Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama, Afghanistan, and another Inept President

One thing America has proven during the past three presidencies is that democracy is a very flawed form of government. I mean we’ve three losers in a row. First there was Bill Clinton, who disgraced the presidency by turning the White House into a private brothel where no sex only blow jobs occurred.

Then there was idiot boy George Bush who allowed bin Laden to sucker punch him with the 9-11 attacks and to draw him into wars (the Iraq War being a bonus for bin Laden), that has already killed 5,100 American soldiers alone, by 2007, 500 amputees. “Pentagon estimate, as many as 360,000 U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts may have suffered traumatic brain injuries, including 45,000 to 90,000 veterans with persistent symptoms requiring specialized care.” (Wikipedia) That's the way to pay bin Laden back!

About 23,000 insurgents have been killed in the Iraq War. Of course, one has to question the concept of insurgents given the fact that the U.S. invaded Iraq without cause. So I believe it’s fair to say that Iraqi insurgents are really just patriots fighting a military that invaded their homeland and has been an occupation force for over half a decade. The civilian body count for the Iraq War ranges from 100,000 to a million. (Wikipedia)

Up to now the cost of the two wars is about a trillion dollars.

The long-term cost of the wars will be over 3 trillion dollars.

And in spite of the hype at home, America has disgraced itself and proven that it is a bully nation that will do whatever it wants just because it can. And the media can try to put a smiley face on the Americans soldier, but murders, rapes, and tortures have dishonored the American military and the American people. But they don’t care. Like the Right Wing in this country, Americans believe America right even when it’s wrong. The Iraq War was a crime against humanity, just as the Vietnam War was. Everyone knows it except Americans. And after 8 years of pounding Afghanistan, that war has become a crime against humanity. Many of the Afghan soldiers fighting Americans were probably only ten year of age when the war began. The truth is that we don’t belong there even if they are somehow a threat to America.

You don’t disrupt the lives of an entire people just because some of them might be a threat. And keep in mind that Afghanistan has no armed forces—no army, no navy, and no air force. Well, that does make it a great place to conduct military operations and test new weapon systems.

The failure of democracy in America occurred when Bush was re-elected after he started the Iraq War. The Bush philosophy of aggression is really a Jewish philosophy. Jews who influenced the dimwitted Bush to become a warmonger, mainly on the behalf of Israel, are Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Natan Sharansky, Ron Dermer, and many others. One result of the Bush-Hebrew Doctrine has been the rise of anti-Americanism. Just what Israel wanted—to be America’s only friend. But if you have been following the news recently, you know that friendship with Israel is a one-way street.

So bin Laden won. Not because he had superior forces. A small band of follows, box cutters, and tickets to fly on American airplanes—that was it. But he also knew he had American arrogance and stupidity on his side, embodied perfectly in George Bush.

And now we have the man who was supposed to save America. In this case, the American voter really had no choice. But Barack Obama has failed miserably and has proven himself to be an inept president.

He was voted into office to do two big things: fix the economy and end the wars.

The Economy
Things are still really bad. 10-12% of workers are still out of work. So far the bailout has cost 3.5 trillion dollars.,FNM,FRE,XLF,^DJI,^GSPC,C

The national debt is 12 trillion dollars.

There were 3 million foreclosures in 2008 and will probably be the same number in 2009.

To show you how weird things have gotten, America celebrated because General Motors lost only a billion dollars last quarter. A billion dollars in the red is a profit!

And for all you conservatives, it turns out that the socialist nations, such as Germany, France, and one communist nation are doing a lot better than we are. Of course, they haven’t gone to war because 3000 of their people were killed or just for the fun of it in Iraq. And they don’t have to support a ½ trillion+ dollar military, excluding the cost of the wars which are being financed by borrowing money from China, whom we now owe over a half trillion dollars. No wonder they could blow off our big chief commander.

The Wars
Did you see Obama surrounded by the troops at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point? He looked and sounded like George Bush in black face. Obama lied. Now he is wearing his leopard skin, holding his shield and sword and feeling like a warrior. I expected him to start jumping up and down and doing the war chant. Can you spot Obama here:

Obama meeting with his national security team:

Mean spirited? Maybe, but the truth is a Kenyan is now president of the U.S. That nothing for Americans to celebrate.

Obama said to the soldiers, just as Bush used to, “It is in our vital national interest to send additional troops to Afghanistan.” “Our security is at stake.” Have you ever heard that BS before—like from George Bush? This isn’t an open-ended commitment, he says. What in the hell is 8 years, now ten? McCain could have said the same thing about his 100 year war!

Oh, we need to stay there a little longer to break the back of the Taliban. BULLSHIT. If you couldn’t do it in 8 years, how are you going to do it in 18 months? Besides, there is no back to break. It’s like trying to break the back of the drug cartels in Mexico. For every one you kill, there are ten others to replace him. There’s a 40% unemployment rate in Afghanistan, like in Mexico. And there is nothing for them to do. We might as well send drones over raining down dollar bills. That would at least keep them busy. They don’t have anything else to do but fight. Besides that they love to fight. It’s a warrior culture. The solution is easy. Keep them out of your country.

Don’t you get it, stupid? By staying in Afghanistan bin Laden’s boys still get to kill Americans. Keeping our troop in Afghanistan is exactly what he wants. And do you think the Iraqis are going to appreciate the American sacrifice in Iraq as long as we are killing Muslims in Afghanistan. You people are fucking crazy.

HOW IN THE FUCK IS AL-QAEDA A SECURITY RISK? You mean they will once again invade America with box cutters? FUCKING IDIOT! If the U.S. Government hadn’t let the aliens in in the first place, the 9-11 attacks wouldn’t have happened.

“We must deny al-Qaeda a safe haven.” Blah, blah, blah. I bet that scared the shit out of those guys. And some here believe that there are really only about 100 al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan:

So it’s really the Taliban we want to destroy? But that would be like wanting to kill the right-wing in America—Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Russ Limbaugh—guys like that. They are our version of al-Qaeda.

The thing is, we just love dropping bombs on other people. Obama also wants to strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan’s security forces and government. What a fucking joke. The government is corrupt and will only governs about a 1/3 of the country. And if the Afghan security forces can’t handle al-Qaeda and the Taliban with the most powerful nation on earth on its side, they’ll never be able to do it alone.

And they are not all that reliable:

2 days ago:
“KABUL (AP) — A rogue Afghan police officer opened fire at a checkpoint in southwest Afghanistan, killing six police officers and injuring two before being killed, an official said Monday.

The incident — the second time in two months that a police officer has turned on colleagues — is a reminder of the steep challenge NATO troops face as they work to build a national police force that will be able to provide security and allow international forces to eventually leave.”
However, all that’s neither here nor there. The thing is Obama you promised to get us out of those wars. And you haven’t anything Bush has already done except to commit to a longer war in Afghanistan. Bush had already set the withdraw schedule for soldiers in Iraq, so you can’t even claim that. Oh yeah, did we complete the mission there? I’ sure the Iraqis will be our best friends once we leave.

Again, democracy fails when leaders ignore the wishes of the people who voted them into office.

The Health Care Fiasco
This health care thing is a fucking joke. Was Hillary sticking her tongue in your ear about universal health care? Okay, so there were 35-40 million Americans (more like half of those are Hispanic anchor babies) out of 305 million people. Couldn’t we have created programs just for them and for those who are rejected by the filthy HMOs (hey, I hate those fucking people too) instead of transforming the entire fucking system?

Of course, when Obama waves the white flag of surrender to Mexico and allows millions of Hispanic, criminal illegals to become U.S. citizens then they will get medical care for free—paid for by Americans.

The point here is that shouldn’t Big Chief Obama have taken care of the wars and the economy before jumping into the health care quagmire. I will tell you what this is all about. It’s a show of power, just as his deciding to become a war chief is all about power. But in fact, as in a Greek tragedy, it’s a matter of hubris.

The Swine Flu
Hey, and since we are on health care what did Obama accomplish about the swine flu epidemic? Very little. Nov. 12 there were 4,000 swine flu deaths in the U.S. Do you think the Taliban could have done better? Fucking idiot.

“WASHINGTON — With swine flu vaccinations set to begin in October, public health officials are mobilizing to ensure that the nation's more than 11 million illegal immigrants are vaccinated to protect themselves and the public.”

Hey, I haven’t be able to get vaccinated. And I was just wondering about spouses whose wives or husbands can get vaccinated (health workers, teachers, etc.). So the wife or husband brings home the virus that is not a big deal for them but is for the spouse who hasn’t been vaccinated. Obama fucked up on the N1H1 virus, just as Bush did with Katrina, except Katrina killed only 1,700. So it looks like Obama outdid the idiot child.

American Cities in Ruin
You might have read about the Mau Mau who killed four cops (Americans) in a Seattle coffee shop, including a woman police officer. The Mau Mau was Maurice Clemmons, a Christmas gift to the families of these officers from Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee who after a prayer session pardoned Clemmons.

Remember the Mau Mau Lovelle Mixon who killed four cops in Oakland? Of course, he is considered a hero among Obama’s people:

And these people bitch about white cops trying to enforce law in lawless black communities. Hey, I’m all for pulling the white cops out of those communities and let them police themselves. Like here how they will keep law and order in the community:

Our GREAT CHIEF said to the favorable audience of soldiers to be that he would deploy troops to the “epicenter of the violent extremism practiced by al-Qaeda.”

In other words he wants Muslims to learn only the love-America brand of Islam—ha, ha, ha :- ))) I’m sure they will go for that. They hate our guts even we bring here and let them build their mosques. Just at Europe. That’s the thing about politicians. They don’t bother to learn from others’ mistakes.

But what about the epicenters of violence in this country? There’s lots of them, most of America’s big cities where there are lots of blacks and Hispanics.

The thing is we got plenty of problems in our failing cities. Maybe the GREAT CHIEF should focus on them rather than on the war we lost in Afghanistan once we decided it would be a war and not a punitive action:

That 3rd War: The One with Mexico
Now we know that Obama is on the side of the illegal aliens invading America by the millions and having their anchor babies who will receive social services at the expense of Americans and then take over. You must have read about Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio being shouted down and mocked at a conference on free speech by Hispanic teenage cholo babies from District 9 High School. Of course, the Hispanic aliens don't believe in free speech unless they are the ones speaking. The parents of these cholo anchor babies broke the law entering America illegally, bringing with them all the disrespect and lawlessness we have come to expect from the cholo people. To them Arpaio is a symbol of the hated gringo America. The protesters had a sign reading WE ARE HUMAN. That’s true. But so are all criminals. But being human does not make you AMERICAN!

This is the Hispanic reality behind the HISPANIC NATION hype:

Whatever the Mexicans would have you believe, Arizona was never Hispanic until today. In 1848 there were less than 1000 Hispanics in Arizona, now half the population is Hispanic. Hispanics have become like a noxious, plague, like the Mexican flu, that makes gringos sick and continue 24/7 all year long :- ( . They do because they hate our guts and we hate their guts. But they will win in the end by over populating the state, a plague of giant cockroaches, just as they have been doing everywhere. Then America will be a cultural shithole like Mexico. Even now Arizona is ranked the dumbest state in the union at 50th place.

That’s another thing Hispanics do to communities besides criminalize them. They dumb them down. Vermont is the smartest state, #1, and 98% white. By the way the 5th most dangerous state is next door to Arizona: New Mexico, for the same reason Arizona is the dumbest: Hispanics. Arizona is 8th most dangerous. The states that beat them as being more dangerous have lots of blacks or a combination of the two.

By the way, the so called Americans who support the Hispanic invaders in their efforts to transform Phoenix in a cholo barrio and America into a Hispanic Nation are TRAITORS! That's right. Those so-called Americans have chosen to fight on the side of the enemy in Alamo America.

Of course, Obama never promised to be on the side of Americans when it came to immigration, like when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Check out his Hispanic appointments:

So it’s a little unfair to hold his anti-Americanism against him in that regard. Let’s face it, he’s barely an American himself.

White House Party Crashers
If Obama can’t protect the White House from sleaze bag invaders like Tareq and Michaele Salahi, we can’t very well expect him to protect America from the tens of thousands of Hispanic aliens crashing into America.

Tareq Salahi smells alien. Tareq Salahi’s father was born in Jerusalem, so no way is he an American, but just another fat-faced alien:

But Americans can learn something from this fucking alien fat-cat and his American Barbie doll. Those guys really like getting their dicks into Occidental blonds. And there are plenty of women who will do it just for the money. These are the kind of people running this country. It’s all about money, celebrity, influence, and hobnobbing with the rich, famous, and powerful. As far as they are concerned, fuck America. And I’m sure nothing will happen to these scumbags, though an ordinary America who has lost his job and home would have been shot down or be sent to prison.

One more thing. Look at who is running the country. The Kenyan chief Obama and Rahm Iago Emanuel whose terrorist father was born in Israel. His mother is a Jew and worked in the Civil Rights movement. That’s what the Jews do. Ally themselves with the minorities to create a multicultural America which they will then control (actually they do already). So it’s no surprise that Obama will keep on killing Arabs and doing everything possible to help the aliens. What about Joe Biden? you ask. You mean Obama's albino monkey, his the token gringo. They keep him around in the way the Spanish and French courts used to keep dwarfs. Check out the Vice President on White House guard duty:

I don’t see much to like about President Obama. He looks just as inept as George Bush, who had his war in Iraq, which we are still living with, and now Obama has his war in Afghanistan. I mean how can you be commander in chief if you don’t have a war going on someplace?

Of course, it could have been worse if John McCain was president. Sen. McCain responded to Obama’s speech by saying, “The way that you win wars is to break the enemy’s will, not to announce dates that you are leaving.” That’s old, very old, John McCain, still dreaming of his 100 year war. That’s the reason I didn’t vote for him, but apparently it didn’t make much difference. They both love war and illegal aliens. So much for democracy giving Americans a choice.

Overall it looks like Obama has done little good and lots of harm to the country—especially from an American’s perspective. I’m sure he’s still a favorite with the industrial-military complex, illegal aliens, and his grandma back in Kenyan.

One more lesson, this time from the dead: cop killer Maurice Clemmons. Maurice may be an indicator about the changing mood occurring in the country. It just could be that white Americans will feel as angry, frustrated, and potentially violent as Maurice did when they realized that they too have become forgotten Americans, like the Native Americans and black Americans. Won't that be fun!

I mean isn't that what makes Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 such a fun game to play—seeing Washington, D.C. destroyed? If the country is to become an alien infested hell-hole in which Americans are left for dead, then maybe the Russians would be doing us a favor, like putting us out of our misery. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :-)))) Ha, ha, ha...