s Greatest Generation and their children (the last American generation?), who rebelled against the cruel idiocies of a morally bankrupt government, whose obsession with power, wealth, and Hebrew mythology distracted it from preserving America for Americans.

Disillusioned Americans

I see the disenchantment in the faces of people. The outgoing, friendly America is disappearing except in stores where employees have become windup mannequins, all smiles and cheerfulness. Americans don’t relate to the aliens as they do to other Americans. Americans have become sullen, withdrawn, and even angry. This malaise will continue. Obama thinks his cheap rhetoric can unify the nation. Make us all into happy mannequins embracing one another with big cheerful smiles. What a joke! How is the most hated man in America going to do that?

Just say no to the Immigration Act of 2013

It’s Alamo time in America. Either Americans fight the intruders or lose the homeland better and greater Americans built for them. Unfortunately, Americans are not allowed to defend their homeland but must rely on subversive politicians.

Our unAmerican politicians should reject the Immigration Act of 2013. That would send a clear message to illegal aliens—that they are not wanted by Americans and never will be. To pass the act sends an ambiguous message: If you enter the country illegally and have your anchor babies, things will work out, one way or another. They have for the past 50 years, so there is no reason to believe they won’t for the next century, especially now that your people are taking charge of city, state, and federal governments.

Passage of the bill sends a clear message that the gringos don’t have the political cajones or power to say NO! to illegal aliens.


And just say no to anchor babies

And just say no to the America-killing Fourteenth Amendment law that rewards illegal aliens by granting citizenship to their offspring born in the U.S. Only Americans should be able to have children who are Americans by birth. It’s that fucking simple!

If that isn’t done, illegal immigrants will continue to come because they will believe, rightly, that by entering the country illegally they will achieve success in a number of ways. This has been the case in the past and will continue to be the case in the future.

The only solution is a DOUBLE NO:


But, of course, that won’t happen. America and Americans will be betrayed again by the filthy politicians who are and have been running and ruining the country.


“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” That is so true but no longer possible in R.C.A., refugee camp America. What Americans built is being torn down by self-serving politicians and money worshiping capitalists who place mammon above homeland.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just Say "No" to Immigration Reform Bill 2013

The Politics of Betrayal

The Gang of Eight will betray America and Americans. American politicians are all about selling out Americans. The immigration reform bill is not about saving America but selling out Americans. It’s about political greed and power, nothing else. When they finally betray America they will put a smiley face on the bill and Obama will tell Americans that they should rejoice that they have been sold out once again by their government.

If the Republicans were really about standing up for America and Americans, they would stand up against the illegal aliens, whatever the political fallout. (The Marxist Democrats are a lost cause. They serve the invaders. They seek to turn America into a global refugee camp.)

No Citizenship for Children of Illegals

Kill the America-killing Fourteenth Amendment

If Republicans really gave a damn about America and Americans (which they don’t) they rescind (or at least try to) the Fourteenth Amendment law that enables illegal aliens to invade America and then give birth to alien offspring that have U.S. citizenship. That policy is idiotic and unjust and has been destroying America.


Rewarding criminality with the benefits of citizenship

The born into citizenship has been a magnet that has attracted the dregs of societies south of the border. What do I mean by dregs? People who have no money, have no education, can’t speak English, lack respect for other peoples and their laws, are often criminals, and who come to this country primarily to obtain social benefits for themselves and their children.

And usually the second generation hates America and Americans even more than parents do. They believe they are owed everything just because they were born here. And after they receive a cornucopia of benefits, they are ungrateful. A good recent example of this in Britain is the Islamic butchers of London. Born into opportunity, and what is their response? To chop up a true Britain. Why not just go back to the Nigerian pit their parents crawled out of? And give up all those British benefits! No fucking way. :-)))


One strategy of the invaders is to legally or illegally enter the U.S. just to have children, resulting in their children being U.S. citizens with all the rights and benefits of U.S. citizens that their parents didn’t earn because they were not U.S. citizens. The parents then return to their homeland. Eventually, the entire family moves into the U.S

Another strategy is simply to invade the U.S., have babies, and then remain—illegally—knowing that it families are rarely divided in order to deport the parent squatters who are in the country illegal. To their rescue comes a host of organizations: leftist groups, such as the ACLU, and religious organizations, in particular the Catholic Church, which has been having trouble filling its pedophilic churches, so welcome the ignorant, superstitious Catholics from south of the border. But, for different reasons, anti-American Protestants and Jews welcome and protect the invaders. Thus, the children of the illegals anchor the illegals to the country.


U.S. politicians serve themselves, not Americans

Of course, the American people are never allowed to vote on whether the invaders should be tolerated, rather than sent back home, or whether the offspring of illegal invaders should be given U.S. citizenship. Their political representatives vote on these matters. But politicians care only about getting reelected and keeping their jobs. If that means aiding and abetting the enemy (and act of treason) so be it. Money and power speak louder than patriotism in Washington.

Barbarians within the gates

Now the country is overrun by multi-multiplying illegals and their offspring, including tens of thousands of gang members and other criminals. What Americans have been witnessing is the criminalization of American society. In my community sign of the Hispanic criminal presence is seen everywhere in various forms of graffiti, spray painted on walls, buildings, and vehicles, and scratched on mirrors in public buildings and on gas station pump, often newly installed. The barrio presence is quickly corroding American culture and society.

Importing crime:

Here is Wikipedia‘s list of Hispanic gangs just in L.A. County:

13th Street
18th Street
38th Street gang
Clanton 14
Mexican Mafia (prison gang)
Mongols MC
Nuestra Familia (prison gang)
Fresno Bulldogs
The Rascals
Tooner Ville Rifa 13
Varrio Nuevo Estrada
White Fence

The financial damage illegals and their offspring are doing in Barrio California:

“In hosting America's largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the cost to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.”

Illegal immigration is a societal disease

This situation for an organism would be called a disease—a viral or bacterial infections that threatens the health of the organism. Mexico is a malignant tumor that has been spreading its contagion into America for decades. Frosty Wooldridge tells us:

“Illegal alien migration into the United States costs American taxpayers $346 billion annually reported by the National Research Council. While employers of illegal aliens rake-in billions of dollars, the US citizens subsidize what may be called organized ‘Slavery in 21st Century America.’”


Illegal aliens are a human version of fire and crazy ants

“Fire ants, known for their painful stings, have spread through the Southeast since arriving from South America in the 1930s. In 2002, in Houston, scientists discovered Crazy ants. Now, they are all over the coastal areas. These ants do not sting, but they bite. Even though crazy ants do not cause much pain like the fire ants, they multiply in greater numbers and it is very difficult to control since they do not eat the same poison baits as fire ants do, according to the study.”
Crazy ants come from northern Argentina and southern Brazil.

That’s must more bad news coming from south of the border. But species invading other species’ territories and taking over is the way of evolution, the struggle for survival. Dumbass Americans rather believe in the mythology of the Hebrews than in the reality of the world according to science. That is why they have lost their country. At least the Indians (and Muslims in their homelands) put up a brave fight. But Americans just roll over and show their bellies, believe everything will work out for the best because everything is in God’s hand—even monster tornadoes.

In Europe (and among the left in the U.S.) the myth is Marx’s ideology. Invite the proletariat of the world into your homeland and shower them with benefits, they will appreciate the generosity and love you for it. The reality is they will take as much as they can and remain loyal to their own homeland and own people. And even attempt to overthrow the host society and take it over. That has already occurred in many parts of the U.S. Hundreds of towns have been loss to the invading aliens, big ones, such as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. Even state have fallen to the aliens, such as New Mexico, Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, and Nevada.


The domino theory is alive and well in the U.S.

And article on Jennifer Lopez reveals what Americans have to look forward to:

“Jennifer Lopez: actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer, and now, mobile phone mogul.

The entertainer announced Wednesday that she had teamed up with Verizon Wireless to launch a new mobile brand, including retail stores, aimed at the fast-growing Latino population.
Lopez cited ‘staggeringdemographic statistics that showed the Latino population had grown 43% in the last five years, compared with 5% growth for non-Latinos. Latinos currently make up more than 16% of the U.S. population, and that figure is expected to grow to 30% by 2050.

By Andrea Chang, Los Angeles Times

In other words, by 2050 there will be as many or more Mexicans in the U.S. than are presently in Mexico. And this is exactly what U.S. corporations and politicians have always wanted: cheap labor, more revenue, and more votes. According to Obama and other political and economic wreckers of the American homeland (unlike the aliens, we have no other), we’ll all be one big happy family. That’s fucking nonsense. Americans will embrace the Alien Nation occupying its soil in the same way the Iraqis embraced the Green Zone or the Palestinians have embraced the fortress Israel—with fucking hatred.

Loss of political control

And with 30% of the population, the Hispanic Nation will control the U.S. political system, much as the Jews control American foreign policy in the Middle East. Jews control with dollars. The Hispanic Nation will control with votes.

I call it the 10% margin. The difference between winning and losing for the Republicans and Democrats is usually no more than 10%. The Hispanics, in other words, control the swing votes. That’s how Obama won. He played it to the Hispanics and won. He is, by the way, HALF ALIEN. Thus, Obama, unlike American politicians, cannot betray Americans. He’s not one of us and never has been. We know that by the fact that he attended the services of white-hating Jeremiah Wright. Ergo, he hates whites as well. Otherwise, why would he have attended those services?

A phony black American

Obama may be half American but he is zero black American. To be a black American, a black person must have ancestors who were slaves during that notorious period of U.S. history. Obama is nothing more than a psychopathic, shape shifting, flimflam, narcissistic, Big Brother wannabe politician.

Marx’s crumbs to the proletariat

Marx believed that all that workers receive from capitalists are crumbs, barely enough to live on. That’s true. The institution of slavery is one example. Another is filthy American capitalists using illegal aliens for labor, paying them almost nothing, thus requiring U.S. taxpayers to pick up the bill for social services. Capitalists will cheat and exploit if they can get away with it, whether here or in Bangladesh.

What makes the Democratic Party so appealing to workers is the exploitation of and indifference to the conditions of workers on the part of capitalists (mostly Republicans). But Obama also came to power by offering crumbs to the masses, IN PARTICULAR, the Hispanic masses. Obama Care and a pathway to citizenship are the kinds of crumbs he offers to his Hispanic alien comrades. And it worked. In other words, the 10% factor won the election for Obama. Of course, it helped that all the Republicans could offer were a Mormon Bishop who fired American workers to get rich and a wannabe Catholic cardinal would like America to become a theocracy. Both men care more about money and Israel than about Americans. And most likely both men (being warmongers) would have given the go-ahead on bombing Iran. But they were also coddling the Hispanic Nation, just as George Bush did. It was a lose-lose situation for America. I voted for Obama because I hate the Republican Party, not because I want an alien-loving Kenyon for president.

Like his old reverend, he seeks to help end white Americans control of their homeland.


America’s barbaric future

The source

To know America’s alien riddled future, we need to travel back to America’s future, to where the immigrants are coming from. Let’s take just one item: murder rates south of the border:

Honduras has highest murder rate in the world. El Salvador is second, and Venezuela is forth. Guatemala is eighth. Colombia, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico rank among the top 26 nations with the highest murder rates. And that is out of 196 nations.

Also keep in mind that Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship. And will soon become America’s 51st state. Won’t that be just great for Americans! And both President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney said they would respect Puerto Ricans’ statehood decision, whatever it may be. Americans, you have no fucking chance.

Certainly, you knew half-alien Obama would be all for it. But you might have been surprised that the Republicans would sell you out for votes. Usually, they do just for dollars. But what are Republicans going to do as America becomes alienized? They’re going to sell out Americans, that’s what.

What dumb-ass Americans never understood is that democracy can backfire if enough nonAmerican invaders get into the country. Numbers count as votes. And the aliens replicate at a very high rate.

A closer look at America’s barbaric future

What will America’s future society look like? Like the present just south of the border. It’s already becoming a criminalized like Mexico as a result of the barrioization of American communities and even states such as Arizona.

Here’s a glimpse of a criminalized cancer spreading across the American landscape:


Traitors within have welcomed the invaders

The Mexicans will continue to come here and turn America into a nightmare like Mexico. Just as the Muslims have invaded no-longer Great Britain and Sweden, turning them into Islamic nightmares like that of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.

Having escaped their shithole nations
all aliens find living in America to be wonderful.
Nevertheless, aliens are committed first and foremost
to their homelands:
Iraq, Iran, China, India, Korea, Kenya, Israel, etc.
To Americans their homeland becoming a global refugee camp
is a horror.
It means they no longer have a homeland.
Their plight is that of the Palestinians.

Thus, Hispanics celebrates the Hispanic Nation’s occupation of the U.S. But in the Spanish language Americans can hear only the death knell for their disappearing homeland.

The illegals bring their armies with them.

You see, their gangs provide Hispanics with armies to clear out American from their communities.

As a result, Americans are now finding out what it’s like to live as the Palestinians do, their land occupied and controlled politically by a Hebrew juggernaut. Or even what it’s like to live as American Indians do—except there are no reservations that Americans can flee to, where they can escape from and be free from unAmerican intruders.

The U.S. Government that has betrayed Americans will use the force of the law and its jack boots such as the Federal Bureau of Intimidation to ensure every American community can be violated by alien intruders.

A Few Fifth Columnists

Viva Ronald Reagan, who signed the
Viva Ted Kennedy, who
Viva John McCain, co-author of 
Viva the Catholic Church who provides illegals invaders with sanctuary
Viva the ACLU, defender of the illegal aliens
Double Viva Hussein Obama, the great alien leader
Viva all the other traitors who have
aided and abetted America’s destroyers.

Most Americans do not want to live in a barrio or a Little Somalia or a Little Kabul (where the tranquility is shattered five times a day by loudspeakers calling the faithful to prayer or by Islamic choppers and bombers lurking in the shadows. But the U.S. anti-American government will use force to enable invaders to invade and violate every American community and set up their alien enclave. Americans themselves are finding that each day there are fewer American communities where they can live among their own people.


Jack Boot FBI attacking angry patriots

You might have read about Buford Rogers. We’re told that an anti-government militia group was founded by his family. FUCK, millions of Americans are anti-government. Why would Americans in Arizona, for example, be for the very government that prevents them from trying to preserve their state as an American, rather than Mexican, state?

As far as I’m concerned, “anti-government” equals patriot.

The story begins with this photo by Jeremy Jones:

You see a bunch of FBI goons handcuffing Buford and some old guy. And another taking cover behind a giant FBI armored vehicle. This is how the Bureau of Intimidation works. What a fucking joke—a bad, bad joke for Americans.

Then we’re told by Associated Press writer Amy Forliti that “Rogers is charged with one count of illegally possessing a firearm. He was arrested Friday after FBI agents from the domestic terrorism squad said they found a cache of explosives and weapons in his parents' mobile home in Montevideo.”

“The FBI said earlier this week that it stopped a terror attack that was in its planning stages, potentially saving the lives of several Montevideo residents.”

These guys must spend their time off watching Homeland Security and playing video games if they’re not at the shooting range. They are fucking delusional. It’s nonsense to consider this guy a threat when millions of illegal aliens have been overrunning our borders and have established a million-man army of street gangs! John Hill tells us, “More than 50,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9/11. Think about that. And compare that number with “the 6,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since that same date.” In other words, the real war has been here at home, and like the others, America will not win the war at home. Why? Because the U.S. Government gives the aliens the power to win and denies Americans the power to defend themselves, as in Arizona.

Back to Amy Forliti, she says “a local police chief said authorities continue to keep an eye on the anti-government militia group founded by his family.” America, Big fucking Brother is watching you!

“Rogers is charged with one count of illegally possessing a firearm. He was arrested Friday after FBI agents from the domestic terrorism squad said they found a cache of explosives and weapons in his parents' mobile home in Montevideo.”

That’s why the lefties want to disarm Americans. So if they decide that they are now living under the following conditions described in the Declaration of Independence:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw-off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

They won’t be able to throw-off a government abusive to Americans and destructive to American values and culture. Welcome to Brave New Orwellian America.

Our Hypocritical Government

And what fucking hypocrisy! The CIA has been engaging in kidnapping, torture, and drone assassinations. We have a president who is a predator drone serial killer. The U.S. Government has no reservations when it comes to maintaining a concentration camp on Cuban soil or to invading and occupying other nations and slaughtering their populations—not to serve some higher principle but to serve Israel and to generate war profits for the Military-Industrial Complex. And they would continue to do so if it hadn’t become so damn expensive that it wrecked the U.S. while making war profiteers rich. And Buford Rogers is the bad guy? Bull Shit!

There’s more:

“An FBI spokesman and the Montevideo police chief declined to respond to Mohring's statement. Rogers' father, Jeff Rogers, has said his son has done nothing wrong, and is being targeted because he is outspoken about his beliefs.”

Of course they don’t reply. They have all the power—guns and incarceration. If Buford had spoken out in Yemen, he would have been put on Obama’s CIA kill list and taken out with an Obama Predator Drone. Obama has already assassinated 4 U.S. citizens. These people were killed outside of Afghanistan and Iraq. So the U.S. Mafia Government believes it can assassinate anyone it wants. However, let’s not confuse U.S. citizen with American. Anybody with a name like Anwar Awlaki is not and never could be an American.

I, for one, appreciate that patriots like Buford and his father who resists the Sovietization of America. The Feds will lock them up just as they have locked away Guantanamo Islamic patriots who fought the U.S. occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, some of whom were simply innocent bystanders. But collateral damage is just a part of the war game. In the U.S. all Americans are losing their homeland to the aliens are collateral damage.

What were the weapons of mass destruction found at Buford’s home? “Molotov cocktails, suspected pipe bombs.” And, of course, I’m sure he will be charged for have a pressure cooker on the premises. Also, his group regularly wear camouflage. Is that criminal? Hunters do the same, and in San Diego lots of homeless people wear camouflage, some Vietnam Vets who fought in the Vietnam War, which resulted in Little Saigons popping up all over America.

WARNIING: The enemy is lurking everywhere. If you see a camouflage guy sleeping under a bridge, don’t be fooled. Call the FBI so he can be rendered or the CIA so he can be waterboarded.

One more thing: Buford flies the American flag upside down. Flying the flag upside-down signifies that the country is in distress. At least hundred million Americans would agree with Buford, especially in states that are being overrun by alien hordes. Who do they call? If they call Washington to report illegal aliens, they will get a recording saying, “Get lost. We’re on their side.”


Apparently, not very well.

Stockholm, Sweden

“Youths riot in Sweden for third night” is the headline.

Sweden is under attack by Muslim youths, who absolutely hate the Swedes. But the dumbass Swedish government has allowed hordes of Swede-hating Muslims to invade the country, which now has the highest percentage of occupying Muslims of any European nation. Muslims propagate at an incredible rate, especially when the taxpayers of a dumbass, traitorous government are willing to pick up the tab for an array of social services.

Do you think the Swedes are for their government allowing even encouraging their country to be invaded by anti-European Muslims and then offering the invaders all sorts of unearned benefits? Hell no. But the Swedish government doesn’t give a damn about its people. It’s more interest in the have-nots of the world, who amount to many billions of people. The population of Sweden is 9 1/2 million. Good luck with saving the impoverished of the world. Ha, ha, ha.


The Irish Times tells us that “A car set on fire burns [referring to a photo], following riots in the Stockholm suburb of Kista. Sweden’s capital has been hit by some of its worst riots in years after youths scorched dozens of cars, attacked a police station and threw stones at rescue services in its poor immigrant suburbs [think Muslims] for a third night running.”

This sort of behavior is what Muslims do. Just look at the Middle East, say what’s going on in Iraq. How are the Iraqis celebrating their new democracy? By slaughtering one another. And if the Afghan Muslims weren’t fighting the U.S. forces occupying their homeland, they would be fighting one another. You see, Muslims have no interest other than in their religion, which is (much like Christianity) a religion of war, not peace. Let’s face it, they pray 5 times a day. That doesn’t leave much time for other interests.

Like orthodox Jews, but more courageous and less sick.

In that sense, they are very much like those odd creatures the orthodox Jews, though far more courageous. Orthodox Jews don’t serve in the military. They prefer to spit on little girls in red shoes and eat the foreskins of baby boys, giving them herpes in the process because they’ve been out fucking goy prostitutes.

Spitters on little girls

Foreskin chewers

Also, as with their religious primogenitors, the O. Jews, Muslims’ obsession with God undercuts their interest in mundane matters. They remain in that mindset that paralyzed Europe during the Dark Ages. And who do we have to thank for the religious fanaticism that has been wrecking for two millennia? That’s right, the Hebrews.


Back to Stockholm. We’re told by Irish Times, “Hundreds of youths set fire to cars and attacked police and rescue services in poor immigrant suburbs in three nights of rioting in Stockholm, Sweden’s worst disorder in years. Last night, a police station in the Jakobsberg area in the northwest of the city was attacked, two schools were damaged and an arts and crafts centre was set ablaze.”

HUNDREDS! We are not talking about just a handful of haters of Sweden but thousands because the militants are only the avant-garde.

Expressions of religious fanaticism: Destroying school [institutions of learning], a police station [symbol of law and order], and an arts and crafts center [the arts]. This is exactly what Muslims are not interested: learning, law and order, and the arts. Learning is an affront to God. Muslims have their own (brutal, chauvinistic) form of law and order, and the arts are also an affront to God because they distract believers away from contemplating the divine No-thing to enjoying secular entertainment and the real things of this world. One recalls that the Ancient Jews were haters of art, and they passed on that hatred to Christians and Muslims.

Everyone knows that Muslims hate the modern West. They would like to drag the world back into the Dark Ages, but this time the only religion would be Islam.

However, the Ancient Jews hated with the greatest of intensity nonJews—pagans, in other words. What the Jews passed on to Christians would be a hatred of Jews (the murderers of Christ), Muslims (rejecters of the divinity of Christ), and pagans (whom Christians and Muslims would slaughter for centuries as the Ancient Jews did anytime they had the opportunity). But the Muslims have also hated Christians (often, including today, with good reason). European Christians treated Africa as if it were their private property. And after World War II they allow swarms of Hebrews to invade and colonize Palestine.


And who is to blame? The rioter and destroyers? Of course not. This is what the Irish Times tells us Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt had to say:

“While average living standards are still among the highest in Europe, governments have failed to substantially reduce long-term youth unemployment and poverty, which have affected immigrant communities worst.”

Sickening masochistic self-blame. Has this moron looked at the Middle East recently to see why Islamic nations fail? Without oil Saudi Arabia would be no different from Afghanistan. And even with oil, Iraq and Iran cannot progress. (Actually, that goes for the Saudis as well. All they can do is buy stuff. In spite of their religion, what they worship is expensive stuff.) No, Reinfeldt hasn’t examined the natural Islamic state of affairs. He’s a Marxist idealist who is willing to sacrifice his nation and its people on the Marxist altar of self-loathing.

And has he paid attention to the fact that European nations themselves are struggle to survive? What fucking right does he have to give his country away to people who are not progressive, who look for a comfortable way of life without earning it, and who fucking hate their host Western nations?

Fredrik needs to read Darwin’s theory of evolution, the part that explains life is a struggle for survival. Right now the soft Swedes are losing that struggle.


One more item: Among 44 industrialized countries, Sweden ranked fourth in the absolute number of asylum seekers, and second relative to its population, according to UN figures.

ASYLUM SEEKERS! How about hand-out seekers. Let’s face it there are a couple billion people who live in shit-hold nations (created by their own people) who would qualify for asylum. They are a behemoth that could easily swallow Sweden without chewing, but apparently they are doing some chewing, called rioting. And how does it feel being a savior to these asylum seekers who hate your fucking guts?

As a result, lifeboat Sweden is itself is burning and sinking in a sea of aliens wishing the nation’s destruction. The Swedes will always be their sworn enemy. Imagine a colony of mice living peacefully. And then the mice rules decide to invite a cobra to live with them. That’s exactly what the guilt-ridden Swedish leftists and government have done. And will the cobra ever learn to live peacefully with the mice? Never. Doing so goes against its nature. Ha, ha, ha. :-)))

Apparently, the former Vikings have become a bunch of pansies. And if they aren’t willing to fight for their country, they will lose it and deserve to. Just ask the polar bear what happens when you lose your territory. You drown. :-)))


Woolwich, south-east London

Police called to 'frenzied machete attack' in Woolwich, south-east London. That’s right, just like in Sweden, Muslims wanting to chop up an Occidental. Next, they will be eating them. We’re told that one of Muslim choppers in Great Britain shouted “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.” Let’s face it, the Jews passed on a God who loves bloodletting. And I love the way the government labels such incidents as terrorist incidents, end of story. What bull shit!

First of all, Muslims have every reason to hate the fucking British. It was British who gave Palestine to the Jews as if they owned it, rather than just immorally occupied it. Also Britain had to play the big man by accompanying the U.S. in its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Neither one of which was justified. No Afghan had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks and certainly no Iraqis. Hussein was an asshole, but so was George Bush and so is Hussein Obama. George was a warmongering monster, no less than Hussein, and Obama is a serial killer who uses CIA goons and their predator drones to do his dirty work.


“The people who did this were trying to divide us, blah, blah, blah,” British Prime Minister said. “They should know blah, blah, blah that something like this will only bring us together ha, ha, ha, and make us stronger.”

Cameron is using the Chamberlain Appeasement Policy toward the enemies of Britain now occupying the country. Generally, British foreign policy has been making enemies for centuries, but now the Brits allow them into the country so that they can destroy the peace and corrupt the culture of the nation. It is a betrayal of the British people. And to think the British people want to have anything to do with being brought together with aliens hordes occupying their country is just plain stupid.


Colonial occupation has always been hated by the indigenous people whose homeland is being occupied. That’s true even when the invaders are allowed in by the host government. But Cameron is stupid, and, like Obama, a blowhard. The British don’t want to have anything to do with the aliens who have invaded and settled in Britain any more than the Iraqis or Afghans want the Americans and British in their homeland. Did the Indians want the British in their country? Did the Palestinians what the British occupying their homeland? No. Do the Palestinians want that Green Zone called Israel in their homeland, which, by the way, the British government, with the help of delusional Christians, made possible? Fucking no!

The British people don’t want to be occupied by the likes of Islamic chopper Michael Adebolajo than the Kenyans wanted to be occupied by the British as a result of the colonialism of the filthy British government. We know the Brits tortured, raped, and slaughtered Kenyans during the Kenyan rebellion against British occupation of their homeland during the 1950s. Americans have done the same in Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the British Government is going to clear its conscience by giving $31 million to survivors of the abuse. Fucking peanuts. People expect to win more than that in lottery.

Don’t get me wrong. I think the British Government stinks, just as the America government has especially stunk since the Vietnam War. Britain’s entire history has been all about making enemies in non-Occidental countries. And American’s history is no better, as Guenther Roppel explains in his book A Harvest of Death and Hatred. And we have our own monsters who delight in slaughtering women and children, monsters such as Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, who will live like a hero and feted like a king in prison until some scummy lawyer paid by a scummy Republican gets him out.

That’s because main theme of American foreign policy is America is right even when it’s wrong. The same can be said for British foreign policy. But that attitude has come with a big price in blood, money, and the lost of homeland territory to the aliens.

But to allow enemies to invade and take over one’s country to assuage one’s guilt is just plain idiocy and a betrayal of one’s own people. (And honestly, neither the government nor the soldiers who enforce its diabolical involvement in other peoples’ homelands feel guilty at all.)


Getting back to the Islamic butcher, he said, “I apologize that women had to witness this today, but in our land, our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government; they don’t care about you.” Are you fucking kidding me! This guy belongs to the people who cut off women’s breast and arms for sport. What is the government thinking when it opened the gate to the Muslim barbarians who fucking hate the English?

Still, he’s half right. As I said, those people have good reason for hating the British, just as the British people have very good reason for hating the fucking people who have been running and ruining Great Britain. The chopper got one fact right: that the government doesn’t give a damn about the British people. If it did, he would not be in Great Britain, nor would anyone else from that Dark Brutal Continent.

A witness to the butchery asked him why the Islamic butcher chopped up the British soldier. His answer was” because [the victim] has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries.” The Islamic butcher is right about the killing of Muslims by the British. However, there is an important point here about aliens. Though Islamic butcher is a British citizen, his loyalty IS NOT with the British because he is British only on paper. His loyalty is with his people back home. That is true for him would be true for his children and his grandchildren, etc. He and his people represent the enemy within. And the British Government is to blame. It’s the government that deserves to be on the chopping block (as during the French Revolution).

“What the world needs now is love.” Nonsense.
What the world need now is for people to respect one another’s homelands.
Stay out of the aliens’ homelands and keep them out of yours.
It’s just that fucking simple.

ABC online news: The same old political dance response

The Flower Response

Photo of flowers: Giving flowers, a flower children’s response to the we-hate-Brits aliens occupying the homeland. A truly ineffective, do-nothing response to the problem. Instead of doing something effective, send flowers to the victims of the alien barbarians. Ha, ha, ha. :-))) Don’t send flowers. Do your own people a big favor and send the Western/British hating Muslims back to their own dysfunctional countries they came from, and where they truly belong.

Scapegoating and Red Herring response

Britain's intelligence services have come under pressure to explain how they let two Islamic extremists suspected of hacking a soldier to death in the streets of London slip through their net.
Blame security rather than the traitorous government. More fucking self-blame, like the political response to the Swedish riots.

Nothing but the best care for the haters of Britain, which gave them everything:
Both of the Islamic choppers, now under armed guard in London hospitals after being shot by police at the scene of the attack, were previously known to the intelligence services but were reportedly assessed as not posing a deadly threat.

The problem isn’t a free society but an occupied one:
"Peers and MPs will do a thorough investigation in terms of what the security forces knew, but I've seen experts on security explaining how difficult it is in a free society to be able to control everyone,” Mr Pickles told the BBC.

Most Muslims occupying Great Britain love the British. What bunk!
“These people are probably coming out of a small group without, necessarily, any overseas connections” So they don’t need an overseas connection to hate the British. Hmm. Sounds like their hatred is part of who they are: aliens and Muslims—not British.

Another do nothing effective about the problem of being occupied by British haters:
Help for Heroes charity for wounded troops has seen a huge surge in donations

No reports of any reprisals overnight Thursday or Friday morning:
Of course not. British jackboots wouldn’t allow British citizens to fight back. When American patriots want to fight back, Big Brother Obama sends in FBI jackboots, though he would rather send in an Obama Predator CIA Drone.

Paris, France

“France's terrorism investigation unit was called in to lead the hunt for a man of North African appearance who stabbed in the neck a soldier on anti-terrorist patrol amid thousands of Saturday shoppers.”

“The attacker came up behind the soldier, who was the last man in the patrol, and slashed or stabbed his neck with a blade.”

The attacker, described as a muscular man in his earlier thirties and of North African appearance, fled into the adjoining shopping centre before the other members of the patrol could react. The area bristled with security cameras whose footage is being studied.

This is what one’s homeland becomes when the government allows the enemy to occupy it. Billions of dollars must be spent to guard against attack. Even so, an attacker still may emerge from the shadows to cut a citizen’s throat, in this case on of the nation’s guardians. So, in this case, the French people must live in fear wherever there is an alien presence.

Here’s some irony:
French troops were just in northern Mali fighting alongside Mali Army against Islamist occupiers. The French Government spends money and troops to prevent Islamists from occupying Mali, but allows an Islamic Nation to occupy France. The U.S. Government does the same when it aids the Israeli to protect Green Zone Israel’s stolen territory, even tolerating its theft of more the Palestinian homeland, but does little to nothing to protect the homeland of the American people.


“A suspect arrested Wednesday has admitted to the weekend stabbing of a French soldier in Paris and was probably acting based on his “religious ideology,” Paris prosecutor Xavier Molins tells AFP news agency.”

Of course. It’s the ideology of hatred inherited from the Jews’ myth of resentment. To be a Jew, Christian, or Muslim is to hate the other. Jews hated everyone who wasn’t a Jew or even other Jews who didn’t toe the hate-others party line. Read the fucking Old Testament. The history of the Christian Church has been and still is a history of hating, pagans, Jews, Muslims, atheists, queers, etc. So it’s not surprising that Muslims hate all non-Muslims. They might not say so, but there it is in their belief system. How can it be otherwise if God hates the infidel, whoever he or she might be?

At least Muslims fight to free their homelands from the occupiers because they want to protect and preserve their culture—even if we don’t like their culture, which isn’t any of our fucking business, anyway. But not the soft, decadent, corrupt, idiotic Western nations, such as the U.S., Sweden, and Great Britain. From a Darwinian perspective, they deserve to perish.

They like to play tough in other peoples’ homelands, where they unleash their high-tech war machines. But when it comes to protecting their own homelands they are soft. They role over and show their bellies to the enemy, who rips it apart with cleavers and box cutters.

The face of evil within.

The bullshit of political autocrats and ideologues

Michael Adebolajo and the face of evil.

Civilized Occidentals DO NOT want to live among people like Adebolajo. They see such people as ugly, alien, and dangerous. Only deluded save-the-world/fuck the homeland Marxists or Christians want these people to live among us (though even the Occidental Christians and Marxists don’t want them as neighbors). But the deluded do-gooders always rely on their own people to keep the peace.

Look at South America or Africa: the people are constantly at one another’s throats. They create barbarous societies for themselves and our do-gooders (or capitalistic exploiters) import the barbarism into their on countries against the will of their own people. The most dangerous communities in the U.S. are black and Hispanic. They are, for the most part, criminal zone.

And in each case, the haters are justified. The ancestors of American blacks (not phony American blacks like Hussein Obama) were enslaved by colonialists and later Americans. Their hatred is justified. And America stole a big hunk of the Mexican homeland, thus the hatred of the Mexicans is justified. And the same can be said for the American Indians. So by allowing Mexicans to flood the U.S., the U.S. Government allowed millions of gringo haters into the country. And, of course, the gringos hate the invaders. Instead of breaking the cycle of hatred with the Indians and blacks, the movers and shakers that run and ruin America import more hatred.

It’s interesting that in this discussion everyone ignores the Native Americans. We recognize they deserve a homeland of their own, protected by the government (even though in the Dakotas the state governments have been kidnapping Indian children, just like in the good old days). So why doesn’t the government recognize Americans’ right to a homeland of their own, a place where they can live among their own? Because government bureaucrats have taken the side of the invaders. It’s as simple as that. Bullshit political autocrats and ideologues insist that Occidentals allow their communities to be transformed into what amounts to chaotic, irrational, lawless, and dysfunctional refugee camps—where drugs, sex, and violence are the main themes of life.

And even those communities that are not dysfunctional, such as Korean, Chinese, and Japanese communities in the U.S., perhaps the most civilized of all communities, are an alien presence. Americans don’t want to live in a Chinatown or Korean Town, or in a Little Saigon. And those communities want their own enclaves to be pure, and devise various ways to exclude non-Chinese, non-Japanese, non-Vietnamese, etc. Any American who enters a Chinatown knows he or she does not belong there, no more than he or she belongs in Beijing. In those communities, Americans find that suddenly they have become tourists in their own country. And all these people have countries of their own, where they belong. And simply calling them Americans, British, or French, doesn’t make them Americans, British, or French; no more than calling Hussein Obama a black American makes him a black American. He’s not.

The policy of betrayal will create bad karma forever.

Recently a mosque was set afire. Surprise, surprise. Mosques don’t belong in Great Britain. “Police said they were treating the mosque fire as suspicious and that the letters ‘EDL’ had been found scrawled on the side of the building. EDL is the acronym of the English Defense League (EDL), a far-right group that has held several protests in London and elsewhere since the murder.” (

The British Government won’t protect the British homeland so others have to, though they have no chance because they’re no match against government jackboots. But this hatred, animosity, suspicious, and violence will continue forever because of the dumbasses (leftists and doing-God’s-work religious fanatics) who run and ruin the country. And, unfortunately, the British people have been disarmed, so cannot defend themselves.

World War II soldiers betrayed

The veterans of the Second World War fought to protect America (and Europe) from invaders who were a threat to the safety and integrity of their country. Now we see it was all for naught because the Marxists and money worshipers would allow America to be invaded my untold millions of nonAmericans: aliens. America’s communities, cities, and states are now being overrun by aliens, legal and illegal. At present in a half-dozen states, Americans are fighting losing battles to keep their states American. As a result, the nation has been thrown into alien-induced turmoil, which will never end.

The government continues to throw big national holiday parties for the old vets, but they are cynical, meaningless shams. Their purpose is purely rhetorical. The truth is, the old WW II vets and their sacrifice have been betrayed.

Puppets and Puppet Masters

The sad and bizarre thing is how easily Americans are deceived by the hype. Most fail to see that the emperor has no clothes. The phony, invisible clothes are the hyped up threat of terrorism. The American barbarous wars in the Middle East keep Americans distracted and believing that terrorists are the big threat. tells us that the number of illegal immigrants that enter the U.S. each is over a million. And the biggest so-called terrorist event recently has been the Boston bombing, which kill 3 and injured 170.

But really, how many of these so-called terrorists were allowed into the country legally? All, as far as I know. And how many so-called terrorists since 9-11 were Muslim ideologues seeking the destruction of the U.S., rather than simply Muslims angry about the U.S. military machine slaughtering thousands Muslims (men, women, and children) in Afghanistan and Iraq for ten years? And, of course, there is American’s unconditional support of Israel’s policy of encroachment upon Palestinian homelands and the removal of the Palestinians (just like the removal policies imposed upon American Indians). Watch 5 Broken Camera for a peek at what Israelis are all about.

In other words, America is very good at creating enemies who then engage in violent acts, which are then labeled terrorist acts, with the implication that that the perpetrators are members of some global Islamic conspiracy to overthrow Western Civilization. In most cases, the perpetrators do not fall into that category. I’m not denying such people exist. What I am saying is that the biggest gripe of most Muslims has been the meddling presence of Westerners in their homelands. Iraq has never been a threat to America, neither has Afghanistan, for that matter, a country repeated invaded by Westerns. The 9-11 attacks were hardly a Pearl Harbor attack.

And, by the way, compared to today, how many Muslims were in the country before 9-11, or fifty years ago? Very few. And now mosques are sprouting up like toxic mushrooms across the country spouting their noisily their calls to prayer. We brought the Muslims in and now they’re propagating. That’s what Americans are discovering—that aliens are very good at replicating. They would have known about how species spread, propagate, and then dominate if they has paid more attention to Darwin and less to Hebrew mythology.

What about those poor Jews in Israel? What about them? In Darwinian fashion and with the help of Western nations they invaded and occupied Palestine. And they have been brutal, self-serving occupiers ever since. They had no moral right to Palestinian territory. And the notion that their return to Palestine is part of God’s plan is based only on their self-serving mythology. But the point here is that invasion of other people’s homelands is a source of never-ending trouble, for the invaders and the invaded alike.

Compared to what Americans do to themselves,
 the terrorists are a minor threat

Consider that about 16,000 Americans are murdered each year, tens of thousands are stabbed, beaten, and shot but survive, and according to the National Women's Study, 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year. All women who serve in the military are now considered combat veterans who have endured the sexual predations of their male comrades in arms. :-)))

Americans: new aliens, a people without a homeland

Being an American is meaningless today. In their refugee camp nation, Americans struggle to survive and escape the reality of the loss of their nation by losing themselves in idiotic entertainment and spectacle. Older Americans, who knew the America of the 1940s and 1950s, know what has been lost. In the past, even during hard times, an American could take heart in the fact that he was American and had a homeland called America. No longer. Elderly Americans die in an alien land.

Young Americans can see what has been lost by watching some of the classic movies of the thirties, forties, and fifties. America wasn’t perfect but it was still America and was improving by addressing such issues as right of women and blacks. Americans were admired and respected as a likeable, classy people. No longer, because America has morphed into a cultural, political, and demographic monstrosity. The America I refer to is that of Tom Brokaw’s Greatest Generation and their children (the last American generation?), who rebelled against the cruel idiocies of a morally bankrupt government, whose obsession with power, wealth, and Hebrew mythology distracted it from preserving America for Americans.

Disillusioned Americans

I see the disenchantment in the faces of people. The outgoing, friendly America is disappearing except in stores where employees have become windup mannequins, all smiles and cheerfulness. Americans don’t relate to the aliens as they do to other Americans. Americans have become sullen, withdrawn, and even angry. This malaise will continue. Obama thinks his cheap rhetoric can unify the nation. Make us all into happy mannequins embracing one another with big cheerful smiles. What a joke! How is the most hated man in America going to do that?

Just say no to the Immigration Act of 2013

It’s Alamo time in America. Either Americans fight the intruders or lose the homeland better and greater Americans built for them. Unfortunately, Americans are not allowed to defend their homeland but must rely on subversive politicians.

Our unAmerican politicians should reject the Immigration Act of 2013. That would send a clear message to illegal aliens—that they are not wanted by Americans and never will be. To pass the act sends an ambiguous message: If you enter the country illegally and have your anchor babies, things will work out, one way or another. They have for the past 50 years, so there is no reason to believe they won’t for the next century, especially now that your people are taking charge of city, state, and federal governments.

Passage of the bill sends a clear message that the gringos don’t have the political cajones or power to say NO! to illegal aliens.


And just say no to anchor babies

And just say no to the America-killing Fourteenth Amendment law that rewards illegal aliens by granting citizenship to their offspring born in the U.S. Only Americans should be able to have children who are Americans by birth. It’s that fucking simple!

If that isn’t done, illegal immigrants will continue to come because they will believe, rightly, that by entering the country illegally they will achieve success in a number of ways. This has been the case in the past and will continue to be the case in the future.

The only solution is a DOUBLE NO:


But, of course, that won’t happen. America and Americans will be betrayed again by the filthy politicians who are and have been running and ruining the country.


“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” That is so true but no longer possible in R.C.A., refugee camp America. What Americans built is being torn down by self-serving politicians and money worshiping capitalists who place mammon above homeland.