Saturday, December 26, 2009

Avatar, America, and Afghanistan


In Avatar Americans can see clearly how America is viewed by the rest of the world. The human (i.e., American) soldiers are Marines (a private military, think Blackwater, but we know the U.S. Military has become a Blackwater-like organization serving private commercial interests), the uniforms are America, the futuristic war machines might as well have USA written on them, being similar to America’s new war machines we read about everyday in the newspapers.


James Cameron, writer and director of Avatar, is very familiar with the idea of WORLD DESTROYING WAR MACHINES, since he wrote and directed Terminator, a shock and awe war machine created Skynet, created by Cyberdyne Systems Corporation (think, United State Industrial-Military Complex). (After watching Avatar, if you want to see the outcome on Earth because of these war machines, watch the movie The Road.) So you might say that Cameron’s Avatar is a sequel to the Terminator series. After the Industrial-Military Complex destroys earth, it needs to find another planet to exploit and destroy.

Americans do love their war machines, as much as they love their favorite football teams (football being an athletic form of warfare). Let’s take a look at some of America’s new WAR TOYS:

The new littoral warships such as the Independence and Freedom (don’t you just love the Orwellian hype used to hide the ugly truth?):

By the way the littoral warships were the brainchild of Donald Rumsfeld. Isn’t nice to now that we are still being haunted by his ghost.

Last year there was a new super aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford:

And recently the newly modified V-22 Osprey aircraft described here:

Take a look at the machines in action. For Avatar Cameron did have to use his imagination to create the war machines, just look at some YouTube footage like this:

And of course we don’t want to forget the killer drones that have been so celebrating in the American press and by Americans themselves (though not adequately appreciated in the villages of Afghanistan and Pakistan). Avatar got right Americans’ love affair with their war machines. Most the Americans in the movie celebrate their military capability. What do you expect from a people brought up on videogames and Hollywood propaganda movies promoting America’s military mission around the world.


Keep in mind that Hollywood is not pretty much a Jewish enterprise and the people being pummeled right now by the U.S. war machine are enemies of those Jewish interlopers who built that abomination Fortress Israel upon the homeland of the Palestinian people, exactly what militarized corporation attempts to do on Pandora, the homeland of the Na’vi people.

Fortress Israel on the Land of the Palestinian People:

Back to the drones:

“Hours later, in an unusual pack attack, five drones attacked two compounds in neighbouring Ambarshaga. Local Pakistani intelligence officials say a withering blast of 10 missiles killed at least 15 insurgents”:

Just like in the movie Avatar, the cool thing about the drones is that America doesn’t have to respect borders, which it doesn’t, as it has proven in both the Iraq War (Orwellian name: Operation Iraqi Freedom) and the Afghanistan War (Orwellian name: Operation Enduring Freedom). The Orwellian names are for domestic consumption. Nobody in the rest of the world believes that America’s interest is bringing freedom to the Iraqi and Afghan peoples, certainly those people don’t buy it, no matter how much our FOURTH ESTATE presents that Orwellian American view of reality. For example:

The soldiers in this article are no different from the ones in Avatar. They have no sense of morality other than WHAT THE U.S. MILITARY SAYS IS RIGHT, IS RIGHT. They have been programmed no less than the machines these videogame soldiers fly.


First, more propaganda from the FOURTH ESTATE:

In this opinion piece David Ignatius quotes Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressing American soldiers in Afghanistan: “I know you've been in a very tough fight, and I'm aware of those you've lost.” Later to others he stated, apparently in spite of the losses, that “We have the right strategy.”

They might have the RIGHT MILITARY STRATEGY (if so, why is the Obama Surge needed?), but they lack the MORALLY RIGHT STRATEGY. Remember that the blue monkey people in Avatar attack because the Americans have invaded their homeland, the very same reason Osama bin Laden had his warriors attacked the U.S.: our presence in Palestine via the Jewish invaders from Europe and in our military presence in Saudi Arabia after Desert Storm. You must know that America loves to have military presence in other nations throughout the world, even though the people of those nations don’t want us there. Check it out:

Ignatius ends his piece by saying to the American soldiers who have invaded Afghanistan, “In this season of peace, here's a holiday toast to people everywhere who don't have that blessing today.” Sorry, I just can’t generate any heartfelt gratitude for what the U.S. war machine is doing there or for what it did to Iraq, just as there were at least a few Americans in Avatar who disagreed with the American occupation of the planet Pandora and the attempt to pacify the natives—one way or another. And let’s not forget that the real goals of the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq have nothing to do with the people of those nations but everything to do with Israel and the oil reserves in the region.


The bluish aliens in the movie, the Na’vi, are an allusion to many of the peoples America has greatly harmed—in the case of the American Indians, pretty much destroyed. They are called “blue monkeys” by the Americans. Remember the little monkeys in the Vietnam War, the “gooks”? Look at the little monkeys run:

Actually, in Vietnam the people, civilian or military, weren’t thought of as being humans, not even monkeys, more like insects to be sprayed with Agent Orange. And how can one not think of the Afghan warriors, who were still fighting on horseback when the American war machine arrived. Horses are no match for killer copters or deadly drones:

When the movie is seen by Islamic peoples of the world, they will think exactly what I thought. That the Afghan people are fighting a futuristic fighting MACHINE. Even the U.S. soldiers on the ground are little more than eye tentacles, like those of a snail, for the host of machines waiting above to destroyed the enemy armed with little more than AK-47s and RPGs—no fighter jets, no killer copters, no cruise missiles, no killer drones, no spy satellites, no tanks or armored vehicles, in fact, no navy, air force, or army. They are in a way at a greater disadvantage than the Indians who fought the American military machine because other than repeating rifles and cannon and logistics the soldiers of yesteryear weren’t that much better off than the Indians. And what you see in Avatar is what we see happening in Afghanistan today. Of course, the U.S. Government and press have demonized Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in order to justify the slaughters and the military advantage we have over them. Even the attackers of 9-11 had to be willing to give up their lives to carry out their attacks.


And let’s not forget the main reason for those attacks: U.S. support of the Jewish occupation of Palestine, support that continues:§ionid=351020202

Of course, this commitment to Israel is rooted in the stupidity of the born-agains who were used by the Jews in this country to infiltrate and take control, like an AIDS virus, the already morally demented nerve centers of the U.S. Government. Keep in mind that Obama constantly has offspring of a Jewish terrorist advising him in the way Iago advises Othello to his self-destruction. I’m speaking of Rahm Emanuel:


In Avatar the military’ stated strategy is one of “SHOCK AND AWE,” originated in part by the war-whoremongering Harland K. Ullman:

“Shock and awe is most consistently used by Ullman and [James P.] Wade as the effect that rapid dominance seeks to impose upon an adversary. It is the desired state of helplessness and lack of will. It can be induced, they write, by direct force applied to command and control centers, selective denial of information and dissemination of disinformation, overwhelming combat force, and rapidity of action.” (“Shock and Awe, Wikipedia”)

Shock and Awe in Baghdad:

The effects of shock and awe, Baghdad today:

With the aid of the theory of the infamous warmonger twins, Ullman and Wade, today America doesn’t try to win the admiration of the peoples of the world because it doesn’t have to. It need only use its military might to shock them into a state of terror inspired awe. Actually the shock and awe scenario in Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare (exactly what America loves), the slaughter of civilians at the Russian airport, isn’t all that far fetched. If the American military was told to take out a civilian airport filled with civilians, it wouldn’t hesitate. That’s why America has become the scariest nation in the world. Yes, terrorists groups are capable of terrorist attacks usually resulting in a few dozen killed, but how often have terrorists been able to pull off a 9-11 attack where more than a thousand people were killed? Only once that I know of. But America has proven itself capable of all out war killing tens of thousands of people. Isn’t that what SHOCK AND ALL is: widespread terror caused by weapons of mass destruction?

Back to the whoremonger warmonger, Harland K. Ullman, who is typical of the military and political moral filth running the country. Some, like those who serve the military’s industrial complex, love money. Some, like the generals and politicians, love power and its destructive capability. Some, like the soldiers, love to operate the machines of death and destruction. All are represented in the military presence in Avatar by the soldiers, the corporate administrator (isn’t that pretty much what politicians have become?), and Colonel Miles Quaritch. Even the scientists don’t belong on Pandora. They are intruders like the anthropologists on earth who are willing to disrupt the cultural of indigenous peoples just for the sake of gathering information. They are the paparazzi of science.

Ullman and Wade are shock and awe war sluts like Avatar’s Colonel Miles Quaritch, but Harland K. Ullman is also a whoremonger in real life.


It’s really all about money. Money is the American dream. Like the movie Aliens, Avatar shows that the primary role of the U.S. INDUSTRIAL-MILITARY MONEY COMPLEX is to serve—through shock and awe—America’s corporate interests around the world. It not just about protecting but about taking. As far as America is concerned the world is its oyster, or to quote Shakespeare: "Why then, the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open." Today America’s sword has become a massive, callous, morally indifferent military machine. In Avatar the world can see America for what it really is. Here’s Uncle Sam without his good-guy propaganda clothing:


The message from Avatar concerning aliens is that each people should have its own homeland and that homeland should not be invaded by others. That is a moral obligation. When invasion occurs, the invaders bring ruin upon the invaded. This happened when colonizing, exploiting Europeans invaded the Middle East and other national homelands throughout the world; when the Jews invaded Palestine with the help of the U.S. and other Western nations; when the U.S. attempted to establish a permanent military presence in Saudi Arabia; when the U.S. invaded Iraq; when Hispanic hordes invade America; and when Islamic hordes invaded Europe. The result of this disrespect of national borders (such as America’s drone intrusion into Pakistan) will always result in a combination of CONFLICT, CULTURAL DETERIORATION, and VARYING DEGREES OF DESTRUCTION.

A people’s national homeland should be treated with the same respect we demand people show toward each other’s bodies and property. To violate national borders is a form of rape. In Avatar humans, i.e., the Americans, have violated the people of Pandora, the na'vi, in order to rape the land of its resources. It is very much an act of rape when one people invades another people’s homeland for the purpose of satisfying some desire or need. It is a violation that is the moral equivalent of sexual rape (which often accompanies the rape of a nation).