Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Hate Blockbuster

You dumb shits, I love Blockbuster. Some fucking morons hate Blockbuster because they don’t know how to return a movie on time. If you hate Blockbuster, tough fucking shit. Having said that, in the old days Blockbuster used to charge outrageous late fees, but those days are over. I mean you’ve got 10 fucking days to return a rental, and pay a restocking fee of $1.25 or something. If you can’t do that maybe you should stick to listening to the radio, or if you can't afford the restocking fee, maybe you should go back to school and learn a skill that will pay enough to pay late fees. It seems to me that Blockbuster bends over backward to please the customer in a cut-throat economy.

And how about a little respect for the employees who are working probably for nothing much above minimum wage—but are at least working and most likely going to college to get a better job. Isn’t that the American way? I get sick of people bitching about the small change when the fucking country is going to hell in a financial hand basket. The thing is these morons don’t give a shit about the country or its people but bitch about a few bucks they lost at Blockbuster. I swear to god Americans are super stupid.

I’m sure Blockbuster is a cheap service-sector employer, but at least they are putting somebody in the community to work unlike FUCKING NETFLIX. I FUCKING HATE NETFLIX. I’ve never run into a Blockbuster popup when searching the Net, but FUCKING NETFLIX pops up a half dozen times a day.

And fucking Netflix doesn’t put anybody in my neighborhood to work. Netflix is worse than Walmart. I know that is fucking hard to believe. I mean Satan wouldn’t have anything to do with Walmart. However, Walmart may put a hundred stores out of business in a community but at least it replaces them with one slave-wages warehouse plantation store. Netflix puts out business the local movie rental stores, like Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, and replaces them with nothing--nada. In that way, Netflix is like, puts stores out of business and economically guts the community.

So I say, all in all, I love Blockbuster because at least it tries to do the right thing in a shitty service economy. Two stores have closed in my area but two are still giving people jobs when Netflix gives them shit nothing.

Before you start bitching about Blockbuster, you might want to think about the Netflix option—nothing but unemployment.

Avatar, America, and Afghanistan


In Avatar Americans can see clearly how America is viewed by the rest of the world. The human (i.e., American) soldiers are Marines (a private military, think Blackwater, but we know the U.S. Military has become a Blackwater-like organization serving private commercial interests), the uniforms are America, the futuristic war machines might as well have USA written on them, being similar to America’s new war machines we read about everyday in the newspapers.


James Cameron, writer and director of Avatar, is very familiar with the idea of WORLD DESTROYING WAR MACHINES, since he wrote and directed Terminator, a shock and awe war machine created Skynet, created by Cyberdyne Systems Corporation (think, United State Industrial-Military Complex). (After watching Avatar, if you want to see the outcome on Earth because of these war machines, watch the movie The Road.) So you might say that Cameron’s Avatar is a sequel to the Terminator series. After the Industrial-Military Complex destroys earth, it needs to find another planet to exploit and destroy.

Americans do love their war machines, as much as they love their favorite football teams (football being an athletic form of warfare). Let’s take a look at some of America’s new WAR TOYS:

The new littoral warships such as the Independence and Freedom (don’t you just love the Orwellian hype used to hide the ugly truth?):

By the way the littoral warships were the brainchild of Donald Rumsfeld. Isn’t nice to now that we are still being haunted by his ghost.

Last year there was a new super aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford:

And recently the newly modified V-22 Osprey aircraft described here:

Take a look at the machines in action. For Avatar Cameron did have to use his imagination to create the war machines, just look at some YouTube footage like this:

And of course we don’t want to forget the killer drones that have been so celebrating in the American press and by Americans themselves (though not adequately appreciated in the villages of Afghanistan and Pakistan). Avatar got right Americans’ love affair with their war machines. Most the Americans in the movie celebrate their military capability. What do you expect from a people brought up on videogames and Hollywood propaganda movies promoting America’s military mission around the world.


Keep in mind that Hollywood is not pretty much a Jewish enterprise and the people being pummeled right now by the U.S. war machine are enemies of those Jewish interlopers who built that abomination Fortress Israel upon the homeland of the Palestinian people, exactly what militarized corporation attempts to do on Pandora, the homeland of the Na’vi people.

Fortress Israel on the Land of the Palestinian People:

Back to the drones:

“Hours later, in an unusual pack attack, five drones attacked two compounds in neighbouring Ambarshaga. Local Pakistani intelligence officials say a withering blast of 10 missiles killed at least 15 insurgents”:

Just like in the movie Avatar, the cool thing about the drones is that America doesn’t have to respect borders, which it doesn’t, as it has proven in both the Iraq War (Orwellian name: Operation Iraqi Freedom) and the Afghanistan War (Orwellian name: Operation Enduring Freedom). The Orwellian names are for domestic consumption. Nobody in the rest of the world believes that America’s interest is bringing freedom to the Iraqi and Afghan peoples, certainly those people don’t buy it, no matter how much our FOURTH ESTATE presents that Orwellian American view of reality. For example:

The soldiers in this article are no different from the ones in Avatar. They have no sense of morality other than WHAT THE U.S. MILITARY SAYS IS RIGHT, IS RIGHT. They have been programmed no less than the machines these videogame soldiers fly.


First, more propaganda from the FOURTH ESTATE:

In this opinion piece David Ignatius quotes Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressing American soldiers in Afghanistan: “I know you've been in a very tough fight, and I'm aware of those you've lost.” Later to others he stated, apparently in spite of the losses, that “We have the right strategy.”

They might have the RIGHT MILITARY STRATEGY (if so, why is the Obama Surge needed?), but they lack the MORALLY RIGHT STRATEGY. Remember that the blue monkey people in Avatar attack because the Americans have invaded their homeland, the very same reason Osama bin Laden had his warriors attacked the U.S.: our presence in Palestine via the Jewish invaders from Europe and in our military presence in Saudi Arabia after Desert Storm. You must know that America loves to have military presence in other nations throughout the world, even though the people of those nations don’t want us there. Check it out:

Ignatius ends his piece by saying to the American soldiers who have invaded Afghanistan, “In this season of peace, here's a holiday toast to people everywhere who don't have that blessing today.” Sorry, I just can’t generate any heartfelt gratitude for what the U.S. war machine is doing there or for what it did to Iraq, just as there were at least a few Americans in Avatar who disagreed with the American occupation of the planet Pandora and the attempt to pacify the natives—one way or another. And let’s not forget that the real goals of the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq have nothing to do with the people of those nations but everything to do with Israel and the oil reserves in the region.


The bluish aliens in the movie, the Na’vi, are an allusion to many of the peoples America has greatly harmed—in the case of the American Indians, pretty much destroyed. They are called “blue monkeys” by the Americans. Remember the little monkeys in the Vietnam War, the “gooks”? Look at the little monkeys run:

Actually, in Vietnam the people, civilian or military, weren’t thought of as being humans, not even monkeys, more like insects to be sprayed with Agent Orange. And how can one not think of the Afghan warriors, who were still fighting on horseback when the American war machine arrived. Horses are no match for killer copters or deadly drones:

When the movie is seen by Islamic peoples of the world, they will think exactly what I thought. That the Afghan people are fighting a futuristic fighting MACHINE. Even the U.S. soldiers on the ground are little more than eye tentacles, like those of a snail, for the host of machines waiting above to destroyed the enemy armed with little more than AK-47s and RPGs—no fighter jets, no killer copters, no cruise missiles, no killer drones, no spy satellites, no tanks or armored vehicles, in fact, no navy, air force, or army. They are in a way at a greater disadvantage than the Indians who fought the American military machine because other than repeating rifles and cannon and logistics the soldiers of yesteryear weren’t that much better off than the Indians. And what you see in Avatar is what we see happening in Afghanistan today. Of course, the U.S. Government and press have demonized Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in order to justify the slaughters and the military advantage we have over them. Even the attackers of 9-11 had to be willing to give up their lives to carry out their attacks.


And let’s not forget the main reason for those attacks: U.S. support of the Jewish occupation of Palestine, support that continues:§ionid=351020202

Of course, this commitment to Israel is rooted in the stupidity of the born-agains who were used by the Jews in this country to infiltrate and take control, like an AIDS virus, the already morally demented nerve centers of the U.S. Government. Keep in mind that Obama constantly has offspring of a Jewish terrorist advising him in the way Iago advises Othello to his self-destruction. I’m speaking of Rahm Emanuel:


In Avatar the military’ stated strategy is one of “SHOCK AND AWE,” originated in part by the war-whoremongering Harland K. Ullman:

“Shock and awe is most consistently used by Ullman and [James P.] Wade as the effect that rapid dominance seeks to impose upon an adversary. It is the desired state of helplessness and lack of will. It can be induced, they write, by direct force applied to command and control centers, selective denial of information and dissemination of disinformation, overwhelming combat force, and rapidity of action.” (“Shock and Awe, Wikipedia”)

Shock and Awe in Baghdad:

The effects of shock and awe, Baghdad today:

With the aid of the theory of the infamous warmonger twins, Ullman and Wade, today America doesn’t try to win the admiration of the peoples of the world because it doesn’t have to. It need only use its military might to shock them into a state of terror inspired awe. Actually the shock and awe scenario in Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare (exactly what America loves), the slaughter of civilians at the Russian airport, isn’t all that far fetched. If the American military was told to take out a civilian airport filled with civilians, it wouldn’t hesitate. That’s why America has become the scariest nation in the world. Yes, terrorists groups are capable of terrorist attacks usually resulting in a few dozen killed, but how often have terrorists been able to pull off a 9-11 attack where more than a thousand people were killed? Only once that I know of. But America has proven itself capable of all out war killing tens of thousands of people. Isn’t that what SHOCK AND ALL is: widespread terror caused by weapons of mass destruction?

Back to the whoremonger warmonger, Harland K. Ullman, who is typical of the military and political moral filth running the country. Some, like those who serve the military’s industrial complex, love money. Some, like the generals and politicians, love power and its destructive capability. Some, like the soldiers, love to operate the machines of death and destruction. All are represented in the military presence in Avatar by the soldiers, the corporate administrator (isn’t that pretty much what politicians have become?), and Colonel Miles Quaritch. Even the scientists don’t belong on Pandora. They are intruders like the anthropologists on earth who are willing to disrupt the cultural of indigenous peoples just for the sake of gathering information. They are the paparazzi of science.

Ullman and Wade are shock and awe war sluts like Avatar’s Colonel Miles Quaritch, but Harland K. Ullman is also a whoremonger in real life.


It’s really all about money. Money is the American dream. Like the movie Aliens, Avatar shows that the primary role of the U.S. INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY MONEY COMPLEX is to serve—through shock and awe—America’s corporate interests around the world. It not just about protecting but about taking. As far as America is concerned the world is its oyster, or to quote Shakespeare: "Why then, the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open." Today America’s sword has become a massive, callous, morally indifferent military machine. In Avatar the world can see America for what it really is. Here’s Uncle Sam without his good-guy propaganda clothing:


The message from Avatar concerning aliens is that each people should have its own homeland and that homeland should not be invaded by others. That is a moral obligation. When invasion occurs, the invaders bring ruin upon the invaded. This happened when colonizing, exploiting Europeans invaded the Middle East and other national homelands throughout the world; when the Jews invaded Palestine with the help of the U.S. and other Western nations; when the U.S. attempted to establish a permanent military presence in Saudi Arabia; when the U.S. invaded Iraq; when Hispanic hordes invade America; and when Islamic hordes invaded Europe. The result of this disrespect of national borders (such as America’s drone intrusion into Pakistan) will always result in a combination of CONFLICT, CULTURAL DETERIORATION, and VARYING DEGREES OF DESTRUCTION.

A people’s national homeland should be treated with the same respect we demand people show toward each other’s bodies and property. To violate national borders is a form of rape. In Avatar humans, i.e., the Americans, have violated the people of Pandora, the na'vi, in order to rape the land of its resources. It is very much an act of rape when one people invades another people’s homeland for the purpose of satisfying some desire or need. It is a violation that is the moral equivalent of sexual rape (which often accompanies the rape of a nation).

Monday, December 21, 2009

Obama Disgraces Noble Peace Prize and America

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama, Afghanistan, and another Inept President

One thing America has proven during the past three presidencies is that democracy is a very flawed form of government. I mean we’ve three losers in a row. First there was Bill Clinton, who disgraced the presidency by turning the White House into a private brothel where no sex only blow jobs occurred.

Then there was idiot boy George Bush who allowed bin Laden to sucker punch him with the 9-11 attacks and to draw him into wars (the Iraq War being a bonus for bin Laden), that has already killed 5,100 American soldiers alone, by 2007, 500 amputees. “Pentagon estimate, as many as 360,000 U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts may have suffered traumatic brain injuries, including 45,000 to 90,000 veterans with persistent symptoms requiring specialized care.” (Wikipedia) That's the way to pay bin Laden back!

About 23,000 insurgents have been killed in the Iraq War. Of course, one has to question the concept of insurgents given the fact that the U.S. invaded Iraq without cause. So I believe it’s fair to say that Iraqi insurgents are really just patriots fighting a military that invaded their homeland and has been an occupation force for over half a decade. The civilian body count for the Iraq War ranges from 100,000 to a million. (Wikipedia)

Up to now the cost of the two wars is about a trillion dollars.

The long-term cost of the wars will be over 3 trillion dollars.

And in spite of the hype at home, America has disgraced itself and proven that it is a bully nation that will do whatever it wants just because it can. And the media can try to put a smiley face on the Americans soldier, but murders, rapes, and tortures have dishonored the American military and the American people. But they don’t care. Like the Right Wing in this country, Americans believe America right even when it’s wrong. The Iraq War was a crime against humanity, just as the Vietnam War was. Everyone knows it except Americans. And after 8 years of pounding Afghanistan, that war has become a crime against humanity. Many of the Afghan soldiers fighting Americans were probably only ten year of age when the war began. The truth is that we don’t belong there even if they are somehow a threat to America.

You don’t disrupt the lives of an entire people just because some of them might be a threat. And keep in mind that Afghanistan has no armed forces—no army, no navy, and no air force. Well, that does make it a great place to conduct military operations and test new weapon systems.

The failure of democracy in America occurred when Bush was re-elected after he started the Iraq War. The Bush philosophy of aggression is really a Jewish philosophy. Jews who influenced the dimwitted Bush to become a warmonger, mainly on the behalf of Israel, are Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Natan Sharansky, Ron Dermer, and many others. One result of the Bush-Hebrew Doctrine has been the rise of anti-Americanism. Just what Israel wanted—to be America’s only friend. But if you have been following the news recently, you know that friendship with Israel is a one-way street.

So bin Laden won. Not because he had superior forces. A small band of follows, box cutters, and tickets to fly on American airplanes—that was it. But he also knew he had American arrogance and stupidity on his side, embodied perfectly in George Bush.

And now we have the man who was supposed to save America. In this case, the American voter really had no choice. But Barack Obama has failed miserably and has proven himself to be an inept president.

He was voted into office to do two big things: fix the economy and end the wars.

The Economy
Things are still really bad. 10-12% of workers are still out of work. So far the bailout has cost 3.5 trillion dollars.,FNM,FRE,XLF,^DJI,^GSPC,C

The national debt is 12 trillion dollars.

There were 3 million foreclosures in 2008 and will probably be the same number in 2009.

To show you how weird things have gotten, America celebrated because General Motors lost only a billion dollars last quarter. A billion dollars in the red is a profit!

And for all you conservatives, it turns out that the socialist nations, such as Germany, France, and one communist nation are doing a lot better than we are. Of course, they haven’t gone to war because 3000 of their people were killed or just for the fun of it in Iraq. And they don’t have to support a ½ trillion+ dollar military, excluding the cost of the wars which are being financed by borrowing money from China, whom we now owe over a half trillion dollars. No wonder they could blow off our big chief commander.

The Wars
Did you see Obama surrounded by the troops at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point? He looked and sounded like George Bush in black face. Obama lied. Now he is wearing his leopard skin, holding his shield and sword and feeling like a warrior. I expected him to start jumping up and down and doing the war chant. Can you spot Obama here:

Obama meeting with his national security team:

Mean spirited? Maybe, but the truth is a Kenyan is now president of the U.S. That nothing for Americans to celebrate.

Obama said to the soldiers, just as Bush used to, “It is in our vital national interest to send additional troops to Afghanistan.” “Our security is at stake.” Have you ever heard that BS before—like from George Bush? This isn’t an open-ended commitment, he says. What in the hell is 8 years, now ten? McCain could have said the same thing about his 100 year war!

Oh, we need to stay there a little longer to break the back of the Taliban. BULLSHIT. If you couldn’t do it in 8 years, how are you going to do it in 18 months? Besides, there is no back to break. It’s like trying to break the back of the drug cartels in Mexico. For every one you kill, there are ten others to replace him. There’s a 40% unemployment rate in Afghanistan, like in Mexico. And there is nothing for them to do. We might as well send drones over raining down dollar bills. That would at least keep them busy. They don’t have anything else to do but fight. Besides that they love to fight. It’s a warrior culture. The solution is easy. Keep them out of your country.

Don’t you get it, stupid? By staying in Afghanistan bin Laden’s boys still get to kill Americans. Keeping our troop in Afghanistan is exactly what he wants. And do you think the Iraqis are going to appreciate the American sacrifice in Iraq as long as we are killing Muslims in Afghanistan. You people are fucking crazy.

HOW IN THE FUCK IS AL-QAEDA A SECURITY RISK? You mean they will once again invade America with box cutters? FUCKING IDIOT! If the U.S. Government hadn’t let the aliens in in the first place, the 9-11 attacks wouldn’t have happened.

“We must deny al-Qaeda a safe haven.” Blah, blah, blah. I bet that scared the shit out of those guys. And some here believe that there are really only about 100 al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan:

So it’s really the Taliban we want to destroy? But that would be like wanting to kill the right-wing in America—Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Russ Limbaugh—guys like that. They are our version of al-Qaeda.

The thing is, we just love dropping bombs on other people. Obama also wants to strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan’s security forces and government. What a fucking joke. The government is corrupt and will only governs about a 1/3 of the country. And if the Afghan security forces can’t handle al-Qaeda and the Taliban with the most powerful nation on earth on its side, they’ll never be able to do it alone.

And they are not all that reliable:

2 days ago:
“KABUL (AP) — A rogue Afghan police officer opened fire at a checkpoint in southwest Afghanistan, killing six police officers and injuring two before being killed, an official said Monday.

The incident — the second time in two months that a police officer has turned on colleagues — is a reminder of the steep challenge NATO troops face as they work to build a national police force that will be able to provide security and allow international forces to eventually leave.”
However, all that’s neither here nor there. The thing is Obama you promised to get us out of those wars. And you haven’t anything Bush has already done except to commit to a longer war in Afghanistan. Bush had already set the withdraw schedule for soldiers in Iraq, so you can’t even claim that. Oh yeah, did we complete the mission there? I’ sure the Iraqis will be our best friends once we leave.

Again, democracy fails when leaders ignore the wishes of the people who voted them into office.

The Health Care Fiasco
This health care thing is a fucking joke. Was Hillary sticking her tongue in your ear about universal health care? Okay, so there were 35-40 million Americans (more like half of those are Hispanic anchor babies) out of 305 million people. Couldn’t we have created programs just for them and for those who are rejected by the filthy HMOs (hey, I hate those fucking people too) instead of transforming the entire fucking system?

Of course, when Obama waves the white flag of surrender to Mexico and allows millions of Hispanic, criminal illegals to become U.S. citizens then they will get medical care for free—paid for by Americans.

The point here is that shouldn’t Big Chief Obama have taken care of the wars and the economy before jumping into the health care quagmire. I will tell you what this is all about. It’s a show of power, just as his deciding to become a war chief is all about power. But in fact, as in a Greek tragedy, it’s a matter of hubris.

The Swine Flu
Hey, and since we are on health care what did Obama accomplish about the swine flu epidemic? Very little. Nov. 12 there were 4,000 swine flu deaths in the U.S. Do you think the Taliban could have done better? Fucking idiot.

“WASHINGTON — With swine flu vaccinations set to begin in October, public health officials are mobilizing to ensure that the nation's more than 11 million illegal immigrants are vaccinated to protect themselves and the public.”

Hey, I haven’t be able to get vaccinated. And I was just wondering about spouses whose wives or husbands can get vaccinated (health workers, teachers, etc.). So the wife or husband brings home the virus that is not a big deal for them but is for the spouse who hasn’t been vaccinated. Obama fucked up on the N1H1 virus, just as Bush did with Katrina, except Katrina killed only 1,700. So it looks like Obama outdid the idiot child.

American Cities in Ruin
You might have read about the Mau Mau who killed four cops (Americans) in a Seattle coffee shop, including a woman police officer. The Mau Mau was Maurice Clemmons, a Christmas gift to the families of these officers from Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee who after a prayer session pardoned Clemmons.

Remember the Mau Mau Lovelle Mixon who killed four cops in Oakland? Of course, he is considered a hero among Obama’s people:

And these people bitch about white cops trying to enforce law in lawless black communities. Hey, I’m all for pulling the white cops out of those communities and let them police themselves. Like here how they will keep law and order in the community:

Our GREAT CHIEF said to the favorable audience of soldiers to be that he would deploy troops to the “epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by al-Qaeda.”

In other words he wants Muslims to learn only the love-America brand of Islam—ha, ha, ha :- ))) I’m sure they will go for that. They hate our guts even we bring here and let them build their mosques. Just at Europe. That’s the thing about politicians. They don’t bother to learn from others’ mistakes.

But what about the epicenters of violence in this country? There’s lots of them, most of America’s big cities where there are lots of blacks and Hispanics.

The thing is we got plenty of problems in our failing cities. Maybe the GREAT CHIEF should focus on them rather than on the war we lost in Afghanistan once we decided it would be a war and not a punitive action:

That 3rd War: The One with Mexico
Now we know that Obama is on the side of the illegal aliens invading America by the millions and having their anchor babies who will receive social services at the expense of Americans and then take over. You must have read about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio being shouted down and mocked at a conference on free speech by Hispanic teenage cholo babies from District 9 High School. Of course, the Hispanic aliens don't believe in free speech unless they are the ones speaking. The parents of these cholo anchor babies broke the law entering America illegally, bringing with them all the disrespect and lawlessness we have come to expect from the cholo people. To them Arpaio is a symbol of the hated gringo America. The protesters had a sign reading WE ARE HUMAN. That’s true. But so are all criminals. But being human does not make you AMERICAN!

This is the Hispanic reality behind the HISPANIC NATION hype:

Whatever the Mexicans would have you believe, Arizona was never Hispanic until today. In 1848 there were less than 1000 Hispanics in Arizona, now half the population is Hispanic. Hispanics have become like a noxious, plague, like the Mexican flu, that makes gringos sick and continue 24/7 all year long :- ( . They do because they hate our guts and we hate their guts. But they will win in the end by over populating the state, a plague of giant cockroaches, just as they have been doing everywhere. Then America will be a cultural shithole like Mexico. Even now Arizona is ranked the dumbest state in the union at 50th place.

That’s another thing Hispanics do to communities besides criminalize them. They dumb them down. Vermont is the smartest state, #1, and 98% white. By the way the 5th most dangerous state is next door to Arizona: New Mexico, for the same reason Arizona is the dumbest: Hispanics. Arizona is 8th most dangerous. The states that beat them as being more dangerous have lots of blacks or a combination of the two.

By the way, the so called Americans who support the Hispanic invaders in their efforts to transform Phoenix in a cholo barrio and America into a Hispanic Nation are TRAITORS! That's right. Those so-called Americans have chosen to fight on the side of the enemy in Alamo America.

Of course, Obama never promised to be on the side of Americans when it came to immigration, like when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Check out his Hispanic appointments:

So it’s a little unfair to hold his anti-Americanism against him in that regard. Let’s face it, he’s barely an American himself.

White House Party Crashers
If Obama can’t protect the White House from sleaze bag invaders like Tareq and Michaele Salahi, we can’t very well expect him to protect America from the tens of thousands of Hispanic aliens crashing into America.

Tareq Salahi smells alien. Tareq Salahi’s father was born in Jerusalem, so no way is he an American, but just another fat-faced alien:

But Americans can learn something from this fucking alien fat-cat and his American Barbie doll. Those guys really like getting their dicks into Occidental blonds. And there are plenty of women who will do it just for the money. These are the kind of people running this country. It’s all about money, celebrity, influence, and hobnobbing with the rich, famous, and powerful. As far as they are concerned, fuck America. And I’m sure nothing will happen to these scumbags, though an ordinary America who has lost his job and home would have been shot down or be sent to prison.

One more thing. Look at who is running the country. The Kenyan chief Obama and Rahm Iago Emanuel whose terrorist father was born in Israel. His mother is a Jew and worked in the Civil Rights movement. That’s what the Jews do. Ally themselves with the minorities to create a multicultural America which they will then control (actually they do already). So it’s no surprise that Obama will keep on killing Arabs and doing everything possible to help the aliens. What about Joe Biden? you ask. You mean Obama's albino monkey, his the token gringo. They keep him around in the way the Spanish and French courts used to keep dwarfs. Check out the Vice President on White House guard duty:

I don’t see much to like about President Obama. He looks just as inept as George Bush, who had his war in Iraq, which we are still living with, and now Obama has his war in Afghanistan. I mean how can you be commander in chief if you don’t have a war going on someplace?

Of course, it could have been worse if John McCain was president. Sen. McCain responded to Obama’s speech by saying, “The way that you win wars is to break the enemy’s will, not to announce dates that you are leaving.” That’s old, very old, John McCain, still dreaming of his 100 year war. That’s the reason I didn’t vote for him, but apparently it didn’t make much difference. They both love war and illegal aliens. So much for democracy giving Americans a choice.

Overall it looks like Obama has done little good and lots of harm to the country—especially from an American’s perspective. I’m sure he’s still a favorite with the industrial-military complex, illegal aliens, and his grandma back in Kenyan.

One more lesson, this time from the dead: cop killer Maurice Clemmons. Maurice may be an indicator about the changing mood occurring in the country. It just could be that white Americans will feel as angry, frustrated, and potentially violent as Maurice did when they realized that they too have become forgotten Americans, like the Native Americans and black Americans. Won't that be fun!

I mean isn't that what makes Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 such a fun game to play—seeing Washington, D.C. destroyed? If the country is to become an alien infested hell-hole in which Americans are left for dead, then maybe the Russians would be doing us a favor, like putting us out of our misery. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :-)))) Ha, ha, ha...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan: U.S. Government’s Policy of Importing Terrorism

Osama bin Laden Wins Again
That’s right. Because America is run by stupid, alien-loving, self-serving politicians, bin Laden wins again. Bin Laden knew the U.S. Government better than Americans did. He knew if you push the American Humpty Dumbty enough it would fall to pieces. All he had to do was look at the idiot boy George Bush and realize that the U.S. Government was rotten and stupid inside and out. And he did it all with his merry band of true believers, box cutters, and American airplanes. And there is a valuable lesson here: HE USED AMERICA AGAINST ITSELF. The box cutters, the planes, and an immigration policy that welcomed America’s enemies. Afterwards, the U.S. military would continue the harm to America like a dog biting itself.

And the bad shit just keeps on happening because the one thing that doesn’t change is our government. It’s still as stupid as ever.

Beating the Victory Drum for Islamic Aliens Destroying America
New York Times

“A few hours before dawn, when most New Yorkers are fast asleep, a middle-aged man rolls out of bed in Brooklyn, dons a billowy red outfit and matching turban, climbs into his Lincoln Town Car, drives 15 minutes, pulls out a big drum and — there on the sidewalk of a residential neighborhood — starts to play [bang is more like it].”

In other words, he beats his fucking drum waking up the whole neighborhood at 3:30 a.m. What is the source of this guy’s arrogance?

He’s a fucking Muslim by the name of MOHAMMAD BOOTA and he is beating the VICTORY DRUM of Islam. All over the world drummers stroll the streets of Muslim communities waking worshipers so they can eat a meal before the day’s fasting begins. And because of our alien-loving government, there are plenty of Muslim communities in America.

That’s right. The stupid U.S. Government goes around making enemies and then invites them to live in America. Boota says, “Everywhere they complain. People go, like, ‘What the hell? What you doing, man?’ They never know it’s Ramadan.” I say fuck Ramadan. This is America. We don’t give a shit about Ramadam, and we certainly don’t like it shoved down our throats.

He says, “You know ... in the United States you can’t do anything without a permit.” Fuck you! We let you into this country from your shithole homeland and all you can do is bitch.

He also says he doesn’t want people unhappy. Well, I got news for him. He and his fucking Muslim countrymen make Americans very unhappy. Mad as hell. Why? Because he and they don’t belong in this country.

Where is this guy from? Pakistan, the terrorist nest of the world. Didn’t the U.S. Government learn anything from the stupid fucking British about Pakis?

Americans and Muslims loving one another:

Importing Terrorism

Case 1
“DENVER, Sept 19 (Reuters) - A Colorado man, his father and an accused accomplice in New York were arrested on Saturday and charged with lying to federal agents about a plot to blow up unspecified targets in the United States, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

, 24, a native of Afghanistan who works as an airport shuttle bus driver [why not just make him a fucking pilot!], was questioned by the FBI for three days, and his father, MOHAMMED WALI ZAZI, 53, were taken into custody at an apartment in the Denver suburb of Aurora.”

“According to affidavits filed in the case which document contacts between the three men and Najibullah Zazi's travels between PAKISTAN and the United States, FBI agents who searched Zazi's rented car on Sept. 11 found a laptop computer containing instructions on the manufacture of explosive devices.” To celebrate Ramadan by blowing up a bunch of Americans. Allāhu Akbar!
Happy Muslim in London:

Case 2
Times of India

“WASHINGTON: Two US-based PAKISTANIS who were arrested by the FBI earlier this month for allegedly plotting to carry out terrorist attacks in Denmark and India are both graduates of a Pakistani military school, it’s been revealed, amid continuing doubts about the country’s bonafides in fighting terrorism.”

David Coleman Headley (DAOOD GILANI before name change) and TAHAWWUR HUSSAIN RANA, both posted messages on an Internet board for graduates of the Hasan Abdal Cadet College, according to the FBI affidavit charging them with plotting terror.”

PAKISTAN, surprise, surprise!

Muslims biting the Swedish hand that feeds the (Stupid Swedes!):

Case 3
Taken from:
BOSTON (Oct. 21) - A pharmacy college graduate [TAREK MEHANNA, a U.S. citizen], 27, made a defiant appearance in federal court Wednesday, hours after being charged with conspiring with two other men in a terror plot to kill two prominent U.S. politicians [we Americans feel your anger bro!] and carry out a holy war by attacking shoppers in U.S. malls and American troops in Iraq. [War seems to be the holy of holy in Islam. Okay, I know the Bible beater George Bush was a warmonger. But he was also a PHONY CHRISTIAN. Apparently he never got around to reading the New Testament.]

Mehanna — a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy [AT THE EXPENSE OF THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER] in Boston, where his father is a professor — conspired with AHMAD ABOUSAMRA, who authorities say is now in Syria, and an unnamed man, who is cooperating in the investigation, according to authorities.

The three men often discussed their desire to participate in "violent jihad against American interests" and talked about "their desire to die on the battlefield," prosecutors said. But when they were unable to join terror groups in Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan, they found inspiration in the Washington-area sniper shootings and turned their interests to domestic terror pursuits while they plotted the attack on shopping malls [shopping mall warriors! ;- ))) ], authorities said.
Just as with the illegal Mexicans, we allow them into the country and they set up criminal cells operating with those in other countries.

Jolly ole England Muslim Style:

Aren’t those Muslim a barrel of a gun... a barrel of fun?

Case 4

Fort Hood shooting: NIDAL MALIK HASAN 'said Muslims should rise up'

Major NIDAL MALIK HASAN, who killed 13 and wounded 29 Americans before being shot dead at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said last night.

[I guess you heard about George W(armonger) Bush visiting Fort Hood. Bush and his insignificant other said they were concerned about the family of the dead and wounded. What a crock! You could convincingly argue that Bush killed those men and women. Like the holey warrior said, he was retaliating for the Iraq War—i.e., Bush’s war. I mean this retard of an ex-president is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands. He ought to just stay in his Dallas rat hole.]

By Philip Sherwell in New York
Col Terry Lee, a retired officer who worked with him at the military base in Texas, described angry confrontations between Maj Hasan and other officers after he expressed his views.
Maj Hasan was reportedly fighting orders to be deployed to Iraq at the end of the month, claiming that he was the VICTIM OF HARASSMENT and insults because of his Arab background and his faith. [How often do we hear that from the aliens? But they never want to return to the shithole homelands they came from.]

"He said Muslims should stand up and fight the aggressor and that we should not be in the war in the first place." He said that Maj Hasan said he was "happy" when a US soldier was killed in an attack on a military recruitment centre in Arkansas in June. An American convert to Islam was accused of the shootings.

[All the Muslims in this country hate Americans’ guts. But our alien-loving politicians could care less. They have their agenda and are rich fucks so they can live in the safe American neighborhoods. I HATE EVERY FUCKING POLITICIAN IN WASHINGTON. THEY ARE ALL FUCKING TRAITORS!]

Col Lee said that other officers had told him that Maj Hasan had said "maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Time Square" in New York.


Mr Hasan said his cousin was a US-born Muslim [the phrase makes me sick] who had joined the military after high school. He had served as a psychiatrist at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, which treats many badly wounded troops.


"He was a psychiatrist at Walter Reed dealing with the people coming back and ... trying to help them with their trauma," he said. [By the way, what fucking idiot would think that Americans soldier would want help from an Arab/Muslim? I would think most of them would want to straggle the bastard. I tell you, the military is run by a bunch of fucking idiots.]

Future Islamic America:

Case 5

Just so the Hispanics don’t feel left out:

Last Friday, Jason Rodriguez shot 6 people, including one woman, and killing one in Orlando, Florida. They said he was mentally ill, but I guess that means all the Hispanic gangbangers are mentally ill as well.

Here’s what his ex-mother in law has to say in a very strong alienspanic accent:

By the way Orlando, Florida is “ranked as the 18th most dangerous city in the country.” It’s 40% gringo white, 34% black, and 23.7% Hispanic, 13.6% Hispanic White. Don’t you just love the benefits of diversity?! Check it out:

This is America’s future. We had enough problems with the terrorist black gangs. But our government knows best so has allowed the importation of thousands of terrorist gang members from south of the border. Now they’ll get free medical care at gringo taxpayers’ expense for gunshot and stab wounds.

They Hate Our Fucking Guts

America is so fucking stupid. Front page of the Nov. 11 San Diego Union-Tribune: “Motive for Killings a Mystery.” What POLITICALLY CORRECT bullshit.

Everyone is asking why did the poor man do? Tom Gjelten was on leftist NPR (the American Civil Liberties Union of radio) trying to find excuses for why Hasan the alien would do such a thing. He was picked on for being Muslim. He couldn’t find a girlfriend who would dress like a member of the KKK. He suffered imaginary wounds caused by counseling soldiers with real wounds. If a limbless soldier came in right away the Arab Freud would check to see if he had all his limbs.

But of course he didn’t do what he did because he’s a fucking Muslim who hates America’s guts. Like forget about his saying "maybe people should strap bombs on themselves and go to Time Square." But that is exactly why he did what he did. Let me say it again. He’s a fucking Muslim who hates America’s guts just like all the other fucking Muslims. (Forgive my language. I get upset thinking about the fucking people like Obama who try to whitewash what this fucking Muslim did. I know Americans are stupid (just look at the politicians they elect), but they’re not that stupid.)

Like the Mexican illegals, the Muslims hate our guts, but our gutless government allows them to continue to invade the country, taking over communities and planning terrorist acts. (The Mexican version is gang violence.)

Islamic Love from London:

Incendiary: Just Write a Letter to bin Laden
Incendiary is an outstanding example of how fucking dumb the movie industry has become. The airhead director, Sharon Maguire, also illustrates how stupid the British are. The main message of the movie is LET THERE BE LOVE. It’s about a mother whose kid and husband have been blown up by Islamic suicide bombers. The movie might have given the terrorists an idea for blowing up lots of Brits except now in Britain if it’s Muslim one thinks right away EXPLOSIVE: HANDLE WITH CARE. So I doubt the bownies can get into a soccer game.

So the bereaved mom starts writing heartfelt letters to Osama bin Laden about her loss. POINT ONE, bin Laden doesn’t give fuck about any British children. Why should he? When the movie was made the two wars were still going on and lots of Muslim tiny tots were being killed. And who was the big supporter of the U.S. in the Iraq War? Great Britain and Bush sycophant, the retarded Tony Blair.

POINT TWO, the movie stars Michelle Williams as SLUT and ADULTERESS. So what is the message to Muslims: Open your heart to this poor slut? But the airhead director doesn’t seem to understand that if a main character is to have some moral status and appeal—especially to Muslims (or Christian or even atheists)—she can’t be an adulterous slut.

POINT THREE, the movie represents what Muslims fear most from the West (okay, second, after military invasion): decadence. Let’s face it, countries like the U.S. and Britain have become so decadent that the word decadent no longer has any meaning to them. Take SLUT Michelle Williams as an example. Oh, you’re being too harsh calling sweet Michelle a SLUT. DICTIONARY: “A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous. A prostitute.” Take a look:

So sweet Michelle does a strip show and does a porn fuck scene. It seems that all actresses today get naked and get fucked on screen. (And don’t tell me they do because they have to. They love showing off their tits.) Anyway, according to the definition, she’s a slut who prostitutes herself to the world (she is fucking for the entire world) for money.

By the way, there is a lot of her doing that on the Internet and she has a daughter. What will her daughter think when her kindergarten friends tell her that they saw her mother getting fucked in a movie? Will the daughter want to grow up to be just like mommy even if she doesn’t have a movie career?

Back to bin Laden. To him the movie shows that Westerners are weak and decadent. His response would be one of loathing, not sympathy, not even laughter (that comes when the bombs go off).

There was one true line in the movie. A British cops says that “We are two different species,” meaning the Muslims and Westerners. They are like oil and water—they don’t mix. Actually the combination is explosive.

Yet the solution is easy:


How fucking difficult is that? 9/11 wouldn’t have happened if that simple rule had been followed. The Fort Hood shooting wouldn’t have happened. And the list (of terrorist acts) goes on all over Europe. But apparently the solution is too difficult for politicians and our airhead director, who think that where’s-the-love movies and lofty love-thy-alien-neighbor rhetoric from political leaders (such as the half-alien president of the U.S.) will bring the INVADED and the INVADERS together with flowers in their hair, dancing in an unbroken circle of love. And then the shooting starts and the bombs explode.

Prediction: What happened in the movie will happen in the next decade. I mean the bomb, not the fucking. In America guns work almost as well as bombs. Just look at the Fort Hood shooting. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I mean that’s what American taxpayers have spent TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS not to happen. Right?

By the way, who is the Englishman who first to betrayed British people to the Islamic hordes? William Henry Quilliam, a.k.a., Abdullah Quilliam, one of those religious fanatics like the SANCTUARY CRISTIANS in the U.S. He founded in England the first Mosque and Islamic center. His Islamic organization is supported by the British taxpayer, 1.4 million dollars in 2009. This perfidious Brit is buried at Brookwood Cemetery. His grave is the one with the turban wearing flies circling above it. I’ve heard that it’s a favorite urinating spot of British patriots. Another favorite pissing spot is the perfidious British government located at the Palace of Westminster, located in the city of Westminster. However, it’s also a favorite pissing spot of the Muslims occupying England—like a piss-on-Britain pilgrimage. Take a look at Westminster Cathedral:

Islam is the second largest religion in England with most Muslims being immigrants (Wikipedia, “Islam in England”) with Mosques spreading like tumors across the country. Take a look:

For all of that and future bombings the British people can thank Imam Quilliam (and other traitors such as Lord Headley, aka, Shaikh Rahmatullah al-Farooq (I’m not kidding!) ) and the Her Majesty's Government.

By the way, in fifty years this is how Americans (not aliens) will see President Barack Hussein Allāhu Akbar Obama. And I’m sure Obama wouldn’t want it any other way.

The Failure of the U.S. Government
The government is supposed to protect Americans from dangerous invaders. Instead it rolls out the bloody red carpet to them because the U.S. Government is no longer an American government. It gave up a long time ago serving and protecting the American people. On the right you had the lovers of warfare who didn’t want to protect our borders because doing so would cut off cheap labor to GREEDY FUCKING BUSINESSMEN. On the left you have the Marxist, Catholic, Jewish multiculturalist feel-gooders who want to save the world by allowing it to move into America.

President Barack Hussein Allāhu Akbar Obama said we mustn’t rush to judgment. Of course he would say that considering who his daddy was. But I’m going to rush to judgment anyway, just like the rest of America except for the cowards in Washington and leftists in the media. (Though Mike the Savage said that Anderson Cooper showed the Arab killer for what is—an Arab Holy War killer. Cooper does get it right once in a while, though I don’t get to watch CNN since my TV was repossessed). The Arab is all dressed up in his Muslim uniform, his true uniform.

Check it out:

America’s One-Party System
Michael Savage is the only conservative talk show jock who is willing to condemn both the Democratic and Republican Parties as really being just one unAmerican party. I only agree with him 10% of the time, but that 10% is America’s having been sold out and not having the BALLS to do anything about it.

You vote REPUBLICAN and you get a Bush, a warmonger who turns the capitalistic wolves loose upon the American people and who opens further the floodgates protecting America from an ocean of aliens. (He was just following the footsteps of the Republican god, Ronald Reagan.) For the Republicans to ever become a party of the American people, they will have to repudiate most of what they believe and have done to this country. They are more of a threat to this country than Osama bin Laden. They were his BEST WEAPON! You don’t get, do you, stupid?

You vote DEMOCRAT and you get you get the Über-alien Hussein Allāhu Akbar Obama whose key advisor is the son of Israeli Zionist terrorist. (Check it out: “Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois to Jewish parents. His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, a Jerusalem-born pediatrician, was a member of a militant Zionist group that operated in the British mandate of Palestine between 1931 and 1948, Irgun.” Wikipedia)

My point is this. The Democrats, like the Republicans, worry more about Israel than they do about America. I know it sounds mean-spirited but it’s true that if we woke up tomorrow and Israel had disappeared the world would be a more peaceful place, and maybe all the Muslim wasps in America would return to their Islamic nests.

Also, as much as the Republicans, Democrats are alien-loving multiculturalists who don’t give a shit about America or Americans. The Republicans’ love of the alien is motivated by greed. The Democrats’ love is motivated by Marxist ideology, that a nation’s traditional culture is retrogressive nonsense. The Communists’ solution was to do away with culture altogether. But for a lot of people culture is like clothes. They feel naked without them. The American leftist solution is to allow hundreds of cultures to flourish, which results in the same thing: America loses its cultural identity.

Alien-loving diversity, multiculturalism propaganda keeps shouting America is a nation of immigrants. It was. But it became a single culture of European stock before the 19th century. A cultural identity had formed—and it was primarily European. The only two other groups in America’s tri-part cultural were Native Americans and African Americans who had been slaves or were the children of slaves.

When you hear Meb Kefiezighi described as “the first American to win the New York City Marathon since 1982, the words AMERICAN is being misapplied. Keflezighi (the name should be a clue) is not an American. He is a U.S. Citizen. He was born in Asmara, Eritrea. He has 10 brothers and sisters, and I assume that they are ALL now living in the U.S. replicating like rabbits.

And by the way, New York City is America’s unAmerican future. Its mayor is a Jew who bought the last mayoral election for a 100 millions dollars. Yes, his parents, like Kefiezighi’s, were immigrants and had nothing to do with the building of the country. But the Jews have had a lot to do with its destruction: (1) the Zionist neocons who have convinced Americans that it’s a good thing to beat the Islamic wasp nest on the behalf of Israel, (2) the Marxist Jewish multiculturalists who seek the overthrow of gentile America so that the country will become a minorities-majority nation, (3) the Jewish money changers who run Wall Street (think Bernie Madoff; “raised in the Jewish tradition” Wikipedia tells us; meaning worshipper of the almighty dollar), (4) and the Jewish moguls of decadence that now control Hollywood, Disney (e.g., Desperate Housewives) and who also promote the multicultural agenda.

Back to New York City. The man who runs the city is billionaire Michael Rubens Bloomberg who bought the election for $100,000,000 (James Boone claims ¼ billion dollars ( He is the son of immigrant parents. (It really is amazing how quickly the Jews took over America. How did they do it? By being a hell of a lot smarter than Americans, that’s how!) Bloomberg is a good example of the meaninglessness of America’s two-party system. He was a Democrat until 2001 because after 9/11 it was popular being a Republican. Then he became an Independent in 2007 because Bush made being a Republican look bad for ambitious politicians. Apparently, he has gone back to being a Republican because Obama coat-tails are getting muddy. Or maybe the money glutton doesn’t like Obama anti-Wall Street attitude.

Bloomberg on illegal immigrants: “Bloomberg has attacked social conservatives on immigration calling their stance unrealistic, ‘We're not going to deport 12 million people, so let's stop this fiction. Let's give them permanent status.’" (Actually it’s probably more like 20 million plus 30 million anchor babies.)

Bloomberg on war: “Initially, Bloomberg strongly supported the war in Iraq and the rationale for going in. He stated, ‘Don't forget that the war started not very many blocks from here’ alluding to Ground Zero.” Gee I forget. What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?

Also, “In regard to the global War on Terrorism including Iraq he said, ‘It's not only to protect Americans. It's America's responsibility to protect people around the world who want to be free.’” Deconstruct the doublespeak: For the sake of Israel America must keep spending trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives beating up Muslims. And by the way, as an American I don’t have any fucking obligation protecting the people around the world. I’m more interested in just surviving, Mr. Billionaire!

My point is BLOOMBERG epitomizes America’s Republican-Democrat political system. And that means America will soon become just like Bloomberg’s District 9 New York City:

“Throughout its history New York City has been a principal entry point for immigration to the United States. THESE IMMIGRANTS OFTEN FORM ETHNIC ENCLAVES, NEIGHBORHOODS DOMINATED BY ONE ETHNICITY. Since the passage of the IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT OF 1965 , and particularly since the 1980s, New York City has seen renewed rates of high immigration. Newer immigrants are from Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. 36% of the city's population is foreign-born.”

By the way, the IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT OF 1965 was proposed by the half Jew half Catholic (think sanctuary) who was against American isolationism, i.e., like keeping America American. And during the passage of the act it was “heavily supported by United States Senator [Benedict Arnold] Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts - all Democrats.”

The result:

As of the 2005-2007... White Americans made up 44.1% of New York City's population of which 35.1% were non-Hispanic whites. So white Americans are about 24% of New York City’s population.

American blacks
and Africans made up 25.2% of New York City's population; of which 23.7% were non-Hispanic blacks. So how many of the blacks in the city are Americans (slave origin) versus the phony black Americans such as Obama?

American Indians
made up 0.4% of the city's population. At least they have RESERVATIONS they can go to!

Asian Americans made up 11.6% of the city's population. I wouldn’t call them Americans. (Read Snakehead by Patrick Radden Keefe or check out

Individuals from some other race made up 16.8% of the city's population. I’m thinking places where people have names like Najibullah Zazi and Tahawwur Hussain Rana.

made up 27.4%.

Here’s what America Pie looks like:

Even the New York Yankees are hardly Yankee. One caption: “ALEX RODRIQUEZ is congratulated by Yankees teammate MARK TEIXEIRA after scoring in the night inning on a single by JORGE POSADA.” There more from another headline: “Hideki Matsui’s fifth-inning double drives in two of his World series record-tying six RBI in the game” New York Yankees? How about New York Aliens?

You get the picture. By he end of the century aliens will dominated the entire country as they already do high populations areas like New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Houston (30% non-Hispanic white), San Diego (49% non-Hispanic white), etc. Why do they call Hispanics WHITE when they are obviously BROWN?!

So if you want to see America’s political system put Mayor Bloomberg under the microscope. If you want to see America’s demographic future put New York City under the microscope. And as it turns out for Americans, with the Republicans in office they get Hurricane Katrina politics. With the Democrats in office you get the Swine Flu where’s-the-vaccine? politics. Either way, the Americans people get fucked.

How Democracy Will Destroy America

American politicians are like doctors who inject cancer into their patients (doctors don’t do that but politicians do). The Republicans inject their country with their political version of leukemia, and the Democrats inject the country with their political version of Hodgkin’s disease. Either way, America has ALIENOMA and is on its death bed. How did the alien cancer get injected into Uncle Sam’s body? Lots of ways, but THE VOTE has become the most pernicious.

Take for example California GOP Gubernatorial hopeful and American traitor, Meg Whitman.

“SAN YSIDRO — With the San Ysidro border fence as her backdrop, Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman spoke out on immigration policy issues yesterday, saying it is “simply not practical” to deport the estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants living and working in the United States.” (

Let’s deconstruct Megs BS. She knows that a third of California’s population is LATIO (more like 50% counting the illegals). So she’s reaching out for their vote because she knows which side her tortilla is buttered on. But by reaching out for the vote of the people who invaded this country and are in the process of destroying it, she has stabbed America in the back.

“Though immigration is a federal issue, the governor ‘has to weigh in much more heavily on getting the federal government to fulfill its responsibility of paying for border control, of helping to pay for illegal immigrants that are in our prisons,’ Whitman said.”

Yeah, there are lots of them in our prisons. Here is what Mrs. eBay is reaching out to:

Of course, she’s rich and doesn’t have to live in a barrio. But my point is this. The most powerful weapon the aliens now have against America is the VOTE. They invade American communities, their anchor babies become voters, as the ILLEGALS THEMSELVES will once Obama waves the white flag to Mexico and the other invading nations south of America’s porous border, and political traitorous scum like Meg will reach out to them: VOTE FOR ME AND AMERICA IS YOURS!

Because of their powerful democratic influence, aliens, like the Cubans who own Florida, I don’t believe America will recover from the ALIENOMA that threatens it. It is a fatally diseased and America will die. In a way, Mexico is America’s future: crime, dysfunction, social chaos.

William Booth and Steve Fainaru of the Washington Post, tell us:

“CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO -- The number of minors swept up in Mexico's
drug wars -- as killers and victims -- is soaring, with U.S. and
Mexican officials warning that a toxic culture of fast money, drug
abuse and murder is creating a “‘lost generation.’”

Crime and corruption are not abnormal in Mexico. They are the norm, and one that is being exported to America.

Mexico will never recover because there is nothing to recover to. It was never a healthy (civilized society). However, it will not die, but remain what it is, a barbaric society and a cancer to America. America though will die by ceasing to be America. And American politicians, businessmen, church leaders, and leftists will be the one who euthanized Uncle Sam with a fatal dose of Alien Hemlock.

Thanks to Barack, Kennedy, Bush, McCain and all the other bros who have given us this:

and this:

Why Do Americans Keep Taking Getting Shit On by Their Government?

I’m mad as hell. Why aren’t the rest of you. Personally, I hate them all. I hate the aliens and I hate the government, not just Obama’s but Bush’s, Clinton’s, Reagan’s, etc. If they had been doing their job the country wouldn’t have turned to shit, like a 12 trillion dollar national debt and 726,000 anchor babies born in the country each, all of whom will now be getting free medical care at the expense of the American taxpayer. Check it out:

A lot of bad shit is going to happen in this country—already has if you’ve been paying attention and are not some rich fuck untouched by the shit that flying all around the country.

Actually, you have to say one thing for the aliens. They are willing to do what Americans are not willing to do: FIGHT FOR THEIR PEOPLE AND THEIR COUTNRIES (which are never America, but Mexico, Pakistan, Vietnam, etc.). The American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq might think they are defending America, but they aren’t. Not at all, no more than the U.S. soldiers in the Vietnam War were protecting America. Because of that war, there are now over a million and a half Vietnamese in the U.S., living in communities that were once American. And now we have Muslims beating the victory drum in communities across America. But apparently in Washington’s twisted way of thinking, America’s becoming an alien nation (a District 9 nation) is somehow a victory.

What America Could Learn From the Arabs

One day Afghanistan will be free of Americans. One day Iraq will be free of Americans. Americans can’t afford to stay in those countries forever, so one day they will leave. And we will fail in our so-called mission, which was never a mission benefitting the people we invaded. What America doesn’t get is that not every country wants what we have to offer. Sure our decadent way of life appeals to the younger generation, but even many Americans consider America culturally broken—a nation ruled by decadence, greed, and corruption. Hillary the bag lady Clinton (who goes around with a bag full of billions of dollars to bribe nations to go along with our stupidity) criticized Pakistani officials for not getting the job done against al Qaida in their country, like the U.S.’s trillion-dollar effort has work out all that well in Afghanistan.

But why should the Pakistani officials take Clinton seriously? Except for money and military might America has no credibility. The economic powerhouse is in a depression. It has 10% unemployment. It can’t or won’t do anything about the millions of aliens who have invaded it and are systematically changing the face of America from Uncle Sam to Poncho Villa, Fu Manchu, Ho Chi Minh, etc. Tens of thousand of gang members terrorize its communities. It’s major cities are financially, socially, and culturally broken. It is presently engaged in two immoral wars (the Iraq War was immoral from the beginning). It’s foreign policy looks like a dog chasing its tail. A good portion of its young people are uneducated, unskilled slobs whose main goal in life is to get piercing, tattoos, and high. Half the country is obese. Every shopping center looks like Elephant Walk. And now an American-hating Arab, trained and employed by America, has shot up a military base right here at home. Where’s the progress?

Give me a fucking break. We are not the America that came out of WWII. We have no credibility. Our government has betrayed the men and women who died in that war. And like I said, when it all over, the Arabs will still have their homelands, and Americans will still be losing theirs.

The best thing that could happen to this place that was once America would be an alien destroying meteorite.

El Día de los Muertos and America’s District 9 Future

I’m afraid that it won’t be too long before the Mexicans and other aliens will be celebrating demise of America and its people. Soon we will be no more, having rolled over and offered the aliens our belly. Then El Día de los Muertos really will be a celebration for our conquerors. They will mock us and laugh at us—as they already do. The GREAT AMERICA defeated by hodgepodge of illegal aliens and their anchor babies, Hispanic gangs, perfidious Marxist and Zionist Jews, and imported present and former enemies. The most popular piñata will be Uncle Sam. All aided and abetted by the American fifth column—consisting of greedy businessmen, corrupt politicians and illegal-alien loving churches. And as we have just seen, even the U.S. Military has opened its doors to our enemies. Now that I think about it, America never had a chance.

A Bad News from Now On
America will be a very bad news nation from now on. Lot’s of bad shit will be happening forever on the home front because: (1) they hate us. (2) We hate them. (3) They (Mexican, Jews, Asians, etc.) hate each other. (4) We hate just about every aspect of our society—church, government, business—for betraying us. (5) And the poor blacks, nobody give a damn about them. They have been forgotten during the alien flood, and the Civil Rights movement was supposed to be for them. The Indians had always been forgotten, but at least had their reservations. Each day I leave my home (which is no longer worth shit, otherwise I’d move) I am reminded of the alien takeover. Hispanics, Asians, and Arabs are everywhere. I have become an ugly American tourist in my own community, which is becoming not like Paris but like Calcutta, Tijuana, Hanoi and Kabul. In other words, America is becoming LESS CIVILIZED and MORE BABARIC, not the other way around. We have been invaded by the barbarians (and like the Romans our own decadence is greatly to blame). The DARK AGES have begun in America. And if you think Nancy Pelosi or Hussein Allāhu Akbar Obama and their ilk will save the day, you’re smoking too much cannabis and taking too much Prozac. They ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE. Got it? Of course not. (I heard some guy on NPR say that the worthless America dollar will benefit America because other countries will buy our products. What fucking products? Movies, music, and software—all that can be pirated. Fucking idiot!)

Back to the drummer. This morning he can beat the victory drum for Islam—13 Americans dead and more than 30 wounded.

Just in: Hussein Allāhu Akbar Obama said, “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and nonbelievers. [But the Muslims, Jews, and Hindus are newcomers absent during the building of America!] They are descendents of immigrants and immigrants themselves.” My descendents were Americans. So cut the diversity bullshit. These people could care less about America. The Muslims are loyal to their homelands, the Jews to Israel, the Hindus to India. “They reflect the diversity that makes this America.” They reflect the diversity that is destroying this country. President Hussein, you might be talking, but America isn’t listening. Your nation is the emerging ALIEN NATION. You are not the president of America. America has gone into hiding. You are the president of District 9.

Coming to your neighborhood soon compliments of the United States Government:

Fuck the aliens and fuck the Americans who betrayed America!